2016-12-12 Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls,NY 12590 Regular Meeting townofwappinger.us Minutes — Joseph Paoloni (845)297-5771 Monday, December 12, 2016 7:30 PM Town Hall I. Call to Order Attendee Name Organization Title Status Arrived Lori A. Jiava Town of Wappinger Supervisor Present 7:30 PM William H. Beale Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM William Ciccarelli Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM John J. Fenton Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM Michael Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Councilman Present 7:30 PM Joseph P. Paoloni Town of Wappinger Town Clerk Present 7:30 PM Grace Robinson Town of Wappinger Deputy Town Clerk Present 7:30 PM Bob Gray Consultant Engineer Present 7:30 PM Albert Roberts Consultant Attorney Present 7:30 AM II. Salute to the Flag III. Adoption of Agenda The agenda was NOT amended to include Resolution 2016-306 which was later subsequently approved. 1. Motion To: Adopt Agenda ........................................ ........................................ .......................................... ........................................... ........................................... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz IV. Acknowledge Minutes 1. Motion To: Acknowledge Minutes of November 28, 2016 The Town Board missed this agenda item. According to Open Meetings Law AO-2525, there is no direct statutory requirement for the town board to acknowledge their review of the minutes; however, the November 28th, 2016 minutes were hand delivered and electronically delivered to the town board on December 8th at 4:00 PM, a full 4 days prior to this meeting Town of Wappinger Page I Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 V. Correspondence Log RESOLUTION: 2016-300 Correspondence Log Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log Correspondence L - 20,16-12-12 Number To From Dlate Dlate Rec` Ree A encla Dlate 12-12-881 Town Board SLIsal7 No 11/2312816 11/2812816 BUildinq Department Report 1211212816 12-12-882 Tom Board DutChess COLflity Dept.of Fiume 11128/2816 11128/2816 Abudoi7meiit of Subdi4risioi7 1211212816 12-12-883 Tom Board Chelsea Fire District 11128120116 11128120116 Le al Notice I Amival Electioi7 12112120116 12-12-0104 Tom Board Alm Firsteiiber ,ZBA 11/1712816 11/301/30116 Le al Notice/ZBA Villa e of WF 1211212816 12-12-886 Town Board Paul Freno 11/28/2816 12/1/2816 Consideration for Planning Board Appointment 1211212816 12-12-886 Town Board Chopsticks NY In 1112812816 121112816 State Liquor Authority I Notice Form 1211212816 12-12-887 Town Board ILee Ane Frena 1 121212816 121212816 Realty/School Tax Report for November 2816 1211212816 12-12-888 Town Board IHeather L_Kitchen 1 121812816 121812816 Justice Report for the Month of November 2816 1211212816 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the Office of the Town Clerk. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-300 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H.Beale „Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled William CiccarelliVoter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ . Michael Kuzmicz Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York December 12, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. VI. Public Portion 1. Motion To: Open Public Portion ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 2. Motion To: Close Public Portion Town of Wappinger Page 2 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz VII. Discussions 1. The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Award Co-Historian Joseph Cavaccini was recognized with a proclamation by the Dutchess County Historical Society. Councilman Beale read the proclamation. 2. 2017 Recreation items The following items were discussed • Hiring a New Basketball Instructor- Our former Basketball Instructor Rvan Leone who became our camp director in 2016 is unable to instruct basketball on the days when our class is scheduled for 2017. The recreation department has a new candidate to put forward for the position. • Transfer of funds- I am requesting a transfer of funds from a Recreation Line into the buildings and grounds line for Schlathaus Park to cover storage supplies for the new shed. • Bus Trips-A quick discussion on the Bus trips held by the Town of Wappinger Recreation Department and the Senior Center as well as some proposals for changes going into 2017 • Facility Use-This discussion would cover the job duties of the field auditor position for which funding was approved as part of the 2017 budget. I would also like to propose new policies/fees concerning facility use that would more appropriate reflect the amenities available at our facilities. • Recreation Software- I would like to present a run through of the company I feel will provide us with the best Recreation System for the cost, what this system will do for the recreation department and Senior Center, and finish with what we have to do if the purchase is approved to get it implemented. • Any additional topics that the Town Board would like to discuss. Please let me know if there is anything the Board would like to add so I can bring the right materials 3. Motion To: Hire Basketball Instructor- Cathy Wilson - Recreation 2017 Director Fulton asked to hire Cathy Wilson as a basketball instructor at $25 per hour under line A7140.105. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Page 3 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 4. Motion To: Transfer Funds - Recreation 2017 Director Fulton asked to transfer $1,500 from line A7140.406 to A7110.424 for the purchase of shelving units, storage, containers, and wall hooks. Councilman Beale asked to coordinate the transfer with the accountant to make sure the appropriate lines were being used. ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 5. Bus Trips -Recreation 2017 Director Fulton's Bus Trip Study Follows: I 1Da%'t Air°uul ,-rtu&en au, stnall sr u(h of the 'Tci"vn's exIxrtditrures l'uz the Recreation Bus Trips over the past SIX years. Recreation bits trips are opento the gettend publi of l]. ages :i id1 W'U"e 1°frit ed out iil` lin 7ila e tie nt to be w-ft-fli �udi.nk 'l 'hese trips :are C(,')°nP1 t'.1," independent of die laws ta°il.�s tlaat. ,oir restrieted to senior cifi ens the tilts of tiSe ' )r e°ita, i ii bus t�ilasnm funded our of fine A7620.415. i, a,. bus tr:l.* Circ not booked %Nidi tic, intenon of b<,, ns lln-luning; 1 e, (x)m of traiuspolUtion is tsu bsiduervd. 116s su bsid ,,a is l r(,.)�Yi ed so tlikut the d1ii;A,:iiy (Al" fbr resident senior edtuzi n.s tMtau`t be inipro%a ed lad Almvin then'i to haure, ex)XI-mri es that they nl,r.I y not otherwise 1.)eable to allord crr go oil i�ad:l�,lai:ra.�:ieratls As ill,sd rt: iirs to Reearion t:tips(, ,71 40{ 1 14), iiliicl`h are siulilaosod tr) be"', setf- iuu"brig; I 1"1,aiX e d'leterr.niried1 tluat.the "fol"'In has taken a,sjgxji, ic'atl t los,'s ovell. dw P,"kst li"i'd;W yeriT5.. Aruiruua Lt,,iss on 'l'A%„13 Of''Wall g W _l <h µri utioi°y l rs°1 �il;as 2012 S�5,26 2013 -,,$6,606 - i1 1,4; -------- 46i19d , 2015 a 1,SS 2(Q6 Ili 7 lv,;'M1F'F�A'�F "Mrl rye' mimimimimimimimimimimimi imw Town of Wappinger Page 4 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 Due to i1ie deficit ahvad)� acctnnulawd A 2016, h is npiramunet'-xiatkin, ffiat the Tavvti (�':)f W,;tp,,1�A,ngg-r w)tbook, ,in��rinore recreafion. bus trips this 3,,("ar, 5"iuvibeonojidvvrvo MMS hoax? nornemurawakomn tn,)shavv been tookeod. In 2015 and 2D16, the cost of the bus W =s mWed At) die cost i,,)f each irldividual's p",tyalent (,(,') t1teTc�i),vit. I)uring budget discussions kxr die 2015 budgct, it tv-gis diwussed that dis powdee vms sMqxmcd U) be happaing prior to 20 L5 but,�Nw not. 'T'he iridal increwse in 2015, %vorkedout to be $20 per dckct ort the bus trips, 2(Yl 6 saw an increase in the price of the tickets to tn�,.U-ly of the pLices that residents had, expressed interest in going, "I"his in,cht(les our annual. trip to sce tile! Radio City Christmas Stzow, 7,vhich was not i)o<)kcd becaum the tickets "vi,e f, I g,oing to c(�)st $13-5), dollars, twr ixrson. niat� toice is, a si6 increase frox-ri last star's (,-ost. Ifthie Tov%i-i,of VVIAGger goes back tx) si,Aiidizinn the cost.of"the 'bixi for tlw: recreation Ims trips aml die coo of that mqvYWhon rei'na -m the the To%vri ofr ge Wl)kdd be looking at a cum of$2JO0 (".ar lass for the tnulsportado,n. Sitice 2015 when the Town Ims nat been covedn,g the cost of the transp(�),ruidon, 1,56,r dit bus tips, every seat that is tntsold on the has ratans ti.ie 'n.,m%,,, (.A' Wtppingetw loses t1ie money for tite ticker, and d.,ic 11"the Toini mok fl,.Le c<-.,xst of the bus back oil, that would lower the cost that sofa lw persf,�ifl jxtins to go on tht nip byi"-()itg ,)-ily $20, 1 1)elieve Harr lo�vcrirq tlte t,,,,ost, �votild increase the rranqvx Oftickets salt to, g,) on the trips, becaase the 6ekets =Jd becwne more allbWabb. I believe dint this mll actitdly decTease, ,hc, R111OL-lut ofdw deficitcre;,tted by tlie bus trips, It 2017, 1 rc(o,niTrw�nd that; die nmm gn- back to coveritig die cost of the Im's to g(:) (")n ffit uip, �,,'Ind lil'I'lit the number,<.4"wip,s to mo, If 1his sWudon does not iniprove ific, fina,,nci.al the btis I W reexmrine the 1.irogran'i irtui 201 8. A discussion ensued regarding the legality of subsidizing bus trips that are open to town residents, not just senior citizens. Attorney Roberts said he would get to the board with an answer. Councilman Beale asked to have Director Fulton to look at what other towns are doing. 