2006-096:_ ,;
Resolution Authorizing Allocation of Funds for Emergency Repairs to Carnwath Farms
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
County, New York, held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York,
on the 3/13/2006.
The meeting was called to order by Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor, and upon roll being
called, the following were present:
PRESENT: Supervisor - Joseph Ruggiero
Councilmembers - Robert L. Valdati
Joseph P. Paoloni
Maureen McCarthy
Vincent F. Bettina
The following Resolution was introduced by Councilwoman McCarthy and seconded
by Councilman Valdati.
WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger previously purchased a 99 acre estate property located
on Wheeler Hill Road in the Town of Wappinger, commonly known as the "Greystone
Estate", also known as "Carnwath Farms" pursuant to Resolution No. 2003-144 adopted at a
Town Board meeting held on May 27, 2003; and
WHEREAS, one of the primary structures on the property is the "Carnwath Mansion", a
three story mansion constructed in the mid -1800s which is listed on the State and Federal
Registrar of Historical Places; and
WHEREAS, the Town has planned the long term rehabilitation of the Carnwath Mansion
and has applied for grants to fund its restoration; and
WHEREAS, recent field inspection has, however, revealed defects in the structural integrity,
basement and foundation of the aforementioned premises, and heating and electrical
distribution systems therein, creating dangerous and hazardous conditions; and
WHEREAS, corrective measures must be immediately undertaken to cure the
aforementioned dangerous and hazardous conditions and address the structural integrity of
the premises; and
WHEREAS, further analysis is required with respect to issues pertaining to asbestos, lead
paint and mold, all of which are potentially hazardous; and
WHEREAS, the Engineer to the Town and Associated Engineering Consultants, Donald
Swartz and Joseph Manfredi have recommended to the Town Supervisor that interim
emergency measures be performed; and
WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Town to pay for such corrective emergency measures
through the creation of a capital account to be funded by a future bond, and
WHEREAS, Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero issued Executive Order 2006-1 declaring a State
of Emergency at the mansion at Camwath Farms authorizing emergency repairs to
commence immediately to protect life and property.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth
and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board of the Town of Wappinger hereby affirms Executive Order 2006-1
issued by Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero and deems the actions taken as necessary to
promote the safety of the residents of the Town of Wappinger.
3 The following Town Officers and/or employees and/or professionals are hereby
directed to take whatever steps are needed and to coordinate whatever repair work is
required to cure the aforementioned dangerous and hazardous conditions, address the
structural integrity of the premises and undertake further analysis with respect
thereto: Fire Inspector, Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Superintendent of Highways,
Engineer to Town, Bond Counsel and Attorney to Town.
4. The Town Board authorizes the creation of a capital account to address the
aforementioned hazardous and dangerous conditions and reserves the option to
establish a bond to cover expenses once a final cost has been calculated.
5. The Town of Wappinger Procurement Policy is hereby suspended for the purposes of
making such interim emergency repairs, purchases and expenditures to address all
potential violations associated with the aforementioned dangerous and hazardous
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor Voting:
Robert L. Valdati, Councilmember Voting:
Vincent F. Bettina, Councihnember Voting:
Joseph P. Paoloni, Councilmember Voting:
Maureen McCarthy, Councilmember Voting:
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
March 13, 2006
T e o1 ' n bereby duly declared adopted.
J C. MASARSON, Town Clerk