Central Avenue FORM ry& e�k�1917,C"uuyr>-M41 SUA11 ev�FI-11 AA h.p.027 s a ,�f 19320� tl,Z.nu a a 6 ma Tnn PHPd.,w Frnr,AuCr/ A IR [P11087 Pnt38 .Cd card e the � r "day of d L/L. Xara,e;t.een ld`un dre d «rar.l Sixty,I wo Between I„C C.Ba M. HOMES, INC., a corporation orglar txerdander° llte laz";a of the ,State of ,New York and having its principal office at 215 Sheafe Road, Wappingers Falls, New York �! I a party or the first part, anW, "TOWN OF WAPPINGE;R, a municipal corporation having its principal office at the Village of Wappingers Ills, New York, � I part 1a that t,daes party as the ar•sd tart,i c�aarPsd dar°catd on t ,s�c�aara- -rata-', y � Wit�a�s�ea' d J ,d� .� l a�$af --------------- ------------------------ __-_--_----__-_ -- ---- --- ----CANE ------------------------ 0c'daea° 01 lm 00 ) �� lawl rel paid a aby the-regt i; yaaf the secuaadd part, does daareby.r rant carred ease unto the y f � actual consideration r da Band asst as are”er yell cr tree spa carted .air" = � , carat -� , its su da 5' ,� d ccessors that lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Wappinger, i County of T3utchess and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the northerly line of the proposed extension of Central Avenue, the said point being the southeasterly corner of the herein describedi parcel and being the following courses and distances from the southwesterly cornea: i of Lot Not 18 as shown on map entitled "First Subdivision of Lands of I. DainoB° dated August 1.5, 1939 and filed in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office as Map No. 185 Ili on November 10, 1939; North 161 00° 40" West 5..00 feet and South "73° 511 20." West 4.00 feet to the point or place of beginning; thence along the northerly line of the proposed extension of Central Avenue South 73m 51" 20 West 50.00 feet; thence through the lands of Io C.Bn M. Homes, Inc, North 161 03' 40" West 295.00 feet, thence alon� the southerly line of lands now or formerly of Schnabl North 730 511 20" East 50.00 feet; thence„through the lands of I.C.B.M. Homes, Inco South 161 03' 40" East 295,00 feet to the point or place of beginning. l I' IImM1.4 iuM1;'Y, Dt69`c,hr � ecrttwscr Clerk's rk's Oth""mu, Reca,Ned rn iVtd,...l..°yr.... day of,4,: 21 ..,.. ,pt. „_,..,... r a� Owsh" uVh the appurknaace,�r u7W(..ill the est aleand A,ihtvref herr l,,arly of the',u)"O Part iit and tea vtid prepnis es" To tame :ucl to Ohl the preinises herein, the paHy I h e sevoml lo'Irt, its successors anti assimem lbrever, And the, parliy of tine 11rst part covenants as Thal lh,e, party re(' the fli-st part is, seized ot(2 said, ft�e simplf., and ieu,_s _�A'oo(,l riglht to cro?,xTy the sarn,�,,; Mmmnd. 71u! the paN y (V I& N"wnd pmq shWI qub"y vqpq the sWd to e;ra ix("'-� IMA. That thesubi prOnisesarepwepom Que,nibranemexcept as hereinabove, set forth., FouNh. 71"t the pany the P"t PWj Ulu enwMA or pmes" any P"Mr, «VSYt?P(MOC 6v,/Io­ Ofle to ""'eid preyOses; yll�(4,t the pa,fly ell' the, fl(rst Part will fivvver )Varjnurt�l telae title to said p1mm 4M shoq low, Q (WMWUWMv UT(h, 14 of tho Lien, Law, tho �)'anfor will reovire the oom4dem"ov Pa GO =evejjanor, and 7e ll hold (ho, ripaht lo r�,(,Oveveoh cwj"'idcreflion a",r1 1""I fund to he UPPHOPMt A" the PUMOM owpowng 1he post of the, mpproccnwt and Ulu OPMU the Nwne #nt to the peiyrung o/ (hc oos/ o,( (he ot' 1ho sav)wforanb,OherpUVTOs(,. In MyRneRR WherpoQ the party !hc lirsl part Itas caiAseat its corporate seal to be hereunlo (zJ1,zed, and these, presents to be d9ned by its duZy eaar.a,Chvrrzeed eafpaacer this .3 day of f Mnetcerll fu,,Feoired and Sixty-Two 1,C.B.At OMES. IN By `Secretary-Treasurer Ewe of New Vork 0", tia's day of County of Dutchess Asneeen IMMed and Sixty-Two beJore me persre)aully catntic STEPHEN PUZIO to ine pereonally k),eoiwpi, who, being by rne duly sivop,tt, ttjd, depose (erred say that he resides, in Wappingers Falls, New York that 6a l the Secratary-Treasurer Qf I.C.B.M. Homes, Inc. the