6. Facility Use Auditing -Recreation 2017 Director Fulton asked the board to look at the job description, eligability and hours for Field Auditor. Her memo follows: 2016 W�.IS dle Gr&L year that d.:Le booking of any WON Sk! (,.)Y- racility o6gin,ated in die, Recrealion Depiu�ulwm. Wis has lolpQd the Recreation Department and dieTout i monitor tvho Town of Wappinger Page 5 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 n,x is tisirig I lom'ovr, additlon;tl steps aresdil nceded to ensaire dint To),vn of NN"appinger flicilkies are being used Only u"Ith (lie TOI,Vrl's T,,)Crl'rlissio�r1 aural dlurt [)T-Opei" pa�uI'Iunu is remittcd,, Nlozv onsiw nlonitorunfffl is 111critcd to hclp die Ta ensulv propel" 1"Ise. (AIletids;rind Flxr the but1gcte;jr of 20I 7, 1 h,-o�,e proposed i"t line 6tled 1"ield "Nuditor to fulf"ift the 'I'Om"I of 'A,"'appioge"I's needi'Of additional monitorilig Oi our recreation fitrrlturc s. This rield atidiwr svou4l do random enforceraea( at o(AVal,�)pin*'r factilitics Ibr five hotus per starting in MI,,-trrh al cndiii,g ii.i, 'I'lle field O'Nutitor VV(-,)uld ha%v a Copy oNlic 5(,hedule of"use on file tlie Tolvn'' .ne.l %V"o�uld 1-andoinly check, to see ifthe schedule niatches up %vith what is,;Lcwl4,, lIra[])PCrI'6Ig fl-IC f'elxifltjes,JTW uln,tpu,ils ofthe position, be as f0flon's'-, l'ield Auditcr N,k',ork- Seaso)IT 32 pMvceks Wid !%-orch- '11,11-c),ugh the end of OctfAer) Ffours; .5 raruloriflx,)urs per Nveek thai kvill bo deternlined 'afier exanlining ScIlechile c&facilim,11se ol�, file in 1he Recreation Direct(")r'$� one lurrnrrun p4,r Niollivning,%illtakc place betixce n, 4 11 XII -uld 11 VNI N,Ionda-Friclay and betiveen die hi.,,b,urs of`7.'-�M a nn I I VVI on Sat-0-j-day S unday. pa)'r R,-tte:, $45)(Al K—season ,Job Duties- 0 Rc%iew facility rewals("in,file vvith Ow Re(xeadon Direa,(Avveeldy to detClrrrgtrr optux'wrn Il'oul6 ,S 1, 1,, Onsite a Re6evv and inve"tig-'ue V , rel"x"nis of tuaautltorizeu] 0 kVItil'o, o'n'511c, ensure drat;dlgauups wino, Tomat fikcilkics have FWxtnission to (k) so. 0 Invest irpme reports of tnistrc;tonent ol'To4,n.propony dufitig 1`,icfll r ty use, * Rejuort all findings fcthe Recrealion Director. Councilman Fenton asked for specific examples of field usage abuse. He asked if the Director of Recreation or Ralph Holt did this. He also asked about enforcement. Councilman Ciccarelli said that the intent was for each individual league would monitor their own program, but they are not. He added that a lot of organizations are using the facilities and control is haphazard. Councilman Fenton questioned the enforcement process. Councilman Beale warned that enforcement and auditing are very different. Councilman Ciccarelli pointed out that $31,399 were spent for electricity for the lights at Robinson lane alone in 2015 and he added that un- monitored lighting could be very costly. Councilman Beale questioned the role that town employees can have in enforcement in performing their duties. 7. Facility Use Fees -Recreation 2017 Director Fulton addresses the Field usage fees: Town of Wappinger Page 6 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 .A. Current Facilil�. Usay Forms.-'11w.sC, forins �u­ecurrerilly in u.w for Al renials of Town Facilides. Tlie3, are used no matter, what Ly pe of facility, whist day: il.1terx.led use is, and. w1w., .L a_nienities are use d. Also:,, our currenitfee structure allo,ws .for the' 'Use of a $2,517et", allows for d1t, (.LI XX urs t 01"Our fields. 'n,i,is has created aloojholy t]iat i'llakes it possible to rent our field froni davn until dusk. 'for au. $2.5 fl',,at I' B, Proposed Facility Use Fonai-These fori-ns present a, riew alodel for the rental of Town Facibuics (excluditwadiletic fields). "I'lic new model is a coxnj.xXS.-iLC of' th,c Procedures of seVeral different local, niunicipalities -m-id", Awa s made to fit the facilities, tliat. iive liave and what i5 avifflable at flioe properdes. "11ii,s fom-1 wa,", also nxia,ide u.) incorponae the, irlput and polides of aie fire as id zonIng dej.,)artrrier.its witowould ha,ve sort.ie julisdicl.ioti oer laxg(111, evclits, C. "Who Sips 011"- A giiidc lir internal use only, This explain"s M,iatfacwrs vrould 6A (lie involvernent of departmeno Mien event.s, wv lleldl all recreation roport ies. 11 proposed Field Use Forni-A forni amat is, for the renuil, of addetic fields only. The p"I(Ing ttlodel 11,.as t<.-) ref ea dtat t1ke $25 1`ee covers a 3 Liour tiirlc�° block, only. The board questioned the length of a day and the ability for people to casually use the fields that are not part of an organization. The fees and rules are attached as "Communications" in the Full and Board minutes. Councilman Fenton questioned enforcement. Director Fulton said she was the approving authority. Councilman Fenton suggested in looking at other towns policies and procedures for comparison. A workshop was suggested for January to start from scratch on the procedure process. 8. Registration and Financial Management software -Recreation 2017 Director Fulton asked for approval for recreation software. Councilman Beale asked to see a representative from the company to come in and describe the software. Director Fulton promised to ask the vendor to come and present this product at no cost. VIII. Resolutions RESOLUTION: 2016-301 Resolution Ratifying A Memorandum Of Agreement For A Successor Collective Bargaining Agreement Between The Town Of Wappinger And CSEA Local 1000 On Behalf Of The Town Highway Employees WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger ("the Town") is party to a Collective Bargaining Agreement with CSEA Local 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO ("CSEA") on behalf of the Town of Wappinger Highway Employees Unit; and WHEREAS, the Collective Bargaining Agreement expired on December 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, following collective negotiations between the Town and CSEA, the respective negotiating teams have agreed upon a Memorandum of Agreement, in the form attached to this Resolution, for a successor Collective Bargaining Agreement ("CBA") to that which expired on December 31, 2015. Town of Wappinger Page 7 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger ratifies the Memorandum of Agreement that is attached to this Resolution and authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute the Memorandum of Agreement on behalf of the Town of Wappinger, as well as the successor CBA that incorporates the terms of the Memorandum. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-301 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DefeatedWilliam H.Beale Voter. Q ❑ ❑ ❑ 111 .................... ....... ......... ....... ........ ....... ..... ...... .. ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ .. Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York December 12, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2016-302 Resolution of the Town Board regarding State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination of Non-Significance for the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority's (DCWWA) Central Dutchess Water Transmission Line (CDWTL) Extension to the Dutchess Airport WHEREAS,the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority (DCWWA), on behalf of the County of Dutchess, as part of a project to provide municipal water to the Dutchess County Airport, intends to construct a waterline along Airport Drive and Route 376 in the Town of Wappinger to the Dutchess County Airport, which is in the vicinity of the intersection of Route 376 and Griffith Way; and WHEREAS,the Town of Wappinger owns fee title to Airport Drive which intersects Route 376 in the Town of Wappinger; and WHEREAS, DCWWA had conducted an environmental review of the proposed project, prepared a Full Environmental Assessment Form (Full EAF), Part 1 dated December 15, 2014 and Parts 2 and 3 dated December 29, 2014; and the Dutchess County Legislature issued a Negative Declaration of Significance on January 22, 2015 for the project; and WHEREAS,New York State Highway Law § 149 requires the County to obtain permission from the Town Highway Superintendent, with consent of the Town Board, to run the waterline under and through Airport Drive; and WHEREAS, County Law § 263 requires the County to obtain consent from the Highway Superintendent and the Town Board; and WHEREAS,the Highway Superintendent is listed as an Involved Agency in the SEQRA review conducted by DCWWA, along with the Town of Wappinger Planning Board, however the Town Board was included as an Interested Agency; and WHEREAS,for reasons that are unclear, DCWWA has failed to submit an EAF to the Town so that the Town Board could conduct its own review as an Involved Agency as per the SEQRA Regulations, Section 617.2 (s) and 617.6; and Town of Wappinger Page 8 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 WHEREAS,the Town Board is desirous of granting the required consent to the Highway Superintendent to authorize the construction and installation of the water main under Airport Drive; and WHEREAS,the Town Board wishes to fulfill its obligations under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act; and WHEREAS,the Town Board has reviewed the information in the Full EAF prepared by DCWWA as part of the Town's own review of this project; and WHEREAS, circumstances have not changed since the EAF and Negative Declaration have been adopted by Dutchess County Legislature on January 22, 2015; and WHEREAS,the Town Board, after reviewing the EAF and the Negative Declaration prepared by DCWWA, hereby intends to adopt its own Negative Declaration (Determination of Non-Significance) as a predicate to granting consent to the Town of Wappinger Highway Superintendent to permit the construction of a waterline by DCWWA, under and through Airport Drive by DCWWA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town Board hereby determines that its approval under New York State Highway Law § 149 is subject to SEQR; that it is a Type 1 Action; and establishes itself as Lead Agency for review of the action pursuant to the SEQRA regulations. 3. The Town Board was not named as an involved agency in the prior review of the Action by DCWWA. 