2017-02-13Town of Wappinger Regular Meeting Minutes 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 townofwappinger.us Joseph Paoloni (845)297-5771 Monday, February 13, 2017 7:30 PM Town Hall Call to Order Attendee Name Lori A. Jiava William H. Beale William Ciccarelli John J. Fenton Michael Kuzmicz Joseph P. Paoloni Grace Robinson Albert Roberts Salute to the Flag Organization Town of Wapping Town of Wapping Town of Wapping Town of Wapping Town of Wapping Town of Wapping Town of Wapping Consultant Adoption of Agenda 1. Motion To: Adopt Agenda No amendments were made to the Title Supervisor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Town Clerk Deputv Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz IV. Accept Minutes Status Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Arrived 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 1. Motion To: Acknowledge Minutes of January 30, 2017 Councilman Fenton asked to have his verbatim quotes added to the minutes and to verify quotes that were made. Chances were made and sent to him and re-Dublished. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: John J. Fenton, Councilman SECONDER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Page I Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting V. Correspondence Log Minutes February 13, 2017 RESOLUTION: 2017-67 Correspondence Log Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log ............... ............... ..................................................................... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the Office of the Town Clerk. Town of Wappinger Page 2 Printed 212312017 Corns ponce nce L g - &I t- -1 4 N11mber To From Date Date Rec' I Re: Apicla Date 02-13-001 Towii Board Towii Com roller 1/19017 1/1812817' arrails, 2016-JJJ, KKK, LLL, 2017- A -F 2113017 02-13-002 Su ephor kva Daiiiel J Keeler 112012017 1126/2017 Fleetwood Maur' ater District -'dater Sample 211312017 02-13-003 Towii Board Beatrice OgLjiifi 1/3012017 1/3002017 Moiithly Re ort for Nov- Dec 2016 211312017 02-13-004 Joseph Paoloiii Heidi Seelbach 113112017 1/30/2017 All Mneys paid to Su ephor from Cowie y 20161 211312017 02-13-005 Towii Board Albert P Roberts 1/30017 21112817 Towii Hall, Whidow Rpplaumut PLO'ect 211 3017 Joseph P@01011i Frederick Awhio I hiez Maldondo 211017 21112017 :ffl702--13-0-06 e 211302817 02-13-007 Towii Board Heather L. Kfthpii 21212017 21212017 , Mojjtlj of J211 Ice 11P Justice Re ort for the Moiith of Jaii 2017 211312017 02-13-008 Towii Board Vhiceil Betthia 1/3002017 1131/20171R&: Board Meefig hajary 30, 2017 211312017 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the Office of the Town Clerk. Town of Wappinger Page 2 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 2017-02-13-001 Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Comptroller - JJJ The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Comptroller of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"): Claim Packet: 2016-JJJ Vendor A (General Town wide) B Fund (Part Town) DB Fund (Highway) HWN (Wappinger Water main) T14 (Allstate insurance) Camo 638.60 Camo 585.00 Central Hudson 92.64 Central Hudson 35.78 Scott Volkman 5,302.50 Southern Dut News 63.07 Southern Dut News 63.48 Southern Dut News 210.17 Royal Carting 11,397.38 DC Sheriff Patrol 22,171.03 James Baisley Tree 150.00 Al Roberts 402.50 Al Roberts 52.50 Al Roberts 542.50 Al Roberts 832.50 Al Roberts 2,870.00 Al Roberts Al Roberts 13,087.50 980.00 Al Roberts 192.50 Al Roberts Al Roberts Health Quest 65.00 Unemployment Troy S 4,265.00 Safeguard 549.22 The Flag Guys 80.00 Cryo Weld 285.44 Advanced Auto 130.01 Staples 13.57 Staples 10.92 Town of Wappinger Page 3 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Staples MVP Select Care Inc Town Clerk Reimburse Mackey Butts & Wise Mackey Butts & Wise Mackey Butts & Wise Mackey Butts & Wise Mackey Butts & Wise Mackey Butts & Wise Oriental Trading Shipping PBE Auto Parts Karol Kelly Reimburse Martin's Country Crafts John George Reimburse Allstate Phil Dobrovich Stormwater 171.97 666.50 297.50 227.50 1,575.00 1,470.00 13.99 52.92 3,450.00 75.001 50.00 437.50 75.00 266.55 1,021.08 Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Amazon 259.61 Auto Zone 5.72 Matthew Bender 699.35 Johm Weber 150.00 Total $41,117.45 $28,890.25 $5,041.29 $52.50 $1,021.08 Vendor AM T99 WU SM T92 (Ambulance (Town (Wapp (Mid (Planning Fund) Board United Point & Zoning Escrow) Water) Sewer) Escrows) Camo Camo Central Hudson Central Hudson Scott Volkman Southern Dut News Town of Wappinger Page 4 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Southern Dut News Southern Dut News Royal Carting DC Sheriff Patrol James Baisley Tree Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Health Quest Unemployment Troy S Safeguard The Flag Guys Cryo Weld Advanced Auto Staples Staples Staples MVP Select Care Inc Town Clerk Reimburse Mackey Butts & Wise Mackey Butts & Wise Mackey Butts & Wise Mackey Butts & Wise Mackey Butts & Wise Mackey Butts & Wise Oriental Trading Shipping PBE Auto Parts Karol Kelly Reimburse Martin's Country Crafts John George Reimburse 5,615.00 717.50 2,590.00 315.00 1,312.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 Town of Wappinger Page 5 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Allstate Phil Dobrovich Stormwater Stormwater 25.00 Stormwater Stormwater AM (Ambulance Fund) T96 (Road Inspection Escrow) Town Board 300.00 Stormwater 650.00 Stormwater 638.60 725.00 Amazon Auto Zone 585.00 Matthew Bender Johm Weber 92.64 Total $717.50 $315.00 $5,615.00 $2,590.00 $3,117.50 Vendor AM (Ambulance Fund) T96 (Road Inspection Escrow) Town Board Hold Camo 638.60 Camo 585.00 Central Hudson 92.64 Central Hudson 35.78 Scott Volkman 5,302.50 Southern Dut News 63.07 Southern Dut News 63.48 Southern Dut News 210.17 Royal Carting 11,397.38 DC Sheriff Patrol 22,171.03 James Baisley Tree 150.00 Al Roberts 402.50 Al Roberts 52.50 Town of Wappinger Page 6 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Al Roberts 542.50 Al Roberts 832.50 Al Roberts 2,870.00 Al Roberts 5,615.00 Al Roberts 17,690.00 Al Roberts 1,505.00 Al Roberts Al Roberts Health Quest 65.00 Unemployment Troy S 4,265.00 Safeguard 549.22 The Flag Guys 80.00 Cryo Weld 285.44 Advanced Auto 130.01 Staples 13.57 Staples 10.92 Staples 171.97 MVP Select Care Inc 666.50 Town Clerk Reimburse 50.00 Mackey Butts & Wise 437.50 Mackey Butts & Wise 35.00 Mackey Butts & Wise 297.50 Mackey Butts & Wise 227.50 Mackey Butts & Wise 1,575.00 Mackey Butts & Wise 1,470.00 Oriental Trading Shipping 13.99 PBE Auto Parts 35.00 35.00 Town of Wappinger Page 7 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Comptroller -KKK The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Comptroller of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"): Claim Packet: 2016 -KKK Vendor A B Fund DB 266.55 Karol Kelly Reimburse (Part Fund (Wappinger Town wide) Town) (Highway) Water 52.92 Martin's Country Crafts main) Central Hudson 726.05 Central Hudson 2,438.52 3,450.00 John George Reimburse Reimburse 88.57 Allstate 1,021.08 Phil Dobrovich 75.00 Stormwater 75.00 Stormwater 25.00 Stormwater 925.00 925.00 Stormwater 300.00 Stormwater 650.00 Stormwater 725.00 Amazon 259.61 Auto Zone 5.72 Matthew Bender 699.35 Johm Weber 150.00 Total $925.00 $89,332.57 $70.00 $89,402.57 $89,402.57 Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Comptroller -KKK The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Comptroller of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"): Claim Packet: 2016 -KKK Vendor A B Fund DB HWN (General (Part Fund (Wappinger Town wide) Town) (Highway) Water main) Central Hudson 726.05 Central Hudson 2,438.52 Rob Santoro Reimburse Town of Wappinger Page 8 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 NYS Dep Envioron HBM (Roads Resurfacing) SH (Watchill Sewer) WF Fleetwood Water 110.36 NYS Dep Envioron 110.36 Central Hudson DC Truck Parts 726.05 Central Hudson 88.81 DC Truck Parts Rob Santoro 394.88 Village of Fishkill 191.42 Reimburse Town of Fishkill 191.42 Shelter Point 594.00 237.60 Disability 110.36 103.95 Grainger 557.14 DC Truck Parts Atlas Star 179.66 Rotary Club 135.00 Ready Refresh Water 435.24 394.88 Village of Fishkill Crystal Rock 244.61 7,980.29 Amazon 98.48 Amazon 70.15 7,558.85 Basec Corp -2016 6,200.00 Shelter Point Avello Brothers DC Pub Transit 14,490.00 Total $25,722.07 $103.95 $1,278.43 $110.36 Vendor HBM (Roads Resurfacing) SH (Watchill Sewer) WF Fleetwood Water WU (Wapp United Water) Town Board Central Hudson 726.05 Central Hudson 2,438.52 Rob Santoro 191.42 Reimburse 191.42 NYS Dep Envioron 110.36 NYS Dep Envioron 110.36 DC Truck Parts 88.81 DC Truck Parts 394.88 Village of Fishkill 7,980.29 7,980.29 Town of Fishkill 7,558.85 7,558.85 Shelter Point 935.55 Disability Grainger 557.14 Atlas Star 179.66 Rotary Club 135.00 Town of Wappinger Page 9 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Ready Refresh Water Crystal Rock Amazon Amazon Basec Corp -2016 Avello Brothers DC Pub Transit Total 44,118.75 $44,118.75 1 $7,558.85 1 $7,980.29 1 $191.42 $87,064.1 2 435.24 244.61 98.48 70.15 6,200.00 44,118.75 14,490.00 $87,064.12 $87,064.12 Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Comptroller- LLL The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Comptroller of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"): Claim Packet: 2016 -LLL Vendor A (General Town wide) HMR (Water Meter Replacement) DB Fund (Highway) T92 (PlanZone Escrow) T96 ( Road Inspection) Thompson 208.00 (General (Watchill (Midpoint (Wapp West (Wapp Town Sewer) Sewer) Town of Water) United wide) Fishkill Sewer) Water) Thompson West West Tractor 496.73 Inc Polsinello 937.66 Fuel Craig Wallace 105.00 Morris Assoc 5,322.43 2,966.50 Morris Assoc 286.00 Morris Assoc 1,602.40 Amazon 1,162.80 Total $6,693.23 $1,602.40 $1,434.39 $3,252.50 $105.00 Vendor A SH SM SU WT (Tall WU (General (Watchill (Midpoint (Wapp Trees (Wapp Town Sewer) Sewer) United Water) United wide) Sewer) Water) Thompson West Town of Wappinger Page 10 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Town of Fishkill West Tractor Inc Polsinello Fuel Craig Wallace Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Amazon Total 7,558.85 357.50 572.00 1,287.00 1 1,568.00 147.00 $7,558.85 1 $357.50 1 $572.00 1 $1,287.00 1 $1,715.00 $24,577.8 7 Vendor Town Board Thompson 208.00 West (General Town of (Highway Fishkill 7,558.85 West Tractor 496.73 Inc Polsinello Fuel 937.66 Craig Wallace 105.00 Morris Assoc 10,505.43 Morris Assoc 1,854.00 Morris Assoc 1,749.40 Amazon 1,162.80 Total $24,577.87 $24,577.87 Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Comptroller - A The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Comptroller of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"): Claim Packet: 2017-A Vendor A B DB (General (General (Highway Town wide) Part Town) Fund) Town of Wappinger Page 11 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Graham Foster 96.75 Paid MVP Gold H/I Premium 3,984.90 MVP H/I Premium 21,702.74 MVP Gold H/I Premium 17,816.30 3,807.85 First Unum Life Ins 243.12 162.08 MVP H/I Premium 60.78 