(845) 297-2744
FAX: (845) 297-4558
To: Hon. Vincent Bettina
Hon. Maureen McCarthy
Hon. Joseph Paoloni
Hon. Robert Valdati
Hon. Graham Foster
Mr. Jay Paggi
Mr. Mike Tremper
Mr. Bob Sheridan
Mr. George Kolb
Mr. Mark Liebermann
Mr. William Clausen
From: Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor
Date: May 2, 2006
Re: Emergency Services Table Top Drill
A table top drill has been scheduled for the Town of Wappinger on Wednesday, May 24th
at TOOPM. This drill will take place in the main meeting room at Town Hall.
Please contact my office to confirm your attendance. If you have any questions or would
like more information, please feel free to contact me at (845) 297-2744.
Table Top Drill/24/06
New Hackensack
Red Cross
Kyle Pottenburg
Dewitt Saughandorph
Howard Adams
Town of Wappingers
Town Board
Parks and Rec
Water Dept
Fire Inspector
I a.,I2 z6f,
WC5 N7 ,
RESOLUTION: 2006-154
Resolution Approving the Town of Wappinger Emergency Response Plan
WHEREAS, Under New York State Executive Law Article 2-B, Section 23 the Town
Supervisor is given authority and responsbility to prepare a "Emergency Preparedness Plan,"
WHEREAS, On May 24, 2006 the Joseph Ruggiero, Town of Wappinger Supervisor,
met with the Emergency Preparedness Committee at the Town of Wappinger Town Hall for a
table top emergency drill excersise and to finalize the Emergency Preparedness Plan, and
WHEREAS, The Emergency Preparedeness Committee members are requesting the
Town Board members to approve of the Emergency Plan for the Town of Wappinger.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: That the Town of Wappinger
Town Board adopts the official Emergency Plan for the Town of Wappinger, and authorizes the
Town Supervisor to sign it.
Emergency Preparedness Plan for the Town of Wappinger
Town Board
Joseph Ruggiero
Joseph Paoloni:
20 Middlebush Road
(Deputy Supervisor)
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Robert Valdati:
Work: 297-2744
Vincent Bettina:
Home: 298-7829
Maureen McCarthy:
Cell: 656-5025
Superintendent of Highways
Graham Foster
Work: 297-9451
Home: 897-5753
Cell: 656-5031
Page: 451-5289
Town Clerk
John C. Masterson
Work: 297-5771
Home: 206-3087
Under New York State Executive Law, Article 2-B, the Town Supervisor has the
statutory authority to call and be responsible for emergencies occurring in or affecting the
Town of Wappinger. The Supervisor, or his designate, is the only person who may
request assistance from the next higher level of government.... i.e. the County of
Article 2-B, Section 23, gives the Supervisor the authority and responsibility to
prepare a "local preparedness plan" which would explain and outline the steps and
responsibilities of all the members of Town Government.
Purpose of the Plan:
To organize a response plan that will provide measures to be taken for the reduction of
the effects of a disaster; to protect life, health and property. To provide the town
government with direction and a course of action plan.
Designate Emergency Operations Center (E.O.C): Town Hall, 20 Middlebush
Road, Wappingers Falls, NY (845) 297-2744. This will be in the main meeting
2. Receive reports from local department heads and organizations including:
• Highway Department
• Fire Departments
May 2006.
• NY State Police
• Dutchess County Sheriff's Office
• Town of Wappinger Patrol
• Wappinger Central School
3. To assess all information received and also ask input from members of the
4. Declare an emergency after all the information received is assessed and evaluated.
5. Disaster site information will be relayed to the E.O.C. will transmit instructions
and directions to the disaster site.
Sequence of Action
1. Members of the Town Board, Emergency Services Coordinator and other
designated Town officials (ex. Fire Inspector, Director of Code Enforcement,
Code Enforcement Officer, Zoning Administrator, Comptroller, Highway
Superintendent) will assemble, as soon as possible, at the Emergency Operations
Center upon notification of an existing emergency to fully mobilize all available
personnel, resources, facilities, supplies and materials in the town.
2.. The Supervisor is responsible for the notification and declaration of an
emergency. In the Supervisor's absence, the Deputy Supervisor will assume his
duties. In the absence of the Deputy Supervisor, the Succession of Authority Law
will be followed. (See Local Law 4 of 2002)
3. Department heads will be responsible for:
• Assuring maximum effectiveness.
• Properly utilizing personnel and equipment.
• Clearly implementing orders received from the E.O.C.
4. The Town will contact the County Office of Emergency Response 845-486-2081
regarding any emergency or disaster situation. Assistance will be requested only
after local or mutual aid resources are exhausted. All requests for outside aid must
first be approved by the Supervisor or his/her Deputy. The request for assistance
will be made to the County Office of Emergency Response through direct phone
contact or Emergency Services Radio System.
