Diddell Rd-Lombardi Sub.-Sale Deed .............- .......... Checked with Attorney Al Roberts in January 2002 reference Lombardi Deed. We never received it. On January 17, Attorney faxed us a letter (letter followed by mail) including a copy of a letter dated September 12,2001. We never received that original letter or deed (Nor did any of those copied receive their copies) . On January 24th we received another faxed copy of that letter and a copy of the recorded deed. VERGILILS, STENGER, ROBERTS & PERGAMENT ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 1136 ROUTE 9 WAPPINGERS FALLS,NEW YORK 12590 (845) 298-2000 GERALD A.VERGILIS* FAX(845)298-2842 LEGAL ASSISTANTS: KENNETH M.STENGER e-mail;VSRP@BestWeb,net AMY E.DECARLO ALBERT P.ROBERTS KRISTEN S.GUTHRIE IRA A.PERGAMENT ANTONIA T.LUCIA POUGHKEEPSIE OFFICE JOAN F.GARRETT" 276 MAIN MALL THOMAS R.DAVIS POUGHKEEPSIE,NY 12601 PHILIP GIANTORTONE (845)452-1046 -ADN(=D TO PRACTICE ADDRESS REPLY TO: POUGHKEEPSIE IN NY&FLA. WAPPINGERS -ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN NY&CONN. VIA FACSIMILE (297-0145) AND REGULAR MAIL January 17, 2002 Hon. Gloria Morse, Town Clerk A"N' Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, New York 12590 Re: Lombardi Subdivision File No. 12949.0267 Dear Gloria: Enclosed herewith please find a copy of letter dated September 12, 2,001 forwarding your office the original Deed and recording receipt on the above referenced matter. Very truly yours, VERGeILI STENGER, ROBERTS, PERGAMENT & VIGLOTTI AL E, TP. ROBERTS APRJbg Enclosure Dictated but not proof read by Albert P. Roberts 0:1WAIIPIN(31.;\PlaiiiiiiigBmir(1\1-(,i];NlRAI,\OI 1702-lombardi,doc vE .LLS, S TENGER _� r RoBTs & PEaME1vT ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 1136 ROUTE 9 WAPPINGERS PAILS,NEw YORK 1259 , =: _(845)298-2000 .. ' FAX(845)298-2842 LEGAI.ASSIST IL STENGER ANTS. ' ROBIIiTS e-mail:VSRPOBestwebaet AMY E.DECARLO r Pffi,PtGAAaUNT KRISTEN S.GLrr.RRm ';ANL�d1YIA T.LUCIA -lQANF.i3ARRETT•" POUGHEZEI)sM OFFICE THOMAS R DAVIS 276 MAIN MALL PM IP GIANIPORTONE POUGHKEUSM NY 12601 _ (845)452-1046 •ADln'MD TO PRACTICE RY Nr&PLA. ADDRESS REPLY 110.(-)POtIImmmPSM �.� .� "ADMtT=TO PRACTICE .. ..>- .. �' ( )wAPP1NGFRS - INNY A:CONN. September 12, 2001 Han. Gloria Morse, Town Clerk Town of Wappinger ^� 20 Middlebush Road Post Office Box 324 Wappinger Falls, New York 12590 Re: Robert F. Lombardi and Denise F. Lombardi to the Town of Wappinger File No, 12949.0257 Dear Gloria.- Enclosed Ioria.Enclosed please.find the original Deed and recoding receipt for the above mentioned matter which was recorded in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office on June 29, 2001 at Document No.. 02 2001 5022. Very truly yours, VERGILI§ STENGER, ROBERTS &PERGAMENT F Af eT . ROBERTS APR/bg Enclosure Cc w/o enclosures: Hon. Constance 0. Smith, Supervisor Hon. Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent Tatiana Lukianoff, Zoning Administrator Joseph E. Paggi, Jr., P.E. O:IROH ERTS'CORRESP`sepLI2-bg.doe R� J . - nv WTTjW SSWR.FoIK. a nnrt-, JAN-24-2002 THU 10!35 Afl VERGILIS STENGER ET AL FAX NO. 8452982842 P. 01/05 1136 Route 9 Weppinpere Fans,NY 12590 Phone;e45-298.2000 ROBIERTS, r GAMENT Fax.845.298.2842 Fm Toll Hon. Gloria Morse plait: Albert P.Roberts/Barbara Faic 297-014$ pate: January 24.2002 MOM v to follow Lombardi to Town of waWnger CCs Ret File No. 12949.0267 •Comnleritsl If any problem occurs with this transmission, please contact Barbara at 298-2000. SECENED JAN 2 4.2002 TOWN CLERK JAN-24-2002 TNU 10:35 AM VERGILiS STENGER ET AL FAX N0. 