CSEA Optical/Dental 3,539.47 DC Supervisors Mtgs 350.00 First Unum Life Ins Bus Automated Sery 3,535.00 EmStar Ambulance 465.98 Wells Fargo 272.43 272.42 ASCAP 341.00 DC Supervisors Mtgs Cornerstone Telephone 837.46 39.84 350.00 NY Planning Federation 300.00 Delta Dental 1,556.30 EmStar Ambulance 33,575.00 298.73 Totals $32,919.70 $4,779.62 $21,517.85 Vendor AM (Ambulance Fund) Paid Town Board Graham Foster 96.75 MVP Gold H/I Premium 3,984.90 MVP H/I Premium 43,326.89 First Unum Life Ins 465.98 CSEA Optical/Dental 3,539.47 DC Supervisors Mtgs 350.00 Bus Automated Sery 3,535.00 EmStar Ambulance 33,575.00 33,575.00 Wells Fargo 544.85 ASCAP 341.00 Cornerstone Telephone 877.30 Hold Town of Wappinger Page 12 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 NY Planning Federation 300.00 Delta Dental 1,855.03 Totals $33,575.00 $0.00 $92,792.17 $0.00 $92,792.17 $92,792.17 Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Comptroller - B The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Comptroller of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"): Claim Packet: 2017-B Vendor A (General Town wide) B (General Part Town) DB (Highway Fund) WF (Fleetwood Water) WH (Watch Hill Water) Camo Wappinger (Fleetwood (Midpoint 2,820.83 1,708.33 Camo Sewer) Sewer) Camo 2,541.67 88,750.00 Home Depot 45.43 Camo 8,516.67 Home Depot Home Depot 193.77 Home Depot 302.65 Home Depot Service Education 1,140.00 Court Staples 13.77 Staples 66.39 Staples 76.23 Staples 93.45 Staples 47.32 Staples 248.70 Staples 7.69 MH Valley NYSBOC 220.00 Vignogna Garage 21.00 Verizon Wireless 513.22 420.92 Totals $2,575.85 $640.92 $193.77 $2,820.83 $1,708.33 Vendor WT (Tall WU (United SF SM Trees Wappinger (Fleetwood (Midpoint Water) Water) Sewer) Sewer) Camo 2,541.67 88,750.00 Camo 8,516.67 10,166.67 Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Town of Wappinger Page 13 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Service Education Court Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples Staples MH Valley NYSBOC Vignogna Garage Verizon Wireless Totals 1$2,541.67 1 $88,750.00 1$8,516.67 1$10,166.67 1 Vendor WT (Tall Trees Water) SU (United Wapp Sewer) SW (Wildwood Sewer) Paid Town Board Camo 95,820.83 Camo 58,166.67 14,541.67 91,391.68 Home Depot 45.43 Home Depot 193.77 Home Depot 302.65 Service Education Court 1,140.00 Staples 13.77 Staples 66.39 Staples 76.23 Staples 93.45 Staples 47.32 Staples 248.70 Staples 7.69 MH Valley NYSBOC 220.00 Vignogna Garage 21.00 Hold Town of Wappinger Page 14 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Verizon Wireless 934.14 Totals 1 $58,166.67 1 $14,541.67 1 $0.00 1 $190,623.05 1 $0.00 $190,623.0 $190,623.05 5 Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Comptroller - C The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Comptroller of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"): Claim Packet: 2017-C Vendor A (General Town wide) B (General Part Town) DB (Highway Fund) Town Board Assoc of Towns Dues 1,500.00 1,500.00 Central Hudson 14.74 14.74 NYCOMCO 64.00 1,860.00 1,924.00 NYCOMCO 98.00 98.00 Home Depot 144.00 144.00 Home Depot 36.94 36.94 Home Depot 2.24 2.24 Home Depot 20.59 20.59 Signal Graphics 465.88 465.88 Veh Tracking Solution 936.00 936.00 Coffee Systems 18.99 18.99 Squeo Home Improvem 10,623.83 10,623.83 Staples 97.17 97.17 Reserva Acc't Town of Wappinger Page 15 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Postage 7,000.00 B DB WF 7,000.00 Optimum (General (General (Highway (Fleetwood (Tall 34.95 Part Town) Fund) Water) 34.95 Optimum Water) Central Hudson 131.89 131.89 Optimum 1,122.04 Central Hudson 174.79 174.79 Wells Fargo 5,646.45 635.12 9,820.91 Prem 323.00 323.00 Big Top Portajohns 55.78 110.00 110.00 Amazon 191.52 191.52 Auto Zone 561.16 561.16 Hannaford 11.27 11.27 Delta Dental 1,631.26 352.67 1,983.93 JK Power Equip 121.59 121.59 Friendly Ford 49.95 49.95 Totals $22,902.70 $564.62 $3,109.11 $26,576.43 $26,576.43 26,576.43 Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Comptroller - D The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Comptroller of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"): Claim Packet: 2017-D Vendor A B DB WF WT (General (General (Highway (Fleetwood (Tall Town wide) Part Town) Fund) Water) Trees Water) Central Hudson 852.97 Central Hudson 1,122.04 Central Hudson 3.43 NYS Empire H/I 5,646.45 635.12 9,820.91 Prem Southern Dut News 55.78 Town of Wappinger Page 16 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Home Depot 91.08 Signal Graphics 123.43 Mid Hudson Fasteners RBT CPA's 2,540.00 James Baisley Tree MVP H/I Prem Gold 2,594.10 MVP H/I Premium 20,147.09 Milton Agway 840.00 Thomson West Law 1,686.25 Graham Foster 96.75 Celia Sigalow 140.00 DC Truck Parts Hillman Signs Advanced Auto Parts 23.92 Joe Paoloni 124.97 Reimburse Brian Rexhouse Reim Staples 43.28 Staples 28.49 Staples 43.68 Staples 47.98 DBCH DBCH DBCH 120.00 DBCH DBCH 120.00 DBCH 120.00 Telvent DTN Wells Fargo 327.56 Em Star Ambulance Renata Zawadski 140.00 Trans Barbara Roberti Reimb R. Costa Electric 936.85 Wappinger Auto 1,706.47 Tech Richard Siegmund 15.00 Rei Amazon Auto Zone 5.65 Auto Zone 15.72 ITC Telephone 290.25 3,807.85 25.00 OM1111 218.10 1,050.00 18,983.66 74.34 100.50 11-1.3 9111M 309.90 120.00 120.00 Town of Wappinger Page 17 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Totals L$39,993.41 1 $4,548.75 1 $31,238.41 1$120.00 $120.00 Vendor A (General Town wide) WU (United Wappinger Water) AM (Ambulance Fund) Town Board Central Hudson 852.97 Central Hudson 1,122.04 Central Hudson 3.43 NYS Empire H/I 16,102.48 Prem Southern Dut News 55.78 Home Depot 91.08 Signal Graphics 123.43 Mid Hudson 218.10 Fasteners RBT CPA's 2,540.00 James Baisley Tree 1,050.00 MVP H/I Prem Gold 2,594.10 MVP H/I Premium 42,938.60 Milton Agway 840.00 Thomson West Law 1,686.25 Graham Foster 96.75 Celia Sigalow 140.00 DC Truck Parts 74.34 Hillman Signs 100.50 Advanced Auto Parts 23.92 Joe Paoloni 124.97 Reimburse Brian Rexhouse 25.00 Reim Staples 43.28 Staples 28.49 Staples 43.68 Staples 47.98 DBCH 120.00 DBCH 120.00 DBCH 120.00 DBCH 120.00 120.00 DBCH 120.00 DBCH 120.00 Telvent DTN 681.00 Hold Town of Wappinger Page 18 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Wells Fargo A (General Town wide) B (General Part Town) DB (Highway Fund) HMR (Water Meter Replacement) 327.56 Assoc of Towns Em Star Ambulance 33,575.00 250.00 33,575.00 Central Hudson Renata Zawadski 373.32 140.00 Trans Central Hudson Barbara Roberti 342.27 25.00 Reimb R. Costa Electric 936.85 Wappinger Auto 1,706.47 Tech Central Hudson Richard Siegmund 39.87 15.00 Rei Marshall & Sterling Amazon 6,759.57 309.90 Auto Zone 5.65 Auto Zone 15.72 ITC Telephone 290.25 Totals $120.00 $33,575.00 $109,715.57 $0.00 $109,715.57 $109,715.57 Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Comptroller - E The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Comptroller of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"): Claim Packet: 2017-E Vendor A (General Town wide) B (General Part Town) DB (Highway Fund) HMR (Water Meter Replacement) T92 (Planning Escrows) Assoc of Towns 250.00 Central Hudson 373.32 Central Hudson 342.27 Central Hudson 330.90 Central Hudson 35.09 Central Hudson 39.87 Marshall & Sterling 6,759.57 Town of Wappinger Page 19 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Expanded Supply 142.32 Home Depot 65.14 Home Depot 1,311.48 Home Depot 13.41 Home Depot 22.22 Home Depot 213.63 Optima 443.59 First Unum Life 202.60 121.56 60.78 CSEA H/W 3,539.47 Optical/Dent Squeo Home Improve 5,000.00 Staples 190.50 Staples 16.62 Custom Security Sys 480.00 Wells Fargo 272.43 272.42 Polsinello Fuels 1,456.99 Chase Visa Card 2.40 Chase Visa Card 101.80 D&D Doors 200.00 PBE auto Parts 397.52 PBE auto Parts 371.64 PBE auto Parts 12.58 Specialty Auto Equip 250.00 R. Costa Electric 1,950.00 Morris Assoc 3,234.95 3,774.14 1,617.51 Morris Assoc 348.00 Morris Assoc Town of Wappinger Page 20 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 539.00 Morris Assoc WT WU SW SU (Wapp 143.00 Morris Assoc (Tall (United (Wildwood United 2,502.50 1,516.60 Wappinger Sewer) Sewer) Morris Assoc Water) Water) 202.50 Auto Zone 246.57 Jessica Petty Cash Reim 45.76 Jessica Petty Cash Reim 25.45 Jessica Petty Cash Reim 21.99 JK Power Equip 39.00 Gina Renzo Reimburse 60.00 AMI Sery 510.00 Totals $24,118.47 $2,637.78 $9,925.84 $539.00 $2,848.00 Vendor WT WU SW SU (Wapp (Tall (United (Wildwood United Trees Wappinger Sewer) Sewer) Water) Water) Assoc of Towns Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Marshall & Sterling Expanded Supply Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Optima First Unum Life CSEA H/W Optical/Dent Town of Wappinger Page 21 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Squeo Home Improve Staples Staples Custom Security Sys Wells Fargo Polsinello Fuels Chase Visa Card Chase Visa Card D&D Doors PBE auto Parts PBE auto Parts PBE auto Parts Specialty Auto Equip R. Costa Electric Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc 1,829.96 2,377.44 994.70 994.70 2,085.30 869.80 1 1 116.00 1702.50 Morris Assoc Auto Zone Jessica Petty Cash Reim Jessica Petty Cash Reim Jessica Petty Cash Reim JK Power Equip Gina Renzo Reimburse AMI Sery Totals $869.80 $4,909.96 $116.00 $4,074.64 $50,039.49 1T= M Assoc of Towns WT Town Board Hold (Tall Trees Water) Town of Wappinger Page 22 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Town of Wappinger Page 23 Printed 212312017 250.00 Central Hudson 373.32 Central Hudson 342.27 Central Hudson 330.90 Central Hudson 35.09 Central Hudson 39.87 Marshall & Sterling 6,759.57 Expanded Supply 142.32 Home Depot 65.14 Home Depot 1,311.48 Home Depot 13.41 Home Depot 22.22 Home Depot 213.63 Optima 443.59 First Unum Life 384.94 CSEA H/W Optical/Dent 3,539.47 Squeo Home Improve 5,000.00 Staples 190.50 Staples 16.62 Custom Security Sys 480.00 Wells Fargo 544.85 Polsinello Fuels 1,456.99 Chase Visa Card 2.40 Chase Visa Card 101.80 D&D Doors 200.00 PBE auto Parts 397.52 Town of Wappinger Page 23 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 PBE auto Parts PBE auto Parts Specialty Auto Equip R. Costa Electric Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Auto Zone 371.64 12.58 250.00 1,950.00 12,834.00 2,337.40 539.00 2,228.30 5,707.40 202.50 Vendor A B 246.57 T92 T96 (Road Jessica Petty Cash (General Town (General Escrows) (Escrows) Inspection) Reim wide) Part Town) 45.76 Jessica Petty Cash Reim 25.45 Jessica Petty Cash Reim 21.99 JK Power Equip 39.00 Gina Renzo Reimburse 60.00 AMI Sery 510.00 Totals $49,836.99 $202.50 $50,039.49 Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Comptroller - F The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Comptroller of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"): Claim Packet: 2017-F Vendor A B T99 (Other T92 T96 (Road (General Town (General Escrows) (Escrows) Inspection) wide) Part Town) Camo Town of Wappinger Page 24 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Camo Central Hudson 39.18 Central Hudson 48.41 Central Hudson 93.84 Marshall & Sterling 57 577.88 Home Depot 187.90 Home Depot 27.97 Home Depot 38.75 Home Depot 135.68 Home Depot 18.75 Bottoni Fuel 271.02 Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts 17,056.00 Hughsonville Fire Dist 87$ 090.00 Coffee Systems 48.89 United Auto Supply 19.20 Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Lee Freno Rec of 9,752.38 Taxes Hud River Truck 68.14 Advanced Auto Parts 58.62 Town of Fishkill 63.72 Staples 36.74 Staples 78.62 Staples 166.67 ReliaPole Inspection 290.08 Amity Auto Works 275.00 Wells Fargo 336.76 Wells Fargo 336.76 Oriental Trading 438.61 Optimum 151.42 Aflac Visa 425.63 1.0001II11 •:: 11 •.