Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2008
Wednesday, May 7,2008
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
May 7,2008 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph J. Holt. Also
present was Kay V onReyn, Acting Senior Director. Commission Members present were
Gary Trudell, Bruce Lustig, Uma Satyendra and Max Dao.
The minutes of the March and April 2008 meetings were approved with ~o
Mr. Holt began by reminding the Commission members to check out their
assigned playgrounds. The parks are now being used on a regular basis and need to be
monitored regularly for safety hazards..
1. Maintenance application receiv~d from Joseph DeRosa, Jr. applying for a full
time position in our Maintenance Dept. We were given the permission to hire Mr.
DeRosa. He started working today and will be assigned the Town Hall as a part
of his regular duties. He is filling the slot left by Anthony Musarra, who is now
on permanent disability.
2. The following resolutions were approved at the April 14th Town Board Meeting.
a. 2008-126 (Adopted) - Electrical work to be done for Senior kitchen, large
. meeting room, Supervisors kitchen and exit signs. As of this date work
was completed by Powerhouse Electric but needs to be inspected by the
building department..
b. 2008-128 (Adopted) - Authorizing Recreation to hire a full-time
Maintenance employee. Joseph DeRosa, Jr. has been hired and will start
work on 5/7/08.
c. 2008-129 (Adopted) - Authorizing an additional time clock to be installed
at the Recreation Barn on Montfort Road. The phone line necessary for
installation has been put in place. The time clock will be installed by
Craig Roberts. This will be a great time saver for our Maintenance crew.
d. 2008-132 (Adopted) - Authorizing Bug Busters to spray for ticks at eight
recreation parks. The first spraying has already taken place. Mr. Holt
pointed out that this will be a very bad year for ticks and warns our
commission members to be careful when checking out the playgrounds.
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2008
3. An estimate received from Bug Busters outlining their procedure for eliminating
the goose population on our properties. The time for this has already passed for
this year but it is explained that the eggs are oiled therefore not allowing them to
hatch. The parents then tend to leave the area. We may pursue this next year.
4. Letter and Maintenance application sent to David Hongach in response to his
request for employment in our maintenance dept.
5. E-mail received from the Dept. of Health covering topics such as the listing that
must be sent to the Dept. of Justice, clearing all Town employees that interact
with our children, our responsibilities in regard to First Aid, CPR and RTE
training, including defibrillators at each camp site. Copies sent to Scott Cheney.
Mr. Holt asked Mrs. Manning if we have ordered the AED's. She said that that
was being taken care of by the Supervisor's Office. Mr. Holt suggested that we
order five (5) of them so that the one at Robinson Lane can be replaced. Mrs.
Manning suggested that the replaced AED could be used at Schlathaus Park.
6. A flyer was received from Wenger promoting their mobile stage unit. Price range
for these units are $90,000 to $120,000. Most popular model runs $105,000.
Information available to whoever is interested. Mr. Holt said that since the
building of new homes has slowed considerably the Parkland fund will not be
receiving revenue and suggests that we should start using grants for things that we
want Qr need for Recreation. Ifwe can be taught to write grants it would go a
long way toward getting us what we require.
7. An e-mail was received from Joe Incoronato in regard to the new cell phones and
our new provider, Verizon. This switch will save the Town about $4,600 a year.
The direct COlmect and texting features have been eliminated from these phones.
8. An e-mail was received from Doug LePerche of the WUSC asking our
maintenance dept. to help out with some tasks needed to 'get Airport Park ready
for the beginning of their Spring season on April 26th. The maintenance dept. has
'completed the list of jobs requested by Soccer including filling in and leveling
parking lot with Item #4.
9." The Youth Bureau Spring Newsletter was received at the office. If you wish to
have a copy, please let Eileen Manning know.
