2018 Town Financials FINANCIAL REPORT Audited TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK For the Year Ended December 31, 2017 Audited for: The Supervisor and Members of the Town.Board Town of Wappinger,New York Audited by: RBT CPAs,LLP I I Racquet Road Newburgh,NY 12550 (845) 567-9000 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Independent Auditor's Report...................................................................................................................... ....1-2 Management's Discussion and Analysis(unaudited)............................................................................................3-8 BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Government-Wide Financial Statements: Statementof Net Position.,....... ................................. .................................................. 9 Statementof Activities.,............. ...... ...................................................... ....... ............................. ....... 10 Fund Financial Statements: Balance Sheet—Governmental Funds............................ ..................... .................................. 11 Reconciliation of the Total Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Position............ 12 Statement of Revenues,.Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances—Governmental Funds.................. 13 Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues,Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities...................._............... 14 Statement of Net Position—Fiduciary Funds.............................................................................................. 15 Notes to the Financial Statements..................................................................................................................16-41 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Budgetary Comparison Schedule—General Fund—Townwide,General Fund—Part-Town, Highway Fund,Water Fund and Sewer Fund................. ..........42-46 Schedule of Funding Progress-Other Postemployment Benefits........................................__...................47 Schedule of the Proportionate Share Of the Net Pension Liability.............................................................48 Schedule of Employer Contributions..........................................................................................................49 OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Combining Balance Sheet—Non-Major Governmental Funds...................................................................50 Combining Schedule of Revenues,Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances— Non-Major Governmental Funds................................................................................................................51 Independent Auditor's Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance With Government Auditing Standards................................................................52-53 Schedule of Findings,Recommendations and Responses .....................................................................54-58 Table of Contents I, JJ T LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP CERTIP19D PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Supervisor and Members of the Town Board Town of Wappinger,New York 20 Middlebush.Road Wappingers Falls,New York 12590 Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Wappinger,New York,as of and for the year ended December 31,2017,and the related notes to the financial statements,which collectively comprise the Town of Wappinger,New York's basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement,whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit.We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,whether due to fraud or error.In making those risk assessments,the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances,but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control.Accordingly,we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management,as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions. rbtcpas.cdr� 11 Racquet{toad 2678 South Roark,Suite 101 P.A box 20'9 Nexbvr9h,NY 12550 Paughkeepaie,:NY 12601 51 So.11lvarrt Sireet T�,(645)$87-9000 T (645)4 8'410 wortaborc,MY 12790 Fa C6d55 5674226 Fi(A 45)465-5547 T;(645)666-5656 F:(645)1368-2769 1 Opinions In our opinion,the financial statements referred to above present fairly,in all material respects,the respective financial position of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Wappinger,New York,as of December 31,2017,and the respective changes in financial position for the year then ended,in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Other Matters Required Supplementary Information Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the management's discussion and analysis, budgetary comparison information, schedule of funding progress - other postemployment benefits, schedule of the proportionate share of the net pension liability, and schedule of employer contributions, as listed in the table of contents,be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such information,although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board,who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic,or historical context.We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America,which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries,the basic financial statements,and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance. Other Information Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the Town of Wappinger, New York's basic financial statements. The combining non-major fund schedules are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements, The combining non-major fund schedules are the responsibility of management and were derived from and relate directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements.Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements or to the basic financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion,the combining non-major fund schedules are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole. Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated October 4, 2018 on our consideration of the Town of Wappinger,New York's internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on internal control over financial reporting or on compliance.That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the Town of Wappinger,New York's internal control over financial reporting and compliance. RBT CTAS, LLP Newburgh,NY October 4,2018 2 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 1.Overview of the Financial Statements These Audited Financial Statements consist of five parts. The Independent Auditor's Report on our Financial Statements, Management's Discussion and Analysis (this section), Government Wide Financial Statements, Fund Financial Statements and Notes to the Financial Statements. -Government-Wide Financial Statements provide both long term and short term information about the Town's overall financial status. They report information about the Town as a whole using accounting methods similar to private sector companies. -Fund Financial Statements focus on the individual parts of Town government, reporting the Town's operations in more detail than the Government—Wide Financial Statements. They focus on the most significant or"major"funds- not the Town as a whole. See Note A in the notes to the financial statements for information regarding individual types of funds. -Notes to the Financial Statements provide further explanation and support for the information contained in the Financial Statements, 2. Financial Analysis of the Town as a whole SUMMARY OF STATEMENT OF NET POSITION Assets 2017 2016 Change Non-Capital $ 17,350,628 $16,336,474 $ 1,014,154 Capital 64,654,858 65,336,444 681,586 Total Assets 82,005,486 81,672,918 332,568 Deferred Outflows of Resources 2,093,477 2,825,619 (732,142) Total Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources $ 84,098,963 $84,498,537 $ 399,574 Liabilities Current $ 3,846,968 $ 6,242,776 $ (2,395,808) Non-Current 24,773,861 25.313,313 (539,452) Total Liabilities 28,620,829 31,556,089 (2,935,260) Deferred Inflows of Resources 1,259,449 1,390,990 (131,541) Total Liabilities and Deferred Inflows of Resources 29,880,278 32,947,079 x,066,801) Net Position Capital 44,443,740 44,449,985 (6,245) Restricted 2,479,528 2,439,947 39,581 Unrestricted 7,295,417 4,661,526 2,633,891 Total Net Position 54,218,685 51,551,458 2,667,227 Total Liabilities and Net Position $ 84,098,963 $84,498,537 $ (399,574) 3 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYS[S 2.Financial Analysis of the Town as a whole(Continued) SUMMARY OF STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Revenues 2017 2016 Change Program Charges for Services $ 4,413,651 $ 4,821,111 $ (407,460) Operating Gants 6,399 137,827 (131,428) Capital Gants 41.7,773 905,089 (487,316) General Revenues Property Taxes 8,109,192 8,199,157 (89,965) Other Taxes 2,472,220 2,505,174 (32,954) Investment Earnings 313,479 278,769 34,710 Other Gants and Contributions 274,040 268,730 5,310 Other Revenues 215,185 190,776 24,409 Total Revenues 16,221,939 17,306,633 (1,084,694) Expenses General Government Support 2,292,343 3,122,576 (830,233) Public Safety 472,677 709,670 (236,993) Health 416,591 345,387 71,204 Transportation 3,421,445 3,773,607 (352,162) Economic Assistance 4,197 6,516 (2,319) Culture and Recreation 869,722 1,144,771 (275,(A9) Home and Community Service 5,226,102 5,994,487 (768,385) Interest on Long Tenn Debt 851,635 645,715 205,920 Total Expenses 13,554,712 15,742,729 (2,188,017) Change in Net Position 2,667,227 1,563,904 1,103,323 Net Position-beginning 51,551,458 49,832,152 1,719,306 Prior Period Adjustment - 155,402 (155,402) Net Position-beginning,restated 51,551,458 49.987,554 1,563,904 Net Position-ending $ 54,218,685 $ 51,551,458 $ 2,667,227 Governmental Funds: GENERAL FUND The General Fund consists of the General Town-Wide Fund and the General Part-Town Fund.The General Town- Wide includes activities of the Parklands Trust Fund, Friends of Camwath and the 9-11 Memorial Fund, The General Fund is the chief operating fund of the Town.At the end of the year,the total fund balance of the General Town-Wide Fund was $2,133,003, a decrease of$1,326,156 from the prior year. $76,922 of the total General Town-Wide Fund balance is in non-spendable form(made up of prepaid expenses). 4 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION .MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 2. Financial Analysis of the Town as a whole(Continued) GENERAL FUND(CONTINUED) The remaining $2,056,081 is in spendable form as follows: $108,800 is restricted for debt service payment, $700,325 is restricted for recreation,$58,008 is appropriated for 2018 expenditures and the remaining$1,118,948 represents spendable,unassigned fund balance.The total fund balance in the General Part-Town.Fund at the end of the year was $4,307,420,an increase of$1,022,672 from the prior year. The surplus in the general fund was mainly due to better than expected revenue from sales tax, franchise fee, building permits,planning board fee, fines&fees from the Justice Court,and mortgage tax. The following charts describe significant categories of General Fund revenues and expenses: Combined General Fund Revenues 2017 ;Property Taxes&Tax Items ltl 4�I19�� it�f�i ' AState&Federal Aid Wales and Franchlse Tax 3% ■Use of Money&Property 4% Moepartmental Income MFlnes,Licenses and Permits 1% MAI I Other Combined General Fund Expenditures 2017 MiGeneral Government Support ■Public safety MiTransportation MCultureand Recreation "Home and Community Services I 5% I Employee Benefits 3% UDebt service 5% VA0I Other 5 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 2.Financial Analysis of the Town as a whole(Continued) HIGHWAY FUND The Highway Fund ended the year with $1,819,920 in Fund Balance, of which $235,699 is non-spendable, $28,077 is restricted for debt service payment and$1,556,144 is assigned for highway activities. The following charts describe the significant categories of Highway Fund revenues and expenses: Highway Fund Revenues 2017 0% ■Property Taxes ■sales Tax NState&Federal Aid 10ther Revenue Highway Fund Expenditures 2017 _ VStreet Maintenance UPermanentRoad Improvements (Snow Removal EGeneral Government Support MMachinery Purchase and Maintenance ®Employee Benefits MDebt Service 3% WATER FUNDS The Town operated four water districts during 2017 with an overall Fund Balance of$2,326,01.8. Operating revenues totaled$2,215,346 with operating expenditures and interfund transfers totaling$2,189,206 resulting in an excess of revenues over expenditures in the amount of$26,140.The excess is the result of strong and prudent budgeting practices. 6 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 2.Financial Analysis of the Town as a whole(Continued) SEWER AND DRAINAGE FUNDS The Town operated fourteen sewer and drainage districts during 2017,. with an overall fund balance of$2,322,607, the main sewer district being the United Wappinger Sewer District,with a fund balance of$1,320,300.Operating revenues and transfers in for the combined sewer and drainage districts totaled $3,003,338 with operating expenditures and transfers out totaling $3,212,923 resulting in an excess of expenditures over revenues in the amount of$209,585. BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS The Town.Budget is adopted in November each year for the following year and is modified throughout the year as necessary.Variances in budgetary revenues and expenditures have been explained in the paragraphs above. 3.Activities Regarding Capital Assets,Long and Short Term Debt The Town spent approximately$1.6 million on capital projects in 2017. The main projects were:resurfacing of various town roads, the emergency services building renovation, United Wappinger District water meter replacement,Town hall windows replacement and the Tri-Municipal sewer system repairs. LONG TERM DEBT S&P Global Ratings assigned the Town a credit rating of"AA+"in October,2018.This rating reflects the town's strong financial position consistent with robust budgetary controls, The rating allows the Town to compete for better interest rates for future debt issues. Total long term serial bond debt at the end of 2017 was$22,525,000. Of this debt,$2,742,698 is attributable to the General Funds,$4,476,326 to the Highway Fund,$4,591,298 to the sewer districts fund,and $1.0,714,678 to the water districts fund. Water and sewer serial bonds debt is paid for by the property owners in the respective water and sewer districts. In March 2017,the town issued a $3,370,000 Serial Bond converted from a Bond Anticipation Notes (BAN). This serial bond is made up of$562,000 for Wappinger Creek pump station and $563,000 for Aeration System Replacement, both projects of Tri-Municipal Sewer Commission, $1,775,000 for Water Meter Replacement, a project of United Wappinger water district, and $470,000 to purchase heavy duty trucks and tractors for the Highway Department.On June 10,2018 the Town issued a$860,000 Serial Bonds Series"A"made of$600,000 for the reconstruction of various town roads and $260,000 for the improvement of the Midpoint sewer district. The said bond was issued following maturity of a Bond Anticipation Note of$930,000.On October 23,2018,the Town issued 2018 Serial Bonds Series`B"worth$2,525,000 made up of$300,000 for the extension of Tall Trees water district to the United Wappinger Water District,$625,000 for Highway Equipment,and$1,600,000 for the reconstruction of various town roads in 2018. and 2019.. The Town is set to issue $1,755,000 Serial Bonds in December 2018 to reimburse the general fund for funds used to renovate the Emergency Services Building which houses the NYS Troopers and the EMSTAR ambulance Services. 