Brown Road i STATUTORY :IrORN 2;-226. THE CHISHOLM.PRINTING COMPANY,225 VARICK ST.,N.V.67147 E�`oautors' Deed.—Individual or Corporation MW 00 ALI 'h+ t I .M'ade the day of February Nineteen g Hundred and Seventy-one i 15Et1 ¢¢ JOHN VORNDRANand ANNA C. BROMp residing at Brown Road, Wappinger Earls, New York as co-executoxs of the last Will and Testament of REFRY VORNDRAN G late of deceased, part i e s of the ,first part, r r and I TOWN OF WAPPINGER9 a municipal, corporation, with an I office for the transaction of business located at the Town Hal1q, Village f Wappinger Fallstill Street, Wappinger Falls, Dutchess County, Nein York, part Y of the second part: J Witne0EtDa That the part l e s of the first part, by virtue of the power and authority to t given in and by said last Will and Testament, and in consideration of ---------------%J ,, DOLLAR- -----($1.00)-------------------- ollars, I lawful money of the mated States, actual consideration paid by the part Y of the second part, do e s hereby brant and release unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, f all that tract or parcel of land located in the Town of Wappinger, County of Duchess and Stte of New York, bounded and described as fol- lows: llows: BEGI14NING at a point on the existing Southerly line of Brown ,d,� said point being distant 6.40 feet Southerlyq measured at right angles J from Station 0 of the hereinafter described b . lin f Crown Road and runnirg thence Quer and through lands f Vorndr n, the grantor herein, th, f llowing: South 35-12.- West 5.40 feet to a, pant 11.50 feet Southerly measured at right angles from Station 0+00; thence Hort 63-52-00 West 338.62 feet to a point 54 . 15 feet Southerlyq measured at right angles from Station 5+5 ..251 tb n North 73-05-00 �°� 403.23 feet to a point 55.72 feet Southerlyq measured at right angles from Station 8+31.73; thence North 80-01-1 West 152.74 feet to a point 26.75 feet Southerlyq measured at right angles from Station 9+70.47 t feet thence North S -Sg�-1 `est 90.00 feet to a point 31.38 feet Southerly, measured at right angles from Station 10+60.351 -thence Nor th 6-18-00 East 17.00 feet to a point 14.38 feet southerly, measur d at i right angles from Statin 10+60.35; t a point on the existing South- I rly boundary f aforesaid Brown Road; thence leaving said line and I running along the Existing Southerly line of said Brown Road Easterly 1060 feet more r leas to the point of beginning containing 0.446 acre f land be the samenDre or less. HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED BASELINE OF BROWN ROAD BEGINNING at Station 9+00; thence North 54-47-20 West 252.70 feet I to Statin 2+52.70; thence North 73-35-40 east 579.64 feet to Station 8+32.34; to North 83-4t 327. . nTE OF n { "ZI.- 0111mANSFUt AT _ANE),��, . � � ° zn t.: Y % d �� . 00 AR 7V k W6�Ngs1 V �° 1. IrOOCtbCr with the appurtenances, anD R100 all the estate, which said, Testat Or S had at the time of 'his decease in said premises, an 0100 the estate therein, which the parties of the first part have or had power to convey or dispose, of, whether individually, or by virtue of said Will or otherwise, Co babe ano to bolb the, premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. ffll they an the part ie s of the first part covenant that ha v e not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incambered in any way whatever. anti The grantors, in compliance with Section 13 of the, Lien Law, covenant as follows: That they will receive, the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the, right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be, applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the tmprovement, and that they will apply the same ftrst to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. In Witnes Mbereofs the par es of the first part have hereunto set their ihands and seals the day and year first above written. U Preornre lot 7> State of NEW YORK county of DUTCHESS 8S.: On the day of February nineteen hundred and seventy- one before, me personally came JOHN VORNDRAN