Edgehill Manor 3A April , 1971
ad Hill m1aftort in.
*/* mr. immo Thoserin
Ver' riv*
wappi o rails, Now York 12590
t d hjl!. Xwwrj Soation 3A
ar Mr. ho"an t
At its April 5th meeting, tho Town of V piaE q*r Planning and
UMni0*001Y adopted the following roaolutionsa
Rgas, an aaapplic*tJon for final opprov*l sof * aarubdivi ion
plat entitled o=M x"ma, alc-Tw h" woo ra iv by the Town
of wasrpp +ear PI*j%nirq beard on March IS,, 1971# and
CRUS, ,a public hwarinq wash hold on *aid sUbdivision
application and ,plat of tho Vw4n 11, Rill St.r et# Wappi ora
palls# M. york* on April S# 10714,. at 800 P.M- s, and
WORSha, the roquireamato of the subdivision 9agulations
of the Town of vappi ar havo boon swt by soil * division plat
arA application, *rwept as rMtad below, and
fiS* tho *orAitimo of the preliminary oppx'nvtl Of 06i,d
saauuhdivi*ion plot, granted by the Town of ppinger, planning isoard
on December 7# 1970* have been Awt, wxoopt as noted 'halter.
Mme, IM, for approval of said subdivision ploto prepared by Richard
0. gargar, p,S. a L.3.« and dated 15 February,, 1971, be approved
su1b feet to the following 40nditimso a,nd that the Chairman be authorized
to 4Moroe approvol on *aid subdivision plat upon omW3.ianoo with said
condition* by the applicant, whicIN conditional approval *Wl expire
six (a) mm, the fry the data of this raaoluati if the appliaarant hair
not complied with tb a oonditions sat forth.
1. All house* muat boo in addition to the Spsaroifioaretion
die Yxin maitort, xn . April 6, 1971 �
r �uir tof 2 feet b the roado, a minimimxv C,,,,)f 2
twans ttia't 011, 0,
perairuls to houses meat ',be, at least
feet above, ° Pte,, road and aowldmuch 110re.
!NCIIJam, Horton.
After fiLing your rr p in Choutc County Clark"s cW x.04
you rxtuat suhuit four (4) copies of the Mod map to our Offieg.
Vary txuly your
Susan J. PIke, Secrotary
Town of Wwtppb,�isjer P'I,anning, Board
&y;P1141 111