4.Currently Known Facts Bearing on the Future The Town continues to have a shared service agreement with the Town of Fishkill for a Joint Assessor. This program known as the Coordinated Assessment Program or CAP continues to deliver cost savings to the Town. The assessment roll established in 2017 for 2018 taxes resulted in homestead assessments increasing by an average of 1.33%. However, there was a small change in the proportion of non-homestead to homestead assessments.Non-homestead assessments for 2018 were 42%of the total and homestead assessments were 58%. The Town adopted a reduced overall tax levy increase of 0.98%in 2018 down from 0.13%in 2017. 7 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 4.Currently Known facts Bearing on the Future(Continued) The Town signed a Memorandum of Agreement(M:4A)with CSEA for the Town's highway employees covering the period January 1,2016 through December 31,2017.The town also secured a collective bargaining agreement with the Teamsters Union for non-highway Town employees covering the period 2014 through 2017.The Town Board ratified the adoption of a new agreement with the Teamster Union that covers the period January 1,2018 through December 31,2019.The Town has begun negotiations with the CSEA for highway employees. Capital improvement work at the Emergency Services Building located at 18 Middlebush Road commenced in the fall of 2017 and includes roof replacement, generator and electrical improvements,heating,ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) replacement, and plumbing repairs, upgrades and improvements, The project is expected to cost approximately $2.4million, to be financed by $1,755m in Serial Bonds, $500,000 in General Town-wide fund balance and$145,000 from Dutchess County Shared Services grant. In 2018 the Town authorized the paving of 7.2 miles of town roads,the most miles of paving in a couple of years, The Town has entered into inter Inter-Municipal Agreements with the Town of Fishkill,Village of Fishkill,Town of East Fishkill, City of Beacon, Town of Poughkeepsie and Village of Wappingers Falls to spearhead water, sewer and economic development needs for the mutual benefit of the residents of these communities. The Town is working with the Town of East Fishkill,City of Beacon and Village of Wappingers Falls,on various projects including joint grant applications, proposals and funding to finance the consolidation of the Wildwood Sewer District into the United Wappinger SewerDistrict,the connection of Wildwood Sewer and Woodhill Green Sewer to the Tri-Municipal Sewer plant,water connections with the Village of Wappingers Falls for Wildwood Water District and Woodhill Green and taking the water main south along Rte.9 into Fishkill and exploring ways to bring water and sewer services to Town residents along Chelsea Road. In September 2018, the Town Board adopted an amended code of ethics, local law No, 9 of 2018, to set the standards of conduct for officers and employees of the municipality with respect to disclosure of interests in legislation before the local governing body, holding of investments in conflict with official duties, private employment in conflict with official duties, future employment, and such other standards as may be deemed advisable. 8 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK STATEMENT OF NET POSITION DECEMBER 31,2017 GO V ERNMINTAL ACTIVITIES ASS UFS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 12,770,654 Cash and cash equivalents -restricted 1.,973,728 Receivables(net) 2,349,821 Inventories 82,748 Prepaid expenses 173,677 "Total current assets 17,350,628 Capital assets: land 8,162,217 Improvements and infrastructure,net ofdepreciation 41,576,341 Buildings,machinery and equipment,net ofdepreciation 5,641,780 Construction in progress 9,274,520 Total capital assets (Note D) 64,654,858 Total assets 82,005,486 Deferred outflows ofresources(Note N) 2,093,477 Total assets and defe rred outflows ofresources $ 84,098,963 LILA81I11THN Current Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 306,618 Accrued liabilities 247,059 Bond anticipation notes payable(Note G) 930,000 Deferred revenue 163,747 Due to customers 23,397 Due to other governments 63,507 Current portion oflong-termliabilities: Landfill remediation liability (Note H) 7,640 Bonds payable-Capital(Note H) 1385,538 Bonds payable-Non-capital(Note H) 719,462 Total current liabilities 3,846968 Non-current liabilities: Judgment and claims(Note H) 80,OW Compensated absence liabilities (Note H) 279,852 Other postemployment benefits liability (Note F) 3,035,296 Landfill remediation liability(Note H) 133,802 Bonds payable-Capital(Note H) 17,895,580 Bonds payable -Non-capital(Note H) 2,524,420 Net employee retirement system liability (Note E) 824,911 Total non-current liabilities 24,773,861 Total liabilities 28,620,829 Deferred inflows of resources(Note N) 1,259,449 Total liabilities and defe rred i nfl ows ofresources 29,880,278 NET POSITION Net investment in capital assets 44,443,740 Restricted for debt service 870,503 Restricted for miscellaneous 402,900 Restricted for capital expenditures 505,800 Restricted for recreation 700,325 Unrestricted 7,295,417 Total net position 54,218,685 Total liabilities,deferred inflows ofresources,and net position $ 84,098,963 See Notes to Financial Statements 9 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2017 NET(EXPENSE) REVENUE AND CHANGES IN NET POSITION CHARGES OPERATING CAPITAL FOR GRANTS AND GRANTS AND GOVERNMENTAL FUNCTIONS/PROGRA-NIS EXPENSES SERVICES CONTRIBL41ONS CONTRIBUIRONS ACTIVrM Governmental Activities: General govemmentsupport $ 2,292,343 $ 17,477 $ 6,399 $ $ (2,268,467) Public safety 472,677 838,498 - 365,821 Health 416,591 7,146 - - (409,445) Transportation 3,421,445 5,700 - 281,357 (3,134,388) Economic assistance&opportunity 4,197 - - - (4,)97) Culture and recreation 869,722 75,238 - - (794,484) Homeandcommunity services 5,226,102 3,469,592 - 136,416 (1,620,094) Interest on long-term debt 851,635 - - - (851,635) Total gownmental activities $ 13,554,712 $ 4,413,651 $ 6,399 $ 417,773 (8,716,889) General revenues Taxes: Real property taxes 8,109,192 Real property tax items 119,406 Sales taxdistribution 1,354,373 Mortgage taxdistdbution 517,870 Franchise taxes 480,571 Earning on investments 313,479 Grants and contributions not restricted to specific programs 274,040 Special item-Crain on sale of property and compensation for loss 27,212 Refund of prior year's expenditures 20,780 Miscellaneous 167,193 Total general revenues,special items and transfers 11,384,116 Change in net position 2,667,227 Net position-beginning 51,551,458 Net position-ending $ 54,218,685 See Notes to Financial Statements 10 a e co n n N o � 00 c� oo n 0 N n n N �t M CD Cl kr) Oo 10 c� 00 V1 C1 O O 7 Q1 6+ O O O N O 00 M m Q �O n N 'rY 00 00 N n in M `7 V1 M O OQ V1 n �O N V1 C� 00 M O O n M ^� Cf (4 �--� N 10 N M O M M M M �t O N Vr O oo hl 00 n n O in O 00 r 00 n in O N M = 0 ti0 M Vl n 0 0 0 V) V n 6 O N 0 Qti N M M CT C, r M 00 V) n 00 17 M 0 � � v fA 69 69 b9 Uj 6i O 00 00 N F 000 Q Q 00 N 0N0 000 N N 00 G.� A M N M 00 4 M It Cv M n M .--i �c h 7 M — cn `-' 00 Cl O [� N rf ry U P�+ Gn C, 00 It 00 N O et in 7 N M N cM0 M in 69 6A 69 69 O 7 O 'n n 00 M ,t 00 n A O M V1 C� C1 C1 00 00 in CDS �o 00 kr) �o 7 110 Ctikr� In L: N ag 69 64 N b4 ate+ in o0 Q1 OQ M 00 n O CO U n 17 d 00 �- d 61 n N 4 � O� 7 Vi 00 V1 �D O d� d P oo' 00 00 rf N O cc r-i p vi 00 d\ ti �y N oo !y W 'CY N n N N �n 00 00 69 N M O M O n kD I I I I I n O O O O O h r� oo C, n N in O V N 00 V] G1 celN V1 lr LD it +� V1 O Qn do V) y rt Cll0 00 V1 Ic r- M �O O IO N M n n 6n Oin NM M N 69 66 69 V3 Gy] M kn kn N GO kn ' C� C1 Vl V1 00 ' 00 M 00 N C1 00 Vl V) N n 00 00 n n N O N O O n N d 171 N a n [� Vi �O 4N 4 � N n �D 00 p PO a0 M O A o 0 00 N n in U N in n O O ,n a0 M in Z n 00 N r, Q n o O � F 6R 6A 69 69 C Av v 7p f U +. d U y F-� F a C � ..'�. .Lam. � � � CC G � � I-� L~" � •�i ¢ R vi > m T7 R. o y o .� g A 5 P va k-. a 71 4 ott p W ✓ U y U U ILI N R y S o p m 0) t,* a p U F TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK RECONCILIATION OF THE TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET TO THE STATEMENT OF NET POSITION DECEMBER 31,2017 Total Long-Term Reclassifications Statement Governmental Assets and and of Net Funds Liabilities Eliminations Position ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 12,770,654 $ - $ - $ 12,770,654 Cash and cash equivalents -restricted 1,973,728 - - 1,973,728 Receivables: Charges for services 1,004,267 - 1,004,267 Other 251,417 - - 251,417 Due from other funds (Note C) 2,903,842 - (2,903,842) - Due fromothergovernments 981,886 - - 981,886 State and federal aid receivable 112,251 - - 112,251 Inventory,at cost 82,748 - - 82,748 Prepaid expenses 271,546 (97,869) - 173,677 Capital assets - 64,654,858 - 64,654,858 Deferred outflows of resources - 2,093,477 - 2,093.477 Total as sets and deferred outflows of resources $ 20,352,339 $ 66,650,466 $ (2,903,842) $ 84,098,963 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 306,618 $ - $ $ 306,618 Accrued liabilities 42,581 204,478 - 247,059 Due to customers 23,397 - - 23,397 Bond anticipation notes payable 930,000 - - 930,000 Due to other funds(Note C) 2,903,842 - (2,903,842) - Due to other governments 63,507 - - 63,507 Deferred revenues 163,747 - - 163,747 Judgment and claims (Note H) - 80,000 - 80,000 Compensated absence liabilities (Note II) - 279,852 - 279,852 Other postemployment benefits liability(Note F) - 3,035,296 - 3,035,296 Landfill remediation liability(Note H) - 141,442 - 141,442 Bonds payable-Capital(Note H) - 19,281,118 - 19,281,118 Bonds payable -Non-capital(Note H) - 3,243,882 3,243,882 Net employee retirement system liability (Note E) - 824,911 - 824,911 Deferred inflows of resources (Note N) - 1,259,449 1,259,449 Total liabilities and deferred inflows of resources 4,433,692 28,350,428 (2,903,842) 29,880,278 Total fund balances 15,918,647 38,300,038 54,218,685 Total liabilities,deferred inflows of resources, and fund balances $ 20,352,339 $ 66,650,466 $ (2,903,842) $ 84,098,963 See Notes to Financial Statements 12 N �Q o} kn a kn coo n r G o o oo c, r 01 O r r 00 �D t� N Q N n N o0 ;n O o0 00 O LO O o0 00 00 O 1� C r O Vj 00 " n 7 p r in, CV t`i kr 4'i O o0 o0 a0 M �O t� CJ ti N U1 N M til C1 N w 64 69 r ,n oq o o�bb oo Op v n Oo pn p a o In oc Ooo O N O r O �7n �D o0 00 ce eP M j d m ai ao o ,n O luno In 4 cJ U 2 N N 7 ' . ' ' r r ' , ' ' O1 N N pp M m ' N 'n N CD 0p IN on m Nom. O r co 00 lA R � N � 00 7 on O Oi f`f n 7 N vi p� lV ff oo O r N 7 M oo o O M N oo O� ^ N oo 69 6R oc It N oo0 m M M W 00 00 O ri cri -3 K ': Ir� t� vn w t N t�' � �i CNrI �--� .--� N N oma .M.• v N N m In oo In T V N N �n O O O 09 ei ^ of vi r M M o0 N +'r C r 'n N h N �n 6 of C T +�„ a1 ri n oo IN r- � c� a c v] N r ,n AW r c S In Gn m zm O ' O N m pp cn r ,n o4 M C N ' ' ' ' N oo O N �D •--� M n �0 O G� 'n 'cF N 00 Cl 0 r r cF N D w N O O Q ,n G1 C� n 7 In 1D �O r Z v �pp a rS T t m m rn In, In 'o' ell TF m O r 00 '7 O O r [[VV 7 oo N oo r m m N ^ O o o N M O 4 N Id ,n T ' CT N N r G1 O �D V_1 o' O 0a pp !n-- o �O t•�j ' tV �L fit m V Fa Q oa O n a,M oo d O �O O� 00 to �t I M d r 1� r+ �- �+ ^ I, O 'T r In Cl Qi 1.0 r r ^ O A ^ N r g V'i o0 tr1 cti z '6 Ooc r 7 r V1 00 �D r � � V7 oa o0 M 7 � N � � x O C A � � � � � m � •� '° m ci N w � C .4 uw F a eu • le � ° W 7d v A � r7 GCi � � o � N � � ?y � � G a c � o � � a � � � m u ❑ Z � � � d pH � Ozaawrzon F �nC7w TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK RECONCILIATION OF THE STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND CHANCES IN FUND BALANCES OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TO THE,STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2017 Total Long-Term Capital Long-Term Reclassifications Statement Governmental Revenue and Related Debt and of Funds Expenses Items Transactions Eliminations Activities REVENUES Real property taxes $ 8,109,192 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 8,109,192 Real property taxitcros 119,406 - - - - 119,406 Non property taxitems 1,834,944 - - - - 1,834,944 Departmental income 3,601,978 - - 92,106 - 3,694,084 Use of money and property 313,479 - - - - 313,479 Licenses and permits 393,492 - - - - 393,492 Fines and forfeitures 418,181 - - - - 418,181 Sale of property and compensation for loss 27,212 - - - - 27,212 Miscellaneous local sources 238,662 3,150 - 761 - 242,573 State aid 1,069,376 - - - - 1,069,376 Total revenues 16,125,922 3,150 - 92,867 - 16,221,939 EXPENDTIT RES/EXPENSES General government support 3,035,449 (327,776) (700,518) - 285,188 2,292,343 Public safety 338,105 ((A),000) 72,875 - 151,697 472,677 health 414,020 (3,791) - - 6,362 416,591 Transportation 2,837,215 (372,180) (588) - 956,998 3,421,445 Economic assistance&opportunity 4,197 - - - - 4,197 Culture and recreation 700,159 (137,293) 77,632 - 229,224 869,722 Home and community services 4,160,521 (264,523) 1,232,185 - 97,919 5,226,102 Employee benefits 1,727,388 - - - (1,727,388) - Debt service 2765,051 - - (1,913,416) - 851,635- Total expenditures/expenses 15.982,105 (1.195,563) 681,586 (1,913,416) - 13,554,712 Excess/(deficiency)of revenues over expenditures 143,817 1.198,713 (681,586) 2,006,283 - 2,667,227 Other financing sources/(uses): Operating transfers in 2,275,886 - - - (2,275,886) - Operating transfers out (2,275,886) - - - 2,275,886 - Proceeds from issuance of debt 3,370,000 - - (3,370,000) - - Bond premium 761 - - (761) - - BANs redeemed from appropriations 68,000 - - (68,Qoo) - - Total financing sources/(uses) 3,438,761 - - (3,438,761) - - Change in fund balances $ 3,582,578 $ 1,198,713 $ (681,586) $ (1,432,478) $ - $ 2,667,227 See Notes to Financial Statements 14 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK STATEMENT OF NET POSITION FIDUCIARY FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2017 AGENCY FUNDS ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 607,823 Total assets $ 607,823 LIABILITIES Escrow 1:unds returnable and other liabilities $ 607,823 Total liabilities 607,823 NET POSITION - Total liabilities and net position $ 607,823 See Notes to Financial Statements 15 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE A-Summary of Significant Accountiniz Policies The Town of Wappinger,New York, ("the Town") was incorporated on May 20, 1875, under the provisions of the State of New York. The Town operates under a Town Board form of government,consisting of a Supervisor and four Councilmen/women. The Supervisor serves as the Chief Executive Officer and as the Chief Fiscal Officer of the Town. The Town provides the following services:highway maintenance,water,sewer,planning,zoning,building and safety inspection,lighting,and culture and recreation. The Town's financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America as applied to governmental units(GAAP), The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)is responsible for establishing GAAP for state and local governments through its pronouncements(Statements and Implementation Guides). The more significant accounting policies established by GAAP and used by the Town in preparing its government- wide and fund financial statements are discussed below. 