LL #02-2002L o at Law P u ung NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE �j 41 STATE STREET, ALBANY, NY 12231 (Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.) Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter. comx UN Wa irl�- - er Town°f ---- - pP - - - -- -- -- - - ----- ---------- -- --- - ------ -- YX Local Law No. ________it Z ________________________ of the year 20-02-- A local law --- =ti-tle-l_ `'LacaL_Law__No_--#2-----0f--tha-Y4a"--20427-amen4ing-t-he----- ---- -pxo-curement-_po1Lcy_.af __the_-own_.of_4JapP1nger'_____________________________________ Be it enacted by the __Town__$4rsl---------------------------------------------------------------------- of the (N—e oJLeairlarive Body) Qt3X Town °f--a�Plnz- ---- - - -- - --- -- - --- - - --- ---- - - - - - - as follows: MW TEXT COMMENCES ON NEXT PAGE (If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.) DOS -239 (Rev. 11/99) (1) LOCAL LAW X62 OF THE YEAR 2002 A Local Law entitled "Local Law #2 Of The Year 2002 Amending the Procurement Policy of the Town of Wappinger": BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger as follows: Section 1. Title: Local Law Amending the Procurement Policy of the Town of Wapping This Local Law shall be known and cited as "Local Law No. #2 of the Year 2002 Amending the Procurement Policy of the Town of Wappinger". Section 2. Legislative Intent: The Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has reviewed its annual Procurement Policy as required by General Municipal Law and has detennined that it is in the best interests of the Town to increase the limits set forth in the Procurement Policy. Section 3. Amendment to Procurement Policy: Chapter 46 (Procurement Policy) is hereby amended by adopting the revised Section 46-2 Bid Limits; Procedures, as follows: 146-2. Bid limits procedures. A. Limits and procedures. Dollar Limits Procedure $1.00 to $250.00 Except for Highway Department, at the discretion of the Department Head. $1.00 to $1,250.00 Highway Department Only At the discretion of the Highway Superintendent. 0:1WAPPINGE\Town Board\L.00AL LAW\ProcurementPolicy\Locallaw.doc $250.01 to $1,000.00 Except for Highway Department, receive authorization from Supervisor and get PO # from Comptroller before purchase is made. $1,000.01 - $1,500.00 Except for Highway Department, documented telephone quotes from at least 3 separate vendors, quotes must be listed on P.O. plus written approval from Town Supervisor. $1,250.01 to $3,500.00 Highway epartment Only Documented telephone quotes from at least 3 separate vendors, quotes must be listed on P.O. and written approval from Town Highway Superintendent and Town Supervisor. $1,500.01 to $3,500.00 Except for Highway Department, documented telephone quotes from at least 3 vendors and authorization from Town Board 'approval. $3,500.01 to $8,000.00 Commodities (salt, sand, gravel, fuel, etc.) of $8,000.00 and over Public works and Town projects of $15,000.00 and over Formal written quotes from at least 3 separate vendors and Town Board approval. Sealed bids in conformance with Municipal Law § 103. Sealed bids in conformance with Municipal Law §103. B. Before going out to bid, Town Board authorization is needed. C. Delivery/freight costs must be included in the total dollar amount and not added after the quote or bid. bidder. D. Quotes and bids will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive vendor and E. In all circumstances, whenever other than the lowest quote or bid is awarded, there must be written documentation of the reason for the award and authorization of the Town Board for award. F. i.'nder no circumstances can a quote that exceeds the bid limit be awarded." U:\WAPP!NGE\ an,n Board'LOCAL LAVE,ProcuremeritPolicy\Locallaw.doc Section 4. Separability If any part or provision of this Local Law or application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be adjudged invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation to the part of the provision or application directly involved in the controversy in which judgment shall have been rendered and shall not affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this Local Law or the application thereof to other persons or circumstances, and the Town of Wappinger hereby declares that it would have passed this Local Law or the remainder thereof had such invalid application or invalid provision been apparent. Section 5. Effective Date This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing in the office of the Secretary of State in accordance with Section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law. O:\WAPPINGE\Town Board\LOCAL LP.W\ProcurementPolicy\Locallaw.doc (Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and strike out that which Is not applicable.) 1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No- ------ ._ ��2_______________________ of 20 -OZ - of the pp- S ` C3{#iFt�C)Xii(Town)(�3�1of Wa �1------------------------------------ - - ---- ---- - - ------------ was duly passed by the Town Board -__ on Feh,__ �5 20.92 � • Same '-_ , in accordance with thea applicable provisions of law. --------- Fe -b,--25 ojLegulativa Body) Pp p 2. (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or repassage after disapproval by the Elective Chief Executive Officer*.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No- ___________________________________ of of the (County)(Citv)(Town)(Village) of ___________________________________ ..0______ ----- -------------- was duly passed by the -----------------------------------------------on ------------------ FY 20 ___ , and was (approved)(not a proved)(repassed after (Name of Legislative Body) disapproval) by the __________________________________________________ and was deemed duly adopted on------------------->0 /Elective Chief Esecutive Officer*)--- , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. 3. (Final adoption by referendum.) I hereby certify that the local lav annexed hereto, designated as local law No. ___________________________________ of 20--____ of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of ________________________________ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _______________ was duly passed by the ------"--"'---------------------------------------- on 20---_ , and was (approved)(not approved)(repassed after (Name of Legislative Bodv) disapproval) by the _________________________________________________ on------------------- 20 _'• Such local law was submitted (Elective Chief E.ceeuive Office, •) to the people by reason of a (mandatory)(permissive) referendum, and received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting thereon at the (general)(special)(annual) election held on __________________ 24, - in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. ' 4. (Subject to permissive referendum and final adoption because no valid petition was filed requesting referendum.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. ___________________________________ of 20--____ of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village) of ________________ y________________ __ _ -___ __ ____-__________-_ was duly passed by the -'--- .Verne '- L'-eeis/a-- t-ve B-- o Jv----------------------- ------------------ ------ on 20__-- , and was (approved)(not approved)(repassed after lof t disapproval) bythe__________________________________________________ rElective Chief E.recutive Officer•) on ------------------ 10 ___ .Such local law was subject to permissive referendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of __________________ 2a_-_ , in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. * Elective Chief.' Executive Officer means or includes the chief executive oflicer of a county elected on a county- wide basis or, if there be none, the chairperson of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of a town where such offices• is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances. 5. (City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. __ _________________________------ of 2002___ • of the City of _____________________________________________ having been submitted to referendum pursuant to the provisions of section (36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(general) election held on___________________ 20____, became operative. 6. (County local law concerning adoption of Charter.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. ___________________________________ of 20______ of the County of ____________________________________________________ State of New York, having been submitted to the electors at the General Election of November ______________________ 20----, pursuant to subdivisions 5 and 7 of section 33 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors of the cit- ies of said county as a unit and a majority of the qualified electors of the towns of said county considered as a unit voting at said general election, became operative. (If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropriate certlflcation.) I further certify that I have compared the preceding.local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner in- dicated in paragraph ----- L------ above. (Seal) Clerk of the County legislative bo�v, Com, Town r illage Clerk or officer designated by local legislative bodv GLORIA- IlQRSE, TOW�LERK (Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney or other authorized attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF - DIiTCHERS I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto. ignature ALBERT P. ROBERTS - Attorney to Town k)�Rx of Wanvineer Town NW Date: — a & G L X --- (3)