1. Vote on the Minutes of the November 24th, 1987 meeting.
1. Appeal #1018, at the request of F����i�_&_J������_S���[k���, seeking a
variance of Article IV, S421 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance
to allow the construction of a carport which will require an 8 foot
variance where 20 feet is required on property located on Old Hopewell
Road, and being Parcel #6157-04-968456, in the Town of Wappinger.
ki i
2. Appeal #1017, at the request of C����ll�_K[���[n��[� see ng a var ance
of Article IV, S470 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance to a1low
a variance from the 50 foot driveway requirement on property located
on 28 All Angels Hill Road, and being Parcel #6259-03-475065, in the
Town of Wappinger.
1' Appeal #1014, at the request of t����_&_G�il_Weber, Tc-
.... a
variance of Article IV, S421 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance
to allow a 3 foot variance where 10 feet is required for an above
ground pool on property located on 6 Flintrock Road, and being Parcel
#6256-02-639756, in the Town of Wappinger.
Appeal #1013, at the request of David_&_Sus@n_Levitan, seeking a
variance of Article IV, S412 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance
to allow for the issuance of a building permit on a lot which does not
have legal road frontage on a Town Road on property located on Myers
Corners Road, and being Parcel #6258-02-894596, in the Town of Wap -
1. Appeal #1019, at �i�
the request of p�t�[_T���, seeka ing �peczal
Use Permit of Article IV, S422, P6 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning
Ordinance to allow an automotive repair business as was in existence by
the prior owner on property located on 15 Old Route 9, and being Parcel
#6157-02-549955, in the Town of Wappinger.
DECEMBER 22ND, 1987 - 7:00 P.M.
The regular meeting of
Zoning Board of Appeals was
held on Tuesday,
December 22nd, 1987 at
Town Hall, Middlebush Road,
Wappinger Falls,
New York, beginning at
Mr, Urciuoli, Chairman Mr. Cortellino
Mr. Brooker Mr. Hirkala
Mrs. Roe
Ms. Linda Berberich, Secretary
Mr. Herbert Levenson, Zoning Administrator
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M..
Mr. Urciuoli read the first item:
to, Urciuoli asked for a motion on the Minutes of the November 24th~
19G7 Meeting.
vow Mr. Brooker made a motion to accept the Minutes as read.
Mr. Cortellino seconded the motion.
Vote: All ayes
The motion was carried.
Mr. Urciuoli explained how the meeting would be conducted.
Mr. Urciuoli read the first item:
Appeal 41018, at the request of F[gPW_&_J99999_0909y, seeking a
variance of Article IV, S421 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance
to allow the construction of a carport which will require an 8 foot
variance where 20 feet is required on property located on Old Hopewell
Road, and being Parcel #6157-04-968456, in the Town of Wappinger.
Francis Sharkey, Old Hopewell Road was present.
Mr. (Wciuoli asked the Secretary if all the green cards had been
Ms. Berberich replied that they had.
Mr. Urciuoli asked, is the carport attached?
Mr. Sharkey answered, it is going to be attached, yes.
Cortellino asked, this is on Old Hopewell Road, is it a new house?
Mr. Sharkey answered, no it is an old house. The house has been there
for about 30 years.
Mr. Urciuoli asked, you have about an acre and a quarter?
Mr. Sharkey answered, yes.
Mr' Hirkala asked, what is the purpose of the carport because you have
a 2 car garage in the house now, right?
Mr. Sharkey answered, yes. Because I park on the side of the house,
either in the front or on the side it doesn't matter where I park I
have the spruce trees and the pitch keeps falling on my cars and the
cars are constantly full of.....
Mr. Cortellino stated, the question I think that Mr. Hirkala had was
you have a 2 car garage, you are not utilizing the 2 car garage right
Mr. Hirkala asked, how many cars do you have?
Mr. Sharkey answered, we had 3 up until this present, now we have 2
cars, but I use one side of the garage I have my workbench and one
side we use. You might just say it is a one car garage because I won't
have room for my lawnmowers and all my other stuff if I, and it would
be convenient and it would keep my car out of the weather. I have been
parning on the side of the house since I live there.
Mr. Urciuoli asked, what is the distance on the other side of the
Mr. Sharkey answered, there is alot of distance but I can't get there.
I would have to cross my leach fields.
Mr' Hirkala asked, how about in the back?
Mr. Sharkey answered, you get all that runoff from the hill. It would
be inconvenient in the back.
Mr. Urciuoli asked, is this carport for 2 cars?
Mr. Sharkey answered, it will be the whole side of the house because...
Mr. Uricuoli stated, that is the depth. What is the width of the car-
Mr. Sharkey answered, between 14 and 16 feet.
Mr. Hirkala asked, can't you make it any smaller than that?
Mr. Sharkey answered, if I make it any smaller, the purpose of it is I
want to make sure my car gets covered. I don't want to put a half of
carport. If I am only going to stick it out 3 or 4 feet I don't need
it. I spoke to my neighbors and they have no problem with it.
Mr. Hirkala asked, how wide is a car, 6 or 8 feet?
Mr. Urciuoli stated, a parking space is 10 foot wide, 10 x 20.
