All Angels Hill Road Drainage PAGGI & MARTIN
Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors
54-56 Main Street
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
December 9, 1991 DEC 1 # W1
Town of Wappinger iQ'�t,NOF'd� PPif�IGi<R
20 Middlebush Road
Box 324
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
Attention: Constance Smith, Supervisor
Reference: Drainage Problem
Hannigan and Kleinhenz Properties
All Angels Hill Road
Dear Supervisor Smith:
As per your request of December 2nd, 1991, this office
inspected the above referenced site in an effort to
determine the cause of excessive ice formation on the
Kleinhenz driveway. Mr. Hannigan was present for the
inspection, and pointed out the recent drainage
improvements that he has made on his lot. Ms. Kleinhenz
was not available. our findings are as follows:
1. In order to alleviate an existing drainage
problem, Mr. Hannigan has installed a certain
length of 15" corrugated metal pipe (CMP) through
his backyard as illustrated on the enclosed
sketch. This pipe empties into an existing ditch
that drains towards All Angels Hill Road.
2 . Ice formation was present on the Kleinhenz
driveway in the area delineated on the enclosed
sketch. Apparently, Ms. Kleinhenz is concerned
that this ice formation is the result of Mr.
Hannigan's drainage improvements.
3 . Since there was snow on the ground at the time of
the inspection, it was difficult to ascertain
where the water causing the ice formation was
coming from.
JoscphE.Paggi,Jr.,P.E.- Ernst Martin,Jr., P.E., L.S.
December 9, 1991 Page Two
Town of Wappinger
20 Middlebush Road
Box 324
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
Attention: Constance Smith, Supervisor
Reference: Drainage Problem
Hannigan and Kleinhenz Properties
All Angels Hill Road
4. The banks where the CMP enters the existing ditch
appeared to be sound and not eroded, which would
indicate that stormwater flows exiting the pipe
are contained within the ditch. This was confirmed
by Mr. Hannigan, who said that he witnessed the
pipe under heavy flow conditions.
5. An inspection of the existing ditch revealed that
the majority of the ditch is in good condition,
providing constant grade towards the road.
However, one section of the ditch approximately 60
feet from the back of the Kleinhenz residence was
f full of sediment. This would indicate that
stormwater flows slow down at this point probably
due to poor channel definition and/or poor grade
towards All Angels Hill Road. The location of this
high point/blockage in ..the ditch is illustrated on
the enclosed sketch:
6. The existing contours indicate that a blockage in
the ditch at the point mentioned above could cause
excess stormwater flow to be directed towards the
Kleinhenz driveway.
December 9, 1991 Page Three
Town of Wappinger
20 Middlebush Road
Box 324
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
Attention: Constance Smith, Supervisor
Reference: Drainage Problem
Hannigan and Kleinhenz Properties
All Angels Hill Road
7. Our recommendation would be to have Mr. Hannigan
perform minor cleaning and/or excavation work in
the ditch at the point mentioned above to insure
that all stormwater flows are contained within the
,ditch, and eventually carried out to All Angels
Hill Road.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to
contact this office.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Very trul ours,
. Peter J. aggi o
Paygi F rI rti
cc: Mr. Hannigan
155 All Angles Hill Road
Wappinger Falls, New York 12590
Ms. Kleinhenz
153 All Angels Hill Road
Wappinger Falls, New York 12590
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Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors
54-56 Main Street
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
October 26 , 1989 RECEIVED
U'( 3 0 ft!l
Town of Wappinger EL/vNE H. SNOWDEN
Town Board Clerk
Box 324
20 Middlebush Road
Wa-pir(Ters Falls , New York 12590
Reference : Lutri Residence
143 All Angels Hill Road
Drainage Complaint
Dear Board Members :
Please be advised that I have investigated a drainage
complaint at the above residence located at the corner of
A11 Angels Hill. Road and Sherwood Heights .
The site was characterized as follows :
1 . Localized puddling of water on the south and east
sides of the house .
2 . Portions of the basement (in particular the
southeasterly corner) were wet with obvious water
3 . A drainage swale was located at the southerly line
of the property and was directing water to All
Angels Hill Road.
4 . The roof leader was discharging roof drainage at
the southeasterly corner of the house .
