2000-10-17 rr-\ , ' f;-\ n ? rJ III I? ,," .1 :' ;!,\ L U MINUTES APPROVED NDV 2:3 2000 Zoning Board of Appeals Summarized Minutes October 10,2000 page 1 '-' MINUTES Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals MEETING DATE: October 17,2000 TIME: 7 :30 p.m. Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, NY Members Present: Mr. Lehigh, Chairman Mr. diPierno, Member Mr. Fanuele, Vice Chairman Mr. Warren, Member Mr. Prager, Member Others Present: Ms. DiPaola, Secretary to Zoning Mr. Roberts, Attorney to Town Mr. Wery, Planner to Town SUMMARIZED Discussions: Zack's V-Twin Cycle - Interpretation is granted for Retail business Public Hearing: Cellular One - Adjourned Public Hearing until November 14,2000 DISCUSSION 1. Zack's V-Twin Cycle - Seeking an Interpretation for a commercial building. The property is located at Route 376 in the Town of Wappinger. Zack and Rita Agiovlasitis, the applicants are present for the meeting. Mr. Lehigh: Is that a half of an acre? Mr. Agiov1asitis: Yes. Mr. Lehigh: Are you going to be purchasing the property next door? Mr. Agiovlasitis: Weare considering purchasing the property next to it. We would like to do this on the one parcel. ....... Mr. Lehigh: We have a letter from the Zoning Administrator asking us to do an interpretation, whether this is Section 247-69 Motor Vehicle Sales or Section 240-70 Auto Repair Garage. ....... Zoning Board of Appeals Summarized Minutes October 17,2000 page 2 One requires 3 acres and the other one is 2 acres. Since you only have a half of acre, I do not know how we can fit you into either category. Mr. Agiovlasitis: As we stated at the last meeting we do not do any out door exhibits. All ours are inside. When we close nothing is left outside. We are considering buying the property next door, but we do not want to lock that piece of property for one use. Mr. Lehigh: I realize that it is not used for cars, but it is still a vehicle there. To me it's not quite retail. Mrs. Agiovlasitis: A good portion of our business is selling retail. Mr. Lehigh: I realize that. You are still selling some kind of vehicles for people. It is kind of similar to a use car lot. You also do repair. Mr. Prager: Are you going to display any of these motorcycles outside? Mr. Agiovlasitis: Occasionally one or two might be outside. Majority of the time the motorcycles are inside. Mr. Prager: What would you do with the oil and things like that for repair? Mr. Agiovlasitis: We have a company that comes down and gets the oil. There will be no storage or anything for repair outside, that's why we have companies to come. '-" Mrs. Agiovlasitis: The only thing outdoor will be the dumpster for the garbage. Mr. Fanuele: You will have to get site plan approval from the Planning Board. Mr. Agiovlasitis: Yes, I know. Mr. Fanuele: You are saying that you are basically a retail store? Mrs. Agiovlasitis: Large portion of our business is retail. We have sent papers stating how many motorcycles we will be getting. Weare receiving about 16 which is not a lot. Mr. Lehigh: The building evidently is non conforming even though it was destroyed by a fire. How long ago was the fire? I wonder if it has been long enough for a non conforming use? Mrs. Agiovlasitis: May of 1999. Mr. Lehigh: It is not over its 2 years, but it is a different use than what was there. You will have to get a Special Use Permit. Mr. Fanuele: You do not need a Special Use Permit for a non conforming lot, just a site plan. The only thing before us is the Interpretation. Mr. diPierno: Made a motion that this Interpretation is a retail business. '- Mr. Fanuele: Second the motion. Roll Call: Mr. Prager, aye Mr. Fanuele, aye Mr. diPiemo, aye Mr. Warren, aye Mr. Lehigh, nay ....... Zoning Board of Appeals Summarized Minutes October 17,2000 page 3 ADJOURNED PUBLIC HEARING Appeal No. 00-7062: Variance No.1 - requesting a 350 foot variance from Section 240-81G(4)( c )(1) of the Zoning Law of the Town of Wappinger requiring that a cell tower to be 1500 feet from an educational institution. Variance No.2 - requesting a 130 foot variance from Section 240-81G(4)( c )(2) of the Zoning Law of the Town of Wappinger requiring that a cell tower be 750 feet from an existing dwelling. Request for Interpretation - interpretation of the letter from the Zoning Administrator dated July 24,2000, which letter stated that the Planning Board did not have the authority to waive or modify setback restrictions. Appeal No. 00-7063: Request for a 2 foot variance increasing the 6 foot maximum height of a fence around a cell tower facility as set forth in Section 240-81G(5) of the Zoning Law of the Town of Wappinger. The property is located at 20 Middlebush Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6157-01-353724 in the Town of Wappinger. Chris Fisher the applicant's attorney and Kevin Brennan the applicant are present for the meeting. Mr. Warren: Made a motion to open the adjourned public hearing. Mr. diPiemo: Second the motion. ....... Vote: All present voted aye. Refer to the Stenographer's minutes Mr. Prager: Mr. Warren: Vote: Made a motion to adjourn the meeting until November 14,2000. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Mr. Prager: Made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Fanuele: Second the motion. V ote: All present voted aye. MEETING ENDED 8:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, ....... Christina DiPaola, Secretary Zoning Board of Appeals DEC 07 2000 17:02 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.02/32 1 ....... -. 1 2 ORIGINAL'" 3 TOWN OF WAPPINGERS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 4 _________________________________________________X 5 Transcript of proceedings Re: 6 Appeal No. 00-7062 Cellular One Proposal 7 _________________________________________________X 8 9 October 17th, 2000 7:45 p.m. Wappingers Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, New York 10 11 ....... -'. 12 BOARD MEMBERS: ALAN c. LEHIGH, Chairman GERALD dipIERNO DOUGLAS WARREN J. HOWARD PRAGER VICTOR L. FANUELE 13 14 15 ALBERT ROBERTS, Town Attorney 16 17 18 * * * * * * * 19 20 21 22 REPORTED BY: Kimberly Burke 23 ----------------------------------------------------- 24 SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES Professional Shorthand Reporters 82 Washington Street, poughkeepsie NY 12601 (914) 452-1988 ...... 25 DEC 07 2000 17:02 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.03/32 2 '-- .-' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: The next item of business to come before the zoning Board of Appeals will be cellular One's adjourned public hearing. Do I have a motion to reopen the public hearing? '-'" MR. WARREN: So moved. MR. PRAGER: Second. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: All in favor? MR. diPIERNO: Aye. MR. WARREN: Aye. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Aye. MR. PRAGER: Aye. MR. FANUELE: Aye. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Do you need a minute? MR. FISHER: I'm all set. Thank you. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: You're all set: okay. ~ MR. FISHER: There are a couple of housekeeping items. I know that the town board and the town attorney are looking for a copy of the transcript from last month. Our ~CHMT~n~~ ~ ~~~n~Th~~C O'~_A~~_'OOO DEC 07 2000 17:02 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.04/32 3 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL transcriptionist is working on it. I believe a draft will be available tomorrow. MS. LIBOLT: It will be in final tomorrow. The final will be available tomorrow. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: She just told us ~-. Friday. MS. LIBOLT: We're putting the heat on her. MR. FISHER: I just saw the draft and she is up to page 78 and I think we're just a few pages shy. We are going to get that to you and share that with you, of course, and we will get tonight's transcript to you as well. 18 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Okay. MR. FISHER: I have a couple of other pieces of information. At our last hearing you had asked for the information that Mr. Copper had asked the planning board for. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We asked for a little more information. MR. FISHER: Yes, and I have that this evening. It is a report by Mr. Graiff with exhibits, which I will supply. MR. ROBERTS: Can you paraphrase for ........ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~~~MT~n~o ~ ~ccn~T~~~Q a'A_A~~_,~~n DEC 07 2000 17:03 FR CHRZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.05/32 4 ~. 1 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL 2 the record what the report consists of? 3 MR. FISHER: Sure. It is a three- 5 page written report with exhibits 1 through 10 including a base map. Basically it responds in 4 6 point by point fashion to a request for a 7 justification of the minimum height that's needed 8 by Cellular One, with the additional information 9 that was requested with respect to our capacity 10 problems within the network and why other 11 surrounding sites like Holmes Mountain and the ...... 12 South Hills Mall could not be used and why new 13 additional sites couldn't be added to remedy that 14 problem, and it also deals with locational issues 15 of why this site is in this place. There are 16 also some overlay maps that help on the base map 17 to understand all of the answers to those 18 questions. 19 One of the things that Mr. Cooper does seem to 20 agree with is the measurements that Mr. Graiff 21 took. 22 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Can we have it 23 quiet in here. We have a recorder and we can't --- '-" 24 piCk everything up. Thank you. 25 MR. FISHER: One of the things I want ~",".Y"T~"~"'" r ...~...^,......,...,.,,",.. n... .~- ...--- DEC 07 2000 17:03 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.06/32 5 ....... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL to highlight with respect to this report is that Mr. Graiff -- as far as the minimum height required he did three different coverage analyses at 120 feet above grade, 150 feet above grade and 180 feet above grade. In essence, the coverage doesn't really change at anyone of those three different heights, but one of the reasons that Cellular One has said from the very beginning that we need 150 feet is that due to the mall and other things, you're not going to be able to see this from, for example, 9D as it turns away. It won't penetrate the trees. If you recall Mr. Graiff's analysis in the session at our last hearing, height does directly correspond to what you can see from the Bell line site technology. So the answer to what the minimum is that we need, as far as the coverage map and being able to pick it up -- and this is something I had said last month in response to a question -- it's not very neat and easy to identify, but the RF Engineering Department at Cellular One believes that when the control signals don't work, we need the extra height to make that work. It's a gray thing. It's not an ........ ... '-" ~~RMT~n~~ ~ hQQn~T~~~C O'A_A~~_'non ,-,-.. '-' '-" DEC 07 2000 17:03 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.07/32 6 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL exact science. It's engineering. So that, in essence, details the report that you had asked for, and this is something that we will be transmitting under separate cover for the planning board because that goes directly to the heart of their issue on the special permit, but I have three copies of it tonight. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Thank you. MR. FISHER: The other thing that we received, as a courtesy from Attorney Bacon, was some correspondence that was tranmitted to the board. I did take an opportunity to respond very briefly. So I have correspondence dated today that I would like to submit to respond to those issues. In a nutshell, I think that he is really kind of trying to compare apples and oranges. The cases that he cited, one case, for example, involved Bell Atlantic Mobile trying to build a tower on a lot that was on less than a third of an acre and trying to compare that to this proposal, which is 34 acres with an existing tower and over 600 feet. Even if you look at traditional analyses on SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-4S?-1QRR DEC 07 2000 17:04 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.08/32 7 ........ 1 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL 5 the magnitude of the variance, we are only looking at in the neighborhood of 15 to 20 percent of the standard. We had discussion on what the standard really means, but we are still within 15 to 20 percent of it. Even in the case that was cited, they were talking about a variance in upwards of 300 percent of the standard, which is three or four times what the requirement was. So it was 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 clear in that case that the zoning board was right in denyin9 the variance. And I think if you look at it in reverse on this case and compare the facts, I think that that board would say that this board would be right to grant the variance under 11 -', 12 .~ 13 14 15 the circumstances. 17 A couple of other things, he cited a case that really isn't applicable at all. It was a lower 16 18 court case in upstate New York that involved a use 19 variance. This is not a use variance situation. 20 The whole inquiry about alternative sites is not 21 applicable, because we don't need a use variance 22 from your board. And even if alternative sites were in discussion recently at the planning board ,--' 23 ........ 24 as part of a special permit, that's what the 25 zoning code in the town has adopted, delegating it SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-4S?-19RR '-" -. -... '-" '-.. ....... DEC 07 2000 17:04 FR CHRZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.09/32 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL to that board to review. The other thing that I wanted to discuss, and I have outlined in my letter, is Mr. Bacon wrote apparently on behalf of his client whose name is Christopher Iverson. We did research into the Dutchess County tax records and there is no real property in Wappingers, let alone the county, owned by Chris Iverson. So we doubt this individual has any standing with respect to comments on this application as is. I can't confirm that they're a resident, but as far as real property, there is no ownership of real property in this area. I think that pretty much responds to the questions that were asked -- at least the outstanding items. Obviously we are here to answer any questions that you have. MR. ROBERTS: Well, since you just submitted these, does the board want to review this? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: It's going to take awhile to review that information. MR. ROBERTS: Do you want to take a ten or fifteen minute break to look at it and ask SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 -.. ..... "-" -.. DEe 07 2000 17:04 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P .10/32 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL any questions you have? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I think we are going to adjourn this for another week to get the chance to go through that material. It looks substantial to me and I want everybody to go through it and not feel rushed or pushed or anything else. MR. FANUELE: I agree. MR. FISHER: That's fine. The only thing I would note is that the RF analysis again is really something for the planning board, but you asked for it so we are giving it to you. My letter is really legal standards on the application, but I understand that we are giving it to you tonight and .you want time to look at it. MR. PRAGER: So we are going to go to the 11th and we will have everything. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We're going to have this this week: is that right? THE COURT REPORTER: Tonight's or the last hearing? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Well, we need tonight's and the last one. 25 MS. LIBOLT: We'll have that to you SCHMIEDER & A~~OCI~~F.~ q'4-4~?-'QAA DEC 07 2000 17:04 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P. 11/32 10 '-- " 1 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL 2 tomorrow. We're going to have the previous 3 meeting to you by tomorrow. 4 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: okay. 5 MR. FISHER: Can you put a rush on 6 tonight's? 7 MR. ROBERTS: We don't know what the 9 rest of the meeting is going to entail. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Right. Basically 8 10 we are right where we left off at the last 11 meeting. '-- 12 MR. ROBERTS; Mr. Chairman, there are 13 a few more housekeeping issues. In view of this 14 material, I don't know how muoh additional time 15 you're going to need to review all of this 16 material, but we need an adjournment for the 17 planning board to render its decision. I had 18 originally asked for an additional two weeks, but 19 I think the planning board is going to need more 20 time, because by the time they get the transcript, 21 digest the information and render a decision 22 MR. FISHER: I faxed you 23 correspondence yesterday. '-- 24 MR. ROBERTS: I did not see that and 25 I looked through everything. I hope it didn't get r-~TT~'T"~~'r.W"'" r '1Ilo"''''''''''',",''T''''rn~,.. ,.".,... .co.... "'''''4''11'-'' DEC 07 2000 17:05 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P. 12/32 11 '-" - ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL misplaced. ........ MR. FISHER: I will put on the record yesterday I had my secretary fax but I will check to make sure it went out -- a letter giving the planning board until November 30th, which should be sufficient, I believe. MR. ROBERTS: That's fine, yes. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Well, that being the case, I would like to go to our next regular meeting which would be December 12th. MR. PRAGER~ Wait, I hope not. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Excuse me, November. I skipped a month there. MR. FANUELE: How about next week? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We have a regular meeting next week, but I have a full agenda for that. MR. ROBERTS: Are you going to adjourn the public hearing so that you can question the applicant on the information he has supplied? What are you going to do with the adjourned date? This is a critical issue. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: What are we going to do? We are going to pick it up from where we ~r~MT~~~~ ~ ~~cnrT~~~C O'A_A~~_'QOO DEC 07 2000 17:05 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P. 13/32 12 ..... r-. ......... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL left it off right here. MR. ROBERTS: So you're going to adjourn this public hearing to the next time? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Yes. MR. FISHER: The only thing I would ask is that you take consideration into actually closing the public hearing if there is no additional comment. We can certainly have dialogue with the board based on what has been submitted. ..... CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: In a few minutes I will open it up to the public. MR. ROBERTS: I think the public should have an opportunity to review that information. In fairness, it just came in tonight and it is detailed. