JUN 2 7 2000
Zoning Board of Appeals
Summarized Minutes May 23,2000
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Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
MEETING DATE: May 23,2000
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Members Present:
Mr. Lehigh, Chairman
Mr. Prager, Member
Mr. diPierno, Member
Mr. Fanuele, Vice Chairman
Mr. Warren, Member
Others Present:
Ms. DiPaola, Secretary to Zoning
Public Hearing
Denise Bertolino
Kenneth Battelle
- Variance Denied
- Adjourned Public Hearing
....... Mr. diPierno: Made a motion to accept the May 9,2000 minutes as written.
Mr. Warren: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Appeal No. 00-7049 - At the request of Denise Bertolino, who is seeking 2 area variance of Section 240-37-
District Regulations - Whereas 50 foot front yard setback is required, the appellant is proposing 35 foot front
yard setback, thus requestine a 15 foot front yard setback.
Whereas 40 foot side yard setback is required, the appellant is proposing 21 foot side yard setback, thus
requestinl: a 19 foot side yard setback in order to construct a I:araee and a bonus room. The property is
located at 114 Diddell Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6359-03-493442 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Warren: Made a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Prager: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Mr. Lehigh: When we went over this, it was written wrong. You were built in 1952 right?
Mrs. Bertolino: 1957.
Mr. Lehigh:
That is pre zoning, you are in a R-40/80. Which means you don't have enough land to be legal.
I will read to you from Section 240-160fthe Town Law. What it means is that you can not
increase the size of your house over 50%. Your addition will increase the size of your house over
50%. Along with the setback and everything else you are non conforming.
JUN 2 7 2000
Zoning Board of Appeals
Summarized Minutes May 23,2000
page 2
Mr. diPierno: I think you read the commercial one.
Mr. Lehigh: It is for residential too.
Mr. diPierno: If you read paragraph D, it states what is the law and by law you can not build anything else.
Mrs. Bertolino: Basically you are saying you can not grant the variance?
Mr. Lehigh: Yes.
Mrs. Bertolino: Is this material that I should have known when I was applying?
Mr. Lehigh: You should have been told when you came in about being non conforming.
Mrs. Bertolino: I can accept it not even being approve, but I can not accept that I have spent 200 dollars, how
do I get that back?
Mr. Lehigh: We don't have a Zoning Administer, the only thing I can do is talk to the Town Supervisor about
getting your money back.
Mrs. Bertolino: Can someone build up instead of impacting the side yard and front?
......,. Mr. Lehigh: It doesn't effect the setbacks. I am not sure.
. Mrs. Bertolino: Who would I go to for that?
Mr. Lehigh: Call the Town Attorney, that is the only thing I can think of doing. I will make a personal phone
call to the Supervisor tomorrow.
Mr. Fanuele: Made a motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. diPierno: Second the motion.
Vote: All present voted aye.
Mr. diPierno: Made a motion to deny the variance.
Mr. Prager: Second the motion.
Roll Call: Mr. Prager, aye Mr. Fanuele, aye
Mr. Lehigh, aye
Mr. diPierno, aye Mr. Warren, aye
Appeal No. 00-7050 - At the request of Kenneth Battelle, who is seeking an area variance of Section 240-6(D)
Whereas 1800 square feet is required for a caretakers dwelling, the appellant is proposing 2400 square feet, thus
requestin~ 600 square feet for stora~e space and 1800 square feet of livin~ space. The property is located at
74 Old State Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6056-02-600799 in the Town of Wappinger.
'Jeorge Heisenbuttl is present for the meeting.
JUN 2 7 2000
Zoning Board of Appeals
Summarized Minutes May 23,2000
page 3
Mr. Prager: Made a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. diPierno: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Mr. Heisenbuttl: I want to modify an existing building into a caretaker's dwelling, under 240-6 of the local law.
Mr. Lehigh: This is an existing building?
Mr. Heisenbuttl: Yes, it is.
Mr. Lehigh: Did you just purchase the property?
Mr. Heisenbutt1: No, it was purchased about 3 years ago. There is a current survey and a septic approval,
which was forwarded to this board for the project.
Mr. Lehigh: Some of us went out and looked at the property and some of us didn't. I am confused because
this drawing doesn't look like the building that is out there now.
Mr. Heisenbutt1: This is the modification ofthe building on how it will look.
Mr. Lehigh: What area on this drawing are you planning to leave vacant?
Mr. Heisenbutt1: This area here(shows on the drawing).
'-'" Mr. Lehigh: Why don't you subdivide this out?
Mr. Heisenbuttl: If that is the best way of doing it, I will.
Mr. Lehigh: You have the footage on the road and more than enough property. I personal feel it will be to
your benefit to subdivide. I think a caretaker's house is limiting you.
Mr. Heisenbutt1: That right.
Mr. Lehigh: I think we should adjourn this until you talk to the Planning Board and if you have a problem
you can come back. I don't think you will.
Mr. Heisenbuttl: I agree it is in my best of interest.
Mr. Lehigh: It is up to you.
Mr. Heisenbutt1: I agree with you to go along with it.
Mr. Prager: How close are you to a subdivision?
Mr. Heisenbuttl: Basically everything is subdivided. It is already laid out.
Mr. Warren: Made a motion to adjourn the public hearing.
Mr. diPierno: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
IJUN 272000
'-" ...
Zoning Board of Appeals
Summarized Minutes May 23,2000
page 4
Mr. Prager: Made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Mr. diPiemo: Second the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
8:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
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Christina DiPaola, Secretary
Zoning Board of Appeals