Carnwath Bid For Environmental TestingRESOLUTION NO. 2004-277 RESOLUTION AWARDING BID FOR ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING AT CARNWATH FARMS At the regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, on the 23rd day of September, 2004, at 6:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor, and upon roll being called, the following were present: PRESENT: Supervisor - Councilmember- ABSENT: Joseph Ruggiero. Robert L. Valdati Maureen McCarthy Vincent Bettina Joseph Paoloni The following Resolution was introduced by Ms. McCarthy--: and seconded by Mr. Valdati WHEREAS, bids were received by Don Swartz, Architect to the Town of Wappinger for environmental testing at Carnwath Farms, and WHEREAS,. bid were received as follows: Air Care Environmental Service $4,068 Quality Environmental Solutions and Technologies $4,407 WHEREAS Don Swartz of Cerniglia and Swartz, has provided an award recommendation to the Town Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, 1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. 2. The bid for the environmental testing at Camwath Farms is hereby awarded to Quality Environmental Solutions and Technologies for an amount not to exceed Four Thousand, Four Hundred and Seven Dollars ($4,407) in accordance with the award recommendation letter dated September 17, 2004 from Don Swartz of Cerniglia and Swartz, to the Town Board. 3. Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Contract on behalf of the Town of Wappinger. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye___ ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilmember Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilmember Voting Absent JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilmember Voting Absent MAUREEN MCCARTHY, Councilmember Voting Aye Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York September 23, 2004 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. Caw11A�5WA-tot ARCHITECTS, PLANNERS AND INTERIOR DESIGNERS; P.C. September 17, 2004 Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road P.Q. Box 324 Wappingers Falls, N.Y., 12590 ATTN: HON. JOSEPH RUGGIERO SUPERVISOR RE: CARNWATH FARMS ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Dear Joe; Attached please find two proposals from two testing companies for environmental testing at Carnwath Farms. At the Town's request we requested pricing for testing several- areas of future work such as the roof of the main building and the Carriage House .gutter system, and additional pricing for testing the air quality at the main building interior and the Chapel interior: The Base Proposal addresses the environmental testing at the main building roof and fascia/soffit system Re -roofing them .ain building will require rernoving-the old roof flashings and repairing the fascia system prior. to installing the new roofing material. Thus, environmental testing will focus on the flashings. (asbestos) and the wood fascia, soffit and ornamental trim (lead paint). Alternate # 1. entails environmental testing -at the r=n building interior. rooms which are utilized for events by the Town of Wappingers. The. Vestibule and'three adjacent rooms will be tested for air quality, which based on site observations will involve environmental 'testing -for asbestos in the plaster and environmental testing for mold which is evident on. several surfaces withimthe indicated spaces. Humiditystudies will -also be conducted as part of the air qualitytesting. Alternate # 2 entails testing the Carriage House gutter system flashings (asbestos) and the surfaces of the gutter system (lead paint). In order to minimize water penetrationinto the building, the glitter system is going to be removed and stored for future use: Proposal # 1 from Quality Environmental Solutions &Technologies, Inc. (QuES&I) proposes -a sum of $1600 for the base scope of work at the main building roof. Alternate # 1 for the main building and Chapel interior is for $1982 and 'Alte nate # Zfor the Carriage House gutter system is for $825. The total price from QuEs&T for all the environmental testing, which includes the two alternates is $4407. Proposal # 2 from Air -Care Environmental Services, Inc, (A(tS) proposes a sum of $1945 for -the base scope of work at the main building roof. Alternate #.1 for the main building and Chapel interior is for $1543 and Alternate # 2 for the Carriage House gutter system is for $580. The total price from ACES for all the environmental testing, which includes the two alternates is $4068. 134 ACADEMY STREET POUGHKEEPSIE NEW YORK 12601- 4312 Tel: (845) 473-.0204 Fax: (845) 473-0284 www.csarchite.cts.com September 17, 2004 Town of Wappinger RE: CARNWATH FARMS ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Page 2 ACES has also -proposed testing paint chips in lieu of utilizing NRF equipment. For paint chip sampling ACAS has proposed $895 for. the Base scope, $1957 for Alternate # 1 and $670 for Alternate # 2, for a total cost of $3522. It should be noted that NRF technology offers immediate results as opposed to paint chips which must be sent to a lab. initially paint chips would cost less than xMF equipment, however, should more areas be required to be tested, paint chip sampling would -entail additional cost for each paint chip sample taken, whereas XRF equipment provides a fixed cost for immediate results from. many areas. We recommend utilizing XRF technology, which would afford the Town flexibility at the time of testing to conduct more extensive testing at numerous "areas at a fixed cost Based on our review of the two proposals, we recommend awarding the testing work to QuES&T..Although their price is $4407 as compared to $4068 for ACES, QuES&T comes recommended by the Dutchess County Department of Public Works for which they have don_ a testing before. QuES&T is also a local firm with an office located on Route 9 in Wappingers Falls. If you have any questions, please feet free to call us at our office. Thank You. Sincerely, CERNIGLIA & SWARTz AR HITECTS, PLANNERS AND INTERIOR DESIGNERS, P.C. . Aonald L. Swartz R.A Partner cc: file: Ietter\Proposal5unmm .wpd QuES&T Quality Environmental Solutions & Technologieg, Inc, September 14, 2004 Mr. Joseph Rugsicro ne Town of Wappingers' 20 Middlrbush Road PO Box 324 Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 Re: Camwarth Farms Environmental Testing Dear i&. Ruggiero, Quality Environmental Solutions & Technologies, I= is pleased to submit a proposal to perform a limited inspection and report of suspected asbestos containing, lead containing materials, and retold at the Carnwarth Farms, in Wappingers Falls, NY as follows: • The roof mea, facia and soffit will be inspected for asbestos and lead containing materials on the Main Building exterior. + In the Maim Building first floor foyer and three adjoining rooms the plaster will be tested for asbestos content and lead based paint. The painted woodwork and trim will be tested for iced based paint. QuES&T will collect Sparc trap air saint plcs for presumptive Fungal ID and enumeration and visible growth