5 . A low spot and/or depression in the ground was
present around the well and water line to the
house . This was a result of a recent rr-'pai-f to the
well . This low spot was directing some storm
drainage to the southeasterly corner of the house .
Joseph E.11aggi,jr.,P.F- Ernst Martin,Jr., P.F_ L.S.
Town of Wappinger Page Two
Town Board
Box 324
20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls , New York 12590
Reference : Lutri Residence
143 All Angels Hill Road
Drainage Complaint
As a re sul t c f t hi s in spec---Lon, 1 .-c,.,.c-,-u,-"cd and re c c-ld. en,-je d
the following:
1 . The owner fill in the low area near the
southeasterly corner of the house so as to direct
storm drainage away from the house .
2 . Direct the water from the storm leader away from
the house .
In addition to the above recommendations , I was not able to
conclude that the new development (Sherwood Heights) or the
adjacent neighbors to Mr. and Mrs . Lutri , were contributing
storm drainage directly to said property.
Should you have any questions , please call me .
Very truly yours,
Ernst Martin, Jr. , P . E. , L. S .
cc : Mr. and Mrs . Lutri
89-003 (46)
86-003 (12)
P.O.BOX 324
September 22, 1989
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Perkins
67 All Angels Hill Road
Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590
Re: Drainage Perkinsfvrooman
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Perkins:
The above captioned drainage concern was among the many that
Mr. Paggi reported on. at the regular meeting of the Town Board held
September 18, 1989.
He had previously recommended that one of the spillways in the
pond be lowered 7" or 811 , which would insure that water would not
reach the Vrooman property, although he did note that it was his
observation that in no way did this drainage approach Mr. vrooman' s
home, only part of the land. Mr. Paggi informed the Town Board that
prior to his recommendation, Mr. Perkins had already lowered the pond
4" to 5T1 , and in his opinion, judging from your past cooperation, the
recommended work had already been accomplished by yhusband.
He has suggested that we contact you .and ask if the work has
been completed Teoand available foranyoneinterested
vadr � have this
information on
Thank you for your cooperation which has helped us tremendously
in handling the situation.
ours trul
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
Consulting Engineers & Land Supveyors
54-56 Main Street
Pouglikeepsie, New York 12601
914--x-71-7 8 9'8
August 10 , 1989
Town of Wappinger AU'G 11 1989
Town Clerks office
20 Middlebush Road Town Clerk
Wappingers Falls , New York 12590
Reference : Perkins/Vrooman Drainage
All Angels Hill Road
Town of Wappinger
Dear Board Members :
The enclosed report is addressing the existing condition of
the above referenced project and a recommendation to
alleviate the drainage problem, for your review.
If there are any questions or concerns , please do not
hesitate to contact this office .
Very truly yours ,
Charles R. DelBene, Jr.
for Paggi & Martin
CRD: jjr
Enc .
cc : w/enc . Mr. and Mrs . Roy Perkins
,. "J
Joseph E.Paggi,Jr.,P.17.. Ernst Martin,jr., P.E., L-S
REPORT AUG 11 1989
Town Clerk
AUGUST 2 , 1989
This report addresses the effects of lowering and modifying
the outlet structure of Perkins ' Pond and its effect on the
downstream drainage.
The site , in its existing condition, was modeled using a SCS-
TR-24 analysis . Type III Rainfall distribution was applied
and antecedent moisture Condition II was assumed to develop
Hydrographs for a six inch rainfall. According to the
Dutchess County Soil Survey, the site is classified as `Troy
hin Hydrologic Soil Group C. The
gravelly loam, which is wit
ded land, a curve number of 74 was
site consists of 58-% of woo
assigned. Thirty five percent (35t) was open spaces and
lawns , a curve number of 74 was assigned. Seven percent (7%)
was paved roadway and impervious area was given a curve
number of 98 .
At present conditions , runoff from above Brook Place flows
into a drainage easement and down to Perkins ' Pond off of All
Angels Hill Road. This flow combined with road runoff from
Brook Place and overland flow below the road have been
overflowing the pond and supposedly flooding the lot of Mr.
Vrooman. After running the existing conditions through the
TR-24 program, the peak flow entering the pond was 25 . 84 cfs .