10. Per Mr. Holts request, Doug Haan, Safety Officer for the Town, brought in a short
bio outlining his experience and job description. Mr. Holt will be speaking to the
Town Board at its meeting on Aprillih about Doug Haan and what he does for
the Town. There are times that we must ask Mr. Haan to spray for bugs or use
pesticides as our maintenance men are not permitted by law to spray any of these
chemicals. It is our hope to send one of our maintenance men to a seminar in
2009 to qualify him to do this job. Mr. Holt continued by explaining the daily
routine at the parks especially, but not exclusively, when the camps are in
11. A form was brought to the Recreation Office for Ralph from Supervisor Colsey
which requests the use of Correctional Facility Inmates for use by the Town (In
this case by Recreation Maintenance). A form is included in Mr. Holt's packet.
Mr. Holt indicated that we have used the inmates previously and with very good
'results. They would be most helpful working at Camwath and Reese Park
clearing and widening trails.
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2008
12. A Mr. John Hayes came into the Recreation Office inquiring about the possible
use of fields by the Southern Dutchess Lacrosse organization. The teams would
be made up of players from several surrounding towns and would range in age
from about 9-yrs to 13-yrs-old. This program would act as a feeder program to
the joint RCK and John Jay Lacrosse team. Their games are played in the spring.
Mr. Hayes's address is: 15 Regency Drive, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Phone # - 298-0224
Website for Org. : southerndutchesslax.org
13. A contract was brought in by Roland Norris of the Wappingers Yankees and will
be presented to the Town Board requesting $1000 for services rendered to the
Town by their organization.
14. A fax was received from Adams Fence with estimates for the fence at
Rockingham Park. The welded wire fence is estimated at $10,395.00 and the
9 gauge galvanized fence is estimated at $32,525.00. Estimates in Mr. Holts
packet and copies were forwarded to Bob Sheridan. Mr. Holt feels that once the
fence is up that it should stay there so that the saine twe of vandalism will not
happen again.
1. Per a previous request complete listings of all out properties and structures were
forwarded to George Kolb on April 22, 2008. A question was raised at a Town
Board meeting as to the number of structures owned by the Town including
buildings, dugouts, outbuildings, etc. We were also asked for dates and
certificates of occupancy where available or applicable. These were not available
to us.
2. A letter was sent to Joe Mitchell of the Dept. of Health requesting a waiver for
immunization record for Camp attendees. . This waiver has been granted.
3. A letter was sent to a Mrs. Dinio informing her that she is a Town of Fishkill
resident and therefore must register with that town's recreation programs.
4. Two letters and checks were sent by Kay V onReyn to Ruth Speedling, who was
ill, and to the family of Ginny Maynard, who passed away, as a refund for the
AARP Defensive Driving Class, sponsored by the Senior Center.
5. A memo was sent to the Town Board requesting the purchase of a digital camera
for Recreation. The purchase was approved at the April 28th Town Board
meeting. Paperwork was given to Scott Cheney to make the purchase at
Wal *Mart.
6. A memo was sent to the Town Board requesting fermission to hold the "Mom
and Pop Senior Walk / Run on Saturday, July Ii ,2008. We will need to wait for
the minutes of that meeting to know ifit was approved. Last years event had a
turnout of about 60 seniors.
7. A memo was sent to the Town Board asking for approval to hire a full-time
replacement for Anthony Musarra. This was approved and Joseph DeRosa Jr.
will be starting on May i\ 2008.
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2008
8. Letters were sent to Waverly Pest Control, Craig Thomas Pest Control and NY
Tick Control thanking them for their bids to do the tick spraying for the Town.
The contract was awarded to Bug Busters.
9. A letter was sent to the Supervisor asking to waive the $300 limit for checks
accepted as payment for our Summer Playground Program. The limit was waived
with the stipulation that a drivers license number and phone number appear on the
10. A letter was sent to Graham Foster from Ralph Holt asking about his intentions to
get rid of the computers in the basement at Schlathaus Park. As a result, the
computers have, after three years, been discarded.
11. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey in response to the claim made by Graham
Foster that money was collected by our maintenance department for the disposal
of scrap metal. Mr. Foster had originally suggested that Recreation should not
use the reclamation center for this type of disposal and directed us toward Royal
Carting. Since Royal Carting was used, there was no money collected or involved
in the transaction except for the bill we received from Royal Carting.. "
12: Letters were sent to the following asking for contracts for our Summer Concert
Series: Steve Schultz, Bob Martinson, James Osborn, Johnny Dell, Barry Petrillo,
Dorraine Scofield"and Joe Vaccaro. "
13.-Letter sent to Susan Plass of Marshall & Sterling with a claim and information
regarding the light pole that was hit at Robinson Lane~ Because the damage was
done by a vehicle we must now wait to hear from Allstate Insurance.
14. Two letters were sent from Kay VonReyn to Nelson Rivera and Barbara Bambina
thanking them for speaking to the Seniors. Mr. Rivera spoke about benefits for
veterans and their widows and Ms. Barribina spoke about the many services that
the Office of the Aging offers to Seniors. . "
15. Letters were sent to Joseph Norton, Chief Commissioner of the New Hackensack
Fire Co., Steve Boccagna; President of the New Hackensack Fire Co. and Renate
DiAngelis of the Gold Stat Mothers inviting them to participate in our Memorial
Day Ceremony on May 26th.
Mr. Holt ran quickly through our plans for Memorial Day stating that all speakers,
musicians and participants have accepted their invitations. The wreaths have been
ordered and the plans are set for th~ Supervisor's tour of the village and Chelsea Yacht
Club concluding at the 2:00 PM ceremony at Schlathaus Park. Press releases will be sent
out by Mrs. Manning.
Mr. Holt ran down the coming events for our new commission member, Max
Dao. Besides Memorial Day we run the playground "End of Summer Picnic",
Community Day, Halloween, Veteran's Day, the Christmas Tree Lighting and, of course,
Easter, in which Mr. Dao has already participated by playing the Easter Bunny. Sign-ups
for our Summer Programs are a very big part of our job as well.
Recreatian Cammissian Meeting
May 2008
Althaugh Mr. Cheney was nat in attendance at this meeting he sent a repart
discussing the fallawing tapics. Farty-five Caunselars and Directars will be returning to.
wark this summer at aur playgraunds. Based an registratian anather 5 to. 10 new
emplayees will be hired. Interviews far new hires will take place an 5/13,5/15 and 5/20.
One natable disappaintment is that Jared Trumpetta, aur Water Safety Instructar fram
last year, will nat be returning. Swim lessans can nat be given witho.ut a WSI. Hawever,
the children are able to. go. in the water and playas lang as a lifeguard is an duty.
Atthis time, Mr. Cheney reparts, the Summer Theater Pragram run by Jaanne
Fentan will be held in the WCSD auditariums: WJHS, RCK and VWJHS.
In discussing the planned Camwath Cancert/Appreciatian Day in his repart he
mentio.ns having cantacted two. area bands as passible entertainment. If the Tawn Baard
gives Recreatian appraval far this praject Mr. Cheney will salidifyarrangements with
either "The Ners'" o.r "Nuts in a Blender". Mr. Halt painted out that a great deal afwark
wauld need to. be dane befare any further plans cauld be made. The field wauld have to.
be cleared and sprayed far ticks: Parking areas wauld need to. be designated and mast
impartantly a passage to. the back afthe praperty wauld need to. be apened to. allaw traffic
to. get thraugh. .
Mr. Cheney askS far an escart far the Lake Gearge trip planned far July 19th.
Max Dab said he wo.uld check his schedule and see ifhe is free. Ifno.t, Mr. Cheney nated
that he wauld escart the trip.
Ms. Satyendni. has no. repart at this time.