• 11 •:1 11 •: 11 E-*1[4iI1M �'fdc111I11 1,620.00 36.00 2,514.00 722.00 201.50 Town of Wappinger Page 25 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Visa 117.87 T16 (Aflac) Visa 7.30 HWF (Filtration of Atlas & Hilltop) Martin's Country Camo Camo Central Hudson Central Hudson Craftsm Wappingers Auto Tech 40.78 Central Hudson Allstate Lisa Spinelli 50.00 Cornerstone Phone 831.02 39.84 Joey Cavaccini 50.00 Stormwater Home Depot Stormwater Stormwater Home Depot Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater 225.00 Verizon Wireless 521.74 421.41 Amazon 41.16 Amazon 177.75 Home Depot Hannaford 20.66 JK Power Equipment 28.00 JK Power Equipment 27.00 Quality Environ Solu 502.00 NY Marriot Hotel 9,344.00 2,336.00 Totals $977,891.90 $10,831.25 $533.00 150.00 625.00 600.00 450.00 100.00 $7,018.50 1 11 $850.00 Vendor A (General Town wide) T16 (Aflac) T14 (Allstate) T33 (Parkland Trust) HWF (Filtration of Atlas & Hilltop) WF (Fleetwood Water) Camo Camo Central Hudson Central Hudson 2,820.83 Central Hudson Marshall & Sterling Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Bottoni Fuel Town of Wappinger Page 26 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts 72.00 Al Roberts Hughsonville Fire Dist Coffee Systems United Auto Supply Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Lee Freno Rec of Taxes Hud River Truck Advanced Auto Parts Town of Fishkill Staples Staples Staples ReliaPole Inspection Amity Auto Works Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Oriental Trading Optimum Aflac Visa Visa Visa Martin's Country Craftsm Wappingers Auto Tech Allstate Lisa Spinelli Cornerstone Phone Joey Cavaccini Town of Wappinger Page 27 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Verizon Wireless Amazon Amazon Hannaford JK Power Equipment JK Power Equipment Quality Environ Solu NY Marriot Hotel Totals 1 1 $131.90 1 $920.68 1 $4,865.00 1 $72.00 1 $2,820.83 1 Vendor WH (Watch Hill Water) WT (Tall Trees Water) WU (United Wappinger Water) SF (Fleetwood Sewer) Camo 1,708.33 2,541.67 88,750.00 Camo 8,516.67 Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Marshall & Sterling Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Bottoni Fuel Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts 2,488.00 Town of Wappinger Page 28 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Al Roberts Hughsonville Fire Dist Coffee Systems United Auto Supply Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Lee Freno Rec of Taxes Hud River Truck Advanced Auto Parts Town of Fishkill Staples Staples Staples ReliaPole Inspection Amity Auto Works Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Oriental Trading Optimum Aflac Visa Visa Visa Martin's Country Craftsm Wappingers Auto Tech Allstate Lisa Spinelli Cornerstone Phone Joey Cavaccini Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Verizon Wireless Amazon Amazon Hannaford Minutes February 13, 2017 Town of Wappinger Page 29 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 JK Power Equipment JK Power Equipment Quality Environ Solu NY Marriot Hotel Totals $1,708.33 1 $2,541.67 1 $91,238.00 1$8,516.67 Vendor WH SM SU SW (Watch (Midpoint (United (Wildwood Hill Sewer) Wapp Sewer) Water) Sewer) Camo Camo Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Marshall & Sterling Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Bottoni Fuel Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Hughsonville Fire Dist Coffee Systems United Auto Supply Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Lee Freno Rec of Taxes Hud River Truck 10,166.67 •1: 1� 58,166.67 36.00 252.00 14,541.67 Town of Wappinger Page 30 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Advanced Auto Parts Town of Fishkill Staples Staples Staples ReliaPole Inspection Amity Auto Works Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Oriental Trading Optimum Aflac Visa Visa Visa Martin's Country Craftsm Wappingers Auto Tech Allstate Lisa Spinelli Cornerstone Phone Joey Cavaccini Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Verizon Wireless Amazon Amazon Hannaford JK Power Equipment JK Power Equipment Quality Environ Solu NY Marriot Hotel Minutes February 13, 2017 Totals 1 1$11,074.71 1$58,454.67 1$14,541.67 1 1 $1,194,010.7 8 Town of Wappinger Page 31 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Vendor Camo Camo Central Hudson Central Hudson Central Hudson Marshall & Sterling Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot Bottoni Fuel Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Al Roberts Hughsonville Fire Dist Coffee Systems United Auto Supply Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Lee Freno Rec of Taxes Hud River Truck Advanced Auto Parts Town of Fishkill Staples Staples Staples ReliaPole Inspection Amity Auto Works Town Board 95,820.83 91,391.68 39.18 48.41 93.84 57,577.88 187.90 27.97 38.75 135.68 18.75 271.02 2,448.00 36.00 2,988.00 969.00 252.00 1,980.00 198.00 2,560.00 19,343.04 878,090.00 48.89 19.20 2,514.00 9,752.38 68.14 58.62 63.72 36.74 78.62 166.67 290.08 275.00 Hold 36.00 722.00 201.50 Town of Wappinger Page 32 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Wells Fargo 336.76 Wells Fargo 336.76 Oriental Trading 438.61 Optimum 151.42 Aflac 131.90 Visa 425.63 Visa 117.87 Visa 7.30 Martin's Country 4,865.00 Craftsm Wappingers Auto Tech 40.78 Allstate 920.68 Lisa Spinelli 50.00 Cornerstone Phone 870.86 Joey Cavaccini 50.00 Stormwater 150.00 Stormwater 625.00 Stormwater 600.00 Stormwater 450.00 Stormwater 100.00 Stormwater 850.00 Stormwater 225.00 Verizon Wireless 943.15 Amazon 41.16 Amazon 177.75 Hannaford 20.66 JK Power Equipment 28.00 JK Power Equipment 27.00 Quality Environ Solu 502.00 NY Marriot Hotel 11,680.00 Totals $1,193,051.28 $1,194,010.78 $959.50 The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2017-67 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A. Jiava Voter Q❑ ..... ....... ................... ❑ ❑ .. ..❑. ❑ Defeated William Fl. Beale ................... Voter .. Q ....... ......... .. ❑ ....... .... ❑......... ....... ....... ............ ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J. Fenton Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ... .. Michael Kuzmicz Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Town of Wappinger Page 33 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 13, 2017 VI. Public Portion 1. Motion To: Open Public Portion Minutes February 13, 2017 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. Resident Tom Massey from 30 Smith Crossing Road addressed the board regarding ATVs that were riding on rail trail. Councilman Beale suggested calling the sheriffs office. Former Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero addressed the board regarding the committing to paving roads by the town board and the short list of roads that were to be paved under an item called '284 Agreement to Spend Highway Funds'. He said that in the 14 years that he was on the board, the road paving was never limited to a specific set of roads as it would tie their hands should other unexpected roads needed work. He looked at the list of roads to be paved and estimated another $1.33 million and asked if the town would borrow the money. Supervisor Jiava said that the board hasn't had a conversation with Highway Superintendent yet and the list is what his secretary sent over which was tabled to find out more information. Mr. Ruggiero commended the town Highway Department on the last two difficult storms which were ice events stating, "as usual the Town of Wappinger roads were the best." Switching back to the 284 agreement, Mr. Ruggiero said he said that the listing of roads usually reads, "any and all roads." Attorney Roberts interrupted saying, "This was the first time I actually looked at 284. I never had to because it always worked out and there was a different rapport between the previous Highway Superintendent and what's going on now." He explained that 284 is an agreement between the Highway Superintendent and the Supervisor, in that they agree on how the money is to be spent. Mr. Ruggiero said that the agreement included the phrase'Any and all roads' has always been stated as Attorney Roberts has always specifically instructed Supervisor Ruggiero in the past when he was Supervisor. Mr. Ruggiero then switched topics to Carnwath asking to serve on the'Friends of Carnwath' committee. He said he was on the town board that purchased the property and that developed the master plan. He said that there was $2.7 million available of the $4 million bond for renovation. He said if the opportunity to draw down more funds hasn't expired in January of last month, it would expire in June of this year. He said he was opposed to selling the property. He added the design was to create a doughnut hole that included the buildings to allow flexibility for commercial use inside the hole. He continued that he opposed demolishing the building and asked to be included on any study. He said, "If there is a study saying that the building has to be raised because it's unstable, then I'd like to see that because we had put $800,000 into stability fund, Manfriedi Construction came out with a huge I- and we had done several engineering studies throughout the time and we had many public events there and before we did the public event we had an engineering study that deemed the building safe then in December of 2006 started to sink that's when you (pointing at Councilman Beale) had just joined us in 2007 to basically make it or break it and we authorized the bond to do the emergency repairs we have photos of every square inch of that building before and after the repairs well documented and every Tuesday we had a staff meeting going over the entire structure and the only thing that was left to be done was the roof and we had a $300,000 grant that Governor Pataki to help subsidize the roof and subsequent administrations did not take advantage of that unexpended bond or that Town of Wappinger Page 34 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 free money." He said that there is private money for the roof approximately $45,000. He said that the Carnwath master plan was designed around the mansion being the focal point. He said, "We actually took some federal grant money, that we signed covenant over the mansion that would have to be given back." He said you wouldn't be able to sell without special legislation from Albany. He asked the board to do something to shore up that roof. He added that he and the attorney had negotiated with organizations to help make it self-sustaining. He added that there