Mr. Hirkala stated, you are asking for 14 feet when a normal parking
space is 10 feet.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, it looks like you are looking to put up a 2 car
carport, whether it is 2 car or one car, the thing is if you had a one
car carport you wouldn't need a variance. One goes in the garage and
one goes in the carport.
Mr. Sharkey stated, if you are going to tie into the house, into the
rafters that are coming off the house, you are not going to make my
house look like a sore eye to the public so it would have to be the
whole length of the house or none at all.
1r. Urciuoli stated, what we are talking about is what is the width
from here out?
Mr. Sharkey answered, I had a carpenter, there is a tree standing up on
the side, we were not going to go beyond that tree. It could be 14
feet, 12 feet, somewhere in that area.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, we need to know, is it 12 or 14 feet?
Mr. Sharkey stated, it is not going to be beyond what I am asking for.
It would probably be less.
Mr. Urciouli stated, maybe what you should do is get more definite
plans or something for us to look at. You are not sure whether the
Mr. Sharkey stated, the width would probably be 12 or 14 feet for sure.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, if it is 12 or 14 feet that is going to change the
amount of the variance that you are asking for.
Mr. Sharkey stated, no it won't because if I went out 16 feet, I was
asking for an 8 foot variance and that is all I need.
Mr. Urciuoli asked, so what you are doing is you are going out 16 feet
from the house?
Mr' Sharkey stated, after the carport is built I don't have 20 feet
between my line and the property line, I have 12 feet.
Mr. Hirkala asked, and how big is the carport?
Mr. Sharkey answered, it is going to be whatever I had on this origi-
Mr. Hirkala asked, so what you are saying is if you build it out 14
feet you will have 12 feet left over. If you build it out 10 feet you
will have 16 feet left to the sidelot and that is why I asked you why
you are going out 14 feet.
Mr. Sharkey stated, well maybe I don't have to go 14 feet.
Mr. Cortellino stated, there is something wrong with the numbers. On
my drawing it says the width of the carport is 16 and the distance from
the carport to the line is 12 which makes a total of 28 feet. So, if a
single car is going in or going in railroad style, bumper to bumper,
that extension could be 9 feet, or 10 feet and it would be a minimum
variance. The numbers are not adding up. Is it 16 or 12, is it 28
feet from the side of the house to the lot line, that is what I don't
W%WMr. Urciuoli asked, do you have a survey?
Mr. Sharkey answered, I don't know if there is one home or not. My
wife is going to be here shortly. Is there someone else that could go
ahead of me?
Mr. Urciuoli stated, what I would like to know is if it is really 12
feet. What is the dimension from the house to the sideline?
Mr. Sharkey stated, it is more than 12 feet from my house to the side-
line, yes. I told you I need, after my carport is up I need, I am
asking for an 8 foot variance because I only have 12 feet from my car-
port to the border line. I have 12 foot after it is built.
Mr. Brooker made a motion to set this appeal aside until the end of the
Mr' Cortellino seconded the motion.
Vote: All ayes
The motion was carried.
Mr. Urciuoli read the next appeal:
Appeal #1017, at the request of C��ill�_K������, seeking a variance of
Article IV, S470 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance to allow a
MW variance from the 50 foot driveway requirement on property located on
28 All Angels Hill Road, and being Parcel #6259-03-475065, in the Town
of Wappinger.
Camille Kraemer, 26 Virginia Avenue was present.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, the question that I have is there was a problem
with the mailing cards?
Mrs. Kraemer answered, there are only 4 people I had to mail to and 2
came back. The other property which is across the street has been on
the market and has been recently sold, that person has moved out of
Town but I know that the property has been sold recently and I don't
know who is supposed to speak for that. The other person was the owner
of B & D Contracting property, that was mailed to a New York City
address. I got the 2 local ones back, but I didn't get the other 2.
Mr. Hirkala stated, suppose the people never pick up their mail?
Ms. Berberich stated, she has the white receipts showing that they were
Mr. Cortellino stated, when something goes in the mail it is presumed
VAW Mr. Hirkala stated, I think an honest effort has been made to notify
the abutting property owners.
Mr. Cortellino
did you have a lawyer
representing you when you
bought this
Mrs. Kraemer
I had Pat Campanella
representing me during the
Mr. Cortellino
did you explained what
you wished to do with that
property to
Mrs. Kraemer answered, no, not really.
Mr. Cortellino stated, I think you may have a problem because what you
are doing, I am not concerned so much with the 50 foot, 25 foot vari-
ance. What you are doing is creating a 3 lot subdivision without put-
ting in a Town Road.,
Mrs. Kraemer stated, no, I don't want 3 lots. I had come before the
Board before for a 3 lot subdivision and found that, Herb must have had
the old map, all I am asking for now is to divide it in 2 and have one
Mr. Cortellino stated, it is still a subdivision without a Town Road.
Mrs. Kraemer stated, we want to leave one cut on All Angels Road, a
shared driveway and have one driveway go off the other people.
-6 -
Mr. Cortellino stated, there is only one frontage for one house and
what you are doing is subdividing.
Mr. Kraemer stated, that is what I am appealing. I have 75 feet on Al]-.
Angels Road.
Mr. Cortellino stated, you are appealing the 50 foot frontage.
