1992Town Of Wappinger
Health Insurance Policy
(Amendment to the Town Policy)
Dependent: Your lawful spouse and unmarried children for whom
you provide the main source of support. This includes step-
children or adopted children
It does not include:
A. a child who is 19 years or older, unless the child is a
full time student in a secondary school, college or
university and has a legal residence with you (not to exceed
age 23).
B. a divorced or legally separated spouse
C. a spouse or child who is insured under the group policy as
an employee of the employer
D. a spouse or child in active military service
Health Insurance For Retired Elected Officials
Elected Officials who retire from the Town, are receiving
New York State Retirement or New York State Retirement
Disability benefits and have the Town Retirement service
credit years with Town Government shall have the option to
elect contributory health insurance coverage from the Town
based on the following schedule:
Town Service
Years Of Service
-i4 yrs
-19 yrs
-24 yrs
or more
Town Share Of Coverage
Individual Dependent
Health Insurance For Surviving Spouses (Active or Retired
Surviving Spouse receiving health insurance coverage through
an active or retired employee shall have the option to
continue either individual or dependent health insurance
coverage with the Town on a contributory basis based on the
attached schedule.
Health Insurance For Retired Employee
Employees who retire from the Town, are receiving New York
State Retirement or New York State Disability benefits and
have the Town Retirement service credit years with Town
government shall have the option to elect contributory health
insurance coverage from the Town based on the attached
Schedule Of Town Service/Years Of Service
Town Service Town Share Of Coverage
Years Of Service Individual Dependent
10 - 14 yrs 35`X, 20%
15 -19 yrs 50% 35%
20 24 yrs 60% 45%
25 or more 75% 50%