4. The Town Board hereby determines that coordinated review of the other aspects of the Action have been investigated by DCWWA and that there are no involved or interested agencies regarding the Town Board approval under NY Highway Law 149.The Town Board hereby determines that the Action may involve a Federal agency as per the DCWWA Full EAF Part 1 item B.h. 5. The Town Board hereby finds and determines that: a) it has considered the Action, reviewed all parts of the Full EAF, as prepared by Dutchess County; reviewed the criteria set forth in 6 NYCRR section 617.7(c), thoroughly analyzed the relevant areas of potential environmental concern, and has duly considered all of the potential project environmental impacts and their magnitude in connection with the proposed action; b) The DCWWA's Central Dutchess Water Transmission Line extension to the Dutchess Airport will not result in any large and important environmental impacts, and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment; and c) the reasons supporting this determination are set forth on the attached Full EAF Part 3 with respect to this project (a copy of which said form is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger). 6. The Town Board, as a Lead Agency with reference to the above-described project, hereby: a) adopts a negative declaration pursuant to 6 NYCRR section 617.7 with respect to the project, b) authorizes the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger to sign a negative declaration determination of non-significance with respect to the project, C) directs the Town Clerk to circulate a copy to involved agencies; and to publish a notice in the Environmental notices bulletin (ENB); and Town of Wappinger Page 9 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 d) directs the Town Clerk to file a copy of said negative declaration determination of non-significance in the records of the Town. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-302 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated Willia .m HBeale Mover Q,, ,,,,,,, ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tabled William Ciccarell1 Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ......... ....... ........ ................ ....... ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Voter Q ❑ 0 0 .­,""I'll".......... Michael Kuzmicz Seconder Q 0 0 ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York December 12, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2016-303 Resolution Authorizing Installation Of Water Main By DCWWA Within Boundary Of Airport Drive Pursuant To Highway Law §149 WHEREAS,the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority (DCWWA), on behalf of the County of Dutchess, as part of a project to provide municipal water to the Dutchess County Airport, intends to construct a waterline from the Central Dutchess Water Transmission Line through Airport Drive in the Town of Wappinger to the Dutchess County Airport; and WHEREAS,the Town of Wappinger owns fee title to Airport Drive in the Town of Wappinger; and WHEREAS, DCWWA had conducted an environmental review of the proposed project, prepared a Full EAF and the Dutchess County Legislature adopted a Negative Declaration of Significance on January 22, 2015 for the project and the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger issued a Negative Declaration for its approval under Highway Law § 149 which was not contemplated during the initial SEQR review by the DCWWA; and WHEREAS,New York State Highway Law § 149 and County Law § 263 require the County to obtain permission from the Town Highway Superintendent and the Town Board to run the waterline under and through Airport Drive; and WHEREAS,the DCWWA has requested permission to install and maintain water mains under Airport Drive in the Town of Wappinger as required by law; and WHEREAS,the Town Superintendent of Highways has consented to the installation and maintenance of water mains within the dedicated boundaries of Airport Drive; and WHEREAS,the Town Board adopted a Negative Declaration for this action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The Town of Wappinger Town Board hereby authorizes DCWWA pursuant to Highway Law §149 to install and maintain a water main within the boundaries of Airport Drive, subject to the condition that such pipes and hydrants or crossings shall be so laid, set or constructed as not to interrupt or interfere with public travel upon the highway, and upon the further condition that the applicant will replace the earth removed and leave the highway in all Town of Wappinger Page 10 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 respects in as good condition as before the laying of said pipes, or construction of such crossings, and that such applicant will keep such pipes and hydrants or crossing in repair and save the town harmless from all damages which may accrue by reason of their location in the highway, and that upon notice by the town superintendent the applicant will make the repairs required for the protection or preservation of the highway. 3. Installation and maintenance of the water main shall be in accordance with the other terms and conditions of Highway Law § 149. 4. The permit of the town superintendent, with the consent of the town board or county superintendent, and the acceptance of the applicant, shall be executed in duplicate, one of which shall be filed in the office of the town clerk and the other in the office of the county superintendent. 5. The Town Supervisor or the Town Highway Superintendent is hereby directed to sign the permit and any other documents to evidence the consent of the Town Board. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-303 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H.Beale Mover Q,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ❑ ❑ ❑ ............ ...... ....... ......... ....... .. .. ....... ....... ....... ..... ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ....................„. .................. ................. ....... ........ ................ ....... ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Voter Q ❑ 0 0 Michael Kuzmicz Seconder Q 0 0 ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York December 12, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. IX. Town Board Review of Vouchers RESOLUTION: 2016-304 Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Board -BBB The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth: Claim Packet: 2016-BB Vendor A B DB T92 HWF (General (General (Highway (Planning (Filtration Town Part Fund) Escrows) of Atlas wide) Town) & Hilltop) Camo 25.00 Camo 25.00 Central Hudson 51.06 Town of Wappinger Page 11 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 Home Depot 30.97 Home Depot 62.82 Home Depot 12.62 MVP Gold H/I 3,466.10 Premium MVP H/I Premium 13,528.74 3,807.85 18,372.19 Lori Jiava Reimburse 94.99 Bottoni Fuel 561.86 Econolight 639.96 Econolight 6,927.18 First Unim Life Ins 243.12 162.08 60.78 Davies Hardware 59.98 Celia Sigalow 140.00 Interpretor Justice Court Fund 24,610.75 Staples Staples 34.25 Staples 286.81 Sterling Pump Co 3,494.00 Amity Auto Works 265.00 Chase Visa 45.20 Economy Movers 540.00 Cornerstone 794.47 39.84 Morris Assoc 196.00 Morris Assoc 357.50 Morris Assoc Morris Assoc 1,727.00 Morris Assoc 143.00 Morris Assoc 6,942.48 3,392.21 3,234.95 4,169.00 Morris Assoc 214.50 Amazon 52.87 Amazon 131.80 Auto Zone 197.13 Auto Zone 57.12 195.69 Inter City Tire 257.80 Sarjo Ind 58.11 Total $62,842.58 $7,587.49 $22,472.71 $6,611.00 $196.00 Town of Wappinger Page 12 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 Vendor HMR (Water HWN T99 (TB T96 WT Meter (Wappinger Escrows) (Road (Tall Replacment) Water Inspection) Trees Mian) Water) Camo Camo Central Hudson Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot MVP Gold H/I Premium MVP H/I Premium Lori Jiava Reimburse Bottoni Fuel Econolight Econolight First Unim Life Ins Davies Hardware Celia Sigalow Interpretor Justice Court Fund Staples Staples Staples Sterling Pump Co Amity Auto Works Chase Visa Economy Movers Cornerstone Morris Assoc 2,745.80 Morris Assoc Morris Assoc 5,951.26 Morris Assoc 214.50 Morris Assoc Morris Assoc 2,537.60 1,144.00 Morris Assoc Amazon Amazon Auto Zone Auto Zone Inter City Tire Sarjo Ind Town of Wappinger Page 13 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 Total $2,745.80F$5,951.26 $214.50 1 $2,537.60 $1,144.00 Vendor HMR (Water WU SM SU SW Meter (Wapp (Midpoint (Wapp (Watchil Replacment) United Sewer) United I Sewer) Water) Sewer) Camo Camo Central Hudson Home Depot Home Depot Home Depot MVP Gold H/I Premium MVP H/I Premium Lori Jiava Reimburse Bottoni Fuel Econolight Econolight First Unim Life Ins Davies Hardware Celia Sigalow Interpretor Justice Court Fund Staples 20.33 20.33 Staples Staples Sterling Pump Co Amity Auto Works Chase Visa Economy Movers Cornerstone Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc Morris Assoc 870.00 Morris Assoc Morris Assoc 1,829.96 2,518.50 2,377.44 Morris Assoc Town of Wappinger Page 14 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 Amazon Amazon Auto Zone Auto Zone Inter City Tire Sarjo Ind Total $1,850.29 $2,518.50 $2,397.77 $870.00 $119,939.50 Vendor HMR (Water WU Paid Town Board Hold Meter (Wapp Replacment) United Water) Camo 25.00 Camo 25.00 Central Hudson 51.06 Home Depot 30.97 Home Depot 62.82 Home Depot 12.62 MVP Gold H/I 3,466.10 Premium MVP H/I Premium 35,708.78 Lori Jiava Reimburse 94.99 Bottoni Fuel 561.86 Econolight 639.96 Econolight 6,927.18 First Unim Life Ins 465.98 Davies Hardware 59.98 Celia Sigalow 140.00 Interpretor Justice Court Fund 24,610.75 Staples 40.66 Staples 34.25 Staples 286.81 Sterling Pump Co 3,494.00 Amity Auto Works 265.00 Chase Visa 45.20 Economy Movers 540.00 Cornerstone 834.31 Morris Assoc 2,941.80 Morris Assoc 357.50 Morris Assoc 5,951.26 Town of Wappinger Page 15 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 Morris Assoc 2,811.50 Morris Assoc 143.00 Morris Assoc 28,146.14 Morris Assoc 214.50 Amazon 52.87 Amazon 131.80 Auto Zone 197.13 Auto Zone 252.81 Inter City Tire 257.80 Sarjo Ind 58.11 Total $0.00 $119,582.00 $357.50 $119,939.50 I,Joseph P. Paoloni,Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting December 12, 2016, and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-304 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ DefeatedWilliam H.Beale Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ........ ...... ....... ....I.... ....... .. .. ....... ....... ....... ..... ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton S11 econder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ... .. Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York December 12, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. RESOLUTION: 2016-305 Resolution Authorizing Abstract of Claim and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Board-CCC The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth: Claim Packet: 2016-CCC Vendor I A LB 1 DB 1 T92 T96 (Road Town of Wappinger Page 16 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 (General (General (Highway (Planning Inspection) Town Part Fund) Escrows) wide) Town) Camo Camo Poughkeepsie 625.15 Journal NYCOMCO 98.00 Southern Dut News 91.42 Southern Dut News 664.17 James Baisley Tree 775.00 Bottini Fuel 4,626.10 Pine Bush Equip 107.84 Econolight 431.98 C. Hurray, DC Clerk 60.00 Mike Sheehan 400.00 Reimb Frederick Clark 3,254.00 Frederick Clark 1,161.00 Frederick Clark 180.00 Frederick Clark 1,069.50 Baright Enterp 7.00 42.00 CSEA H/W Opt/Den 3,539.47 Superior Signs 95.00 Tech Air 265.23 Hillman Signs 53.00 Tilcon 510.66 Tilcon 772.81 Tilcon 780.98 Dan Barry 400.00 Reimburse Staples 399.66 Dave Varco 20.00 Remiburse Wells Fargo 336.76 John Karge 179.97 Reimburse TI Sales Water Meters R. Costa Electric 449.55 Stormwater 600.00 Stormwater 500.00 Town of Wappinger Page 17 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 Stormwater 25.00 Stormwater 700.00 Verizon Wireless 513.22 420.94 Amazon 19.53 Amazon 344.95 Hannaford 6.78 Inter City Tire 257.80 Joe Johnson Equip 334.04 Healey Chevrolet 31.20 Craig Chatlos 164.44 Total $2,844.40 $1,941.68 $9,499.10 $10,328.97 $700.00 Vendor WF WH WT WU SF (Fleetwood (Watchill (Tall (Wapp (Fleetwood Water) Water) Trees United Sewer) Water) Water) Camo 2,362.50 1,708.33 86,166.67 3,179.17 Camo 8,391.67 Poughkeepsie Journal NYCOMCO Southern Dut News Southern Dut News James Baisley Tree Bottini Fuel Pine Bush Equip Econolight C. Hurray, DC Clerk Mike Sheehan Reimb Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Baright Enterp CSEA H/W Opt/Den Superior Signs Tech Air Hillman Signs Town of Wappinger Page 18 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 Tilcon Tilcon Tilcon Dan Barry Reimburse Staples Dave Varco Remiburse Wells Fargo John Karge Reimburse TI Sales Water 1,371.00 Meters R. Costa Electric Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Verizon Wireless Amazon Amazon Hannaford Inter City Tire Joe Johnson Equip Healey Chevrolet Craig Chatlos Total $2,362.50 $1,708.33 $3,179.17 $87,537.67 $8,391.67 Vendor SF SM SU (Wapp SW Paid (Fleetwood (Midpoint United (Watchill Sewer) Sewer) Sewer) Sewer) Camo Camo 8,391.67 10,000.00 58,166.67 13,500.00 Poughkeepsie Journal NYCOMCO Southern Dut News Southern Dut News James Baisley Tree Bottini Fuel Pine Bush Equip Econolight Town of Wappinger Page 19 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 C. Hurray, DC Clerk Mike Sheehan Reimb Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Frederick Clark Baright Enterp CSEA H/W Opt/Den Superior Signs Tech Air Hillman Signs Tilcon Tilcon Tilcon Dan Barry Reimburse Staples Dave Varco Remiburse Wells Fargo John Karge Reimburse TI Sales Water Meters R. Costa Electric Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Stormwater Verizon Wireless Amazon Amazon Hannaford Inter City Tire Joe Johnson Equip Healey Chevrolet Craig Chatlos Total $8,391.67 $10,000.00 $58,166.67 $13,500.00 $0.00 $210,160.16 Vendor Town Board Hold Camo 93,416.67 Town of Wappinger Page 20 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 Camo 90,058.34 Poughkeepsie 625.15 Journal NYCOMCO 98.00 Southern Dut News 91.42 Southern Dut News 664.17 James Baisley Tree 775.00 Bottini Fuel 4,626.10 Pine Bush Equip 107.84 Econolight 431.98 C. Hurray, DC Clerk 60.00 Mike Sheehan 400.00 Reimb Frederick Clark 3,254.00 Frederick Clark 1,161.00 Frederick Clark 180.00 Frederick Clark 1,069.50 Baright Enterp 49.00 CSEA H/W Opt/Den 3,539.47 Superior Signs 95.00 Tech Air 265.23 Hillman Signs 53.00 Tilcon 510.66 Tilcon 772.81 Tilcon 780.98 Dan Barry 400.00 Reimburse Staples 399.66 Dave Varco 20.00 Remiburse Wells Fargo 336.76 John Karge 179.97 Reimburse TI Sales Water 1,371.00 Meters R. Costa Electric 449.55 Stormwater 600.00 Stormwater 500.00 Stormwater 25.00 Stormwater 700.00 Verizon Wireless 934.16 Amazon 19.53 Amazon 344.95 Hannaford 6.78 Inter City Tire 257.80 Joe Johnson Equip 334.04 Town of Wappinger Page 21 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 Healey Chevrolet 31.20 Craig Chatlos 164.44 Total $207,749.66 $2,410.50 $210,160.16 I,Joseph P. Paoloni,Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that the vouchers listed above were audited by a majority of the Town Board at the public meeting December 12, 2016, and allowed to the claimants the amount opposite his/her name. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to submit such claims to the Accounting Department for payment. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-305 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H.Beale ...................Voter... Q.........,.... ..❑..... ❑........,... ..❑......., ..... ..... ....... ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York December 12, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. X. Items for Special Consideration/New Business 1. Motion To: Approve Bid For Lighting at the Emergency Service Building Parking Lot Steve Frazier asked the town board to put the lights at the Emergency Services Building on total light control. He submitted two estimates and asked for approval to accept the R. Costa bid of $1,950 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William H. Beale, Councilman SECONDER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 2. Motion To: Re-Schedule the Regular Town Board Meeting to December 21st, 2016 Town of Wappinger Page 22 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William H. Beale, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 3. 3rd Stop Sign at Davies Drive Supervisor Jiava said she would remind the Highway Superintendent to place the third stop sign at Davies Drive. XI. Executive Session 1. Motion To: Enter Executive Session ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz 2. Motion To: Return From Executive Session ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ciccarelli, Councilman SECONDER: John J. Fenton, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz XII. Post Executive Session Resolution The agenda was not amended by town board vote to add this resolution to the agenda. RESOLUTION: 2016-306 Resolution Appointing Assistant Receiver of Taxes WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has previously created the position of temporary part-time Assistant Receiver of Taxes; and WHEREAS, such position has been funded under budget line A1330.102; and WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to fill the position of temporary part-time Assistant Receiver of Taxes on a temporary basis; and WHEREAS, the Town Board is satisfied that Patricia Maupin is qualified for the position of Assistant Receiver of Taxes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board appoints Patricia Maupin to the position of temporary part-time Assistant Receiver of Taxes at the pay rate of $25.00 per hour; and Town of Wappinger Page 23 Printed 1211412016 Regular Meeting Minutes December 12, 2016 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this appointment shall be on a temporary basis, not to exceed ninety (90) days; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Ms. Maupin's employment shall be subject to all policies, terms and conditions set forth in the Town of Wappinger Employee Handbook; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor, or her designee, is authorized to complete and file with the Dutchess County Department of Human Resources all paperwork required by that office in connection with this appointment. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: ✓Vote Record-Resolution RES-2016-306 Q Adopted Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ❑ Adopted as Amended Lori A.Jiava „Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Defeated William H.Beale Voter... Q.............. ❑ ... ❑.......,... ..❑....... .......... ...... ....... ......... ....... .. .. ....... ....... ....... ..... ❑ Tabled William Ciccarelli Mover Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Withdrawn John J.Fenton Seconder Q ❑ ❑ ❑ .. Michael Kuzmicz Voter Q ❑ ❑ ❑ Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York December 12, 2016 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. XIII. Adjournment Motion To: Wappinger Adjournment& Signature The meeting adjourned at 9:48 PM. Joseph P. Paoloni Town Clerk ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........... RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: William H. Beale, Councilman AYES: Jiava, Beale, Ciccarelli, Fenton, Kuzmicz Town of Wappinger Page 24 Printed 1211412016 � (.C) mm (D (D (DCfl (D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N N N N N N N N r r r r r r T T C N N N N N N N N y r r r T T T T T cn Q N co O E O N C N J CL E Q E N O > > LL "a O O Z m W Z . 