The existing edges of the pond are at approximately elevation
96 . 0 . With the three (3) existing outflow structures ; a
channel at elevation 96 . 4 , trapezoidal channel at elevation
95 . 7 , and 32 inch rectangular channel at elevation 96 . 2 ,
25 . 84 cfs inflow, the maximum elevation of the pond was 96. 5
feet. This water elevation will cause minimal flooding of
Mr. Vrooman' s property adjacent to the pond. Also , this
elevation is approximately 1. 5 feet below Mr. Vrooman' s
basement floor elevation. In an event larger than a 25 year
storm, roughly ten (14) feet of Vrooman' s property may flood.
Subsequently, the trapezoidal channel used as the outflow
structure must be made larger and its bottom elevation
My recommendation is to lower the channel ' s bottom elevation
4 . 7 feet, while keeping its slope at 2. 5%. The channel
should have a Ihofootfbottom, 2: 1
sidethe channelslopes /will ba0 feet
deep. The dept
approximately 8 . 5 inches at peak conditions with a flow of
5 . 5 cfs. This will lower the water surface elevation at peak
flow to 95 . 5 feet. (See Sketches)
--_. .._. JOB_
54-56 Main Street CALCULATED BY BATE
(914) 471-7898 CHECKED BY DATE
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In addition, a runoff hydrograph was developed for All Angels
Hill Road, 750 feet above the intersection of All Angels Hill
Road and Widmer Road. The flow generated was 2 cfs .
Considering the worst possible case , bath peak flows
occurring at the same time, the 5 . 5 cfs plus the 2 cfs would
have to be handled by the two existing 15 inch RCP. The two
15 inch RCP can handle up to 18 cfs , so the 7 . 5 cfs would not
be a problem. The 15 inch pipes drain into a catch basin on
All Angels Hill Road with a 24 inch RCP taking the flow
downstream. This 7 . 5 cfs addition can be handled by the 2.4
inch pipe .
tc 67 All Angels hond
-town Kanpingers Falls , Mar York 125W
MNY 23 ,
Town Aoar(.I
Town of Vapoingers
Vappingers Falls , 1 N"ew W E. 12 5 0 C�
Dear doard Kent-rs*
Ve have had a pond on war property since
1,967 and Ken Brook Pipen was developed , M
nwrred to the rcadway water being MY tc,
Ar on PH subsequently to 1 culvart roing
und& All Angels AW to the creek on
y4y wo requRst that the Town Wgdneor,
come an! look at car spillways to see if
nrc plegunto to handle the amount of wntal"'
-e pre rersivinR f.I i2 Brook Plyce , ghich is
P Town road,,
!hark yao for your attention to this
Tatter pnd shM await your MO.
Q �z/("
( moy & OtLy Perkins )
May 309 1969
To:Mrs. Pa no
Supervisors Office
20 Middlebush Rd.
Wappingers Falls"; New York 12590
From:Raymond William Vrooman
P.O.Box 309
Gilbertsville, New York 13776
Dear Mrs. Paino:
I own property at 57 All Angels Hill Rd. that ha.s
been the subject of contzoveray between the Townv Mr,. Perkiksp'
and myself over the pond on Mr. Perkin ' s, property restricting
the egress of the water from Brook Place and now the Van Voorhis
property being developed by Mr. John Lawrence.
I contacted Mr. Herb Levenson on May 1;5 ,' 1989 to
bring to his attention that the subdivision and development, of
the Van Voorhis property was compounding the wa=ter problem in
the lower basin# Within a: few hours Mr. John Lawrence called me
to insure me that he mould do whatever he could to help.
My conversation with Mr. Lawrence left me with
q,uestions as to having received permission to subdivide and/or
excavate on, the property. He stated that he was going to re-
direct the water from the property 2000 ft. north taxi._,: the stream
just south of New Hackensack R. on County 94 (All Angels Hill Rd. ) .
I contacted the County to confirm the request and
if the County was going to approve the requestp I have not heard
from the County to date.
This problem could be corrected by Mr. Perkins low-
ering his pond as he was requested to do in 1974 and he agreed to
per the suggestion of Mr. Clausen at the March 9 , 1974 meeting
and Town meeting on April 81 1989.
The Town approved Mr. Socfield's over my objection
assuring me that proper egress of the water would provied. The
pond level has been increased by Mr. Perkins adding to the dam.