Mr. Kraemer stated, technically I have 75 feet. It was my understand
when I bought this that it was a 25 foot requirement for frontage so,
originally I thought I could subdivide it into 3 lots because I had
well over 3 acres but then I found that you couldn't do that because we
needed a road, this road that you are talking about. So, then I
thought was the least I could do, because I have spent a great deal of
money on this house and the only way I can recoup it is cutting off a
lot is by just having one cut and just having it divided into the house
and an acre and a half and the other lot.
Mr. Hirkala asked, what was the date of the Zoning Ordinance change?
I think it was the fall of 1986. I am suspecting that the Zoning Ordi-
nance change took place, if I am not mistaken some time in August or.
September of 1986 which leads me to the point where she is stating that
her understanding was 25 foot frontage, she went into contract November
1986 which means there is a conflict there because the thing would have
been changed prior to that.
Mrs. Kraemer stated, l had a copy of the Zoning Book and it said 25
feet and that is what prompted me to buy the property.
Mr. Hirkala stated, there was a revision in the mean time.
Mrs. Kraemer stated, I wasn't aware of the revision.
Mr. Hirkala stated, the Zoning Book is dated March 10th, 1980, that
doesn't mean that everything in there since 1980 hasn't changed.
The change took place prior to when you went into contract. What I am
trying to do is come up with either establishing, or completely nigat-
ing any attempt of a vested right.
Mr. Cortellino stated, I am not concerned so much about that as the
legality of subdividing without putting in a road.
Mr. Hirkala stated, I have a problem with that myself.
Mrs. Kraemer stated, why would you need a road?
Mr. Cortellino answered, because the Town requires, anytime there is a
subdivision for a road to be put in up to Town specs.
Mrs. Kraemer asked, you can't subdivide your own piece of property
without putting in a road? What if you have the required road frontage
then what?
Mr. Cortellino answered, you would still need a road unless all the
houses had the frontage.
Mr. Urciuoli asked, when does a driveway become a road?
Mr. Cortellino stated, you are allowed to put a house, which is facing
a public road and naturally there is a driveway that connects the
garage or the house to the road. If you have 2 houses then you would
need, lets say, 2 driveways going to a public road. If you don't do
that, take a development, forget whether it has 100 houses or 50
houses, they have a main road coming out to a public highway, public
road, right, but there are roads within that development where the
houses or driveways connect to a road.
Mr. Urciuoli asked, what is the length of the driveway?
Mrs. Kraemer answered, probably about 600 feet. It is quite far off
the road.
Mrs. Kraemer stated, we are right next to the subdivision Marge Godbout
and company are preparing for the other parcel. The quickest and
easiest way for us to go would be to buy 50 feet from her and connect
to the proposed road that she has there but she is not interested and
we have tried that. We have tried everything as far as getting this
second house and nobody is willing to bend. Now we have a house that
is not really worth anything sitting on 3 and a half acres of land.
Mr. Urciuoli asked, if becomes a matter of whether you can pick up
another 25 feet of property to have 2 - 50 foot.
Mrs. Kraemer answered, in order to get the legal frontage and I have
tried' I have tried both people on either side of me and for whatever
reason nobody wants to SHE,
Mr. Hirkala asked, is there a house on the lot in front of you?
Mrs. Kraemer answered, there is nothing in front of us. B & D is over
here and then there is us and then there is a big field. The driveway
really has to be widened but like I said, we put so much money into
this we can't afford to do anymore. There is enough there vacant if
they wanted to sell it.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, I am just wondering, maybe not in an asthetic
point of view, it is the only way to look at it but is it better to
have 2 - 600 foot driveways running parallel or a common driveway.
Mr. Hirkala stated, 1 don't think it makes a difference. I don't think
we can aliow, the variance we could allow we be from the 50 foot Zoning
Ordinance requirement. We can't, the fact of one driveway would be
another question.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, I am saying that if she was able to pick up the
extra 25 feet where she wouldn't need a variance and have 2 driveways
running parallel 600 feet.
Mr. Hirkala
stated, she
still have
to have it. We would have to vary
the 50
foot requirement
on a Town
Mr. Urciuoli
stated, she
need it. She has 75 feet now. If
she had
another 25 feet
she would
have 100 foot.
Mr. Hirkala stated, she is asking for 2 lots.
Mr. Uricuoli stated, right, and each lot would have 50 foot frontage.
Mr. Hirkala stated, but she is asking for 2 lots variance off of 50
foot would be to split the 75 in half. 30 and 35, whatever you want.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, assuming she had the 75 feet, which she has, if
she was able to pick up another 25 feet from one of the neighbors on
either side she would have combined 100 foot frontage and then if she
came in for a subdivision into 2 lots each lot would have 50 foot road
frontage, therefore she wouldn't need, as far as the road frontage
goes, each lot would have its own 50 foot frontage.
Mr. Hirkala stated, and there will be 2 driveways, and if we grant the
variance there still would be 2 driveways because there is a provision
in the ordinance that says one driveway per lot. We can't grant a
variance to have, off the 50 foot road frontage and the driveway also,
that is a whole other question.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, there would be no need for a variance other than,
she wouldn't even need a variance.
