1989-11-23"3WN OF WAPPINGER ZONING BOARD VEMBER 23, 1989 MINUTES IR TOWN HALL 20 MIDDLEBUSH ROAD WAPP. FALLS. NY The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board was held on Tuesday, November 28, 1989, at the Town Hall, Middlebush Road, Wappinger Falls, NY beginning at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Mr. Brooker Mrs. Roe Mr. Tompkins Mr. Lehigh MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Hirkala OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Levenson/Zoning Administrator Lia Scianna/ Zoning Board Secretary JAN 2 '3. 90 QJ ZONING B., . Ztl Of 93 PLANNING BO;.RD 12 le meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Brooker explained how the meeting was going to be conducted. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. APPEAL #1078 AT THE REQUEST OF SHERRILL A. TORBECK, SEEKING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT OF ARTICLE IV SECTION 445 OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT AN ACCESSORY APARTMENT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 20 DEGARMO HILL ROAD AND BEING PARCEL #6258-02-754670, IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER. Sherrill Torbeck present. Mr. Brooker: Your requesting an accessory apartment, mother/daughter, correct. Mrs. Torbeck: Yes. Mr. Brooker: Did you just move into the house? Mrs. Torbeck: I came from Westchester, and the house was an inheritance to me. Mr. Levenson: What happened Mr. Chairman is that we discovered this was an �onymous complaint, stating that the applicant premises is being used as multiple family dwelling. The applicant was unaware of this at the time. This has been approved before. -2 - They did not know that they had to come back in. Mr, Lehigh: This was an approved mother/daughter before. Mr, Levenson: It's a completely different entity with a separate entrarc+ way. M.-. Brooker: A separate kitchen and bath. Mr. Levenson: Yes. Nr. Brooker: You do understand of course, if your mother moves out, ihe Specfal Use Permit is revoked at the time. Mrs. Torbeck: My mother is only 50. � Mr. Levenson: What the Chairman is trying to say is, if your mother lao aA � or moves out the Special Use Permit is immediately revoked, � Mr. Lehigh; Do you have a hardship reason? Mrs. Torbeck: My mother lives alone` there is no father. �r Brooker: Would anyone like to speak for or against the app\io�nt�` � ^ ' Mr. & Mrs. Barnes: Will there be an increase in our property taxes, and if em will the value of our property increase? � � � Mr. Lavenson: Their property will be re -assessed by the Assessor. The � law states that there shall be no physical outward change on the structu e. � You cannot build in the Town of #appfnger to create........... The apprn`*!V � struoture fs......... an accessory apartment with a Special Use Permif Lh-t � is inspected by the Zoning Administrator and Fire Inspector, � Mr. Tompkins made a motion to declare a Negative DaclaratTon, Mrs. Roo seconded the motion. Vote; All oyes. The motion carried. Mr. Tompkins made a motion to close the public hearing. Hr Lehigh seconded the motion. Vote^ �ll ay�s The motion carrYed. -3- r. Tompkins made a motion for the special Use Permit for an accessory apartment be approved with the condition of annual inspections by the Zoning Administrator and Fire Inspector. Mrs. Roe seconded the motion. Vote: All ayes. The motion carried. ADJOURNED PUBLIC HEARING: 1. APPEAL #1069, AT THE REQUEST OF LOUIS AND JEAN BALDUCCT SEEKING A VARIANCE OF ARTICLE IV SECTION 421 OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER ZONING ORDINANCE AS FOLLOWS: A. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A 25 FOOT SIDE YARD AND YOUR SHOWING ERECTED POOL 7 FEET FROM THE SIDE YARD REQUIRING AN 18 FOOT VARIANCE. B. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A 25 FOOT SIDE YARD AND YOU ARE SHOWING THAT THE DECK IS 10 FEET FROM THE SIDE YARD AND REQUIRING A 15 FOOT VARIANCE ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON PYE LANE AND BEING PARCEL #19-6356-03-167090, IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER. %,.4e applicants were not present. Mr. Levenson: For the record the Zoning Board Secretary did mail a agenda to the applicant, your alternative is to dismiss with prejudice, and the issue for the removal of the case. Mr. Brooker: We have a time frame of 30-60 days on this. Mr. Lehigh made a motion to dismiss the case on prejudice. Mrs. Roe seconded the motion. vote: All ayes. The motion carried. Mr. Lehigh made a motion that the applicant has sixty days to come back to remove the pool and deck which is in violation, and thirty days to re -open the case. Mr. Tompkins seconded the motion. Vote: All ayes. The motion carried. In -4- APPEAL #1075 AT THE REQUEST OF JOHN AND MINNI. SOKO. SEEKING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT OF ARTICLE IV SECTION 416, PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER ZONING ORDINANCE FROM THE SIGN ORDINANCE, IN THAT YOU HAVE A DOUBLE FACED SIGN WHICH IS NOT FOR BUSINESS ON THE ABOVE LOCATION MARKED, ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON ROUTE #9 AND BEING PARCEL #19-6157-04-604495, IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER. vA Mr. Brooker made a motion to go in executive session until 7:--:;0 p.m. Mr. Tompkins seconded the motion. Mr. Levenson: This conversation now will not be on public record. The conversation was not recorded. The Board resumed at 8:05 p.m. Mr. Lehigh made a motion to declare a negative declaration. Mr. Tompkins seconded the motion. Vote: All ayes. ^'he motion carried. . Lehigh made a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Tompkins seconded the motion. Vote: All ayes. The motion carried. Mr. Lehigh made a motion that the applicants can have their sign one year at a time. If the property is sold the sign comes down. If they change the configuration in any manner, they must come back to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Tompkins seconded the motion. Mr. Lehigh made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Tompkins seconded the motion. Vote: All ayes. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. R spectfully,submitted, la �J. Scianna IN A -S- _=7 | ~~- / oond uns with inspections for the recmrds. I make a mot1on to granL tUse P�rmit. M/. Leh{8h saoonded the motion. Voto: Th motYon carr�ed, -4. ;%PPEAlL #1074 AT THE REQ-UEST OF SEEKING A SPECI"AL US[ PERMIT TD O�ER,4TE A DAY CARE CENTER UNDER ARTZCLE I SECTZON 4,3O 71-1E TD�N OF ZNGER 20NZ#G ORDINANCE O# PR,OPERTY LDTED ON ROUTE QD D B�I�6 PARCEL #(,,157-01-07O62B, IN THE TC -WN OF WAPPINGER, Nr. Leveos(:�n: We have to refer this baok to th� PlannYn-_-� Board. �r. Grcnker� I don't think w� can aot on thia withuut ofte plan approval. �r. Tmnpkina: Can yu te-ll me the siz� of t p,roperty� �� ^ h/. kul�, 7Sx120^ Mr. Mfrkala: Is theng to be any �h�nge� I �ot a pr�bl�m w�th how g�iog to �pe,a",te hcre. I/d like to oee sum�pr thin� oo poe. Ar� you go ing to add onto the build ing� What about antranoas? �r. Kulb� They ar� m|1 there. Nr. Hirkolf you/re gofn9 to run a day oar nursery, T _9m gViog 1, c, r�qu�st that thera b, a se.par_9tYon b e t w en the cars and C;hil�ren. Hr. KmYes. MrHirkela: I want to see fn�ress and egress and Z want t0 see how th� kYdng +o be droptped off. Mr. Kulb: I seems to me that all the day ca -res, that are in this Town ha� a vague interprptetion un what states a dmy oore oe,nter, Nr. Levensnn: Zf y(-.)ur going to put � day care in a residential zune. one-f�mi)y hou�e thet/a e dffferent c ategory. You gointo tuk� a pi�ue of th� commercYal property, then the site h�s to pr-s�nt�� t� the P|anning B��rd f�r th�ir invyyti��tion, �n� then g�t referred back to the Z�ning 8oard for a Speofal Use Permit - � -7- TompkMI first questi�n to you wfthout going eny further i� nmt yo)og to allow the front door to b- uoed as an kz� xit. You are right Do top *f o highway. Thfs fT not for kidbettar makmome plan abuut cl,oing somethYng else, because that door right on the highway �s a hazard for ki&s going in �nd out. The Fire n Guflding Jnspeotors 9s �robably going to have a lot more to say on thi,s. Mr. Levenson: The Tg*n of Wappfnger requires a Special Use P-rm�t gardles of what the State says. Mr Hrkala8o you have a oC) p of the Special Uae Permit re4uir�eme:{a fur the Town of Via ppYng p - r. I suggest you review it. hr.