I would appreciate your looking into this problem
as I have relocated and have my house on the market and the water
problem is affecting the saleability of the house.
Sincerely m� ']
Raymond William Vroon /
Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors 86-003 (195)
54-56 Main Street
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
914-471-7 898
May 7, 1987
Mrs. Irene Paino
Town of Wappinger
Box 324
20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
Reference: Hannigan
All Angels Road
Dear Mrs . Paino:
On May 5, 1987 , I spoke with Dr. Hannigan regarding drainage
problems in his rear yard. As you know this was investigated
by our office in July, 1986.
The basis of our conversation was that there is a drainage
swale across Dr. Hannigan' s property that is quite steep and
that is constantly eroding. This precludes the use of this
area as an active yard, however, it should be noted that this
drainage pattern pre-existed this house.
It is my opinion that the Town, possibly via its Attorney,
should decide if there is any involvement on their part.
I have enclosed a copy of my July, 1986 letter for your review.
Ver truly yours,
Jo,teph E. Paggi,Jr. , P.�.
{ JEP:hs
cc: Town Board w/ encl
Jennifer Van Tuyl w/encl .
Dr. Hannigan w/encl.
Joseph H.Paggi,Jr.,P.F: Ernst Martin,Jr., P.P., L.S.
Consulting Erginws& Lard Surveyors
� 1
5456 Main Street
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
July 15, 1986
Town of Wappinger _
Box 324
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
Attention: Irene Paino► Supervisor
Re: Hannigan
All Angels Hill Road
Dear Mrs. Paino:
At the request of the Board and Dr. Hannigan, this office
inspected the surface drainage situation `at the above residence.
The inspection revealed that the grade in the rear of the house
is quite steep (13±%) and drains in a northwesterly direction.
There is a defined swale that has eroded out in certain sections
and filled in in others.
A review of the preliminary and final plot plans showed that this
swale was an integral part of the Town approval. The purpose of
the swale is to convey the surface waters from the south side of
the property to the north side and eventually the road. The
swale, as a condition of approval, was to be topsoiled, seeded,
and mulched. I cannot comment on this, as I was not involved
in this inspection. However, it can be stated, that the swale
does not have any ground cover at the present time.
It would appear to me that the problem is a private property
matter, and the only involvement the Town should have is in the
approval process for the adjacent lots in the Sherwood Heights
Subdivision. -
Ifou have any y questions, please call.
{ y trulouN, Jr.� ,.
oseph E. Pagg P.E.
cc: Dr. Hannigan
Joseph E.Paggi,Jr.,P.E. Ernst Martin,Jr.,P.E.,L.S.
367 Violet Avenue,Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 914.454-3411
12 Fair Street,Carmel,New York 10512 914225-9353
March 5, 19 84
Supervisor Versace
Town Board
w-' Town of Wappinger
Town Hall
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
Re: Vrooman Drainage
Dear Members of the Board:
We have contacted Mr. La Par in an attempt to review his files regarding the
}? Vroaman drainage concern and the Norman Scofield subdivision concerning the
` Scofield-Perkins agreements. As Mr. La Par was not available for discussion
we would advise the Board as soon as we are able to locate and review the
aforesaid agreements.
Very truly yours,
Ronald M. Evangelis
Engineer to the Town
f° R[E:eb
367 Violet Avenue, Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 414454-3411
12 Fair Street,Carmel,New York 10512 914225.9353
-M E-X11-0-R--A N-D-U-M-
TO: Tower Supervisor, Versace
Town. Burd Mfrs
FRDM: Ronald M. Evangelista
BE: Vrocaman Drainage Concern
u '
DATE: February 16, 1984
Ronald M. Evangelista field investigated on February 4,1984 and reviewed Town
{ files - not much information contained therein.
There are three (3) spillways leading to 2 pipes (RCP) under County Road.
` However, according to letter of December 1, 1977 from R.E. LaPar to the Tuan Board
(copy attached) improvemnets by Perkins & Scofield were in fact Meted in the
Fall of 1975, which may or may not be the case - difficult to determine in the
field. Perkins & Scofield agreements were not found in the files.