1. The Reportinu Entity The Town,for financial purposes, includes all of the funds relevant to the operations of the Town of Wappinger, New York. The financial statements include organizations, functions and activities that are controlled by or dependent upon the Town,Control or dependence is determined on the basis of budget adoption,taxing authority, funding and appointment of the respective governing board. Under these criteria,no other entities are included in the Town's financial statements. 2. $asic Financial Statements—Government-Wide Statements The Town's basic financial statements include both government-wide(reporting the Town as a whole)and fund financial statements(reporting the Town's major funds).Both the government-wide and fund financial statements categorize primary activities as either governmental or business type activities.The Town's parks and recreation, public works, and general administrative services are classified as governmental activities. The Town's water services are also classified as governmental activities since user fees are not intended to cover all costs including depreciation. In the government-wide Statement of Net Position, the governmental activities columns is presented on a consolidated basis and is reported on a full accrual, economic resource basis, which recognizes all long-temi assets and receivables as well as long-term debt and obligations. The Town's net position is reported in three parts—net investment in capital assets,restricted and unrestricted.The Town first utilizes restricted resources to finance qualifying activities. The government-wide Statement of Activities reports both the gross and net cost of each of the Town's functions or activities.The functions are also supported by general government revenues(property and sales taxes,certain intergovernmental revenues,fines,permits and charges,etc.).The Statement of Activities reduces gross expenses (including depreciation) by related program revenues, operating and capital grants. Program revenues must be directly associated with the function(public works,community and youth services,etc.).Operating grants include operating-specific and discretionary (either operating or capital)grants while the capital grants column reflects capital-specific grants. 16 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE A-Summary of Significant Accounting Policies(Continued) 2. Basic Financial Statements—Government-Wide Statements(Continued) The net costs are normally covered by general revenue (property, sales or mortgage taxes, intergovernmental revenues,interest income,etc). This government-wide focus is more on the sustainability of the Town as an entity and the change in the Town's net position resulting from the current year's activities. 3. Basic Financial Statements—Fund Financial Statements The financial transactions of the Town are reported in individual funds in the fund financial statements. Each fund is accounted for by providing a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprises its assets, liabilities, reserves, fund equity, revenues and expenditures/expenses. Funds are organized into three major categories: governmental, proprietary, and fiduciary. An emphasis is placed on major funds within the governmental and proprietary categories. A fund is considered major if it is the primary operating fund of the Town or meets the following criteria: a. Total assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenditures/expenses of that individual governmental fund or enterprise fund are at least 10 percent of the corresponding total for all funds of that category or type; and b. Total assets, liabilities, revenues, or expend itureslexpenses of the individual governmental fund or enterprise fund are at least 5 percent of the corresponding total for all governmental and enterprise funds combined. The following fund types are used by the Town: A. Governmental Funds The focus of the governmental funds' measurement (in the fund statements) is upon determination of financial position and changes in financial position(sources,uses,and balances of financial resources)rather than upon net income. The following is a description of the governmental funds of the Town: I. General Fund—Town-wide is the general operating fund of the Town. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. The General Fund is considered a major fund and is presented separately. 2. General Fund—Part-Town is used to record revenues and expenditures related to services provided to residents living outside the'Village of Wappingers Falls,such as police protection,planning and zoning services. The General Fund—Part-Town is considered a major fund and is presented separately. 3. Highway Fund is used to record the revenues and expenditures related to the maintenance of Town roadways. The Highway Fund is considered a major fund and is presented separately, 4. Water Fund is used to record the revenues and expenditures related to the delivery of water to the Town's customers. The Water Fund is considered a major fund and is presented separately. 17 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE A-Summary of Sienificant Accounting Policies(Continued) 3. Basic Financial Statements—Fund Financial Statements(Continued) A. Governmental Funds(Continued) 5, Sewer Fund is used to record the revenues and expenditures related to the delivery of sewer services to the Town's customers. The Sewer Fund is considered a major fund and is presented separately, 6. Capital Projects Fund is used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition and construction of major capital facilities. The Capital Projects Fund is considered a major fund and is presented separately. However, no budgetary comparison schedule is presented as required supplemental information,as the Town is not legally required to adopt an annual budget for the Capital Projects Fund. 7, Non-Major Funds include those that are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. These include the Lighting,Ambulance and Special Grant Funds. B. Fiduciary Funds Fiduciary Funds are used to report assets held in a trustee or agency capacity for others and therefore are not available to support Town programs. The reporting focus is on net position and changes in net position,and they are reported using accounting principles similar to proprietary funds, The Town's fiduciary funds are presented in the fiduciary fund financial statements.Since by definition these assets are being held for the benefit of a third party and cannot be used to address activities or obligations of the government,these funds are not incorporated into the government-wide statements. 4. Basis of Accountine Basis of accounting refers to the point at which revenues or expenditures/expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements, It relates to the timing of the measurements made regardless of the measurement focus applied. A. Accrual The governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements and fiduciary fund financial statements are presented on the accrual basis of accounting, Revenues are recognized when earned and expenses are recognized when incurred. B. Modified Accrual The governmental funds financial statements are presented on the modified accrual basis of accounting, Under the modified accrual basis of accounting,revenues are recorded when susceptible to accrual;i.e.,both measurable and available. "Available" means collectible within the current period or within 60 days after year-end. Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified accrual basis of accounting when the related liability is incurred. The exception to this general rule is that principal and interest on general obligation long-term debt, if any,is recognized when due. 18 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE A-Summary of Sienificant Accountine Policies(Continued} 5. Financial Statement Amounts A. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents includes amounts in demand and time deposits. State statutes and the Town's own written investment policy govern the investment policies of the Town. The Town may invest its funds in banks or trust companies authorized to do business in the State of.New York, as well as obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Agencies, and obligations of the State of New York and its political subdivisions. Deposits not covered by Federal Deposit Insurance are collateralized by the banking institutions with investments governed under state statutes. The cash and cash equivalents of the Town at December 31,2017,are as follows: CAMAL NON- GENERAL 111GHWAY WATER SIMM PROJFCTS MAJOR FUNDS FUND FUND FUND FUND FUNDS TOTAL Non-Interest Bearing Accounts $ 850 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ 850 Interest Bearing Accounts 5,364,644 1,358,523 2,529,325 1,825,746 3,502,548 162,746 14,743,532 TOTAlS $5,365,494 $1,358,523 $2,529,325 $1,825,746 $ 3,502,548 $162,746 $14,744,382 Custodial credit risk is the risk that, in the event of a bank failure,the Town's deposits may not be returned to it. While the Town does not have a specific policy for custodial credit risk,New York State statues govern the Town's investment policies,as discussed previously in these Notes. Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No.40 Deposit and Investment Risk Disclosure directs that deposits be disclosed as exposed to custodial credit risk if they are not covered by depository insurance,or collateralized by securities held by the Town or its agent in the Town's name.The Town's cash balances in excess of FDIC coverage were fully collateralized with securities held by the Town's depository institution's agent and not subject to custodial credit risk, B. Inventories Inventories consist of significant expendable supplies,primarily sand and road salt,and are carried at cost. C. Capital Assets Capital assets purchased or acquired with an original cost of$500 or more are reported at historical cost or estimated historical cost. Contributed assets are reported at fair market value as of the date received. Additions, improvements and other capital outlays that significantly extend the useful life of an asset are capitalized.Other costs incurred for repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred. Depreciation on all assets is provided on the straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives: Buildings 15-40 years Infrastructure—Water&Sewer 40 years Infrastructure—Roads 15 years Machinery and Equipment 5-15 years Improvements 10-30 years 19 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE A-Summaa of Significant Accounting Policies Continued 5. Financial Statement Amounts(Continued) Infrastructure assets include roads,bridges,underground pipe(other than related to utilities),traffic signals, etc.These infrastructure assets are likely to be the largest asset class of the Town. D. Fund Balance Classifications Fund balance is presented in five different classifications which focus on the constraints imposed on resources in governmental funds, rather than on availability for appropriation. The classifications include: non- spendable,restricted,committed,assigned,and unassigned. Non-spendable consists of assets that are inherently non-spendable in the current period either because of their form or because they must be maintained intact,including prepaid items,inventories,long-term portions of loans receivable,financial assets held for resale,and principal of endowments. Restricted consists of amounts that are subject to externally enforceable legal purpose restrictions imposed by creditors,grantors,contributors, or laws and regulations of other governments; or through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. Committed consists of amounts that are subject to a purpose constraint imposed by a formal action of the government's highest level of decision-making authority before the end of the fiscal year, and that require the same level of formal action to remove the constraint. The Board is the decision-making authority that can,prior to the end of the fiscal year,commit fund balance. .Assigned consists of amounts that are subject to a purpose constraint that represents an intended use established by the government's highest level of decision-making authority, or by their designated body or official.The purpose of the assignment must be narrower than the purpose of the General Fund,and in funds other than the General Fund,assigned fund balance represents the residual amount of fund balance. Unassigned represents the residual classification for the government's General Fund, and could report a surplus or deficit.In funds other than the General Fund,the unassigned classification should be used only to report a deficit balance resulting from overspending for specific purposes for which amounts had been restricted,committed,or assigned. When resources are available from multiple classifications, the Town spends funds in the following order: restricted,committed,assigned,unassigned. The following details the restricted allocations and amounts of fund balance at December 31,2017: The Town has $505,800 of restricted fund balance resulting from funds received from the NYC DEP for future capital projects in the United Wappinger Water District. The Town has $660,744 of unassigned but restricted funds for recreation, which includes funds commonly referred to as Parkland Trust deposits, as well as funds set-aside for the Carnwath property. The Town also has$870,503 in funds restricted for debt service payments,and$402,900 in funds restricted for other miscellaneous purposes. 