8452982842 P. 02/05 VRE,.,-Irl STMGM URMTS & PEt..aAMMT AWORNEYS Alyn COUNSULORS AT LAW 1136 ROME 9 WAMGEM FALLS,NEW YORK 12390 f `(W)298-2000 GmLmb 40v> [z. FAX(845}298.2842 LROAL ASSWANTS: 4 n'MNNBM K SMOER C-flmlk VSRP@zMW&b.W AMY R DECARLO ALBW P.ROBERTS 1tJtZTW&GUnWM BRA A.PWAMJ M ANTONIA T.LUCIA Pou am= JOAN F GARRErh• 2/6 MAIR 1," , TJlDJ W R,bAVM POU0MURN .my 12601 Pimm 0100PORTM A�7!a�-1016 9AV69T=j*KL%CnM AADltOl3�L;Net i —AWATV PWWACM ' t 1MfAN'!1� i �N1tr t aovni. September 12, 2001 Han. Gloria Morse,Town Clerk Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road Post Office Box 324 Wappinger Falls,New Fork 12590 Re; . Robert F. Lombardi and Denise F.Lombardi to the Town of Wappinger File No. 12949.0267 Dear Gloria; Enclosed please.find the original Deed and recoding receipt for the above mentioned matter which was recorded in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office on June 29, 2001 at Document No,: 02 2001 $022. Very trulyyo#rs, VERGIL19 STENGER,ROBERTS&PERGAMENT ZP. ROBERTS APR/bg Enclosure Cc w/o enclosures: Hon. Constance 0. Smith, Supervisor Hon. Graham Foster,Highway Superintendent Tatiana Lukianoff,Toning Administrator Joseph E_ Paggi,Jr.,P.E. Q:kRaBERTS\CORIt $?\xptl2•bg.doc a JAN-24-2002 THU 10:35 AM VEEGILIS STENGER ET AL FAX NO. 8452982842 P. 03/05 ak ' DU'rCHESS COUNTY CLERIC RECORDING PAGE vshp may$ e RECORD & RETURN TO: RECORDED: 06/29/2001 n VERGILIS STENGER ROBERTS & PERGAMENT HAMPTON BUSINESS CENTER AT: 10:57:28 �1 1136 ROUTE 9 WAPPINGERS FALLS NY 12590 DOCUMENT #: 02 2001 5022 RECEIVED FROM: VERGILIS STENGER ROBERTS & PER l GRANTOR: LOMBARDI ROBERT F GRANTER; WAPPINGER TOWN ls RECORDED IN: DEED TAX INSTRUMENT TYPE: DISTRICT: WAPPINGER EXAMINED AND CHARMED AS FOLLOWS: RECORDING CHARGE: 51 .00 NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 TRANSFER TAX AMOUNT: TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: ##008044 E & A FORM: Y *** DO NOT DETACH THIS PAGE **� THIS IS NOT A BILL TP-5B4 : Y COUN'T'Y CLERK BY. DNK RECEIPT NO: R35747 BATCH RECORDS 800125 RICHARD N. ANDERSON County Clerk 1 JAN-24-2002 THU 10:35 ACI VERGILIS STENGER ET AL FAX N0. 8452982842 P. 04/05 f) ' u t srendvdN.Y.6.T.ttfw+eawt . a.' aferk,L rak dW.-ft W--- 'e i� THIS DMUNTURE,made tlw day of April,Two Thousand Ona, ROBERT F.LOMBARDI and DENISE F.LOMBARDI,to the extent of a twa4wrds Inurrst u t Tenanu by the Entirety,together wlthpANN t.OMBARDI,1tavhig a mkhird ietorMas Team In Common residing at 8 Brothrna Read,Wappingers Falls,New York 27590, t� puty of the first pan,am tr ,� jllmnC i fl Sihis+ : F i it tt THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER,a mtt�eipal inkior!wim inn tt(fl" r agaaattan of t business located at 20 MWdlebutsA Road,P. 3 'aA to A%MON 2M, t party of the second part, WITNILSSETH,that the party of the first part,in walk ationof -----TEN($10,00)-- ..._..............--------.c;tats, lawful money of tho united Status,and oilier good and vahtabie consideratkm paid by the party of ate second pact,does hereby grand and release vow the party of the second part,the heirs or suara=o.t and assigns of the party of tho pwt k forever, V!