will be swabbc4 for viable Fungal. ID and en=eradon. A humidity study will be performed utilizing a OnywolflAQ Mcter. • The chapel area plaster will be tested for asbestos Content and lead based paint. The carriage house exterior gutter system will be inspected to identify asbestos containing materials and lead based paint. The inspection will include a visual inspection, review of existing docutncnmtion, representative, sampling of suspect Mbestos Canudning Materials, analysis ofbomagcnous paints, and preparation of a report summarizing the results a C the itwpccdons and sample analysis throughout the arca cf inspection as outlined above. QaS&'T' looks forward to working with The Town ofwappingcrs in the cnviroumental consulting area, If we can be o rany additional assistance or for additional information concerning any of our services, please contact US at (845) 2956031. Sincerely, Lawrcncc Holzaprel Director, Field Opct dons 1376 Rote 9. Wappingers Fulls, New York 12590 ' Vb. (845) 298.6031 • a (84$) 2913-6251 'P www.QuaIhycnv Cam Proposal V0-2$7 Prafessiond Smvjcc*t PRICING PROPOSAL ENVIlkONJVM, NTAL TESTING CARNNWARTFF FARMS QuES&T agrees to provide the :!following scmices; AsbestaR Tns ection + Collection And analysis of suspect friable material using PLM protocol. • Collection and analysis of suspect Dan -friable material using QTEX protocol. • Discussion of laboratory results for all bulk samples (PLN4/QTipA). • Docum=ation of all analytical laboratory certifications. • Preparation of a final report identifying eatimatcd quantity, loeatioa, typc4, and condition of ACM. I F Lead -Based Paint Survey XRI` technology sampling of all homogenous painted surfvccs. + Sequential and summary reports of all Surfaces tested. • Prepamtion of a final report summarizing lead based paint identified. TAStudv • Spore trap -dr samples for presumptive rungal ID and enumeration. + Bulk swabs for viable fungi identification and enumcmdon. * Humidity study utilizing GraywolfIAQ monitor. ENvIRONMMNTnL CONSULTi1NG ANA TRAININC Page 2 oro Propasal IFPD4-287 Professional Services LUMP SUM PRrc, NG PROPOSAL Buse Scone: Muin Building Roof labor (2 merit 1 day) S 640 QTEM Bulk Sample Analysis** S 540 W Lquipmcnt Fcc $ ISO Report $ 250 Misc. Materials $__2_2 Total $1,600 Alternate I Main Building/Chapel Interior Labor Included in Base Scope PLM Bulk Sample Analysiw a** $ 192 XRF Equspmcnt Fee Tnei uded in Buse Scope Spore Traps* $ g00 Fungal ID Bulk* S 540 Humidity Study S 450 Report Included in 13asc Scope Misc. Materws Includ in Base Scope Totem $ 1,982 Alternate 2: Carriage Rouse Labor (2 mcts,h day) $ 400 QTEM Bulk Samplc Analysis** $ 405 XRI; lrquipmcnt Fcc Included in Base Scope Misc. Materials 20 Total $ 825 * Sample Analysis ba.�cd on a 7 to 10 day turnaround, ** Bulk Sample Analy jz g prices based on 3 to 5 day turnaround, (prices may vary if client rcqucsts fisster sample analysis turnaround). ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL To execute this agreement, please review, sign, date. & fax to (845) 298-6031. The Town of'Wanpinve": By Signature print Name & Title Data ENVIRONMNTAT, CONSULTING AND TRAINING Page 3 of 4 Proposal 004-217 Professional Services "Standard of Care/Warranty for Mold. The Pnrties'agtcc and uudcr ttund that die presence ofmold and the evolving Undcrstanding of risks which may be ag8ociated with human exposure to certain types of mold represent an area of medical, scl=tLric and indm ry knowledge which is only beginning to mature and that this area of knowledge at present is, at best, incomplete. Thcrcfora, as a fundamental incentive to Qu>rS&T t4 undertake the provision of services to Client, Client agrees that QUM&T will be deemed to have fully complied with tiny contractual standards of performance or any legal mandate ofnon negligcatbchaviorbyproviding Qul:S&Ts Services comristrnt with the proposed Scope cf Services, Tire parties agree and understand that mold is mobile, - It can arise in new places and recur in Bectu+ which have been rcmcdiatcd dttc to water intrusion events and proccr.mcs beyond the control of QuMT. Accordingly, QuES&T is not liable for such new or recurring mold growths. Further, due to the microscopic nature of mold spores, it is agreed and und=%ttood that na warraffD, nr nr mr ve that all -mold hese been Uenti red ar remov . 'e gtade or intended by uF4& TAssessnsents ai'watar lrtttiisinp or accumulation risk by QuES&T, if Any. 4= not to be understood as a complcto list ofpotential wnys in which water intrusion or ucctumulation may occur at the Sitc(s) subject to this AgrccmenG NO OTHER lVARRAN•I'y, EXP ESS OR IMFI rZD, IS MriDF. OR EVTEND VD HER.6BYAND AATAND ALL OTHF—R SVCx I-VARRA117.MY ARE JTF.REBYFULLYAND COMFLCTF,I,YDISCLAIMF� By Quzu " Acknowledgement of Limitations and Disclaimer ( j Initial Client roeogt L=v and agrees that mold can occur In new locations or can rer ccur In ltaewrionv where It hay been removed due to lunttatianx in derecdon or removal merhadv (spares are microscopic), limitations in time and.e=4 Mew and mod fed orpreviously unknown water intention and/or accumulation events. Client ftrrrhe'r recogni:etl. the unsettled liabllity environment surrau#ding mord Therefore, as a fundamental Inducement to Quality Environmental Solutiorty & Tecltnotogles Inc (QuF,S�7). to undertake the Work dr.,s dhed In rite Scope of Services, Client hereby agrees to iMernn fy, defend and !told harmless QUESdT its joint ventures, of liala . parent and subsidiary eneWty and the employees, oJicers, directony, represetttativcc and agents of Qu,ESIT, and'all of the foregoing fram and against any and all claim4 suits, caalco of actions, liabilities, costs (Including bur not limited to reasonable attorney'i ferx) and judgmenri which are based in whole or in par? upon (or which wound in) mold. based liublli% txccpt to rare extent of the sole negligence of &ZU7' and the other lndemnitcex ,cet out immediately precedln& but subject alwow to the Limitation of I.lablllty set out elsewhere herein. " TJta Par tiex agree and understand that the presence of mold and rite evolving understanding of riAs which may be associated with human ,vpoxtrra to eeertaln types of mold repro vent an arca of medical, selentific and industry knowledge which Ix only beginning to mature and that this area of knowledge at prezent ix, at hart, Incomplete. 