4- O N L O O .0 0 m U 0 - + +� +-- Q.) O N � o O O > W �._ Z o � c � N � `4 N 4- m J (0 L N 0 0) U V `o Q O C O O u f\ ry cm 0 Z Z -0 J a o O c n (0C O v (0 p� O) 0 O O (n m Q J J U (n � � ® Cfl m CO O (0 -0710 CO CL T T T T T T T T p�0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \�1 N N N C0 N N N N d N 0 ` \ N 0`0 O N N +-' Q Q CQ C N N N N CD Q T T T T T T T T CD T T T T O CO CO Co Cfl 0 CO 0 0 e T T T T T T T T J d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N CD M m O ti 00 00 N w N\ N N N T N N N W N N co T T T T T T T T T T T T T T �p� U V cu (0 LLC r 0 C Q O" m C� E 0) +- V� U. .0 ci c c N ^+ U. o W C D N } C U U Le o N zY L. 00 `= a) c Y � J O I _ O N LL ` C O U75 7 L 0 M cA 0 U Q (L U -J 2 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mmmmmmmm 0 0 I0F0 - t0 - f0 - I0F0 - d r N M 'I LO CO Il- CO m CD O O o 0 0 o 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = N N CV N N N N N Z , � frrPacket Pg. 25 N N N N N N N N r T T T T T r T 5.1.a dolt la ia - Building Inspector Report - Susan Dao BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT Date: November 23, 2016 Update since August 1, 2016 1/1/16 to 5/31/16 6/1/16 to 8/1/16 8/2/16 to 11/22/16 Total Building Permits applications received: 368 119 328 (Well test and Occupational 1203's are processed as permits only and are not given application numbers) Total Building Permits issued: 498 84 385 0 Total (CO, CC, CNI's) issued: 132 27 376 Total CO Searches received: 141 89 113 0 CL Total Expired Permits from 1-1-1960 to 5-31-2016: 1135 1110 1099 0 Total OTR's issued: 14 59 31 Total Expired Permits OTR's issued: 66 3 2 e Total complaints received and found: 20 75 35 CMe LLJ Building Dept. recieves&processes applications for Fire&Zoning, however Fire&Zoning issues the permits. CM Excel sheets with details are availble of the following: Building Permits applications received CM Building Permits issued (CO,CC, CNI's)issued CM Expired Permits from 8-2-2016 to 11-22-2016 CO Searches received Break down of numbers by inspector and types of building permits available if required MCD "OV 282010 TOWN OF WApF T('WN CLEk Packet Pg. 26 • 5.1.a U yl � HEIDI SEELSACI-I COMMISSIONER MARCUS.1.-MOLINARO COUNTY EXECUTIVE ERIC A-.ELSEN DIRECTOR COUNTY OF DUTCHESs DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REAL PROPERTY TAY.SERVICES DIVISION CERTIFICATION OF THE DUTCHESS COUNTY DIRECTOR TAX LOF REAL PROPERTY TAX AW § 503(7) HAS BEEN PAID.THAT A FEE AUTHORIZED BY REAL PROP The Dutchess County Legislature enacted Resolution No. 336 on September 11, 1991 authorizing fees as set forth in RPTL§ 503(7). 1 have reviewed the attached document and collected a fee as set forth below: ( ) No fee or tax certification required since document does not necessitate a change upon a tax map. 0 ( ) No fee required since document affects boundaries which do not pertain to RPTL§ 503(7). j ( ) One through three lot subdivision map Original - $25 ( One through three lot subdivision map Alteration $25 a� ( J) One through three lot subdivision map Abandonment - $25 ( ) Condominium map - $25 One through three lot ( ) Four through nine lot subdivision map Original - $50 ( ) Fourth nine lot subdivision map Alteration - $50 ° Four through nine lot subdivision map Abandonment - $50 ( ) h nine lot Condominium map - $50 Four through - ( ) _ m _ { ( ) co Ten or more lot subdivision map Original _ $100• M��L�� v �D ( ) Tenor more lot subdivision map Alteration ( ) Ten or more lot subdivision map Abandonment - $100 ( - ) Ten or more lot Condominium map - $100 NOV 2 9 2016 Map reference is as followTOWN OF WAPPINCER TOWN CLERK NAME OF MAP j DATE OF MAP REVISION DATE TOWNS n� This certificate approves the document with respect to compliance with RPTL§ 503(7) or boundary lines. No other approval as to completeness, legality, compliance with any local or state statutes or regulations or any other approval or requirements for processing by this department,shall be deemed satisfied by this certificate. DATE FILED MAP# Eric Axelsen, Director Real Property Tax Services Division 22 Market Street, Poughkeepsie,New York 12601•(845)486-2140 Fax(845)486-2093 Packet Pg. 27 www.dutchessny.gov . 5.1.a ABANDONMENT OF SUBDIVISION(RPTL§560) (Owner Name(s)) As Current Owner(s) of record of parcels described on Subdivision Map S0 I 1 (Name of Map Filed in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office as Map Number. _on / f9 / Hereby certify that more than five (5)years have elapsed since the filling of said map and hereby disclaim and abandon either he entire Subdivision or the following Parcels as shown on said map on this day of 1 i c I i io (Date): 0 CL LOT# TAX MAP ID NUMBER. 0 cm Uj° f cm cm cmcm e (Use Additional Sheets as Required) All Tax liens due on these parcels are paid in full as evidenced by Certificates and Receipts (attached) of the Dutchess County Commissioner of Finance;Local tax collector or City Tax subdivision exists. The County Director of Real Property Tax Collection Authority in which this Services has issued a Certificate stating fees in accordance with§503 of the Real Property Tax Law have been paid. SIGNED l N( TARY Martin A Noble JR Notary Public State of New York NO-0106090687 Qualified In Dutchess County Commission Expires April 21, - 77 t • I _,� ki:\oeueral.o�iceuse'Abando+seatI-o n.doe res oiol?.1?'r Packet fig. 2i E 5.1.a SQ MARCUS J. MOLINARO 7 + # HEIDI SEELBACH COUNTY EXECUTIVE A r COMMISSIONER 4 -! �L COUNTY OF DUTCHESS DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMMISSIONER'S CERTIFICATION AS TO TAXES STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) 0 I, HEIDI SEELBACH" Commissioner of Finance of the County of Dutchess, State of New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that, as such official to be made this day and find no unpaid tax affecting the property known and described as: 0 CL Grid Number(s): 1) 135689-6256-01-111809-0000 2) 135689-6256-01-114830-0000 3) 135689-6256-01-124850-0000 e Assessed Name: 1-3) Battistoni Elizabeth H cmM co Uj Property Location: 1-3) Tow Path cm cme cm e As listed in the Levy of 2015 tax roll, in the Town of Wappinger Except as follows: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name at Poughkeepsie, New York on this 23rd day November, 2016. Commissioner of Hance f Packet Pg. 29 f 22 Market Street,Poughkeepsie,New York 12601-3294•(845)486-2025 Fax•(845)486-2198 I www.dutchescnv.anv 5.1.a collo la 1� - �a LEGAL NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION OF THE CHELSEA FIRE DISTRICT On December 13,2016 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual election of the Chelsea Fire District will take place on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 during the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at a the Fire District Headquarters located at 15 Liberty Street, Chelsea,NY, for the purpose of electing one Commissioner for a five (5) year term, commencing January lst, 2017 and end on December 31St, 2021 and one District Treasurer for a three (3) year term, commencing January 1st, 2017 and end on December 31St, 2019. All voters registered with the Dutchess County Board of Elections on or before November 21, 2016 shall be eligible to vote. Candidates for District Office must be residents of the Chelsea Fire District and shall file their letter of intent with the Secretary of the Chelsea Fire District at the Chelsea Fire District Headquarters, 15 Liberty Street, P.O. Box 128, Chelsea New York 12512 no later CM than November 23, 2016. co Uj CM Date: November 8, 2016 CMe Yvonne M. Tompkins, Secretary CM.. Chelsea Fire District [fffE10 NOV 2 9 2016 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg. 30 5.1.a X10/ (0/0 l - LEGAL NOTICE Please take notice that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Wapppingers Falls will hold a public hearing on the request of GNS Group,Ltd. 97 N. Clinton Street,Poughkeepsie,NY representing Wappingers K Holding Pad,LLC,444 South Fulton Ave.,Mt.Vernon,NY seeking two area variances to be able to have a Multi-Tenant sign larger then allowed by code. Section 151-25(J)(3) states square foot of sign can only be 36 sq. ft. and applicant is requesting 75 sq. ft. and Section 151-25(K)(2)(d)(3)which states no multitenant sign or its support shall exceed a height of 15 ft. and applicant is requesting 17'6"in height at 1655 Route 9 (Bank Plaza). Property is located in a CMU(Commercial Mixed Use)District and is identified on the tax map as 6158-14-499381-0000. e Said hearing will be held on Tuesday,December 6, 2016, 7:30 p.m.,American Legion Hall, 7 cmM co Spring Street at which time all interested persons will have an opportunity to be heard. S cm cme e SIGNED: Allen Firstenberg, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals cm DATED: November 17,2016 Village of Wappingers Falls,NY NO.: 2016-006 11-DI�C�Ca�L�D NOV 3 0 2016 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg. 31 5.1.a Paul Freno 196 Smithtown Road,Fishkill, New York 12524 (845)494-9222 November 28,2016 Lori Jiava, Supervisor William Beale,Councilman Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman William Ciccarelli, Councilman John Fenton,Councilman 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Re: Town of Wappinger Planning Board Dear Town Board, By this Letter of Intent I am expressing my interest in an appointment to the Planning Board. I have lived in the Town of Wappinger for the past 17 years,in the area for the past 46 years. I am a small business owner and involved in our community. I would like to further thatcm involvement with the opportunity to use my skills and knowledge to assist in the future planning co Ui of our town. cm Thank you for your consideration. cm e Very truly yours, cm Paul Freno DEC'0.1 2016 TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg. 32 �V/6/1a I/'q- OOPED rev 1/22/16 OFFICE USE ONLY O Original O Amended Date 49 r EWYORK I State Liquor Standardized NOTICE FORM for Providing 30-Day Advanced Notice to a STATE OF _. d9AP'Q12'TYfkY"C'f. Authority Local Municipality or CommunityBoard (Page 1 of 2) 1. Date Notice Was Sent: Nov 28,2016771 1 a.Delivered by: Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 2. Select the type of Application that will be filed with the Authority for an On-Premises Alcoholic Beverage License 0 New Application ❑ Renewal ❑ Alteration ❑ Corporate Change ❑ Removal ❑Class Change For New applicants,answer each question below using all information known to date. For Renewal applicants,set forth your approved Method of Operation only. For Alteration applicants,attach a complete written description and diagrams depicting the proposed alteration(s). For Corporate Change applicants,attach a list of the current and proposed corporate principals. For Removal