`/ ALL that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,situate,lying and being in the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess,State of New York bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Diddell Road, said point being North 76.20.00 West 29.74 fcct from the intersection of the northerly line of Diddell Road with the westerly line e of the lands now or formerly the County of Dutchess,New York,(Liber 1666,Cp 184),thence along the northerly line of Diddell Road,North 76-20-00 West 179.19 feet,North 77-47-10 West 78.01 feet, North 87-52-00 West 68.77 feet and South 85-46-19 West 100.84 feet to a'point; thence along the lands now or formerly Mason,(Liber 1404,Cp 229),North 14-57-20 West 13.53 feet to it point;thence over and thtu the lands now or formerly Lombardi,(Liber 1071,Cp 263), North 88-45-30 East 103.08 feet,South 85-25-24 East 52.90 feet,South 82-58-35 But 50.223 foci and South 74-5010 East 225.34 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing 0.05 of an acre of land,r re or less, SUBJECT to°covenants,easements, restrictions and rights of way of record,if any. BEING and intended to be the portion of premises as conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated the le day of May,2000,and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Dutchess on the 23'd day of May,2000,in Document No.02 2000 4442. THE WITHIN CONVEYANCE IS FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES TOGETHRR,with all right,title and imorest.�y,of the party of the first pact in aw to any streets androads abutting the shore described premises to the center litter��pr, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all slit eahate and rights of rho party of the first put in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the smond part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the parry of the second part forever. AND due party of the fust part covenants shot 00 perry of the first pan hu not done or suffered anything whereby RW said premises haus been ha:umbered in any way whatever,except as aforuaW, AND*w party of the first pan,in compliance With Section 13 of the Lien Law,covenants that the party of the first pan will receive the consideration for this aomeyanee ma will hoW the right to receive such consideration as a suet MM to be applied that far the purpose of paying the lost of the Improvement and will apply the same first ro rhe payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pan of the total of the tame for any other purpose. The word'party"shall%consttned as if it road"partite"whenever the sense of this indamure so,rowires. IN WU NEM WHERI1. P,the party of this part hat duty executed this d die day and year first shove written. IN PRESENCE:OF: d F.LOMRTn�ODMT 118 Jr.Lor "010, r^ LOMBARDI JAN-24-2002 THU 10:35 AN VERGILIS STEKGER ET AL FAX NO. 8452982842 P. 05/05 SPATE OF NEW YORK,COUNTY OF DLTJ'CHRSS as.: ti On the' day of April.in the year 20DI,befog¢me,the undrx%md,pnrs rally appeared ROBERT 1'.vnMBARDI, and DFUISB F.LOMBARDI.perumally known to me or proved to me onihe basis of aatisfactory eAdeme.to,,.s,.... individmk wituaa num is*ubscribed so the within ittamment and acknowledged to ma that they executed die same in their capacities,and that by rima sigrtaWN on the Instrutrcttt,the Ind nes u air which the individuals acted,executed the Imminent. FREDERICK 0.ROM10 NOMW PUB F. STATE OF Nkw1PbI1R` W01114I.W1161)ODMMW)h 94 " NOT Y P STATS 9F FLORIDA,COUNTY OF'U., ssa On thugW of April,in the year 2061,before me the uttdtusig petsonally appeared JOANN LOMBARDI,personally known to late or proved to war on the basis of satiafictuty eviderttt to be the individual whose tttm is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me the ills exawted same in her capacity,gird that by her ;igmumc m t1ro imiramcut,the 114vfdm4l or person upat behalf of 4hioh ti Individual acted, execumd the instrument gad that said sabscribittg Witness trade suchappearance be*ojbg uWarmig i d in the State of Flo NOV tcnxert g rtui tRtNt.l.:`Yi•\titilsFFI��R11)A Nt1CnRY -90TARI PUBLIC t;QMNSlxtlt)il hq�Ct;Nlb52 Myrp Ml561<.h1t:YJ'-UF�11 Sargabl OW salt Dad SECTION: ' WITH COV 9MNT AONNST 0RAN7'ott'S ACTS BLOCK: 7100 Ho. LOT: OUNTY OR TOWN: ROBERT P.LOMBARDI + DENSE F.LOMBARDI JOANN LOMBARDI +t TO .�. THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER RECORD tit RETURN TO: ALBERT P.ROBIRTS,ESQS, VERGIUS,STENGER,ROBERTS tit PEROAMENT,ESQS. 1136 ROUTE 9 WAPPINGERS PALLS,NE*RK 12590 h. i VEERGILIS, STENGER, RoBERTS & PERGAMENT ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 1136 ROUTE 9 WAPPINGERS FALLS, NEW YORK 12590 (845) 298-2000 GERALD A.VERGILIS* FAX(845)298-2842 LEGAL ASSISTANTS: KENNETH M.STENGER email:VSRP@BestWeb-Net AMY E. WOODARD ALBERT P.ROBERTS KRISTEN S.GUTHM IRA A.PERGAMENT ANTONIA T.LUC[A POUGHKEEPSIE OFFICE JOAN F,GARRETT" 276 MAIN MALL THOMAS R.DAVIS POUGHKEEPSIE,NY 12601 MARIA J.GRECO (845)452-1046 -ADMITTED TO PRACTICE ADDRESS REPLY'10: POUGHKEEPStF IN NY&FLA. WAPPINGERS —ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN NY&CONN. bla June 18, 2001 RECEIVED' Tri-County Abstract 2901 20 Cannon Street Second Floor SF,34"L-A"i'OSORS ()FACE Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 _)F VVAPRN,,.3,EFi Attention: Carol Otter Re: Loinbardi Subdivision File No. 12949.0267 Dear Carol: I enclose herewith original Deed, TP-584 and U-5217 fully executed by the above referenced parties. I also enclose our firn-i check payable to the Dutchess County Clerk in the sum ,of S48 for the recording charges. Please make arrangements to have same recorded and filing receipt forwarded to my office. Thank you for your attention. Very truly yours, VERGILIS, STENGER, ROBERTS &PERGAMENT ALBERT P. ROBERTS APR/bg Enclosure Cc: Hon. Constance 0. Smith, SLIPCrViSOr Graham Foster, Superintendent of Highway Department gi, Jr., P.E. Joseph E. Pag., Standard N.Y_C:r.II.F.—8007 Bargain s;Ye JePd,with covenant agaiast granto.'s ntl. _ THIS IN'DENTUItE, made the day of April,Two Thousand One, BETWEEN ROBERT F.LOMBA"I and DENISE F.LOMBARDI, to the extent of a two-tbirds interest as Tenantsby;the'Entirety,together with JOANN LOAM kRDI,having a onie-third interest as Tenant its i Corrimort ressdirig at 8 Brothers Road,Wappingers Fats,NewYork 12590, Ply of the firs!part,and THE, TOWN OF WAPPINGER, a municipal ir�Vrlloratlon with an office`for thellransaction of business localed at 20 iNliddlebush Road,P.O.Bal 334;i ppingers Falls,Ngo I'or�„I2590. Party of the second part, WITNEGSFTH,that the party of the first pan,in considerating of—_—..---------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------TEN($10.00)—:--------------------------- -- dollars; lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable co,nsideratior=aid by toe nary-of the second part,does s h re'ut'grant acid release until the party of the second part,the heirs of succesors and assigns of the pa of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,situate, lying and being ir.the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess. State of New York bounded and described as follows: BL',frINNING at a point on the northerly line of Diddell Load, said point being North 76-20-00 West 29-74 feet from the intersection of the northerly lime of Diddell Road with the westerly line of the lands now or formerly the County of Dutchess, New`fork, (Liber 1666, Cp 184), thence along the northerly lira of Diddell Road,North.76-20--00 West 179,19 feet,Nortl)77-47-10 Nest 78.01 feet, North. 