20 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 MOTE A-Summary of Si nificant Accountine Policies Continued 5. Financial Statement Amounts(Continued) E. Deficit Fund Balances The following have deficit fund balances at December 31,2017: Deficit Sewer Fund: Balance Sewer Improvement Area#5 $ (3,032) $ (3,032) Deficit Capital Projects: Balance Resurfacing Various Roads $ (278,069) W ildwood Sewer District (46,212) Mid-Point Collection System Improvement (226,488) $ (550,769) *The deficit will be eliminated as short term debt is converted to permanent financing. The Town expects to receive additional revenues to cover these deficit balances in the future. F.Accumulated Compensated Absences It is the Town's policy to permit employees to accumulate a limited amount of earned but unused vacation and sick leave, which will be paid to employees upon separation from the Town's service. Other Town employees may accumulate a limited amount of unused compensated absences as well. The Town accrues a liability for compensated absences that meet the following criteria: 1. The Town's obligations relating to employees'rights to compensation for future absences is attributable to employee services already rendered; 2. The obligation relates to rights that vest or accumulate; 3. Payment of the compensation is probable; 4. The amount can be reasonably estimated. In accordance with the above criteria, the Town has accrued a liability for vacation pay, which has been earned and not taken by Town employees as of December 31, 2017, in the amount of$279,852. The non- current portion (the amount estimated to be used in subsequent fiscal years) for governmental funds is maintained separately and represents a reconciling item between the fund and government-wide presentations. It is anticipated that none of these liabilities will be liquidated with expendable available financial resources. 21 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE A-Summary of Significant Accounting Policies(Continued) 5. Financial Statement Amounts(Continued) G. [nterfund Activity Interfund activity is reported as loans,services provided,reimbursements or transfers.Loans are reported as interfund receivables and payables as appropriate and are subject to elimination upon consolidation.Services provided, deemed to be at market or near market rates, are treated as revenues and expenditures/expenses. Reimbursements are when one fund incurs a cost, charges the appropriate benefiting fund and reduces its related cost as a reimbursement. All other interfund transactions are treated as transfers.Transfers between governmental funds are netted as part of the reconciliation to the government-wide financial statements. H.Budgets The Town employs formal budgetary accounting as a management tool,on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting procedures. During the year,a budget was adopted and modified by the Town Council for the General Fund —Town Wide, General Fund —Part Town, .E{ighway Fund, Water Fund, and Sewer Fund. Budgetary controls are established or adopted for the Capital Projects Fund on a project basis. Unused appropriations of the annually budgeted funds lapse at the end of the year. I.Property Taxes The Town submits an approved budget to the Dutchess County Commissioner of Finance by December 5th of the previous year. The County then establishes the warrant for the year,which is due and payable on or about January 1 of each year. The Town collects the taxes on behalf of the Town and County without penalty through February 28th and with penalties and interest through August 31 st. The Town's portion of the taxes is recognized and transferred prior to the County's portion. Therefore, the Town receives its entire tax, leaving the unpaids to be collected by the County Commissioner of Finance. J. Long-Term Liabilities Long-term debt is recognized as a liability of a governmental fund when due, or when resources have been accumulated for payment early in the following year. For other long-term obligations, only that portion expected to be financed from expendable available financial resources is reported as a fund liability of a governmental fund. The remaining portion of such obligations is only reported in the statement of net assets, long-term liabilities. K. Risk Management The Town of Wappinger assumes the liability for most risk including, but not limited to, property damage and personal injury liability. Such risks are covered by the purchase of commercial insurance. Judgments and claims are recorded when it is probable that an asset has been impaired or a liability has been incurred and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. Workers compensation coverage is provided through a retrospective policy,wherein premiums are recorded based on the ultimate cost of the experience to date of workers in similar occupations. The Town does not estimate claims that may have occurred but are not reported in areas where the Town is not insured. 22 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO TUE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE A-Summary of Significant Accountinff Policies{Continued) 5. Financial Statement Amounts(Continued) L.Use of Estimates The preparation of basic financial statements,in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the basic financial statements and the accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates. M.Subsequent Events Management has evaluated subsequent events for disclosure and/or recognition in the financial statements through October 4,2418,the date that the financial statements were available to be issued. Subsequent events noted during management's evaluation are detailed in Note O. NOTE B — Explanation of Certain Differences Between Governmental Fund Statements and Government- Wide Statements Due to the differences in the measurement focus and basis of accounting used in the governmental fund statements and the government-wide statements, certain financial transactions are treated differently, The differences result primarily from the economic focus of the government-wide statements,compared with the current financial resources focus of the government funds. 1. Total Fund Balances of Governmental Fundsvs.Net Position of Governmental Activities: Total fund balances of the Town's governmental funds differ from "net position" of governmental activities reported in the Statement of Net Position. This difference primarily results from the additional long-term economic focus of the Statement of Net Position versus the solely current financial resources focus of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet. 23 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2417 NOTE B — Explanation of Certain Differences Between Governmental Fund Statements and Government- Wide Statements 1. Total Fund Balances of Governmental Funds vs.Net Position of Governmental Activities: The basic financial statements contain a tabular reconciliation of the items creating the differences between Fund Balance reported in the Governmental Fund Statements and Net Position reported on the Statement of Net Position. Total fund equity for governmental funds $ 15,918,647 Total net position reported for governmental activities in the statement of net position is different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and therefore are not reported in the funds. 64,654,858 Long-term liabilities,including bonds payable,landfill remediation, compensated absences,other postemployment benefits, judgement and claims,and net employee retirement system liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the fiends. (26,886,501) Grants received for capital assets are deferred and amortized overthe life ofthe asset. (15,746) Residual fund balance and related receivables fromthe Tri-Municipal Sewer Commission are not reported in the fiends. 584,424 Premiums on bond refundings are deferred and amortized over the life ofthe debt. (1,105,274) Losses on bond refundings are deferred and amortized overthe life ofthe debt. 499,345 Deferred outflows related to the employee retirement system liability are not reported in the funds. 1.,009,708 . Deferred inflows related to the employee retirement system liability are not reported in the funds. (138,429) Prepaid expenses related to the employee retirement system are reported in the funds,but are adjusted in the government wide statements. (97,869) Accrued interest is not reported in the funds. (244,478) Total net position of governmental activities $ 54,218,685 24 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE B — Explanation of Certain Differences Between Governmental Fund Statements and Government= Wide Statements(Continued) 2. Explanation of Differences Between Governmental Funds Operating Statement and the Statement of Activities: Differences between the Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance and the Statement of Activities fall into one of three broad categories: • Long-term revenue differences arise because governmental funds report revenues only when they are considered "available", whereas the Statement of Activities reports revenues when earned. Differences in long-term expenses arise because governmental funds report on a modified accrual basis,whereas the accrual basis of accounting is used on the Statement of Activities. • Capital related differences include the difference between proceeds for the sale of capital assets reported on governmental fund statements and the gain or loss on the sale of assets as reported on the Statement of Activities, and the difference between recording an expenditure for the purchase of capital items in the governmental fund statements and depreciation expense on those items as recorded in the Statement of Activities. • Long-term debt transaction differences occur because both interest and principal payments are recorded as expenditures in the governmental fund statements when paid,whereas interest payments are recorded in the Statement of Activities as incurred and principal payments are recorded as a reduction of liabilities in the Statement of Net Position. The basic financial statements contain a detailed reconciliation of the items creating the differences between the change in fund balance reported in the governmental fund statements and the change in net position reported in the Statement of Activities. Net change in fund balance-total government Rinds $ 3,582,578 The change in net position reported forgovemmental activities in the statement of activities is different because: Governmental funds report all capital outlays as expenditures. However,in the statement of activities,the cost of certain assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported as depreciation expense. This is the amount by which depreciation exceeded capital outlay in the current period. (681,586) Grants received for capital projects are amortized over the life of the asset. This is the amount by which the grant exceeded the amortization in the current period. 3,150 25 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE B— Explanation of Certain Differences Between Governmental Fund Statements and Government- Wide Statements(Continued) 2. Ex lanation of Differences Between Governmental Funds Overatin2 Statement and the Statement of Activities-(Continued): Bond proceeds are reported as financing sources in governmental funds and thus contribute to the change in fund balance. In the statement of net position, however,issuing debt increases long-term liabilities and does not affect the statement ofactivities. Similarly,repayment of principal is an expenditure in the governmental funds but reduces the liability in the statement of net position. Debt issued: Bond anticipation notes redeemed (68,000) Proceeds from bond issuance (3,370,000) Repayments: Bond anticipation note principal 68,000 Bond principal 1,890,610 (1,479,390) Premiumand loss on bond refundings are deferred and amortized over the life ofthe debt, 50,494 In the statement of activities,interest is accrued on outstanding bonds,whereas in governmental fiends,an interest expenditure is reported when due. This amount represents the change between what was paid and what was accrued through 2017, (3,582) Change in residual fund balance due fromthe Tri-Municipal Sewer Commission is not reported in the funds. 128,242 Change in net employee retirement system liability,related deferred outtlows, and related deferred inflows is not reported in the funds. (124,502) Some expenses reported in the statement of activities,such as retainage, compensated absences,landfill closure,and postemployment benefits do not require the use ofcurrent financial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds. This amount represents the change between what was paid and what was accrued through 2017. 1,191,823 Net change in net position of governmental activities $ 2,667,227 26 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE C-interfund Receivables and Pavables and Transfers The following is a summary of amounts due from and due to other funds, and transfers in and out,as of and for the year ended December 31, 2017. These interfund balances have been eliminated as part of the aggregation of fund balances. Such balances arise through the use of a pooled cash disbursement account and the temporary funding of capital projects. TRANSFERS TRANSFERS FUND IN OUT General-Town-Wide $ - $ 1,899,772 Water - 36,820 Sewer 88,851 265,033 Capital Projects 2,181,029 74,261 Non-Major Funds 6,006 - TOTALS S 2,275,886 $ 2,275,886 AMOUNT AMOUNT FUND RECEIVABLE PAYABLE General-Town-Wide $ 224,986 $ 1,724,619 General-Part-Town - 6,471 Highway 18,039 21,886 Water - 567,488 Sewer 161,132 258,394 Capital Projects 2,493,679 31.3,488 Non-Major Funds 6,006 11,496 TOTALS $ 2,903,842 $ 2,903,842 27 TOWN OF WAPPINCER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 I i i NOTE D—Capital Assets The following is a summary of changes and adjustments in capital assets,for the year ended December 31,2017: BALANCE BALANCE DECEMBER 31, DECEMBER 31, 2016 ADDITIONS (DISPOSALS) 2017 land $ 8,162,217 $ - $ - $ 8,162,217 Buildings 8,351,109 165,884 - 8,516,993 Improvements Other Than Buildings 2,065,479 - - 2,065,479 Roads 10,223,395 596,634 (194,623) 10,625,406 Infrastructure 152,503,851 173,771 - 152,677,622 Machinery and Lcluipment 6,697,560 101,716 - 6,799,276 Construction in Progress 8,519,201 755,319 - 9,274,520 Total 196,522,812 1,793,324 (194,623) 198,121,513 Less accumulated depreciation Buildings 4,027,486 239,194 - 4,266,680 Improvements Other Than Buildings 850,153 89,755 - 939,908 Roads 7,041,109 358,552 (194,623) 7,205,038 Infrastructure 114,126,874 1,520,346 - 115,647,220 Machinery and Equipment 5,140,746 267,063 - 5,407,809 Total accumulated depreciation 131,186,368 2,474,910 (194,623) 133,466,655 Governmental activities capital assets,net $ 65,336,444 $ (681,586) $ - $ 64,654,858 *Depreciation was charged to governmental activities as follows: Gcncralgovernment support $ 147,222 Public safety 72,875 Transportation 596,046 Culture and recreation 127,901 Home and community services 1,530,866 Total depreciation expense $ 2,474,910 28 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO TRE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE E—Pension Plans 1. Plan Description The Town of Wappinger participates in the New York State and Local Employees'Retirement System(ERS)(the System). ERS is a cost-sharing multiple-employer retirement system. The System provides retirement benefits as well as death and disability benefits. Obligations of employers and employees to contribute and benefits to employees are governed by the New York State Retirement and Social Security Law(NYSRSSL). As set forth in the NYSRSSL,the Comptroller of the State of New York(Comptroller)serves as sole trustee and administrative head of the System. The Comptroller shall adopt and may amend rules and regulations for the administration and transaction of the business of the System and for the custody and control of the finds. The System issues a publicly available financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information.That report may be obtained by writing to the New York State and Local Retirement Systems, 110 State Street,Albany,New York 12244. 