�kthe rest of the 6oard would l'1kw to sea the S��a P��o don/t have a prob |ern ref errfng t to the PlennYng Goard, but I would do it wjfh the oonditn that there would be a underat�ndin� m` the appljuants part for hi� role and what lie has to du. �,i|. Sm{th" I understand that. iirwfth thl--� Gui|ding Dapar tment and �et a feel of what hu� vm� bean requ�r�d �n th� p�st and get a feel of what is expeoted from th� PlannYny rd and Zonfn� Board. Mr. Lahigh mada a mution to ad��urn the public hearfng. Nr, Rua seconded the motion, Yut�� �ll my�S- The mVtYu1 orr�ed. Mr, Hirkala maolk� a motion to refer,the appl7oant to the Plannin-J 8uarJ for Lheir oomment�. M.`. 8the mu+ion.ehw Vote: All ayes. Th� motiuo ��rried 5. �PPE�L 01875, AT THE REQUEST OF EKI�� � USE PE�MIT OF �RTICLE IV SECTION 416, PARAGRAPH G 0F TH[ TO�H THE SIG# DRDIN�NCE ZN TH�T YOU HA�E 0RDINANCL +K� , F�CE� SIGH #HlCH IS #DT FDR 6USINESS ON ThE ��0V[ LOC�TIU� ROPER�Y LOCAT[D DN R�UT� RK�Q 4#D GEING PRCEL #1O-8157-84-§O4�3�, K�� �N Y OF �4PPINQ�K, -8- Mr. Levenson: Thera was a Special Use Permit issued back in '83, for a six month period and this permit was never renewed, and there now here for e renewal on the sign. Mr. Hirkila: A Special Use Permit issued for the sign. Nr' Levenscn: Yes, that's the sign for Old Route D by the Sunoco Stat)u: Nr. Brooker: The sign is bigger then what the Zoning ordinance allowz. Mr. Levenson: Under the /85 Amendment the sign was issued o 3pecial 0s - "'Pain t , s -Permit. Mr. Hirkala, He was granted that under the old sign ordinance'? Nr. Levenson! Yes. Nr' Sokol4 T don't know why the first permit expired, I was never notified. Now I'm notified with the expiration date. I asked for a permit when it was first put up and never received one. At the time, I had a parent that was sick, I asked for a copy of the permit, and � ^ never received one. Nr. Levenson: The Special Use Permit was for six months, it was nevar, renewed after that. Mr. Sokol: I was never notified of any expiration date at all, and I can't undorstand wh/ the first permit was issued in 1879. Nr, Hirkala; You say the original application was in 197Q3 Mr. Soxol: Yea. Mr. Hirk�la� Su the one �n 1878 would be under the 1863 ordinance. T|`� ^ law states that there is a five year maximum on Special Use Perm+s ~ � Special Use Permit shall be issued for the length of time deofgnateo by the Planning Board, no less than five years. Gy 1085, the sign Thou/ � have been gone, or the applicant should of came in for a Varianca. Mr. Lehigh: on you have a hardship? M/`. SOW: I had o snrious operation and I can only work part time. Mr. Brouk,r made a motion to adjourn the public hearing. Tompkins seconded the motion. YuteAll ayas. r The moLion carried. 9 Mr. kirksla� hardship'? Nr, Levenson: Mr. Levenson, could you have a latter showing proof or . Yes, I could have it by the next meeting. S. APPEAL #10761 AT THE REQUEST OF SEEKIN8 A VARIANCE Of ARTICLE IV, SECTION 421, OF THE TOWN OF WAPPIN6ER ZONlN(� DRDI#AWCE TO ALLOW A CONSTRUCTED ADDITION ON PROPERTY NOT HAVING FIFTY (SU) FOOT FRONTAGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON NEW HAMBURQH ROAD, AND BEING PARCEL #19-6057-02-097631, IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINQER, Mr. Lavenson; The application was made for a two lVt subdivision and the application