87-52--00 West 68.77 feet and South 85-46-19 West 100.84 feet to a point; thence along the lands now or formerly Mason,(Liber 1404, Cp.229),North 14-57.20 West 13.53 feet to a point;thence over and thru the lands now or formerly Lombardi, (Liber :1071, Cp 263), North 88-45-30 East 103.08 feet,South 85-25-24 East 52-90 feet,South 82-58-35 East 50.223 feet and South 74-50-40 East 225.34 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing 0.05 of an acre of l<utd more or less, SUBJECT to covenants, easements, restrictions and rights of way of record, if any. PEI L,T a.::+ Jut nrdtd to hP the s,portion of premises as conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated the 18"day of May, 2000, and recorded in the Office of the C"(11rit of the County of Dutchess on the 23ed:lay of May, 2000, in Document No. 02 2000 4492. ` THE 1,171THLN CONVEY.4,NCE IS FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES TOGETHER witn all right,title and interest,if any,of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the:appurtenances and all the estate and rights of:he party of the first pan in and to said premises, TO ITANTE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covanaats that the party of the first part has not clone or suffered anything«✓hereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of me first Bart.,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law,Covenants that tIte oarty ofthe first part will receive the consideration fur this conveyance and will bold the right to receive such consideration as a trust 6md to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improv,n.+zut before using any.part of the total of the same for anv ether purpose. The word"parts"shill be construed as if it read"parties"whenever the senseor"this indenture sc requires. IN WITNESS Wf-nEREO.U,rile parry of this part has duly executed this de, d the day and year first above written. IN Pd2ESI?\'CF:t?T l R ]B7'RT F.l,OiUII3A7�� `I)ENISF,F.LOMBA.Rt11--. _ �' l \T1sIl1 LOMPAKDI TP-504(10/96) Recording Office Time Stamp New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Combined Real Estate Transfer Tax Return and Credit One Mortgage ,Certificate See instructions(TP-584-1)before completing this form.Please print or type. Schedule A Information Relating to Conve ance _ Grantor Name(if individual,last lkst middle iniriaq O Social Security Number a) Individual LOMBARDI, ROBERT F., DENTSE F. AND JOANN P 5� 0749 E] Corporation y Mailing address Social Security Number I B Brothers Road ❑ Partnership City Stater ident.number E3 Other Wappingers Falls, New York 12590 Grantee Name(if individuat,last,.first,middle iniliali Social Security Number ❑ Individual THE TOWN1 OF WAPPTNGEP. ❑ Corporation Mailing address Social Security Number _ ❑ Partnership 20 Middlebush 'Road, P.O. Box 324 City State ZlP code Federal employer idem.number 1�3 RIMIcipality Wappingers Falls, _ New York 12590 Location and description of property conveyed Tax ap designation Address Citylvillage Town County Section - Block Lot * 6359 03 02932 3 Diddell F.oad Wappinger DuCchess Type of property conveyed (check applicable.bok) 1 ❑ 1 -3 family house 5 © Commercial/Industrial 2 ❑ Residential cooperative 6 ❑ Apartment building Date of conveyance Percentage of real property 3 ❑ Residential condominium 7 ❑ Office buildingg conveyed which is residential 4 ❑ Vacant land B fi Other*Portion of 04 ` 4 01 rea! ro ert 100 %P P y— month aay year (see instructions) Condition of conveyance(check all that apply) a. X Conveyance of fee interest I. -Conveyance which consists of a more k. -Contract assignment b. -Acquisition of a controlling interest(state change of identity or form of ownership or I. Option assignment or surrender percentage acquired — :/) organization(attach Form TP-584.1,Schedule F) M. -Leasehold assignment or