is only 3 more years left on the bond to purchase it at which time money will be free -up to help complete the renovation. He suggested a'Due-to-Due From' free loan from the healthy fund balances to currently use that can easily be paid back once the bond service from the original purchase in freed up. Councilman Ciccarelli asked why the roof never got done. Mr. Ruggiero said, "It was part of the agreement that it was either do the mansion and the roof, you couldn't do one or the other, the roof was going to go out to bid, it did go out to bid, the bids came in and the town board tabled it." He added, "The other parts of the emergency repair was on a time and material basis, the mansion and the carriage house was stabilized, out of the $4 million only $1.3 million was spent and $2.7 million was unexpended." He continued, "Even at the point when we finished the interior work the building was sound and tight, but we knew that the roof and the temporary work they did was temporary and a bigger roof had to be done and unfortunately it never got done and time went out on my administration and subsequent administrations, obviously we had a financial crisis and other things that came along the way, but there was free money on the table aside and that's the unfortunate thing." Councilman Ciccarelli said, "The buildings are posted." Mr. Ruggiero replied that it was posted during his time as well. Supervisor Jiava added that there is $48,000 left in the Friends of Carnwath account. Councilman Beale said, "10 years has passed since these grand plans, and when 2008 hit and the bottom fell out, fixing Carnwath was not a priority, making payroll was a priority, and we have to be careful how we approach this, because there are many residents that do not believe that taxpayer dollars should be spent on this property," Mr. Ruggiero, said, "But, that was also the argument in 2000, we took the unanimous and bi-partisan approach in 2000 when we bought it and at that point we knew what we had and we had a responsibility to maintain it, and one of the reasons why Greystone sold the property to us was that they didn't want to see the property developed, they didn't want to see the buildings demolished they knew the town would be a good caretaker and steward of the property, and we were all working to fulfill that mission. A long time has happened and something could have been done temporarily, the building is still pretty structural sound and I can't believe all the work Joe Manfriedi has done has been eroded." Attorney Roberts cited a single vote in 2008 against a temporary roof. Councilman Fenton responded, "There's the issue right there, preventative maintenance is..." Councilman Beale defended, "That's not the issue. I've been sitting here trying to be a good custodian of the town's funds. Putting a Band-Aid on something that needs major surgery was a big discussion that occurred. I believe that personally that it's a beautiful building, but I was in there last week and I don't know if this building can continue to stand." Mr. Ruggiero said, "I just ask that you allow the citizens advisory committee to do it maybe we can set up and have an independent study, I haven't seen what Bob Gray put together. I don't know what kind of detailed report it is." Supervisor Jiava asked, "Would you be opposed to going in there with Mr. Gray? Councilman Ciccarelli asked, "I don't think you can imagine what it looks like now." Councilman Beale said, "I don't want anybody in that building right now with this snow load on the roof." Mr. Ruggiero said, "I just know where we left off we have all the photos and to Councilman Fenton's point maintenance deferred is maintenance denied." Councilman Beale said, "We've had no maintenance department for 3 years." He added, "That department was eliminated for 3 years. That department had 5 full time people maintaining that property when they were there." He added, "We couldn't even mow the fields. The previous supervisor thought she we were going Town of Wappinger Page 35 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 to save all this money. It ended up costing us more money." Mr. Ruggiero said, "Let's go forward, I'm willing to step up and volunteer my time with whatever citizens and try to full fill what the master plan did." Councilman Beale said the cost to fulfill that plan is $10 million. Mr. Ruggiero said the plan was $23 million but was talking about new buildings and band stands and all sorts of things done in steps not to be subsidized by the taxpayers. Supervisor Jiava said she had 2 meetings with county officials. Mr. Ruggiero asked for Bob Gray's engineering report. Supervisor Jiava promised him the report. Mr. Ruggiero said, "We actually had load reports, measurements and all sorts of tables, I mean it was pretty extensive what Don Schwartz and Jay Paggi had done." Councilman Ciccarelli said it is a different structure and had two groups that toured the mansion and it didn't work out. The discussion ended. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William H. Beale, Councilman SECONDER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 2. Motion To: Close Public Portion RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz VII. Discussions 1. Motion To: United Wappinger Water District Petition Request/ RJA Holding Mr. Macho had dropped off a $10,000 escrow check and Supervisor Jiava asked the board to make a motion to direct the professionals to work together and put a map plan and report together because there are other parcels to be included in this water extension RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 2. D Seifts Request Mr. Seifts who is eligible for Medicare can save the town of $863 per month. He submitted an invoice in the amount of $176.22 per month which the town would pick up 50% or $88.11 per month. Attorney Roberts said that this second or third time that the board had adopted something like this. He added the town employee would have a percentage of their health insurance paid if they stayed with the town's program. He suggested a policy to offer the different options. Councilman Beale brought up the collective bargaining agreement and should be referred to executive session for further discussion. Town of Wappinger Page 36 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 FIRST PRS 1'UM �$1 7 6. S I N S'U S E l i' TS DONALD BIRTI-MAim 1,/11/50 VIII. Resolutions M, AGE 66 RESOLUTION: 2017-11 ni4,NIUA R Y 1. , 2'0 17 t., 'Pw. G R _- S0;t Resolution To Authorize The Town Supervisor, Town Highway Superintendent And Town Board To Execute The Agreement For The Expenditure Of Highway Moneys WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 284 of the Highway Law, the Town Board and the Town Highway Superintendent are required to enter into a written Agreement stating the places and manner in which the Highway fund appropriation for repairs and improvements are to be expended; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Highway Superintendent and the Town Board agree that the monies levied and collected in the Town for repair and improvement of highways, and received from New York State for State Aid for the repair and improvement of Highways shall be expended in accordance with the annexed Agreement for the Expenditure of Highway Moneys; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Town Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached AGREEMENT FOR THE EXPENDITURES OF HIGHWAY MONEYS in duplicate and file said agreement with the Town Clerk; and Town of Wappinger Page 37 Printed 212312017 ON1AL COLONIAL PENN 1,,1 IRA,,N C E E S 11J.d I . FA S e C IR"O'Me Op"I, 399 MARKET STREET ill LDEIreP p N , 1 8 jUMINISr'�TPE O ° FryE: 8,25 NOli PENNSYLVANIA � STREE"I', CARMEL, I ,II 1--8100-800-2254 III S1C1,1EDU,LE tiIAME(.1F & S. IM ,m 1.) P U6.,a 1 ,G DONALD �E 17 0 7 �4 97 P FIRST PRS 1'UM �$1 7 6. S I N S'U S E l i' TS DONALD BIRTI-MAim 1,/11/50 VIII. Resolutions M, AGE 66 RESOLUTION: 2017-11 ni4,NIUA R Y 1. , 2'0 17 t., 'Pw. G R _- S0;t Resolution To Authorize The Town Supervisor, Town Highway Superintendent And Town Board To Execute The Agreement For The Expenditure Of Highway Moneys WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 284 of the Highway Law, the Town Board and the Town Highway Superintendent are required to enter into a written Agreement stating the places and manner in which the Highway fund appropriation for repairs and improvements are to be expended; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Highway Superintendent and the Town Board agree that the monies levied and collected in the Town for repair and improvement of highways, and received from New York State for State Aid for the repair and improvement of Highways shall be expended in accordance with the annexed Agreement for the Expenditure of Highway Moneys; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Town Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached AGREEMENT FOR THE EXPENDITURES OF HIGHWAY MONEYS in duplicate and file said agreement with the Town Clerk; and Town of Wappinger Page 37 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is directed to forward one executed Agreement to the Dutchess County Commissioner of Public Works in his capacity as County Superintendent of Highways. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2017-11 ❑ Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A. Jiava SeconderQ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale.....................Mover...,........ Q ....... ,........❑ .......,........ ❑........,.......❑..... Q Tabled William Ciccarelli .................... Voter.... ,......... Q ...... ..... ❑........ I ........ ❑ ...... ..... ❑ .... ❑ Withdrawn enton ........................ John J. Fenton'' Voter ....,.........Q ...... ❑........,........