2. Fundine Policy The System is noncontributory except for employees who joined the New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System after July 27, 1976,who contribute 3%of their salary.Under the authority of the NYSRSSL, the Comptroller shall certify annually the rates of participating employers expressed as proportions of payroll of members,which shall be used in computing the contributions required to be made by employers to the pension accumulation fund. The Town of Wappinger is required to contribute to the Systems at an actuarially determined rate. The required contributions for the current year and two preceding years were: 2017 2016 2015 $ 420,822 $ 504,348 $ 497,076 The Town's contributions made to the Systems were equal to or in excess of 1.00 percent of the contributions required for each year. 3. Pension Liabilities,Pension Expense,and Deferred Outflows of Resources and Deferred Inflows of Resources Related to Pensions At December 31, 2017, the Town reported a liability of$824,911. for its proportionate share of the net pension liability. This amount is recorded as a long-term liability due to the NYS Retirement System. The net pension liability was measured as of March 31, 2017, and the total pension liability used to calculate the net pension liability was determined by an actuarial valuation as of that date. The Town's proportion of the net pension liability was based on a projection of the Town's long-term share of contributions to the pension plan relative to the projected contributions of all participating members,as actuarially determined. At March 31,2017,the Town's proportion was 0.0087792 percent of the Employers'Retirement System liability, which was an decrease of 0.0004042 from its proportion measured as of March 31,2016. 28 TOWN OF WAPPINCER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE E—Pension Plans(Continued) 3. Pension Liabilities,Pension Expense,and Deferred Outflows of Resources and Deferred Inflows of Resources Related to Pensions(Continued) For the year ended December 31, 2017, the Town recognized pension expense of$518,544. At December 31, 2017, the Town reported deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources related to pensions from the following sources: Deferred Outflows Deferred Inflows of Resources of Resources Differences between expected and actual experience $ 20,671 $ 125,267 Changes of assumptions 281,820 - Net difference between projected and actual investment eamings 164,768 on pension plan investments Changes in proportion and differences between employer 150,974 contributions and proportionate share of contributions 13,1.62 Employer contributions subsequent to the measurement date 391,475 - Total $ 1,009,708 $ 138,429 $391,475 reported as deferred outflows of resources related to pensions resulting from the Town's contributions subsequent to the measurement date will be recognized as a reduction of the net pension liability in the year ended December 31,2018.Other amounts reported as deferred outflows of resources and deferred inflows of resources related to pensions will be recognized in pension expense as follows: Year ended December 31: 2018 $ 202,156 2019 $ 202,156 2020 $ 174,731 2021 $ (99,239) Actuarial Assumptions The total pension liability at March 31,2017,was determined by using an actuarial valuation as of April 1,2016, with update procedures used to roll forward the total pension liability to March 31,2017.The actuarial valuation used the following actuarial assumptions: Inflation 2.5% Salary increases -ERS 3,8% Interest rate of return 7.0% Cost of living adjustments 1.3% Annuitant mortality rates are based on April 1, 2010—March 31, 2016 System experience with adjustments for mortality improvements based on the Society of Actuaries' Scale MP-2014. The actuarial assumptions used in the April 1,2016 valuation are based on the results of an actuarial experience study for the period April 1,2010-March 31,2016, The long term expected rate of return on pension plan investments was determined using a building block method in which best estimate ranges of expected future real rates of return(expected returns net of investment expense and inflation) are developed for each major asset class. These ranges are combined to produce the long term expected rate of return by weighting the expected future real rates of return of the target asset allocation percentage and by adding expected inflation. 29 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL.STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE E—Pension Plans(Continued) 3. Pension Liabilities,Pension Expense,and Deferred Outflows of Resources and Deferred Inflows of Resources Related to Pensions Continued Actuarial Assumptions Continued Best estimates of arithmetic real rates of return for each major asset class included in the target asset allocation as of March 31,201.7 are summarized below: Long-Term Expected Real Asset Class Rate of Return I)omestic equity 4,55% International equity 6,35% Private equity 7.75% Real estate 5.800/0 Absolute return strategies 4.00% Opportunistic portfolio 5.89% Real assets 5.54% Bonds and mortgages 1.31% Cash -0.25% Inflation-indexed bonds 1.50% Discount Rate The discount rate used to calculate the total pension liability was 7.0%. The projection of cash flows used to determine the discount rate assumes that contributions from plan members will be made at the current contribution rates and that contributions from employers will be made at statutorily required rates, actuarially. Based upon these assumptions,the System's fiduciary net position was projected to be available to make all projected future benefit payments of current plan members, Therefore the long term expected rate of return on pension plan investments was applied to all periods of projected benefit payments to determine the total pension liability. Sensitivity of the Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability to the Discount Rate Assumption The following presents the Town's proportionate share of the net pension liability calculated using the discount rate of 7.0 percent,as well as what the Town's proportionate share of the net pension liability would be if it were calculated using a discount rate that is 1-percentage-point lower(6.0 percent)or 1-percentage-point higher(8.0 percent)than the current rate: I% Current 1% Decrease Assumption Increase (6.0%) (7.0%) (8.4%) Town's proportionate share of the net ERS pension(liability)asset $(2,634,601) $ (824,911) $ 705,179 30 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE E—Pension Plans(Continued) 3. Pension Liabilities Pension Expense,and Deferred Outflows of Resources and Deferred Inflows of Resources Related to Pensions(Continued) Pension plan fiduciary net position The components of the current-year net pension liability of all employers as of March 31,2017,were as follows: Dollars in Thousands Employees' Retirement System Employers'total pension liability $ (177,400,586) Plan net position 168,004,363 1_tnployers'net pension liability $ (9,396.223) Ratio of plan net position to the 94'7% employers'total pension liability NOTE F—Other Posternployment Benefits 1. Plan Description Under accrual accounting, the cost of postemployment healthcare benefits, like the cost of pension benefits, generally should be associated with the periods in which the cost occurs, rather than in the future year when it will be paid, which is the modified accrual accounting perspective, In adopting the requirements of GASB Statement No.45,Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions, the Town recognizes, in the government wide financial statements, the cost of postemployment healthcare in the year when the employee services are received,reports the accumulated liability from prior years, and provides information useful in assessing potential demands on the Town's future cash flows. Recognition of the liability accumulated from prior years is being phased in over 30 years. The Town calculated its annual required contribution (ARC) and related information using the alternative measurement method permitted by GASB No.45 for employers in plans with fewer than 100 total plan members. 31 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE F—Other Postemployment Benefits(Continued) 1. Plan Description(Continued) The Town provides continuation of medical insurance coverage to employees that retire under the New York Retirement Systems at the same time they end their service to the Town. This plan is a single employer plan, established by authority of the Town.Board and administered by the Town. Currently,there are approximately 15 retirees or beneficiaries receiving postemployment benefits. Based on the current employment policy, the retiree and his or her beneficiaries receive coverage for the life of the retiree based on the retiree's years of service at retirement. A copy of the report on these benefits can be requested at Town Hall, A summary of benefits is as follows: %Paid by Town Under 65 Over 65 Years of Service 10-14 Years 35% 35% 1519 Years 50% 50% 20-2.4 Years 60% 60% 25 or More Years 70% 700/0 The Town provides funding on the pay-as-you-go method by payment of current insurance premiums. Currently, New York's General Municipal Laws do not permit funding of the OPEB obligation;therefore,there are no plan assets. 2. Annual Other Postemployment Benefit Cost The Town's change in net OPEB obligation amounted to ($1,154,453)for the year ended December 31, 2017. The Annual Required Contribution(ARC)is an amount actuarially determined in accordance with the parameters of GASB Statement 45 less the amount that the Town paid in the current year for retirees. Included in this year's calculation is a decrease.of$1,057,463,representing the effect of changing certain plan assumptions. The ARC represents a level of funding that,if paid on an ongoing basis,is projected to cover normal costs plus a past service cost each year and amortize any unfunded actuarial liabilities over a period of 30 years. Total Actuarial Accrued Liability $ 7,495,503 Past Service Costs $ 385,052 Normal Costs - Annual Required Contribution(ARC) $ 385,052 Net OPEB Obligation-beginning of the year $ 4,189,749 Annual Required Contribution(ARC) 385,052 Interest on Net OPEB Obligation 224,632 Etleet ofAsumption Changes or Inputs (1,057,463) Adjustment to Annual Required Contribution (607,819) Annual OPEB cost (1,055,598) Age Adjusted Contributions Made* (98,855) Decrease in Net OPEB Obligation (1,154,453) Net OPEB Obligation-end of the year $ 3,035,296 Percent of annual OPEB cost contributed -9.4% *This contribution is the pay-as-you-go amount,as an actual plan 32 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE F-Other Postemplovment Benefits(Continued) 2. Annual Other Postemployment Benefit Cost(Continued) %of Annual Net OPFB Year Annual OPEB Cost Obligation Ended OPF.B Cost Contributed at Fod of Year 12/31/2017 $(1,055,598) -9.40% $ 3,035,296 12/31/2016 $ 689,620 15.70% $ 4,189,749 12/31/2015 $ 534,534 14.50% $ 3,608,676 12/31/2014 $ 523,473 13.70% $ 3,151,793 Actuarial valuations of an ongoing plan involve estimates of the value of reported amounts and assumptions about the probability of occurrence of events far into the future. Examples include assumptions about future employment, mortality, and the healthcare cost trend. Valuations also involve determining amounts regarding the funding status of the pian and the annual expectation and new estimates about the future. The schedule of funding progress,presented as required supplementary information following the notes to the financial statements, presents multi-year trend information about whether the actuarial value for plan assets is increasing or decreasing over time relative to the actuarial accrued liabilities for benefits. 3. Actuarial Methods and Assumations Projections of benefits for financial reporting purposes are based on the substantive plan(the plan as understood by the employer and the plan members)and include the types of benefits provided at the time of each valuation and the historical pattern of sharing benefit costs between the employer and plan members to that point. The actuarial methods and assumptions used include techniques that are designed to reduce the effects of short-term volatility in actuarial accrued liabilities and the actuarial value of assets,consistent with the long-term perspective of the calculations.In the December 31,2017, actuarial valuation, the liabilities were computed using the entry age actuarial cost method and level percentage of payroll amortization, The actuarial assumptions utilized a 2.5% baseline discount rate. The valuation assumes the following rates of increase in health care costs: Fiscal Prescription Year Medical Drug Dental Vision Year 1 4.60% 7.60% 4.00% 3.000/6 Year 2 4.70% 6.20% 3.50% 3.00% Year 3 4.80% 4.901/10 3,00% 3.0011/6 Year 4 4ffl% 4.80% 3.001/16 3.00% Year 5 4.80% 4.801/16 3.00% 3.00% Year 6 4.80% 4.800/9 3.00% 3.00% Year 7 4,70% 4.70% 3.00% 3.00% Year 8 4.700/. 