and ANNA C. BROWN to me known to be, the individuals described in, and who executed, the foregoing instrument, an d acknowledged that they executed the same. 5 Notar ublic State of County of ss.: On the day of nineteen hundred and before me personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in that he is the Of the corporation described in, and which executed, the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seat of said corporation; that the seat afflxed to said instrument is such corporate seat; that U was so aff&xed by order of the board of of said corporation; and that he, signed h name thereto by like order. S i L 0 It and Atto L"t I-aw "o,29 J�&! r"' Street Poughk�epshr NY. L 18 ER 5 tA n� m 0 tAc m 2 rn n c, 0 v 'z G) 0 n Ir Fl CD TNO co m b ca r h.s P.. i f � I 1 f I I 1, 1, 1 `r Nry N � 1 i i i r 6 J `f i f l I I, EASEMEN'r IE THIS INDENTURE, made this l5th. day of May, 1.974, between JOHN W. VORNDRAN and ANNA C. BROWN, both of and residing at Wappingers Falls, New York as Executors of the Last Will and Testament of HENRY VORNDRAN, who died a resident of Dutchess County on March 4, 1-969, parties of the first part, and the Town of Wappinger municipal corporation having its town hall situate at "Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger , Dutchess County, State of New York, party of the second part. f 1,rst WI-J.'N]---SSETfl: That the party of the , gaaondpart, in cons ide ration of ----------------ONE DOLLA 11 (;ala 00)-- ,--------_----- actual 0)----------------- actual consideration, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted and released, and by these presents does grant and release, to such Town of Wappinger , its successors and assigns, a right of way and easement in, upon, under, and through certain premises of the parties of the first part, for the purpose of laying, maintaining, and operating utilities including, but not limited to pipelines, to be used for transporting any and all substances capable of being transported. through such pipelines. Said right of way and easement being more particularly bounded and described in Schedule "A" which is hereunto annexed, such premises being located in the 1-own of Wappinger Dutchess County, State of New York. Concomitant and coextensive with this right is the further right in the party of the second part, its successors and. assigns, of ingress and egress over and upon that portion of land belonging to the parties of the first part, to effect the purposes of said easement. Said rights are con- ditioned on the reasonable exercise thereof for the benefit of the dominant JAMES E, C()OPABS tenement, and in the event of excessive use, or use for non-dominant pur- ATTORNEX AND COUNSELLOR M, LAW FICYUGHK'EEPStE,NEVV DRK poses, or by means otherwise injurious to the servient tenement, the parties �f I I �I i' of the first part shall have the right to extinguish said easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.. 7 Al , a C c ti In the presence of r STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF DC..TTCHESS) ss' : �II On this day of Nineteen Hundred and Seventy- Four, before me, the subscriber, pev�sonally appeared JOHN W. VORNDRAN J„ ANNA. C"'. BROWN HENRY A. VORN.IDRAN to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and -,.he ahe/executed the same acknowledged to rune that .an qq pR1TC1 w ^ K. ... KVORNDRAN ANNA i VIEINRY BROWN CATHERINE ERINE VORNf RAN execute this instrument as evidence of th in consent thereto and as witnesses only. .i JAMES r, COOMBS 4CD&,.NCI S El L O R Al LAIN I II � Wnsran I 1 to LIBER 13 85 PmE514 SCHEDULE "A" Dc�scziplrinn of a parcel c)-l' Fitu,,-ktr-' in the oflf IA.,-,,ppizage-r o,-p: T"Ul rh.ess an.c�, th,-, Statlr.,'. NevjYork. 2,,eg7 nninq at a rm.. tb.e rior-t-hc,..�.stcrly line of Brown said poizr�t T.aCi.ng )c3ast 205.00 feet , ,-,c)uth E(D-01-10 Fa�-,t- Snvttl-i 73-OS-00 Fast 405. 55 feet , S-,,,uth 74,-/112-40P.,x ')/1'/1' " 10 sout'h 67-10-00 40.02 feet rm rc-m t c- .3-inc,-, said 13rovmPEgad Cvi-',--h the T-irr' Ln�-- 7 ,--nds, of- --fox-mer-ly Fitzgibbon J tI,.C."'71co m"(-r lands John. Vondran , the th? Fn:"'.