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Maloney Rd.
PAGGI, MARTIN &DEL BEN LLP Consulting Engineers&Land Surveyors 54-56 Main Street Poughkeepsie,New York 12601 914-471-7898 E I E D 914-471-0905(FAX) November 2, 1998OV Q 5 19$ " E UOMEN Town Board Town of Wappinger P.O. Box 324 Wappingers Falls,New York 12590 Attention: Constance O. Smith, Supervisor Reference: Maloney Road Culvert Dear Supervisor Smith & Board Members: In response to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) letter dated September 22nd, 1998, regarding the'permit application for the replacement.of the culvert at the above referenced location, we. have revised the plans in accordance with same and have re-submitted the application-on.October, 13' 1998, We have attached a copy of the NYSDEC letter for your information. As you may recall in our August 31, 1998 letter to Graham Foster, we analyzed the 1,400± acre watershed for a 25 year storm event and determined that a culvert with 80- 100 square feet would be required. We then inspected the existing culverts north of this area and made our recommendations to install a culvert with a waterway area of 30-50 square feet. Our basis for this recommendation was that the existing culvert just to the north under Daley Road, with a cross sectional area of approximately 40 square feet, would control the amount of flow to Maloney Road. Therefore, we felt that a culvert of similar area to that of Daley Road would be adequate. We recommended the installation of dual 71" x 47" archpipes, which would provide 36.2 square feet of waterway. However, due to NYSDEC's request for a single culvert design instead of a dual culvert, as proposed, we felt that a more detailed engineering analysis was warranted to more accurately model the existing flow patterns and natural storage areas within,the watershed. The major component in the watershed, which controls the flow to Maloney Road, is the 3'x 5' concrete box culvert under the old railway west of Daley Road, approximately 2,100 feet upstream. This culvert and the natural storage area NYSDEC Wetland PV-45, act as a detention basin limiting the flow to Maloney Road. Joseph E.PaW,Jr.,P.E. Ernst Martin,Jr.,P.E.,T.-S. Charles R_Del L'ene.Jr..Y.E. Constance O. Smith - 2 - November 2, 1998 Town Board RE: Maloney Road Culvert The results of our analysis indicated that the flow to the Maloney Road culvert is approximately 170 cfs, for a 25 year storm event. Please note that if the existing 3' x 5' box culvert previously described is replaced in the future with a larger culvert, the flow realized at Maloney Road will increase. Based on the flow rate of 170 cfs, we have selected a single 83" x 57" aluminized steel type 2 corrugated pipe arch. As a result of one more detailed analysis, we have shown that a single culvert can be utilized instead of a dual 71" x 4 7' pipe as previously proposed. As soon as we receive the NYSDEC's permit, we will inform the Board and Highway Superintendent. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Charles R. Del Bene, Jr., P.E. CRD:Iaw Enclosure cc: Hon. Vincent Bettina, Councilman w/enclosure Hon. Joseph Paoloni, Councilman w/enclosure Hon. Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman w/enclosure Hon. Robert Valdati, Councilman w/enclosure Hon. Elaine Snowden w/enclosure Graham Foster w/enclosure --,'New-York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Permits, Region 3 21 South Putt Corners Road, New Paitz, New York 1 2561-1 696 Phone: (914) 256-3032 PAX: (914) 255-3042 John P. Cahill Commissioner September 22, 1995 Paggi, Martin & Del Bene, LLP, Consulting Engineers SEP W8 54-56 Main Street Poughkeepsie, New York 12601 - Attention: Charles Del Bene, Jr., P-E. --pIG I & MARTIN RE: DEC Application No. 3-1356-00185/00001 Proposed Culvert Replacement - Maloney Road Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION Dear Mr. Del Bene: We received the above permit application to replace an existing culvert within a sub-tributary (Class B) to Wappinger Creek in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County on September 9, 