surrender a -Transfer of'a controlling interest(state g, -Conveyance for which credit for tax n- Leasehold grant percentage transferred !) previously paid will be claimed o. -Conveyance of an easement d. -Conveyance to cooperative housing (attach Form TP-584.1,Schedule G) p -Conveyance for which exemption from corporation I h• -Conveyance of cooperative apartmem(s) transfer tax is claimed(complete Schedule B, Part{II) e. -Conveyance pursuant to or in lieu of i, -Syndication q, Conveyance of property partly within and foreclosure or enforcement of security j. -Conveyance of air rights or development partly without ih state interest(attach Farm TP-51341,Schedule F) rights r x Other(describe) . ransfer to Town Schedule B —Reap Estate Transfer Tax Return (Article 31 of the Tax Law) -�--To " y u per' Part I--Computation of Tax Due 1 Enter amount of consideration for the conveyance(if you are claiming a total exemption fromr lax,check the exemption claimed box,enter consideration and proceed to Part nl)............... .... 1_(Exemption claimed i -o- 2 Continuing lien deduction(see instructions u property is taken subject to mortgage or fie)............... .... 2 -0- 3 Taxable consideration(subtract line 2 from fine 1)...............................................I................... 3 - 4 Tax:$2 for each$500,or fractional pa.t thereof,of consideration on line 3 P56 -0-5 Amount of credit claimed see instructions andattach Form TP-584.1,Schedule G)..................6 Total tax due`(subtractline,5 fromliine 4),.i :....:...........L................... -0- ................................... Part u-Computation of Additional`fax Gs-=on the Conveyance of RA-sidential Rea!Property for$1 Million or More _ 1 Enter amount of consideration for conveyance(from Part I,line 1) ............... ..............................�13 2 Taxable consideration(multiply fine`i by the percentage of the.premises which is residential real property;see instructions)...... 3 Total additional transfer tax due'0%of line 2)......................................... ......`.................,. "Please make check(s)payable to the county i,clerk where the recording is to take place or it the recording is to take place in New York City,make check(s)payable to the NYC Department of Finance.If no recording is required,send this return and your check(s) made payable to the Department of Taxation and Finance,directly to the NYS Tax Department,TTTB-Transfer Tax, PO Box 5045,Albany NY 12205-5045. _ For recording officer's use Amount Date received Transaction number received Part I $ Part II $' _ I - Ad�^ oD IVIS MoAk LmLLgN H3il3S _ 3aOJ dIZ 31b1S NMOL 80-0 0II6 SZT ADI sTTE3 sza uF dEM aaaW...3NOHd3l31 3O0]V3ytl - �I. - 131VSa31aV)3AVN133l115 a3aWnN!@3815 OOOZ-86Z 1),80, LisngeTPPFF'i OZ 3WVN 1sNls 3 - WVIs"a jaaRTV V saaago�j I 31)0 3en1bN OIS u3Ane �A i A3NH011V S,U3An8 H3Af18 298uTddvm ;o umoy j - •s;uawn.gsul as)a}}u augS Pue BuPluul aql 01 angu)al mel FE,zaa aqj}o mul-sleoa aql of aw laafgns mv,lnalaq toe}lepa;eul}o I ratualigs as 1 uP1nw ago leg;puelslapun I pus a ue a8 a M0 dw o fe}In}il.H.fue}o (tai q P P I' wI ) !say aql 0l)laaaaoa pun aM a uuol slip u0 pa.la;ua uopeuuo}lq Io swalf ay;{0 1110 1841 A}i7laa I NOI-LVOIAI11i30 i OZ£6ZO-EO-65 -6I ((spagpuapr leuop!ppe 41!AA loeys.yoeRe'mal ue4;aiow LII(s)ia!gluaPl I,oil/Is)iay!luapl depy xel'OZ I. �JTII}S'FQ TOOq'�IaO Sia LIF Er] aw N1311MO looyog 6L n_F-------r--] sselo AvadOAd'St f L � (J8lsueJl ul slowed e Iol nleA pasas18101ua){el u0!1ew101u!yo!q- urouxun I wolf IIoH luawssassy 101eaA'9L I1!9 xe-L Pue plod luawssassV Ieui'j Isalel ayl loollai pinoys