Alpine Drive w
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i- i 'kr,IJTC;I lA....1"ealQ C"rr�.et as"�rwitla f,ieae2 C rrvm�n�anat (A'racnau n ('axeq'et..arti+"rrs) T'U'e"E3�H..dkNX RE Gi�TEWD �n.S PAT ar.Face
FORM 5822 fl �aL 1�@ ,CP� ChHi., 'C2"a�9,wry�➢1+7r e AA,��rxp.F2'7� ff ll?831) �
Tu 1t✓,�L,�a wo 7--'/-//7 r,Pub/i._h ✓'u?fr7nd V'
Jfcede the d(T 01 April,
twee I . C B. . HOMES , I C.
asor"por°atz°on orijanzzed taider the lauYs cV` the State of New York , having
its principal place of business at 21..5 Shea.fe Road, Wappingers
Falls New York
party off. the first part, and
TOWN OF WAPPItIGE , a municipal corporation, Dutchess County , New York.
Witnesseth that the ar°tr, o f,h .r°st art in, c,art,ideralio, eat;lr,� ������ �t�
Part ca
- - - _ - - - - One and 00/1.00 - - - - A. - Mar (r 1,. 00 )
1atvf l ntor" ey of the Urt ted Stakes,
paid by the part y of the second part, does hereby �rartl, and release te,ato the
unto the party, of the second par 4 its heirs and askyns 1ore7,er,
ALL that lot , piece or parcel of land known as ,Alpine Drive , Town
of Wappinger, Dutchess Counter, New `fork , bounded and described. as
Ifollows :
BEGINNING at a iron pin on the Westerly side of the New York
State Highway that runs between Beacon and Hughsonvill,e and commonly
known as route 9D and said point being the Southerl' corner of now
or formerly Rivera and running thence along said highway South 321 00''
West 50. 00 feet ; thence leaving said highway and running along other
lands, of I « C. 0®Miw HOMES ; INC. , the grantor herein. , the following
courses and distances : North 580 001 West 55 . 92 feet ; thence on a
curve convex to the West having a radius of 105 feet and a length
Northerly 155 . 15 feet North 81 501 Bast 1143 « 74 ,feet thence on a.
curve convex to the North having a radius of j''
)7 flet and a length
Westerly 249 . 00 feet thence South 240 501 Gest 353. 42 feet ; thence
on a curve convey: to the Southeast having a radius of 183 feet and a
length Southwesterly 253. 92 feet ; thence on a curve convex to the
North having a radius of 179 feet and a, length Westerly 112 . 47 feet
and thence South 880 201 West 250 . 59 feet to a stonewall fence and.
the Easterly line of lands of noir or formerly Lerner; thence along sai .
line North 211 45 " 50"° West 50 feet ; thence leaving said lane and running
along; other lands of said I . C.B.M. HOMES , INC, North 88020 ' Last
260. 57 feet ; thence on a curve convex to the North having a radius of
22.9 feet and a length Easterly 1.43 . 88 feet ; thence on a curve convex
to the Southeast having a radius of 133 feet and a length north-
easterly 184. 54 feet ; thence North 24050 ' Fast 353. 42 ,feet thence
on a curve convex to the North having a radius of 137" feet and a
length Easterly 223. 82 feet ; thence on a curve convex to the South-
east having tie. radius of 40 feet and a length Northeasterly 50 . 58
feet ; thence can a curve convex, to the Northwest having a radius of
350 feet and a length Northeasterly 108 . 98 feet and thence North 40'
20 ' Feast 87 , 04 feet to A stone wall fence and the Westerl.y line of
Togsiher mith the appialen an ces and till the estatean d rihts of the party
q the#rw:part in,an.d to said, premises,
To have and to hohl the prentises hetein Irk' nted uixto the part y the
sea.aond Part, its heirs and ussi�)ns J'orever.
And the party of the first part covenants as rollows:
Fiin;L�� Tha't Uzo. party of the first part is seized of said premises in
sim,.ple, and has good right to convey the salne;
Secord" That the parl y the Yecond part shall quielly enjoy the
Thkd, That the sub/ PmemisPs aPPf1'eej'1w11?
