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"-"rown of Wappinger Planning Board
Meeting Date: December 18,2000
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Members Present
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Parsons:
Mr. Grimshaw:
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Musto:
Mr. Gagne:
Mr. Walker:
Vice Chainnan
FEB 05 2001
Others Present
Mr. Paggi, Engineer to the Town
Mr. Roberts, Attorney to the Town
Mr. Kvinge, Planner to the Town
Ms. Lukianoff, Zoning Administrator
Mrs. Roberti, Secretary to the Planning Board
Minutes for approval: November 20,2000
-- Approved as amended
Adjourned Public Hearing: Meadowwood Subdivision
Lombardi Subdivision
-- Adjourned to January 17,2001
-- Adjourned to January 17,2001
BMW & Land Rover
-- Adjourned to January 17,2001
Also sent to Zoning Board/Appeals
-- Approved Resolution
Public Hearings: Laerdal / Cervalis LLC
Discussions: Lands of Reese
Airport Assisted Living
n L. Paggi will re-submit when ready
-- Approved amended site plan
Conceptual: Mirabilio Subdivision
-- Sent to see Central Hudson
Lands of Karabinos
n Granted first 90-day extension
Expires on March 19th, 2001
-- Granted 2nd and final extension
Expires on April 3Td, 2001
Miscellaneous Airport Business Center
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 18, 2000
Page 2
Mr. Gagne made a motion to approve the November 20, 2000 as amended.
Ms. Visconti: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
The Town of Wappinger Planning Board will conduct an Adjourned Public Hearing pursuant to Section 276 of
the Town Law. On the application of Meadow wood Subdivision Parcell Section 1, seekin~ to subdivide
96.2 acres into 14 lots. The property is located at the southwest comer of Old Hopewell Road and All Angels
Hill Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6257
Mr. DiNonno:
Ms. Visconti:
v1r. Gagne:
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Gagne:
Ms. Visconti:
Mrs. Roberti:
The applicant's engineer called this afternoon and asked to have the public hearing
adjourned, being he hasn't gotten the 1. D. from the DEe. We need a motion to adjourn to
January 17th, 2001.
I move to open the meeting.
I second the motion.
All present voted aye.
Move to adjourn to January 1 Th, 2001.
I second the motion.
All present voted aye.
One question I have, Hudsonia asked for letters, have they gotten them?
They did receive access to one of the three. The other two will be faxed to them as soon as I
receive them from Jeff Kane.
The Town of Wappinger Planning Board will conduct an Adjourned Public Hearing pursuant to Section 276 of
the Town Law. On the application of Lombardi Subdivision. seekin~ to subdivide 26.88 acres into 2 lots.
The property is located at Diddell Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6359-03-029320 in the Town of
\1r. DiNonno:
,Mr. Musto:
· M V' .
s. Iscontl:
Mr. Bill Povall
Second item is Lombardi Subdivision, motion to open.
Move to open.
Second the motion.
All present voted aye.
~ .
Mr. DINoill10:
Mr. Povall:
Mr. DiNonno:
Ms. Visconti:
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Walker:
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 18.2000
Page 3
Bill we have a memo from the Fire Inspector. Have you read it yet?
No. (Mr. Gagne gave him a copy of the letter to read.) I was not aware of this.
We just received this at the end of today from the Fire Inspector. We are going to have to
adjoum this until this is taken care of.
I just had some items to note. Make sure the easement is noted, the driveway is moved and
the Highway Superintendent's request is addressed.
Move to adjoum to January 1 T\ 2001.
Second the motion.
All present voted aye.
The Town of Wappinger Planning Board will conduct a public hearing pursuant to Article IX, Section 240-83 of
the Town Law. On the application of Laerdal Medical Corp. seeking to place two UPS generators outside
the building in the general vicinity of the loading dock in support of its business. The property is located at 167
Myers Comer Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-03-350303 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. DiNonno:
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Gagne:
Mr. Boccardi:
Mr. Walker:
Mr. Boccardi:
Mr. Parsons:
\1r. Boccardi:
The mailings are not in order for this, so we will let them present this and than we will
adjoum it. We are waiting for three green cards to come back. Does someone want to open?