Mr. Cortellino stated, it is my contention, say there is 100 foot
frontage here, that is on the 3 acres. If you subdivide you can't put
in just a driveway, you have to put in a road through the area up to
Town specs.
Mr. Hirkala stated, she can do that now.
Mr. Cortellino stated, I don't think she wishes to do that.
Mr. Hirkala stated, but the point is that she can do that now. It just
doesn't pay for 2 lots.
*&W Mr. Urciuoli asked Mr. Levenson, when does a driveway become a road or
is there such a determination? This driveway right now is 600 feet
Lona to the one lot which we are trying to subdivide into 2 lots
Mr. Levenson stated, I would say that under the ordinance, the way it
is written now that this would have to become a road. It would have to
be brought up to road standards.
Mr. Urciuoli asked, what would happen if she had that initial driveway
coming in, the 600 feet as a private road?
Mrs. Kraemer added, and a cul de sac at the end. The could I get 3
Mr. Hirkala stated, if you did that you probably should build a Town
Road that long.
Mr. Levenson stated, you can have driveways off of the cul de sac, I
have no problem with that. A private road up to the standards is no
problem here.
Mr. Hirkala stated, I would like to know the legalities for doing that.
Mr. Levenson stated, somebody would have to certify to us that this
~w, road would be able to support either the New Hackensack Fire Dept.
tanker or the Hughsonville truck if there was a mutual aid call.
Mrs. Kraemer asked, whats existing or a new one?
W. Urciuoli stated, if you feel that what is existing can support
Mr. Hirkala stated, my saying is that what you would have to do, pro-
bably° would be to bring it almost up to the Town Road specs. If you
had to do that you might be better off just going ahead and creating a
Town Road there and get the 3 lots.
Mr. Levenson stated, we have enough time between now and the next
meeting. When I come back I will structure a meeting with Mr. Croshier
and let him look at it. He could tell very quickly.
Mr. Brooker stated, if you are going to subdivide 2 pieces of property
I would like to see how it is going to be done.
Mr. Levenson stated, I just don't want the applicant to spend anymore
money until we have sufficient evidence that that egress will be suit-
able to, not to the Highway Superintendent, but suitable so that we
will know that there will be fire protection and medical protection.
Mr. Hirkala stated, can I talk from a Planning philosophical standpoint
as to whether or not the Town, legislatively wants to have private
roads feeding building lots.
-10 -
Mr. Levenson stated, that would have to go to the Planning Board.
Mr. Hirkala stated, I have a very serious question in my head as to
whether or not this is something that we should be taking a hard look
at. There is a pretty good possibility that the Town, in its planning
concept, which would be legislatively from the Town Board and to the
Planning Board as to whether or not the want to see private roads feed-
ing subdivisions.
Mr. Levenson stated, I will set up a meeting with Mr. Croshier to find
out if he thinks the road is acceptable and then I will set up.....
Mr. Brooker stated, before you find out from Ken you should go to the
Planning Board first to see if they are going to allow this.
Mr. Hirkala stated, if we grant a variance on this particular site we
are going to have to have good reasons to grant it otherwise we are
going to be locking ourselves into a situation where everyone is going
to be asking for the same favor.
Mr. Cortellino made a motion to table this item subject to hearing from
Planning Board and Ken Croshier.
Mrs. Roe seconded the motion.
Vote: All ayes
The motion was carried.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, what I would like to do is take a minute, this is
the last meeting that I am serving as Chairman of the Zoning Board and
what I would like to do is to thank the other Board members for sup-
porting me the past year, and helping me out with various appeals and
I would like to thank Linda who has been the Secretary to the Zoning
Board and myself for helping me out through the course of the past
year, you have been a great help, and especially Herb, who has had to
feel alot of my questions, some sensible and some totally non -sensible
and I thank him for his patience and time.
Mr. Urciuoli read the next item:
(1)Appeal #1014, at the request of St����_&_G��il_W�b��, seeking a variance
of Article IV, S421 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance to allow
a 3 foot variance where 10 feet is required for an above ground pool on
property located on 6 Flintrock Road, and being Parcel #6256-02-639756,
in the Town of Wappinger.
There was no one present.
Mr. Urciuoli asked the Secretary the status of this appea]
Ms. Berberich replied, I am pretty sure at the last meeting the Attor-
ney asked this to be tabled until the next meeting so he could meet
with his client.
Mr. Cortellino stated, they are not here. I believe that our Attorney
even questioned the fact that we gave an extension and I believe the
Minutes show that the appellant presumes that we are going to deny him
the variance which he may be right in my case and he indicated that he
wished to go to court. The Minutes showed implied threats or implies
court action so I see no reason to carry it on our calendar, I move
that it be denied. There were plenty of areas, the pool could have
been changed, there were other situations. The Board had gone out to
examine the property and he has determined, for perhaps asthetic rea-
sons, or whatever reasons it will go in that spot regardless of what we
Mr. Brooker stated, there seems to be no undo hardship, I will second
Vote: All ayes
The motion was carried.
Mr. Cortellino stated, it was the lawyer who asked for the extension so
he should be aware that it was on the calendar.