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Yes. MR. ROBERTS: Mr. Chairman, could you also direct Christina tomorrow to Federal Express or fax a copy of this report to Mr. Cooper for his comment. I think we should have that response in time for the next meeting. MR. FISHER: The only thing I do want 25 to point out as well is that the applicant should ~CHMTF.nF.R N ~~~OCT~~F.~ q'd-4~?-,qAA ......... -'. ........ ",..--. '-- DEC 07 2000 17:05 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P .14/32 13 1 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL have the opportunity to have the last comment on whatever the public may submit, and I don't want to get into a situation where we are going month after month, because we want to have another month for comment. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: The only reason that I had asked for the additional information was our expert, Mr. Cooper, wanted some more information. So we will submit this to him and everybody else will take a look at it and we will get back to you on the 14th and open up the pUblic hearing and go from there. MR. ROBERTS: On the 14th? You said next week. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: No, I said on the 14th of November, because we've got a full agenda on the 24th. We have about four or five other cases here that we are putting off for this because people don't want to be in here with a five foot variance, you know, and wait all evening for it. So if it's all right, I would like to make it the 14th of November and we will reconvene at that time. 25 MR. PRAGER: Mr. Rob9rts, will we SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 '-- " ~., "- ,r--. '-- DEC 07 2000 17:05 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.15/32 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL have enough time to do that by November 30th? MR. ROBERTS: The planning board's next meeting following that ~s November 20th, so the meeting on November 6th let me just -- Chris are you going to be formally sUbmitting a copy of this information to the planning board tomorrow? MR. FISHER: Tomorrow, yes. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: So you will be making this part of the formal record. MR. ROBERTS: You'll be submitting that to the planning board tomorrow. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: So you'll have to talk to Chairman DiNonno and make sure that that's on the next planning board agenda so it can be discussed. 25 MR. ROBERTS: No, no, no. MR. FISHER: We are supplying this to complete the record for the planning board. We will be submitting this to the planning board tomorrow, so in one form or another it will get to Mr. Cooper. This is something that really is supposed to be submitted to the planning board, but obviously you want to see that as well. SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 DEC 07 2000 17:06 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.16/32 15 ......... - . 1 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL 6 My hope ~ould be that subject to an opportunity to just see whatever else is remaining on that issue we can wrap up the comments and hopefully be in a position where we might be able to close up the hearing at the next meeting on this particular issue. 2 3 4 5 7 8 MR. ROBERTS: I think they're going to have to if they're going to comply with the deadline. 9 10 11 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: On the 24th you're talking about or the 14th? 12 ........ 13 MR. ROBERTS: The 14th. 14 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I think you're better off on the 14th. 15 17 MR. ROBERTS: I'm not disagreeing with the applicant. They're saying the 14th. MR. FISHER: That's fine. I just don't want to have to go through the whole cycle 16 18 19 20 again. 21 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We have a meeting on the 24th, which is next Tuesday, in which we hope to handle a lot of small business and get that done, but it's very hard to do both. 22 23 -'. ........ 24 25 MR. FISHER: No, agreed. We are not ~C~MTRnR~ ~ ~~~n~Tn~F.~ Q'A-A~?-'Q~~ DEC 07 2000 17:06 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.17/32 16 "-' '. 1 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL 2 asking you to do that. I guess what we are asking is if the 14th is an available meeting date. 3 4 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: It is. 5 MR. FISHER: Based on our 6 representation we will be making a formal 7 submission of the same material tomorrow to the 8 planning board and if Mr. Cooper has an 9 opportunity to get his response back say by the 10 7th, that will allow me a few days to at least 11 wrap up any final matters, if any, and put you in "-' 12 a position to close the hearing. 13 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Okay. I would rather do that than rush this. 14 15 Is there anybody in the audience who would 16 like to say anything? 17 MR. MILLER: I do. How are you 18 doing? I'm Robert Miller. I'm looking at your minutes from last week -- I'm sorry from september 19 20 26th -- and you have seeking a 350-foot variance, but didn't everybody say it was a SOD-foot 21 22 variance to the Randolph School? 23 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: No. ...... "-' 24 MR. MILLER: Didn't they say it was 25 1000 feet from the Randolph School? ~~HMTF.nF.~ ~ ~~~n~TnTF.~ Q14-4~?-lQAA DEe 07 2000 17:06 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.18/32 17 "'-'. ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: No. MR. MILLER: I must have a hearing ...... loss. 25 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We had a question on the Randolph School and we have just done a remeasurement on that. I don't know whether it is in that or not. MR. MILLER: How many feet is it from the Randolph School then? MR. FISHER: Do you want me to respond, Mr. chairman? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Yes. MR. FISHER: If you recall, there was a question of whether the Randolph School qualified as a school, and it does under your definition. It's 1150 feet from the school, so the variance would be for approximately 350 feet. MR. MILLER: Okay. MR. BACON: Good evening, Mr. Chairman. I faxed over a letter along with a case that I think is instructive, and it has to do with a situation where a cell tower is proposed in an area that already has coverage, because they wanted to increase capacity. So I wanted to get ....... SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 DEC 07 2000 17:06 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.19/32 18 "'"'. "r-. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL it to Mr. Roberts. MR. ROBERTS: They have given me a ...... copy. MR. BACON: They did? MR. ROBERTS: Yes. MR. BACON: Hopefully the board will take some time and look over that decision. I look forward -- CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We have reviewed the material that you have sent. MR. BACON: It came in the afternoon today. I'm sorry about the lateness with that. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I don't know about that one. We reviewed the other material. MR. BACON: The other one I got to you earlier on Tuesday. I look forward to looking over the material that was submitted tonight by the applicant. MR. FISHER: Mr. Chairman, just for the record, this case, so you know, we gave that to you in our August 31st submission. MR. BOLDON: I had brought up -- CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Would you give us ...... your name, please? We are using a recording SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 ~ - ........ r-' ~ DEC 07 2000 17:07 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P. 20/32 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL device. MR. BOLDON: My name is Jeff Boldon. At the last meeting I brought up a point and I wasn't quite clear on the answer. Both the Randolph School and the Wappingers Junior High School over here have playing fields in front of them, and I wanted to know if those playing fields were taken into consideration in the variance being requested? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: No, the variances are requested from the buildings, not from the playing fields. MR. BOLDON: If it's for health purposes, shouldn't it be considered? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We are not here to consider a health purpose. The federal government has already taken care of that. This is not a health coverage issue. MR. BOLDON: Thank you. MR. KALAKA: Should I come up? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Yes, if you would, please. MR. KALAKA: Gentlemen, my name is Art Ka1aka. I live on Pleasant Lane just down the SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 DEC 07 2000 17:07 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P. 21/32 20 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL road here. I spoke at last month's hearing also, and at that time I urged you to deny the variance for Cellular one for known reasons and also unknown reasons. Now this past week it was very obvious in the paper that the Town of East Fishkill had a catastrophe. All of a sudden for thirty-five homes, because of the water level, all of the wells were contaminated. The Town of East Orange, New Jersey is considering banning the use of cellular phones while you're driving for whatever the reason may be. We have too many communities right now that have abnormal percentages of diseases that you can't explain: lung cancer, breast cancer, premature abortions CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I'm really going to have to ask you to stick to the point. MR. KALAKA: I'm leading to my point. I'm entitled to it. I'm entitled to make my point, but I have to give you some background information. I don't know what effect that this cell tower is going to have on our children. The president of the Board of Education last month spoke to you and said, Please consider your children, consider our children, consider your ,,-. ....... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 '-" '-" SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 DEC 07 2000 17:07 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P. 22/32 21 '-" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL neighbors, consider our neighbors. You're talking about 1200 feet from the school. My God, the whole character of the community is changing. We are getting an influx of people from Westchester and New York. The schools are going to have to be expanded. They need more room. I don't buy that the reason that the cell tower is there is to handle the excess capacity. I venture to say as the community grows and everything grows and there are more homes here, they are going to need an additional increased capacity and you're going to have to grant them a variance of either extending the tower or building another tower on it. So I urge you please consider this very heavily. I don't buy the allegation that the only real property available in this whole town is this spot down here on Middlebush Road and 90. I have got to believe that there is other places better than that, so please gentlemen, consider all of these things. There are medical studies going on right now on the affect of electromagneticism on the brain from the continued use of cell phones. So there '-" '-" ~~HMT~n~~ ~ a~~~~Th~~~ Q'A_A~~_'Qgg DEC 07 2000 17:08 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.23/32 22 --. "'--" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL are a lot of unknown factors here. Please think about what may happen down the road. Don't put yourself in the position of five years from now saying, We should have denied this variance, because of some health effect or some effect on the community and our children. So please give it heavy thinking. It's on your shoulders right now. You have the power to deny it. I cannot believe based on what he and all the ....... experts have said the experts were never around ....... when they had the problem at the nuclear plant. They were never around at the Love Canal, they are never around on what's happening in the Hudson River. Please gentlemen, give this heavy consideration. I know you are and I hope that you're all in favor of denying the variance for Cellular One. ........ MR. STINSON: Mr. Chairman -- CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Go ahead, you might just as well. MR. STINSON: I don't need to. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: You're welcome to speak; this is a pUblic hearing. MR. STINSON: That's okay. SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 DEC 07 2000 17:08 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.24/32 23 ..-. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL MR. FRENCH: I just want to add that if you look at last month's Time Magazine there was a big article on radio frequency and cell phones. .'- CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Can I have your name, please? ....... MR. FRENCH: My name is John French. I live on Pleasant Lane also. Time Magazine had a great article last month on oell phones and cell towers, everything you want to know. Thank you. MR. IVERSON: Chris Iverson. I wanted to clear up the fact about my residency in the area. It's true that I don't own property in the area. I have been looking for years for one. I was supposed to have a closing date on a parcel in the Town of Wappingers on September 20th. It has been delayed and delayed, but it's going to happen. So I don't know how critical that is. I don't know how you could consider that all of the people, the many people, who rent in the Town of Wappingers wouldn't have a say in this cell tower. Not to mention that I have worked in the Town of wappingers for more than seven years. Another thing I wanted to say is when I hear ~ SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 DEC 07 2000 17:08 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.25/32 24 -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL you talking about how you really can't do the next public hearing next week because you have five other cases, it gives me a new appreciation knowing how much this is starting to drag me and other people in the citizens group down who have been active but they say, Well, I really have to do this with my kid tonight. So I really appreciate that you're taking the time not just for those other cases, but to keep this public hearing going so we know that we are getting the best attention from you and you're taking our needs and our hopes for the area seriously, so thank you. r was curious as far as the height of the tower goes. I know that one thing you had asked for was some kind of study to show that the height that is being requested by Cellular One is the height that's required for the service. I just wanted to make sure that we don't have a height that is the optimal height for the service in the area, because the law states that the town is obligated to find a site for them that gives them the minimal coverage needed for the area. So it's not as if Cellular One needs to find the absolute ..... '-" 13 14 ~ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ...... SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 ~ -..~. "-" --.. ~ DEe 07 2000 17:08 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.26/32 25 1 2 3 4 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL best site that they can find for their coverage. What we need to do is provide a site that's adequate, and as you know, it has been described that the way these cell phone towers work is usually after one tall one goes up there are several other shorter ones that go up -- I don't know if they're called repeaters or not, I'm not exactly clear on that. So I'm just imagining setting a precedent here by allowing the big one or one of the first ones in the area to go against two variances, to go too close to the schools, which our town law says, means we are legally setting a precedent for all of the other cell towers that need to be put up to provide service to break the variances also or to get variances also. So it's kind of as if we are setting up this pattern where we are just setting ourselves up for uncontrolled cell tower control, and the next cell tower provider that needs to set up a tower or when Cellular One needs to put up another one, they will point to this as a precedent and say, Well, you let them do it, you have to let us do it. It has to be equal. So I want to ask you 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 to please be careful about this important SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 --- ...... --- -., ........ DEC 07 2000 17:09 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.27/32 26 1 :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL precedent. It's critical, I think, for the character of the area. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Your attorney submitted many cases with precedents in them and we have read many cases from their attorney. MR. IVERSON: Okay. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: So we are not just doing this on the fly. MR. IVERSON: Oh, I know that. I'm not aware of what their attorney has just put in. I haven't seen the new information that they have sent in yet. I know what our attorney has sent in. I was wondering if it might be wise for the zoning board to hire their own real estate appraiser or expert to give some testimony about whether or not property values in the area will actually be degraded. I know that Cellular One has provided some information about that and we had a realtor here and have been in contact with an appraiser who may be able to come in and give you some information. But in the meantime, I wonder if it wouldn't be something that the town should take on too, because after all, the town SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 '-- -. ....... ,;- ....... DEe 07 2000 17:09 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.28/32 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL has a big responsibility, and so I just wanted to mention that for consideration and ask if the board would consider it. As far as the real estate goes -- though not having a real estate appraiser here tonight -- I just want to mention that if you have two identical properties I think if you put away all of the things that you need to prove -- you have to prove this and prove that -- if you have two identical houses one next to a cell tower and one not, is there anyone in the room that would choose the one that was next to the cell tower? I think it's kind of obvious that the property value will be somewhat affected by the tower. I have already given testimony at length about the quality of the area and the character of the area as far as the natural history and the historic value of the area. Those things will also be affected. That's all, thank you. MR. VALDATI: Good evening, I'm Robert Valdati. Many of the things that the residents have said have been stated very eloquently in terms of the aesthetics of the town, the quality of life, the property values, and SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-45'--19RR "-" '. "-" ....... DEC 07 2000 17:09 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.29/32 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL people have touched on potential health hazards, and I know that the federal government has said that those are not to be considerations for such deliberations. I have listened at great length to the presentations by the applicant's experts corroborating how benign an industry this is in terms of the effects on the community. The engineer has expressed how few amounts of radiation are dispersed, but again at the same time, cell phones are a new accessory. It is now no longer acceptable from a health standpoint to use that phone on a lengthy basis holding it to one's ear. People now use a wire connecting that phone to their ear so that it is not pressed to their head with the potential of causing damage. There is a medical affiliation dealing with that. However, the town board felt very comfortable in selecting the perimeters of this law, which was researched for over a period of a year, to put in place what we felt would serve the interests of the town and that would determine and safeguard the quality of life, and we felt that this was something that we could make happen in this SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 DEC 07 2000 17:10 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.30/32 29 ........ 