Move to open the Public Hearing.
Second the motion.
All present voted aye.
Mike Boccardi - President
Bill Bums - V. P. of Operations
Gave an overview of the business and the need for uninterrupted power sources.
How do you test them? Together or one at a time?
One at a time. I would also add the 3'd generator only when it was found to be needed.
( Mike now handed out information regarding noise levels to the planning board.) We did
research on the noise levels to put things into perspective. We hired a NYC sound engineer
from the office of Shen Milsom & Wilke, Inc. They have 30 years of experience. If you
look at the chart I handed out, location one is an office building. The next two locations are
residential, the closest being 300 feet away.
Why didn't you measure a line to the school. It has 1500 children in it.
One of the reasons is that the generators are completely shielded by our buildings. The
second reason is the school doesn't have generators, so the kids would not be there.
~ 1r. Parsons:
Mr. Boccardi:
Mr. Parsons:
Mr. Boccardi:
Mr. Walker:
Mr. Boccardi:
Mr. Grady:
Mr. Walker:
Mr. Grady:
1r. Parsons:
Mr. Grady:
Mr. Parsons:
Mr. Boccardi:
Mr. Gagne:
Mr. Boccardi:
Mr. Grimshaw:
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 18,2000
Page 4
Do you realize how long it takes to round up enough buses to take these kids home or to call
all their parents? What about the tenants at 922 Myers Comers Road?
They should also be in the black, waiting out the power failure.
Position one is above our code.
Yes, but the residential property are all well below our code.
These generators being in a enclosed area have a natural baffle here. How did you figure out
what you're readings would be?
The sound engineer did the calculations.
We provided sound data analysis operating in a free field environment. This enabled them to
look at the exact physical area where they would be set, then they realized there is what is
referred to as degree of reflecting and vibration isolation.
Can you increase the baffling at all?
Right now, we are at the best we can get commercially available. There is one more step, but
the dollars and cents is overwhelming.
One thing that concems me, is that we have an ordinance and if something goes against it, it
should go to the Zoning Board of Appeals. I think that's were your headed. I would also like
to know how often you're going to test it? Some places test every day.
These machines only need to be tested once a month.
I would like something in writing as to when you're going to be testing and what time.
I believe one of our letters state we agree to daytime hours and once a month.
Is it possible to re-Iocate this far enough away so that it meets the code?
No, this is definitely the best place for it.
What's this building here? Is this a maintenance building?
Mr. Dick Yuskas: Construction Manager
All this duct bank, we found through existing buildings that were made available to us by
Laerdal. This electric line which is 1300 volts coming into the building, actually comes into
the building over here. So we had to create an out building to take care of the parallel switch
here that takes this conduit into the building.
~r. Grimshaw: I'm wondering if you could make a shed roof over this to absorb more sound?
... Mr. Grady: It already has a roof.
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - Deccmbcr 18, 2000
Page 5
\1r. Grimshaw: I'm refen-ing to a second roof.
Mr. Grady: No. Right now we are at maximum allowable technology at this time.
Mr. Gagne: What happens if you add another 7 foot room above it? I think that is what George is talking
Mr. Grady: The whole idea is to absorb the sound. It's like a super ball that bounces off of everything.
The idea is to slow it down as much as possible, before you allow it to escape into the air.
Actually we meet your town code requirements at all three locations during n0l111al business
hours. We only exceed your evening code at the first location.
Mr. Boccardi: It's at the time of day it generally would not be used.
Ms. Visconti: You have said you will have a need for a third generator. At what time frame, do you expect
you will be having so much business that you are going to have to contemplate a third
Mr. Boccardi: Based on our cun-ent projections, probably in 2002. That could be faster or a lot slower,
depending upon business demand.