4.70% 3.00% 3.00% Year 9 4.70% 4.70% 3.00% 3.000/0 Year 10+ 4.7011/o 4.70% 3.00% 3.000/0 33 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE G-Bond Anticipation Notes Payable Bond anticipation notes can be used for any purpose for which bonds are authorized,and are generally accounted for in the capital projects fund,since maturities cannot exceed one year. Local finance law allows the notes to be renewed, up to five years for capital purposes and up to the period of probable usefulness for assessable improvements,provided that stipulated annual reductions of principal are made. The Town issued $930,000 in bond anticipation notes dated November 8, 2017, and maturing on June 21, 2018, at 2.00% interest. The notes were issued for the purpose of renewing outstanding notes for various improvements, construction projects,and equipment purchases. The bond anticipation notes outstanding as of December 31,2017,are as follows: AMOUNT OUTSTANDING ORIGINAL ORIGINAL AT ISSUE MATURITY INTEREST AMOUNT DECEMBER 31, PURPOSE DATE DATE RATE OFISSUE 2017 United Wappinger Sewer District Improvements 09126113 03/24/17 0.95% $ 580,000 $ - Water Meter Rep tacement 09/22/15 03/24/17 0,95% 1,793,000 - Tri-Municipal Sewer Commission 09/22/15 03/24/17 0.95% 945,000 - Maintenance Equipment 03/24/16 03/24/17 0.95% 505,000 - Collection System Improvements 11/08/17 06/21/18 2.001/1., 280,000 280,000 highway Blacktop Maintenance 1110811.7 06/21/18 2.00% 650,000 650,000 TOTAL BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES $ 4,753,000 $ 930,000 Changes in bond anticipation notes payable as of December 31,2017,are as follows: BALANCE BALANCE DECEMBER 31, NEW DECEMBER 31, PURPOSE 20.16 ISSUES PAYDOWNS 2017 United Wappinger Sewer District Improvements $ 570,000 $ - $ (570,000) $ - Water Meter Replacement 1,793,000 - (1,793,000) - Tri-Municipal Sewer Commission 570,000 - (570,000) - Maintenance Equipment 505,000 - (505,000) - Collection System Improvements - 280,000 - 280,000 Highway Blacktop Maintenance - 650,000 - 650,000 TOTALS $ 3,438,000 $930,000 $(3,438,000) $ 930,000 34 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 3.1,20.17 NOTE H-Lone-Term Liabilities 1. Serial Bonds Serial bonds may be issued for any object or purpose for which a period of probable usefulness has been established. The serial bonds payable,as of December 31,2017,are as follows: AMOUNT OUTSTANDING ORIGINAL FINAL ORIGINAL AT ISSUE MATURITY INTEREST AMOUNT DECEMBER31, PURPOSE DATE DATE RATE OFISSUE 2017 Server-Tri-Municipal 03/14/02 04/15/21 1.214.98% $ 9,836,556 $ 2,335,000 Water-Fleetwood 07/30/98 10/15/18 3.70-5.15% 510,000 35,000 Sewer-Home&Community Services 06/02/11 04/01/21 2.75-3.50% 316,000 140,000 Greystone Property Purchase 06/02/11 10/01/20 2.00-3.50% 2,085,0W 450,000 12,747,556 2,960,000 :Highway-Transportation 1,184,640 851,618 General-General Government Support 50,000 35,945 General-Culture&Recreation 163,360 117,437 0312711.4 03/15/24 1.50-2.75% 1,398,000 1,005,000 General-Culture&Recreation 1,070,000 183,021 Highway-Transportation 1,074,000 183,645 General-Home&Community Services 1,218,000 208,334 04/02/09 04/01/22 2,00-5,00% 3,362,000 575,000 Water-Home&Community Services 360,000 225,000 Sewer-Home&Community Services 576,000 360,000 General-Culture&Recreation/Lighting 504,000 315,000 03/05/13 03/01/23 2.00-2,25% 1,440,000 900,000 General-General(iovemment Support 400,610 390,280 Highway-Transportation 1.,365,000 1,329,800 Water-Home&Community Services 3,585,000 3,492,555 Sewer-Home&Community Services 490,000 477,365 0312411.6 03/15/36 2.25-3.00% 5,840,610 5,690,000 General-General Go vernment Support 1,106,995 1,042,681 Highway-Transportation 1,742,500 1,641,263 Water-Home&Community Services 5,507,077 5,187,123 Sewer-Home&Community Services 163,428 153,933 04/26/16 04/01/29 1.00-5.00% 8,520,000 8,025,000 Sewer-Tri-Municipal 562,000 562,000 Sewer-Tri-Municipal 563,000 563,000 Water-Home&Community Services 1,775,000 1,775,000 Highway-Transportation 470,000 470,000 03/23/17 03/15/37 2.5-3.25% 3,370,000 3,370,000 TOTALS $36,678,166 $ 22,525,000 35 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE H-Long-Term Liabilities(Continued) 2. Changes The changes in the Town's indebtedness during the year ended December 31,2017,are summarized as follows: BALANCE BALANCE AMOUNTS DECEMBER 31, DECEMBER 31, DUE WITHIN 2016 INCREASE (DECREASE) 2017 ONEYEAR Judgement&Claims Note L 1. $ 80,000 $ - $ - $ 80'(W $ - Compensated Absences Note A.5.F. 273,153 6,699 - 279,852 - Landfill Remediation Note J 148,778 - (7,336) 141,442 7,640 Serial Bonds Note H.1. 21,045,610 3,370,000 (1,890,610) 22,525,000 2,105,000 OtherPostemploymenl Benefits Note F 4,189,749 - (1,154,453) 3,035,296 - Net Employee Retirement System Note E 1,473,969 - (649,058) 824,911 - TOTALS $ 27,211,259 $ 3,376,699 $ (3,701,457) $ 26,886,501 $ 2,112,640 3. Debt Service Requirements The annual requirements to amortize bonded debt,as of December 31,2017,are as follows: YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 2018 $ 2,105,000 $ 771,814 $ 2,876,814 2019 2,185,000 649,719 2,834,719 2020 2,255,000 569,269 2,824,269 2021 2,165,000 487,251 2,652,251 2022 1,575,000 421,747 1,996,747 2023-2027 5,775,000 1,497,407 7,272,407 2028-2032 3,960,000 621,515 4,581,515 2033-2037 2,505,000 175,684 2,680,684 TOTALS $ 22,525,000 $ 5,194,406 $27,719,406 NOTE I-Commitments and Contineent Liabilities 1. Lawsuits The Town is a defendant in various lawsuits and tax certiorari cases. The outcome of the majority of these cases and lawsuits, as determined by the town attorney, should not result in material unfavorable settlements. The Town has recorded an estimated liability amounting to $80,000 as judgment and claims, representing possible future settlements on tax certiorari cases. 36 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS � 3 DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE I-Commitments and Contin ent Liabilities Continued 2. Tri-Municipal Sewer Commission The Town is a customer of the Tri-Municipal Sewer Commission which operates the Tri-Municipal Sewer Treatment Plant. The plant is managed by the Tri-Municipal Sewer Commission, which is made up of representatives of the Town of Poughkeepsie and the Village of Wappingers Falls.The Town,therefore,does not have ownership rights,nor does it have voting rights on the Commission's governing board. However,the Town has committed to share in capital costs for plant improvements as determined by the Commission. Part of the Commission's residual fund balance is allocated to the Town and is returnable to the Town at the discretion of the Commission's board. The Town's residual fund balance receivable was$584,424 at December 31,2017.This amount is included in Deferred Outflows in the Statement of Net Position. 3. United Wayyinger Water District In 2012,the Town entered into an agreement with the City of New York for the construction of a water supply and distribution system. The first phase of the project is for the extension of the water main from the United Wappinger Water District to the NYC Shaft 6 site on River Road, This phase was completed and placed in service during 2014. The second phase of the project is for a water main extension of the NYC DEP parcel to the Chelsea Hamlet area. This phase is expected to be completed in 2018. The City has agreed to pay for all eligible costs not to exceed$11,000,000, and the Town is responsible for all costs over$11,000,000. The construction costs incurred under this project totaled$8,552,219 as of December 31,2017. 4. Authorized Debt As of December 31,2017,the Town has authorized,but not issued,the following new debt: Authorization Authorized Un-issued PURPOSE Date Amount Amount Carnwath Famis Improvements 06/23/08 $ 4,000,000 $2,790,000 United Wappinger WaterDistrict 04/22/13 4,040,000 419,000 TOTALS $ 8,040,000 $3,209,000 NOTE J—Municipal Landfills 1. Castle Point Landfill The Town has voluntarily entered into a Consent Order with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to close,cap and monitor the landfill at Castle Point.The closing and capping project was completed in 1999. The costs of monitoring, which could be required for up to thirty years after closure, are currently estimated to amount to$48,653 through 2021.The Town has recorded the long term liability of$44,230 and short term liability of$4,423 in the Statement of Net Position. The costs of both closure and post closure monitoring are ordinarily recognized over the expected useful life of the landfill. However, since the landfill has stopped accepting refuse and is now closed,any additional costs over the estimate are being recognized as incurred. The Town incurred$4,423 in monitoring costs during 2017. The future costs may be higher due to inflation,changes in technology or subsequent changes in regulations. 37 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE J—Municipal Landfills(Continued) 2. Poughkeepsie-Wappingers-LaGrange Joint Landfill The Town shares in the monitoring costs of a closed landfill, the Poughkeepsie-Wappinger-LaGrange Joint Landfill. This joint activity includes the City and Town of Poughkeepsie,New York,the Village of Wappingers Falls,New York,the Town of LaGrange,New York and the Town of Wappinger,New York. All costs associated with monitoring are recognized as incurred, The Town's share of monitoring costs,for the year ended December 31,2017,amounted to$1,923. The following is a summary of unaudited financial information at December 31, 2017,which is included in the separate financial statements available from the Joint Landfill Board of Governors,Town of Poughkeepsie,One Overocker Road,Poughkeepsie,New York, 12603: Total Assets $ 43,492 Total Liabilities $To tat Fund Balance $ 43,492 Total Revenues $ 40,006 Total Expenditures $ 23,766 During 2002,violations were documented at the landfill and in 2003 an Order of Consent was issued through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to remediate Environmental Conservation Law and New York Codes,Rules and Regulations violations. To comply with this order the municipalities need to perform final closure of the landfill under current regulations by December 31,2005, and perform post closure care and monitoring for a minimum of thirty years thereafter. The estimated cost of final closure was$10,000,000. All costs were borne proportionately by each municipality: the Town of Wappinger's share was 14,1728% or $1,417,280. The Town issued $1,425,368 in bond anticipation notes to finance its share. The notes were permanently financed as part of the 2009 public improvement serial bonds issuance and a portion of the bonds was refunded in 2016. The outstanding debt as of December 31,2017 amounted to $548,882. Remaining post closure and monitoring costs,which commenced in 2007 and continue for 30 years, are estimated to amount to $654,700 as of December 31,2017,with the Town's share being$92,789.The Town has recorded the long term liability of$89,572 and short terni liability of$3,21.7 in the Statement of Net Position. NOTE K-Leases The Town is committed under various leases for office equipment and communication equipment. For accounting purposes,these leases can be considered either operating or capital leases. Operating lease expenditures amounted to$32,381,and there were no capital lease expenditures for the year ended December 31,2017, At December 3 1, 2017,the approximate annual lease commitments,subject to appropriation of funds,were as follows: YEAR ENDING OPERATING DECEMBER 31, LEASES 2018 $ 34,520 2019 35,595 2020 34,484 2021 27,439 2022 23,088 Thereafter 30,784 Total minimum lease payments $ 185,910 38 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE L—Rental Income The Town has agreements with various organizations for the rental of the Town's emergency services building and for the rental of land and antenna space. Rental income totaled $185,487 for the year ended December 31, 2017. Minimum future rental income is as follows: YEAR ENDING RENTAL DECEMBER 31, INCOME 2018 $ 151,885 2019 142,410 2020 116,261 2021 111,000 2022 46,250 Total minimum rental income $ 567,806 NOTE M—Tax Abatement The Town has two real property tax abatements that provide for a 25 and 50% exemption for 2017 based on the original payment in lieu of tax agreement. The purpose of the abatement was to cover the construction of a new commercial retail store. Details related to the abatement for 2017 are as shown below: Taxable Start Assessed Tax Tax PILOT Taxes Date Agreement Value Rate Value Received Abated 12/1/2010 Adams-WappingerLLC $7,000,000 3.94 $27,580 $22,064 $5,516 9/28/2016 Jalcli,LLC 9,200,000 3.94 36,248 18,124 18,124 NOTE N—Deferred inflows and Deferred Outflows of Resources The following schedule details the deferred inflows and deferred outflows of resources as of December 31,2017. DEFERRED DEFERRED DESCRIPTION OUTFLOWS INFLOWS Deferred Loss on Refunding $ 499,345 $ - Deferred Bond Premium - 1,105,274 Participant Share Due FromTri-Municipal Sewer Commission 584,424 - NYS Employee Retirement System 1,009,708 138,429 Other - 15,746 TOTALS $ 2,093,477 $ 1,259,449 39 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE O—Subsequent Events In April 2018,the Town authorized the issuance of$621,400 in serial bonds to pay the cost of extending the water district to the Tall Trees Water District. In June 2018, the Town issued an $860,000 Serial Bond, Series A. Of which, $600,000 will be used for the reconstruction of various Town roads and $260,000 for the improvement of the Midpoint Sewer District In October 2018, the Town issued a $2,525,000 Serial Bond, Series B. Of which, $300,000 will be used for the extension of the Tall Trees Water District to the Wappinger United Water District,$625,000 will be used for Highway Equipment purchases and$1,600,000 will go toward the reconstruction of various Town roads for 2018 and 2019. NOTE P—New Reaortine Standards GASB has issued Statement 74,Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefit Plans Other Than Pension Plans, which improves the usefulness of information about postemployment benefits other than pensions included in the general purpose external financial reports of state and local government OPEB plans for making decisions and assessing accountability,The Town determined that the new standard did not have a significant impact on its financial reporting. GASB has issued Statement 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions, improves accounting and financial reporting by state and local governments for postemployment benefits other than pensions. It also improves the information provided by state and local governmental employers about support for OPEB that is provided by other entities. The Town is required to implement this standard for the year ending December 31, 2018. The implementation of this standard is expected to have a substantive effect on the Town's net position, In November 2016, GASB issued Statement No. 83, Certain Asset Retirement Obligations. GASB 83 addresses accounting and financial reporting for certain asset retirement obligations(AROs).An ARO is a legally enforceable liability associated with the retirement of a tangible capital asset.A government that has legal obligations to perform future asset retirement activities related to its tangible capital assets should recognize a liability based on the guidance in this Statement. The requirements of GASB 83 are effective for reporting periods beginning after June 15, 2018. The Town has not evaluated the effect of GASB 83 on its financial statements. In January of 2017, GASB issued Statement No. 84,Fiduciary Activities. The objective of Statement No. 84 is to improve guidance regarding the identification of fiduciary activities for accounting and financial reporting purposes and how those activities should be reported. Statement No. 84 establishes criteria for identifying fiduciary activities of all state and local governments. The focus of the criteria generally is on(1)whether a government is controlling the assets of the fiduciary activity and(2)the beneficiaries with whom a fiduciary relationship exists.Separate criteria are included to identify fiduciary component units and postemployment benefit arrangements that are fiduciary activities.The Town is required to implement this standard for the year ended December 3.1,2019, In March 2017, GASB issued Statement 85, Omnibus 2017. This Statement addresses a variety of topics including issues related to blending component units,goodwill,fair value measurement and application,and postemployment benefits(pensions and other postemployment benefits[OPEB]). The Town is required to implement this standard for the year ending December 31,2018. The implementation of this standard is not expected to have a substantive effect on the Town's net position. 