was denied because the interpretation of fhe Planning Bodrd' Article 412, each lot has 50 foot frontage. It was access that it cannot be a right-of-way, Nr. Tompkins; This is just property? Nr. Hirkalo; A two lot subdivision, Mr. Lehigh: The two lots that you are referring to is 1232 & 123i? or. Fullam: Lots 2 and Lot 2A. Mr. Tompkins: The house 45 on 2A. hr. Fuilan; This parcel has been in ownership for quite a few yoars. I was subdivided in 1983, where in Lot 1 was out off and made into a mui"j ing site. The subdivision was approved by the Town. Mr, Mirkalo: My feeling on the subject is that the law says that t|' - front will be on the lot. The right-of-way will be on somebody eIsa/s lotj not on the lot of question. Therefore, the road front re4uirem:t must be on the lot, granting a right-of-way utilizing somebody alse/s �n1 fm` road frontage., into two (2) b:fld:o�: Mr. Tompkins' It was subdivided in 1883? Mr. Fullam' This entire parcel was subdivided on Lot 2 in 198]. As in Lot 1, it was split off by the remainder. Now at this time, the appl|�as 73 requesting to subdivide the remainder 2+ acres into two (2) b:fld:o�: lots. One lot has a house on it, where he lives. If it is the boards' pleasure that thc interpretation of Section 412 states that eas+m'"nts dc oet qualify for right-of-ways, legal or not. Mr. Hirka|at In the interest of time no building permita shall with the establishment of any issue or construction, unless the lot upnn use is to A eFtab\\shed, or substructures to be built as frontage of nO feet. It does not may anything about utilizing another portion uf anoth� �01. It says unless the lot in question has 50 feet. -1O - Mr, Fu}lam/ In lieu of the above, I'd like to pursue another avenue The applicant requested an area variance he granted to the requested variances which is to allow two lots created, each having a width of ]O feet - Mr. 9frkala: Your asking for an interpretation of Section 412. I make a mat.on that the interpretation be that the requirement of 50 feet has to be satisfied on the lot in question. Mr. Lehigh seconded the motion. Mr. Fu|lam: Requesting area variances, this parcel was purchased several years ago and has been in continuous ownarship. Lot 1 was Split off |/ 1983. They built a house with a pool on the remainder of the parcel, They Wit the house and the pool up in the Northern part. They did this for some reasons. They had plans in the future to oubdivid� this, then in 1883 when this first subdivision was approved and a 60- feet Gfeat was left which met the Zoning Ordinance at the time. The Zoning ordinance was changed in 1988. Unfortunately, the D/Amioo/s were not aware of it, and did not realize what a hardship would create for them because the Amendment from that Ordinance denied them to subdivide the remaining 2+2 acres. It was obvious from the review of the suhdivis7on map that the placement of the existing house allows a continuing subdivi � u sion to take place in full conformance with the Town ordinance. However. in Cecamhmr 1988 the Town Law changed. If this latest proposed subdivis')o had been submitted prior to 12-15-86 it would have been approved because it would have met the Zoning ordinance. We are talking about a que4t`o/' of time, and a hardship that is not self imposed. We are, therefore, appealing the Zoning Board of Appeals for an area variance, speoifioal}y a variance of Article 4 Section 412. Request a variance to allow this 2 lot subdivision which will have a minimum frontage of public highway o� 4O feet and a minimum width of 30 feat. Without such a variance, the appli�ant will suffer a significant economic injury. At this location` �t ��-ld expect to sell for $40,000-60,000 thousand dollars, whereas leaving this extra acre of the house by around $10,000. Therefore, absence on the variance, the applicant can expect to suffer �r�atly It is a fact that the D/Amfoo's have been in