Mr. DiNonno: Would they have to go to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance on the sound levels?
"-Mr. Roberts: You have no authority on this.
Mr. Paggi: Only questions I had was to the water line proposed, but as of the newest maps I reccived
today, it shows that the water main is being relocated.
Mr. Kvinge:
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Yuskas:
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Yuskas:
Mr. Gagne:
Mr. Yuskas:
Our comments really center around the noise. Our feelings are the same as the board. They
are emergency generators, but unfortunately the planning board cannot waive this
requirement. I think we concur that you need to visit the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Is everyone on the board in agreement with this? At this time I'd like to open this up to the
Understanding that we will have to go to the ZBA, could this board grant us this portion of
the site plan?
No, not at this time.
What I'm asking for is this portion of the switch room.
We would like to see some kind of rendering.
I can show you some pictures here. The reason I'm asking is because none of the generators
can operate with out these switches being in place. The switch gears are coming the 1 sl of
February, and I have a weather condition here that dictates this get done as ASAP.
.......v1r. Parsons:
Mr. Boccardi:
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Yuskas:
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 18, 2000
Page 6
Why can't they have a separate approval just for that?
I need to be operational by March 1 st. Every month that goes by, I bum a million dollars, so
whatever we can do to somehow move this along would be appreciated.
So what are you looking for, footings?
I want to put the footings in, so what I want is a conditional approval.
Ms. Visconti: Motion that we allow them to proceed for a building permit for just the footings.
Mr. Musto: Second the motion.
Mr. Gagne: Nay.
Mr. Musto, Ms. Visconti, Mr. Walker, Mr. Grimshaw, Mr. Parsons, Mr. DiNonno, all voted aye.
Ms. Visconti: Motion to send a positive letter of recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Mr. Walker: Second the motion.
Mr. Gagne: Nay.
Mr. Musto, Ms. Visconti, Mr. Walker, Mr. Grimshaw, Mr. Parsons, Mr. DiNonno, all voted aye.
Mr. DiNonno:
........ vis. Visconti:
Mr. Musto:
Can I have a motion to adjourn.
Motion to adjourn Public Hearing to January 17,2001.
Second the motion.
All present voted aye.
The Town of Wappinger Planning Board will conduct a public hearing pursuant to Article IX, Section 240-83 of
the Town Law. On the application of BMW & Land Rover. for a Site Plan and Special Use Permit, to locate
two auto dealerships. The property is located at Route 9 North and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6157-04-
661144/689170 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Gray:
Mr. Parsons:
\1r. Paggi:
Mr. Parsons:
Roberti Gray
Jerry Walton
Don Schwartz
We've received advanced notice of the draft resolution and we have resolved with the Fire
Inspector his comment about having an access to the north. The regulations call for a
minimum requirement of 10 feet and we have 11.9 feet. I think that he's Ok with that.
On item 6, lets clarify that we don't do things to the satisfaction of the fire advisory board.
They make recommendations, we understand them, but we don't have to satisfy their
recommendations. I'm on their side, but lets not add one more person for approval.
Do you want me to change that to read, to the satisfaction of the Planning Board and upon
the review of the Fire Advisory Board?
Review of their findings, but they don't have any final say, one way or another.
Mr. Paggi:
Mr. Roberts:
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Parsons:
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Roberts:
Mr. Gagne:
Mr. Parsons:
Mr. Gagne:
Mr. Roberts:
Mr. Gray:
Mr. Parsons:
Mr. K vinge:
Mr. DiNonno:
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Musto:
Roll call:
Mr. Musto:
Ms. Visconti:
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 18,2000
Page 7
Our comments from November 20th are contained in the resolution.
As far as the Letter on Easement, in the past you've had an offer on the road. In the past we
did Volvo and I think two others. The problem is, how do you retroactively impose this on a
property owner if you don't have it specifically defined. Second, unless its engineered all the
way through, in all probability its not going to happen in the recent decade. I don't want you
coming back to me and saying this is what we wanted to do and we can't enforce it.