❑ ...... ❑ .... Next: 2/27/17 7:30 PM Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ 0 0 Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 13, 2017 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Tabled. IX. Items for Special Consideration Recreation Director Fulton addressed the board informing that the Soccer Clinic is doing well with over 30 kids. She continued to talk about community day and expressed her desire to make changes with the amusements which included mechanical rides and attractions. Councilman Beale asked who is providing the mechanical rides. He expressed concern about the types and number of rides. He said we spent too much on rides that were not very good. Director Fulton pointed out that our event is small, a single day event with less space. He felt it is a disappointment each year. He said that these vendors should be contacted a year in advance. He said we spent $8,700 on rides last year and that he spent zero dollars for the Hughsonville Fire department event which had a Ferris wheel. He suggested the recreation committee get together and have conversations that make sense and basically to discuss the goal of this event. Councilman Ciccarelli said, "Wasn't the biggest obstacle that this is a one day event and that no one would even consider doing the event." Director Fulton agreed pointing out that last year they received only one response in an RFP sent out due to space and the one -day event. She added that you either give them a percent or receive a fee. The board discussed insurance and the types of rides. Joe Incoronato asked Councilman Beale to share any information he might have with Director Fulton. Councilman Beal conceded that the Hughsonville Fire department model spreads over three days and not a one day event like the Town of Wappinger which is a challenge and cannot provide the same model and thus ends up costing money. He added that an Ambulance needs to be on site all day. Councilman Fenton said, "We are dedicated to this site, there are some serious issues with the mansion, so Joe, I'd definitely like to get you out there, take a look at it, we do have some engineering reports so at some point we're going to have to pull the trigger at least on the mansion or something." Councilman Beale said, "I just want to give little perspective. I've been looking at that site for 10 plus years, Joe and I worked together in 2007, actually I voted to keep it standing. I think we all want to do what's best for the town and we all want to do what's best for that property and a whole and I think we will." Town of Wappinger Page 38 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Councilman Ciccarelli said that if Mr. Ruggiero can get a walkthrough of the mansion with the engineer, he would like to accompany him. X. Executive Session 1. Motion To: Enter Executive Session RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 2. Motion To: Return From Executive Session RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 3. Motion To: Authorize Supervisor to Sign the Agreement with the Engineer -to -the -town per Resolution 39 RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 4. Motion To: Approve Request From Mr. Seifts and his Health Insurance RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: John J. Fenton, Councilman SECONDER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz RESOLUTION: 2017-68 Resolution Authorizing Supervisor To Enter Into An Agreement For The Installation, Repair And Maintenance Of Security Systems In Town Hall And Emergency Services Building Town of Wappinger Page 39 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 WHEREAS, Custom Security Systems provides central station monitoring of security systems as well as the maintenance and upkeep of said systems; and WHEREAS, Custom Security Systems provides central station monitoring of security systems through its division "Custom Monitoring"; and WHEREAS, in October 2016, the Town entered into an agreement with Custom Monitoring, a division of Custom Security Systems to provide central station monitoring of the security systems located at Town Hall and the Town owned Emergency Services Building; and WHEREAS, Custom Security Systems conducted a survey and testing of the security systems within the Town Hall and the Emergency Services Building and determined that a number of pieces of equipment needed repair and/or replacement in both the Town Hall and the Emergency Services Building, all as set forth in a letter dated December 21, 2016, a copy of which is affixed hereto; and WHEREAS, Custom Security Systems has a license (copy attached) which authorizes it to install, service and repair security and/or fire alarm systems; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that the security and safety of the Town Hall and the Emergency Services Building are of the utmost importance because the Town Hall maintains all the important records of the various Town Departments and the Emergency Services Building currently houses the New York State Police and will shortly house the Town's ambulance service provider; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that the security systems in the Town Hall and the Emergency Services Building should be maintained in the highest degree of working order for the security and preservation of said buildings; and WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that the work to be provided by Custom Security Systems is exempt from the requirements of the Town's Procurement Policy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. The Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor, Lori A. Jiava, to enter into an agreement with Custom Security Systems for the installation, maintenance and repair of the equipment as set forth in the letter dated December 21, 2016, upon review and approval by the Attorney to the Town. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2017-68 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A. Jiava Voter ...,....... Q ....... ❑ ❑ ,...... ❑ ❑ Defeated William H. Beale ............... .. Mover .................... Q ....... ... ❑ ... ....... .... ❑ ...... ....... ............... ❑ ... ... ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J. Fenton Voter Q ❑ ❑ .. ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 13, 2017 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. 6. Motion To: Approve 2 Vacancies on the Recreation Committee Mrs. Phyllis O'Brien who lives at 25 Farmington Road, Wappingers Falls and Mr. Robert Town of Wappinger Page 40 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 Wilson who lives on Middlebush Road were appointed to the Recreation Committee. Both terms expire on 12/31/2017 RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz RESOLUTION: 2017-69 Resolution Rescinding Prior Motion Approved by the Town Board WHEREAS, on February 21, 1963, a motion was carried by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger approving creation of the office of Deputy Highway Superintendent, and a copy of such motion is attached; and WHEREAS, in December 2016, the Dutchess Department of Human Resources ("Department of HR"), the local Civil Service Commission pursuant to New York Civil Service Law, advised the Town that the office of Deputy Highway Superintendent in fact did not exist because the Town had never filed with the Department of HR, or its predecessor, the paperwork necessary to formally create such office; and WHEREFORE, for the sake of administrative consistency with the records of the Department of HR, the Town Board desires to rescind the motion of February 21, 1963 creating the office of Deputy Highway Superintendent. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Town Board rescinds the motion of February 21, 1963 creating the office of Deputy Highway Superintendent; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board is undertaking this action solely for the sake of administrative consistency with the records maintained by the Dutchess County Department of Human Resources; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Board does not hereby acknowledge or maintain that the office of Deputy Highway Superintendent was ever formally created in the manner required by New York Civil Service Law and Regulations. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2017-69 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Q Adopted ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A. Jiava .Williamlf „Voter Q ......... ❑ ........ ❑ ....... ❑ ....... ❑ Defeated Beale Mover...,....... Q ............. ❑ .....,...... ❑ .... ❑ ... ❑ Tabled Willi amCiccarelli................. Voter.............Q.,..............❑................❑.... ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J. Fenton Seconder ............ Q ❑ .............. ❑ ............. ❑ ........ Michael Kuzmicz Voter ❑ ❑ Q ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York February 13, 2017 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. Town of Wappinger Page 41 Printed 212312017 Regular Meeting Minutes February 13, 2017 XI. Adjournment Motion To: Wappinger Adjournment & Signature The meeting adjourned at 10:19 PM. Joseph P. Paoloni Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Page 42 Printed 212312017 5.1.a Packet Pg. 43 �� ti ti ti ti � ti ti 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 N N N N N N N N r r r r r r r r C N N N N N N N N d Q co N Q r O N LL E Co C U ti r QCn 1 L w�+O U O ' p O (y ~ CD ca (0 E pL_ ,� N ca O N O O Co -� N U N4 Lp N E L 4- O _1 _I ,L N U O N U C: co Y O Y O a Qt N ca c cup Z � � O N ca ss P.N —i L CO � � ` r L O O U 4- c O Q p N co O N O N N N _ a (a Q1 i ® >'CU :E c= O N O (a NO C 2 � oO � 0] N LL p = Q I— dj N n - V O r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 N N N N N N N N M C4 O O` N N r M N N Q r r r r r 1 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 m O O r 0` N O N N M V r r r r r r A� W O � C 0 O O ca E N N OCD L C L 0_ U fa CL N O Y Y BYO p� 0 L / C: N U 'C i ,U L N O O ?� E m a N O N U p F-�m2QLL2� ca N O N O .a > O H O O mca a co MO W cn 5;W MMOMO W �W 0 0 co L Q Q O vJ L L d r N M V LO CO � CO .Q O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O co co ch co ch m m c'7 Z r I r 1 r 1 r I r 1 r i r 1 r I N N N N N N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.1.a Packet Pg. 43 MARCUS J. MOLINARO COUNTY ; XECL-MVE January 20, 2017 COUNTY OF DUTCHESS DEPARTMENT OF BEHAVIORAL AND CC3hrlMUN f `; EAL`T -i C}3'VIStON OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEA -LTH SERVICES 5.1.a Dai/3-� k 7 1 ,4 � i> f SUPERVISOR.FFIC- Lori Jiava—Wappinger Town Supervisor 20 Middlebush Rd. Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Re: Fleetwood Manor Water District —Water Sample Schedule Public Nater Supply Federal ID: NY1 O277 Town of Wappinger DearMs. Jiava: Enclosed is the 2017 Water Sample Schedule for the above mentioned community public water supply. It is the responsibility of the water supply owner to make sure ' that all monitoring is performed according to methods and procedures as required by the New State Sanitary Code, Fart 5, Subpart 5-1. When collecting water samples, attention to specific sample paint types and to frequency for each contaminant will be the best away to achieve compliance. Your water operator must submit all water samples to the Dutchess County Department of Health in a timely mariner. They should be emailed to EP(5)_dutchessny.gov. A violation will be issued for failure to comply with the m"Onitoring requirements. please contact ine t (845),.486-3404 if you have any questions, Yours very truly, no E"MY"': Daniel J. feeler, RE. Senior Public Health Engineer Environmental Health Services DJK ef. JA, iN -2 6 2017 TOWN 01= WAPPINGER TOWN CLF -RK ZZa' Vlain Stree:, Eeaco=;, Ne York 12508 839-43 24 131 Lour -11, House Roau ja h-ook, New fort:12545 '345 b-,74001 •fax (345) 677-400S 485 Civic Bente. P3aza - Suite 1t b, Poughkeepsie, 14ew, Xor:: 12603 - {84nr35 34041. < rlax (845) 48,a-35 5 - T I -845i 485-341; Heatthinfo@dutchessny.gov www.dLiicliessny.gov Packet Pg. 44 MARCUS J. MOLINARO CouNnt'EXECUTIVE COUNTY OF DUTCHESS DEPARTNIENT OF BEHAVIORAL AND COMMUN-7Y HEALTH DIVISIO14 OF ENVIRONMeNTAL HEALTH SERVICES January 20, 2017 Lori ijava — Wappinger Town Supervisor 20 Middlebush Rd. Wappingers Falls., NY 12590 Pe: Tali Trees dater District-- Water Sample Schedule Public Water Supply Federal I D: NY 1302809 Town of Wappinger Dear his. Jiava: MARGARET HIRST, LCSW-R ACTING CoMMIESIONEIR "IM41 2 n - V 6UI/ Enclosed is the 2017 Water Sample Schedule for the above mentioned community public water supply. it is the responsibility of the water supply owner to make sure that all monitoring is performed according to methods and procedures as required by the New York S,.11ate Sanitary Code, Part 5, Subpart. 