5. The American Red Cross is recognized as the agency responsible for the mass
care to persons immediately following a disaster. (The Congress of the United
States has assigned the American National Red Cross the responsibility of
May 2006 2
extending relief aid to individuals and families caught in a natural disaster. An
attempt will be made to contact the Red Cross at (845) 471-0202.
Responsibilities of Town Officers:
Town Supervisor: Will be responsible for the coordination of disaster operations.
He/She will use all facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel and all other resources
appropriate to cope with the disaster, including the services of the Town E.O.C. and
its successful emergency operations. Under Article 2-13, Section 27 of the NYS
Executive Law, the Town Supervisor may issue a local Executive Order for the
continuity of Town Government through its elected and appointed officers (legislative
and governing body), for the storage or removal of public records and for the removal
of an officer of the Town due to disability, etc., and the replacement of that officer.
Deputy Supervisor: Under the direction of the Town Supervisor, the Deputy
Supervisor will coordinate all emergency operations, including the implementation
of the "Disaster Plan," will advise the Town Supervisor of operational priorities and
will recommend requests for assistance from the County Office of Emergency
Town .Board: Shall take all steps necessary to prepare for any disaster or emergency
and shall be responsible for implementing this or any other emergency preparedness
plan. Incident command structure shall be used.
Town Clerk: Responsible for the care, maintenance and availability of essential
records, documents and other materials required during and emergency. (Recording
Secretary and alternate Clerk of Works). Federal Disaster Assistance will be the
responsibility of the Town Clerk.
Hh!hway Superintendent: Will be responsible for making sure the roadways and
streams are clear. They will also assist with flooding and downed trees. He or she will
coordinate with surrounding towns and the state and county highway department as
needed. The Highway Department will also assist with traffic and crowd control
when needed. Parks and recreation will report to the highway department for
assignments. He or she will also lend assistance to the fire departments and utility
Department Heads: All Department Heads and/or those responsible for carrying out
parts of the emergency operations for the Town will have their responsibilities and
functions listed with this plan.
May 2006
Operational Procedures:
Warning System:
1. Public notified by local public radio and TV systems.
2. Emergency contact services to include monitors, pagers, cell phones, mobile
radios, and telephone.
3. Emergency action via direct orders or pre-set plan.
4. Communications from Town E.O.C. to County E.O.C. from radio or
5. Each Department to provide department personnel with addresses and
telephone numbers.
6. Public address system to be used from designated vehicles.
7. To request additional aid from the County E.O.C., give the following
• Assessment of damage to the Town of Wappinger
• Information regarding extent of disaster mitigation
• List food, fuel, medical and building supplies, etc. on hand.
• List available manpower, machines, equipment and supplies
• Inventory of schools, churches, and congregate housing
Fire District Responsibilities
Chelsea: (845) 831-6244
Hughsonville: (845) 297-4194
New Hackensack: (845) 297-2122
1. The Fire Districts jurisdictional boundaries are the Town of Wappinger and
Mutual aide.
2. Two members will be assigned to the Town Emergency Operations Center.
3. Fire Chief will be in charge of fire operations at emergency site.
4. Fire chief is responsible for making contact with rescue services and other
(Town/County) fire agencies for support (mutual aide).
1. The Fire Company uses the County office of Emergency Response Telephone,
cell phones, mobile and portable radios.
May 2006 4
2. All Town of Wappinger departments using radio communication shall use the
emergency radio frequency.
Other Resources
1. Chelsea Fire Co. has at its disposal:
2. Hughsonville Fire Co. has at its disposal:
3. New Hackensack Fire Co. has at its disposal:
4. TransCare Hudson Valley has at its disposal:
Police Service Responsibilities
DC Sheriffs Office: (845) 486- 3800
New York State Police: (845) 298-1443
Chain of Command
1. Dutchess County Sheriff
2. Under Sheriff
3. Enforcement Officers
Town Patrol/ Sheriff/State Police authorize the recall of manpower from any off-duty
status when advised of a disaster.
Listing of names of authorized officers kept at desk of Enforcement Officer.
Members are alerted by telephone, cell phone and radio in the event of a disaster.
Police personnel will mobilize at the designated area or staging are near the disaster.
May 2006 5
Town Patrol/Sheriff/State Police will make the assignment of personnel and/or
mobile units to the disaster scene.
Field Operations:
Town Patrol/Sheriff/State Police are in charge of the field operations and will be
located where required.
Town Patrol/Sheriff/State Police will be responsible for the reconnaissance of the
disaster scene and for reporting information back to the Emergency Operations
Center (kind and extend of damage, injuries, deaths).
Town Patrol/Sheriff/State Police will be responsible for the control of security
operations of key installations.
Town Patrol/Sheriff/State Police decides when the disaster situation is beyond the
capabilities of the local department.