OK, what do we do?
I've worked on this for 20 years. It's very important, but the problem is getting all these
properties lined up.
I think its going to take a regional plan in some future time.
On the proposed route there's at least one, maybe two buildings I recall. It's not clear sailing
from Smithtown Road north.
Was the idea to bring it along parallel to Route 9, adjacent to it.
Now it doesn't exist at all. It's suppose to go all along Smithtown Road north and catch
everyone of those business's. The problem is, so many of them are 100 foot lots.
You're talking about a real road.
If its going to happen, you should have an offer of dedication to the town.
Volvo didn't do it, I understand. We have a map that's ready to file and an owner that's
consented to a road wherever you want to put it. He will give you the easement.
I can live with it on the map.
You have a couple of resolutions of approval.
I'd like to open this to the public for comment. (No comment from the public.)
I move to close the Public Hearing.
Second the motion.
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Musto:
Mr. Gagne:
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Walker:
Mr. Grimshaw:
Mr. Parsons:
Made a motion for a Special Permit Resolution.
Second the motion.
~oll call:
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Gagne:
Roll call:
Town of Wappingcr Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - Deccmber 1 S, 2000
Page 8
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Musto:
Mr. Gagne:
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Walker:
Mr. Grimshaw:
Mr. Parsons:
Made a motion for the resolution as amended.
Second the motion.
Mr. DiNonno: aye.
Mr. Musto: aye.
Mr. Gagne: aye.
Ms. Visconti: aye.
Mr. Walker: aye.
Mr. Grimshaw: aye.
Mr. Parsons: aye.
Lands of Reese- Review revised plans from a 9-lot subdivision, downsized to a 6-lot subdivision. The
nroperty is located at Ketchamtown Road and NYS Route 9D and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6157-03-
""'" 58380 & 6057-02-948538 in the Town of Wappinger.
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Parsons:
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Paggi:
~r. L Paggi:
Mr. J Paggi:
Lan)' Paggi
Back in March, I had a question that there was supposed to be a meeting about a bypass road.
They had one and its not going to happen.
Dan has major concerns about the way its drawn and the wetlands. It's a terrible piece of
property. We need to talk about these driveways.
This was a 9-lot and now its a 6-101.
In a letter dated December 5t\ Health Dept. approval is needed for well and the septic
systems. It is also requested the applicant reserve 25 feet for the town for a right of way use.
We applied to the state for funds to re-align that intersection of Ketchamtown Road and 90.
lf and when this would be done, right of way would be required at the north east comer of lot
one. This should be dedicated now to insure this work can be done. This is something I
think is real, since the population has grown, this intersection is not up to snuff. So I think
that this land will be more of a reality then the bypass road. I feel that land should be
received at this point in time.
It sounds like we're looking at the loss of lot one.
We're contemplating designing a proper intersection. Your application varies from your
original sketch plans and our application to the state for funding was before you're
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 18, 2000
Page 9
Mr. Parsons:
application. (Jay proceeds to read from a letter dated December 5th.) The three double
driveways should not have an adverse effect on Ketchamtown Road.
I assume Larry, you know our requirements for a driveway over 1500 feet. ...
Mr. Paggi: No, its when the house is greater than 250 feet from the farthest point of the driveway.
Mr. Parsons: It has to be wide enough and strong enough to carry 30 tons, which is almost a paved road.
Our concerns have always been that someone is going to buy one of these lots and will have
to spend 20,000 dollars to build their driveway. On some of them we required they build the
driveway first. I'm not saying that's the case, but you need some strong language that the
buyer beware and that their looking at major dollars to build a driveway.
Mr. Gagne: I would rather see a short cul-de-sac road there. I think that if you put all those driveways
together there you would probably exceed the impervious area of a short cul-de-sac road by
almost double.
Mr. Paggi: Guy, we don't want another town road.
Mr. Gagne: Listen, these are ridiculous driveways. It's a terrible lot layout, it's a awful subdivision. It
really is.