corporatiote, described in, aad which extroetted, the within, that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the swd apked to sAd Inowwnw" is se eh, corporate seal; that. it was so allIxed by order of the Board of Directors (y said oorporatiwv"nd that he nQued his mine thereto by like order. Notary Public Dutch'ess &li'.ty NO=MR W 14.Y=k Swu RNAi n li 37 0 z Pri x 111 01 �f i j I 1 1 � (I I �� FORM 5828v e.ax e it u1'�aa s With U,1e C— �It aV ,A 5 oP.VA53tl TTN) 6 rn LAN X J.mww oS N17,Gh..p (181,Statut ory F-,n h'M (1,.p.627 U—d HM2) �uwrle(a wr?rrrer, Grd_lar7r:;.,kul,/2nel;lif aw elitts '91Tbruturf, 1;�i�P1 f 644 ,. i'cacfc the4 day of t � ,i'inet:een ptra,ar,apred as led Sixty jvo Between r IA C. A M. HOMES, INC. u corporation or oaar't,azed under the ITIV.S Of the State of New York and having its VIII principal office at 215 Sheafe Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, ii party of the first pram, and � P �, `' TOWN OF WAPPII GER, a municipal corporation laving its principal office in the Village of Nappingers Falls, New York, pram: y Of lite second part, f, _ Witnesseth fprarl;the�+ E a�f t-p�-c>fir>t-paterl in,a°r;aa�eafe�,r'cx -Dollar~ (pyv" �.._ _____ l.'00 7it laurftd ?n.on.ey of the United 8taates, actual consideration paid by the part y of the second part, does hee by!,!r°aaaaut aa�release unto ss the part y oaf the second paa�r�t-, its successors forever,tr ll that lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Town. of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York, bounded and described as follows; 13EGINNING at a point in the westerlyextremity of Central Avenue the said y , paint being the southwesterly corner of Lot No. 18 as shown on .nap entitled P°First Subdivision of Lands of 1. Da.ino11 stated August 15, 1939 and filed in the Dutchess f County Clerk's Office as Map No. 1.353 on November 10, 1939; thence along the westerly line of the said Lot No® 18 North 160 Ota' 40" West 5.00 feet; thence along the northerly line of the proposed extension of Central. Avenue the following courses and i distances. South 731 511 20" Nest 650.54 feet, along a curve to the left on a radius of 1450 feet a distance of 240.14 feet, South 641 221 West 701, 12 feet; along a curve to the right on a radius of 162.61 feet a distance of 116.01 feet, along a curve to the right on a radius of 25 feet a distance of 39.27 feet; thence along the easterly line of Ervin t� Ili Drive the following courses and distances; North 15° 14' 30" East 456,29 feet, alonga 1, curve to the right on a radius of 600 feet a distance of 225.23 feet, North 36° 45' East 135. 59 feet, along a curve to the left on a radius of 262.3,4 feet a„distance of 133.16 feet, TtTortly 70 401 East 32.72 feet; thence along the southerly extremity of the existing Ervi Drive, South 641 271 50” West 59.76 feet; thence along the westerly line. of Ervin Drive 'I the following courses and distances: along a curve to the right on a radius of r AM1138of! 646 � 'l'eal,u 0ra a' with,t he apapsrmHe nar,raa^es un d uu"l the esIax.Ie aI?d ar'pda Is C41 he p?carly of Mhae/!'rsI preaa°l in,can"d tor,aid y,aren� i'iscs' To have e a,ind ten hold the praeox" ees^ herein gr°uet rad ammo the ,rr,-1 y v'z,r fbte ne,v>erra_se praa.r'la its successors rcd arr.,a:yros „«r 'a er. Arriuu dr'r,e, prrr,r6y a.V` tfr,r fi,rsf, part covesraarntnv as follozvrW. rso �"da,maa,f, l¢r,as^^ prex,r°trd rap" the, Via.°est part i�� .sea;z��t er,�` .s�.ztd prrTarraf, e,a in .f<^cs nerrraprlr, raae;ad has >rcraa,l r^lgh,t to craoa,re' tJz,eerrasi. °,tlimons lout Me; part y oV the s°o;r°r ml pxwq slrWt urea"e"y a;qhcT Pdra^: .arrrr°d pr°errah s TtllgpA ?Out Plruz.