1 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL 6 community and make it fit according to the rules that we the people deemed acceptable. They weren't arbitrary in the sense that we just picked any number out of the air. We looked at it from the standpoint of what would make things aesthetically pleasing, what would not diminish property values as much as it was 500 feet to a residence or 300 feet. We did this with great 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 deliberation and from a serious point of view. 13 All I would recommend is that if the zoning Board of Appeals sees fit to apply the law -- and it is always the applicant's choice to contest that law 11 -', 12 ......... 14 -- we have a law that we feel was done properly and I think it represents the interests of the 15 17 people. Thank you. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Anybody else? MR. FISHER: Mr. Chairman, I just have one comment on that last point. New York state statutes specifically provide for the Zoning Board of Appeals to vary town board laws when there are unique circumstances. All we have been 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 saying from the very beginning, as far as this town goes on this property is there are unique -. ........ 24 25 circumstances, and those are the wetlands, and SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 DEC 07 2000 17:10 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.31/32 30 --... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 '.'. 12 "- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -- '-' 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL that we shouldn't be going in that area, we should stay out of it, and that's why these variances are being asked for. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: All right. I would like to close the public hearing until the MR. ROBERTS: close or adjourn? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Adjourn until the 14th. MR. PRAGER: So moved. MR. WARREN: Second. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: All in favor? MR. diPIERNO: Aye. MR. WARREN: Aye. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Aye. MR. PRAGER: Aye. MR. FANUELE: Aye. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Thank you. (Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 8:15 p.m.) SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 ~ ......... ,....-.. .......... DEC 07 2000 17:10 FR CHAZEN ENGINEERING 914 454 4026 TO 2974558 P.32/32 31 1 2 3 4 C E R T I FIe A T ION ------------------ 5 6 7 I, KIMBERLY BURKE, a Court Reporter and 8 Notary Public in and for the state of New York, do 9 hereby certify that I recorded stenographically 10 the proceedings herein at the time and place noted 11 in the heading hereof, and that the foregoing is 12 an accurate and complete transcript of same, to 13 the best of my knowledge and belief. 14 15 16 I' ~ _~ JJJ:Ly ~ __All ~-- KIMBERLY BURKE 17 18 19 20 21 Dated: october 20th, 2000 22 23 * * * 24 25 SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES 914-452-1988 ** TOTAL PAGE.32 ** ... 3 U L! l~) 2000 ZONING j},O\V\iNISTRATOR TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN OF WAPPINGERS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS -------------------------------------------------X v....lV [ffi~t~G\w~[Q) 1 1 "--' OCT 1 9 2000 P L./\ ;"'.! ;', ,', .; --, '-', 'Nil ~JG ;iJU 6< '-01' 1\ :l "CO~Y 2 4 5 Transcript of Proceedings Re: 6 Appeal No. 00-7062 Cellular One Proposal 7 -------------------------------------------------X 8 9 September 26th, 2000 7:45 p.m. Wappingers Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, New York 10 11 12 BOARD MEMBERS: ALAN C. LEHIGH, Chairman GERALD diPIERNO DOUGLAS WARREN J. HOWARD PRAGER VICTOR L. FANUELE ''-"' 13 14 15 ALBERT ROBERTS, Town Attorney 16 17 18 * * * * * * * 19 20 21 22 REPORTED BY: Kimberly Burke 23 ----------------------------------------------------- 25 SCHMIEDER & ASSOCIATES Professional Shorthand Reporters 82 Washington Street, Poughkeepsie NY 12601 (914) 452-1988 ...... 24 2 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: The next appeal is Appeal No. 00-7062 for Cellular One. Variance number one requests a three-foot variance from section 240-81 (G) (4) (c) (1) of the zoning law of the Town of Wappingers requiring that a cell tower be 1500 feet from an educational institution. variance number two requesting a 130-yard variance from section 240-81 (G) (4) (c) (2) of the zoning law of the Town of wappingers requiring that a cell tower be 750 feet from an existing dwelling. Request for interpretation, interpretation of the letter from the zoning administrator dated July 24, 2000, which letter stated that the planning board did not have the authority to waive or modify the setback restrictions. Appeal number 00-7063, request for a two foot variance increasing the six-foot maximum height of fence around a cell tower facility as set forth in section 240-81(G) (5) of the zoning law of the Town of Wappingers. The property is located at 250 Middlebush Road and is identified as tax grid number 6157-01-353724 in the Town of Wappingers. ~ "" '-" ....... ....... 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL Do we have the mailings back? TOWN CLERK: Yes. MR. ROBERTS: Mr. Chairman, can I just clarify something. I believe you said a three-foot variance for variance one; I think it's 350 feet. And for variance number two, you said 130 yards, and I believe it's asking for 130-foot variance. 130-foot variance and CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: the other one was 350? MR. ROBERTS: Correct. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I would like to have a motion to open the public hearing. MR. PRAGER: So moved. MR. WARREN: Second. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: All in favor? MR. diPIERNO: Aye. MR. WARREN: Aye. MR. PRAGER: Aye. MR. FANUELE: Aye. MR. FISHER: Good evening, Chairman and members of the board. My name is Christopher Fisher. I'm an attorney with Cuddy & Feder & Worby and I'm here on behalf of the applicant. ....... ....... ....... 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL Also with me tonight is Kelly Libolt who is with the Chazen companies, our engineers who prepared the plan on this site. Also with me is Ron Graiff, a professional engineer of the State of New York who is here as our consulting engineer. If you bear with me, it probably benefits both the board and the public to understand some of the process that brings us here tonight to the public hearing. Some time ago, probably well over a year ago, Cellular One approached the Town of Wappingers to talk about the potential for a wireless facility in the town. And rather than just simply seeking out privately owned property, they were also seeking property, if there were suitable locations, that were owned by the town, which was a way in which there would be a public/private partnership in this particular application. I think this was the obvious answer in that wireless industry carriers are here, there are more carriers coming, everybody pretty much has come to the realization that facilities are needed to provide the service, so it ends up being an exercise in where are good locations. ..... ..... ......... 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL with that dialogue in hand -- and in fact a town law that addresses many of these issues -- I want to discuss the potential for the town and the property which we are here for tonight at the town hall. Ultimately, after several months, a lease was negotiated and the town board adopted resolutions including a negative declaration pursuant to SEQRA and approved the lease. The lease is subject to zoning ordinances and the zoning process. At this point, we have been before the planning board and there has been a public hearing before the planning board, and a number of the issues that are very kind of generic to the issue of wireless facility sites are squarely the planning board's issues: Need for the facility, compliance with a number of various siting criteria that are set forth in the town law, and we have set forth additional information to the planning board as to all the reasons why we believe we meet all of those criteria. At some point after the public hearing an issue arose with respect to the interpretation of the town code, and that is specifically whether or "- "- ""-" 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL not a variance was required if a facility was going to have to be within 1500 feet of a school or 750 feet of a dwelling. Our position was that in reviewing the town code and the language that was utilized in that section, that it wasn't actually a set requirement that would need a variance from the zoning board, but really something to be balanced by the planning board in weighing all of the criteria that kind of is going into the melting pot of whether a site meets the criteria of the town code. The request was made formally to the zoning official as to the proper interpretation of the code, and a determination was made that in fact variances would be needed for those particular provisions of the town code. So before you tonight is Cellular One's application one, which is an appeal. We are asking that the zoning board effectively overturn that decision and really say that the distances are not requirements, they're objectives and things that should be weighed by the planning board in their deliberations. If the zoning board disagrees with that ....... ....... ~ 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL request, we have alternatively asked for variances from the specified distances in the code from any school or dwellings. The process -- as you're well aware of, to date this is our third appearance and first public hearing, but we have had two regular meetings which were very heavily attended by the public, and we have presented you with a number of materials in support of the application. I don't want to take too much of your time on that, but just for clarification, we submitted the application in August. You had asked for quite a bit of information, and I had suggested that we needed to get you additional information in support of the application, and we provided that prior to your last meeting. At our last meeting we did discuss, as well as with the public, why this particular facility meets the FDA emissions or FDA limits for wireless facilities. with respect to the various issues at hand, they're fairly narrow. The question really is: Why on this particular lot can't we build this facility in a location that would "Comply with the 1500-foot setback from the school and 750-foot ....... ....... ........ 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL setback from the dwellings"? In our materials that we supplied you with, we have shown you that really the only location on the lot that would be within those specified distances is a local, state and federally regulated wetland. On balance, certainly building a road through a wetland area and the foundation work and all of the disturbance that would be associated with that, we don't believe was warranted. And in fact, the most appropriate location is an area behind the state police barracks, near the existing tower on the premises, in an area that really all around it has vacant land, wetland, water forces or tree buffer areas, and we can blend the facility into that area. So we have presented all of that information and all of the standards why we believe we do meet the variance request. I would ask just for purposes of the public, if Chazen can briefly take you through that plan to identify exactly where it is and what is proposed. MS. LIBOLT: Thank you, Mr. Chairperson. Again, I'm Kelly Libolt with Chazen ........ '-" '-" 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL Engineering representing the applicant Cellular One. Can everyone see this plan that was submitted as part of the zoning application? Chris Fisher summarized much of this information, but I will just go through the site-specific information. The applicant, Cellular One, is proposing installing a communication facility on town-owned property. The site is located obviously on the same parcel that the town hall is located on. More specific, the site is to the south of the parking lot for the state trooper barracks and Alamo Ambulance. This portion of the site plan shows the larger parcel which includes the town hall, the existing trooper barracks and Alamo Ambulance. Middlebush Road is down here on the bottom of the plan, north is towards the bottom of the plan. This is a blow-up here showing the specific area proposed for the communication facility (indicating). Again, the applicant is proposing the installation of an equipment building and a 180-foot monopole tower. The equipment building being proposed is a 12' X 20' one-story equipment building. It is a prefabricated building. We are --... --... ~ 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL proposing that the monopole tower be enclosed by an eight-foot-high chain-link fence. Access to the site will be via the existing parking lot that's utilized by the trooper barracks and Alamo Ambulance. The site is in the R20-40 zone. We did provide you with a picture that summarizes the interpretation request and variance request. Again, the variances are setbacks from an existing school or educational facility where 1500 feet is suggested in your zoning code and the applicant is illustrating that they're providing 1,150 feet, for a difference of 350 feet. For the second request, the applicant is proposing to locate the facility such that it is 620 feet away from the nearest habitable structure, where 750 is suggested in your zoning code, for a difference of 130 feet. And lastly, your code suggests a height of six-foot high for the fence, and for a variety of security measures, the applicant is proposing in this particular center an eight-foot-high chain-link fence for obvious reasons. We have provided you with a variety of documentation; in addition to the documents that ....... ......... ..... 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL have been provided by Mr. Fisher's office, we provided you with a visual analysis. And again, I think we went through the methodology in selecting the site, which were: the proximity to wetlands, the site has some unique characteristics, there are limited areas on the site which could be developed, there is an existing tower at the facility, and more importantly, there is quite a bit of dense vegetation in the area. This particular site was selected because of the proximity of the water. There is limited removal of vegetation that would be required in this particular location. Much of that was outlined on the visual analysis that was provided by this applicant. That gives you a brief summary of the project, and I will turn it back to Mr. Fisher. MR. FISHER: That's our presentation, Chairman. Obviously we are here to answer any questions you might have and the public. There is one piece of house keeping that I want to make sure I take care of. Mr. Roberts had asked me for an extension of time, of the planning board's time, within which they must mandatorily ....... ....... ..... 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL act, and I just wanted to make sure that I gave it to him tonight. record. I just wanted to have that on the MR. ROBERTS: Mr. Fisher, since Mr. Graiff is present in the room, would you have him give a statement summarizing his prior testimony before this board. MR. FISHER: Sure. MR. GRAIFF: Good evening, my name is Ronald Graiff. I'm an electrical engineer, a radio frequency consulting engineer and a licensed professional engineer in New York State. I was asked by Cellular One to evaluate the compliance of the site with the FCC guidelines OET 65 in compliance with the electromagnetic energy from any type of transmitting environment, whether it be AM/FM, TV, cellular or any radio frequency. I performed that analysis in May and have submitted it to the board previously. The result of that analysis was, assuming that every transmitter proposed at this site was operating at its full maximum effective radiated power at 150 feet above the ground, it would result in a field, the strongest field, a distance ...... ...... ....... 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL of approximately 85 feet from the base of the tower. I believe that 87 feet from base of the tower would be 2.1 percent of the MPE, and that's the maximum permitted exposure for non-occupational environment. That's for the general public. This is, as far as a measurement of the energy itself, is 11.5 micro watts per square centimeter of radio frequency energy; that equates to the 2.1 percent of the MPE. This site is in complete compliance with all of the requirements of OET 65, with the New York State Department of Health, with the requirements of the I Triple E, the NCRP, the National Council of Radio Protection measurements, and all international standards that we utilize in this profession. This is clearly in complete compliance. Just to further all of my assumptions were worst case analyses, that every transmitter at the site was operating and that all of the energy transmitted from the site was directed at the same location, even though it's not. It's directed in three particular locations. I also assumed that all of this energy that would strike the ground is one hundred percent .... .... '-'" 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL reflective. In practice, such calculations will yield, if measurements were taken later, the calculations will overstate by five to ten, sometimes twenty, times the level that's actually experienced at the site, but indeed to err on the side of protection, the calculations assume always the worst case analysis. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Let me ask you one question. Did you take the state troopers' antenna into consideration when you figured this worst case scenario out? MR. GRAIFF: No, I didn't. We had no information on the operation of the state troopers' antennas that are on that tower. That tower is, in my estimate between 100 and 150 feet behind, to the west of the proposed installation. It could be considered. The frequencies involved there have different exposure levels. Those exposure levels, you have to be aware, are already existing at the site. It is my opinion, however, from doing numerous evaluations such as this, that even with the maximum power that the Public Safety -- which is the type of radio service, it's called Public Safety Radio Service -- would not ......... ......... ......... 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL dramatically increase the maximum permitted exposure of all fields at the site. Thank you. Does CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: anyone else have any questions? MR. FANUELE: The only question I have is -- I have been asking around and I'm having problems getting answers -- what happens when I pick up the telephone and I start talking, something comes out of that antenna? Can you take us through a run of what happens to the signal, where it goes and how it comes back. MR. GRAIFF: Sure. A cellular radio telephone system operates in an unused portion of the former UHF television band, the frequency originally allocated to channels that are in the high 60's and 70's where we no longer have UHF televisions. So they're very similar to stations that transmit today in that ban. A station in Kingston, for example, transmits very near to the cellular telephone frequency, although it is removed enough so there is no interference. The cellular frequency have taken all of these and they're divided up into a number of channels that the carrier uses to cover a specific geographic ......, ~ ....... 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL area, and these channels are reused over and over again in the particular geographic area so that you can have many conversations. Assume for a moment that you have a portable telephone in your hand and you dial a number into the key pad and you press "send." That little radio transmitter that's in that cellular telephone -- which by the way transmits at a maximum power, a maximum power, of 600 milliwatts, which is 6/10th of a watt similar to what a cordless phone might use or what a baby monitor in a child's room might transmit. It transmits a signal on a data channel, a data overhead channel, to a cell site that's constantly listening for any traffic on this channel. A setup happens in which the base station, the nearest base station, measures the frequency and the signal of the transmitted overhead message and a conversation happens over this setup channel and a link is established, a talking link, between the handheld cellular telephone and the base station. Once that the cellular telephone transmits its data, its speech, to the cell site -- and that cell site is connected by a telephone line to the 17 ,....,.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL public switch telephone network, to your regular conventional dial telephone network -- and as they say, the call goes through, you carryon a conversation in a duplex mode, which is transmitting and receiving at the same time, so that you can hear someone speak when you're talking. As you drive throughout or walk throughout the coverage area, there is a constant measurement situation going on where all of the cell sites that are surrounding you are measuring your signal ........ ........ strength. As you get farther away from the cell site, the signal of course decreases, and it decreases relatively rapidly because of the relatively small towers it's being transmitted by, by both the handsets and by both of the cell sites. As the measurement process is going on, it is constantly looking for a better cell. When the switch or the system controller finds a better cell, it accomplishes a process called hand-off. And in that hand-off, your cellular radio telephone that you're holding, its frequency is changed and it's reassigned to another channel of an awaiting cell site and your conversation is, in 18 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL ~ ..... a matter of milliseconds, transferred to that new cell site. The telephone line connection that had been working between the old cell site is changed to the new cell site and you continue in your conversation. That's the beauty of a hand-off, that you have no idea really that it's happening. When you're done with your call, you press the end button that sends an overhead signal on the data channel that says, I'm finished. The link is dropped. Your transmitter stops transmitting its analog for a digital signal that you have had your conversation on, and the cell site stops transmitting and goes silent on that channel that you were on. MR. FANUELE: How does the antenna come into all of this? I'm here with my phone and I start talking and make a connection, where does that go? MR. GRAIFF: The antenna in your hand set? MR. FANUELE: Where does the signal wind up going? MR. GRAIFF: That signal is directed to a cell site. It's directed everywhere, but 19 ........ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL it's the closest cell site that picks it up. The tower that the applicant is proposing here would be known as a cell site and that energy is directed actually it's directed everywhere. It's directed omni-directionally pretty much and it's received by the nearest cell site. If you're further north, it might be received by the cell site that they have at the mall. Or if you're further south, it might be received at the cell site that is on Holmness Mountain (phonetic). If you're further to the east, it might be received by the cell site that they have in Pawling. It really depends on where you are which cell site is required or is able to pick up your small little tiny radio that you have. MR. FANUELE: So now the cell site picks it up. What does it do with it as far as the transmission goes? MR. GRAIFF: That cell site is connected by telephone wires all the time, hard wires, to a central office, and that central office is connected to Verizon, this area's telephone network. So it's always connected to the cell site and always connected to the switch ........ ........ 20 "-' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL ......... to the central switching office, and your conversation is then carried from the cell site where it is received over the telephone lines, to the central office to whoever you're calling in their home or business or wherever they might be. MR. FANUELE: So if I have a ,..... telephone wire coming into the cell site and the tower is picking up the signal out of my antenna, what else does the tower do? I mean, does the tower just pick it up and there is no radiation? MR. GRAIFF: Oh no, remember it's a duplex conversation. You're not only transmitting to the tower so you can talk, but the tower is transmitting to you so you can hear the conversation from the person that you're talking to. It's called full duplex. Both conversations are going on at the same time. Your cellular transmitter is using actually two frequencies at the same time. One to talk on and one to listen on. It transmits on the talk frequency and it receives on the listen frequency. The receive frequency that it listens on is the transmit frequency of the cell site. They're reversed. Do you follow that? If you transmit on one and 21 ..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL ..... receive on two, the cell site receives on one and transmits on two. MR. FANUELE: And if I'm calling across the country, it goes to AT&T or whoever and takes my signal from here to California? MR. GRAIFF: If you're making a long distance call, that's up to Verizon or whoever you subscribe to as your long-distance carrier how that portion of the call is carried. MR. FANUELE: All right. Thank you. ..... MR. GRAIFF: Thank you. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Ms. Lukianoff. MS. LUKIANOFF: For the record, my name is Tonia Lukianoff. I am a zoning administrator for the Town of wappingers. I first reviewed this file in late July at the time when the applicant was right before the planning board. Being new to the town, I was a little bit concerned that there seemed to be a leap-frogging of the process and that the ZBA was not involved in some of the issues that I found. Upon review, I found that there were really four zoning issues, one of which -- only one of which -- was basically under the jurisdiction of the planning board, and ........ ........ '-' 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL I wrote a letter to that effect to the town planner, Mr. Wery and that was dated July 24th. This was brought before the knowledge of the board, the planning board, on August 7th and at which point I restated that I thought that there were three issues that should be addressed not by the planning board, but by the ZBA. At this point, there was a great deal of uncertainty as to the precise measurements. I kept hearing from the engineering firm that there was "Approximately plus or minus." And I waited until I was given a more precise measurement, and then the variance problems began. Recently new information supplied by the applicant shows that one of the distances is a distance to a barn. Now our code says that it is the distance measured to a dwelling unit. A barn, in my estimation, is not a dwelling unit. Again, this is information that has been slowly coming forward. I have written a letter dated september 26th addressed to you, the Board of Appeals, basically restating what my position is. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Would you like to read that letter into the minutes? 23 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL MS. LUKIANOFF: Okay. It is dated september 26th, 2000. (Reading) zoning Board of Appeals, Town of Wappingers, Regarding Appeal 00-7062 and 00-7063 Cellular One Applicant, Tax Grid number 6157-01-353724. Dear ZBA Members: You have before you both an appeal for an interpretation and an appeal for area variances. After I first reviewed the file in the above- referenced project in late July, I had indicated that there were four zoning issues where the applicant did not fall into the perimeters set forth by the zoning ordinance. I referenced the letter to Mr. Greer dated July 24th, 2000. The issues were as follows: section 240-81 (G) (4) (c) (1) dealing with the 1500-foot setback requirement from the cell tower to an educational institution. Number two, section 240-81(G) (4) (c) (2) dealing with the 750-foot setback requirement from the cell tower to an existing dwelling unit. Three, section 240-81 (G) (5) dealing with the restriction of a height of fencing, six feet. And item four, section 240-81(G) (9) stating that cell towers be located at least one and one half times their maximum ....... ....... '-" ..... ..... 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL height from the outer boundary of the site. During the planning board meeting on August 7th, 2000 I reiterated my position. However, I also indicated that with respect to item four the planning board did have the authority to waive or modify the requirements of that particular section. The other issues were to be addressed by the ZBA. At that time, the applicant had not provided the precise measurements to the school and residences in the immediate area. I did not accept the initial application for variances until the applicant's engineering firm was able to verify and then provide more precise distances. Since then, the applicant has submitted documentation further defining the distances involved. One of the structures mentioned was a barn located southwest of the proposed cell tower location. Our code specifies "A dwelling unit," and a barn would not fall under this designation and a variance would not be required for this building. If the cell tower is moved back further on the property and its proximity to a barn is the only distance that is under the 750-foot setback, and 25 ~...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL all dwelling units were further than 750 feet, then that particular variance is no longer needed. Very truly yours. ....... CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: So I would ask the applicant if they measured to that barn or to another dwelling unit to come up with the 750 feet? MR. FISHER: I can address these issues, Mr. Chairman. First in terms of timing, .'-" it is important to note that this zoning official came on board right in the middle of an important question for the planning board, and our primary focus at that point in time was the interpretation question: Do we or don't we need a variance; regardless of whether it would be ten feet, is it something that needs to be varied or not? But as to the issue of this barn, I can tell you if you look at your code section 240-81(G) (4) (c), which is on page 24109, there are two provisions which are the two provisions that we are here for tonight. The first one says that a wireless facility shall not be located closer than 1500 feet on a horizontal plane to any structure existing at the time of application ...... ~ ...... 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL which is or is able to be occupied or habitable on the property of any school. And the second provision which deals with this zoning code talks about closer than 750 feet from an existing dwelling unit. We took a very conservative approach in trying to ameliorate these two positions and took the position that that structure is part of a single-family residence it's used by a single family from what we understand -- and that we should run our dimensions from that. If your interpretation is that the barn is not something that we would have to be 750 away from, obviously with respect to this application it would obviate the need for any variance from that structure whatsoever. And certainly if you could move it back slightly on the property, it would be outside of the 750-foot radius from an existing dwelling, it would -- at least with respect to the dwelling in that particular provision -- be able to be achieved and moot for any need for any variance from that perspective. I think from our existing location as proposed we would still need a variance from the residence that is on --- --- '-" 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL Middlebush Avenue. But I think that should give you a picture as to where we were coming from to be most conservative on that issue. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Well, it doesn't help me, because if I wish to grant you a variance, I wish to do it accurately, so I would need a measurement so that we know whether you're asking for a variance that you don't need. MR. FISHER: The question isn't so much the distance from that barn or the distance from any other structure. The question is: Is that barn a single-family dwelling for purposes of this provision? And what I am just hearing from the zoning official, it is not. So in that case, we don't need a variance from that particular structure. So we could put it five feet from that structure, so the distance would be irrelevant ultimately with respect to those structures, and we believe they are barns. They're barns that are used as part of a property that's used for single-family purposes. So, ultimately if that's the interpretation, we would not need a variance from that particular ........ ........ ........ 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL structure, and I think if you look at -- excuse me just a minute. I'm referencing -- CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: If that was the closest one and you don't need it, then you don't need that variance. MR. FISHER: Actually, it's not the only one if you look at our Exhibit 7. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: The house across the street? the street. MR. FISHER: There are houses across There are houses further west and a couple of different structures, and it looks like there are some single-family dwellings as well that we would need a variance for. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: All right. You have answered that question. Is that the end of your presentation as of now? MR. FISHER: Yes, Chairman. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I would like to hear from our expert now, Mr. Cooper. MR. ROBERTS: Mr. Cooper is the expert retained by the town in drafting the original guidelines for the cell tower. And Mr. Cooper, would you introduce yourself and give your ~ ~ ~ 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL professional address and state your professional affiliation? MR. COOPER: My name is Walter Cooper. I am a principal of the firm of Flack & Kurtz Consulting Engineers in New York city. I handle the information technology in telecommunication within the firm, a position I have held for the last fourteen years. I have approximately thirty years experience in radio frequency and engineering telecommunication systems. I have designed and built wireless two-way radio telecommunications and cellular systems around the world. About half of my experience has been in the military system doing strategic networks, and the last position I held in the military was in support of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the command authority in the White House strategic communications systems. I have written and published and developed and published software in the field of radio propagation such as is used by AT&T on their microwave radio engineering. I guess that covers my introduction. I have been asked to review the application ........ ........ .'-'" 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL and the minutes of the previous meetings, and I would like to start by saying I have not been present at the previous hearings and I have only been able to review what is in the written record and it's quite possible that I have missed something that was said in a hearing. And if so, I apologize and I hope the applicant will correct any information that's incomplete on my part. But I would like to say that for the most part I agree with the information that's in the application and the subsequent submissions in answer to the questions that were raised. I looked particularly at the radio frequency issues, and I know of no major concerns that revolves around the issue of maximum permissible exposure to an electromagnetic field. Mr. Graiff has already submitted some data on that and we have spoken about it. I must say that I am in agreement with what he said. I believe the method he used was a very conservative method. I believe from my own experience if you do a calculation such as this and then go into the field and take measurements, you're going to get lower readings in the field in actual practice, because the method is quite conservative. ~ ~ ...... 