Mr. DiNonno: I think its nice.
Mr. O'Donnell: Why don't we ask Mr. Gagne what he suggests be done.
Mr. Gagne: A short cul-de-sac.
Mr. O'Donnell: No, we already told you, nobody wants that.
Mr. Gagne: I would like to see an alternative that shows a short Cul-de-sac.
Mr. Walker: I agree with Jay, I don't want to see a town road.
Mr. Grimshaw: I suggested a loop road at the last meeting. Come in on lot one and loop around and go out
lot six.
Mr. Parsons: I would bring the town road in by the 1ast two driveways.
Mr. Musto: We approved a similar thing down on Old Hopewell Road. Nobody made a big deal then and
they have all kind oflong driveways.
Ms. Visconti: If the developer feels he can sell them, I don't have a problem with it.
Mr. DiNonno: I don't have a problem with it either. After polling the board, we have a 4 to 3 in favor of the
Mr. K vinge:
You're talking about a conservation subdivision. It's a perfect lot that give the P1anning
Board the authority to waive or modify certain zoning standards. It allows for a more
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Gagne:
Mr. K vinge:
Mr. DiNonno:
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 18, 2000
Page I ()
flexible configuration of the subdivision, which would achieve all the goals that you're
wrestling with right now.
Are the utilities going to be underground?
Yes, all underground utilities.
On some of the longer lots, if the board is concerned about the turn around area for trucks or
cars, there may be a way to either grass grade or some kind of easement, to create a loop,
somewhere near the houses.
So you're going to get together on the wetlands and what have you with Jay, then you'll re-
submit and we'll put you back on the agenda. Thank you.
Airport Assisted Livin1! Facility - Amendment to site plan located on Route 376 that is identified as Tax
Grid No. 6259-03-488331/6259-04-647405 in the Town of Wappinger
Mr. Loedy:
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Parsons:
Mr. Gagne:
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Paggi:
Ed Loedy
Every time we think we're done, Azzy makes small changes. We moved a few trees and the
pump house had some pipes hanging out, so we built a little enclosure, and now we're back
to see you with the changes. (He then went on to read from a letter dated December 18th,
2001, containing 4 items.)
Does anyone on the board have a problem with these changes.
Motion to accept these changes.
Second the motion.
All present voted aye.
I have one question, back in November we had made a recommendation to tern1inate the
bond. I didn't see a notice for this in November or December.
I will check on this.
Mirabilio Subdivision - To discuss a proposed subdivision on Old State Road in the Town ofWappingers.
Mr. Gagne:
'--Mr. Gardell:
Mr. Parsons:
John Mirabilio
Eric Gardell
Just for the record, I worked with Eric many years ago.
What we want to do is build four flag lots.
You want to build a town road with a loop. How far is the town road?
Mr. Gardell:
Mr. Paggi:
Mr. Roberts:
Mr. Gardell:
Mr. Paggi:
Mr. Gardell:
Mr. DiNonno:
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 18,2000
Page 1 I
It's about 500 feet.
It's a subdivision of 3 lots.
How are you going to get a road on a Central Hudson right of way?
I have tried to get in contact with Central Hudson. So then my problem is getting Central
Hudson to release their easement. Another item relates to the size of the lots. What I show
here for areas, did not include the poles or the flags, but I have the flags as 40 foot wide.
( Read from a letter dated December 16, 2000, and went over each item.) I spoke with both
John and Eric since day one. Its questionable at best, if this is feasible from an engineering
The engineering issues are pretty obvious, I was aware of those, but before we did an
engineers study, I wanted to find out if we had something that would work conceptually.
Ifwe can't work something out with Central Hudson, we don't have anything.
I think you have a few hurdles on this.
Airport Business Center - Seeking a 90-day extension, this will be the first 90 day extension of preliminary
'-" and final approval. Their preliminary and final approval expires on December 19,
2000. This extension will expire on March 19th, 2001 if granted.
Mr. Parsons:
Ms. Visconti:
Move to motion for a 90-day extension.