Listing of Resources: See attached schedule of vehicles.
Communications :
Communications systems within department:
2 -way communications DCSO Monitor: NYS Police
Environmental Conservation
Emergency Fire/Rescue
Statewide Frequency
2 -way MRD radio system (communication with all enforcement agencies throughout
the State).
Code Enforcement Department
Chain of command:
1. Director of Code Enforcement
2. Fire Inspector
3. Zoning Administrator
4. Code Enforcement Officers
5, Clerical Staff
May 2.006 6
• Department personnel will be notified that an emergency exists by
telephone or radio and will report to the EOC.
Department Resuonsibilities
1. Building/fire/zoning inspector will be assigned to the Town Emergency
Operations Center.
2. Will conduct safety inspections of damaged buildings.
3. Will provide damage assessments for these buildings.
4. Will function as Damage Assessment Coordinator to gather information
• For Communications, this department currently uses telephone, Town
radio, Dutchess County Emergency Fire Radio, Nextel.
Office of the Town Clerk
Chain of Command:
1. . Town Clerk
2: Deputy Town Clerk
1. Department personnel will be notified that an emergency exists by
telephone or in person.
2. They will assemble at the EOC.
Department Responsibilities :
1. Town Clerk will be assigned to the Town Emergency Operations Center.
2.. Town Clerk will maintain all required records (time, material, machinery usage,
3. All essentials records, documents or other material maintained by this department
will be available at the E.O.0 (Town Hall).
1. For communications, this department currently uses telephone.
May 2006 7
Highway Department
Chain of Command
1. Highway Superintendent
2. Deputy Highway Superintendent
Department personnel will be notified that an emergency exists which necessitates their
activation by telephone or in person.
Department Responsibilities:
1. Superintendent of Highways of his delegate or alternate will be assigned to the
2. Superintendent of Highways will be in charge of highway operations at the
emergency site.
I Superintendent of Highways will be responsible for making contact with
other highway/public works departments for support.
4. Cooperate with all other departments of the town to restore and maintain all
essential services.
5. Cooperate with fire and police agencies.
May 2006 8
Addendum Town of Wappinger
County of Dutchess
Disaster Response Plan
By virtue of the Emergency Response Plan, the Executive Department of the Town of
Wappinger shall develop a mutual agreement with all branches of town government for
use in the event of an emergency incident. The Fire Department also adopts, incorporates
and shall participate in any fire mutual aid plan and the Dutchess County all Hazards
plan, the Dutchess County Hazardous Materials Response Plan and any other plan
deemed to be in the best interest of the residents of the Town of Wappinger.
1. Pre -Emergency Planning and Coordination with Outside Parties
In agreement will be reached with the Town Supervisor that illustrates those
situations whereby a declaration of Article 2B of the New York State
Executive Law may be necessary. Provisions shall also be discussed for the
incident commander to act as an agent for the Town Supervisor when he
unavailable or his arrival constitutes an unacceptable delay. Said Incident
Commander may under those specified conditions issue a declaration of
emergency which will followed by the formal invocation of Article 2B by the
2. The Police Chief, if applicable, and Fire Department officers shall come to an
agreement with respect to assistance involving the use of local, county and
state police officers for traffic, crowd, and scene control; in-place sheltering
and evacuation procedures; and any other function requiring cooperation
between the departments.
3. An agreement between the Town Highway Superintendent and Fire
Department Officials shall be reached for the Supply of heavy equipment (and
appropriate manpower to operate same), supply material for diking or
absorption, and emergency demolition or evacuation equipment. Site specific
surveys will be conducted for any know facility involved with the storage use
and/or manufacture of a hazardous material above the threshold planning
4. The Route 9 and Route 9D and Route 376 Transportation corridor is
acknowledged as principle exposure for at potential transportation accident
involving hazardous materials. It is also understood than any location within
the Town, whether a fixed location or a transportation route, is susceptible to a
hazardous materials accident.
May 2006 9
Part Two: Incident Commander
Incident Commander:
The ranking fire department officer at an incident shall serve as the on scene Incident
Commander unless he chooses to relinquish command to another. The Incident
Commander shall institute an incident command system for the management of the
incident. Roles to be filled within the incident command system shall be determined by
the incident commander based upon the personnel available and the emergency at hand.
Safety Officer:
In all cases there shall be a safety officer. If no formal designation of a safety officer is
made in the initial stages of incident, it shall be understood that the Incident Commander
is also acting in that capacity.