1998. The culvert replacement project is not approvable as proposed, and the application has been determined to be incomplete. We therefore request that you submit the following information so that permit application processing may proceed: f "Of. The currently proposed dual culvert design should be modified to utilize a single culvert of sufficient size. Accordingly, please provide revised plans which specify that one culvert pipe will be installed to replace the failing culvert. Specify dimensions of this new culvert and provide a brief justification for its sizing. Indicate the type of culvert (e.g. round, arch, box) and composition of the culvert to be installed. Specify to what depth the stream bed will be excavated to allow for the placement of the new culvert pipe. NOTE: The Department - recommends that the bottom of the culvert be instailed six inches to one foot below existing streamed elevation. 2. Provide revised sedimentation and erosion control plans which address each of the following items: The proposed coffer dam should be constructed of sandbags, gravel, or other suitable material. The coffer dam should not be constructed of soil or "earth"; The diverted stream flow (by-pass pump discharge) should be released directly back into the watercourse downstream of the work site_ There is no need to direct this discharge to a sedimentation basin or sedimentation trap prior to its release to the stream; Haybales and/or silt fencing are not required within or across the stream channel as all flow wilYbe diverted around the work site; and Revised plans should show locations of material stockpile areas. ;.., i Alm . f Mr. Charles Del Bene September 22, 1998 Page 2 Proposed rip-rap areas are not acceptable as shown. The Department recommends that the project be redesigned to prevent the placement of rip-rap across the bed of the stream. Revised plans f should show appropriately designed rip-rap protection of the stream banks, if necessary. Specify the dimensions of all proposed rip-rap areas. Provide an approximate volume of material (in cubic yards) for the construction of same. NOTE: Rip-rap protection may not be needed if the culvert is correctly installed within the stream bed. [See Item No. 1 above.] Please provide two copies of all information requested above. Please contact me at (914) 256-3051 with any questions you may have. Thank you. Very truly yours, Scott Ballard Environmental Analyst cc: G. Foster - Superintendent of Highways, Town of Wappinger !;I 2$$—wSLat➢tort'Form AA.Waiia➢ty Deed with F.1I Covenants. a. JULIUS BLVMEERG,ING.,LAW BLANK PU 15HER3 y CorpUtaton. 60 EXCHANGE PLACE AT BROA pWA NEW YORK Made the 2.2C3t3, day of March nineteen hundred ErE and sixty-slx, IS ?q �' Royal VieW Apartments Inc. with offices at 49 Market 99 {� Street, PQug1j;eepsie, New York, y9 'g1 � a corporation organized under the laws of New York, k p party of the first part, and Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, a 4 municipal corporation of the State of New York, part y of the second part, P itt�t��Ps party p that the art of the first art,in consideration of one— (01.00) ® Dollars,lawful money of the United States, In � actual consideration, 'a paid by y the part y of the second part, do eS hereby grant and release unto the part y of the �� RR �1" second part, its successors and assigns forever. p 1i � 9 s!� Y a that tract or parcel c,f, 70.r d situp to ira the 1a7,an of tiiaopinger, P Dutchess Jo-juty, Aew York, bounded and described as follows �€P � i3EtrTNid2NG- at a point it uhPnwrthen!,y line of izal.cney Road, the sa?a� gN point being t1_-ie southeazterly corner of tre herein described parcel and ; iB { being the south:.eoterly corner of lands now or forneily of Bendix; taencuB { s aloin the aortherl.? line of Maloney Road-, N 710 491 20€t W 50.a�21; thence G s aiolag the westerly `line of trse herei:i desc-ollD parcel ITT 19 309 u0!' 9 E 1151. 23 alonga curvenZ a`?left hc^zV1i1g a 2CL112., of 1748. •7 a , t6S € #°F ! o 1221,- N 15 4-9,1 4vrs E•'?0.9+PTn, alcah a curl e' to the a.ght havAdg a .; i; _ t o .. alon a curve to p � as-a of ,25 ,a di etance. o-� 58,7� : N 2'5 4 59.