Second the motion.
All present voted aye.
Lands of Karabinos -
Seeking a 2nd, 90-day extension. The first extension expires on January 3rd, 2001.
The second extension will, if granted expire on April 3rd, 2001.
Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Grimshaw:
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Musto:
Mr. Parson:
Mr. DiNonno:
Move the motion for a second 90-day extension.
Second the motion,
All present voted aye.
Does anyone want to play Chairman. (No one wanted the position.) Does someone want to
put it in the form of a motion to send a letter to the Town Board.
So moved.
Second the motion.
All present voted aye.
Motion to close the meeting.
-....... Ms. Visconti:
Mr. Gagne:
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 18, 2000
Page 12
Move to close.
Second the motion.
All present voted aye.
The meeting ended at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~ 21 !ch;;,:;('~;r:
. L.
Barbara Roberti, Secretary
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
JAM 03 2001
~wn of Wappinger Planning Board
Meeting Date: December 4, 2000
Time: 7:30 PM
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Members Present
Mr. DiNonno:
Mr. Parsons:
Mr. Grimshaw:
Mr. Musto:
Mr. Gagne:
Mr. Walker:
Vice Chairman
Members Absent
Ms. Visconti:
Others Present
Mr. Paggi, Engineer to the Town
Mr. Roberts, Attorney to the Town
Mr. Wery, Planner to the Town
Mrs. Lukianoff, Zoning Administrator
Mrs. Roberti, Secretary to the Planning Board
Genevieve Hubner
- Waiting for information.
_ Waiting for Army Corp. of
Engineer report, per James
_ Granted Approval to amended
site plan.
_ Public Hearing on January 3,
Widmer Construction
Keenan Acres
Airport Assisted Living
Guardian Self-Storage
Villa Borghese
Sent to Town Board
_ Sent to the Zoning Board of
Appeals. ·
Zeller Subdivision
- Granted second 90-day
Ifr. Gagne:
'--Mr. DiNonno:
Made a motion to approve the November 6th, 2000 minutes as amended.
All present voted aye.
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 4, 2000
Page 2
'-"'c. Musto: Made a motion to approve the November 15, 2000 minutes as amended.
Mr. Grimshaw: Second.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Widmer Construction- To discuss subdivision of property located at 125 Widmer Road that is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6258-01-135707 in the Town of Wappinger.
Bob Oswald: Representing Widmer Construction. This is a 32.4 acre subdivision located on Widmer Road. It
will contain 3 building lots, one of which will contain the existing building. There are some
pockets of wetlands on the property.
Mr. Parsons: Is this a barn or a house?
Mr. Musto: Is this a 3 story Building?
Mr. DiNonno: I thought this was a barn.
Mr. Oswald: Yes, it will exist with the house on this lot.
Mr. DiNonno: There is some question as to what the houselbam is used for.
~r. Paggi: Read from a letter dated November 29, 2000. He reviewed all comments, 1 through 11.
Mr. Oswald: We can clear lot one for a shared driveway.
Mr. Parsons: Is the water and sewer on Wendy Drive?
Mr. Paggi: Yes it is, the existing right of way on Wendy Drive does not extend up to the property as per the
filed map. If you look at lots 98 and 99, they take access over that road. It's improved
approximately halfway up lot 98. Its not improved to the end of the right of way. So the 15150
feet of that driveway would be in a town right of way.
Mr. Roberts: It's a unique situation. We may want to have that verified in a title search.
Mr. Oswald: They did, and we will send you a copy of it.
Mr. Gagne: I would suggest they provide some sort of snow storage area.
Mr. DiNonno: We will need a letter from Graham Foster. Let's have him look into it.
Mr. Wery:
Read from the same letter dated November 29, 2000, regarding the review comments. I would
like to see Cranberry Hills across the street put on the map. The existing structure is in non-
residential use, we need to clarify if this is grandfathered.