PIr. Vrocnan stated that Perkins was to lower the pond overflow level to 1 foot below
his basement (in elevation.) . Whereas, 1 foot is difficult to determine in the field,
this would have to be field checked by our survey crew (which we could do) however,
before expending this effort, a copy of the "so-called" Perkins -- Scofield agreement
should be read and a determination made as to what exactly was to be provided. if
this is verified and a field check indicates this is not the case _ Mr. Perkins could
be requested to complete this work - however, the Town would not appear to have any
leverage to force. Mr. Perkins to complete this work - if in fact it is determined to
be incomplete.
This office also discussed this matter in the field with Ken Croshier on February
15, 1984.
367 Violet Avenue,Poughkeepsie,New York 12601 914454-3411
12 Fair Street,Carmel,New York 10512 914225-9353
February 6, 1984
TO: Supervisor & Town Board
Town of Wappingers
FROM: Morris & Andros
Engineers to the Town
RE: W. Vrooman
Drainage Problem
All Angels Hill Road
A representative of this office met with Mr. Vrooman on
Saturday, February 4, 1984 to discuss the referenced concern.
Mr. Vrooman does appear to have a water problem on his property
along All Angels. Hill Road near Brook Place. Mr. Vrooman also
had backup correspondence which indicated his neighbor, Mr.
Perkins, was to control the pond outlet at an elevation lower
than the Vrooman basement.
This office will be looking into this matter further,
which will include a complete review of the existing file (s)
and possibly some additional field work. Upon further investi-
agation we will advise the Board of our findings.
Ronald Evangelista
........................ ..........
-,,,,n of 'Tae
p ug,e r Jan. 19 1964
��:-:Pervisorl s Office
N&I Street
Tappinger 2alls , N.Y. 12590
Dear Sir;
I have a 7ator problem Lffecting my home and pro-
aerty as the result of a subdivision qrant& hr.N. Scofield.
Mr. Scofinli ronaes.Ci el a snbdivision in 1072/72t
was irnnb& tie subdi7ision "nd constructO a roaO b.17°Ca storm
drninane system with town approval fhat is floodiag the lower
basin, raising the water table Ran FloodinV Ay cellar.
At We tine hhc subdivision was heia ; reviewed i
COW"tod the nlpnninn bonrd and she supervisorlp office with
my concerns aad was assured at meetings and by letters that
the drainaqe from the subdivision would be properly hirected
to the strosm en Aidmer Id . and would not rKse the water
table in the lower banin in back of my home, I -a s Qso
assurad thU %he 1cvQ of Ve jond on Nr. Perkin' s properLy
woW be mrintniaod at a levc! bRow ny cellax flDor.
The fact is Kc -ater from the storm sysucy anC.
W run-Qff Tp inder bhe rood dirrctcd tq the lo-er brsin
is omrtia- iabo -r. PernL70N -end , is beiny restrictes ,7
rKsin thr wntcr ULU K the lower basin W flooCin � iy
c0lor nurinn sprinn thaws nnd heavv enturne6 rain s �orms .
7a- i have nn appointmeO to discuss tie ?rcblew
in detnil wa.t 7vur earliest convenience.
Yours truly,
.,illiEul -7ruoi��ari
57 All Angels Hill 3d.
Tanninner WIls, A. Z. 1259 )
Town Supervisor Town Board Nov.. 9,1977
Supervisors Office
Mill St.
Wappingers Falls,' N.Y . 12590
I stated mar concern ovet the passible drainage
probl ems with- the subdivision of"Mr. Serf i.eld I s property
on All Angels Hill Rd. at the initial planning meetings
and at a later .dated letters and meetings were: sent and
held to -salnti.on the problem:
Ibave this: information on file if you. require. it.
My: concerns have materialized. The distruct:ion of.
the water-shed andthe ,redirection of the water run-offs"
compounded by the darn on Mr. Perkin' s property are eaasing.
flooding of my basement.
I have 'lived at this address for over eight years
frith--out Rater in: the cellar. Now. I have S" to &" of water, }
and have to pump every time -we have heavy rain or a fast their
Please review this problem.