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL I believe it was done in compliance with the FCC bulletins which is supposed to be used for this purpose, and just to be certain, I did some calculations of my own, which not only confirmed what I saw, but I did something that you might call an inconceivably worst case calculation in which I assumed that you could mount the antennas in such a way that every antenna was focused directly at the foot of the tower, pointing straight down, which would never be done in practice, and every antenna was focused on one spot. And I found that even if you did that, which would be inconceivable, the amount of radio-frequency energy that you would develop would still be well within the permissible exposure limits. So I'm quite confident that if this facility is built in the way that it is described in the application, that it would fall well within the guidelines. Mr. Chairman, you have raised a question of the contribution of the state police tower. The OET Bulletin 65 addresses multiple sources and requires that if another source will provide a significant contribution, that that must be taken ~ ~ "'-'" 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL into consideration. The question is what is significant? And without knowing I certainly don't know the perimeters of what is being transmitted from that tower -- my experience suggests that it would not be significant, given the distance between the two towers and the typical installation that you would see in Public Safety Radio systems. I don't believe it would be significant, but I can't state that with certainty without knowing the numbers. The OET Bulletin 65 gives an alternative method of determining that, which is to take a field measurement, and the applicant may want to do that. I don't know. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I missed that last part. MR. COOPER: It's impossible to simply go out in the field and take a measurement and find out what that contribution is. As I said, I suspect it would be insignificant, but I can't state that with any certainty. I also had some concern about the Federal Aviation Aeronautical study and what the results would be. The last time I reviewed the record, that hadn't come back, and I believe it is back ........ ........ ....... 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL now, and I have looked at that and it states that the structure would not be a hazard or an obstruction in terms of the FAA classifications. So I believe that area is satisfied and would not require lighting of any sort unless it was done voluntarily, and I think that covers that issue. That was not clear from the beginning, but I believe that's taken care of now. There is also a question as to need for the facility, and I know that the applicant states that in effect this site is needed for capacity, which means that there are other existing sites that provide service in this area, but those sites don't have enough capacity to handle all of the calls that are being generated, so another site is needed to alleviate that traffic jam of calls. The applicant submitted data which supports that conclusion and showed that the three nearest sites, during significant parts of the day, are essentially beyond capacity; they can't handle all of the calls that are being attempted. We call this the grade of service, and they're achieving during certain hours a very low, very poor grade of service. ........ ........ ........ 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL There is also a statement in the application that those sites cannot be enhanced to improve their capacity, and that is a requirement in the zoning regulation, that any existing sites have to be optimized before a need can be given for a new site. The only concern I have there is there are no specifies with that statement that I can find. So I don't know why those sites can't be enhanced. Looking at the data, I believe it's reasonable that they probably cannot. I believe one is a flagpole type antenna, so the number of physical antennas and size of those antennas that you can put inside that fake flagpole is very limited, but I would like, if there is something in the record, to see more specifics about why those other sites can't be enhanced to improve their capacity. There are a number of reasons that are quite possible and feasible as to why that is so. Those were the only areas that I would consider as areas of clarification. I feel that the application is relatively complete and I agree with the majority of what it says, but I think those areas deserve some clarification. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Thank you, Mr. ...... ........ ....... 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL Cooper. Would you like to address those questions? MR. FISHER: Absolutely. The issue of the state police tower and doing the measurement, certainly as a condition of any approval that the board may grant, we could do that. And in fact I think at our last meeting, which Mr. Cooper wasn't able to be at, Ron Graiff talked about that he in fact had done that previously not too far away from the village and measurements did corne back much lower. We would be happy to do that as a condition of any approval that might be granted. On the issue of the additional data that was requested, as I said before, that's a planning board issue, and we have received a memo from Mr. cooper's office and we do intend to respond to that and provide the planning board with the information that addresses why those other sites are really at capacity and can't be altered. So we intended to present that information to the planning board at a future date. MR. COOPER: I'm sorry, I missed one point which I intended to make and you just 36 .~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL "-- reminded me. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Go ahead. MR. COOPER: That is the minimum height requirement. I believe you're aware of that. It falls within the same category of enhancing the other sites, I believe. In other "-" words, the town zoning law requires that any structure that's built be built at a minimum height that's necessary to meet the need, and I don't feel that that's been clearly demonstrated in the propagation plot and the other evidence that's in the material that I have seen where that has been addressed. MR. FISHER: Again, that's a planning board issue and not an issue for the zoning board to resolve, but just in addressing that, if we had a situation where we were dealing with a coverage issue, it would be easy to show on a plot how much it's filled in and what the difference in height is. When you're dealing with a capacity issue, it's not necessary to be graphically depicted in that manner, but we will be able to give you that information. As we said from the very beginning of this "-' ....... "-' 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL entire project, the application that you have before you is for 180-foot monopole, but we are not in need of that for just Cellular One. We proposed 150 as our height to address our needs. The idea behind the added height was for future carriers, PCA carriers and cellular carriers, who needed additional height and similar coverage. It was mentioned at our last meeting about the potential for a shorter tower of 150 feet that could be expanded in the future, and we had said that we had done that in the past and would consent obviously to any condition that was worded that way, but we will address that issue before the planning board. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Mr. Roberts? MR. ROBERTS: I have nothing else. Mr. Chairman, do you want to reference the documents that are to be considered as part of this application? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: You want those in now? MR. ROBERTS: Yes, I think it would be important to make that part of the record. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: All right. The 38 '-" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL application for Cellular One dated 8/8/00, the site map, visual study and report, the short form EAF, the engineering report, undated, by Robert E. Graiff received 8/9/00 by the zoning administrator, the site analysis report, undated, by Cellular One received by the zoning administrator on 9/1, a determination of "No Hazard to Air and Navigation" by the FAA dated 7/13, a curriculum vitae of Robert E. Graiff, town board recommendation 8/21, planning board recommendation 8/8 and the letter of 7/24 to Daniel Wery, a memorandum dated 8/31 prepared by Cuddy & Feder & Worby, a local government guide to transmitter antennas RF emissions safety dated 6/2 issued by the FCC, and the letter that was just ........ '-" read by the zoning administrator. the evidence. Now we are going to go to the public comment That is all of stage. I'm going to need a motion to open this up to the public. MR. diPIERNO: So moved. MR. WARREN: Second. CHAIRPERSON LEHIGH: The first name is Art Kalaka. 39 ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL MR. KALAKA: How are you? I attended the planning board -- ."-'" CHAIRPERSON LEHIGH: come up here and speak. Do you want to MR. KALAKA: I'm sure you can hear me. CHAIRPERSON LEHIGH: I'm sure I can hear you too, but there is a microphone up here. MR. KALAKA: I attended the planning ........ board meeting and listened to the so-called experts speak and everything, and I'm attending this meeting tonight. I came here with a very open mind and I really didn't know how I was going to feel towards the building or the recommendations for this antenna until I read these appeals. Appeal number 00-7062 requesting a 350-foot variance from the junior high school. You have answered the question on variance number two requesting 130 feet from a dwelling, so that's no longer a problem, but nobody has said anything about the first variance, 350 feet from the existing educational institution, the junior high school. I listened to Mr. Cooper and I listened to the experts -- the same experts that said ten .",.... ....... ....... 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL years ago that the discharge from the General Electric plant would not affect anything in the Hudson River. Mr. Cooper said the reason for this cell tower is to handle the additional capacity. Well, I venture to say that these gentlemen will be before you, if you grant this variance, in the near future asking for additional capacity on that additional capacity. Nobody has addressed the 350 feet from the junior high school. That's a tremendous concern. The school systems is getting larger. What happens if we have to build additional buildings there to handle the capacity of the kids that are coming into the town? So gentlemen, I have been on the zoning Board of Appeals, I have granted variances and I disgranted variances, but I have got to tell you when you talk about 350 feet, that's not a violation, that's a gross violation. You're not talking about ten, twenty or thirty feet. When these experts speak it always sounds very nice and everything, but nobody has ever brought up the fact that the continuous use of a cellular phone can cause additional medical ~ ~ '-" 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL problems. There are a lot of unknowns here. There are a lot of unknowns here, and I say to you gentlemen, think about it, think about the concerns of the residents. I also just question I just question in my mind why this happened to be the best site? I don't know what other property there is in the town, but I understand that the town had recommended to Cellular One some other additional sites, but they didn't find it suitable. I can think of a great site. I can think of the property on Wheeler Road. I can think of Mount Alvernia. There are a lot of other places too, and I think this is just a convenience for them. And I venture to say, gentlemen, that that tower may be 150 feet or it may be 200 feet, but you're definitely going to get additional requests to increase that capacity. Thank you. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Thank you. Robert Valdati. MR. VALDATI: Good evening. I have attended meetings before on this issue and I would just like to restate some of the things I have said and perhaps add something new. The law is the hallmark of an ordered society "-" .~ ...... 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL and the people of the Town of Wappingers have taken it upon themselves to protect their community with various zoning laws. We have setbacks that have been set for yards, we have setbacks for signage in front of buildings. We determine these as a community, as the people. We the people here determine that. We have decided certain establishments, adult establishments, cannot be located near schools or churches. We have decided that gas stations cannot be in close proximity to one another, because of the aesthetics or the potential of hazard. Now we have a law on the books that we have spent a great deal of time researching, and we came up with what we thought would be perimeters for you to utilize to safeguard and continue to protect the people in the town. These people are not here to subvert the law. These people want the law adhered to. The law is how we govern ourselves, the law is how we order ourselves. We are not here to change the law. We are here just to state that the law is to be followed. There is another very large site in the Town of wappingers, a 99-acre parcel, that would 43 ."-" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 "-" 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 '-" 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL certainly satisfy all setback requirements and then some. Here, if it would satisfy the law, I think the people's arguments would be put to rest. however, gentlemen, it does not and we are concerned as to the aesthetics and safety of our community. We put that law in place not to have the very first application of it subvert it. I appeal to you on behalf of the people to let the law stand. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Tom stinson. MR. STINSON: I want to know if anyone on the zoning board knows what a 48-channe1 antenna looks like, because that's all they're requesting, a 48-channel antenna. MR. diPIERNO: You're not here to question us. We are here to ask questions. (Disruption from the audience) MR. STINSON: I'm just asking if you know what a 48-channel antenna looks like. They're asking for 150 feet with a 48-channel antenna on top of it. We are here tonight to get some kind of opinion on the aesthetics of that .... '-" '-" 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL pole. I think it's important that you know what a 48-channel antenna looks like. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We have a picture of it in the brochure. MR. STINSON: Okay. One other thing, is the Galleria site acceptable and where is the documentation that says that it is or it isn't? I have looked in the file and I can't find it that is zoning law number 240-81 (f) (3) (a). Where is the written documentation that they do not have already existing capacity page three -- do they have it? Is it written? Where is it? I haven't seen it in the file. How can we continue this meeting? We can't continue this meeting until that documentation exists. 240-81 (f) (3) (a), written documentation that all sites within five miles have been looked at and are deemed unacceptable. Does that exist? I haven't found it. I know that the expert from Cellular One has said -- and I have said this for two months -- that the existing antenna height of 2000 feet or 3000 feet is acceptable for a 48-channel antenna. If you know the size of it. Radial plots of all the sites. I haven't seen "-'" "-'" "-'" 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL a radial plot in the file yet -- these are all from 240-81 (f) (3) (b). I asked two weeks ago that the board look into the reason they rejected the site up on Route 9. I made a mistake; I said it was Cellular One, it was Bell Atlantic. The balloon was up for three days and it's 2000 feet away from where we are now, why did they reject it? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Why did who reject it? MR. STINSON: They. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I don't know. MR. STINSON: It's very important, because nobody found out why. It ought to be understood why it was rejected. Was it aesthetics? You people are going to make a decision concerning the aesthetics of this pole in the back. Wouldn't it be interesting to know why they rejected one up there 2000 feet away? I think I know, but I'm not sure and I'm not going to make that statement, but it didn't look good. Last week or two weeks ago, I asked the origin of the 750 and 1500 feet. Mr. Roberts told me it was Great Barrington. Has anyone talked to Great ~ ........ ~ 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL Barrington to find out why 750 and 1500 feet exists? Can you tell me why? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Can I tell you why? It was an arbitrary figure that was picked out, as far as I understand it. MR. STINSON: Wasn't there an expert there? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: One of the experts was there, but that doesn't make any difference. MR. STINSON: I talked to Tony Blair and he said that the 750 feet is there because they felt that that was a distance that would protect the aesthetics of the area of the homes and it would maintain the real estate value. That's no out-of-the-air, that's a judgment. And that's what we are asking you people tonight to do is give us your judgment. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: You're quite a bit over your three minutes. MR. STINSON: Three minutes? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: That's what I said when we started. We have a lot of people that want to talk. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I will pass my ........ ........ ........ 47 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL time to him. MR. STINSON: Good. Did I hear correctly in the back that we waived the variance for the 750 feet, but we are considering the variance for 750 feet not to be necessary because of a barn? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Nobody has made that statement. MR. STINSON: I think Art mentioned that -- how many houses are involved in that 750 feet? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: How many houses are involved? MR. STINSON; Yes, how many residences come into that range? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: There were a couple of others. That's why they didn't waive it. MR. STINSON: Do you know how many? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: There is one across the street. MR. STINSON: There is Mr. Wilson, Mr. Bosworth (phonetic) and a couple others here. Are there any more? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I don't know. I ..... ....... ..... 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL don't have memorized all of those houses. Do you? MR. STINSON: That should be a significant input to make the decision concerning the aesthetics of this thing, you have to know those numbers. MR. KALAKA: Torn, I made reference to the barn. MR. STINSON: You don't need a variance for the barn, but you certainly need it for at least two, maybe three or four other houses. Four and a half times? Is that still an issue or has that been solved or what is the status of that? This thing is now within 50 feet, I understand, of the property next to the tower. It's 48.2 feet, if I look at the map, the map shows 48.2 and I believe this line is cappillino's property (indicating). It's 48.2 feet. That's an issue. Has anybody addressed that? I think this meeting ought to continue. I think it has to be looked at. I think there is a lot of issues. Mr. Cooper has some issues concerning frequency, concerning minimum height of the tower. I don't think anybody is ready to make a decision. I think that there are significant ~ ~ ~ 49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL things that have to be looked at before we continue. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Robert Miller. MR. MILLER: Gentlemen, I have two questions. I will be brief. Where is the environmental impact study that we asked for from Cellular One? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: That concerns the planning board, not us. Their board asks for the EAF. MR. MILLER: I'm sorry? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: They ask for the environmental statement. It's called a short-form EAF. MR. MILLER: Do you, for all of the residences that are involved in that 750 perimeter, need a separate variance for each house? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Do you need a separate variance for each house? MR. MILLER: Do you have to grant them a separate variance for each dwelling? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: No. It's just one general variance. '-- '-" ~ 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL MR. MILLER: And how many houses are there specifically? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: It's on the map. I believe there are three. MR. MILLER: I don't have a ruler. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I believe there are three. MR. MILLER: Thank you. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I can't read all of the writing here. Tim Stinson. MR. STINSON: Just a couple of quick things. I just got off the phone maybe about 3:00 with the Prudential people that are selling the property over there, and I guess you guys are aware that that's a pretty much done deal. There will be thirty-two houses going over by Hopewell. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I don't have any information on that. MR. STINSON: Well, I thought you should know that. Also for ten or fifteen years I used to drive on the Ohio Turnpike every year and it was a nice ride -- there was farmland and silos and this year was the first time I noticed that every hundred feet was a cell tower. Do you know ...... ...... ...... 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL what that looks like? It looks like Coney Island on the parachute ride. That's all. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Jim Bacon. MR. BACON: Good evening, Mr. Chairman. My name is Jim Bacon and I am an attorney. I was asked to come here to talk about this subject. Specifically, Mr. Chairman, I would like to talk about Town Law 257 B and some of the requirements. As you know, your job under that section under area variances is to weigh the benefits of this project on the community. That's a fairly high burden, Mr. Chairman, and there are five specific factors that the board needs to consider. The first is whether an undesirable change is going to be produced by this project to the character of the neighborhood or the detriment of the neighbors. I think the factors under this heading is that there is going to be an 180-foot tower that's going to be three or four times as high as the neighboring trees and it's going to be very visible. It's really an industrial type use in a residential area. Mr. Chairman, one of the most important factors -.. -- -... 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL under this heading is also that there is going to be a property devaluation to the neighbors. There have been some studies done specifically in Orange County that show that there is a fifteen percent drop in value to the neighboring houses. This study was done by Property Valuation Advisors and I would be happy to get the board a copy of that study. MR. ROBERTS: Are you going to submit a copy? MR. BACON: Yes. I was going to ask if you can keep the public comment or written comment period over for at least fifteen days so I can get the board some materials for them to consider? That would be it. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I don't know if we can do fifteen days. MR. BACON: Mr. Chairman, the neighbors who own property here, many of them have made this an investment for retirement. Some of these people used their life savings to buy these homes and they're depending on the resale of these houses for their retirement, and I think that they could not reasonably foresee that a cell tower --- --- '-" 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL could be placed so close to their homes. If this was an industrial zone, then you could make that argument, but it is a residential zone, so they could not foresee that this was going to happen. Also, Mr. Chairman, concerning the undesirable change to the neighborhood, I think the board should note the comments by the town from August 14th suggesting that this board uphold the requirements of the town code specifically with regard to the area variance and the requirement that there should be at least 1500 feet from an educational institution. Also, Mr. Chairman, specifically with regard to property devaluation, it is the legislative intent of that law to preserve property value. I think it would be very difficult to say that putting a cell tower here is going to preserve the property values of those neighbors. I think there is a realtor here tonight that's going to also speak on that subject. Mr. Chairman, the second factor out of the five under 267 B is whether the benefits of the applicant can be achieved by an alternate method that's feasible to the applicant. This subject ~ ~ "-'" 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL strikes right to the heart of what Mr. Cooper was discussing with the applicant and whether or not there are any other sites in the town that could meet the applicant's needs. Case law is very specific on this, Mr. Chairman; you must show by specific evidence that there is absolutely no other way to accomplish their goals but to put this tower on the site that they're proposing. From the material that I have read and from what I am hearing tonight, it doesn't appear that they have looked at putting two flagpoles where that flagpole is or some of the other measures of sharing space on other towers or buildings or another tower next to an existing one. That is the kind of information that is required, and I believe that it would be unsupportable for the ZBA to grant this variance without that evidence on the record. I would just like to say that you may believe that that's going to be evidence that the planning board will look at and that there is already SEQRA information, but under this section of 267 B it is the zoning board's responsibility to look at the alternative sites and how this does or does not 55 ....... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL support the applicant's argument. I think especially here it is one thing if the grade of service cannot include a section, but I think it is an altogether different scenario where we are just talking about capacity, because if the area is being served by the cellular towers, then the capacity requirements of the applicant can be met by not adding another tower in a place where there are no towers, but it should be able to be met by increasing the capacity of the existing towers. Mr. Chairman, the third of the five factors is ....... ....... whether this variance is substantial or not. I would just like to cite a case over in the Town of Hurley that involved a cell tower where they were looking for a combined 82 feet of setbacks, and the court held that there was no substantial, dispute that the variance setbacks were substantial and we're here, Mr. Chairman, and we have at least 350 feet. Just for the record, the cite of that case is 2628 2nd 849. I would be glad to send over a copy of that case. Mr. Chairman, the fourth factor is adverse effect on environmental conditions. I think in this case we are not talking about the health and ........ '-'" ........ 56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL safety, but we are talking about the aesthetic impacts to a neighborhood and the introduction of an industrial use that is not here at the present time. I know that the planning board will have to deal with that under SEQRA, but this is an impact, whereas in the Town of Hurley case there was a negative declaration made under SEQRA, but the zoning board still denied the use, because it was a substantial impact to the character of the community. And I think that's the same case here. The final factor, Mr. Chairman, is whether the difficulty has been self-created. In this case, as the board knows, it was the applicant that approached the town board. The applicant doesn't own the property. They decided to approach the town board to see if the town board would accept the tower on this site. I think they would have to show evidence that they have tried just about every other site they could in the town and have rejected it for one reason or another, and there would have to be substantial evidence to support that. So I think that all of these factors combined can only lead to one conclusion: That the '-' '-' ......... 57 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL applicant has not met their burden to date of showing that they're entitled to an area variance, and I would ask that the public hearing be continued or at least that we can be given the chance to submit written comments to substantiate these arguments. I think that's it. I appreciate the time to present that argument. MR. IVERSON: Mr. Chairman, my name is on the list too. I guess maybe my writing wasn't too good, it's Chris Iverson. Do you see it on there? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Yes, I do. MR. IVERSON: May I come up? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Yes. MR. IVERSON: Thank you. First I wanted to say that it was kind of comforting to see you struggling with a lot of the same issues that we have been for the last several months. You know, asking questions about how the cell phone works? There is a huge amount of information that we have tried to take in. It's good to know that our neighbors are experiencing it with us and listening to our concerns, and thank you very much. ...... ...... ...... 58 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL Also, I realize that sometimes our emotions get the better of us when we are worried about our homes and our schools and our children, so please forgive us if this town gets a little hot. I think we are very excited about the welcome we have been given by this committee so far. I wanted to say, first of all, that ~ince Cellular One is not requesting these variances because there is no other properties-in the five or six-mile radius that are suitable, if you just look very quickly at the topographic map here (indicating) you can see the main feature is the Hudson River. This is our site and down here is Beacon (indicating). Just to give you an idea of the scale, a five or six-mile radius is going to go all the way down into Beacon and all the way out here to the Town of Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, Marlboro (indicating). It's just a large, large area that we are talking about on the other side of the Hudson River. There are a lot of areas that are isolated enough where this tower could be placed besides right in a residential area close to schools, and I just wanted to point that out. I was wondering if you will be sending this ~ ~ "-'" 59 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL message to our children, the future leaders of our community: When we needed to find a place to put an ugly industrial-looking, possibly unhealthy tower that nobody wanted in their backyard, we chose to ignore our good town's laws and put it next to your schools. I just would like to try not to send that message to our kids. I actually have some letters written from students and I'm just going to read two of them; they're both very short. One is from an eleven- year-old. (Reading) To the Town of Wappingers Zoning Board. I think that tower has to go somewhere, but I do not think that this is a good place. I understand that the town law says that it has to be at least 1500 feet away from any school and 750 away from any house, so I think that you should find somewhere else to put your tower and make it a location not too close to schools or houses. From the mouths of children. The other one is from a twelve-year-old. (Reading) To the Town of Wappingers Zoning Board, Would you sacrifice health for convenience? This is the decision that you have to make on Tuesday night, a decision that will affect the entire ~ '-- '-- 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL community. As I look around the marshlands of Wappingers, I cannot imagine such an ugly figure dwarfing the environment -- this student has a better vocabulary that I do. Not knowing the health risks that are involved with a cell tower, do we really want one right next to the school that we send our children to five times a week? Are you, the wappingers Zoning Board, going t~ grant the Cellular One's the right to place their cell tower so close to the schools? Cellular One doesn't care about the citizens of Wappingers. They care about one thing, money, in the way only some industrial businesses can fathom. Tell Cellular One that they are not exempt from the zoning laws. You have the power to make our community a better place. Don't waste your chance. The Randolph School is one of the schools that is closer than 1500 feet and I'm never hearing it mentioned in the figures. I keep hearing about Wappingers Junior High, but Randolph is even closer. In fact, our students estimated that the distance is approximately 1000 feet, possibly less. So I just wondered if that slipped by ........ ........ ......... 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL somehow or if Cellular One has actually looked at the distance from the site to the school, because if not, I wish that someone would check it out, because the students calculated it by using the pantheon theorem and it was 1000 feet approximately or less. MR. dipIERNO: You happen to be right. We did ask for that. MR. IVERSON: We haven't heard that yet, but the students were right. Nice job, guys. So that would mean that even if the variance is granted, there is still a school too close; yes? It sounds like it. I only have a few more short things here. Will the folks who live in the older historic buildings in view of the tower be as likely to give as much energy to maintaining their historic homes? Do you think the kind of people who value historic preservation will be likely to stay in these homes or to buy them if the tower goes up? The next point, the local Greenway Trail is a multi-municipal effort to promote the natural, cultural, historic and economic interests of our area. The tower will be an eyesore on many parts "-" "-" ........ 62 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL of this trail. Will the trail be as likely to promote the things intended if the tower goes up? As people drive along the Dutchess County Historic Driving Tour, which goes right down 9D between Wappingers Falls and Hughsonville, they will see this tower often. Is this something we want? I know of several local teachers that use the wetlands less than 70 feet from the tower site, because it is the only wetland of its- kind in walking distance from local schools. I suspect that one of the most important aspects of these wetlands is educating tomorrow's conservationists and scientists. It is a real community asset. The tower will be an undesirable in that outdoor classroom. And lastly, the public is more and more aware and concerned about living near power lines, cell towers, etc. The trend indicates that people will be even more cautious about this in the future. The tower will clearly affect the value of our homes and should be put in an area far from them. If you were looking at two houses, one in a lovely neighborhood like ours is now, and one is in a neighborhood with a cell tower, which would you ....... '-" '-" 63 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL choose? It's obvious that the tower will lower the salability of our homes. And just because I happen to know that another person signed the list and maybe you couldn't read her handwriting, may she speak? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: What's your name? MS. VOLPE: Adrienne Volpe. May I speak? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We have got one more person before you. Ved Shravah. MR. SHRAVAH: Mr. Chairman, my name is Ved Shravah and I am the president of the Wappingers Board of Education. I am not standing here in that capacity. I am standing here as a parent and as a community person and somebody who cares. I was wondering what responsibility you had for the cell tower that is already there? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: There is a cell tower, is there not, on that water tower over the school? MR. SHRAVAH: I don't think so. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I thought you were here to listen. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Go ahead. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~ 24 .~ ~ 64 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL MR. SHRAVAH: Mr. Chairman, I did not come here prepared tonight. I was just motivated from my heart, because I think that there is something that is going to happen which may affect the health of our children in this school, and I am not only talking about Wappingers Junior High School, there is also the Evans School next to us and the Randolph School right across the street. We are all parents and we are grandparents. And Cellular One is a business corporation. They don't live here. They don't send their children to our schools. And I am hearing some hired experts here. I don't believe that they live in the area either or that their children go to these schools. The question here, gentlemen, is: If there is a slight risk, even the slightest risk, to the health of our children, will we take that risk? The question is: If that is going to happen -_ and suppose we do not know, we don't have enough information, but there is a slight chance -- that slight chance is the factor that we are all worried about. Most of the people sitting here in this hall, in this auditorium, are very concerned. 