Mr. Oswald:
I thought it was the electrician's house.
Town of Wappinger Plmming Board
Summarized Minutes - December 4,2000
Page 3
-.... DiNonno: What's the pleasure of the board?
Mr. Parsons: I feel Ws a little to early for that. It's an awful lot to digest.
Mr. Gagne: I would like to find out the use of that structure too.
Mr. DiNonno: If you could get to us with the answers to those questions, then we can set a public hearing:
Mr. Oswald: When's the next meeting?
Mr. DiNonno: The first week of January. If you can get everything in quickly and its in line, I'll put you on for
the 3rd.
Keenan Acres- To discuss changes to subdivision located at 261 All Angels Hill Road that is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6257-02-960883 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. DiNonno: The next itemwas to be Keenan Acres, but it will need to be re-scheduled due to them waiting
for a Army Corp. of Engineer report on the wetlands.
"-" Airport Assisted Livin~ Facility - Amendment to site plan located on Route 376 that is identified as Tax
Grid No. 6259-03-488331/6259-04-647405 in the Town of Wappinger
Present: Ed Loedy: Architect
Azzy Reckess, Owner
Mr. Loedy: Handed out letter to everyone on the board, this included two maps. We are finishing up on this
project and have a few minor changes. We request that you review these changes and approve
them as amended, to the approved resolution. ( Ed then read each change from his letter and
showed the area on the map that was involved.) On one item, we show an overhang with 2
supporting columns, it was originally 4 columns.
Mr. Gagne: Excuse me, where are the columns?
Mr. Loedy: They are two feet away from the sidewalk. We moved the Gazebo over, away from the sewer
disposal pump center.
Mr. DiNonno: Jay, do you have any comments?
Mr. Paggi: No.
Mr. Wery: No.
'-'Mr. Reckess: On the proposed site plan, a fountain was to go in the front. We now want to put in a rock
garden with plantings, so it is attractive all year. A fountain is only three season. We thought
this would look better.
Town of Wappinger Plam1ing Board
Summarized Minutes - December 4, 2000
Page 4
~r. Gagne: Move to accept changes.
Mr. Grimshaw: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Genevieve Hubner - To discuss a Special Use Permit - Accessory Apartment at 6 Primrose Court that is
identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-03-097008 in the Town of Wappinger.
Present: John Morgan, representing Mrs. Hubner
Judith Abraham, daughter of applicant
Mr. Paggi:
I have no engineering concerns.
Mr. Wery:
Just a few problems. The first is the size of the apartment. The maximum allowed is 35% and
what's shown is 40%. Second, parking is for two spaces, I have questions about four cars
fitting. Third, 1'd like to see a complete application.
Mr. DiNonno: Does the board have any questions?
,-".1r. Parsons: How many p~ople will be living there?
Ms. Abraham: My mother, my friend and myself.
Mr. Parsons: How many cars will you have?
Ms. Abraham: Three.
Mr. Morgan: I will amend the site plan to show three cars.
Mr. Gagne: Is this street a cul-de-sac?
Mr. Morgan: Yes.
Mr. DiNonno: Motion to pass the percent difference.
Mr. Parsons: Motion to pass.
Mr. Musto: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Mr. DiNonno: Motion to set a Public Hearing on January 3rd, 200l.
Mr. Musto:
Second the motion.
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 4, 2000
Page 5
......,; ote: All present voted aye.
Mr. Parsons: By the way, you must get a sign and put it on your front lawn, so all your neighbor's know what
you're planning to do.
Guardian Self Storaf!e
Carrie Redl Daniel's
Mr. DiNonno: Carrie, what are you looking to do?
Ms. Daniel's: I'd like to get a site plan amendment. I'd like to change the lot line. ( Points to spot on the
maps she has handed out.)
