Dugan Lane pe�� _ v fi�� r � -z ✓ . l m 2001 CLERK J r (- � , 15 .. � � . 1 � . , :k + �. - ..�. �,.. ��,� _. '1F. X � >' � -? vt. t �'t a � _ v.�. .tea- ,is-". � j 46 1 Ar 40, IF SUPERVFSOR TOWN CLERK AND COLLKCTOR SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS RICHARD H. LINGE HELEN L. TRAVIS ROBERT LAWSON TOWN CLERK ' S 0F' i✓ ICE JUSTICE OF PEACE MILL STREET ASSESSORS VINCENT FRANCESE TOWN r77�� // /{ Thy 77^ i�-y �yy VERNER CHRISTENSEN. CH. WILLIAM BULGER TO�<!►!N 0 F L�I AP 1 J 1 !\1 f CD JOSEPH FULTON COUNCILMEN 1 Y Y V Y lr ll,\11 lV^�G Il"C\ BERTHA RECCHIA GEORGE A.ROBINSON WAPPINGERS FALLS, N. Y. ]2590 LOUIS D, DIEHL - OFFICE HOURS 9 A. M. TO 4 P. M. May 24, 1965 Town Board Town of Wappinger Mill Street Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Gentlemen: At the regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Planning Board, May 17, 1965, Vincent Kelley communicated to the Board the Town Boards' request for an opinion from the Planning Board on accepting Dugan Lane as a Town Road. A motion was made by Thomas Logan, secondee! by Robert 5teinhaus, that a recommendation be made to the Town Board that Dugan Lane, up to, and including all of Locust Drive, be accepted as Town Roads. Motion Carried Very truly yours, s A. W. V,andewi nckel , Chairman Town of Wappinger Planning Board es Reply to be seat tog Ctrs. Carmel R. Caputo Mrs. Fay Rao j. �. R F D 2 RFB 2 Hopewell 1%iiiction �; � Hopewell ..Jn NY Dutebess Co., N. Y. Dutchess Co February 2, 1965 Board of Directors Town of Wappinger Wappfnger Falls Dutchess Co., N. Y. TbU aU boom in the ftU1%5* 'U r" doats Of tete lamp 'bei to WU bow. At thy► par" t tim ter an n year round bumes on ms's La r. At Vw t1w is Und Vas parobassd tbo pmabase" were ftformod that tails Une vas *=mtlr 150 ,yrs *U and that a int read us# In the Wig. 1t to um 20 yea" simm .1945a this Is A= the *saw law that we* in 19450 s.-r*x14*aU of two Use ba" ^ttoadod 41 to" aeetiagol, wW bay* sot rspsattcUr with tho Soord of Diroetwo tbero# tb+er bav* stressed the seed f*r this xoad„ but they bMt'r doh 0801uU.V notbing .abovat U. its bad the UU th ►U04Y s trs*d and sit oonsideftblo aia onst of Wn ey in a►tta oy f*os#. , this did not cabs r ths Board of Tatars at i s tomm asotinpo W& Werli to last yur br they 0owrd of Dirootora that tho road Vss parsIr going in this paot *Prize of 3.964. 1 sm afro that thor were t UTIA9 to P&sVY us by MVIft thiso e V10011 LAO to pint out that thus Lew presents s SMV* daugors to We a w hea lth of taxilies therso Oil delivoriev are just. dspoauilAsp doetor t s wins are out of the question. .r* apparatus std neva reseb tbs Frol*rtrp they aolad just halve to Watch the bis bUrningo Wei ar+e paw high tatters on this mad bat Its Act delft. .. us WW 90" &t *U* Milk deliveries are impossible, because of rough lane and bottles break, causing companies considerable loss. $oat0 of tho rebid to on this low bad to 'ba►ndon the bon" am UTO In the cite of S' York# d14rSJW the Winter Watbo beftuso of road eoadit sa. Carat have to be towed out srrr r d W th* week dram winter ambos beeaure or IgW oonditiobs. ' 'bars a" ase a0d ZUes ofadd roads aU tla vu& Dutshess aomty *ad the" ewe as laosreti On th"* erW here them are nim mar 6W no road, now does one fiffVre thus auto RK. 00001 Capato I Sup 2 �� � �� � a !4 " A °o 1114i" 'f 'with 0'64taj""o r s ,in &A 1'�titf' *a4 to be00140100MU (;r' ��e+�y�� id�r"��}! ",��'+Yl? M'� '�����`� '+" VoG,d. Waw W'"r nnaua" r'r,'at '��i b�,iN V9'�dhu .1,G 101(';�i�i °# 