5-1, When collecting water samples, attention to specific, sample point types and to frequency for each contaminant will be the best way to achieve compliance, Your water operator must submit all water samples to the Dutchess County Department of Health in a timely manner. They should be emailed to WEP(c)_dutchessa.go . A violation will be issued for failure to comply with the monitoring requirements, Piease,contact me at (845) 486-3404 if you have any questions. z Yours very truly,. Daniel J. Keeler, P.E. Senior -Public Health Engineer Environmental Health Services DJK/ef Enc: SDVVIS/State Water Sample Schedule Report Cc: File Michael P. Tremper — Operator '_122;33 Main Street, Beacon, New York 1-2508 . t84511 833-4801 - FaX '814-; -4924 j131. County House Road, MWIbroo-K, r4ew, York 12S45 -:845? 677-400-1 - rax'(g45167 -4008 TV -" 4 IL:15 civic Center Plaza - SW:e 105, Pcu3nk Psie, Nev,York 22,.On - (S451 486-3404 - Fax �8451 86-35 41S FA 5) 8GG-34 17 HeafthlnfoOdutrhessny.gov Packet Pg. 45 www.dutchessny-gov 9 TALL TREES WATER DISTRICT PWS ID: NY1302809 Due Contaminant (Group)l Last Compliance Results Sample Requirements 21317 Sample Location/Frequency Coliform, Total (TCR) . ... ......... . ............ . ..... ....... —1-.— ... . ..... ... 1----.-..-,—..- ..... . ......... ... . ....... . . ..... ... . . ............ - . . .... ...... . . . .......... I . . ...... 1-1-1 .......... . i Location: Distribution System I sample must be collected every month. Frequency: i sample monthly A positive total coliform (TC+) sample requires notifying the health department and collecting repeat distribution system samples within 24 hours. Unless otherwise directed by the health department, source (or raw) water before any treatment, from all active wells, must also be sampled within 24 hours. Part 5-1.42 and 5-1.47 - Lead and Copper . ............. . . . ..... ....... ....... I .. . . ...... . . .... . ......... . ........ —1-111-11 . ....... ...... . . . .... . . ............ . .. .......... -.. 3161 Location- DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ID' OS199 12 Samples Collected 10 Samples must be collected by V30[2017 on or Before: 8130,12016 Frequency: 10 Samples Every 6 months Sample Point, DISTRIBUTION PSCU Sample Point No.: PBCU Sample Point Type: DS -Distribution System This PWS has beeri returned to standard monitoring due to a source water change. The facility will be eligible e for reduced monitoring once two consecutive 6 -month monitoring periods are completed and results are below the action level. Part 5-1.62 Table SA - Disinfection Byproducts/Stag_....._..._......_....w.__._.e 2 ................. .. . . ... . ......... . ........................ . . — - .... . .............. . . . ............. . .... . .......... ... . . . .................. - - - - - ---------- -- . . .. . . ....... ....... . .... . ..... . ............ -- . . . ........ . . ....... ', DI/ - Location. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ICs. , DS199 Samples last Next sample must be collected between 611 Frequency. I Sample Yearly collected: 912012016 and 9130 within a single year by 913012017 Sample Point., DISTRIBUTION DBPMAX sample Point No.: DBPMAX Sample Point Type: MR -Maximum Residence Time Asbestos- — - ------- . ............... . ..... ........... ..v..._..._ ...... — ........ . .. ...... .. . .. . .... .............. . ...... ... .. . -.- .... . ........... . . . . ........ ............. Location. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ID: DS199 Samples last Next sample must be collected by 12J3112022 Frequency: I Sample Every 9 years collected., 1211612013 Sample Point* DISTRIBUTION ASBESTOS Sample Point No.,. ASB, Sample Point Type. DS -Distribution System 1/1912017 DUT CHESS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TALL TREES WATER DISTRICT - NY1302809 Page I I Packet Pg. 46 1 D01:7-10-), / Beatrice Ogunti O /3-004a From: Beatrice Ogunti Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 12:06 PM To: Lori A. Jiava; William Beale; William Ciccarelli; John J. Fenton; Michael Kuzmicz; 'Joe Paoloni (JPaoloni@townofwappinger.us)' Subject: Monthly Report - Planning /Zoning Board - November/December 2016 Attachments: Planning Board & ZBA Monthly Report.docx Hi Folks, attached hereto is the November/December monthly report for the Planning/Zoning Department for your information and appropriate action. Thanks!!! Zoning / Planning Board Secretary & Equal Opportunity Officer 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 (845) 297-6256, Ext. 122 Fax (845) 297-0579 bogunti@townofwappinger.us "If you think education is expensive, wait until you see what ignorance costs ... POTUS" "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" INIEC[EVEDD JAN 3 0 2017 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg. 47 Planning Board & Zoning Board of Appeals Bea Ogunti MONTHLY REPORT DATE: January 30, 2017 FOR THE MONTH OF November/December 2016 Month Total Year-to-date ZONING BOARD FEES COLLECTED Zoning Board Variance Applications $ 1,000.00 $11,175.00 Zoning Board Use Applications $ -0- $ -0- Foils $ -0- $ -0- ZBA TOTAL: $ 1,000.00 $12,175.00 PLANNINB BOARD FEES COLLECTED Planning Board Subdivision Applications $ 3,750.00 $ 5,750.00 Planning Board Site Plans Applications $ -0- $50,383.50 Planning Special Use Permits $ -0- $ -0- Planning Board Conceptual Applications $ -0- $ - -0- Planning Board Architectual Applications $ 150.00 $ 2,850.00 Foils $ 5.50 $....-0- Subdivision Regulations Books $ -0- $ -0- PB TOTAL: $ $59,989.00 3,905.50 ZONING BOARD MONTHLY TOTAL $ 1,000.00 $ 12,175.00 PLANNING BOARD MONTHLY TOTAL $ 3,750.00 $ 21,438.00 TOTAL: $ 4,750.00 $ 33,613.00 RECREATION FEES COLLECTED TOTAL: $ -0- $ 35,000.00 PROJECTS BEFORE THE BOARD Zoning Board of Appeals No. 43 Planning Board No. 46 5.1.a Packet Pg. 48 -2- ROAD INSPECTION ESCROW RECEIVED Month Total Year-to-date $ -0- $ 10,240.56 TOTAL: $ -0- $ 10,240.56 PROJECT ESCROW RECEIVED November/December TOTAL: $ 7,500.00 $153,936.47 cc: Town Board Town Clerk 5.1.a Packet Pg. 49 5.1.a MARCUS J. MOLINARO ►7 HEIDI SEELBACH COUNTY EXECUTIVE Q - COMMISSIONER .. ., ..SEA.. :' . .... - COUNTY OF DUTCHESS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE January 31 2017 Joseph Paoloni, Town Clerk Town of Wappinger PO. Sox 324 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls'NY 12590 In accordance with Sub. 5 of Section 550 of the County Law, I herewith transmit to you a statement of all moneys paid to the Supervisor of your Town by the County of Dutchess for the period beginning January 1st, 2016 and ending December 31st, 2016. ommissioner of Finance Date of Check Account Amount 06/02/16 Mortgage Taxes: 391,738.24 12/02/16 285,555.22 $677,293.46 Payment in Lieu 10/4/16 of Taxes 988.82 988.82 04/29/16 V 146,832.39 04/29/16 211,364.66 07/29/16 J;`, 3 0 2017 294,552.35 10/31/16 260,800.43 12/31/16 TOWN OF k 275,911.49 A�`ikPPINGE� 1,089,461.32 TOWN CLERK Total for Town: $1,767,743.60 22 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601-3294 # (845) 486-2025 Fax • (845) 486-2198 Packet Pg. 50 www.dutchessny.gov 5.1.a .�� STENGER ROBERTS DAVIS & DIAMOND LLP 1136 Route 9 Wappingers Falls, New York 12590 (845) 298-2000 R E C IE�"M E D FAX (845) 298-2842 FEB ®12017 www.srddlaw.com e-mail: info@srddlaw.com January 30, 2017 TOWN OF WAPPINGER. TOWN CLERK Town Board Kenneth M. Stenger Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road Albert P. Roberts Wappingers Falls, New York 12590 Thomas R. Dads Attention: Hon. Lori A. Jiava, Supervisor Stephen E. Diamond* Re: Town Hall Building Windows Replacement Project Contract -w- Basec Corp. Joan F. Garrett" Dear Lori and Board Members: James P. Horan— In connection with the above referenced matter in which Basec Corp. was Ian C. Lindars the successful bidder, please be advised I have reviewed the following Darren H. Fairlie documents which were submitted in accordance with the bid Fred Clarke specifications: CLOSING COORDINATOR I have also reviewed a Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Maria L. Jones issued by New York State Insurance Fund with a policy effective period from July 1, 2016 to July 1, 2017 and I find that Basec Corp. is properly covered by such insurance. 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FL & MA "ALSO ADMITTED IN CT ^' ALSO ADMITTED IN NJ 1 JPage Packet Pg. 51 Acord Certificate of Liability Insurance dated January 19, 2017 issued OF COUNSEL through Global Underwriters Agency on behalf of Harleysville Ins. Co. as Scott L. Volkman to Insurer A (commercial general liability), Harleysville Worcester Ins. as Karen MacNish to Insurer B (automobile liability and umbrella liability) and Great Jessica J. Glass American Inc. Co. of NY -as to Insurer C (inland marine coverage) identifying Basec Corp. as the insured and the Town of Wappinger as certificate holder and have determined that the proof of insurance named A. Oakley Sandra A. Oakley Sandra therein is consistent with the insurance requirements set forth in the bid Dawn M. Paino documents and the requirements of. the Town of Wappinger. Please note Dorothy A. Purtill that the Town of Wappinger is an additional insured and that coverage will Christine M. Schnittert be "primary and non-contributory" with a waiver of subrogation as Rita M. Worthington required by the contract documents. CLOSING COORDINATOR I have also reviewed a Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Maria L. Jones issued by New York State Insurance Fund with a policy effective period from July 1, 2016 to July 1, 2017 and I find that Basec Corp. is properly covered by such insurance. 