2021-81 2021-81 Resolution Agreeing To Maintain And Repair Landscape Features On Or Along The Project Limits Of S.H. 8093 Route 376 At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, on May 24, 2021. The meeting was called to order by Richard Thurston, Town Supervisor, and upon roll being called, the following was recorded:  Vote Record - Resolution RES-2021-81 Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Adopted  Richard Thurston Voter     Adopted as Amended  William H. Beale Mover      Defeated Angela Bettina Voter     Tabled  Christopher Phillips Seconder     Withdrawn  Al Casella Voter     The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Beale and seconded by Councilman Phillips. WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation “NYSDOT” proposes to reconstruct State Highway 8093, Route 376 with the construction of a roundabout at its intersection with All Angels Hill Road and New Hackensack Road in the Town of Wappinger; and WHEREAS, the New York State Department of Transportation proposes to include landscape features (planting of trees, shrubs, raised planting bed, grass, stamped concrete, decorative fence, stone retaining wall and landscape furniture) within the highway boundary and the curbed medians, as shown on the contract plans relating to the project; and WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger and the NYSDOT approves the landscape features included on the contract plans. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that: 1. The Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to enter into an agreement with the State of New York and through the Commissioner of Transportation to maintain and repair the landscape features on the above identified project. 2. The Town of Wappinger shall maintain the Landscaping features (trees, shrubs, raised planting bed, grass, stamped concrete, decorative fence, stone retaining wall and landscape furniture; including necessary mowing, mulching, weeding, pruning, replacement, and repair) placed as shown on the contract plans. 3. The Town Clerk is hereby directed to transmit four (4) certified copied of the foregoing resolution to the State Department of Transportation addressed to: Mark Kruk 4 Burnett Blvd Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: RESULT: ADOPTED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: William H. Beale, Councilman SECONDER: Christopher Phillips, Councilman AYES: Thurston, Beale, Bettina, Phillips, Casella Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York 5/24/2021 The Resolution is hereby duly declared Adopted. ___________________________________________ JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, TOWN CLERK