Mr. DiNonno: AI, there has been some questions brought up, right now it's non-conforming use. Is this an
expansion of a non-conforming use, is this permitted.? Can we allow it to increase? This is an
H. O. (Highway/Office) district.
Mrs. Lukianoff: The use was expanded once before. As per section 240-16 we can expand it up to 50%, but it
was approved two years ago to 48%.
,-"vis. Daniel's: We did a chart of what's existing and what's proposed. We maintain close to those
percentages. So we are looking for some guidance here.
Mr. DiNonno: So are we.
Mr. Roberts: It's limited to retail or a service business.
Mr. DiNonno: We determined it was a service business last time. So would they have to go for a use-variance
or an area vanance.
Mr. Roberts: They would need to go for a zoning change.
Mr. Parsons: AI, shouldn't they st311 with the truck place and work up to here, because the truck place has
been in violation for years?
Mr. DiNonno: Now, who should take this to the Town Board.?
Mr. Roberts: Carrie does.
Mr. DiNonno: We can make a recommendation to the board, we have in the past.
Mr. Parsons: While we are doing this, let's get the truck place in on it.
~ Ms. Daniel's: So now I need to go to the Town Board, right?
Town of Wappinger Plmming Board
Summarized Minutes - December 4, 2000
Page 6
........ir. Parsons: All you have to do is get together and deal at the same time as the truck company. The Town
Board is well aware of this situation. The idea is to re-zone that area back to Highway Business.
Mr. DiNonno: Then when that's done, come back and see us.
Villa Bor~hese _ To discuss enclosing a lounge area for a greenhouse located on Widmer Road that is identified
as Tax Grid No. 6158-02880530 in the Town of Wappinger.
Present: Stanley Porco
Mr. Porco: We just had a few ideas, we wanted to have your impute on them. Then we'll decide if we'll
pursue it any further.
Mr. Parsons: Let me ask one question. Is this making the building any bigger?
Mr. Porco: Yes.
Mr. Parsons: Well, you have already increased the size many times. We just told that other lady the same
thing. You've already gone over you're 50% twice.
"-"Mr. Grimshaw: What are you proposing to do?
Mr. Walker: What will be in it?
Mr. Porco: A whole glass area overlooking the gazebo, making a bar area. We need to be able to
accommodate cocktail hours. Most couples want a separate room for them.
Mr. Parsons: I think your wasting your time, I don't think anyone's actually against it, but legally you can't
do it. Your non-conforming and you did your expansions for all your allowed. Unless you'd
like to go to the ZBA.
Mr. DiNonno: If you go to the ZBA, you'll need a site plan, showing all your parking.
Mr. Parsons: Also, go all the way back, because they'll want to see the original building and all the
Mr. Gagne: How many square feet?
Mr. Porco: Approximately 12 X 36.
Mr. Walker: Does this cut down on the number of parking spaces?
'--Mr. Porco: No.
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Summarized Minutes - December 4, 2000
Page 7
,-""fr. DiNonno: But it creates a need for more parking. I don't think anyone on the board would be against it,
but you need a variance for it.
Mr. Porco:
Ok, thank you. This is what we were looking for, some direction.
Zeller Subdivision: Requesting a 90 day extension of the preliminary subdivision approval.
Mr. Parsons: Motion to grant a 90-day extension.
Mr. Grimshaw: Second the motion.
All present voted aye.
Agenda Dates:
The board went over the calendar dates for the year 2001. The board choose to have their January meetings on
Wednesdays, due to holidays. The board took off the agenda the second meeting in February, due to the
Association of Towns meeting. A copy ofthe approved dates for 2001, went out to all departments on'
December 5, 2000.
--Went into Executive Session.
Mr. Gagne: Move to go into executive session.
Mr. Musto: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Mr. DiNonno: Move to come out of executive session.
Mr. Musto: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Motion to adjourn meeting.
Mr. DiNonno: Move to adjourn.
Mr. Parsons: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 4, 2000
Page 8
Respectfully submitted,
~tUtai tJ-~j:; .
Barbara Roberti, Secretary
Town of Wappinger Planning Board