7 crefore, as a fundamental incentive to QuZYa7' to undertake the provision of cervices to Client, Client agrees that Q118YAT spill be deemed to have f ally complied lvith any contrachtal standards of performances or any legal mandate ofnon-negligent behavior by providing QuBMAT .T services consistent with the propoxed Scope of Services, The p'artles agree and unde7 viand rhat mold is mobile. it can arise in now places and recur In are= which have beers' remediated date to water Intrusion events and procaxes beyond the control of QuF.SA7', Accordingly, QuFaAT Is not liable for such new or recurring mold grouchy. Purrher, due to rhe microscopic nature of mold spora ,. it iv agreed and understood that QLy_CmO, ed made gr (llfit tiled by QuMIT, Aysm=cno ofwarer lntruslan or accumulation rink by QuZYt7,, If anv, are not to be understood ax a complete 111t ofpotendal ►nays in which water, intnixion or accumulation may occur at the She(s) xubjeat to rhis Agreement. NO OTIIER MARRAN7 r. F,XFRF.SS OR IMn=. , ISHADE OR IN EADED IIEABY AM ANY AJVD AU dMER SUCFI TVARRANTIESARCIIERR'BYFUZI.YAND COMPLE7TELYDISCr�41 .D BY QuES,�T. LWMON1V ENTAL CONSUIMNG AND TRMrNING Pagc 4 of 4 u1/ L1/ LVV'-1 LV. pro 1 (It3Ll r (0n7 t1uWz:)Uua PAGE U2 September 16, 2004 Joseph Ruggiero - Supervisor Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Fells NY 12SQ0 RE: Camwath Farms Environmental Testing Dear Joseph Ruggiero, Air Care Environnnntai Service 330 Nassau Blvd Mineola, NY 71601 Tel. 516 739-2331 Fax. 516 746-4002 Air Care Environmental Service Inc. (ACES) is pleased to subunit a proposal to pefform a limited inspection and report of suspect Asbestos Containing materials, Load containing materials, and mold at Carriwath Farms in Wappingers Falls, N -Y-, as follows; The roof area, fascla and soffd will! be inspected for asbestos and lead containing Materials on the main building exterior. In the main building first floor foyer and 3 adjoining rooms the Plaster will be bested for asbestos content and lead based pak* ACES will collect SpprO trap air samples fpr prOsuaWfive fungal ID and enumeration- Visible growth will be swabbed for viable Fungal ID and enumeration. A humidity study will be performed utilizing a Greywolf 1AQ meter or an equivalent piece of equipment. The Chapel area pia tOr will be tested for asbestos content and lead based paint content, The Carriage House exterior gutter system will be inspected to identify asbestos containing material and lead Ease paint. The inswffan will include a visual inspection, and review of existing document that have been made ava�kble to us_ RspreaeMeth a sampling of suspect ACM, analysts of homogenous paw, and preparation of a report summarizing the results of the inspections and sample analysis ftwoughout the area of inspection as outlined above - All sampling and Analysis procedures will be conducted within Federal, Slate and local regulations. Attached you vA fmd a bread 6mm of the estimated cost for this project. The total estimate using a XRF msct*m is $4oW The total estimate using hint chips sampling is $3522 If you have questions about this or any other situation please dao root hesitate to call us at (516) 739-2331 in , ;r� #rick Cuascut u1! 4lE cc!uw Lci. Yo 1 (ItsZI e e!DUJ I:UAtD1-;UI LUMPS M PR -WING PRO .AL Base scare Main Buildin Roof Labor QTEM Bulk Sample Analysis X (Equipment Fee *(Paint Clip Sample Analysis) Report Misc. Material Total $1945 *Total 5895 AhMW—C #1 Main BWft9/Chanel Intexzar Labor PLM Bulk Sample Analysis XRF Equipment Fee *(Paint Chip Sample Analysis) Spare Traps Fungal ID Bulk Humidity Study Report Misc. Material Total $1543 *Toro! $.1957 Alternate #2 Carriage House Labor QTEM Bulk Sample Analysis XRI+' Equipment Fee *(Paint Chip Sample Analysis) Misc. Material Tota! $580 *Total $670$670 $320 $420 $1050 $126 $ 40 $115 $320 $240 included in fee above 5414 $420 $325 $100 $40 $98 6 samples 7 samples 12 samples 23 samples 6 samples 5 samples $160 $420 6 samples included in fee above $90 5 samples included in ;fee above PAGE 63 September 15, 2004 RE: CARNWATH FARMS ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING DEFINITIONS QTEM Qualitative Transmission Electron Microscop Analysis by machine that identifies characteristics of structures (non -friable) using light refraction. Has to do with Asbestos, for fiberglass, asbestos, etc. PLM Polarized Light Microscopy Has to do with Asbestos, for friables like sheetrock, plaster, joint compound, etc. XRF X -Ray Fluorescents Analyzer Has to do with Lead Faints Spore Trap Has to do with Mold, part of air quality, indicates if something is airborne. Bulk Swabs Has to do with Mold, indicates what strain it is. Industrial Health 2001, 39, 39-50 Review Article Measurement of Airborne Fibers: A Review Paul A. BARON Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH 45226 USA Received January 19, 2001 and accepted January 29, 2001 Abstract: Current fiber measurement techniques arose primarily due to health concerns over asbestos exposure. Fiber toxicity appears to be primarily a function of fiber concentration, dimensions and durability in the lungs. There are two basic approaches to fiber measurement. Fibers can be collected on filters and counted or analyzed by light or electron microscopy; alternatively, fibers can be detected directly using a combination of fiber alignment and light scattering techniques. All of these measurement approaches work best when the fibers are simple rod -shaped particles. However, most fibers can exist as curved rods, complex bundles of fibrils, and agglomerates of fibers and compact particles. These non -ideal shapes contribute to measurement bias and variability. Key words. Asbestos, Chrystotile, Glass fibers, Fiber measurement, Fiber classification, Microscopy, Direct -reading instrument Introduction Historically, fiber -related research primarily grew out of health andmanufacturing issues regarding asbestos. Avariety of mineral fiber types, especially asbestos, have been used as commercial products for thermal or acoustic insulation, and for reinforcement, especially in high temperature materials such as friction products (e.g., brake linings, clutch linings). In addition, fibers have been found as contaminants of other minerals. An interesting history of asbestos production is given by Selikoff and Lee'), with indications of asbestos use in the first century AD and perhaps earlier. Commercial production of asbestos began in the mid -1850s in Europe and peaked in the US in the early 1970s when health concerns over asbestos exposure caused a large-scale shift to alternative materials. Commercial production in several countries still continues at high Ievels, with Russia, Canada, and China being the highest producers. Total production in 1999 was 1.79 million metric tons'). Asbestos -associated disease was noted as far back as Roman times, but the first careful documentation of lung disease due to asbestos exposure reported in the literature was credited to Cooke). Reports of asbestos-related disease continued up to the 1960s and 1970s, when larger scale studies documented the extent and seriousness of the health effects. Some of these include reports by Selikoff et ak'), Nakamura'), and McDonald). The three primary diseases associated with asbestos exposure are asbestosis, the result of inflammation and collagen formation in lung tissue; lung cancer; and mesothelioma, an otherwise rare form of cancer associated with the lining around the lungs. A current theory describing the toxicity of fibers indicates that fiber dose, fiber dimension, and fiber durability in lung fluid are the three primary factors determining fiber toxicity'). The dose, or number of fibers deposited in the lungs, is clearly an important factor in determining the likelihood of disease. Both fiber diameter and