-th 9-10:73-30 77ost 140.0/1 feet "to a t],',encc Norl'-Ih 358.80 -'"ent to a point ; thence a po-.i.mt th(,-nr.(-- South 72-55 , 2101 52.65 ±eet to a th�cnco South 43-53-00 Cast 211.26 feet to a po.int ; thoncc Sout'llWest .366, 80 -'reet. to a, point ; SIh 9-03-30 R--,,st 154,96 feet to a point on the xorthozast- crly Lo-ne of aforcsaa id P)-,cr;7,jnPoad; I-hencc leaving said line and run q, , , ning along Foxth.eaterly Tine of said Brown Road North 67-10-00 Il s. 3.6F eet to th(,,-, j,-)oint of beginning. MUTCHESS COUNTY CLERKS �)FFICE RECEIVEDON 'THE )4/DAY 0FVLV'19.-7-- ATM --ZM. RECORDED M B 0 0 K N OF xrPAGE AND EXAMMED I. t un 0I 71Z a -70 ST'A TE Pin 'STAT ()F Y A' 19 G Sol" V,-13 FORM 581X N•Y. PEED—Tull Covenant with Lien Covenant 7UTBLAHX RECISTerren U.S.PKTOWFICE Turtle la w Print.Publishers.R&IandYl. Thio Inbritturr, Made the clay of JMMUSXY .Nineteen Hundred and LXt *-8 jWwrrn JO W. VMMRM M SUM AWo both V*$W" Count of. Wyss and Stato of SW 'ork, parA44 of the first part, and " tLug. WAerr the laft of t State of 'Y*t ,t With 4 PVi=:LP&I Ploce of bualaoss ist, the Tova IsIlt W111 Stmt* Stmt n=ber sipated * iu the VLILW of WOPPLUPre renes, Tom of wjopinpr* Comfy of Duttb"s OA4 Stat* of NOWYO** part? of the second part, Oftrono that the parte of the first part, in consideration of +F 0�f, �+,R+If r.+rttw...arYkN.+w+�rt.writ..rrs--4lriwEw..'���?Mi.r.r.rr;N:aYiYl�.rrk+rM4F�lM+l�x�'ariw wr!iwc lqY `"'i lawful money of the United States, #0 other, $004 OGl paid by the part/ of the sec nd part, do hereby Brant and release unto the part)r of the second part, Its �0*0 "; and assigns forever, all tbAt im or p=cel of land s tuAt. 'lying and �boba on the sour and State of Now Yarkt and wro portic4arly dos iW t 90110Mt 4t * poftt on dw Smtherly lim of tba est- paveamt Of ftom 04, 4,. sadA "int Wag distant 4.40 feot Soutbdwlyt WMA Ot d t US ft= ft*tom 0+00 Of dw h Umds of V the sranter d" ** .4 00 soaawU Wort 3.62 feet to it Poiat utmt 3.75 feet �t�ly at rpt �us � �tlt . 351. tbftco nth 16 dezrt"A 24 o to t 20 secoads Wt 13,75 fit to Polut asto t 21.00 t SoutherI 0 At rpt *V100 trcu statim "1,23 to a POIAt on fte &M 1-7 080 Of Odd AmdttU tI vw t r tt � or loss to tbo Polut Of ipasundA19 Atug 0it175 *avow of Lwd bo the MOVt4a with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part of the first part in and to said premises, iju jittre na to Ralb the premises herein 7raizted unto the party of the second part, fts XUOC* **V6 and assigns forever. Atte said PW " Of thO fIXt W covenant as follows: Nirot, That said seized of said premises in, fee simple, and good ri_ght to convey the same; Orrimb. That the part" of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises: M t b. That the said premises are free from incumbrances; Fourt#, That the part ' ' of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premis.es; Mth, That said$NOX-tiax Of tbo first, P" will forever 30ttrrant the title to said premises. #b#, That, in Compliance with Sec. 13 of the Lien Law, the grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first fo-r the purpose of paying the cost of the .improvement and will apply, the same first to the payment of the cost, of the `+ improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any Other purpose. 3tt Vittta no 304mof. the parff.** of the first part h hereunto set tb*J hand 4 and seaA the day and year first above written. 3n joresma of qtr of09 this of (Ottltutg o k u I ss. Nineteen Hundred and Ms before me_ the subscriber, personally appeared V09"NAli V023DAM to me personally known and known to me to be the same .persozf described in and who executed the within Instrument, and h acknowledged to me that t h4V executed the same. Notary Public o ° � r A 1-3 m a Z z M z c In r a � -zi .1 m wuiwuwum w wm«i. '� "ar rewu��� w�urexr m«ew��mww,+�mvw o w„ wa vn.. ..... w.... dr ,� All V m pp\k k' I a w " I 7 s F,"yd M , �.NF 4'w� wum,ti wmmM a� w AW F ,. .................... "................. w i Ct " s W 11 " 0�1 .", v zz J p„ J i m