�ra�,Yaa ,�ra��rari. �s�earee 'r°���"a°rrcra yorea��rrahrrasar^aa,�,r except as hereinabove I set forte.; slush. t"ural UP PaaNy of the j`a',"t pe,aH Ulm seer ea.Pae ew eaa°«w um any f`zar°fW, sae r a �iiflr� d,pr r tfr,e aaaxty IM the 'rr-st'pora arar , a. p p' . l d �" o°� � part ra,ra"l `"rar°errer "ta'arairarfit ttr.e P.a;a"te, to .srar,z;cr ti.4,rsi,'... `hu.l, r°rr, f`rrrrrp H aaer^r: Wit ,5"er. d.; sof the Linen, l,ea;lr> the, lye°aria fa r° evill rreccive the ('kersstderation, for this oarrar aerpar "w and ruWl hold the r°s"Ita,P to rar,r cape Qu >e,rph rrraa,ua"ep ravlo-"a�Ara ax ar lr°usl/'strap to be eate,rrpa'ed/ir°s;/for !tear;twerp over of guar„apamraa lase^ oos°f erp the prrr,prrr,mrarent; and AM raprpydpp (he !i"iln , per°,sP kll dhe praargnent rof"lhae cost of Ihce aaprreaa rrrra;,nr.t before any pucarf aef' Me fades arf !pear surrael'orau glolher purpvoxe. In Matte s.s t°i'!mesal the p)errtrd of. the first part has t;aeaKaa^aa", its corporate a swirl to fare herarr,aato affixed, and these prres8nts to be sed by Us duly rvtthorazed eofWcaer” day rof '"r,arw. Y f ,rl'in..eteen 1-htrrdr(W and Sixty-Two s p 01 rr l r . ._.._.._ ............... ?dr�; dol Hw ab �,-.• r mrd f Secretary-TreasLre L � r S[aaaa:^ of New w York on, this F . alar,+ a+/' .,. COUYHY of Bu.tchess A`°i,n eteen He ndr°r(i ",,'l Sixty-Two before aaa* penw)nwlly taaarne STEPHEN PUZIQ to rrae peraoually kn,eou,;n,, who, beings by ma duly ,saerroru, did drpos•e and .saiy t.h.atr he a°casihs W Wappingers Falls, New York that lee is the, Secretary-Treasurer @")f I.C.B.M. Homes, Inco the eorprroratiorr, desaTrr`lrred in, and which, executed, the ra;ct-daiaa, das,st;r•recraent tkad he dcsaraws the seal of „sur"d oor°poratiron; that the. seal ra,fft.red to said Instrument' i,,,, such corporate seal; that it asys tiro gaff led by order of" the Board of Directors crf' said corpororut,icn; and tJr,rat he sQnod his ra.unte thereto by like order. raga; Nota' y Public; : Dut che, s �ounty 9ar:ama s.rmcar'a Nah,y r'eru, r,f 8,gcw Yriul;;swe Nir'S&T ocu out lfr,s c( 'u Y ^ saranros Parr �sq�irr MR.ur�:kr ;a&➢.e92 N 212 u 34 feet a,distance of 107.78 feet. South 36° 451 West 135,59 feet, along a curve to the left on a radius of 650 feet a distance of 244.00 feet, South 15° 14' 3011 West 1130.05 feet; thence along the norther 137 line of lands now or formerly of John I. Phillips North 641 121 10" East 66,29 feet; thence along the eas,t;.erly Eine of Ervin Drive North. 15' 14" 30" East 530.24 feet; thence along the southerly line of the proposed extension of Central Avenue the following courses and distances: along a curve to the right on a radius of 25 feet a distance of 3,9,27 feet, .along a, curve to the left on a radius of 212061 feet a distance of 151.68 feet, North 64° 22" East 701. 12 feet, along a curve to the, right on a radius of 1400 feet a distance of 231,86 feet, North 731 51" 201tl East 650, 54 feet; thence along the westerly extremity of the existing Central. Avenue North. 16° 08" 40" West 45.01 feet to the point or place of beginning, together with a temporary turning circle of radius 50 feet the center line of the said turning circle being located on the center line of Ervin brave and. being North 151 141 30" East a distance of 70,06 feet from the point of intersection of the center line of Ervin Drive and the northerly line of lands naw or„ formerly of John I. Phillips. 1 i II /' 7� 645 (� I i i i r LI i i w4 0 a 1 ea m� 1 I I � f III II I i I III - m 3 0 r : c f Uf p 0 '➢ > m - b z m m i O o C, b O a N a :. 10 P@@ Im IL to- _ r is d o L +► p N � m m 'N m , 19 q oft r QQQe ' w A3 iR P a 'w n a #: _ o m o m rD O. c b � n O ' XIjp ct P x I }3 ct _c r O 7 7 GY o pf 2 1 .3f y 0 r c4y � Oto .' -4 P, V4 tvct� O z M _ 3� �b O'Oc�t w }' rt`d :P,R+ i0 0.0 'a O cf N i 3 ct* "'h ct. Z.' cr : 4 O Y m 1-+ r Cq �3 p-x' m 0N �j C7 /� 10 'z ° tU W ro Sn L:ty O FH m W t' m r • 4 6 '.2: 111 � � - N - .n fr' m O 0 ct ED O tit-' i3 '�: �+ G0: r _ N - - D - -J ct O a m f0 1 y r D +y ca Oct 4 rp cf tD pn m vi t9 It P,(D 1S J 0 J:ct m > O i3 m :.� i i D� W D T f1r H.y O T� 's ct 4,�'S 1 S3. i7 -< TU "P-1$4 loci G rs O Y t! b C f:J S'i cEIR DQi i•J ct i'1. Q tx zA < ~ 0 iD zvc� r4 c1D 'E'ti O'".'Y [1► CD '$ 0 0 M cq :1 CD Is 0114 G 20 0 4 0 m O G D'd ID o Q - 10 N D O FD 9 N r b O n W y Y.w a n � x