The Incident Commander shall direct the fire police (or in their absence a police officer
to establish a perimeter around the emergency incident into which emergency personnel
only shall be allowed. If the incident involves a hazardous materials incident zones of
exclusion shall be established for the protection of all involved (eg: hot zone, warm zone,
The Incident Commander shall not permit any member of the Fire Department to perform
any job or function that he has not been adequately trained to do. All members of the
Fire Department shall be trained to the First Responder Awareness Level. Those attaining
a higher level of competence -Hazardous material Technician, hazardous materials
specialist or incident commander level shall be permitted to perform functions up to and
including all those they are trained for. Training shall be conducted by the fire
Department training officers by the NYS Office of Fire Prevention Control and other
governmental and private concerns.
Communications shall be conducted in person at the command post within the framework
of a unified command system. Radio communications shall take place on any and all
frequencies licensed to the Fire Department or Dutchess County.
Part Three: Emergency Recognition and Prevention
Site Security and Control:
Procedures for site security and control have been identified above in section two. The
efforts of fire Department personnel and local police agencies shall be used to effect such
May 2006 10
_Evacuation routes and procedures:
Evacuation procedures have been identified above in section four. The routes for egress
from an evacuated from an evacuated area shall be determined by the location of the
incident and the prevailing wind conditions. Those charged with the responsibility for
physically conducting the evacuation shall inform the evacuees of the safest and most
expedient routes of travel away from the hazard area.
Decontamination procedures at a hazardous material incident shall be conducted under
the general supervision of the hazardous materials officer or his designee.
Decontamination shall be conducted for all personnel (and their personal protective
equipment apparatus, and any equipment apparatus, and any equipment other than
disposable items which shall packaged for appropriate disposal). All decontamination
procedures will be carried out under controlled conditions to ensure that no other
additional personnel, equipment or environmental contamination occurs. All residue for
contaminants, and runoff from agents used for decontamination purposes shall be
contained for proper disposal.
Emergency Medical Treatment and First Aid:
TransCare Hudson Valley Ambulance Rescue Squad and EMS program shall be utilized
to provide emergency medical care for members of the Fire Department, mutual aid
personnel, other emergency responders and members of the general public in times of a
large scale emergency incident. They shall monitor personnel engaged in control,
mitigation and support functions at a hazardous materials incident. At all times, they will
ensure an adequate level of personal protective equipment for their own safety. An
initial medical evaluation shall be performed prior to a responder's involvement, and
after conclusion of their role in the incident an additional evaluation shall be conducted.
Any and all changes in their health condition shall be noted. If necessary treatment and
transport shall be provided to a medical care facility. If required, advanced life support
care shall be requested from a provider. Also, if additional BLS or ALS ambulances and
crews are needed they shall be requested from surrounding communities. Patient exposed
to hazardous materials shall be decontaminated prior to initiation of treatment by medical
personnel. Upon conclusion of the emergency full sanitary disinfection and
decontamination of all personnel, ambulances and equipment will conduct to acceptable
standards. All disposable equipment will appropriately discard with care taken to ensure
that contaminated items are not allowed to contaminate the main waste stream.
Emergency Alerting and Response Procedures:
The incident commander shall determine what level of response is necessary for each
incident. He shall request assistance from any other department, or agencies he deems
necessary to successfully mitigate the incident. In the event of a hazardous materials
May 2006 11
incident, the incident commander will have at his disposal the "Incident Commander's
Check List"(attachment per the Dutchess County Hazardous Material Response Plan) to
assist him in determining what notifications should be made. The Incident Commander
may make his requests for notification via radio through the Dutchess County Fire
Control Center.
Critique of Response and Follow Up:
Critique of all large scale emergency incidents will be held at the first available training
session of the Fire department after conclusion of the incident. Discussion will focus on
how well pre -incident plans worked, how the emergency itself was handled, and what
areas need improvement or change. The response of Fire Department personnel as well
as other participating agencies; the performance of Fire Department equipment and
specialized equipment requested, and all other aspects of the emergency call will
Personal Protective Equipment and Emergency Equipment
The Fire Department will provide personal equipment to each Fire Department member
commensurate with his level of training (eg: structural fire fighting equipment will only
be issued to members certified for interior structural fire fighting, etc.) Prior to entering
the hot zone of a hazardous materials incident, it will be determined what specialized
PPE is necessary. Entry into the hot zone will be denied to anyone not having the proper
level of protection. Information on suite compatibility may be obtained through
reference materials or through Dutchess County Fire Control's CAMEO database. The
Fire Department will also furnish equipment for the containment and mitigation of
hazardous materials spills or releases. It is understood that it is virtually impossible to
have all the equipment necessary to handle a hazardous materials incident. If necessary
equipment is not available in the Fire Department inventory, it will be requested under
mutual aid from other agencies. The primary responsibility for assuming the cost of
other supplies and equipment used during the course of containment and mitigation shall
be reimbursed by the spiller. Any costs not picked up by the spiller shall be paid through
the Superfund.
I, Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger, hereby certify that on the
day of 2006, the foregoing was adopted by a majority vote of the
Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County.
Town Supervisor
May 2006 12