1) tAwiii a read Way are, to Uri,* , W aC r F "fir, lattor post to = of tho rVoldonte U"Anvt ; *100641 on% jeopardizing` zin%va the ""ou "V °nyls truck and the bV,0nea ui t 'iN,.d.n: u would WDAwro«nd 0000nout ` J'»�`r� aFi at ",:h"i &ra' "°v .ble SO fO W10 %"riv8 lTh,#,,Q u%i,JV«P ;,fir k4 . l 41, n 9', ��gg ��Ip �'`"jp ��'�'+��,�', ,,r�,��'� m ,�'a�"., '1 ''V�?,�,°a `,`%� rVlv`Pa"VadYG; �v�uy,, help O In *pr way OW. of this letter vent to p ilr"�ar w'f J 0, Rade W'Ys Highways Wank p - , UOV. Rockerelle, "Albany; and to Toun of Wapplager Falls NY 1201d Mpg Jerry'wry A pp a J J January /iii o,iin,✓ip�, , i /n r !i/ ISGO Leland AV** Jl/, The difficult /o r a r/ , rrua, / iri/ //, �n attempt r II/% fir �r '��� r �rfr /%/ , /// 1 / / rr � / /l / / y r� .;r. �r�, rP i.: ,i / out �+l4; '<,/% i y rf r !"I/ :� p0 iG;;, �o //%ir�6fl„ /o use fGI��"r//r„f 0 javn %9// Are'//I,tLo, 6 ,e ,2! n e i a, //r /l,i, r r„✓n / , Il/,1 rrJi,'u” %l/ s a r(, ✓ �� r % r v ill%viii J r �f / / Ar ri / ,% „% , ','p/'c/,?,t r Old hIF I�y�% / Orf r rr I r r .n I%s / ly/9!/i Mal r could f%/�a�/J)'/�f aks'I�i!MAO"/ �,/, � i�f 6'„/, � ,or /c o ,r tto ;w'"310111/ t ice„m” I;, go /I dollvery f if fpl,f ;l/��� ; y I/ 1 " ails /� r„ / jrix ✓ , "..; r , f .o I r !,, r��/ r lr r. / r r / r / r r � / r r c 1 l �,rr f � I /! �,/y / � /r / vrrrr "a/ r �r ,,.f 1./..,, ,:0..,1/r ..//. �, l ,/��[ y//.. „/ / /,o„ r,r r //, ... „” /JrHr11r/r,l,� i n, � , r� �l�l �lr��,/,rr/ „,� ���ilrr,:<1�rrI,rFJ,�/h�%i i „ !�I�((, �/��v,�, /�,,,,//, /,�;, /r �,,,,,, �����I fi��l�ji�k �yYei�,�Oyr �Ra���� n/�rr��`rai/��� r r� /, Gf� e�u' ti,, �ilJ1Jv ��r r/ �i l�iX 1rUs ern 1i/'fr %' / G.� / y/ A1°1� ,, 040 "S "0r�� ���Ir�;: rl�rri/�II�r;J1 A ,J ry�in1r�gf ri'^ r gag; !”,l+irr r �/ r% 1 so „, Feb. w 1962 Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Rao All Angels Hill Road Hopewell Junotion, X, Y# R Dear Nil. and Mrs'. dao. The Town . f Wappi.n er Board has Informally o0naldered the problems you and your neighbora have by reaaon or the fact that Dugan X,ane la not a public road., it is x4y understanding that, while there is sonic rea3on to believe that Dugan .inane has been used by the public in general for some years.," i is al true that the Lane has nevor bacon maintained by the Town. Our Town Attorney advises us that under these circum- stances, the Town cannot legally plow the road or maintain it or take atW action concerning it until such time as title to the road is acquired by the Town, Under state law our Town cannot accept as a public road any road less than rods wide which ls,� or course, 49 1 feet. As a mat- ter of poli. y the Town has for many years required that the road be 50 ` et 'aside. As a mattor of town polloy ror many years the own Soard has re- fused. to accept any road as a public road if a cost to the Town was involved and, In addition, has required that before the road be accepted by the Town, that it bo graded, ditched:, surfaced, and that rproper drainage easementom be included to the conveyance where necessary. In reoent years town policy has required that the road be surfa4ed with oil and crushed stone berore acceptarae. This town Polley of �zany years standing IS based on the belle ' that it is unfair to charge to all the taxpayers of the Town any cost of providing g a new public hi shway In areas being newly dev- eloped and, acoordingly, as a resui.t of th:ls polley, several thousand taxpayers added to the rolls In. re-cont years have in- directly paid the cost or putting throughh