length are important in the deposition of fibers in the lungs and how Iong they are likely to remain in the lungs. Figure 1 indicates some of the factors that determine fiber deposition and removal in the lungs. Fiber length is thought to be important because the macrophages that normally remove particles from the lungs cannot engulf fibers having 40 Air Deposition Mechanisms: Flow -Settling -Impaction -interception -Diffusion Btonchlole ' i -Electrostatic Attraction hick Fiber Deposition (Impaction at carina) Bifurcation In Fiber Deposition Alveoli EZY (Diffuslo n) Removal Mechanisms: -Clllary Escalator -Dissolution -Macrophage Engulfment Fig. 1. Schematic of mechanisms that determine fiber deposition and retention in the lungs. lengths greater than the macrophage diameter. Thus, longer fibers are more likely to remain in the lungs for an extended period of time. The macrophages die in the process of trying to engulf the fibers and release inflammatory cytokines into the lungs'). Fiber diameter is also important because fiber aerodynamic behavior indicates that only small diameter fibers are likely to reach into and deposit in the airways of the lungs. The smaller the fiber diameter, the greater its likelihood of reaching the gas exchange regions. Finally, fibers that dissolve in Iung fluid in a matter of weeks or months, such as certain glass fibers, appear to be somewhat less toxic than more insoluble fibers. The surface properties of fibers are also thought to have an effect on toxicity. Asbestos is one of the most widely studied toxic materials and there are many symposia dedicated to and reviews of its behavior in humans and animals', 9-17). A variety of techniques were used for asbestos measurement up until the late 1960s12). Earlier than this, it was not widely recognized thatthe fibrous nature of asbestos was intimately related to its toxicity, so many techniques involved collection of airborne particles and counting all large particles at low magnification by optical microscopy. Thermal precipitators, impactors (konimeters), impingers, and electrostatic precipitators were all used to sample asbestos. Perhaps the primary technique in the US and UK during this early period was the liquid impinger, in which particles of dust larger than about 1 fort aerodynamic diameter were sampled at 2.7 I/min and impacted into a liquid reservoir. After sampling, an aliquot of the liquid was placed on a slide in a special cell, particles larger than 5 pm size were PA BARON counted, and the results were reported in millions of particles per cubic foot. Dissatisfaction with this approach stemmed from lack of correlation with fiber concentration and disease in the workplace. Various indices of exposure have been developed that attempt to relate a portion of the fiber size distribution to the toxic effects. Some suggestions regarding the appropriate indices for each of the asbestos related diseases were suggested by Lippmann"). Fiber Dimensions Fibers are particles that have one dimension significantly larger than the other two. Fibers are often characterized or selected according to their aspect ratio, the ratio of the large dimension to one of the short dimensions. If no other criteria are used, then materials that might not normally be considered fibrous may contain a fraction of particles that meet the criteria for fibers. The distribution of fiber dimensions can usually be characterized by assuming a cylindrical geometry, i.e., the two small dimensions are identical, and measuring the length and diameter of individual fibers. The distribution of fiber sizes generated by grinding bulk material or by mechanically releasing particles into the air often results in a two-dimensional (bivariate) lognormal distribution. Such a distribution is characterized by five parameters: the geometric mean length, the geometric mean diameter, the length and diameter geometric standard deviations, and a correlation term that relates length to diameter14). In addition, various other parameters that are a function of length and diameter, such as aerodynamic diameter, can also be characterized by a lognormal distribution"). Most of the discussion here assumes that fibers are straight objects that can be well defined by several parameters. However, many real-world particles are not so simple to describe. In fact, the detailed features of many fibers can aid in their identification. Fibers are often curved or otherwise misshapen. Compact particles are frequently attached to fibers, affecting their aerodynamic behavior. Asbestos mineral is composed of fibrils (about 0.03 pm diameter) that are packed together. When the mineral is broken apart mechanically, the material separates primarily between fibrils and the resulting fibers are usually bundles of fibrils. The ends of the fibers can be broken apart, with smaller bundles or individual fibrils spread apart, yet still part of the fiber. In addition, multiple fibers and compact particles can be held together as complex structures. The complexity of fiber shapes affects all of the measurement and separation techniques described below and frequently makes it difficult to compare one method to another. Industrial Health 2001, 39, 39-50 MEASUREMENT OF AIRBORNE FIBERS: AREVIEW In addition to asbestos fibers, there is a wide range of fibrous materials being produced for commercial purposes. These include fibrous glass, mineral wool, refractory ceramic fibers, wood and other plant fibers, and synthetic organic fibers. Most of these fibers tend to have larger diameters than asbestos fibers. Carbon nanotubes (<5 nm diameter) have recently been produced in small-scale commercial quantities and because of their high tensile strength, high conductivity, and other special properties, show great promise as a commercial material'). Measurement techniques must be tailored to the size distribution and physicochemical properties of the fibers. This review is limited to measurement of fibers in air. There are a variety of techniques that address concentration of asbestos and other fibers inbulkmaterial andmeasurement of mass concentration of fibers. Light Microscope Counting As asbestos -induced disease became widely studied in the 1960s, cellulose -based membrane filter sampling was applied to asbestos sampling in combination with high magnification phase contrast light microscopy (PCM) for counting fibers. This technique involved collection of fibers uniformly over the surface of a cellulose ester filter, placing the filter on a microscope slide and making it transparent, and observing the fibers in the sample with a high magnification (-450X) phase contrast lightmicroscope. Over the years since then a great deal of research has been carried out to improve and standardize the method. Walton discussed many aspects of this technique in a journal review issue'). The high variability of the analysis results and the method's dependence on operator technique made this research difficult. The method does not detect all fibers because of the limitations of light microscopy, so that the method is only an