Mr. Urciuoli read the next appeal:
(2)Appeal 01013, at the request of D�><id_&_S����_L��i����, seeking a var-
iance of Article IV, S412 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance
to allow for the issuance of a building permit on a lot which does not
have legal road frontage on a Town Road on property located on Myers
Corners Road, and being Parcel #6258-02-894596, in the Town of Wap-
David & Susan Levitan were present.
Mr. Levitan read a letter into the Minutes that he prepared. (Letter on
Mr. Urciouli stated, I think in the past we had demonstrated to you,
and had some dialogue as to our concern about the drainage in particu-
]ar on the property.
Mr. Hirka]a stated, I think we pretty much made it clear that there is
a sympathy on this Board for the right of someone to utilize their
property and I think the discussion in the past of this Board is not
necessarily is not whether or not this property has the right to be
built on but the method by which you can build on this property. That
has been the discussion in the past on this particular situation and I
think that is the direction that it should go and if after all is said
and done its a determination by the owner that it wouldn't pay to build
on this property that has to do with the conditions of the property,
that is a buyer beware situation. We have to be concerned about the
fact that somebody buys his property and has a problem they are going
to be back in here screaming at us
Mr. Urciuoli stated, the other problem that I think that we had as far-
aras we could tell that I believe when Mr. Wood was here that the ROW
only goes to the corner of the property. There is no way that you have
access up into the property. It just hit the corner, it does not go
any further than the corner. One of the points that we brought out at
the last meeting was the ownership, when Mr. Wood was here, of Miller
owning both lots. Once he owned both lots they then merged together as
one lot and now cannot be separated back into 2 lots. Mr. Wood ans-
wered at that time that it is an illegal subdivision, therefore, based
on the illegal subdivision we cannot grant any variance of any kind on
that. I am even wondering why this is back on the agenda from that
point of view.
Mr. Levitan stated, that is not correct because even though it was on
the same deed it still has always been a separate property. Here is a
copy of the deed (on file) which shows parcel 1 and Parcel 2. There
was never a merger.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, when the same persons owns both of the lots it is
automatically, it becomes one lot.
Mrs. Levitan asked, the how can a person sell it?
Mr. Urciuoli stated, that is what our Attorney told us at the last
meeting. It was an illegal subdivision and should not have been sold
as a separate lot.
Mr. Levitan stated, when I spoke to the Zoning Administrator he didn't
bring un any question about that.
NO. Urciuoli stated, the Zoning Administrator is not going to have that
information privy to him, he is not going to know.
Mr. Levenson stated, it is not the Zoning Administrators purview to
interpret deeds.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, exactly, that is one of the reasons you hired your
attorney in buying a piece of property and a title company.
Mr. Levitan stated, neither my Attorney or the title company brought up
anything that suggested that this constituted an illegal subdivision.
*ftw Mr. Cortellino stated,
when Ms. Kraemer was here earlier,
my first
question to her was, did you tell your lawyer
what you wished to do
with the property.
It is the lawyers duty to
look into
obstacles, and the Zoning Ordinance that you could do whatever you do.
In her case, for her to subdivide she needs a road up to Town specs.
You don't need it, I am bringing it up as an example of what the
Attorney's should review.
Mr. Levitan asked, are you trying to tell me that if I buy 2 lots right
next to each other automatically they become one lot?
Mr. Urciuoli stated, if they are non -conforming then they become one
lot and these were non -conforming lots.
Mr. Cortellino stated, if you are the owner of 2 - 3/4 acre lots in a
one acre zone you are the owner of a 1 1/2 acre lot.
Mr. Urciuoli added, and if you have 2 deeds on it.
Mrs. Levitan stated, what he was saying before is that we had a right
to build on it and it sounds like what you are saying is we don't.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, when we found out with our Attorney here at the
last meeting, and maybe Dave you got a little worked up and you didn't.-.
quite hear what the Attorney was saying and never let us quite finish
when we were talking, I gave you the courtesy of reading your letter,
just let me finish, we will see what we can do to help work it out for
you but some of this stuff is beyond our control at this point. If you
have non -conforming lots and the same party owns them both, as Mr.
Cortellino stated, they become a single lot and what Mr. Wood stated
that if that is the case in which he felt in reading the deed was the
case that it was an illegal subdivision and we can't grant any variance
of any type. What we also asked, and this is a little part that I am
trying to get through is that Mr. Hirkala asked Mr. Wood that we wanted
to know if in fact these were 2 lots or not. We asked him to search it
out and see if there is really a separate lot or a single lot meaning
both lots being a single lot. Next we asked him to give us some
direction as to what our position would be. The access to the lot,
water, and where we stand as to whether or not a variance could be
granted and the problem of the drainage and that is what we asked Mr.
Wood to input to us for this meeting and that is what I thought we were
going to see something and I guess we don't have anything. I am read-
ing from the minutes of the last meeting.
Mr. Levitan stated, what happened was I was confused or I didn't
understand that I was on the agenda for the last meeting and I wasn't
Mr. Hirkala stated, I think it is extremely important for us to get the
input from the Attorney as to where we stand because we can't act at
lw� all if we are going to act illegally.
Mr. Levenson asked, was Mr. Wood asked or was it transmitted to him all
the deeds that we in question?