Yours truly �
R. William Vroomm
57 All Angers Rd..
Wappingers Palls
sa« 1.2590
CC: Town Board Members
Elaine. Snowden, Town Clerk
William P. Horton„ Superintendent of Highways
Rudolph Lapar, P.E.
r Toyn On
Town of �anoinCVI' junn 17, 107,1,
TarninZory FaUs, 5- f- 1250
1. N. ' rJ',u t „.o h o ,d: .0?, 4i ,r ,r,..k s'ubu.f_ y i Hn of the /r
N3.0-c"1101 owns✓.K,.v.._ ,a 1;'°P. All
There is some confusion Qbvewn Mr. Laour, Er. �ortun,
and Vr. SCOfield OS 00 W! MW ?322 a
.r r On o e r F K neohing NW AM! 2,1074 i,n ✓s i ,s to
C is.
1 . I Vhe directing / s from Ihe ,
across i!roe r a y.
into the pond wbuttiug my property. The owner of
that%r p r r. r ,iKr. lorkins, and I la.f ,v, e a
i, '.r b to r resolve. Thu
1., u a!. d.( l., ... wv 0,.s.,,. Wer.e e.( h..a,.i'. c°, .t,
t e(t.
W �d l�, S.l.;,� o S s,�, will, compound. {r'.� e �✓..E.o c��» m�. as:'2 will the
the addition of f Town
if 11tigabion is necessawy.
., $.r .,✓,.,✓ / v, me of the d u. f toa will a✓sd,t. �� r _ ,s
to your d„ .fw�, ,. . .,
�4� r✓�O.N���tri�G� s..✓ y,rt; �r �,v
EI '
JUN 9 1974
x,... LA W,a, .,,
may 3, 1974
Mr. Raymond W. Vrooman
All Angels Bill Rd.
Wappingers Fells, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Vrooman:
Your letter of March99, 1974 regarding surface water drainage
was discussed at the regular meeting of the Town Hoard held April. B,
1974. I am enclosing herewith an excerpt from the minutes of that
meeting which informs You of the action taken on this.
Yours truly,
Elaine S. Snowden
Town Clerk
It was Mr. Lapar' s and Mr, Horton' s understanding- that Mr.
Scofield was to pipe the entire easement from the lots - above
Vrooman, down to the pond (on Perkins Property) , Mr. Lapar r
believed the only control the Town really has is that if Mr
Scofield doesn' t he doesn' t get any building permits. It was
discussed that the problem was more properly the flooding of the ±�
pond back on to the Vrooman property. rather than the fact of
piping, which the developer was aware of but did not consider
his problem. Mr... Clausen' s conjecture was that Perkins dam would
either have to be lowered or removed, it was Perkins dam that was
basically-causing- the problem. Mr. .Lapar indicated that Scofield
was obliged to pipe to the pond, the only other alternative. is �
to look up Highway Law to see if the Highway Superintendent has
any control over the situation and/or could clean out to the.
stream. Mr. Diehl directed Mr. Horton and .Mr.. Lapar ',to look:' into r
the flooding problem and report back to the Board at the next-,
_regular meeting.
'TEL. 297-6256
March 22, 1974
Town Board
Town of Wappinger
Mill Street
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
RE- Letter dated 3/9/74 from R.W. vrooman regarding storm drainage
on Norman Scofield, Section 2 subdivision - All Angels Hill Road.
(Copies of said letter attached. )
The Planning Board of the Town of Wappinger is herewith
referring this letter to your Board for a reply.
The Planning Board feels that they can take no action
with regard to this letter as this subdivision was granted
final approval on February 28, 1972 on the bas sof reports
received and said subdivision map was filed in the County
Clerk ' s office on April 13, 1972 .
Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
(Mrs . ) ,','/� etty-Ann Russ, Secretary
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
,CC: Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
March 9 .197
Town of Wappinger
planning Board
main St.
Wappinger Falls, N.Y.
h Dear Sir;
Oa January 20, 1972- 1 wrote a letter to-::the
Town of Wappinger planning board stating my concern.
over the subdivision of the property of 111r.. Scofield
on All Angels Hill Rd. , town of Jappingers.
In that letter. I noted that the abutting
properties of 1Ir. T.'� .Merrill(date of this letter
this property has. new owner) and Mr. R,; . Vrooman
were experiencing; water problems and that the removal
of the trees and the addition of a road with a drain
system directing the water collected to a point it had to
pass across our properties mould. compound the problem..
I asked this problem. be considered and had
hoped I would be called on before the subd vision was
voted on.This was not the case.