40 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,2017 NOTE P—New RenortinQ Standards(Continued) In June 2017, GASB issued Statement 87,Leases. The objective of this Statement is to better meet the information needs of financial statement users by improving accounting and financial reporting for leases by governments, This Statement increases the usefulness of governments'financial statements by requiring recognition of certain lease assets and liabilities for leases that previously were classified as operating leases and recognized as inflows of resources or outflows of resources based on the payment provisions of the contract. It establishes a single model for lease accounting based on the foundational principle that leases are financings of the right to use an underlying asset,Under this Statement,a lessee is required to recognize a lease liability and an intangible right-to-use lease asset,and a lessor is required to recognize a lease receivable and a deferred inflow of resources, thereby enhancing the relevance and consistency of information about governments' leasing activities, GASB 87 is effective for fiscal year 2020. The Town has not evaluated the effect of GASB 87 on its financial statements. In March 2018, GASB issued Statement 88, Certain Disclosures Related to Debt, including Direct Borrowings and Direct Placements. The primary objective of this Statement is to improve the information that is disclosed in notes to government financial statements related to debt, including direct borrowings and direct placements. It also clarifies which liabilities governments should include when disclosing information related to debt.This Statement requires that additional essential information related to debt be disclosed in notes to financial statements,including unused lines of credit;assets pledged as collateral for the debt;and terms specified in debt agreements related to significant events of default with finance-related consequences, significant termination events with finance-related consequences, and significant subjective acceleration clauses. GASB 88 is effective for fiscal year 2019, The Town has not evaluated the effect of GASB 88 on its financial statements, GASB has also issued Statements 85, 89, and 90,none of which are expected to have any substantive effects on the Town's net position. 41 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULES DECEMBER 31,2017 GENERAL FUND-TOWN-WIDE VARIANCE ORIGINAL FINAL FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET' ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) REVENUES Real property taxes $ 2,781;185 $ 2,781,185 $ 2781,185 $ Real property tax items 68,000 68,000 112,409 44,409 Non property taxitems - - - - Departmental income 125,500 125,500 147,576 22,076 Use of money and property 183,700 183,700 191,076 7,376 Licenses and permits 5,100 5,100 5,162 62 Fines and forfeitures 275,250 275,250 418,181 142,931 Sale of property and compensation]or loss - - 13,102 13,102 Miscellaneous local sources - - 23,407 23,407 State aid 716,900 716,900 791,169 74,269 Total revenues 4,155,635 4,155,635 4,483,267 327,632 EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES General government support 1,906,419 1,906,419 1,816,186 90,233 Public safety 35,882 35,882 31,015 4,867 Health 5,000 5,000 10,469 (5,469) Transportation 184,567 184,567 154,241 30,326 Economic assistance&opportunity 650 650 650 - Culture and recreation 583,153 583,153 578,833 4,320 Home and community service 217,000 217,000 199,048 17,952 Fnrloyee benefits 759,894 759,894 712,557 47,337 Debt service 463,070 463,070 430,070 33,000 Total expenditures and encumbrances 4,155,635 4,155,635 3,933,069 222,566 Excess (deficiency)of revenues over(under) expenditures and encumbrances - - 550,198 550,198 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - - - - Operating transfers out - (1,871,221) (1,899,772) (28,551) Total other financing sources - _ (1,871,221) (1,899,772) (28,551) Excess (deficiency)of revenues and other sources over(under)expenditures,other uses and encumbrances $ - $ (1,871,221) $ (1,349,574) $ 521,647 Explanation of differences between budgetary and GAAP basis Excess ofrevenues over/(under)expenditures-budgetary basis $ (1,349,574) Excess of revenues over expenditures pertaining to recreation funds 23,418 Excess of revenues overl(under)expenditures -GAAP basis $ (1,326,156) 42 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULES DECEMBER 31,2017 GENERAL FUND-PART-TOWN VARIANCE ORIGINAL FINAL FAVORABLE BUDGET' BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) REVENUES Real property taxes Real property tax items - - - - Non property tax items 1,099,586 1,152,586 1,575,223 422,637 Departmental income 127,000 127,{x}0 146,563 19,563 Use of money and property 800 800 4,116 3,31.6 Licenses and permits 260,000 260,000 382,630 122,630 Fines and forfeitures - - - - Sale of property and compensation for loss - - 650 650 Miscellaneous local sources - - - State aid - - - Total revenues 1,487,386 1,540,386 2,109,182 568,796 EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES General government support 186,500 241,500 137,003 104,497 Public safety 538,433 536,433 307,090 229,343 Health - - - - Transportation 38,000 38,000 43,053 (5,053) Economic assistance&opportunity 4,000 4,000 3,547 453 Culture and recreation 81,465 81,465 71,925 9,540 Home and community service 227,022 227,022 159,981 67,041 Fanployee benefits 270,563 270,563 222,508 48,055 Debt service 141,403 141,403 141,403 - Total expenditures and encumbrances 1,487,386 1,540,386 1,086,510 453,876 Excess (deficiency)of revenues over(under) expenditures and encumbrances - - 1,022,672 1,022,672 Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in - - - - Operating transfers out - - - - Total other financing sources - - - - Excess (deficiency)of revenues and other sources over(under)expenditures,other uses and e n cumbrances $ - $ - $ 1,022,672 $ 1,022,672 43 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULES DECEMBER 31,2017 HIGHWAY FUND VARIANCE ORIGINAL FINAL FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) REVENUES Real property taxes $ 3,199,421 $ 3,199,421 $ 3,199,421 $ - Real property tax items - - - - Non property tax items 263,414 263,414 259,721 (3,693) Departmental income - - - - Use of money and property 1,000 1,000 2,956 1,956 Licenses and permits - - 5,700 5,700 Fines and forfeitures - - - - Sale of property and compensation for loss - - - - Miscellaneous local sources - - 509 509 State aid 220,000 220,000 278,207 58,207 Total revenues 3,683,835 3,683,835 3,746,514 62,679 EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES General government support 167,500 167,500 106,482 61,018 Public safety - - - - Health - - - - Transportation 2,058,515 2,058,515 2,290,142 (236,627) Economic assistance&opportunity - - - - Culture and recreation - - - - Home and community service - - - - Employee benefits 912,562 912,562 784,693 127,869 Debt service 545,258 545,258 515,258 30,000 Total expenditures and encumbrances 3,683,835 3,683,835 3,696,575 (12,740) Excess(deficiency)of revenues over(under) expenditures and encumbrances - - 49,939 49,939 Other financing sources(uses): Operating transfers in - - - - Operating transfers out - - - - Total other financing sources - - - - Excess (deficiency)of revenues and other sources over(under)expenditures,other uses and encumbrances $ - $ - $ 49,939 $ 49,939 44 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULES DECEMBER 31,2017 WATER FUND VARIANCE ORIGINAL FINAL FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDCET ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) REVE14UES Real property taxes $ 863,787 $ 863,787 $ 863,787 $ - Real property tax items - - - - Non property taxitems - - - - Departmental income 1,350,680 1,350,680 1,323,010 (27,670) Use of money and property 716 716 4,015 3,299 Licenses and permits - - - - Fines and forfeitures - - - - Sale of property and compensation fbrloss - - 13,460 13,460 Miscellaneous local sources - 11,074 11,074 State aid - - - - Total revenues 2,215,183 2,215,183 2,215,346 163 EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES General government support 110,355 110,355 57,046 53,309 Public safety - - - Health - - - - Transportation - - - - Economic assistance&opportunity - - - - Culture and recreation - - - - 11ome and community service 1,263,950 1,263,950 1,255,664 8,286 Employee benefits 6,550 6,550 5,348 1,202 Debt service 834,328 834,328 834,328 - Total expenditures and encumbrances 2,215,183 2,215,183 2,152,386 62,797 Excess (deficiency)of revenues over(under) expenditures and encumbrances - - 62,960 62,960 Other financing sources(uses): Operating transfers in - - - - Operating transfers out - - (36,820) (36,820) Total other financing sources - - (36,820) (36,820) Excess (deficiency)of revenues and other sources over(under)expenditures,other uses and encumbrances $ - $ - $ 26,140 $ 26,140 45 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK BUDGETARY COMPARISON SCHEDULES DECEMBER 31,2017 SEWER FUND VARIANCE ORIGINAL FINAL FAVORABLE BUDGET BUDGET' ACTUAL (UNFAVORABLE) REVENUES Real property taxes $ 819,122 $ 819,122 $ 819,122 $ - Real property taxitems - - 2,852 2,852 Non property tax items - - - - Departmental income 2,133,903 2,133,903 1,984,829 (149,074) Use of money and property 67,059 67,059 107,684 40,625 Licenses and permits - - - - Fines and forfeitures - - - - Sale of property and compensation for loss - - - - Miscellaneous local sources - - - - State aid - - - Total revenues 3,020,084 3,020,084 2,914,487 (105,597) EXPENDITURES AND INCUMBRANCES General government support 91,397 91,397 72,487 18,910 Public safety - - - - Health - - - - Transportation - - - - Economic assistance&opportunity - - - - Culture and recreation - - - - Home and community service 2,081,503 2,081,503 2,029,129 52,374 Fxnployee benefits 3,190 3,190 2,282 908 Debt service 843,994 843,994 843,992 2 Total expenditures and encumbrances 3,020.084 3,020,084 2,947,890 72,194 Excess (deficiency)of revenues over(under) expenditures and encumbrances - - (33,403) (33,403) Other financing sources (uses): Operating transfers in 14,590 14,590 88,851. 74,261 Operating transfers out (14,590) (14,590) (265,033) (250,443) Total other financing sources - - (176,182) (176,182) Excess (deficiency)of revenues and other sources over(under)expenditures,other uses and encumbrances $ - $ - $(209,585) $ (209,585) 46 TOWN OF WAPPING ER,NEW YORK OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS DECEMBER 31,2017 Unfunded UAL as a Actuarial Actuarial Accrued Percentage Actuarial Value of Accrued liability Funded Covered of Covered Valuation Assets Liability (UAL) Ratio Payroll Payroll Year Ended Date (a) (b) (b-a) (alb) (c) ((b-a)/c) 12/31/2017 12/31/2016 $ - $ 7,495,503 $ 7,495,503 0.00/. $ 3,137,416 238.91% 121311201.6 1213.1/2016 $ - $ 8,551,1.07 $ 8,551,107 0.0% $ 3,282,463 260.51% 12/31/2015 12/31/2013 $ - $ 6,114,097 $ 6,114,097 0.0% $ 2,850,368 214.500/. 47 TOWN OF WAPPINCER,NEW YORK SCHEDULE OF PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF NET PENSION LIABILITY DECEMBER 31,2017 NY,SLRS Pension Plan Last 1014scalYears* March 31,2017 March 31,2016 March 31,2015 Town's proportion of the net pension liability(asset) 0.0087792% 0.0091834% 0.0089152% Town's proportionate share of the net pension liability (asset) $ 824,911 $ 1.,473,969 $ 301,177 Town's covered-employee payroll $ 3,137,416 $ 3,282,463 $ 2,850,368 Town's proportionate share of the net pension liability (asset)as a percentage of its covered-employee payroll 26.29% 44.90% 10.57% Plan fiduciary net position as a percentage of the total pension liability 94.70% 90.70% 97.90% *The amounts presented for each discal year were determined as of the System's measurement date. This schedule is presented to illustrate the requirement to show information for 10 years. However,until,a full 10-year trend is compiled,the Town will present information lbr those years forwhieh infornnation is available. 48 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK SCHEDULE OF EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS DECEMBER 31,2017 NYSLRS Pension Plan last 10 Fiscal Years* March 31,2017 March 31,2016 March 31,2015 i Contractually required contribution $ 420,822 $ 504,348 $ 497,076 Contributions in relation to the contractually required contribution 420,822 504,348 497,076 Contribution deficiency(excess) $ - $ - $ Town's covered-employee payroll $ 3,137,416 $ 3,282,463 $ 2,850,368 Contributions as a percentage of covered-employee payroll 13.41% 15.36% 17,44% *The amounts presented for each fiscal year were determined as of the System's measurement date. This schedule.is presented to illustrate the requirement to show information for 10 years. However,until a full 10-yeartrend is compiled,the Town will present information forthose years for which information is available. 