Mr. Urciuoli stated, we had the file here, we went through the file
with him.
Mr. Levenson stated, I think you have another question, Mr. Chairman,
to address is I have a letter in our file from Mr. Ruff who is the
public health engineer that there was supposed to be a meeting on
November 12th with regards to this lot that was rescinded of the Health
Dept. approval. We have no answer as to what happened at that meeting.
Also, in my notes to you on November 24th I asked 3 questions which is
the normal 3 ouestions that and Zoning Administrator would ask before
we can go any further.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, we read those into the Minutes and that is a
matter of record of the last months file. The second letter regarding
the Health Dept. I don't have a copy of that.
Mr. Levitan asked, so what you are saying is this constitutes a flaw
in the title and I don't really have title for this property?
%= Mr. Hirkala stated, we are not saying that.
Mr. Levitan stated, an illegal subdivision doesn't that constitute a
flaw in the title?
Mr. Hirkala stated, this Board can't make a determination that your
title is wrong.
Mr. Levenson stated, my suggestion is that we get something in writing
from Mr. Wood and my comment with regard to the title company is the
title companies have been known to make errors. I think we should wait
for Mr. Wood's letter to come in and have Mr. Levitan talk to his law-
yer and discuss Mr. Wood's opinion.
Mrs. Levitan stated, as far as the Board of Health approval we have
reached an agreement. As long as we do certain things.
Mr. Levitan stated, at that meeting that Mr. Levenson was talking about
my engineer and the Towns' engineer sort of came up with an idea of a
plan and asked to do some more work to finish it but I would like to
get this matter resolved before I spend that money.
Mr. Levenson stated, I will talk to Mr. Wood tomorrow, I have a noon
time appointment with him and I will ask him to immediately address
this and send us a letter and then I will send a copy to Mr. Levitan as
soon as we get it.
Mr. Levitan stated, what you are telling me is either my lawyer made a
mistake or that the title company made a mistake and that if the lawyer
11MW -15-
made the mistake then I would have to sue my lawyer and if it is the
title company then I would have to sue the title company?
Mr. Cortellino answered, we are not sure that is why we are going to
our lawyer.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, quite frankly we wouldn't be able to tell you and
I wouldn't recommend that you go an sue anybody on our say so.
Mr. Cortellino stated, when our Attorney advises us, if our attorney
says that we cannot consider this because it was an illegal sale and we
deny you for that then you can take action against which ever party you
feel is at fault. We don't know if it is legal or not and that is why
we are going to our attorney for an interpretation.
Mr. Levitan stated, so what you are telling me is what the 3 possibil-
ities are, you are going to grant me the variance, or that my lawyer
was at fault, or that the title company is at fault.
Mr. Cortellino stated, we may also deny you the variance.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, I don't know the rules and the guidelines as to
what the title company is actually searching, some people tell me the
title companies search just to find out if there are leans on the
property and that is all they do. They are not actually searching the
boundaries and to certify that it is buildable, they are not certifying
that it is a legal lot. They are just certifying the fact of, you
would have to read your title contract from them to see what services
they are actually providing for you. The only statement that we can
make to you is according to what Mr. Wood our Attorney told us at the
last meeting when he read through the deeds that we provided, and maybe
he didn't have every page of every deed that he looked at 2 non-
conforming lots that were owned by the same persons which makes it one
lot, therefore, one of the lots cannot be sold off. If that possibil-
ity exists then we cannot grant you a variance, irregardless of what
the reasons are for wanting the variance. Our hands are tied. What
your recourse is of that matter I would have to tell you to consult
another attorney or your attorney. I couldn't tell you what to do at
that point. The first thing we would need to know is whether or not it
is a legal lot so that we can go to our next step. We also had the
point of addressing being in the water district, there were alot of
other concerns that we were addressing at that time when we got thrown
a curve by our attorney.
Mr. Levenson stated, I recommend that this matter be held over for a
legal opinion from the Town Attorney of the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Cortellino made that motion.
Mr. Brooker seconded the motion.
Vote: All ayes
The motion was carried,,
Mr. Ur"c::!.uo.l.i read the next i'i.:.em
(I)Appeal #1019, at the request of Fet_er_••Tomasi,c., seeking a Special Use
Permit of Article IV, S422, P6 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordi-
nance to allow an automotive repair business as was in existence by the
prior owner on property located on 15 Old Route 9, and being Parcel
#6157-02-549955, in the Town of Wappinger.
f , present.
Peter r�f..:li�1:::t Sii: :l. C:: .1 t )l::i C�I .I. C.I Hopewell C:).a FSi'!°d .I. F'l C]r�C� t•J....S
No,r:_ t ! '' �asked, : a CHerb, my understanding was that there ,as '
M•.",. I....eVr_.;,nson answered, yes there was a SUP and it was granted to
Schwing America. They moved out of tI'1at. building :i3.nd r_f'rl'I".ed the buil ...
ding ne;;t. door. We looked at: the site plan approval on that: from t:.he;:'
Planning . k 7 cr cand we find there -ita been n n changes in , h wcu iirr - g
:�a.t: all and it was feeling i. ng t:ha..: we could use this mai.. because ..t,E:::•r-e
.. our t r-• � F� r..a 7 c. •i- c_ i .� c c.. i" �
were no changes. What we :=dr -e trying. basicall`r to do is save t: he':::te
good people some money.
