2003-02-11 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS February 11,2003 ...... Agenda Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals MEETING DATE: February 11, 2003 TIME: 7:30 PM Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, NY Approve Site Minutes for February 1st, 2003. Approve Minutes for January 14, 2003. Approve Minutes for January 22, 2003. Approve Minutes for January 28, 2003. Public Hearing: Appeal No. 02-7155 Ron & Alyson Chul:erman -Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R- 40 Zoning District. - Where a rear yard setback of 50 is required, the applicant is proposing ~ ~ rear yard setback of 24.2 feet for an addition with a deck, thus requestinl: a variance of 25.8 feet. The property is located on 3 Stenl:er Court and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6056-01-388895 in the Town of Wappinger. Discussions: Appeal No. 02-7157 Richard Colabelli -Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R- 15 Zoning District. - Where a rear yard setback of 30 feet is required, the applicant is proposing a rear yard setback of 8 feet for an existinl: pool, thus requestinl: a variance of 22 feet. - Where a side yard setback of 15 feet is required, the applicant is proposing a side yard setback of 8 feet for an existinl: pool, thus requestinl: a variance of 7 feet. The property is located on 40 Helen Drive and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6158-02-756847 in the Town of Wappinger. ........ 1 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 1 Minutes of February 11, 2003 MINUTES Zoning Board of Appeals February 11, 2003 Summarized Minutes Town of Wappinger Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, NY Members Present: r 0- Mr. Prager, Vice-Chairman Mr. diPiemo, Member Mr. Fanuele, Member Members Absent: Mr. Lehigh, Chairman Mr. Warren, Member Others Present: Mrs. Lukianoff, Zoning Administrator Mrs. Roberti, Secretary SUMMARY Public Hearings: Ron Chugerman Granted variance for 20.8 rear yard setback. Discussion: Richard Colabelli Stear Subdivision Public Hearing on February 25, 2003. Discussion with Fire Prevention Bureau recommendations. Mr. Fanuele: Mr. diPiemo: Motioned to approve Minutes for January 14,2003. Second the motion. Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Vote: ~ Mr. Fanuele: Mr. diPiemo: Vote: Page 2 Minutes of February 11,2003 All present voted aye. Motioned to approve Site Minutes for February 1 st, 2003 as amended. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Appeal No. 02-7155 Ron & Alyson Chueerman -Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-40 Zoning District. - Where a rear yard setback of 50 is required, the applicant is proposing a rear yard setback of 24.2 feet for an addition with a deck, thus requestine: a variance of 25.8 feet. The property is located on 3 Steneer Court and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6056-01- 388895 in the Town of Wappinger. Mr. diPierno: Mr. Fanuele: Vote: ........ Mr. Prager: Mr. Chugerman: Mr. Prager: Mr. diPiemo: Mr. Chugerman: Mr. Prager: Mr. diPierno: Mr. Fanuele: Vote: ~ Motion to open the Public Hearing. Second the motion. All present voted aye. For the record Mr. Chugerman can you state what you are here for and also it seems that you have taken our recommendation to shorten your deck from our site inspection. I would like to add 10 feet to the existing house and then replace the deck that's there with a smaller deck which would be a 10 foot wide deck. So the new variance will be 20.8 feet rather than 25.8 feet. What's on the other side of the property line? We abut neighbors on all three sides, which are semi-wooded. Let the records show that there is no one here to speak for or against. Motion to grant a Neg. Dec. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Page 3 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ~ Mr. diPierno: Mr. Fanuele: Vote: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. diPiemo: Roll Call: Mr. Chugerman: Minutes of February 11,2003 Motion to close the Public Hearing. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Motion to grant the variance for a rear yard setback of20.8 feet. Second the motion. Mr. diPiemo: Aye. Mr. Fanuele: Aye. Mr. Prager: Aye. Thankyou and let the record show that Ifound the department and staff very cooperative and hard working. Appeal No. 02-7157 Richard Colabelli -Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R-15 Zoning District. _ Where a rear yard setback of 30 feet is reauired, the applicant is proposing a rear yard setback of 8 feet for an existine pool, thus requestine a variance of 22 feet. - Where a side yard setback of 15 feet is reauired, the applicant is proposing a side yard setback of 8 feet for an existine pool, thus reauestine a variance of 7 feet. The property is located on 40 Helen Drive and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6158-02- 756847 in the Town of Wappinger. ~ Mr. Prager: Mr. Colabel1i: Mr. Prager: Mr. Colabel1i: Mr. Prager: Mr. Colabelli: '--' This is a workshop tonight where we try to get some information from you. I purchased this pool from Sam's Club and was able to set it up on a Sunday. I didn't know I needed a building permit or I would have gotten one. In front of the pool closer to the house is where my septic tank is. The rest of the yard in the back is my leech field, so this is the only place we could think of putting the pool. I put this in last summer and none of the electrical has been done yet either. What brought this about and what company put in the pool? I'm refinancing and I installed it myself. How long are you at this address? Four years. Page 4 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ......... Mr. diPierno: Mr. Colabelli: Mr. Prager: Mr. Colabelli: Mr. diPierno: Mr. Fanuele: Vote: Minutes of February 11,2003 So your leech fields run to the right of the fields? They run across the yard. I have a copy of the survey and I think you might have them. Yes we do. We will set a site inspection for this Saturday at 9:00 am. Also we will set your Public Hearing for February 25,2003. How big is the pool? 18 foot round. Motion to declare us Lead Agency. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Appeal No. 03-7154 Steer Subdivision-Lots 1 and 2 -Seeking an area variance of Section 240-20 of District Regulations in an R-40 Zoning District. The applicant is proposing access from the rear of the property, utilizing an adjacent paper road. The property is located on Pine Rid2e Drive and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6256-02-767947/784956 in the Town of Wappinger. '--"' Present: Mr. Pottenburgh: Mr. Prager: Mrs. Lukianoff: Mr. Prager: "'"" Kyle Pottenburgh - Fire Prevention Bureau The roadbed looks like it is already in tact for the extension off of Forest View. If they want to maintain their driveways off of the bedded surface we would just recommend that they maintain it to the Town's spec for the driveway standards that we already have in place. The addresses would then come off of Forest View. Al Lehigh talked of a turn around at the site visit. How far is that road from Thomkins Terrace? There are three roads I believe there. I took another road and ended up in someone's driveway. At this point Kyle, Tania and the board looked over the maps at the dais and discussed the roads. So part of this deal is that it will be a common driveway but it will need a maintenance agreement with both lots. Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Mrs. Lukianoff: ......... Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Pottenburgh: Mr. Prager: Mr. Pottenburgh: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Pottenburgh: Mr. Prager: '-'" Mr. Prager: Mr. diPierno: Mr. Fanuele: Vote: Page 5 Minutes of February 11,2003 If this other lot is sold, they will also have to enter into this maintenance agreement. They will have to put a turn around somewhere over here or a cuI de sac. There's a turn around already here and its black topped. The Town made them put it in. Its right here on the map. It must be 12 feet wide and 15 feet clearence. Hopefully Mark will get something to you in writing. I still want a turn around. I'll talk to Mark and see what he thinks. So we need a legal agreement filed before they can come back onto the agenda. Motion to adjourn. So moved. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Mr. Prager: Motion to adjourn. Mr. diPierno: Second the motion. Vote: All present voted aye. Meeting ended at 8:00 PM .~ R.. espectfully SU.b~~d, _ '" 1;:?4~<<~uiZt Uara Roberti, Secretary Secretary - Zoning Board of Appeals