That the Impty (V' the lbst part ivill 0?xe(jtj0 or Inveure any jWrther
necessury ('Issur('Ince oflhe title lo kT
" the title to said Til'thi, That the pezrt!,
of the fi.rst part WRZ forev(�-,r Wmmmjm�i'
S'ix.flb, 't'hat, in Coln'pliaac ' ttnith 1j, ()/' tj?le Lieu Laivthe �)muto
medre the consideratum fol, 111is mm,eyance a-nd 'rill hold the Aht 10 receive such.
consideration usu tr"slArad to be aPP1Q1APstj?)r the paqm8e payilrJ the t'()sl Of
the imprommeut und tt,Ui apply the same Pial lo the pabin'teni ol, the cosl 4i1' the;
ingrovement beybre usjuV any part rV the lotal c'-)j the
In VVianes,,, %Vhereo,9 the
partt/ of litt, first pa.rl, has caused its c:,',Orpor(fte
seal to be hei,eievda QIxed, awl these presents
to be signed bl, its duly amthorized qj9cer
am (lay cad` A-,,)ril
Xineteen J-1-undred and Sixty T.-i,e
73 ✓
7 k E-
g 5i 4 ez'(
0'j, oit this (lay of April
C,,co-nmity of DUTCHESS Y7 j�e t e e n, Hun(ired (Pul Sixty Five
bej'ore ),rle per,,maally cante,
(e) nze' Personally -u;ho, beiny by me duly svy)ria, did depose and ,,?(.iy that
he resides in, WsNew appingers Fall , w York that h e is
the Secretary-Treasurer 04 I . C.B.M. HOMES ,
th,e corporc tioh, deseribe(l i.,, and -tuhich executed, the, -uliltlu"In, that he
knoum the seal (,V said c.orporatloa; that the seal QUA to said Instrame"T is
such corporate seal; that it umis so allixed by order he of tBaar(i of Dirootor,�
of said corpc)jjttioa; and that he sidned flame thereto by like order.
Notary Publi&
LOER11.94 ilnf
E_ISER 1194 FnE 214 -
lands of now or formerly Reese ; thence along said line South 311 32 '
10" East -33. 56 feet and South 32112130" East 18. 98 feet ; thence
leaving said line and running along other lands of said I.C.B.M.
Homes , Inc. South 40°.. 20' West 71. 49 feet; thence on a:. curve convex
t the Northwest having 'a radius of 310 feet and a length Southerly
o g g y
170. 43 feet ; thence South 81 50 ' oddest 1212 . 74 feet ; thence on a curve
convex to - the West having a radius of 83 feet and alength Southerly
96 , 82 feet and thence South 580 00' East 55 .92 feet to the point of
TOGETHER with a turning circle1e having a radius of fifty feet
from the center. of the road, one where the above described land abutts
the line of Lerner and another where the above described land abutts
the line of Reese; such land to be used for road purposes and such
Land within the turning circle and outside of the right-of-way road
lines to revert to abutting oe-rners if and whenever the road- is
TOGETHER with an ..easement 20 feet wide,, for drainage , sanitary
sewer and water lanes , beginning on the Westerly line of the herein
described parcel and 13 +0 feet more or less. along said line Northerly
from .the. Westerly kine of Route 9D, said strip extending Westerly
177 feet more or less to a Easterly line of the -herein described parcel
TOGETHER with , an easement 20 ,feet wide , for drainage , sanitary
sewer and water lines , beginning, on the Easterly line of the herein
described parcel and 395. feet more oy l.ess' along sial line northerly,*
from the Westerly line of Route 9D, said strip extending South-
easterly to Route 9D crossing .Route 9D and extending stall South-
easterly 770 feet more or less along a right of way and through
lands of I.C.B.M. ' HOMES , INC. to the brook and natural watercourse.
DEEDSUF'Pl.EPAEE ITAL putchess county Cferles Offfew
Received do the......, of! -4....1gf"
.;F� • 825 at........2
H.....fl.....M. M. Recaru
FGF,RT i ii__5
$ •C i iBook No...._... �f'� yE '�___i at page.... ...and examined
110 STAMP'S '14
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