At a regular meeting of the
County, New York, held at Town
York, on the 25h day of Novembe
Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
fall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New
2002, at 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor, and upon roll
being called, the following were ptese
PRESENT: Supervisor -
The following Resolution was i
Mr. Valdati
Joseph Ruggiero
Robert L. Valdati
Vincent F. Bettina
Joseph P. Paoloni
Christopher J. Colsey
by Mr. Paoloni and seconded by
WHEREAS, The Town of,Wappinger has enjoyed and supported its long
standing relationship with the Dut�hess County Sheriff's Department, and worked well
with Sheriff's Department in main%airing a strong police presence in the Town of
Wappinger, and
WHEREAS, The Dutches ! County Sheriff's Department has contracted for many
years with the Town of Wappinger, to provide additional police presence at the request of
the Town of Wappinger, as the Wappinger Patrol, and
WHEREAS, the Dutchess County Sheriff's Department responded to over three
thousand two hundred (3,200) calls in 2001 in the Town of Wappinger, and the Town of
Wappinger expended nearly $76,000 to subsidize and supplement police coverage in the
Town of Wappinger through its Wappinger Patrol, and
WHEREAS, the proposed 2003 County Budget calls for towns and
municipalities to pay a significant increased hourly rate, which now includes all fringe
benefit costs, to contract the Dutchess County Sheriff s Department to provide additional
coverage in said municipalities,
WHEREAS, such an increase in the hourly rate would require an additional
$50,000 in funding by the Town of'Wappinger, to meet the same level of coverage as
performed by the Wappinger Patrol in 2001, and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger hereby opposes the proposed change in rate for the Dutchess County Sheriffs
contract with towns, as presented in the proposed 2003 County Budget, and urges the
members of the Dutchess County Legislature to fund the Dutchess County Sheriff's
Department so that the Sheriff's Department can provide adequate coverage to meet basic
service to all municipalities, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger
hereby requests that Dutchess County Legislature eliminate the change in rate structure
for the Sheriff's Department, as proposed in 2003 County Budget, and honor the existing
contracts between Sheriff's department and the Town of Wappinger and like
municipalities. The Town of Wappinger hereby calls upon its Legislators Lawerence,
Gutzler, Lecker, Price, and Hammond to sponsor a resolution to amend the County
Budget to relieve the Town of Wap : pinger and other like communities of the burden of
paying for these additional costs for contracting additional police protection with the
Dutchess County Shaff s Department.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor; Voting Aye
ROBERT L. VAIDATT, Counciln : ian Voting Aye
VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye
JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilnui n Voting Aye
CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New Yoj k
November 25, 2002
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.