65 '- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ........ 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL They are not hired people. Nobody is paying them to be here. They are here because they care and we all care about our children. Those people will not be here for a very long time. But you people are from this area and you have children and grandchildren in this area and going to these schools. Your neighbors' children and grandchildren are going to these schools. You have a great responsibility. This responsibility is not going to end tonight by your decision and voting or granting a variance. This responsibility will continue until later on, like five years from now or four years from now or ten years from now, when we find out that our children's health was affected. I think if that happens you will never be able to forgive yourselves. Your conscience will haunt you if you make a wrong decision. I ask you, therefore, not to grant that variance. I don't even think that you have enough evidence tonight to make a decision. And my question is that if there is an alternative available and the town is giving it to them, why is it so important to build that tower where all of that radiation is right there in the 66 1 ....... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ....... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~ 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL heart of the town affecting our children? Our children's health is most important. This is not just a school board's responsibility. It is the responsibility of every citizen and everybody in country. Our country has shown that they care about the children, and I'm sure the Zoning Board of Appeals also cares about the children, and if even the slightest risk exists, then I don't think that this board should grant any variance for this application. Thank you. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Adrienne Volpe. MS. VOLPE: Hi. I am a lifelong resident of Wappingers Falls and a parent at the Randolph School and would like to state that I am strongly opposed to this tower being placed where you're proposing it be placed. As a licensed realtor for the past fifteen years, I have had experience in evaluating the effect of these types of structures located near residential properties. I also functioned as a mortgage lender from 1992 through 1999 for General Motors Mortgage Corporation located in Wappingers Falls. And what happens to properties when a structure like this is erected in the immediate 67 1 ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~ 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL area is that homeowners who presently own these homes, when they apply for future financing __ such as a home equity, home improvement or a college loan for their children -- they are sometimes denied the ability to have these extra funds, because the impact of a tower like this aesthetically is negative. An underwriter, the person who approves a mortgage loan in a bank, has the right to deny or significantly slash the value of the property as they see fit, because this structure is located near the property; values as high as fifteen to thirty percent reductions I have seen in my experience in the real estate and mortgage lending industry. Also prospective buyers, if someone wants to sell their property located near this tower, a new homeowner may want to corne in and get financing and may not be able to get the maximum amount of financing that a lender would normally make allowable, because of the negative impact of this on the surrounding real estate. I just wanted to let you know that. Thank you. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We have a couple more. Jeff Boldon. 68 ....... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ......... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ......... 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL MR. BOLDON: All of my concerns have already been raised, so there is no sense in wasting your time further. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Bill McConnell. MR. MCCONNELL: I would echo that sentiment and just simply say that we don't want it there. We have a choice whether or not we want to use a cell phone and expose ourselves to cancer or other health hazards related with our cell phones, but we feel like we don't have any choice whether or not a tower goes in our back yards. I just want to communicate that. We don't want it. If you're representing us, we would ask you to share that feeling. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Susan Berliner. (No response) MS. VOLPE: Can I just mention one more thing, Mr. Chairman? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: In place of Susan. MS. VOLPE: I just wanted to also let you know that recently I spoke with a homeowner in Hyde Park who owns a property where there is a 69 1 ...... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ....... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ....... 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL structure like this located nearby, and he's actually considering donating the property to the local fire department, because he had it on the market for four years and can't sell it. I also wanted to just mention that I have done some research today through the Internet and some other attorneys that I know who informed me that other towns, especially in Westchester County, such as the Town of Greenburg, use a site like the site that Cellular One is proposing only as the absolute last resort, after every other site out of the residential areas and educational facilities has been considered and rejected. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I would like to have a motion to close the public hearing. MR. FISHER: Mr. Chairman, can I respond? MR. ROBERTS: Do you want him to respond? MR. FISHER: I would like to take the opportunity to respond to a number of these issues tonight. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We will let him respond. 70 1 ....... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ........ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .......... 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL MR. FISHER: There were a number of comments made and obviously there is a lot of community emotion here. The one thing I do want to point out is that a lot of the comments that were made are not relevant factually or legally to what you have to pass on. They're relevant to the concerns of the community, and they may be relevant in terms of comment that would likely be made and shared in a public forum; that's generally where there is the opportunity for the pUblic to comment. I respect the fact that people want their opinions known, but we have given you actual facts and the law that applies, because it is your jOb as the board to sit and objectively weigh the evidence, which I know you will do. A comment was made that we are a community of laws, and we are a community of laws. I am a lawyer and part of my jOb is to represent my client within the boundaries of the law. The question that was raised was this town code provision. You know that the town code has to be subject to not just what the town board desires or would want, but the laws in the State of New York and the laws of our government. We have had laws 71 1 "'" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ....... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ....... 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL to deal specifically with those issues, and I think it would be premature to say that the town board has the authority to come up with an arbitrary number that has no basis in fact or no meaning in law and to say that towers should be set back from the schools these distances. (Disruption from the aUdience) CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Let's let the gentleman finish. Everybody has had their say. UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: So has he. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I will determine that. MR. FISHER: Thank you. Everybody seems to be overlooking that there is an existing tower on the property that transmits radio frequency probably more powerful than Cellular One -- I don't know, we can confirm that as part of our measurement -- and that is closer to the junior high school, closer to the Randolph School and closer to the dwellings than the proposed facility. We are set back further than that ........ ....... ........ 72 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL existing tower, and part of the law that was adopted by the town said: We want to cluster facilities specifically near existing towers. That was part of the entire objective of this application on a large 34 or 35-acre parcel developed for the town hall, the police barracks and the ambulance corps that has a historical use that is not residential, and that was part of the objective in this particular case. A question was raised with respect to these distances, and I want to clarify for the record that at our first meeting, I believe it was Board Member DiPierno, on the end, who raised the question of the Randolph School. We went back and specifically looked at it, and in our initial analysis we couldn't find a special permit on record on the town for that school, but what we did find is that it's in fact a private school for children from the age of kindergarten to, I think, 8th grade, so we included those distances. That is the 350-foot distance that we are requesting the variance for. The distance as to the junior high school is 250 feet, as we had also said, and as we had identified for both the planning board 73 1 "'-' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ....... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ....... 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL and you. There were a lot of comments and citations to the town code about information that hadn't been submitted, coverage plots that aren't in the file. It seems to be a mystery. All of that information, number one, has been submitted to the planning board and, two, that is the appropriate agency that would review that information. Your board does not have application submission requirements that require that information, but we wanted to make sure that you had that information so we provided it to you, not only in our initial submission but in response to additional requests, so that you would be able to see everything that the planning board has seen even though it's not necessarily relevant to what you have to rule on in this case. Regarding the comments about Great Barrington and the issues that were involved in that particular site, the facts in Great Barrington don't necessarily apply to Wappingers. Each case is reviewed on its own merits. The fact that somebody spoke to somebody in Great Barrington who said X, Y, Z really means nothing in this 74 1 "-'" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ....... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ...... 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL particular proceeding. A question was raised with respect to the side yard setbacks. As we said before, and as the zoning administrator very succinctly said this evening, that is an issue for the planning board. There are good reasons why we believe that that should be waived, because as I said before, there is an existing wetland, an existing DEC-regulated stream on the adjacent property, and there is no reason to believe that the tower as manufactured will fall. There is no evidence of one ever falling. It's required that it be in an area of the property where it's wooded, and we can set the tower in an area that meets really the objectives of town code. But again, that's an issue for the planning board. That's not an issue that you have to concern yourselves with. For clarification, the issue with respect to the adjacent single-family residences. There was a determination which was made that a barn is not applicable to those distances, but we still need a variance. If you look at Exhibit 7, there are two houses that are about in a 620-foot range of the proposed facility which is further away from the '-" "'-" "'-" 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL existing state police barracks from those homes, but we still need a variance from those particular requirements. There is a third home that just slightly comes into the parcel at 750 feet, so we have included that, but as was mentioned, the closest standing house was the number we used in the variance that was applied for. I'm not aware of what development proposals mayor may not be on the adjacent parcels. Those would be subject to zoning and would have to corne before the relevant boards in the Town of Wappingers. One thing I do know from looking at the information that's been prepared by Chazen and submitted to you is that the immediately adjacent parcel is encumbered by the DEC stream which has a very sizable setback and buffers which is state protected. When you look at those distances, I believe we are talking in the neighborhood of at least 300 feet from the proposed facility, at least from where any development can even occur for usage of the property. So that certainly doesn't present a problem for this application. with respect to the law, there was an attorney ......... ........ ........ 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL -- and I apologize, I didn't catch his name -- who had a fairly detailed analysis under section 267 B of the town law. That doesn't apply. It doesn't apply. There was a memorandum that was provided in detail explaining why we are not an industrial use, we are not a manufacturing use, we are not a commercial use; we are a public utility in New York. Those standards really cannot be applied in a very checklist type situation; they're good guidelines. And I think when you look at those issues on the particular site, because of the existing tower and all the various screening and trees that are around it, that even under that test we would meet the requirement for the granting of this variance from the school and from any dwelling. An issue was raised at the last meeting and it has been raised again with respect to property values. I have with me a short letter that I would like to submit for the record that includes correspondence from three appraisers, not real estate brokers -- who really are not qualified to testify on these issues -- and in fact those appraisers were involved in the Orange County case ...... ...... ........ 77 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL that was cited, and I was involved specifically in that case. I want to tell you about it. It involved the Town of Goshen and it involved a long-standing power line dispute in that town and an effort by my client, Cellular One who is here tonight, to find a suitable location to meet not just the technical objective but obviously the setback objectives of the community. After about three or four years and a couple of applications, we found an 18-acre parcel of property that had previously been used commercially, and it had a high-tension power line running through the property, and we ended up finding a site not too far from that existing high-tension power line and surrounded by some trees, but actually probably more visible -- and Chazen can address this because they did the visual shed on this site it was more visible than that proposed site. We supplied to the Town of Goshen Planning Board two different appraisals, which went through the factual site-specific objective material when you appraise property, and looked at the high tension power lines that existed, and there was very minimal use, and it was determined that there '- ~ ~ 78 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL would be no impact on the property values. Those reports which were not sufficient in the eyes of the Town of Goshen Planning Board were sent to an outside appraiser they retained and that outside appraiser came back and said, I concur, I agree, there is no impact on the property value here. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The power line was already there; come on, now. MR. FISHER: The point is that you already have an existing communications tower here. If there was any stigma -- which we don't think there is -- on any property value I haven't heard any testimony about people having problems selling their homes and I haven't heard any problems with people getting financing. I haven't heard any issues involving real estate or any real or perceived impact from the existing communication tower on the properties in this area. There is not going to be any added effect by this communication tower, because the town board wants to preserve property values and that was one of the objectives. You preserve property by ....... ....... "-'" 79 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL having communication towers in the same place, not by putting them allover the place. For the record, in response to the correspondence dated September 26th, I have the three correspondences that were prepared by appraisers that are licensed, including MAl, which include the American Property Counselors, Valuation Consultants and Certified Appraisal Service, and I would be happy to supply you with other appraisals that came in after the litigation that addressed comments raised by the town. MS. VOLPE: And I will be happy to bring appraisals in to offset that. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Let him finish. MR. FISHER: There were a couple of other issues with respect to the Greenway and other kinds of harmonious questions. I don't think there is any question that wireless communication serves a role in that capacity. In fact, with respect to Greenway, if you look at what the federal government has been doing, specifically the Department of Interior and the Federal Park Service, they have been opening up park land for cellularized communication because 80 "'-' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ...... 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL there is a safety issue here. People who travel the Appalachian Trail and people who travel the mountains and lodges benefit from public cellular access which demonstrates the public safety aspect of this and that's why ultimately in the State of New York we are considered a public utility. There is an inherent beneficial community purpose behind the service we are providing. (Disruption from the audience) CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Do you want to hold it down so we can hear this gentleman, please? MR. FISHER: When we talk about capacity, it's very easy for people to say, Well, that's no big deal, so I can't make a phone call. Well, I suspect if people were in their homes and they had the same experience with Verizon, that there would be any number of complaints. And in fact, Verizon in the past has had poor service, and as touched on previously, has been fined by the Public Service commission. There is a regulatory response that is very real for the cellular servers through the FCC with respect to ........ ........ ....... 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL how they operate their business. This is not something where we are providing the service of simply when you come in order your sandwich and leave, we are not only subject to the laws in the Town of wappingers, we are regulated by the FCC on the federal level and this service has been mandated both by the federal and state level to be provided to the community. The question ultimately comes down to facilities, and obviously, appearances like tonight before your board which generates a tremendous amount of community input. That's good. That's the democratic process. We did not look at this site as the only site. As noted before, we worked for several months, if not a year, with the town board and the representatives of the town board. We looked at how we could fit something in within our network that technically operated and also complied with the town code provisions that we could. For this particular site it really comes full circle. The only issue you have to look at is, Why is this property unique, or Is there a hardship in locating a tower on this property at a distance "'-- .~ --.. 82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL that complies with 1500 feet and 750 feet? We have gone through all of that and nobody from the public has really said, We disagree, you should put it in the wetland. That's really the only issue. The height of the tower really is not an issue. It complies with the town code provisions. The other provisions that have been cited are really something that the planning board needs to deal with. Your board has to look at what is unique about the property, and Why does the tower have to be located in the place that it is located, or Is there another place on the property that we could locate it that would be the least impact and mitigate that variance that's being requested. A question was asked with respect to the Town of Greenburg. I practice in the Town of Greenburg. I was involved when they adopted their law. I know the individual on the town review board and routinely appear before them, and I will tell you to say that the Town of Greenburg addressed this appropriately and would never approve something like this and only as a last resort, quite honestly is inaccurate. If the .~ ........ ...... 83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL board requests it, I will certainly be able to provide them with proof. When that law was adopted because they tried to give incentives to find particular locations -- it had a horrible and unintended effect. They were exploited, quite frankly, by Cellular One's competitors. There were building permits issued for 120 foot monopoles that were 50 feet from a house. That was not something that the Town of Greenburg intended to do, and they have changed their laws to reflect that. So that law most certainly has been a work in progress and not one and I would cite as a guideline on wireless tower issues. As for Hyde Park, I don't know why people donate property. I don't know why people sell property. I don't know why they have a problem selling property. There could be any number of reasons. This is conjecture and speculation and not something that you can rely on to say that's applicable to the case in hand. In fact, it could be something completely different. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We realize that I think. "-' ~ "-" 84 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL MR. FISHER: And the other thing I wanted to point out, with all due respect to the president of the Board of Education, as we had mentioned previously, there are antennas on the state police barracks that are closer and on the building of the school itself. As was said in our submission, in the State of New York school boards can enter into an agreement with a cellular carrier and have a site on their school property and not be subject to local zoning whatsoever. There are locations on schools throughout the State of New York. So to say that there is some magic number of 1500 feet, is not accurate when in fact in this state there are sites right on school buildings. UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: That's not us. MR. FISHER: A number of other comments were raised, but obviously subject to your board's discretion. We certainly would want to respond to any additional information that would be submitted. I thank you for your patience in hearing all of our responses. ........ "-" ........ 85 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL MR. VALDATI: Mr. Chairman, as a town board member, you made reference to an action of the town board and I would just like to respond to that quickly. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I will let you respond, and you'll be the last one. MR. KALAKA: You haven't cl~sed the public hearing, and I would request an opportunity to speak. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: You have had the opportunity to speak. MR. KALAKA: It's still a public hearing. You haven't closed it. You gave him the opportunity, and I would like to have the opportunity to respond to his response. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I don't want to sit here and go through the whole evening with one response after another. UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: You gave him more than three minutes. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: All I have to do is listen to the pertinent information on this case. I have listened -- we have listened and I have given this gentleman a chance to talk. I'll give ~ '-" ~ 86 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL one more, but I won't give any more than that. We are not going to sit here and argue this whole case out. You will be given the opportunity to come up and speak and put some pertinent information in, not just an argument, not just because you disagree with what this gentleman had to say. I want some pertinent information. I don't consider personal argument, pertinent information. UNIDENTIFIED AUDIENCE MEMBER: He was talking about other schools. This is our town; this is for us. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Mr. Valdati has been recognized. MR. VALDATI: Mr. Chairman, I would just like to briefly say a couple of words in rebuttal to what Mr. Fisher has alleged to the Zoning Board of Appeals. MR. diPIERNO: We just need to change the tape. MR. VALDATI: I'm sure you can just write a synopsis of what I have to say. I think that Mr. Fisher, who is obviously on retainer for this company, has made some very clever points. "-' "-' "-' 87 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL The best one he made, to me, was saying that whatever requirements are set forth in the town zone are arbitrary, are subjective, and for all intents and purposes capricious and you gentlemen should not consider them as valid points of law. Therefore, that countermands the very reason why you are in existence. As you are all aware, to have two unregistered cars in your driveway as opposed to one -- that is the basis of a decision made by people who sit in positions like yours and mine. That is not arbitrary. That is determined by a judgment that is necessary for the quality of life in the community. Is the setback to a home from a road, the rear yard setbacks, the size of the sign for a business, the color of the business, the style, the architecture set forth in stone? Do we look that up in some tome that tells us how to do that? No, we make a judgment on that. We make a judgment based on our understanding of what our community is all about and the needs required to maintain that status. I resent the fact that it's made to appear that what we place in our laws are made simply by a whimsical determination that's ........ '-" ...... 88 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL flippant, that's irrelevant and that is not to be taken seriously when it's from the other side of the aisle when you're working now on the end of a retainer. And I dare say that this gentleman has fought and used those very setbacks and those very arbitrary and whimsical requirements in his arguments when it was on the other side for a retainer coming his way. Thank you. MR. KALAKA: Well, it's not a personal attack or anything, but I want to say that this gentleman echoed eighty percent of what I was going to say in response to the response (Addressing Mr. Valdati). He mentioned the town hall and he mentioned the antenna on the state police barracks. Mr. Cooper, when he made his report, he didn't really know the value or the affect of having that antenna with the cell tower. He just said, I guess it would be okay. But I don't think there were any specific studies. I drive down 90 almost every day, and when I pass that transformer my radio goes ploomp (making a sound effect) and my hair stands up. I don't know what effect it's going to have when I drive down Middlebush Road and have two antennas there, ......... ...... "-" 89 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL both from the state police and Cellular One. Of all of the compelling arguments that we heard, again the effect on the real estate value, the zoning ordinance and the aesthetic effect that it has on the community -- and the reason for your existence is to maintain that aesthetic quality the effect that it has on our kids, Mr.Shravah made the most compelling argument that I heard, and yet it was just passed over very-lightly, the effect that it's going to have on our future generations. It's very obvious that our community is growing by leaps and bounds. Look at the problems that the Board of Education has with space. More space may be needed here. What are we going to do then if we have a cell tower? We cannot build any other school. There isn't any other space here on the junior high school ground. Thank you, you echoed exactly what I was going to say in answer to him (Addressing Mr. Valdati). It's very nice when you have a retainer and you can be very powerful and say things, but I tell you, I was on the Zoning Boards of Appeals and I was very concerned just like you gentlemen are, in maintaining the integrity of our community. Why .'-'" .'-" ......... 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL do you only allow one gas station on the corner; why do you only allow this; why do you only allow that and why do you disallow this? You have it in your power to either grant or deny this variance. Please take into consideration all of the arguments of the people of the community. They're your people and this is your community. Someone also made a good point that this is a business and nobody from this company has anything to do with anything in our community other than putting up a tower and paying the Town of Wappingers money. Thank you for the time, I appreciate it. I hope that there was enough value in what I had to say and that it wasn't wasting your time or the time of anybody in the room. MR. BACON: Mr. Chairman, if I may. I have a very, very brief response to counsel. They have been battling the subject in different municipalities many times over, but I have a very quick statement to make. I know that the applicant is a public utility. Courts have found that Cellular One is a public utility, but I would like the board and counsel to remember that the ......... "-' "-' 91 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL Court of Appeals in Consolidated Edison versus Hoffman specifically said that public utilities such as Cellular One must show modifications as a public necessity required to render safe and adequate service. An applicant must prove compelling reasons, economic or otherwise, explaining why the proposed request is more feasible than the alternative options. MR. ROBERTS: Can I have the cite on that case? MR. BACON: Sure. It's 43 NY 2nd 598. There is another case 82 NY 2nd 364 and this is a case out of the fourth department and dealt specifically with Cellular One on this issue and I think it's very pertinent. I would be glad to send those cases over as well. Thank you. MR. SHRAVAH: Can I just take a minute, Mr. Chairman. I do not wish to respond to this gentleman, but I just want to tell him only one thing perhaps he is doing a very good job for the company who has hired him, but I would like to say that safety and children are very important to us. Thank you. MR. BOLDON: Excuse me, I just had "-'" ......... "-'" 92 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL one question. In the measurements that were taken, the 1150 feet, was that from the playground on Middlebush Road or the actual physical building? There is a place in front of the road where the kids are always playing, was it taken from that area or was it taken from the physical building? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: I imagine from the building. MR. BOLDON: So that would probably be 400 or 500 feet short then. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Do we need any more information? MR. ROBERTS: I think the record could be more clear on the ability of the applicant to increase or not increase capacity at his existing site. And secondly, I would like both attorneys to supply me with any legal memoranda they may have that might be applicable to section 267 B of the town law for this particular application. It is my understanding that there have been some recent cases on this issue and I would invite both of them to supply me with whatever information they have. ,....,. ...... ,....,. 93 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Why don't we adjourn this until the 17th until you get the information? MR. ROBERTS: If that's the board's pleasure. MR. FISHER: Just solely in response to the request for additional information. The first point being other sites, that's a planning board issue, so it's not relevant to-your board. I don't think it should be a reason for holding this up here. The second issue is the request for legal memoranda, our August 31st memoranda that was submitted had all of the relevant legal standards. Just to address the Consolidated Edison case, it is a Court of Appeals case that goes back to 1971, it dealt with a use variance and the public utility in that case was electrical. The Rosenberg case, which was decided by the Court of Appeals in 1993, which I have given you, is directly on point. Though both of those dealt with use variances there is a little bit of a different standard, given the public utility, than the one that is before this board. 94 "- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -.. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ....... 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL I don't think there is any additional information that you would need to render a fair and accurate decision on this application. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Do you want to take a break for five minutes? MR. ROBERTS: It's up to you. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Let's take a break for five minutes and have a little executive session in the hallway. (Break in the proceeding) CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Can I have a motion? MR. PRAGER: I make the motion that we come out of executive session. MR. WARREN: Second. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: All in favor. MR. dipIERNO: Aye. MR. WARREN: Aye. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Aye. MR. PRAGER: Aye. MR. FANUELE: Aye. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: We have three ~ .'-" '-" 95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL questions for Cellular One. For the height on the tower we would like a little more proof on that for the minimum height you can get away with or if you have to have that 150; that you can't increase the capacity in any other place to take care of this, and the need for this specific location right here. Now I would like to adjourn this until the 17th to give you time to provide that information. MR. FISHER: Can you just give me one moment, Mr. Chairman? CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Yes. And you can submit anything you want to the town attorney. MR. BACON: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. MR. FISHER: Mr. Chairman, just in response to the information requests, let me just for my purposes and please don't take this the wrong way -- place an objection, simply because I don't believe that any of that information is relevant to your deliberations on the request at hand. That being said, we know that we have to give some of this information to the planning board so we will be preparing that information for the planning board, and obviously, we would be .""" '-" '-" 96 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL willing to share it with you. Obviously it is your discretion to hold the hearing over, that's a decision that's up to you. I don't think it's necessary, but that's a decision that's up to you. One more thing, there is going to be an opportunity -- a limited opportunity from what I understand -- for legal memoranda to be ~rovided on the question of the Consolidated Edison case, I would simply request that that information be provided at least a week in advance of the October date, so I would have an opportunity to give a response to that. MR. ROBERTS: That's fine. MR. BACON: That's fine, but I'm not going to limit it to Consolidated Edison though, because there are other cases that apply as well. MR. ROBERTS: Get his card and why don't you share it with me and him simultaneously? MR. BACON: I certainly will. MR. PRAGER: I move we adjourn the public hearing until October 17th. MR. dipIERNO: Second. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: All in favor? MR. dipIERNO: Aye. 97 ....... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~ 24 25 CELLULAR ONE PROPOSAL MR. WARREN: Aye. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Aye. MR. PRAGER: Aye. MR. FANUELE: Aye. MR. FISHER: Mr. Chairman, Mr. Graiff who will be helping us respond to information, would like some qualifications from Mr. Cooper. We can do it on the record or move on with your permission to talk with him. CHAIRMAN LEHIGH: Move on. We have three more cases here to go over. Can you do that, Mr. Cooper? MR. COOPER: Yes. MR. FISHER: Thank you very much. That it. (Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 10:00 p.m.) '",- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 "-' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ....... 24 25 98 C E R T I F I CAT ION -------------- I, KIMBERLY BURKE, a Court Reporter and Notary Public in and for the state of New York, do hereby certify that I recorded stenographically the proceedings herein at the time and place noted in the heading hereof, and that the foregoing is an accurate and complete transcript of same, to the best of my knowledge and belief. I .":). ,,,' --=~~~--- KIMBERLY BURKE Dated: October 18th, 2000 * * *