1988-11-28AGENDA PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE FOLLOWING IS THE AGENDA FOR THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 28, 1988 AT THE TOWN HALL, 20 MIDDLEBUSH ROAD, WAPPINGER FALLS, NY PROMPTLY AT 7:00 P.M. APPEAL #1052 AT THE REQUEST OF WILRO CONSTRUCTION, INC SEEKING A VARIANCE OF 3 FEET. THE REQUIREMENT FOR FRONT SET BACK IS 35 FEET AND DUE TO CONTRACTOR ERROR THE STRUCTURE WAS PLACED 33 FOOT FROM FRONT LOT LINE AT MINA DRIVE AND NORMAN COURT IN THE R-20 DISTRICT AND BEING PARCEL #6257-01-019629. SIGNED: JAMES BROOKER ZONING BOARD CHAIRMAN DATED: NOVEMBER 14, 1988 VIM A TOWN OF WAPPINGER ZONING BOARD NOVEMBER 28, 1988 MINUTES QM DNINNVId SW3ddV 30 (MV09 9NIr.OZ 0 2 8 89 TOWN HALL 20 MIDDLEBUSH ROAD WAPP. FALLS. NY 12590 The regular, meeting of the Town of Wappinger• Zoning Board was held on Tuesday, November, 28, 1988, at the Town Hall, Middlebush Road, Wappinger• Falls, New York, beginning at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: James Brooker, (Chairman) Alan Lehigh Mike Hi r•kal a Al ber•ta Roe MEMBERS ABSENT: James Tompkins OTHERS PRESENT: Lia J. Scianna Zoning Board Secr•etar•y Herb Levenson, Zoning Administrator The meeting was called to order, at 7:30 p.m. Mr,. Br,00ker, explained how the meeting would be conducted. NEW BUSINESS: 1. APPEAL #1052 AT THE REQUEST OF WILRO CONSTRUCTION, INC SEEKING A VARIANCE OF 3 FEET. THE REQUIREMENT FOR FRONT SET BACK IS 35 FEET AND DUE TO CONTRACTOR ERROR THE STRUCTURE WAS PLACE 33 FOOT AND DUE TO CON- TRACTOR ERROR THE STRUCTURE WAS PLACED 33 FOOT FROM FRONT LOT LINE AT MINA DRIVE AND NORMAN COURT IN THE R-20 DISTRICT AND BEING PARCEL #6257-01-019629. Mr,. Br,00ker,: Is the house already built. Mr,. Novak: Being built. Mr,. Br,00ker,: How did you manage to do this one. Mr, . Br,00ker, : Did somebody take up your, stakes? Mr. Novak: Yes Mr,. Levenson: Mr,. Chairman, as the Zoning Admi ni str,ator•, I would recom- mend that the variance be granted with the conflicted hardship. Mr,. Br,00ker,: They kept on moving the stakes on him, there is not much he can do about it. I myself would propose a hardship. -2_ Mr,. Lehigh: I would caution him to be more careful in the future. Ar,e you checking it more thoroughly as your, putting up the new houses. Mr,. Novak: yes. Mr,. Levenson: If you see the ;Make.: being removed again make sure you give me a call. Mr,. Brooker,: Does the board have any question at this time. Mr,. Hir•kala: What sides ar•e the boards on. Mr,. Novak: The boards ar•e all on the outside. Mr,. Hi r,.kal a: I make a motion to decl ar,e a Negative Decl ar,ati on Mr,. Lehigh: Seconded the motion. Vote: All ayes. AW The motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: Mr,. Hir•kala made a motion to adjourn. Mr,. Lehigh seconded the motion. Vote: All ayes. The motion car,r•i ed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lia J. Scianna Zoning Eoar•d Secr,etar•y LA