here for quite awhile ^ This was a ljttle something extra that they already planned. Theref^ra, that is the reason for the hardship and variance be rinquestod Mr. Lehigh: I'd like to hear from the public. nr Zdivch^ - New Hamburgh Road -I border on the property, and th" houst� era^ very t�ght. The map is wrong because they have a garage, and, theri s a apartment over the garage. - Mr. Hirkala: Are you saying they are in violation? -�1- �divoh - I/m not saying they are fn vfulation, but I/m just sayinQ there ar� pe�ple lfvfng over, the gat -'age fn an apartment, They moved ther� fn May. Ttmy havm t%,io groups of people, one lfving in the house and one l�ving over the garage. My well is just North of the garag�. washinZD cora, mctoroycles. He fe spraying stuff and I/m afraid of onnteminaton in my well. Thiy whole arec._� is nothing but weter. We ara �ett�ng hi�h water t3bles after, the D/Amioo/s moved into the house. Mr. Levenson; Z think for the reoord` everybudy should unde" rstan(A thiat the Tnwo ha,, --no jurisdictinn to the water, and sewar, it �s otrictly fn the hands of 6oard mf alth^ Mr. Lehigh: tple were not aware of the situation. Did you make a oomplaint ab�ut the pple lfving in the garage? �r. Zdivch: I balfeve I see the map there, and ft says garag�, and thi� mmp there. is dof*d July 9th, vihoever, drew this map knsw the people were |fv\n� Mr. LevenyoIt is yuur ubligat�on as � o�tizen to p�ok up the phone an6 say some�mdy ymu think is doYnO someth�n� wrnng. Tomphfn�; It has an affect on thfe hearinB be�au�e ff they hav� an illegal ap�rtment on thejr property, it mTght have a �eering �n how we �oto. Mr. Hirka|a: You �rought up the fact of a fllegal apartment. If peop|e are l\viny there �t is an illegal apartment on his prop:rty, It is not e stru�iure, ita allowable uae for residenti al purp0ses. We have � law 'n this tawn that opeoifically states that �f th�r� �s a viol�t�on �n the prClperty in queotf�n` no �ppl�uatiVn oan he aocepted until the vilatiun �an be ourrected. Zf thmre i� a v�olat��n on thfs propmrtY asyou ountenJ, and the Zodr�r w n�n� �m�ni�tatis alloed n th�e prop�rty with the permiss�on of the owner, or his representatives tu detarmfne whethr nr not the violation exist. The applicatJ ti`pn o�me to a end, uotil such tfme the app lication is corrwcted. Nr. Ful)am� I �ould at this time like to set the r�our� ytraight, th{s is my survey. N, �enzer - Wew Hambur�h Road - The real estate agent that suld us the pr^p�rty �sked me Yf I knew of anyone who would want to rent ±|e aparb^en� �ver the 8ara,�je. Tompkins: ir. Benzer� You are saying that there is then an apartmen+. That Ys all I know. -12- pp� Nr 8rmoker: In vi�w of the fact this hao -01W: up here, Z/d 11ke to dir�ct the Zonfng �dm�ni�trator to make ever, effnrt t� conta�t the � rot I'd like to make a mmtlon to tab|e the publ,c pe�ple �f that pper y. heering untfs reotifi ed. [irkal�� Zt h�s been te�led, and if the v�ol�ti�n �s found, iT /s oanoelled. Mr. Lh eeomnded the mc) tYon. Yote: A|l ayes. The motion carr�e- d. ADJOURNED PUBLIC HEARZNG� 1 APPEL �#1OGQ, AT THE RE�UEST 0F SEENZHQ � V`KlAACE 0F ARTICLE IV SECTION 421 OF THE TOWN 0F #�PPIWGER 7OAIWG ORDZNANC[ AS FOLLO�S: �^ Y0U AR �EQUZRED TO NAZNTAIN A 25 FOOT SIDE YARD AND YDUP SHOWTWQ [~L[TEEl FRON THE SIDE YARD REQUIRING PN 18 FODT VA F,IAMCE. YOU AR[ R[QUIRED TO MAINTAIN A 25 FOOT SIDE YARD AND YOU 4R� S^3�ZNC TH�T THE DECK ZS 1O FEET F�ON THE SIDE Y��D AND REQUIRIN6 � �n [0OT 'VARIANCE ON PROPERTY LOCATE D ON PYE LANE AND 6E1,NG P&RCEL 6]5� O� 187OOO IN THE TOWN DF #APPINQER. The appl�o�nt� were not present. Mr. Bruuker mad� a mo�imo to t�bl� the adj�urne� public h��r�n�. Nr. Lehi8h seconded the motion. Yut�: All ayes. The motion carried. ADJOyRNNENT: �r. Lehigh made a motion to adjourn the meet �ng. �rs. Rue �eoun�ed fh� motion, V A ayes, The motioo �arried~ Rerpetully subajitted` Lia anoa , 2onng 8oard Seoretary