Mr. Trudell brought a map af Carnwath to. the meeting and proceeded to. explain
an additianal walking trail that he wauld like to. see set up an the praperty. A vi sitar to.
the property asked him if a circular trail, ane that begins and ends in the same place,
wauld be a passibility. Mr. Trudell and his wife autlined a trail that wauld start at the
upper parking lat and go. to. the upper partian afthe praperty from which yau can clearly
see bath the BeacanlNewburgh Bridge and the Mid-Hudsan Bridge. When yau reach the
sauth end af the praperty there is an existing trail and pawer line area clear far walking.
The trail wauld then came back up an the raadway that carnes aut near the kiask and then
back to. the upper parking lat. Mr. Halt indicated that Greenway is also. in the planning
stages af a new trail. It is nat knawn at this time what ground their trail will caver. Mr.
Halt said that it wauld be wise to. caardinate aur plans sa that dauble wark is nat dane.
Mr. Trudell will be meeting with Greeway far that purpase.
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2008
Mr. Holt asked if Max Dao has been to Carnwath. He said he's been there twice.
Uma Satyendra has not been there and would like to visit. Mr. Lustig suggested that the
whole commission meet there some time. Mr. Holt indicated that he would be meeting
with Kay V onReyn and Bob Sheridan on the property to see if any use could be made of
the property for the Senior Center. The plan is to see what it would take to make the
accessible areas usable. On May 2151 Mr. Holt has been asked to go before the Town
Board to present his "vision for the future" of Carnwath. The most important
consideration where the Seniors are concerned is accessibility and parking.
Ms. VonReyn began by saying that the average daily attendance for April was 39,
up from last year. Aprils special event was held at Sinapi's with an attendance of78
Seniors. The kitchen renovation is under way with the electricity being completed. The
second bus trip, to NYC with a ride on the Circle Line, was a success and the next trip to
Mohegan Sun is sold out. Activities are picking up on Tuesdays with members coming
in to play pinochle and bocce as well as the painters and exercise people.
The Wappingers Public Library is going to bring "Wii" 'to us once a month. It
will be held on Tuesdays 'after Osteo exercises. The, library will send a representative to
show us how to play the games.
This months newsletter is based around walking. There is information on the
"Mamas and Papas Walk / Run" which will take place the second weekend in July as
well as our own walking program. The walkers keep track of the humber oftimes they
walk around the Town ,Hall, six times equals one mile. '
The back room of the Senior Center is being reconfigured to accommodate two
work stations instead of one. Furniture from Staples would run about $750.00 and better
furniture from Hudson Valley Office'Fumiture will run over $2000. We have sent out
nine cards to members this month, two to the families of Seniors who passed away:
Carmela Laurino and Antoinette Mautoro. Three incidents occurred in the center. A
chair collapsed but no one was injured, Mary Jane Racz fell at Sinapi's but was okay and
there was a non-member who fell when exiting our back door. An ambulance was called
for her because she hit her head when she fell. She was taken to the hospital but was
released with a clean bill of health.
Mrs. V onReyn indicated that she received a phone call from a woman who wanted to
plant some flowers by the 9-11 monument in the front of Town Hall. Does our
maintenance dept. take care ofthat area? She is willing to do the planting herself. It was
not clear whether she would supply the flowers or if we would. In any event Mr. Holt
ask that she be contacted and told that we would allow her to do that. Mr. Holt added
that four handicapped parking spaces would be added in front of Town Hall and the curb
all around the building would be repaired or replaced as well.
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2008
Mrs. Dave was not in attendance but sent a report. On April 23rd she attended the
fitness social at the Oak Grove School. A table was set up with Recreation Guides to
give out and she was there to answer questions about our programs. Other private sport
and fitness businesses were in attendance.
Parents were impressed with the number of activities that the Town has to offer at
such reasonable prices. Mrs. Dave stressed the fact that participants in the playground
program must be Town of Wappinger residents. Information was also given out to some
grandparents about the Senior Center as well. Dawn Turpin-Orgetas, our winter
gymnastics program coach, invited us to participate in this event.
Mr. Lustig had no report at this time.
Mr. Dao, who escorted the Town trip to Foxwoods Casino, said the trip went well.