applicants,attach a statement of your current and proposed addresses with the reason(s)for the relocation. For Class Change applicants,attach a statement detailing your current license type and your proposed license type. 0 This 30-Day Advance Notice is Being Provided to the Clerk of the following Local Municipality or Community Board 3. Name of Municipality or Community Board:WAPPINGERS FALLS TOWN HALL CLERK'S OFFICE Applicant/Licensee Information CL sn 4. License Serial Number,if Applicable: PENDING Expiration Date,if Applicable: PENDING 0 5. Applicant or Licensee Name: CHOPSTICKS NY INC 6. Trade Name(if any): N/A 7. Street Address of Establishment: I I 1659 ROUTE 9 coe 8. City,Town or Village: WAPPINGERS FALLS I NY Zip Code:12590 LLJ 9. Business Telephone Number of Applicant/Licensee: 1(845)297-1188 e 10. Business Fax Number of Applicant/Licensee: N/A 11. Business E-mail of Applicant/Licensee: ABCLICENSE@GMAIL.COM 12. Type(s)of Alcohol sold or to be sold: ❑Beer&Cider ❑ Wine,Beer&Cider ❑X Liquor,Wine,Beer&Cider 13. Extent of Food Service: ❑x Full food menu; ❑ Menu meets legal minimum food availability requirements; Full Kitchen run by a.chef or cook. Food.prep area at minimum 14. Type of Establishment: RESTAURANT 15. Method of Operation: ❑ Seasonal Establishment ❑ Juke Box ❑ Disc Jockey ❑ Recorded Music ❑ Karaoke (Check all that apply) ❑ Live Music(Give details:i.e.rock bands,acoustic,jazz,etc.): ❑ Patron Dancing ❑ Employee Dancing ❑ Exotic Dancing ❑ Topless Entertainment ❑ Video/Arcade Games ❑ Third Party Promoters ❑ Security Personnel ❑X Other(specify): RESTAURANT 16. Licensed Outdoor Area: ❑X None ❑ Patio or Deck ❑ Rooftop ❑ Garden/Grounds ❑ Freestanding Covered Structure (Check all that apply) ❑ Sidewalk Cafe ❑ Other(specify): Rod CCI 10 DEC 0-12016 Packet Pg. 33 'OWN OF VvArrhmucm 5.1.a rev 1/22/16 OFFICE USE ONLY O Original O Amended Date r>EWYORK State Liquor Standardized NOTICE FORM for Providing 30-Day Advanced Notice to a STATE OF oa oarura�rt authority Local Municipality or Community By oard (Page 2 of 2) 17. List the floor(s)of the building that the establishment is located on: 1 ST FLOOR 18. List the room number(s)the establishment is located in within the N/A building,if appropriate: 19. Is the premises located within 500 feet of three or more on-premises liquor establishments? DYes (�)No 20. Will the license holder or a manager be physically present within the establishment during all hours of operation? Yes 0 No 21. If this is a transfer application(an existing licensed business is being purchased)provide the name and serial number of the licensee. N/A 22. Does the applicant or licensee own the building in which the establishment is located? Q Yes(If Yes SKIP 23-26) No Owner of the Building in Which the Licensed Establishment is Located s� 23. Building Owner's Full Name: 24. Building Owner's Street Address: 25. City,Town or Village: State: Zip Code:1 26. Business Telephone Number of Building Owner: LLJ Representative or Attorney representing the Applicant in Connection with the W application for a license to traffic in alcohol at the establishment identified in this notice e 27. Representative/Attorney's Full Name: ABC LICENSE-SAM PARK 28. Street Address: 35-23 FARRINGTON ST,2ND FL 29. City,Town or Village: FLUSHING State: NY Zip Code:11354 30. Business Telephone Number of Representative/Attorney: (718)939-1400 31. Business Email Address: ABCLICENSE@GMAIL.COM I am the applicant or hold the license or am a principal of the legal entity that holds or is applying for the license. Representations in this form are in conformity with representations made in submitted documents relied upon by the Authority when granting the license. I understand that representations made in this form will also be relied upon,and that false representations may result in disapproval of the application or revocation of the license. By my signature,I affirm-under Penalty of Perjury-that the representations made in this form are true. 32.Printed Name: LIZHU CAI Title PRESIDENT Signature: X LIZHU CAI Packet Pg. 34 _ NOVEMBER 2016 pl VI 1 , 5.1.a MONTHLY REALTY TAX REPORT A B C D E F G H 2 RECEIVER OF TAXES 3 4 Beginning Balance $ 30,386.65 5 November Receipts $ - 6 Interest $ 1.28 7 M isc. $ - 8 Disbursements $ (30,386.65) 9 Int. Disbursement $ (1.28) check no. 1695 10 Misc. 1 $ - 11 Ending Balance $ (0.00) 12 13 14 Submitted by: 15 16 0 17 Lee Anne Freno, Receiver of Taxes sCL L 0 e co DECO 2 2016 cm e TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg. 35 5.1.a NOVEMBER 2016 MONTHLY REALTY TAX RECEIPTS A B C D E F G H 1 2 DATE AMOUNT BATCH# TAX PENALTY MEMO OVR/DUP 3 RECEIVED FEE PAYMENT INTEREST 4 11/30/2016 $ 1.28 0 0 CL s� 0 e Ch C4 e 04 li Packet Pg. 36 5.1.a NOVEMBER 2016 REALTY TAX DISBURSEMENTS _11 A B C D E F G H I 2 DATE AMOUNT WCSD SUPER- OVR/DUP CHECK# 3 DISBURSED VISOR PAYMENT 4 5 11/23/2013 $ 28,710.75 $ 28,710.75 PENALTY 1688 6 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 MEMO FEE 1689 7 $ 55.69 $ 55.69 INTERESTI 1690 8 $ 60.22 $ 60.22 INTEREST CLOSED ACCOUNT 1691 9 $ 328.99 $ 328.99 WARRANT INCREASE 1 1692 10 $ 1,054.00 $ 1,054.00 UNPD.PARCEL NOTICE FEES 1693 11 $ 142.00 $ 142.00 NOTICE FEES 1694 12 12/2/2016 $ 1.28 $ 1.28 NOVEMBER INTEREST 1695 13 $ 30,387.93 $ 30,387.93 0 0 s� 0 e cm Co cm cm cme e e u Packet Pg. 37 5.1.a NOVEMBER 2016 MONTHLY SCHOOL TAX REPORT A B C D---F E I F I G I H 1 2 RECEIVER OF TAXES 3 4 Beginning Balance $ 3,608,138.13 5 October Receipts $ 13,279,291.02 6 Interest $ 215.68 7 Misc. $ 7,212.85 deposit error correction increase 8 Misc. $ 0.60 bank deposit error 9 Disbursements $ (16,867,534.28) 10 Returned Checks $ (3,328.30) 11 Deposit Correcton $ (7,213.53) 12 Pending checks $ 1,911.13 check 1321 13 $ 1,267.98 check 1322 14 Ending Balance $ 19,961.28 15 16 Submitted by: 0 17CL 18 19 Lee Anne Freno, Receiver of Taxes e cm co cm cm e DEC 02 2016 e TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERKIzi Packet Pg. 38 5.1.a NOVEMBER 2016 SCHOOLTAX DISBURSEMENTS A BC D E F G H 1 2 DATE AMOUNT WCSD SUPER- REFUND OVR/DUP CHECK# 3 DISBURSED VISOR PAYMENT 4 11/1/2016 $ 2,736,842.59 $ 2,736,842.59 1314 5 11/3/2016 $ 4,165,997.25 $ 4,165,997.25 1315 6 11/9/2016 $ 63.86 $ 63.86 1316 7 11/9/2016 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 1317 8 11/10/2016 $ 5,169,574.31 $ 5,169,574.31 1318 9 11/16/2016 $ 1,226,343.07 $ 1,226,343.07 1319 10 11/16/2016 $ 2,973.40 $ 2,973.40 1320 11 $ 1,911.13 pending $ 1,911.13 1321 12 $ 1,267.98 pending $ 1,267.98 1322 13 $ 10,312.74 $ 10,312.74 1323 14 $ 3,254.64 $ 3,254.64 1324 15 $ 3,331.65 $ 3,331.65 1325 16 $ 3,892.11 $ 3,892.11 1326 17 $ 5,126.53 $ 5,126.53 1327 18 $ 7,632.22 $ 7,632.22 1328 CL 19 $ 3,299.84 $ 3,299.84 1329 20 $ 5,601.29 $ 5,601.29 1330 21 11/30/2016 $ 3,518,109.67 $ 3,518,109.67 22 $ 16,867,534.28 $ 16,816,866.89 $ 2,063.86 $ 48,603.53 e 04 LLJ 04 04 04 e e e u Packet Pg. 39 5.1.a NOVEMBER 2016 SCHOOL TAX RECEIPTS A B C D E F G H 1 2 DATE JAMOUNT BATCH t# TAX PENALTY MEMO OVR/DUP 3 RECEIVED FEE PAYMENT INTEREST 4 11/1/2016 $ 124,019.83 70 $ 121,046.43 $ 2,973.40 5 11/1/2016 $ 219,637.25 71 $ 217,726.12 $ 1,911.13 6 11/1/2016 $ 134,084.60 72 $ 132,816.62 $ 1,267.98 7 11/1/2016 $ 94,944.56 73 $ 94,944.56 8 11/1/2016 $ 51,104.85 74 $ 51,104.85 9 11/1/2016 $ 48,885.92 75 $ 48,885.92 10 11/1/2016 $ 497,615.92 76 $ 487,303.18 $ 10,312.74 11 11/1/2016 $ 68,569.51 77 $ 65,314.87 $ 3,254.64 12 11/1/2016 $ 83,535.43 78 $ 83,535.43 13 11/1/2016 $ 128,051.94 79 $ 124,720.29 $ 3,331.65 14 15 11/2/2016 $ 593,420.16 80 $ 589,528.05 $ 3,892.11 16 11/2/2016 $ 219,057.58 81 $ 213,931.05 $ 5,126.53 17 11/2/2016 $ 257,087.64 82 $ 257,087.64 18 11/2/2016 $ 1,316,920.16 115 $ 1,316,920.16 19 11/2/2016 $ 361,132.08 83 $ 361,132.08 20 Uo 21 11/2/2016 $ 696,227.47 181 $ 696,227.47 22 11/2/2016 $ 160,422.29 84 $ 160,422.29 23 11/2/2016 $ 50,981.08 85 $ 50,981.08 24 11/2/2016 $ 57,136.36 86 $ 57,136.36 C 25 11/2/2016 $ 93,670.57 87 $ 93,670.57 26 11/2/2016 $ 119,057.33 88 $ 119,057.33 27 11/2/2016 $ 65,638.03 89 $ 65,638.03 28 11/2/2016 $ 160,956.48 90 $ 160,956.48 29 11/2/2016 $ 402,172.62 91 $ 402,172.62 30 11/2/2016 $ 69,464.33 92 $ 69,464.33 ° 31 32 11/3/2016 $ 1,773,114.81 93 $ 1,773,114.81 ° 33 11/3/2016 $ 26,150.2894 $ 26,150.28 LLJ 34 11/3/2016 $ 516,802.48 95 $ 516,802.48 w 35 11/3/2016 $ 83,587.07 96 $ 83,587.07 36 11/3/2016 $ 103,167.95 97 $ 103,167.95 37 11/3/2016 $ 317,675.66 98 $ 317,675.66 38 11/3/2016 $ 80,946.83 99 $ 80,946.83 ° 39 11/3/2016 $ 33,935.63 100 $ 33,935.63 40 11/3/2016 $ 31,898.17 101 $ 31,898.17 41 11/3/2016 $ 84,535.57 102 $ 84,535.57 42 11/3/2016 $ 40,692.85 103 $ 40,692.85 43 44 11/4/2016 $ 125,893.51 104 $ 125,893.51 45 11/4/2016 $ 54,217.11 105 $ 54,217.11 46 11/4/2016 $ 82,713.92 106 $ 82,713.92 47 11/4/2016 $ 4,663.62 107 $ 4,663.62 48 11/4/2016 $ 712,456.48 108 $ 712,456.48 49 11/4/2016 $ 749,417.30 109 $ 741,785.08 $ 7,632.22 50 11/4/2016 $ 347,705.07 110 $ 344,405.23 $ 3,299.84 51 52 11/10/2016 $ 277,896.93 111 $ 272,741.53 $ 5,140.40 $ 15.00 bank dep.Error+.60 53 11/14/2016 $ 397,740.58 112 $ 397,740.58 54 11/14/2016 $ 391,779.73 113 $ 391,779.73 55 11/14/2016 $ 74,958.54 114 $ 74,958.54 56 11/14/2016 $ 361,864.22 116 $ 361,864.22 57 58 11/15/2016 $ 95,590.62 117 $ 95,590.62 59 11/15/2016 $ 107,341.19 119 $ 107,341.19 60 11/15/2016 $ 680.00 $ 680.00 61 62 11/16/2016 $ 328,070.91 1201 322469.591 1 5601.321 215.68 63 11/2/2016 $ (3,328.30) 1 $ (3,328.30) *stop payment bill 8516 1 1 64 $ 13,275,962.72 $ 13,221,523.76 1 $ 5,140.40 1 $ 695.00 1 $ 48,603.56 1 215.68 Packet Pg.40 l n 5.1.a 0�V C�` TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN JUSTICE • TOWN JUSTICE HEATHER L.KITCHEN '� CARL S.WOLFSON JUSTICE COURT 20 MIDDLEBUSH ROAD WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY 12590-0324 (845)297-6070 • (845)297-0145 FAX:(845)297-0145 COURT HOURS: December 8 2016 Tuesday 5:30 P.M. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 5:30 P.M. 1st and 3rd Thursdays 5:30 P.M. Supervisor Jiava and Members of the Town Board Town Hall 20 Middlebush Rd. Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 0 Dear Supervisor Jiava and Members of the Town Board: e The following cases were disposed of while I presided over the Justice Court during the month of November 2016: coe Uj 271 Vehicle & Traffic law matters resulting in $29,763.00 collected in fines and fees. cm 17 Penal Law matters resulting in$925.00 collected in fines and fees. cm 13 Civil matters resulting in$101.00 collected in fees. 10 Termination of Suspension matters resulting in$980.00 collected in fees. cm Izi I have forwarded a check in the amount of$31,769.00 to the Town of Wappinger on December 6, 2016. Additionally, I am holding $74,950.00 in pending bail. Respectfully su itt Heather L. ' he (�[EC I E VE D Town Justice LRI cc: Joseph Paoloni, Town Clerk DEC 0 8 2016 TOWN OF WAppjNGER TOWN CLERK Packet Pg.41 8.1.a L_ MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT s� By and Between CO The Town of Wappinger L_ 0 cc And CSEA Local 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO This Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA"), by and between the Town of Wappinger ("the �, Z Town") and CSEA Local 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO, on behalf of the employees of the Town of Wappinger Highway Department ("the Union"), shall set forth the full agreement between the Town and the Union with respect to a successor agreement to their collective bargaining agreement dated January 1, 2013 — December 31, 2015 ("CBA"). The terms and conditions of the parties' CBA shall remain in full force and effect unless specifically modified, changed or cm altered by this MOA, or the Memorandum of Agreement between the parties dated November 2, co 2016. This MOA shall be subject to ratification by members of the Union and by the Town Board. ARTICLE III— COMPENSATION Section 1 —Wages cm - Effective January 1, 2016 —all hourly rates of pay shall be increased by two percent (2%). - Effective January 1, 2017 —all hourly rates of pay shall be increased by two percent(2%). < UJ co All rates of pay are set forth in APPENDIX A Section 2—Premium Pay, paragraph F— Clothing Allowance In the second paragraph change "$400.00" to"$450.00." e ARTICLE V—LEAVES WITH PAY Section 1 —Vacation Paragraph A E The introductory sentence shall be amended to the following: 2 "Employees shall be eligible for vacation in accordance with the following schedule:" E ARTICLE VI— SENIORITY, PROBATION & TENURE,VACANCIES AND LAYOFFS Section 3—Vacancies 0 Izi With respect to the Memorandum of Agreement between the parties dated November 2, 2016, the amendment reflecting that vacancies shall be filled on the basis of seniority only shall be a E {00025471 1} Packet Pg.42 8.1.a L- permanent change, and the sunset provision set forth in the November 2, 2016 Memorandum shall be eliminated. 0 ARTICLE VIII—MEDICAL, DENTAL AND OPTICAL INSURANCES Paragraphs A and B 2 The current paragraph shall be removed and shall be replaced with the following: "A. The Town shall offer two plans of medical insurance: NYSHIP Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield; and MVP Silver 8 or a plan that is substantially equivalent. The Town shall pay the full cost of the applicable deductible for each employee who is covered by the MVP Silver 8 Plan. B. The Town shall contribute eighty (80%) percent toward the cost of employee CO health insurance premiums." Employee contributions shall be paid pro rata on a weekly basis." Paragraph E Baa Amend to the following: "E. Any employee declining health coverage shall be eligible to receive an annual reimbursement from the Town in the following amounts for the type of coverage for which the employee, and any dependents, would be eligible: CO family - $2,500.00 employee plus spouse- $2,000.00 employee only - $1,000.00 For the year 2017 only, any employee who received a buyout in 2016 shall receive a buyout equivalent to the above amount plus $500.00. The reimbursement shall be prorated for the first year of employment. All reimbursements shall 0 be made in December of each year. This provision shall not apply to dental and optical 2 coverages". a ARTICLE XIII—DURATION OF AGREEMENT Change the first sentence to read: "This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2 2017." E 0 [The date changes shall also be reflected on the cover page.] as {00025471 11 Packet Pg.43 8.1.a L- APPENDIX A Attached on separate page 0 TOWN OF WAPPINGER By: Lori A. Jiava, Supervisor TOWN OF WAPPINGER HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BARGAINING UNIT By: Mike Sheehan, President Cm ° Co Cm Cm Cm Co 8!i ° 0 0 0 {00025471 11 Packet Pg.44 8.1.a L- APPENDIX A Co TOWN OF WAPPINGERS HIGHWAY WAGES 0 cc TITLE STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 2016 LABORER 22.43 25.53 25.79 26.05 26.22 26.57 Z� MEO 25.97 26.23 26.51 26.75 27.05 HMEO 26.72 26.97 27.22 27.50 27.82 MECHANIC 26.72 26.97 27.22 27.50 27.82 FOREMAN 27.46 27.76 28.02 28.29 28.60 cmCoe 2017 LABORER 22.88 26.04 26.31 26.57 26.74 27.10 MEO 26.49 26.75 27.04 27.29 27.59 HMEO 27.25 27.51 27.76 28.05 28.38 cm MECHANIC 27.25 27.51 27.76 28.05 28.38 FOREMAN 28.01 28.32 28.58 28.86 29.17 cm LONGEVITY 2016-17 _ BEGINNING Co 5 YEAR .35 10 YEAR .40 15 YEAR .45 20 YEAR .50 25'H YEAR .55 30 YEAR .60 0 0 {00025471 11 Packet Pg.45 A cn tlaeonl [VApP11cab1c] Project- Date: Full Environmental Assessment Form CO Part 3-Evaluation of floe Magnitude and iarporlance of Project Impacts CM CD and DelerinInation of Significance Fart 3 provides the reasons in support of the detennination of significance. The lead agency must complete Part 3 for every question in Part 2 where the impact has been identified as potentially moderate to large or where there is a need to explain why a particular LLJ element of the proposed action will not,or may,result in a significant adverse environmental impact. �- Based on the analysis In Part 3,the lead agency must decide whether to require an environmental impact statement to further assess the proposed action or whether available information is sufticiOnt for the lead agency to conclude that the proposed action will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. By completing the certification on the next page,the lead agency can complete its determination ofsignificance. > Reasons Supporting This Determination: To complete this section; • Identify the impact based on the Part 2 responses and describe its magnitude. Magnitude considers factors such as severity, size or extent of an impact. • Assess the importance of the impact. Importance relates to the geographic scope,duration,probability of the impact occutring,number of people affected by the impact and any additional environmental consequences if the impact were to > occur. CL • The assessment should take into consideration any design element or project changes. • Repeat this process for cucii Part 2 question where the impact has been identified as potentially moderate to large or wltere there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action will not,or may,result in asignificant adverse environmental impact. • IL Provide the reason(s)why the impact may,or will not,result in a significant adverse environinenlal impact For Conditional Negative Declarations identify the specific condition(s)imposed that will modify the proposed action so that no significant adverse environmental impacts will result cc Attach additional sheets,as heeded. LLJ U. See Attachment C X LLJ0 CLC 4- 0 CLC X LLJ Determination of Significance-,Type 1 and Unlisted Actions SPQR Status: ©Type 1 []Unlisted Identify portions of SAF completed for this Project: ©Part 1 ©Part 2 ©Part 3 Packet Pg.46 8.2.a Upon review of the information recorded on this EAP',as noted,plus this additional support information CY LLJ and considering both the magnitude and importance of each identified,potential impact,it is the conclusion ofthe , County of Dulchsss _ as lead agency that: m A. This project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the eavirontnent,and,therefore,an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly,this negative declaration is issued. LLJ [] S, Although tktis project could have a significant adverse impact on the environment,that impact will be avoided or �. substantially mitigated because of the following conditions which will be required by the lead agency: There will,therefore,be no significant adverse impacts Froin the project as conditioned,and,therefore,this conditioned negative declaration is issued. A conditioned negative declaration may be used on ly for UNLISTED actions(see 6 NYCRR 617.d). [] C. This Project may result in one or more significant adverse impacts on the environment,and an environmental impact statement must be prepared to further assess Elie impact(s)and possible mitigation and to explore alternatives to avoid or reduce those > impacts. Accordingly,this positive declaration is issued, CL 0 Narne of Action: CDW%Extension to autchess County Airport Name of Lead Agency: county of Dutchess ILI- Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency: Noel Knillo,AIA.A&LA U. Title of Responsible Officer: CommisslonBrofPublic Works LLJ U. Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency: Date: 12/29/14—K X&16� Signature ofPreparer(if different from Responsibe o er) bf Date: 12128114 For Further Irifortnation: Contact Person: Brad Barclay �+ Address: 626 Dulchess Tumplke,Poughkeepsie,Dutchess County,NY 12603 Telephone Number:(845)466-2121 X E-mail:bborcley@dutchessny.gov LLJ For Type I Actions and Conditioned Negative Deelorntions,a copy of this Notice Is sent to: Chief Executive Officer of the political subdivision in which the action will be principally located(e.g.,Town/City/Villago of) Other involved agencies(if any) Applicant(if any) Environmental Notice bulletin: itt :l/wwtv.dee.n , gv/enb/enb.htinI CL 4- 0 CLC X 11.1 PRINT FULL FORM page 2 of 2 Packet Pg.47 8.2.a CO Attachment to Part lil of the FEAF C4.. e for the CDWTL Extension to Dutchess County Airport e Reasons Supporting This Determination: The subject action involves an expansion of the Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority's (DCWWA)Central Dutchess Water Transmission Line(CDWTL)by means of construction of a 5,790 LF water main along Airport Drive and Route 376 to the Dutchess County Airport,in the vicinity of the intersection of Route 376 and Griffith Way. a� The Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority operates a county-wide water district,which permits it to sell water anywhere in Dutchess County. The DCWWA's CDWTL currently has a water > supply permit to sell up to 4.25 million gallons per day(MGPD)and the CDWTL's SEQR review studied CL the Impacts of the waterline operating at up to 10 MGPD. The proposed 12 inch,waterline extension, CO being reviewed herein,would have a maximum capacity of approximately 2 MGPD,which the DCWWA could accommodate within the capacity limits of their existing Water Supply Permit.Thus,the basic IL impacts of provision of water to be provided through the proposed waterline extension have already been studies and approved. The DCWWA may have to amend their water supply permit to sell water to U. the proposed water line extension to the Airport property,as new service area within their County-wide LUU. District. The intent of the water main extension is to provide for a public water service to Dutchess County Airport and the construction of the proposed waterline extension is the first step in this process. At this time,the next steps in this process are undefined and would require additional approvals and funding or may not occur depending on the actions of others, For these reasons,the review and approval of construction of the waterline extension separate and apart from the development of a water distribution system on Airport property and a decision on the provision of public water service to properties along Airport Drive should not be considered segmentation under SFQRA. The additional projects that may be considered after the construction of the waterline extension are described below, Including needed additional project definition and approvals. A subsequent project will create a water distribution system to distribute water from the end of the 0 waterline extension to various locations within the Dutchess County Airport. At this time,the layout, CL design and construction of a future water distribution system on Airport property is undefined. Any fUture projects will depend upon procuring additional funding,including,potentially, Federal Airport Aviation(FAA)funding and approvals. The extent and layout of the distribution system will be dependent on future development projects on the Airport property,consistent with the Airport Master Plan. The provision of public water on Airport property Is necessary to provide for fire suppression sn systems for current and future Airport facilities and thus critical for obtaining insurance for these structures. This is extremely important to the retention of existing clients leasing hanger space and any BAB Attachment to FFAF Part III CDWTL Ext.to DC Airport Page 1 Packet Pg.48 future ha ngar development. The other development sites Identified in the Airport's master plan would ° also be more desirable if public waterwas available. Any private, non-aviation related development that would occur on Airport property would be subject to local zoning review and require a separate SEQR review. LU The proposed water line extension would traverse most of the length of Airport Drive,which is located east of the Airport,across Route 376. Airport Drive was built as a commercial/industrial park,but is riot served by public water as this time. The construction of the water line down Airport Drive could help to CM facilitate provision of public water to current and future tenants of the corporate park,but the involved project does not allow for this provision and additional actions and approvals would be required to permit the sale of municipal water to those sites. No future connections are to be constructed as part of this project and either the DCWWA or the County would have to amend an existing Water Supply Permit or obtain a new one to be allowed to sell waterto those properties. The way that the County and DCWWA have established new water service areas In the past has been to create a new"Zone of Assessment". This process has not been Initiated for the Airport Drive area. Any future private > CL development or change of use for Airport Drive properties would require compliance with Town of Wappinger zoning and land use laws and an associated SEQR review. The FEI5 for the Central Dutchess Water Transmission Line.(CDWTL)addressed growth inducing aspectsOL of making water available along the corridor. Analysis was essentially(1)CDWTL was being built as a 0 transmission main—not intended to serve individual properties directly off the water line and (2)any growth that did occur would be subject to all local land use controls and.approval processes. Unless the LU additional steps discussed above are undertaken'ta allow the provislon of public water to properties off the Dutchess County Airport,the proposed water line extension will continue to act solely as a transmission line,which will provide the source of water for a future distribution system on Airport property. To avoid any impacts to regulated wetlands,their associated buffers and the two watercourses that will have to be traversed by the waterline extension,the project will use directional drilling to Install the required piping under these resources without disturbing them. The DCWWA has experience using this technique to Install a portion of a larger water main through regulated,Class I wetlands in Hyde Park, with NYSDEC approval. This method will also protect the regulated stream associated with wetland PV- 67. The waterline extension passes through the potential buffer area around PV-51 within the Airport Drive R-O-W,which the road already crosses. The waterline extension will cross the protected stream associated with PV-51 directly adjacent to where the stream crosses Route 376. The directional drilling o CL section planned to avoid any impacts to Route 376,by drilling under the roadway,will include Installing _ the waterline under this stream to avoid any impacts to it. The project will require wetlands and stream disturbance permits from NYSDEC and the Town of Wappinger and will be subject to any conditions CL place on it by those agencies. These permit conditions, when combined with the proposed directional drilling to avoid these resources will ensure that any minor impacts will not be significant in nature andLLJ will be limited to the period of construction. BAB Attachment to FEAF Part III CDWTL Ext.to DC Airport Page 2 Packet Pg.49 8.2.a LJU co A Soil and Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)will be developed for the length of the waterline construction and approved by NYSDEC and the Town of Wappinger,as part of its wetland and e watercourse permit. This plan will include the direction drill areas and provide control and protection from any erosion caused by stormwater runoff,during construction. The remediation of the disturbed co areas will be included in this plan and ensure that the pre-existing drainage patterns are reestablished UJ post-construction. The SWPPP will also address any impact to be anticipated during construction due to a portion of the project site being located in the 100 and 500 year floodplains. Once the construction is completed with the water main located underground and all existing contours reestablished,the project will have no long-term impacts on the involved floodplains. Habitat assessments will be conducted for the three threatened or endangered species identified in attached Endangered/Threatened Species review; The proposed directional drilling areas will greatly reduce any impacts to potential habitat areas,as the rest of the project is located directly adjacent to an existing roadway and will be buried in its R-O-W. The project will avoid, to the extent possible, removing any mature trees to minimize any impact to potential bat habitat, Most of these trees are located > within the directional drilling areas and should not be impacted by the project. Thus any impacts to CL protected wildlife should be limited in duration to the period of construction and minimized by the use of directional drilling in the areas not directly in the existing road R-O-Ws, IL The potential forthe presence of archeological sites was examined in the attached report tilted. Extension Of WaterServlce To Dutchess County Airport Proposed DC Water District Zone of Assessment U. N, Phase 1A Literature Review and Sensitivity Analysis, by CITY/SCAPE:Cultural Resource Consultants, dated November,203.4. The analysis done in the report concluded the following: "Based on the environmental factors located within the proposed project corridor,undisturbed areas,should they exist,would be considered to have the potential to contain a prehistoric site or sites. However,given the Fact that the proposed project corridor is located within the existing _ roadway,the potential for the project corridor to contain prehistoric cultural resources is considered low,As stated above, in the eastern portion of the project corridor,the presence of a stream corridor,wetland area and steep slopes significantly decrease the potential for prehistoric cultural resources to be present. Overall,the prehistoric potential for the proposed UJ project area to contain intact cultural resources Is considered to be low". Any increased levels of noise or equipment traffic will be limited to the hours of work and the estimated G months construction period. Propertles along Airport Drive are predominately commercial and industrial In nature and should not prove to be sensitive to the limited increase in noise and CL construction traffic. Permits are required from the NYSDOT and the Town of Wappinger Highway Department for any work in their R-O-Ws,the project will abide by any permit conditions placed on the CL involved work to ensure the safety of the travelling public, X BAB Attachment to FEAF Part III CDWTL Ext.to DC Airport Page 3 Packet Pg. 50