MI.. +...ir-c i. uc.:?l i. stated, it is my understanding that. like a variance a SUPruns�:..ai. h the 1. :and and not. with the r_7wner-•...
stated,I1r. Levenson a SUP will run with the lessee or the owner of the
mraperty. in this case the lessee.
Mr. i..., i r" I a I. Ea. stated, c., C:: h a v n g got. a SUP and they left so it is over.
Mr. Levenson stated, :=f .a SUP does not go on forever and i -ver., It ends.
The i e:•? (. j n . y thing thatgoes o n for ever is a land variance.
Mr. Ur'C: ]. ! ro 1. i asked, was this s f.•: ve?r operated as an automotive? shop','
Mr. n t.:{r"L'oR•;e:?1'' stated, it !°da?:i %.7. e:? c".tr"' .
Mr. Levenson stated, what: you l"1c:1ve really is a. lessen sen off• environmental.
problems here.
Mr:.. Hirk;_a.la stated, 1 would 11.ke to see s1ome improvements as to t:he:..,:, I
don't see anything here for oil storage.
ra r,.. n .!_ r-, m a s ;. c::: stated, t: want to store in 2 - • ,... gallon tank::::,
above the
ground or in the ground.
`wMr. Hirkala stated, this will be referred to the Planning Board.
Mr. Brooker asked, how about if he washes down the area after he does a
job he has gas and oil on the floor what is going to happen to the
Mr. Levitan stated, we will make it so it goes into the oil drain pit.
Mr. Hirkala stated, and I might also point out that the fact that I
just recently found out that the injection into ground water is con-
trolled by the EPA.
Mr. Levenson stated, the Planning Board would take the EPA standard and
put it in their granting of the site.
Mr. Tomasic stated, if we get a spill on the floor we use the speedy.
Mr. Hirkala stated, when you wash a vehicle the .....
Mr. Tomasic stated, we will not wash vehicles.
Mr. Hirkala asked, you are not going to wash the floor?
Mr. Tomasic answered, no, we are going to sweep the floor.
Mr. Levenson stated, the EPA rules that if he uses the absorbent he
doesn't have to wash the floor.
Mr. Hirkala stated, my primary concern is ground water contamination.
Mr. Tomasic stated, I have worked in the automobile industry for 15
years and we never washed the floor. We used the sorbo, we sweep
Mrs. Roe asked, where do you get rid of the sweepings?
Mr. Hirkala asked, so what you are saying is you never wash any
vehicles inside?
Mr. Tomasic answered, no, absolutely not. It is not a car wash. You
want to wash the car you go some place and wash the car. Strictly
repair, tires, shocks, brakes.
Mr. Brooker asked, how about if you have to steam clean an engine?
Mr. Tomasic answered, I will not do that. I will not clean engines.
Mr. Levenson stated, his comment to me was that he would not steam
clean engines and he would take that as a condition.
Mr. Brooker asked, if a guy comes into you with a dirty engine, say it
is 5 or 6 years old and he has an oil leak you have to clean that
engine down to find where the leak is coming from don't you?
-18 -
Mr. Tomasic answered, no, I will not get into that.
Mr. Hirkala asked, what are you going to do with your spare parts, the
used parts?
Mr. Tomasic answered, all the old parts, if I need a water pump or
shocks or anything I will take the old one to the junk yard, someone
will pick it up. l will arrange with the people to pick it up.
Mr. Hirkala stated, the used tires are going to have to be stored
inside somewhere.
Mr. Tomasic answered, the used tires will be picked up once a week,
once every two weeks, however I arrange with the people. There will be
no cars outside. I will only take as much work I can take a day.
Mr. Hirkala stated, this is going to be referred to the Planning Board
for a SUP review and site plan review. I am not sure they are going to
want to take this plan, that is up to them. But, what I would like
from you, personally, is in writing to deal with some of the questions
that have been brought up. Submit to the Board for our final review,
before we grant a SUP how you propose to deal with the oil with the
floors, the used parts, and put that in as part of your application to
us and that will be a part of the SUP when it is granted. This way if
there are any violations you said you were going to do this.
Mr. Tomasic stated, I will be operating from 8 in the morning to 6 in
the evening, 6 days a week, and on Saturday from 8 to 5.
Mr. Urciuoli asked, you will be the only one working in the shop?
Mr. Tomasic answered, I will have 4 or 5 people.
Mr. Cortellino made a motion to refer this application to the Planning
Mr. Hirkala seconded the motion.
Vote: All ayes
The motion was carried.
Mr. Urciuoli stated that they will not go back to Appeal 01018 at the
request of Francis & Jeanne Sharkey.
Francis & Jeanne Sharkey was present.
NOW Mr. Uricuoli asked Mr. Levenson, the question that we had earlier, the
primary concern is the lack of a detailed drawing to know exactly where
the sideline setback lies, what the dimensions are, rearyard, sideyard,
-19 -
whether the width of the garage is 16 feet or 14 feet.
Mr. Levenson stated, that will come out in the building permit. The
variance requested is an 8 foot variance.