a now road usually indlreotly through the price they paid for their lata. Any dev- eloper insetting the price for his lots, plans on the cost to hies or putting in new roads to become public roads, and sets the price or his lots acoordingly, If the Town should depart from this policy In any substantial degree in the oase of i gan Laney or any other new road within the Town, the Town would be treating some tai' its residents and taxpayers di;Crerently than others and many taxpayers wool dot only be paying the coat of putting .in new roads for their,,use, but would be sharing in the cast or put- ting in new roads for people they never knew. The pollcy of our Town as above described is the policy generally In effect in most, if not all, of the Trois of the State of Now Cork, and for the same reasons. The existence of this policy a I general knowledge among People wk]o deal in real estate, includ- na lawyoritt real estate men and banks and, If inquiry had been €fie before You bought your lots. X Im, sure thla would. have been brought- to your attontion On the ot;hor hand., the Town Board appreciates that Wou .are our,- rently Laced with a very dxftlau t Otuation and Intormally our Board suggests that you and your ne:.ghbors organize to solve the problem. We hlnk that you probably nodd a sawyer to determine who Is in the position to deed a 50 foot attip of land along m an sane fro .l -els all Road to another public road. We thkak you May wei . need the services of a :surveyor who san pre- pare a a rvay dosor ption pit the necessary 50 feet and that you should arrange with a oontraetor for the performance of the nee- essary work to prat the read in the condition neves a for ae- eeptanae. If your attorney should find thatany peraon or persons sftl and which it i necessary to Include within the 50 foot strip; refuse to deed what lo necessary, the Town Board would, explore the bas a on which Oondemnatton would be nst,�tutad by the Town and word out with you some equitable arrangement to meet the colt to the Town or Oueh, a proceed ng. in view or the hardship situ- ation pre"rated by this ease the 'down Board would likelygive the usua , re"I'rement that the road be surfaced pr Or to its ae- Oeptance and probably would be walling .to accept a road w'hieh .has been properly gravelled., ditched and drained.. if you and your neighbors are prepared to go ahead on this basial ploase be assured that you will have the full cooperation of the Town Board and all of the pfrutals of the Town in solving your pa tioula.r problem. very tml yours r p � r �;vjfi ,� �"' %:', .,y 4.,�;!.:w'=tl. 'R d ., a- 5 ..._d" f "r�J ✓ ✓' �..k:... � ��•� '� � �?" y r.�, x.� ,� r d ,'; +` �dw e ,,,,,.,.,"�"�� �e „"�,,...;, ".r'� ': �a�s �' � a ,.,r'� a, �a,..�/^� o P f � f �y r d �^ "�" rc ��� ��' �',..��_�, .l..»��� d.;�,r,� ,'�'�'` C � ��,:. �., ,��f 1.."m'_n„J, _�,. ,4�y a"^._ ,f d.,a:_"�"� � �°�" ���',.... x� �✓ �,flA� , Zr.,r o" d Jk,A4b.M �',✓ � �r'.�ti'�, 'E. ' �+ �M .T�, i,. ",� rr"�', ,,,.� e k�:., $�c"� ,«r""�.z,�G.-. nw'F..,.`....o e �.T 4',�1'k ,F�,,! a=w. — - ..i�,,,Nwh .., 4.r'F"�.N.�...4,.t ,! u' Cn�"J,,. .A _., � ;_ r�f A � -�, f� i .l' .V° .7,.d,' !' �� j",.�! �.... dC u�.6,w:�•k,.- � „,. l / d !,-;.F �f �".��, ���"`� .., '�L" ' � G d k '°� y tl ✓ a' 6f f .,�� r err ",.��-z"�1" .,,. ,✓�x^ �J u, + .r"� � � r _ ^�A� '� �, r7, „d„nm,� .,C� -,m p',�u,vi •��, ,u'��a � ,,�=.n. ^,-gid,.r. (Y .,Y:. �...��r.' -�-"'C��„k _ ”»,C��i�. 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