2003-055RESOLUTION NO. 2003-055
At the regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
County, New York, held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New
York, on the 1e day of February, 2003, at 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor, and upon roll
being called, the following were present:
PRESENT: Supervisor - Joseph Ruggiero
Councilmen - Robert L. Valdati
Vincent F. Bettina
Joseph P. Paoloni
Christopher J. Colsey
The following Resolution was introduced by Mr. Valdati and seconded by
Supervisor Ruggiero -
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger wishes to evaluate and
prepare the redistricting of the Town of Wappinger to be in accordance with the 2000
Federal Census of the United States of America; and
NVHEREAS, the firm GPS-GEOPolitical Strategies with an office at 22 Dunham
Road, Hartsdale, New York 10530, a qualified Technical Consulting firm and is capable
of preparing an accurate redistricting plan for the Town of Wappinger.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if
fully set forth and adopted herein.
2. Phillip D. Chonigman of GPS-GEOPolitical Strategies with an office at 22
Dunham Road, Hartsdale, New York 10530 is hereby authorized to
prepare a redistricting plan for the Town of Wappinger in accordance with
a written proposal dated December 9, 2002 with an amount not to exceed
Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000).
3. Albert P. Roberts, Attorney to the Town of Wappinger, is authorized to
draft and/or review a contract in accordance with the terms and conditions
stated herein.
4. Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero is hereby authorized to sign a contract on
behalf of the Town and authorize commencement of the work thereby.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Ave
ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye
VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Ave
JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye
CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
February 10, 2003
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
12/09/2002 15:12 914 SALES DEPT PAGE 01/02
Technical Consultants
22 Dunham Road
Hartsdale, NY 1.0530
300 Hackett Blvd
Albany, NY 12208
ATTN: Joe Ruggiero, Supervisor
NY Metro Region Ph: 914-6740358
Upstate NY Ph: 518-482-2972
Fax: 914-674-0826
Email: aeopolitical(aconsultant.com
TO: Town of Wappinger
SUBJECT: Redistricting Proposal
DATE: December 9, 2002
PAGE: 1 of 2
Per our recent conversation, attached is our proposal for the redistricting services we are able
to provide for the Town of Wappinger.
As you are aware, we have been doing this. type of work for the past 2 years, including the
same services as are being proposed here for Albany, Westchester, Rocldand and Sullivan counties
and for the City of Yonkers. Should the Town accept our proposal before the end of this month, we
would anticipate a likely completion date by the end of March or early April, including any necessary
Public Hearings on the eventual proposed legislation. Keep in mind that you should make sure that
you are in a. position to assure passage of a redistricting plan no later than mid-May so as to avoid
any possibility of interference with candidate selection timetables and activities.
Please contact me at 914-674-0356, or by email at Phil.Chonlaman@consultan com, should
you have any questions or concerns about this project. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service
to you and the Town of Wappinger.
2 Phillip D. ori r n
Demogrsphk Analyses Leaisla[ive Dian ell",g Media 9tm&wiac s[affatka/ sampling
12/09/2002 15:12 914 SALES DEPT PAGE 02/02
Techrdeal Consultants
22 Dunham Road NY Metro Region Ph: 914-674-0356
Hartsdale, NY 10530 Upstate NY Ph: 518-482-2972
300 Hackett Blvd Fax. -914-674-0926
Albany, NY 12208 Email: geopoliticall§consultant.com
To: Hon. Joe Ruggiero, Supervisor PROPOSAL NO: 2002-1209
Wappinger Town Hell DATE: December 9,20D2
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY 12590
Town of Wappinger
Phillip D. Chonigman
Technical oversight of
Town Ward redistricting activities
As indicated below
1IReview of current constitutional, statutory and other relevant standards and requirements
pertaining to legislative district redistricting for the Town of Wappinger
2 Ongoing consultations with all members of the Town Council and other concerned parties and
citizens, Including any others hired or appointed by the Council and/or its Committee(s) for
preparation and passage of a redistricting plan
3 Analysis of municipal, tract, block and other population and demographic data provided by the
United States Census Bureau
4 Attendance at Committee and Council meetings and hearings pertalnfng to reapportionment and
redistricting throughout the term of this contract
5 j Creation of up to three fully -realized redistricting plans, utilizing current GIS software capable of
producing detailed council district maps, plus as many drafts as required to create said plans
6 Assist In the development of proposed legislation required for the enactment of the above created
plan(s) by a vote of the Council and/or any of Its Committees
7 Analysis of alternative redistricting plans proposed for consideration by the Council and/or any of
its committees
8 1 Make ourselves available, at an additional fee of 690.00 per hour, for the purposes of offering
technical evidence and/or testimony in the defense of any legal challenge to a redistricting plan,
based upon the above specified work, that will have been adopted by the town
Payment for the above consulting services shall be made Payable to "GeoPoll5cal Simtegles". Payment for this work shall be made
according to the following schedule, unless other arrangements are made by mutual consent prior to the start of the project: 25% upon
signing of the contract and 26% every 30 days thereafter, except for the final payment of 25% (or greater) which shall be payable within 16
days of the project completion. The project shall be deemed to have been completed upon 1) the moment at which a redistricting plan
shall have bsan approved by a m,,iority of the Council and Is signed into law, or 2) 6 months after the start date of the contract, whichever
occurs first.
This proposal is based upon the Town providing GPS with access to Its computer systems, including those. If any, running GIS software
such as ArcView or Maptitude, and Its printing equipment capable of producing full maps and other relevant printouts. The City would be
required to reimburse COPS for the full cost of any outside printing services needed In order to complete the contracted tasks.
If you have any questions concerning this proposal, please call our NY Metro Office at 9146740336
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