'ALSO ADMITTED IN FL & MA "ALSO ADMITTED IN CT ^' ALSO ADMITTED IN NJ 1 JPage Packet Pg. 51 I have also examined the Performance Bond and Payment Bond issued in connection with this project on behalf of Basec Corp., issued by International Fidelity Insurance Company in favor of the Town of Wappinger bearing Bond No. NEIFSU0711295 in the principal amount of $125,740 and find that both documents are acceptable as to form and consistent with the bid documents. Very truly yours STENGER, ROBERTS, DAVIS & DIAMOND, LLP '/0 0 ALBERT P. ROBERTS APR/so cc:. Hon. Joseph P. Paoloni, Town Clerk (w/original bonds) Robert J. Gray, P.E. (w/copies) Basec Corp. 5.1.a 21Page Packet Pg. 52 Z 5.1.a k1or-7400 //Z Grace Robinson From: Inez Maldonado Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2017 3:17 PM To: Joe Paoloni; Grace Robinson Subject: FW: Donald Seifts Attachments: D Seifts Request.pdf For the next Town Board meeting. From: Fredrick Awino Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 10:53 AM To: Lori A. Jiava Cc: Inez Maldonado Subject: Donald Seifts o Good morning Lori, Attached find Mr. Donald Seift' s decision to stop health insurance coverage with the Town because he has found a o CL cheaper Medicare supplemental insurance. The month cost of his health care to the Town under Empire Plan is $923.71. Under the CBA, The town is obligated to pay 50% towards his health insurance. The supplemental Medicare insurance would cost the Town $88.11 (50% of $176.22). The Town will save $835.60 per month to reimburse him 50% of the supplemental Medicare insurance. e Please consider his request with the other Town Board members, if necessary in the Executive Session as you suggested. ° co Regards e Fredrick ° Fredrick Awino Comptroller Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Phone: 845.297.0060 Fax: 845.297.7214 Email: fawino@townofwappi_nger,us i FEB 01 2017 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg. 53 J 5.1.a 1,V kl CNP r T k) -5;' A 2—v 17 wi Lz- R AW ) 0 t14 Hir POVA11D 44-toli�—: 'o �vlO o( F L/0 wil 1N--,:2;cfg.rjjvcC 14 r-- A) TA - L :5 PLAA) A 9 PS elflo /l/V RFCF-TVED SUPFRVISOR ov:flcp- I Packet Pg. 54 1 C) LO rO - II C) N r -I tz z z C) (N r,o 0 < CY) >4 Z E-4 < < 0 a4 E-4 utA LO 1V z �-1 z (N 4 H 41 1:4 > CD C4 3 O Z P W I ril a wGz;wCoG r14 Ea M4 1 W p Er- w z r-ri z z z 00 w Ln l< m Co r4 z r— M r --i E - z CY) r—i z Lo E-4 < CL rM4 r-=4 w a, a4 00 Da w 2: > 0 4) At w 0 LO Z L) l< > r4 C) N r -I CD LO 0 w QE -4 E-4 r.. E- V) f-4 ix I Packet Pg. 55 1 tz z z C) (N L) 0 a0 a z 0 < CL 04 4) 0 L) l< > CD CM E- U m ) z LLJ CM CD C; z o CD -4 C� CM C) z OD CTI Cu rTl CD LO 0 w QE -4 E-4 r.. E- V) f-4 ix I Packet Pg. 55 1 TOWN JUSTICE HEATHER L. KITCHEN February 2, 2017 TOWN OF WAPPIlvTGER JUSTICE COURT 20 MIDDLEBUSH ROAD WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY 12590-0324 (845)297-6070 • (845)297-0145 FAX: (845) 297-0145 COURT HOURS: Tuesday 5:30 P.M. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 5:30 P.M. 1st and 3rd Thursdays 5:30 P.M. Supervisor Jiava and Members of the Town Board Town Hall 20 Middlebush Rd. Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Dear Supervisor Jiava and Members of the Town Board: 5.1.a �ol��va/i3 TOWN JUSTICE CARL S. WOLFSON The following cases were disposed of while I presided over the Justice Court during the month of January 2017: 240 Vehicle & Traffic law matters resulting in $26,432.00 collected in fines and fees. 8 Penal Law matters resulting in $330.00 collected in fines and fees. 10 Civil matters resulting in $145.00 collected in fees. 20 Termination of Suspension matters resulting in $1750.00 collected in fees. 1 Town Ordinance matters resulting in $0.00 collected in fees. 1 Executive Law matter resulting in $50.00 collected in fees. 4 Local Law matter resulting in $85.00 collected in fees. 1 Environmental Law matter resulting in $0.00 collected in fees. 1 Bail Poundage Law matter resulting in $10.50 collected in fees. 1 Agriculture & Market Law matter resulting in $50.00 collected in fees. I have forwarded a check in the amount of $28,855.50 to the Town of Wappinger on February 3rd, 2017. Additionally, I am holding $45,850.00 in pending bail. Respectfully itt Heather L. Chen Town Justice cc: Joseph Paoloni, Town Clerk �ECSW D FEB 0 2 2017 TOWN OF WA PI GER TOWN D Packet Pg. 56 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Vincent Bettina 10 HIGHWAY DRIVE WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY 12590 Email: Vbettina@townofWappingerms (845) 297-9451 Office (845) 298-0524 — Fax SECRETARY Karol Kelly TO: Town Board Members 1:M }/oa/i3 -� TOWN OF WAPPINGER Office of the Superintendent of Highways RE: BOARD MEETING JANUARY 30, 2017 SUPERVISOR Lori A. Jiava 845-297-4158 Main TOWN BOARD William H. Beale William Ciccarelli John Fenton Michael Kuzmicz TOWN CLERK Joseph Paoloni JAN 31 2017 TOWN OF WAPP� TOWN CLERK In order to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding, I have prepared a written response to the issues I anticipated would be raised at this Board meeting. I will have additional copies available for anyone who might one. Upon my election as Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Wappinger, I discovered that there had been a substantial laxity in the enforcement of Highway Department work hour rules, in oversight of compliance witr relief time breaks and lunch break rules. Employees were even storing beer in the Highway Department garag( refrigerator, a holidays practice and also gym equipment that were all removed and prohibited. In order to start addressing Highway Department employee abuse of work hours rules, the use of a time clock for Highway Department employees and the use of forms for persons to be enabled to register complaints aboi Highway Department service. I also issued a November 17, 2015 set of Policies and Procedures to Highway Employees which among other things, set forth specific requirements, prohibitions, and parameters regarding employees work day and also vehicle assignments being at my discretion or that of my Deputy Superintendent In addition, I also implemented educational and safety seminars that were lacking for employee protection and work performance. These actions and my unwillingness to allow Highway employees to themselves to determine who, how and when they will perform their required duties has led certain employees and their Union to engage in a course of action , in complicity with the Town Board and Town Supervisor, designed to thwart the exercise of my authority as the elected Superintendent of Highways and allow the Union and Highway Department as if they were the elected Superintendent of Highways. Six examples are: In what my attorneys have informed me is in violation of the law, the Town Board has refused to recognize and authorize payment to the Deputy Highway Superintendent who was lawfully appointed to that position by me and whose oversight of Highway Department employees is essential to assuring that Highway Department services are fully and properly performed. 2. In what my attorneys have informed me is in violation of the law, the Town Board has entered into an amendment to the Union contract for the Highway Department employees which provides that instead of oversight over the Highway Department employees being provided by the non-union supervisory Deputy Highway Superintendent whom I appointed, that oversight must be provided by a fellow Highway Department employee to be employed in the position of a working foreman, who was to be appointed, based only on seniority in the department, from and remain in the bargaining unit represented by the Union. -1- 1 Packet Pg. 57 5.1.a Cont Jan 30, 2017 Such an appointment would allow the Union and the Highway Department employees it represents to run the the Highway Department for the benefit of highway employees, rather than the benefit of Town residents and others who use Town roads. 3. In what my attorneys have informed me is a violation of the law, that same amended Union contract now provides that persons applying for vacancies in the Highway Department must be appointed from the among existing Highway Department bargaining unit employees on the basis of only their Highway Department seniority. Whether or not they have the ability to perform the duties of the vacant position can no longer be a criteria for selection. This means that the Town and Union have agreed that Highway Department employees may be incapable of performing the duties for a vacancy must be appointed to it based only upon their seniority over other persons, whether in the bargaining unit or from the outside, who are capable of performing those from the get -go. 3. In what my attorneys have informed me is in violation of the law, that same amended Union contract now provides that I am to assign Highway Department employees to snowplow routes based solely upon their seniority, even though this required process of allowing Highway Department employees to pick their own snow routes results in the most senior and most experienced snowplow operators being able to choose preferable assignments to operation of the snowplows. 4. In what my attorney have informed me is in violation of the law, the Town Board has attempted to strip me of my authority to order anything more than minor discipline of Highway Department employees who fail perform their duties and responsibilities or disobey my directives. In addition to entering into what I understand from my attorneys to be an unlawful Union contract leaves the Highway Department employees in control of their own supervision and refusing to allow the Deputy Superintendent whom I appointed to perform his supervisory functions over the Highway Department employees, the Town Board has cut my budget and has left me unable to replace employees currently out on , for example workers compensation leave. Highway Department employees are also being led that they can ignore my directives or fail to perform their duties without fear of any significant discipline because c the amendment to the Union contract entered into by the Town Board and the Union. Because of the Town Boards actions, Highway employees now feel empowered not to stay for overtime for other work. This has left me with 100 miles of road and 280 streets to address with an under -supervised staff which is emboldened to ignore my directions, 25,000 residents of this Town are being shortchanged by the combine( actions of the Town Board and the Highway Department employees Union in an attempting to strip away my authority to run the Highway Department. I am on the verge of going to Court to address these unlawful actions of the Town Board in order to assure tl necessary protection for Town residents from the efforts of the Town to have the Highway Department opera for the primary benefit of Highway Department employees, rather than for Town residents.) have received compliments from Town residents regarding the blacktop program and snow removal services and also received a call from the Wappinger School District Supervisor of Transportation indicating she did not have any issues with the snow removal nor my administration. Finally, as it concerns the complaint's relating to the recent ice storm of last Mondays evening, I would like tc remind all in attendance that the Highway Department employees were called out on overtime from 7:30 pm until 10:30 pm on Monday evening and then again at1:30 am on Tuesday morning and worked throughout th evening until the end of the work day on Tuesday. It certainly was not apparent that additional overtime needed to be authorized for Tuesday evening. The Village of Wappinger for example was not out Tuesday evening and I am not aware of any special emergency meeting being called to address that circumstance. -2- Packet Pg. 58 5.1.a Cont Jan 30, 2017 Like the Village DPW and other municipalities surrounding Towns and Villages we must make judgement ca'. as to whether and when to sustain overtime expense and also need to follow DOT CDL regulations for rest periods. Particularly under the very trying circumstances caused by the Town Boards cut in our budget and its refusal allow my Deputy Highway Superintendent to perform his duties, my judgement call not having another call o for Tuesday evening was reasonable in my opinion. That certain Highway Department employees did not get the opportunity to earn even more overtime is, in m mind, the reason for this meeting being called and any other expressed reasons are at best misleading and worst fake, just false. Driving conditions in the winter can vary from minute to minute from mile to mile and from shad to sun. Polic( agencies and Insurance Companies state that snow and ice never caused the accident as it was the operato error for not adjusting to the driving conditions. Respectfully Vincent Bettina Superintendent of Highways -3- Packet Pg. 59 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Vincent Bettina 10 HIGHWAY DRIVE WAPPINOERS FALLS, NY 12590 Enwil: Vbetfina,&town(.