He, as the leader, received $100 in certificates from the casino to be used for'purchases'
(not cash).' Everyone was back to the bus on time, which made his job much easier. He
stated that he would be happy to escort other trips ifhe is available.
Mr. Holt touched on some facts discussed at previous meetings including the
access road to be put in at Camwath., It will cost the Town approximately $50,000 to
complete. He stated that he doesn't envy the Town Board and the situation they are in.
After supporting the mansion from the basement up, they are now faced with a leaking'
roof. A tarpaulin will be placed over the roof to prevent further water damage to the
interior. lfthe building has to be taken down it may cost close to $500,000. TheTown
Board has a big decision ahead of them for the final fate of the mansion. The timeline for
the referendum to the taxpayers has not yet been planned. Mr. Lustig asked about the
condition of the carriage house. Mr. Holt indicated that it is safe and the fence around it
will be removed.
An e-mail was sent to Mr. Holt from Doug LePerche of Soccer complaining about
their parking area being used by Neave Landscaping and Brown's Driving School. The
"Item #4" (gravel) in the lot is being pushed out of place by the big trucks. These
businesses are also using the Porta-Johns and leaving them in terrible condition. Mr. Holt
will be writing a letter to Neave and speaking to Ken Brown about their employees and
vehicles using our facilities. Signs will be put up in the area to help the situation,
A speaker system will be borrowed from Little League and used at the M'emorial
Day ceremony at the Chelsea Yacht Club. We have two speaker systems. One will go to
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2008
the village and the other will be used at Schlathaus Park. Mr. Holt gave a rundown of the
dignitaries that would attend the Schlathaus ceremony.
The tennis courts on Pye Lane are in such bad shape that we have had to lock up
the four courts on the one side ofthe road. Bob Gray, Town Engineer estimates that the
reconstruction of these courts will run close to $200,000 dollars. The two courts on the
other side of the road could be resurfaced and back in good condition for about $2,600.
This will go to the Town Board at it's next meeting. We are still waiting for estimates on
the first base dugout for Holt Field at Robinson Lane. That, too, will go to the Town
Board when we have the estimates needed.
Mr. Holt mentioned the court case that is still pending against the 17 and 18-year-
olds responsible to the vandalism at the Rockingham fields. He states that the courts
intend to fine them about $1800 each plus 100 hours of Community Service.
Mr. Holt asked Stephanie Kovalsky, Eileen Manning's assistant, to make up a
financial report showing the income for Robinson Lane including use of fields, regular
and lighted, and income from advertising signs put up on the fields to be presented to the
Town Board on June 9th. Before other organizations are allowed the usage of our fields,
. L.ittle Le;1gue is given first choice as to dates for field use. The WCSD is given the next
choices for use.
A number of questions were. raised by Mr Trudell. He asked if plans had been
dropped for the idea of a cell phone tower on the RobilJ-son Lane property. Mr. Holt said
that nothing ever came of that.
Since their leaving no retirement party has been given for Skip Rottkamp or
Nancy Cito. Mr. Trudell wants to know it we are planning any. Mr. Holt has asked
Peggy Roe to look into a place for Skip's party and has found that Cappuchino' s is
available at the end of June. A guest list will be put together and invitations will be sent.
Mr. Trudell asked why Joanne Fenton had a problem with holding her Theater
Camp at Camwath last year. Mr. Holt stated that the heat was the main factor with no
air-conditioning or fans along with the children being very active it was not a comfortable
It has been called to Mr. Trudell's attention that citizens of the Town have been
using the old tennis courts at the Jr. High School as a doggie park. What is the status of
Mr. Bettina's plans for the dog park? The Castle Point area is no longer an option be
cause of the canes that vent the landfill. Carnwath's fields are too heavily grassed to
make it feasible to use. Graham Foster has suggested a piece of property at All Angels
Hill Road and Old Hopewell Road behind the White's Estate. Unfortunately this
property floods when the creek rises.
Eileen Manning, Recreation Secretary