Mr. Hirkala stated, I disagree with that, I think he could do less.
The thing I have in front of me says, one says 14 x 32 and the other
says 16 feet.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, what I asked is whether there is a survey of the
property. I asked him if he had one.
Mrs. Sharkey stated, it was surveyed when the person who owned this,
all the lots are now subdivided.
Mr. Levenson stated, say that you decided to grant a variance, you
could grant a variance subject to the garage being no closer to the lot
line than 12 feet, the carport.
Mr. Hirkala stated, this short EAF says the amount of land effected is
16 x 30. That is another dimension.
Mr. Brooker stated, you do have a 2 car garage even though you use it
to store your mowers in and everything else.
Mrs. Sharkey stated, we can only use one. I guess the fireplace comes
in part of the garage.
Mr. Sharkey stated, they call it a 2 car garage but I have a big Chevy
and if I put the car in I wouldn't be able to shut the door because
there is that much sticks out.
Mrs. Sharkey stated, there is a room on the other side
Mr. Sharkey stated, when they put the fireplace in the house it sticks
into the garage so actually they call it a 2 car garage so I use one
side to store my lawnmowers because you can't put 2 cars in there.
to, Urciuoli stated, if you put up a carport for a one car carport
there wouldn't be a need for a variance.
Mr. Levenson stated, you have the right to discuss alternatives.
Mr. Urciuoli stated, my concern was that when you operate with a survey
you know what your sideyard setbacks are.
Mr. Cortellino asked, how deep is your house?
Mr. Sharkey answered, 32 feet, the garage is 32 feet long on the side
of my house. But there is a den in the back of the house.
-20 -
Mr. Urciuoli stated, in that room that is behind the garage there is a
fireplace, the fireplace sticks out into the garage, therefore, the
cars in one sense don't fit in.
Cortellino stated,
since there
is 32
feet, that is alot of dis-
They could play
just enough width for one car
it could run the
length of the
Mr. Sharkey stated, I want it wide enough to cover my car.
Mr. Hirkala stated, anywhere where you go in this Town the ordinance
specifically states there will be a 10 foot parking space. If we go to
a minimum variance how do we know it is enough. We can say, well he
wants 8 feet so we can say, well we are going to give you 4 feet, we
are going to chop 4 feet off your request. That might put you down to
the point where you have 8 foot because we don't know the exact dis-
tance from your property line to the house.
Mrs. Roe asked, from the side of your house to the property line do you
know the exact distance?
Ow Mr. Sharkey answered, 28 feet there now. By the time I put my carport
up I had 12 feet to the property line.
Mr. Hirkala asked, with the carport being how big?
Mr. Sharkey answered, 16 feet.
Mr. Levenson stated, the statute says that each parking spaces shall be
10 foot wide, unenclosed. If that is the case then if he wants to put
a carport up then he can put a carport up and the width should be 12 or
13 feet. 12 foot gives you a 6 foot variance.
Mr. Hirkala stated, 12 foot you are lookinq at a 4 foot variance.
Mr. Sharkey stated, my property runs, one side is longer than the
other. It sits on an angle.
Mr. Levenson stated, I think you are safe in saying that Mr. Sharkey
could build the carport not closer than 16 feet.
Mr. Jrciuoli asked, but how does he still know where his property line
Mr. Hirkala stated, that is why I asked if the Building Inspector will
require a survey because he can build that thing out 12 feet.
*4W Mr. Levenson stated, when he puts the pipes in we can go out and mea-
sure it.
Mr. Hirkala asked, how are you going to know where the line is unless
ou shoot ii
Mr. Sharkey stated, there are pipes in the ground in the back of the
house and there is a pipe in the ground in the front of the house.
Mr. Levenson asked, are there any other makers that you know of?
Mr. Sharkey answered, all the trees are marked in white on the property
Mr. Hirkala asked, have you actually stretched that from pipe to pipe
and measured it out?
Mr. Sharkey answered, yes, I put a string through there.
Mr. Hirkala asked, and what is the closest point?
Mr. Sharkey answered, he said it would be better to shoot for an 8 foot
variance because he doesn't think we will need 8 but it is better to
have more than you need.
Mr. Hirkala stated, we can't grant variances that way.
W. Levenson asked, are you telling me that there are 2 pipe marks on
either end of the lot?
Mr. Sharkey answered, yes.
Mr. Hirkala asked, how is 4 feet? According to his figures that would
give him s 12 foot carport.
Mr. Levenson asked, in other words the overhang cannot be any wider
than l2 feet?
Mr. Cortellino stated, that is correct.
Mr. Hirkala stated, I will make a motion for a variance of 4 feet with
an unenclosed, forever, carport. The overhang will not be any closer
than 12 feet to the property line.
Mr. Cortellino stated, and make the overhang 12 feet.
Mr. Brooker seconded the motion.
Vote: All ayes
The motion was carried.
Mr. Cortellino made a motion to close this appeal.
Mr. Hirkala seconded the motion.
Vote: All ayes
The motion was carried.
Mr. Cortellino made a motion to adjourn.
Mr. Brooker seconded the motion.
Vote: All ayes
The motion was carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M..
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Berberich, Secretary -
Zoning Board of Appeals