49 i OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK COMBINING BALANCE SHEET 1 NON-MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS DECEMBER 31,2017 TOTAL SPECIAL NON-MAJOR LIGHT AMBULANCE GRANT GOVERNMENTAL FUND FUND FUND FUNDS ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 40,817 $ 121,929 $ - $ 162,746 Due from other fiends - - 6,006 6,006 Due from other governments - - 5.490 5,490 Total assets $ 40;817 $ 121,929 $ 11,496 $ 174,242 LIABILITIES AND FUND FRUITY LIABILITIRS Accounts payable $ 3,886 $ - ' $ - $ 3,886 Due to other funds - - 11,496 11,496 Total liabilities 3,886 - 11,496 15,382 FUND BALANCE Assigned-Unappropriated 36,931 121,929 - 158,860 Unassigned - - - - Total fund balance 36,931 121,929 - 158,860 Total liabilities and fund balance $ 40,817 $ 121,929 $ 11,496 $ 174.242 50 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND CHANCES IN FUND BALANCES ' NON-MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS DECEMBER 31,2017 TOTAL SPECIAL NON-MAJOR LIGHT AMBULANCE GRANT GOVERME iTAL FUND FUND FUND FUNDS REVENUES Property taxes $ 50,677 $ 395,000 $ - 445,677 Real property taxitems - 4,.145 - 4,145 Use ofmoney and property 66 282 - 348 Miscellaneous local sources - - 5,490 5,490 Total revenues 50,743 399,427 5,490 455,660 EXPENDITURES Culture and recreation - - 11,496 11,496 Health - 403,551 - 403,551 Transportation 44,718 - - 44,718 Total expenditures 44,718 403,551 11,496 459,765 Excess (deficiency)of revenues over expenditures 6,025 (4,124) (6,006) (4,105) Other financing sources(uses): Operating transfers in - - 6,006 6,006 Total other financing sources (uses) - - 6,006 6,006 Excess(deficiency)of revenue and other sources over expenditures and other us( 6,025 (4,124) - 1,901 Fund Balance,December 31,2016 30,906 126,053 - 156,959 Fund Balance,December 31,2017 $ 36,931 $ 121,929 $ - $ 158,860 51 � J PtBT t. MITED LIA81LITY PARTN(RSHW CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMPLIANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS To the Supervisor and Members of the Town Board Town of Wappinger,New York 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls,New York 12540 We have audited, in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of,America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States,the.financial statements of governmental activities,each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Wappinger,New York,as of and for the year ended December 31,2017, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Town of Wappinger,New York's basic financial statements and have issued our report thereon dated October 4,2018. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit, we considered the Town of Wappinger, New York's internal control over financial reporting (internal control)to determine the audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town of Wappinger,New York's internal control.Accordingly,we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town of Wappinger,New York's internal control. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees,in the normal course of performing their assigned functions to prevent,or detect and correct,misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity's financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis.A significant deficiency is a deficiency,or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness,yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of the internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies and therefore, material weaknesses or significant deficiencies may exist that were not identified. Given these limitations,during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses.We did identify certain deficiencies in internal control, described in the accompanying Schedule of Findings,Recommendations and Responses as Findings 1,2 and 3 that we consider to be significant deficiencies. rbtapaaxom 11 Racquet Road 2676 South Band,Sukte 141 P.O.sox 209 Newburgh,NY 12550 Pouphkeepslo,NY 12601 31 Sullivan Street T.(4 45)56M000 Tt(00)40.5510 Wurtsbo ra,NY 11790 Ft(645)W-9226 F.(6451)465.5147 T.(a45)666-56.54 Ft(045)066-2,764 52 Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Town of Wappinger,New York's financial statements are free of material misstatement,we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However,providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit and,accordingly,we do not express such an opinion.The results of our tests disclosed instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards and which are described in the accompanying Schedule of Findings,Recommendations and Responses as Finding 4. Town of Wappinger,New York's Response to Findings Town of Wappinger,New York's response to the findings identified in our audit is described in the accompanying schedule of findings,recommendations and responses. Town of Wappinger,New York's response was not subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and,accordingly,we express no opinion on it. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town of Wappinger,New York's internal control or on compliance.This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government AuditingStandardv in considering the Town of Wappinger,New York's internal control and compliance.Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose. BT(T ,4s, LLP Newburgh,New York October 4,2418 53 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS,RECOMMENDATIONS AND RESPONSES FOR THE YEAR.ENDED DECEMBER 31,2017 SECTION I-SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCIES: PRIOR YEAR FINDINGS-CONTINUING- Finding 1—Escrow Recordkee in Condition: The Town has applied considerable effort in the reconciliation of applicant escrow subsidiary ledgers to the Town's general ledger balances; however, material differences continue to exist,the amounts of which change from year to year, Such changes indicate an unreliable reconciliation methodology. Our examination of the escrow reconciliation. revealed the following; • As of December 31,2017,the escrow subsidiary ledgers exceeded the general ledger liability balances by$150,126. • Comments related to escrows have been made since 1993. Criteria: Escrow liabilities should equal escrow cash. The escrow liability subsidiary ledger should agree to the total escrow liability on the Town's accounting system. Cause: The Town collects escrow funds to ensure that costs incurred by the Town,while projects or subdivisions are being considered by the Planning Board, are borne by the applicants. In the past,there existed a lack of communication between the Planning Department and the Accounting Department regarding the nature of fees and expenses charged to individual escrows. Individual schedules were not always updated and invoices were coded incorrectly. Reconciliations between the Planning Department and the Accounting Department were not performed regularly.As a result,these errors were not caught on a timely basis. Effect: The Town is responsible for payment of fees that should be taken from escrow accounts. If not reconciled timely,the Town may not be able to recover these fees from the rightful applicant. The Town could be liable for reimbursing the cash held for escrows in the amount of$150,126. Recommendation: The analysis of Escrow schedules should continue to be completed on a monthly basis, comparing department receipt records and charges posted to individual escrow schedules to general ledger transactions. Names of escrows should be consistent,such as code and name of property, to avoid confusion between department documentation and general ledger transactions. 54 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS,RECOMMENDATIONS AND RESPONSES(CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31.,2017 SECTION I-SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCIES(CONTINUED).- PRIOR CONTINUED):PRIOR YEAR FINDINGS—CONTINUING(CONTINUED): Finding 2-Escrow Funds Negative Balances Condition: Payments have been made in excess of escrow amounts collected resulting in excess payments being made on behalf of individual project owners/developers. As of December 31, 2017, 146 of a total of 375 escrow accounts had debit (negative) balances totaling $161,189,of which 105,with balances of$105,819,are deemed"old". #Positive $Positive #Deficit $Deficit Year Accounts Balances Accounts Balances 2017 229 $ 604,433 146 $ 161,189 2016 226 606,519 134 135,141 2015 199 553,456 135 134,703 2014 211 648,095 138 123,914 2013 194 656,289 136 138,827 Escrow balances labeled"old"or"inactive"in the Town's records totaled as follows: #of $of Year Accounts Deficits 2017 105 $ 105,819 201.6 101 104,566 2015 101 104,566 2014 101 104,566 2013 104 107,440 Criteria: The Town's policy is to collect escrow funds in advance of consultants' billings such that the Town has the funds to make payments. We note that the Town Board authorized legislation during 2002 and 2006 which provided for policies and procedures to ensure that the Town does not subsidize applicant review costs. Cause: As described above, both the Planning Department and the Accounting Department maintain records for each project/applicant so that balances can be monitored;however,in numerous cases disbursements exceeding the escrow collected were processed. Effect: The Town is responsible for payment of fees that should be taken from escrow accounts. If not reconciled timely,the Town may not be able to recover these fees from the rightful applicant.Debit(negative)balances continue to occur and/or increase.The Town could be liable for reimbursing cash held for escrows up to $161,189. When combined with the amount noted in Finding 1, the escrow balances appear to be underfunded by a total of $311,315. 55 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS,RECOMMENDATIONS AND RESPONSES(CONTINUED) FORT.:H:E YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2017 SECTION I-SIGNIFICANT DEFICIENCIES(CONTINUED): PRIOR YEAR FINDINGS—CONTINUING (CONTINUED): Findin 2-Escrow Funds Ne ative Balances Continued Recommendation: We recommend that amounts should be not returned to an applicant until a thorough review of all transactions is made,including confirmation of escrow funds received and an analysis of all disbursements made on that applicant's behalf. For"inactive"escrow balances, the Town should review these balances by making inquiries of engineers and attorneys regarding their fees related to these applicants, and confirm that all appropriate disbursements have been charged to the appropriate applicants, Along with the reconciliations mentioned above,we recommend that the Town make the confirmation and collection of these escrow balances a priority by reviewing the pertinent documentation and determining a course of action for collection of each account. CURRENT YEAR FINDING: Finding 3—Other Postemployment Benefits Calculation Condition: According to Governmental Accounting Standards, the Town is required to have an actuarial calculation of actual and projected benefits for their current employees and retirees.Reviewing the census data on a periodic basis provides the Town with support for the calculation.The current Other Postemployment Benefit liability at December 31,2017 is in excess of $3,000,000. Therefore, the accuracy of the underlying census data is material,Audit testing revealed that the census data provided to the actuary was inaccurate and required significant revision. Criteria: The Town has a responsibility as the employer to ensure that actuaries engaged to prepare the calculation have an updated listing of all employees and the current benefits offered to those employees in order to properly calculate the Town's liability for these benefits. Cause: Prior to audit fieldwork,the Town had not properly updated the census data. Effect: The Other Postemployment Benefits (OPER) liability on the government wide financial statements was reduced by$1,057,463 after the census data was revised. Recommendation: RBT recommends that the Town implement policies and procedures to ensure that its census data is updated every year. 56 TOWN OF WAPPINGER,NEW YORK SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS,RECOMMENDATIONS AND RESPONSES(CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2017 SECTION Il—COMPLIANCE FINDINGS: CURRENT YEAR FINDINGS: Finding 4—Capital Pro.lects Deficit Fund Balance Condition: As of December 31, 2017, the Town maintained deficit fund balances in certain Capital Projects,as follows: Deficit Balance as of Net Capital Projects: 12/31/17 BAN Effect (Deficit)/Surplus Resurfacing Various Roads $ (278,069) $ 650,000 $ 371,931 W ildwood Sewer District (46,212) - (46,212) Mid-Point Collection Systemh-nprovement (226,488) 280,000 53,512 Criteria: The Town should have appropriate net positive fund balances for all capital projects funds. Cause: Prior years' budgeting practices included over-estimating revenues and under-estimating expenditures. Effect: Future taxpayers will be funding past expenditures. Recommendation: The Town should establish plans to provide for funding these deficits as well as improving budgeting procedures to prevent deficits from occurring and accumulating in the future. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR FINDINGS: Satisfied: Prior Year Finding 3—Capital Projects in Trust and Agency Prior Year Finding 4—Payroll Testing Prior Year Finding 5—Highway Department Testing 57 SUPERVISOR TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN BOARD Dr.Riehard L.Thurston wifflarn H.Boalv Angela Bettina Executive Assistant Robert A,folinstou Sandra Vacchio Michae1KU7MiCZ 20 MIDDLUMSH ROAD TOWN CLERK WAPPIN6ERS FALLS.NY 12590 Joseph P.Paoloni WWW.T0WN01'WAPP1NGER.US (845)297-4158-Main HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT (8451297-2744-Direct Vincent Bettina (84512974558—rax Office of the Town Supervisor December 10,2018 Responses to the Findings in the.Audited Financial Statements 2017 1. Escrow Record Keeping As noted above, the bulk of the differences between escrow subsidiary ledgers and the general ledger are historical, The Supervisor initiated in 2018 a comprehensive reconciliation effort among the various departments and the consultant staff. Part of the solutions on which we are working is to ensure that the billings are booked promptly into the, right escrow account by improving both the filing process and billing descriptions received from our consultants. The Town Board may consider the possibility of writing off some of the very old balances after this reconciliation effort. '2. 'Escrow Funds Negative Balances Deficit balances arise when project owners do not replenish their escrow accounts in a timely manner. It is our longstanding policy to make payment only for professional work-done for which the escrow account balance is positive even though we continue to record the bills as they come to us. Any bills for which the escrow account is negative are placed on hold until the account is replenished. As part of our overall efforts to reconcile escrow accounts,we are now focusing on ensuring that escrows in arrears will be replenished timely. If not,then future work project work will be halted pending reconciliation. The Town Board will consider boosting the escrow function by dedicating personnel for escrow reconciliations. 3. Other Postemployment Benefits Calculation We note that the Government Accounting Standard Board does not mandate yearly valuation of OPEB benefits. The Town OPEB data was restated and is up to date as of December 31, 2017. The restatement resulted in a reduction in Net OPEB liability from$8,551,141 to $7,495,503. The next restatement will not be required until December 31,2019. 4. Capital Projects Deficit Fund Balance Deficit balances for the Resurfacing of Various Roads and Mid-Point Collection System Improvement is cosmetic because financing through Bond Anticipation Notes does not lend to revenue recognition.Technically,these two capital projects had surplus funds at year end and appropriate funding was provided to carry out the projects. Sincerely, Richard Thurston Supervisor,Town of Wappmiger 58