index of exposure, with the assumption that what is detected is correlated with the fibers actually causing disease. This should be remembered when considering some of the parameters discussed below. The aim of evaluating changes to the PCM technique may depend on whether consistency with other laboratories within a country or throughout the world is more important than making measurements that are more closely related to health effects. Anumber ofinethod factors have been investigated, including: 41 and coworkers investigated 1250x magnification to improve fiber detectability, but this has not been adopted in any established methods"). Pang also investigated the effect of using lower magnification (400x) and found that counts were lower for chrysotile asbestos by 25%, but that amosite fiber counts were unaffected"). Phase contrast optics: This contrast enhancement technique allows detection of asbestos fibers down in the range of about 0.25 ym diameter, depending on fiber type. Other techniques such as dark field microscopy may offer improved detectability, but also increase the background due to non-fibrous particles. Test slide to check optics: A test slide was developed to allow a check of proper alignment and magnification in the microscope". This ensures a reasonable level of uniformity in microscope setup and operation. Improper setup can reduce detectability of fibers. There have also been cases where the optics were "too good," and higher than acceptable counts resulted. Counting area in microscope field: Some early measurements with the phase contrast microscope were made using a rectangular graticule for defining the counting area, while others were made using the entire microscope viewing area. It was found that larger viewing areas resulted in lower counts, so a graticule was developed that gave a 100 µm diameter counting area in each microscope. This has been standardized in all current methods. Figure 2 contains the Walton -Beckett graticule21) with examples of how fibers are counted. ,Sample preparation techniques Filter type: Virtually all measurements are made using 0.8,um pore size mixed cellulose ester (MCE) filters. Some measurements are made using 1.2µm pore size filters when sampling low concentrations to allow higher flow rate through the filter. Smaller pore size filters are used to ensure that fibers are deposited as near the surface of the filters as possible. This results in fibers ending up in the same plane so that they can be readily viewed with a minimum change of focus during fiber counting. Selection of the liquid for making filter transparent: A liquid is placed on the filter that closely matches the filter refractive index, yet has an index that is as far as possible from that of the fibers being detected. Rooker et al. showed that refractive index difference between cleared filter and• Microscope -related parameters fibers translated directly into detectability of small diameter Microscope magnification: The exact level of microscope fibers'). A viscous solution of dimethyl phthalate and diethyl .magnification depends on microscope design, but most oxalate mixed with cellulose filter material was .commonly. current methods use 450x (± 10%) total magnification. Pang used in the 1970s and early 1980s, However, it did not result 12'D 5 gsxan �Ox3 �0 s �3 1. . 1 fiber 8_ 1 fiber. Ignore overlong pa llcle. 2. 2 fibers 7. 112fiber. 3. 1 fiber. Note diameter makes A non- 8. 0 fitter. Both ends out of field. thoracic g. 0 fiber. Outof field 4. 1 fiber S. 0 fibers. Too short Fig. 2. Sketch of the Walton -Beckett graticule'" that is used to de- fine the counting area and aid in selecting fibers to be counted in a phase contrast light microscope. The counting rules listed are those used in NIOSH Method 74001L1. in a permanent sample, with crystallization of the mount and movement of fibers often occurring several days after sample preparation. Permanent slides were needed for quality assurance purposes and the sample preparation technique was also slow and required some skill. A rapid acetone - based filter clearing technique was developed that could be used safely in field situations231. After clearing, filters were coated with triacetin to surround the fibers. This resulted in a longer lasting sample (typically several years) and is currently specified in most methods. Another technique uses a resin called Euparal to surround the fibers and results in a permanent slide preparation241. Filter loading: The number of fibers on the filter is usually specified to be within a certain loading range to ensure consistent counting. Cherrie et at. demonstrated using a serial dilution technique that counting efficiency was a function of concentration of fibers on the filter"). At very low filter loadings (<100 fiber/mm2) there was a tendency to count high relative to an intermediate range of concentrations (100-1300 fibers/mm2), This "overcounting" was apparently due to greater visibility of fibers in a clean visual field. This effect was noted for both human counters and an image analysis system. At high filter loadings (>1300 fibers/mmz), undercounting occurred due to overlap of fibers with other fibers and with compact particles. Most published methods: indicate that optimum counting occurs within the 100-1300 fibers/mm2 range, while some restrict the range PA BARON further to Iess than 650 fibers/mm2. Fiber counting rules: The basic fiber counting rules for most current methods indicate that fibers longer than 5 ,um with an aspect ratio greater than 3:1 should be counted. These rales were selected because shorter fibers were difficult to detect by optical microscopy and the 3:1 aspect ratio was used to discriminate between fibrous and non-fibrous particles. There has been a great deal of controversy over these rules. The use of a longer fiber cutoff, e.g., 15-20 ,um, has been suggested, based on two separate arguments: first, that most asbestos fibers are relatively long and thin and the longer fiber cutoff would discriminate better toward fibers that were truly asbestos fibers according to mineralogical definitions; and second, that fibers that enter the lungs are removed readily by macrophages if they are shorter than about 15 ym. Longer fibers cannot readily be engulfed by macrophages, thus staying in the lungs for a long period and causing continuing fibrosis. Other aspects of fiber counting have been investigated, including how to count non-standard fiber shapes, overlapping fibers, overlapping compact particles on fibers, and bundles of fibers. Each of these factors can have a noticeable effect on the final count. Cowie and Crawford investigated the effect of some of these factors and estimated most of them made a difference in the final count on the order of 2002'). Many ofthe methods currently in use have slight variations in their interpretation of which fibers to count and thus can contribute to variation in results between countries and organizations. Quality assurance schemes Sample recounts: Most methods require individual counters to recount about 10% of the