�a �..; 4 I she legit riavrn 6 rac_lua of 8 ,52 a ..as fiance of ..92.35. g. 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R 4 E ,s' I E 147.•v4$-j,,.a1dng a curv-e tb t��e r-ight ,havino°a. radius- c,f- `7Di a distance, � y i of-i2.7�2b ?5c p6;t 3�;:f -E, 16. 6� a �o _nt in the sbuthei ay= line of dla u '�� lands,.of AaamsC Devbldpffn�t uorp t,h c"e a_Lorag -thc soutl3er1y'� n'e :of i`a'nd . of coda za` t eve o, ent vorp4 S 649 j: :.,Er _s<G.Jt1r.t' thence a�l©ng .th : k ea.F..ter1-y-line a 1h.e h�re�n descry' to �°2reei 'S" 2'a° -06 a 501; W f:-06� a7.xane a cures to the right ?aavi.11g a radius C57:- K� ` d1s ance f B ,I r;t S 10-34 to-:;.-L4—i.,o4l,_: along, a curve .to' the ;right.. having a radius of 288 52� !�L' k i P €_ distance of 111,711, S 230 45T 0919 W53,641, aloes a curve: to the left a S Ric 491 40" W 20.90', having a radius of �75' a Distance of 51.8 , �.� I f( $ the art of the first art covenants a � a f party P s fellows: 3 ¢ , _fjr.9t.---That the party of the first part is seized of the said premises in fee simple, and has s E � good right to convey the same; f,R �ec a . —That the art of the second art shall quietly enjoy'the said remises; party P 4� J F i Tbirbe —That the said premises are free from incumbrances; _f=to. —That the party'o€ the first part will execute or procure any further necessary as-surance of the title to said premises; _ o � � P _f --That the party of the first part will forever warrant the title to said premises; E sk' ire a &iXffj.-The grantor,in compliance with section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the grantor � will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as EMI G: , 3 3 a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of„paying the cost of the improvement and that the grantor will apply the same.frrst to the payment of. he cost of the improvement before using any pert of`-the total fir; _5 of the.same for any other purpose. 3, yEl { E 1 I' f it I g �13 i l�E j s bitrie f, the party of the first part has caused its corporate seal,to-be hereunto affixed,and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officer the day and year first above written. 'j OttreEsue of: REAL I CayaI View. i Dart�ea�$wixsa — — x .. 8�riti N: �K r _ R t sF— e ` k _ _. - : I�i a ICI S�f .v O ;,6_t, d ri kat, having 1�6 I 1f3:. ? ;and'.,, ,190,". �� O& W;15G '0(�*= tj'' e 'xibl r!U ur t* o of- begln-n Ong. li F BJJG e and' oondlti oned orb agr es rat t o a31- Chit piece 'or g ill far&el of .land lying in the' tiarnidg-,O .rcle out:sa"dam lef ! street--' S'erein eon�r ei� ., o be�J noun {ate ur i 6a , }a� re�e t- aek to t the''grantor, it6 suocessoi�e and 4'eelgns &t suexr time as the street hereby P �f F l eomveyed' L-s ektend'ed� an& accepted by the Proper murz al' a�a ?Qr� y, JC to any 'facts are actual' aurvey small r3iscl®��.� 1 � 'BE1NG a ',p6rtl6n er thd, preiilsee co€-veyed 'to -Roya1:-Vtiewl ADartMea`s, M f In)6; by creed _cued;Ocvdb' r ,g, �1,96- -and: rec®r"d ln.'thj�- rVutdhasS Gounty ERi � I Glerk `s _E3fice -on-, Q:ct,abe:r; 22,4� 1964+ 'in•-i:uiber 31:5k ®f`=`ids a.'t .page 6:9:" g�v n 73 s 1 k o 0 z e jl� f q 11� - 1( u Z f F la[t Y I 1911att}er with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the part y of the first part in and to s said premises 3 go babe anb`��,.�jiaM the premises herein granted unto the part y of the second part, ill % its successors and assigns forever. 6y i tN b a m w. y ` ft Ott 1-3 i9 Qe n ( O cs tj o Id e� � 99�� (D !;z o ct ct IF r.- zullgTld d1K V.3F�juf - •zapzo a-rq 6q oplaga auaeu g pau$rs ag aeq pua:unuezodroa pies;o 3o preoq aqa}o zapzo Sq paxWe os seaa}r aega areas aaEzcsd oo=goris sr;uaurnz#sur pres o; paxrWe yeas aqa 3arp :uor;eiodroi pres ;o leas aq;sniouy aq ;eg;:auarumgsur 2uro.fazo;ag; 'pa;naaxa garq�n pue `ur pagrzosap uor;esodzoo arr; •�uI sluaw!lX9dy A9TA -EsS®U 30 aq;sr aq .zega •,I• sutc*[3foo,xIg lqeq.14S A.zaarOftUOK 5o9 ur saprsaz aq ;eqa Gas pue asodap pip `uzoMs Zrnp aua fq 9uraq`ogtxa `u�ousr aua o; 2EUVI aua azo,paq '99 GI �azL=yj ;o SUP Puzz ag; up ss XJQ7, me 3�3mv