eleq-NOIIVW}IOjN1.1N3WSS3SSV I- F—O O ales ay;u!'papnior Avedold sasod,lna 1Cw-1 TH IO-T umol ( -1a3Suu.Tj leuosiadlo enlen a111 a1e31pu1'YL .fc auoNlunowe,elj b a{oLlm]saieau ayl o7 puno�aseald {suope6pgo 1@410,o sa6e6uow , f 10 uogdwnsse aylao spoob io Auw add ia41o'gseo;o uviol 4)y1 u!aq Aew luawAed sly! (molog Ayoads)gaud ales 6u!10a}}V siolaej lusnull iaylo X I 'AIDatlwd leuol ad Bu!pnleu!Aliadoid aN11ol pied lunowe Ielol ay;si aoud aleS IIn @olid ales ul papnlaul sl ssau!sng 10 ales H • j) Swo(I ales Pue snMS algexel uaeA4@El Auadoid u!abueyp 1u 11iuB!S rJ roTo a011d ales Iinj'el, '.(molag ApoadS)isaialul ead uey;ssag io l,uojWvj j 10 ales d (.xdlaa AyaadS)ales pus u!e61eg to A1ue11epA lou edA1 paa(3 X 1BaA AeO 4luoyN uognigsul Bu!puag do AouaBV luawwGAOE)s)1811aS io 1aAng Q I O +JO iejsuw.L/ales Lo ale(]'ZL lallaS a osle s!siaAng Hip to aup D ssau!sna u!siauued io so!uedwop palelag uoaW4ae ales a 1eaA Aep 41uoy�c sangelag iawioj 10 san!lelay ueaMjag aleg v F] DI 011001aeilu03 ales'LL }eysua„of algeoydde se suo!ypuoo oss%/o wow'ao euo il: -5l N011VW2lOjN1 3�VS lnuls!0 1em11nouBV us u,s!,Wadoid ayl leg! ]saio j "I luawa nwy/luawuielialuj H pua1lueoen l erluap!say-uoN Q' 6-WIPul aagou wnso!as!p a pan!aaai 1aAng"80L 901A1aS o!Ignd X luawued El V ',� pueq lueoeA le!luaplsag 1ouls!p Iemllnou6V ue u!yl!m POIP301 Auadwd'VOL leulsnpul [ le!aiawwo J 3 lequap!say Al!wej e eo Z a pueg lueaen uo uo!onilsuop WN"6 -1AiaS Allunwwop I : Iemllnau6V H !e!luap!say Apwej aup wn!u!wopuo�s!adA1 d!ysiaum0.a :Aldde Aa41 se nnolaq uxoq ay;>I•ua43 :ales 1uawl;eql;s Aliadoad @4114',asn ayl sequasep AI@lemnoe loom golgm molaq xoq ayl 1loa 413'L 3WVN 1S3N ANVd WO3/3WVN 15Vl rtrieor zax�s�101 3WVN lsel3 ANbdWO�/3WtlN 1Sbl aweN 'A RSINIIQ puE "a ITIaSOU I IQgMo'I lallaS 9 . Papinwd deal y11M u01s!A1pgnS fol PanwddV laaied''.yy s3uJv Hlaaa lane lNou3 az!s dO ialsusil iol pannbay sem IenoiddV uo!s!AipgnS at x ----^, Ayadold . ..13880•S ❑ sls!xj A1uoylnV uo!s!A!pgI1S yllm PME]Buluueld'.'V6 luaied a 10 lied HO slaaied 10# peaP 841 uo Paiialsuell slaaied lloy :Aldde Aay;$e)10840 Ileaed a;o a,ed r,!AIuO) u;uawssessV 10 iagwnu ay1 also!P 14 d000 dIZ 31b1S NMO1 SO All] L 3WtlN—HIS OW a3@VlnN 133a1S 3WVN ISal3 4-03/3WVN 15V1 sswPPV (wiol to wouoq lel sswpp8 laAnq uey!laylo 11 Bwplg Was aq of we sp!g xel amlry wagm alenipul xel'e 3WVN 1Se13 I—IMOD 13WtlN 1SV1 3wVN lShc3 ANVdWOJ!3WVN IS a111e111 za uF EM 3o uMoy aqy laAng-Z 300@ dIZ 30V11IA 06SZI NMolao un za uF Epi 3NVN 133a1s —IAPN 133 UIS uol;eao�.. pang TTaPPFQ £ Aiiadaid•L wrc+aa uzs-aa NOIIVWHOdNI Ukl3d0lld L L Z5 ` d a `y F-7--7 —7--T--,060d-q0 Moog'Ea i, � JeaA Aep yluoW S3MUIS.A1H3dOgd 1V311 j0 OtlVOH 31VIS - PaPlooaH peal]aged•ZO NHOA MEIN 10 31V1S IU043H!l33SNVHI A1a3dOUd 1V3a o ( WA SIMS'l0 AINO 3Sn ALNnoo uoi ZZZL-£Lb (8L5) 3NOHd}o sn•Au•alals•sdio•AAAAAAI//:djjq :SNOU3r)U1SN1 WliO3 NO JNIIIHM N3HM AlWal3 SSTAj HO 3dA1 3Sb'31d 05/29/2001,RGM Correspondence from Mr. Rubeo concerning the casement behind his home. In the fall of 1999 Mr. Foster had his men and machines dig out the stream behind the houses at 11, 13, and 15 Doyle Drive and pile the dirt on the properties (without asking permission), and just left the piles of dirt. They came back in the fall and spread rocks in the stream bed so they could drive their truck in the stream. They then proceeded to remove the piles of dirt from his property and that of his neighbor at 15 Doyle Drive. After they left, Mr. Rubeo noticed that they had removed his topsoil in the area where they had the dirt pile. Mr. Foster explained to Mr. Rubeo that he is not finished, because he got snowed out at