143x.. Rudolph E. Lapa,r called my wife and told,
her that Mr. Scofield' s plan had a 20:' right—of--way
across the back of the properties between our property
and the subdivision for a drain system, and: that the
water would not pass across my property.
This letter is to inform you that the storm
drain was started last fall. and it terminates at a; point :
that- will collect and deposit the .wat er as toL run across
our properties.
Mr.. Louis D., stated as a candidate. for
a fourth. term as supervisor that .water, seexage and
surface. grater drainage as priority issues,. this is one
of those. priority .issues,
Please contact me so that we can resolve this
ou s t y
c.c. RudoIph E. .Lapar
Louis D.. DiehlRAYMOND w vaoaMAN
Mr.&Mrs.R.W. Vrooman RECEIVEED
All Annals Hill Road
Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590
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Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors
56 Main Street
Poughkeepsie,New York 12601
October 19, 2004
Town Board -
Town of Wappinger U 20
Wappingers Falls,New York 12590
Attention: Hon. Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor
Reference: D'Ambrosio1107 All Angles Hill Road
Drainage Complaint
Dear,Supervisor Ruggiero &Board Members:
During the past couple of weeks,this office made two inspections at the above
referenced location.
At the initial inspection,we met with Ms. D'Ambrosio to discuss her issues
regarding the drainage problem in the rear of their property. She informed us that
water has been inundating her backyard and is generated from the property to the
east, which is the old Fairchild site and portions of the New Hackensack Fire
Department property. Ms. D'Ambrosio went on further to say that she felt that when
the New Hackensack Fire Department expanded their building that the flooding
problem increased on her property.
At the rear of the property,which borders the access road to the old Fairchild site,
there is a rather steep slope draining down to a low area behind her home. This low
area really has no outlet until the water builds up and covers more of her yard. Once
this buildup occurs then the water appears to drain toward the pond located on the
east side of All Angels Hill Road.
Also at the rear of her property is a 24" corrugated metal culvert, which crosses
under the existing access road. This culvert is pitched from west to east away from
the D'Ambrosio property. The inlet to this culvert on the D'Ambrosio property is
unobstructed with a small amount of sediment in the bottom portion of the pipe,
which is restricting some water from leaving the property. There does exist a small
amount of standing water. Due to the existing topography of her property, the
aforementioned low area cannot drain toward this culvert due to a highpoint in her
Joseph E.Paggi,Jr,P.E. Ernst Martin,Jr.,P.E,L.S. Charles R Del Bene,Jr.,P.E.
Hon. Joseph Ruggiero - 2 - October 19, 2004
RE: D'Ambrosio/107 All Angels Hill
Another issue that was p ng brought u during our conversation was the maintenance of
this culvert. The homeowner would like to know who is responsible for maintaining
this culvert at the rear of her property. I explained to her that I did not know who's
culvert it was and would have to look into that matter.
After our discussion with Mrs. D'Ambrosio, I informed her that I would inspect the
area of the firehouse addition, the outlet side of the culvert, as well as the old
Fairchild site.
During our inspection of the firehouse addition, we found the pavement to be graded,
such that any runoff generated from this portion of the site appears to be captured in
the closed storm system installed during the addition construction.
Our inspection of the outlet side of the 24"culvert revealed that the receiving
channel was filled with debris and vegetation,which may impede the flow of water
from the culvert. The receiving channel continues in an easterly direction and enters
a rather large wetland.
We then continued north on the access road to the old Fairchild site. This site
appears to have no recent improvements or changes. The area does not look like it
has been disturbed in quite sometime.
During the past heavy rains, we checked the New Hackensack Fire Department site
and 107 All Angels Hill Road. We found the runoff generated from the new addition
being captured by the existing catchbasins, and transported by the storm system to
the east where it appeared to discharge into an open channel. There was no
indication of runoff from the firehouse addition heading toward the property of 107
All Angels.
Not being familiar with the pre-existing conditions prior to the firehouse addition,we
cannot say whether or not any changes have taken place,with the exception of the
addition and surrounding parking lot area. However, as noted above,the site grading
contains the additional runoff generated by this addition.
If you have any questions or concerns,please do not hesitate to contact this office.
Very truly yours,
Charles R. Del Bene, .E.
cc: Town Board: File
Hon. Gloria Morse
Albert P. Roberts, Esq.
Hon. Graham Foster