field samples to ensure consistent counting procedures and alert the analyst in the case of problem samples. In addition, it is recommended that counters have samples that are routinely recounted to ensure consistent counting within a laboratory over time. Interlaboratory sample exchanges: Crawford et al. found that use of sample exchange programs were more important in ensuring agreement between laboratories than similarity in details of the counting rules"). Thus, exchange of field samples between laboratories is commonly performed to improve consistency of counting. A description of several quality assurance techniques for asbestos fiber counting is described by Abell et al."'). Quality check samples: In order to get agreement between laboratories within a country or internationally, several programs send- out -identical ..samples to participating;:: laboratories to assess their relative performance 19,31) . These Industrial Health 2001, 39, 39--50 MEASUREMENT OF AIRBORNE FIBERS: AREVIEW 43 programs provide feedback, often tied to laboratory fraction of the fibers were misidentified as multiple fibers, accreditation, that provides incentive for laboratories to not detected at all and groups of compact particles or edges ensure that their performance is similar to that of other of large particles were detected as fibers"). laboratories. Several methods using optical microscopy have been published by national's- :) and internationa?'- 35) organizations. Most countries have methods very similar to the ones referenced here. In addition to simply counting the fibers, there are techniques available for providing at least tentative identification of fiber type. Fiber shape can be used to limit the type of fiber present. For instance, glass fibers tend to be straighter, with smoother sides than chrysotile fibers. Polarizing light techniques can also be used to identify larger diameter (> 1 pm) fibers. These are based on the optical properties of the materials, including refractive index and crystallinity. These techniques can provide quite positive identification for the presence of certain types of fibers, but are limited for airborne fibers because they only work for the larger diameter fibers. These techniques are often used in analysis of bulk materials'). Image Analysis Since fiber counting by human analysts produces relatively high biases and variability, several researchers haveattempted to develop automated counting systems. With the increases in computer power over the last 25 years, it has been tempting to assume that fiber counting is a solvable problem and significant efforts have been made to develop such a system. The most intensive effort to produce a fiber counting system was carried out by Manchester University in collaboration with the Health and Safety Executive in the UK37j. The Manchester Asbestos. Program (MAP) was able to give reasonably good agreement with human counters for certain types of samples. It was used as a reference analyst for the Inoue and coworkers have developed image analysis software using a microprocessor -based PC"). Initial tests indicate that it works approximately as well as' human counters. Inoue also evaluated how well human counters and the image analyzer did in detecting the same fibers in a sample and found that only about 50% of the fibers were consistently counted by all counters, so the image analysis system did approximately as well as the human counters401 Further testing of the image analysis system is needed. In addition to image analysis, optical microscopy can be enhanced using a personal computer to more easily observe the image and to mark and measure fiber dimensions, with automatic recording of the fibers counted"). This does not appear to affect the counting accuracy since the analyst still decides which fibers are to be counted. Scanning Electron Microscopy Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has not been the focus of as much method development as either light microscopy or transmission electron microscopy (TEM). PCM found favor because of the low equipment cost and lower training level required for analysis. TEM is preferred for environmental and research studies because it offers the highest resolution and the most positive identification capabilities, allowing visibility of all asbestos fibers, and electron diffraction for crystal structure identification and energy dispersive x-ray analysis for elemental measurement. SEM has intermediate resolution, with many instruments of this type not able to. see all asbestos fibers. However, many modern SEMS have the capability of detecting asbestos fibrils. Energy dispersive x-ray analysis is also available for many SEMS, providing some qualitative information of US and UK reference sample programs for several years. fiber type. However, since electron diffraction cannot be Eventually, the MAP was dropped as the reference because performed by SEM, this often leaves open the question of it was not sufficiently consistent for all types of samples. positive identification of fibers. The principle problems with image analysis of asbestos Particles are observed in the SEM when abeam of electrons fibers include: the complexity of many fiber shapes, including is focussed onto the sample surface and scanned over an bundles, agglomerates, and split fibers; the fibers often go area. The electrons are scattered from the surface and detected in and out of the plane of focus; the background includes above the surface synchronously with the beam scan rate many particles and other non-fibrous shapes; the phase and an image of the scanned surface is created. Thus, the contrast optics produces haloes around particles in the sample SEM measures the surface of particles on a substrate. The that can be detected as fibers; and finally, and perhaps most best image can be obtained on conducting objects deposited importantly, the contrast between the fibers and background on a smooth, conducting substrate. Particles are often is poor- and many fibers are near the -detection threshold. - - -deposited-on aluminurn or carbon -planchets that fit -directly An evaluation of the MAP program indicated that a significant into the SEM or onto polycarbonate membrane (track -etched, 44 Nuclepore) filters. The samples are usually coated with gold or carbon to increase conductivity. There have been some SEM methods developed for fiber counting'). These methods are primarily used for inorganic man-made fibers that have larger diameter fibers than can occur with asbestos. Thus, all the fibers are potentially visible using the SEM. Transmission Electron Microscopy The transmission election microscope (TEM) is considered the most powerful technique for counting and analyzing fibers. It is capable of detecting the smallest fibers (carbon nanotubes and asbestos fibrils) and can be used to determine crystal structure from electron diffraction as well as determining elemental composition from energy dispersive x-ray analysis. Although TEM analysis is potentially very powerful and accurate, the process of sample collection