the end of the year. He needs to go in to regrade and also replace the top soil that was taken out. Mr. Rubeo complained that Mr. Foster had removed one of his trees. Supervisor Smith informed Mr. Rubeo, that when trees, sheds, etc are placed in casements, the town has a legal right to remove them in order to maintain the easements. Mr. Foster explained that he is going back to finish the job after Bulk Pick-up is completed. NO ACTION TAKEN. Requests were received from several of the residents from Rockingham to replace the deteriorating curbs in the development. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to authorize Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town to perform a desk top study on a curb replacement plan for Rockingham Subdivision. Seconded by Mr. Paoloni Motion Unanimously Carried Next is the casement agreement from Ultra Craft Homes (Deanna Estates). COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to accept the agreement and authorize the Supervisor to sign. Seconded by Mr. Paoloni Motion Unanimously Carried Next is the Bargain & Sale Deed from Lombardi Subdivision, Diddell Road. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to accept the Bargain and Sale Deed and authorize the Supervisor to sign. Seconded by Mr. Paoloni Motion Unanimously Carried Notification from the Dutchess County Department of Health that they are in agreement with the statement made in Mr. Paggi's recent letter of 4/30/01 CWWIA 99-2(R) regarding relocation of water and the Meadowood Water District. 14 IFCC;Fff I ,`rte C l MAY 1 t -at .i�Ll2�/ll T'<.�(i',i t7I I c � ZI 1 - ✓ ,/ - ' � '��1A�P9�-/GCE .x�idlaa.G SSS/ �-7. cute 9, .7,u�> May 2,2001 I i SAND DELIVERED Ms. Tanya Lukianoff Zoning Administrator Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road P.O. Box 324 Wappingers Falls,New York 12590 RE: LOMBARDI SUBDIVISION Premises: Diddell Road/Town of Wappinger/County of Dutchess Dear Ms. Lukianoff: Pursuant to Mr. Roberts' instructions, enclosed please find the executed.and acknowledged Bargain and Sale Deed, TP 584 and Equalization and Assessment Form. I believe this is all the documentation you require in order to transfer the portion of my clients' Premises (to the Town) as was required by the Planning Board in furtherance of the subdivision. Kindly advise the Planning Board that this requirement has been met. Thanking you for your courtesies herein, I remain, Very truly yours, ' n . t Frederick D.Romig j FDR:ck �j Enclosures: cc: Clients _- nrxtr .tratr .� cot r/ ell �e .J'.rrrrr"` � ;rak.v,✓ A✓'"?/ (`r° .Jlcrr''r;.9, _..frc/F P -%11.,., rrr�rva-rr ✓:, ,� („ /�,,� . F"�j' , i,' /�r iJ1 /, .,l'.r.eP2v�;/;v PP//,?':�fi.✓,?S,�J cr�f'r<rrJr��rr� �irl�a rerrrr - 12✓".�Ci' pQYTrlglaW.a41rn �_6 fdr. ,�XTrir ny f r.nart4r�rs/ :/J.uP May 2, 2001 HAND DELIVERED r Ms. Tanya Lukianoff Zoning Administrator Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road P.O. Box 324 Wappingers Falls,New Fork 12590 RE: LOMBA,RDI SUBDIVISION Premises. Diddell Road/'Town of V'V'a ginger/County of Dutchess Dear Ms. Lukianoff: Pursuant to Mr. Roberts' instructions, enclosed please find the executed.and acknowledged Bargain and 'Sale Deed, TP 584 and Equalization and Assessment Form. I believe this is all the documentation you require in order to transfer the portion of my clients' premises (to the Town) as was required by the Planning Board in furtherance of the subdivision. Kindly advise the Planning Board that this requirement has been met. Thanking you for your courtesies herein, l remain, Very truly yours, Frederick D. Romig FIR:ck Enclosures: cc: Clients