2019-173 2019-173 Resolution Authorizing Coordinated Assessment Agreement Pursuant To Real Property Tax Law §579 With The Town Of Fishkill At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, on September 9, 2019. The meeting was called to order by Richard Thurston, Town Supervisor, and upon roll being called, the following was recorded:  Vote Record - Resolution RES-2019-173 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Adopted  Richard Thurston Voter      Adopted as Amended William H. Beale Voter     Defeated  Angela Bettina Seconder     Tabled  Christopher Phillips Voter      Withdrawn Michael Kuzmicz Mover     The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Kuzmicz and seconded by Councilwoman Bettina. WHEREAS, § 579 of the Real Property Tax Law ("RPTL") allows two or more towns within the same county to establish a Coordinated Assessment Program ("CAP") by adopting identical local laws, without referendum, which must provide, among other things, for a single assessor to be appointed to hold the office of assessor in all participating assessing units; and WHEREAS, the NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services ("ORPTS") recommends the establishment of a CAP to reduce the cost of reassessment, facilitate the acquisition of new technology and valuation expertise; and help achieve full-time, professional assessing, all of which can improve the equity and provide better service to the taxpayers; and WHEREAS, ORPTS further reports that these objectives can be achieved by employing a single assessor and assessing at the same uniform percentage of value; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a CAP program had the additional benefit of qualifying the Towns of Fishkill and Wappinger for receiving incentive aid from ORPTS and other agencies; and WHEREAS, local legislative amendments to the Fishkill Town Code and Wappinger Town Code have been duly adopted by both municipalities establishing a CAP program; and WHEREAS, the Town of Fishkill and the Town of Wappinger created a CAP program whereby the same assessor would provide assessor services to both Towns commencing on January 1, 2007; WHEREAS, the Town of Fishkill and the Town of Wappinger are desirous of continuing the CAP program; and WHEREAS, changes in the enabling statute and procedures since 2007 have required certain modifications to the CAP Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Town Board elects to continue the CAP Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the annexed agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. The Town Board hereby elects and agrees to enter into a Coordinated Assessment Agreement with the Town of Fishkill more particularly set forth in a written Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made part hereof. 2. The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Coordinated Assessment Agreement between the Town of Wappinger, and the Town of Fishkill, in the form attached hereto. 3. This Agreement shall not take effect until it is also approved by the Town Board of the Town of Fishkill. 4. The Town Clerk is directed to forward two signed Coordinated Assessment Agreements, together with a certified copy of this resolution, to the Town Clerk of the Town of Fishkill. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: RESULT: ADOPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Michael Kuzmicz, Councilman SECONDER: Angela Bettina, Councilwoman AYES: Richard Thurston, William H. Beale, Angela Bettina, Michael Kuzmicz ABSENT: Christopher Phillips Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York 9/9/2019 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. ___________________________________________ JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, TOWN CLERK