& L-1A–N4r4-)Ln1S-ML1S DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT Frank M. Greggo (845) 297-9451 Ofe (845) 298-0524 Fax SECRETARY Karol Kelly 111111301111 Office of The Superintendent of Highways January 18, 2017 TO: TOWN BOARD FROM: VINCENT BETTIN� SUPERVISOR Lori A. Jiava 845-297-4158 Main TOWN BOARD William H. Beale William Ciccarelli John Fenton Michael Kuzmicz TOWN CLERK Joseph Paolorti SUBJECT: 284 AGREEMENT TO SPEND HIGHWAY FUNDS Please find the revised 284 Agreement To Spend Highway Funds for your review and approval The attached town roads are approximately 20 years plus and in need of paving. These roads also vary in width and surface conditions. I am recommending the resurfacing of Brothers Road, as it would be cost effective to complete 1.38 miles and would save on cost by not having to continually move the machinery. The comptroller established the road cost profile of 1.47 miles based on 2016 costs. Be advised, we do not have asphalt pricing or rental rates as of yet, for 2017. I I Packet Pg. 60 1 AGREEMENT between the Town Superintendent of the Town of ­yVappiriger I Dutchess County, New York, and the undersigned members of the Town Board. T-ursuant to the provisions of Section 284 of the Highway Law, we agree that moneys levied and collected in the Town for the repair and improvement of highways, and received from the State for State Aid for the repair and improvement of Highways, shall be expended as follows: 1. GENERAL REPAIRS. The sum of $ 1,119,265 shall be set aside to be expended for primary work and general repairs upon _100 miles of town highway, including sluices, culverts and bridges having a span of less than five feet and boardwalks or the renewals thereof. 2. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. The following sums shall be set aside to be expended for the permanent improvement of Town Highways: (a) On the road commencing at and leading to a distance of 1.47—miles, there shall be expended not over the sum of $_220,000 Type 6 Width of traveled surface Thickness — -Subbase subject to surface conditions and various widths ** see attached list of roads (b) On the road commencing at and leading to a distance of.--- miles, there shall be expended not over the sum of $ Type Width of traveled surface Thickness Subbase (c) On the road commencing at and leading to a distance of miles, there shall be expended not over the sum of Type Width a traveled surface Thickness Subbase Executed in duplicate this _23rd—day of Supervisor Councilman Councilman Councilman County Superintendent of Highways January_, 2017 Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Town Superintendent NOTE: This Agreement should be signed in duplicate by a majority of the members of the Town Board and By the Town Superintendent. Both copies must be approved by the County Superintendent. One copy must be filed in the Town Clerk's office and one in the County Superintendent's office. COPIES DO NOT HAVE TO BE FILED IN ALBANY I I Packet Pg. 61 1 PROPOSED 284ROAD PROFILE 2O17 Y 1�� A Il MILEAGE ;)AVEI) AIRPORT DR 0.90 1991 x BETH PLACE 0.04 1990 0 BROTHERS RD 1.38 1993 [AM.BJ0RIVE 0,30 1993 0 CURRY ROAD 0.21 1893 w� DANA PLACE 0.10 1992 DOROTHY HEIGHTS 0.42 1991 ESALEM ROAD 0.28 1990 HILLTOP DRIVE 0.49 1892 LESKOVVCIRCLE 0.12 1992 Co LITTLE ROAD 0.08 1991 LORK4AR[OURT 0.35 1990 MAGURARC]AD 0.08 1992 Lm � yWONTFORTWOODS RD 0.17 1993 - OLD KETCHAMT()VVNRD 0,15 1993 OLD ROUTE 9S 0.43 1990 PATT|EPLACE 0.19 1991 CL 0 PIPPIN LANE 0.31 1991 C0 PLEASANT LANE 0.10 1993 ' RED HAWK HOLLOW 0.39 1993 ROBERTS ROAD 0.35 1993 .. RUSSELL ROAD 0.22 1993 � WOODLAND COURT 0.43 1993 r~ 04 Co BROQKHQLLOVVCOURT 0i13 1992 CENTR4LAVENUE 0.40 1991 FRONT STREET 0.09 1990 � NAMOTH ROAD 0.29 1992 U. NEW ROAD 0.10 1991 NORMAN COURT 0.06 1992 Lm PINE HILLS DRIVE 0.24 1891 � RUSSETT LANE 0.08 1991 Co0 00� 04 � = I Packet Pg. 62 1 10.5.a Town Of Wappinger i Miiddlebush Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 C ,g- CC: Mark Lieberman — Fire Inspector Steve Frazier - barks RECFIVED SUPERVISOR OFFICE Dear Supervisor, ' CSS — Custom Security Systems recently^ conducted a survey ahd testing of the town ha emergency services building. The following are the results of the tests. 11 and own Hall: 1- Duct detector 1 missing its smoke detector - Duct detector 4 Not detecting smoke 3- Duct detector 5 Not detecting smoke 4- Duct detector 6 Not detecting smoke 5- Smoke on "clerks" side of fire door Not detecting smoke 6- Smoke in court room Not working 7- Smoke in main assembly room, lett, need's to be moved Repairs Needed: 1- Replace Duct detector 1 2- Replace Duct detector 2 3- Replace Duct detector 3 4- Replace Duct detector 4 5- Replace Duct detector 5 6- Replace Duct detector 6 7- Main half- Check and / or replace fire door smoke 8 Main assembly roorn — move left smoke 9- Main assembly room - add smoke to right side 10 -Main assembly room — add horn/strobe 11- Main assembly room — add smoke to camera room 12 -Senior's area - pull stations (BCS -10) have been recalled — Replace 13 -Senior's area bathrooms (2) - need strobes since they are handicapped (ADA,) 14 -Building department - needs two smokes and one horn/strobe 15 -CMJ room - smoke is too close to vent; must be moved 16 -Atrium - smoke in upper part of atrium is mounted to low; move 17 -Bathroom hall — heat detector needs to be swapped to smoke 18 -Judges chambers- add two smokes and horn/strobe 19 -Court- add smoke and horn/strobe Packet Pg. 63 20 -Court- check and / or replace court room smoke 2.1 -Town board — need smoke in storage roam 22 -Copy room — add smoke 23 -Accounting --- addheat detector in break room 24-2`d floor furnace room — change heat to smoke Wish List: 1- Tie generator into alarm, fail to start........ 2- Tie main power three phase loss into alarm 3- Boiler flame out trip 10.5.a No phone lines, no diad out due to ambulance moving out — Fire alarm is noir using ponce phone lines to diad out. 1- Main control panel display is not working 2- No C/O detectors 3- There is one smoke detector that is a part of the old system (not compatible -Remove) 4- gone commander smoke missing — panel not aware 5- Remove old system led annunciators in lobby 6- There are several (10+) smokes to close to vents; must be 3' away 7- There are six smokes that are not working 8- There are two pull stations not working 9- deed to check garage area heat detectors for aim's Repairs Needed: 1- Replace panel 2- ,Add 4 C/O detectors 3- Remove and cover box 4- Replace smoke and reprogram 5- Remove old equipment 6- Move smokes 7- Replace smokes 8- Replace pulls 9- AIM's need to be installed to establish, compatibility between heat and panel TOTAL FIRE INVESTMENT INSTALLED - $3„300.00 1- Need to install keypad annunciator if this section is rented out. 2- There are two smoke detectors that are part of the old system (not compatible -Remove) 3- There are 4 smokes not working Repairs deeded: 1- Install keypad when necessary 2- Remove and cover box 3- Replace smokes TOTAL FIRE INVESTMENT INSTALLED - $1,560.00 Packet Pg. 64 MR= A- What is the status of the existing system? Monitoring? B- The systems that are currently installed require two separate monitoring accounts. Office Area: 1- Front door pull station has exposed wires,-, can't be accessible under 7' 2- Keypad has an exposed wire; can't be accessible under 7' 3- No smoke within 1 Oft of fire alarm control panel (facp) 4- No smoke in rear office with H2O heater Office Barn Area: 5- Heat detectors in non -heated barn are to low and wrong type', existing will freeze in winter 6- Missing two pull stations at key doors 7- Wires dangling...? 8- Rewire pull — h/s between bays Maintenance Barn- 9- No smoke within 1 Oft of fire alarm control panel (facp) in barn 10 -Missing two pull stations at key doors 1 1 -Wires dangling..? 12 -Missing heat detector in rear area above bathroom Repairs Needed: 1- Rewire 2- Rewire 3- Install smoke 4- Install smoke 5- Replace with outdoor heat detectors 6- Install pull stations 7- Check and secure 8- Rewire 9- Install smoke 10 -Install pull stations 11 -Check and secure 12 -Install heat detector I Packet Pg. 65 1 10.5.a Packet Pg. 66 ��f`f �'F✓��fi�"�f7�Y��`f ✓'����� ��✓�� �r %�J��iG1�r�ra r ! "t ,�i'+t.r �'.., .,.. r1�� r• f���s����r �ti� ������ ����a��k� ypb ,� � `t�r�1� �� E.ta,� a--�� r r 10.5.a Packet Pg. 68 MAR �g �k"1C .fid Crewrrowwrawwrwx.�u.�,vwwuw�iv+�+i y� �;m ��f`f �'F✓��fi�"�f7�Y��`f ✓'����� ��✓�� �r %�J��iG1�r�ra r ! "t ,�i'+t.r �'.., .,.. r1�� r• f���s����r �ti� ������ ����a��k� ypb ,� � `t�r�1� �� E.ta,� a--�� r r 10.5.a Packet Pg. 68 e LCM 4- 0 i d9 t. Packet Pg. 69 0 U.0 Co ......, �........,..,,.... e CD e LLJ CM e LCM 4- 0 i d9 t. Packet Pg. 69 Received: 217/2017 5:04:15 PM From: CSS/Kim —M Feb 7 2017 04:56pm Wig. 105b /�/ \�}�� � <\ z� §� » »+ �y :!� 2�\� \� » �* � f«}\ \\ /��� �� V » \� � f 7 \� f: 5 Sent with Venta4 Net software - www.verta4net. corn I Packet Pg. 70 I Packet Pg. 71 1 2 1 A special ;meeting of the Town Board, Town of wappinger was held on Thursday evening, Februa;ry 21st, 1963in the Town Hall, Mill Street. Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilmen -Malcolm Hait 0 and George Robinson, Justice of the Peace-Vincnet Francese, CL CL cc Superintendent of Highways -Kenneth Crosh&er, Town Engineer- r_ 0 Charles Maneri, Tiwb Attorney -Judson Williams, Town Clerk - 0 Helen L. Travis. IL The meeting was opened at 8 P. M. by Supervisor, Richard H. Linge. A letter of resignation from HowardG.Winne as Chairman of the Board of gupei-�r�-yrs was read. A motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Councilman Hait that 0 Mr. Winners resignation be accepted with regret to take effect February 21, 1963. Motion carried A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice 04 of the Peace Francese that the Town create the office of LLJ and that his" bond be set at $4,000.00 Deputy Highway Superintendent/ motion carried cm Superintendent of Highways, Kenneth Crosh&vr appointed cm LLJ x Robert Croshier to fill this office. A bond in the "aunt of $4,000000 covering the Superinittendent of Highways was presented. Motion was made by Councilman Hait CL and seconded by justice of Peace Francese that this bond be. accepted. Motion carried Motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Justice of the Peace Francese that William J. Bulger be appointed Justice CL of the Peace. motion carried. 0 0 E I Packet Pg. 71 1