and preparation and details involved in sample analysis can degrade the quantitative accuracy of the technique. Several other, more specialized techniques have been used for analyzing particles and can also be applied to fibere ). Airborne fiber samples for TEM analysis are typically collected onto a filter, usually a polycarbonate membrane or MCE membrane filter. For the latter filter type, the filter is chemically collapsed to form a smooth upper surface on which collected fibers are trapped. Sometimes the surface is etched using a low temperature asher to expose the fibers collected on or near the surface of the original filter. The filter is coated with a carbon film that entraps fibers exposed on the filter surface and the filter material is then dissolved away. The carbon film is transferred to a TEM grid (usually 3 mm diameter) and the sample can be placed in the TEM for analysis. The above approach to preparing MCE filters for TEM analysis is called the direct -transfer approach, since fibers are transferred to the carbon film with minimum disturbance to the way they were collected. An alternative technique is to dissolve the entire filter in liquid, ultrasonicate the suspension to disperse the particles, and deposit an aliquot of the particle suspension onto a polycarbonate filter for final transfer to the carbon film. This is called the indirect transfer technique. With the indirect technique, the optimum particle loading of the TEM sample can be obtained and soluble particles can be removed from the sample. However, the suspension process can change the apparent size distribution of the particles and fibers by breaking apart agglomerates or even.breaking:apart asbestos fibers into smaller fibers or fibrils"). The breakup problem can be PA BARON especially severe for chrysotile. The process of sample collection and preparation is a complex one that can introduce biases into the final measurement. Since only small portions of the filter are measured when analyzing by TEM, sampled fibers that deposit non -uniformly onto the filter due to inertial, gravitational and electrostatic effects, will be measured inaccurately47). Fibers that penetrate the filter surface and are not transferred to the carbon film will be lost. If the filter is incompletely dissolved away from the carbon film, the sample will be difficult to analyze. Many of the sources of bias and variability noted in sampling and counting by PCM also apply to TEM analysis. Fiber counting in a TEM can also introduce biases and variability in the final result. There is a tendency to use the high magnification of the TEM to look for the smallest fibers, while ignoring some of the larger ones. Even so, fibers shorter than 0.5 fun tend to be missed because they are difficult to see in the background clutter of the sample48>. Carter et al. foundthat TEM counting gave poorer precision than counting the same sample by PCM49). There are several established methods for analyzing fibers, especially asbestos fibers, by TEM50-54> Optical Detection Two types of light scattering detectors are commonly used for measuring airborne dust concentrations: the optical particle counter (OPQ, which detects and counts individual particles and the photometer (sometimes called a nephelometer) that detects the scattering from all particles in a defined detection volume. A standard OPC was used to detect asbestos concentrations in a workplace where the aerosol was primarily fibrous and good correlation with fiber counts was obtained"). A nephelometer may also be used, but is less likely to indicate fiber concentration, especially when non-fibrous dusts are present. Light scattering from single, well-defined fibers has formed the basis of several fiber detection techniques. If a fiber is perpendicular to the axis of illumination, the scattered light is concentrated into a plane containing the illuminating light axis and perpendicular to the long axis of the fiber. The width of the scattered light plane has been shown to be related to fiber length"). A number of instruments have been developed that use the unique light scattering pattern from fibers. In order to take advantage of this property of fibers, the fibers must be aligned perpendicular to the illumination .. alas: ;, Several alignment techniques have been applied to fibers. Industrial Health 2001, 39, 39-50 MEASUREMENT OF AIRBORNE FIBERS: AREVIEW Timbrell investigated the magnetic alignment properties of fibers and found that many asbestos fibers aligned- either parallel or perpendicular to the magnetic field"). He applied the field to fibers collected on a filter and suspended from the surface of the filter in a liquid"). When the liquid dried, the fibers remained aligned on the cleared filter surface. The scattering intensity and pattern from the filter surface could then be related to fiber type and concentration. A commercial instrument was developed using this approach, but was not successful because the scattering intensity depended too much on fiber type and could not be readily correlated with fiber counts for a variety of samples"). When a sufficiently conductive fiber is placed in an electric field, the fiber will polarize and align parallel to the electric field. The conductivity of the fiber does not have to be very high since the alignment only requires moving a few electrons several micrometers along the length of the.fiber. Thus, asbestos is quite conductive on this basis, even though it is normally considered an insulator. Glass fibers are intrinsically non-conductive, though at high enoughhumidity levels (about 50% RH), the water adsorbed on the surface provides enough conductivity to allow electrostatic alignment. The fibrous aerosol monitor (Model FM -7400, MIE, Inc. BedfordMA) was developedusing the electrostatic alignment technique and applies a field that aligns and rotates individual fibers in a laser beam. This allows specific detection of fibersfi0) and may even be used to measure fiber length") Fibers will align parallel to the flow direction in a gradient flow field. Thus, laminar flow through. a tube can be used to establish aparabolic flow profile (Poiseuille flow). Fibers will align with their long axis very nearly parallel to the tube axis64, though the fibers will periodically flip 180053). An instrument was developed using flow alignment of fibers and electrostatic deposition, with optical scattering detection of the deposited particles"). Although promising, the instrument was not commercialized. Hirst and coworkers developed an instrument coupled with a neural network algorithm to identify light scattering patterns from flow - aligned fibers, but this instrument also was not commercialized"). Figure 3 shows scattering patterns from 12 ,um long SiO2 micromachined fibers. Sachweh and coworkers used a similar instrument with multiple angle scattering detection for laboratory studiesb6). Another device that uses flow alignment and multiangle scattering detection is commercially available (FibreCheck, Casella, Bedford UK). A field comparison of the FibreCheck and the FM - 7400 measuring.man-made mineral and chrysotilefibers- indicated that both. instruments tended to underestimate fiber U 0.5 0 0.1 5 0.05 c 0 0 0.01 E $ .0.005 ag 0,001 45 0.2 0.4 1 2 4 10 20 40 Production Nominal Fiber Size - pm Fig. 3. Relationship between measured average exposures, ex- pressed as fiberslce (determined by phase contrast microscopy), and nominal diameter of fiber manufactured (Copyright American In- dustrial Hygiene Association). concentration compared to phase contrast microscope counting67). Although the correlation between all these methods was good for man-made mineral fibers, the FibreCheck had especially poor detection capability for small diameter chrysotile fibers. Optical techniques can easily detect well -formed > 1 ym diameter fibers. When curved or more complex fibers are detected, these methods may become less efficient. Since fiber detection instruments are usually compared with the filter collection/PCM counting method, it can be difficult to calibrate such an instrument for all types and sizes of fibers. Fiber Separation by Diameter The aerodynamic diameter of fibers is dependent primarily on fiber physical diameter and fiber density, with a minor dependence on fiber length"). Several -devices have been used to measure or separate fibers by diameter. A spiral centrifuge was used to separate fibers and reference spherical particles•to.estimate=fiber. aerodynamic diameter69). It was. found that the aerodynamic diameter was directly 46 Fig. 4. (a) Experimental scattering profile recorded from a signal 12,im silicon dioxide fire (image capture in 2 ,1s). The horizontal scattering implies close alignment of the particle with the vertical sample airflow. (b) Experimental scattering profile recorded from a single 12 lim silicon dioxide fiber (image capture in 2 ps). In this case the conic section form of the scattering implies a particle orientation approximately 10° clockwise to the vertical in the plane orthogonal to the laser beam axis, and 15° tilted forward (towards the laser) in the plane of the beam axis .(Reprinted from J Aerosol Sci 23, Kaye, PH, Hirst E, Clark, 7, and Micheli, F. Airborne particle shape and size classification from spatial light scattering profiles. 597-611 Copyright (1992) with permission of Elsevier Science). proportional to physical diameter, proportional to the square root of the fiber density, and proportional to fiber length to the 116' power. For mineral fibers having a density of about - 3 g/cm3, the aerodynamic diameter was approximately three to five times the physical diameter of the fiber. Behavior of glass fibers in a cascade impactor -was investigated by Burke and Esmen"). A small correction to the aerodynamic diameter PA BARON was developed to take into account interception of longer fibers with the impaction surface. An inertial spectrometer was used to measure fiber aerodynamic diameter and good diameter separation was achieved"), As with most airborne dusts, fiber settling will reduce the number of larger diameter fibers in a distribution as the distance from the source ofthe dust increases. Esmen showed that average fiber concentration in workplaces decreased exponentially with an increase of fiber diameter, indicating that the larger diameter fibers settled out more quickly than smaller diameter fibers (Fig. 4)1>. Cyclones, impactors and Porous foam classifiers were evaluated for efficiency of removing airborne fibers not likely to deposit in the 1ungs131. Fiber Separation by Length Since the health effects of fibers are strongly correlated with fiber length, there have been many efforts to separate fibers by length. These efforts included bulk separation techniques and aerosol separation techniques. Spumy used a liquid sedimentation technique that provided some length classification and also suggested that sonic generation could provide size -classified aerosol"). A proprietary liquid suspension separation technique was used for an inhalation toxicity study"), Hanton et al. found that by compressing glass fibers at high pressure, the fibers could be broken to give a length mode in the 1020 ym range"). Myojo described a technique for classification of airborne fibers by passing them through sieves". This allowed measurement of the fiber length distribution. However, the technique did not provide high resolution and was limited in output because of particle loading on the sieves. Chen et al. electrically charged monodisperse -diameter carbon fibers and separated them by length in a mobility analyzer78l. Chen indicated that the separation was achieved by a combination ofthe charging and electrophoresis process. Lipowiez suggested that this separation technique -was effective because the fibers were being separated by dielectrophoresis") and provided the theory for a dielectrophoresis-based classifier8°1. Baron and coworkers developed such a classifier (schematic in Fig. 5) and were able to obtain length distributions with standard deviations of about 10-20%81.821. This classifier separated fibers by placing them in a gradient electric field, which polarized the fibers, aligned them parallel to the electric field, and caused them to drift toward the higher field electrode. The drift velocity was proportional to the fiber length squared. .This classifier was used.•taprovide small quantities: (up to l mg per day) of monodisperse -length material for toxicity Industrial Health 2001, 39, 39-50 MEASUREMENT OF AIRBORNE FIBERS: A REVIEW Clean art sheath flown Annular aerosol region Outer Inner i Longer fibers deposit firrd on central cylinder Fibers attracted to central cylinder Shorter fibers deposit last axElh�mp 'low *" eYttscts hors fibers and compact particles High Voltage Classified flbera exiting In sheath air near central cylinder Fig. 5. Schematic of dielectrophoresis classifier showing the sheath and input and output aerosol flows. Fiber motion toward the inner electrode is caused by induced polarization of the fibers and the higher field closer to the inner electrode. The inner electrode is coated with oil to prevent resuspension. An ac electric field is used to reduce deposition ofparticles with a net charge. assay0•117. It was also demonstrated that the dielectrophoresis classifier could be used to measure bivariate fiber distributions. when combined with an aerodynamic sizing instrument such as the Aerosizer (TSI, Inc. Minneapolis)s4). The instrument is not commercially available and is difficult to scale up for production of larger quantities of fibers. Conclusions The capability for measurement of fiber size distributions is available through microscopy and to a much lesser extent, through direct -reading instrumentation. The traditional methods of microscopy are relatively inaccurate when compared to many chemical analysis methods because of the many sources of error in the sampling and analysis procedure. Further work is needed in automating fiber counting through improved image analysis of microscope images and through improved direct -reading instrumentation. 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