2000-03-14 MINUTES APPROVED MAR 2 8 2000 Zoning Board of Appeals Summarized Minutes March 14,2000 page 1 .,...,.. MINUTES Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeal MEETING DATE: March 14,2000 TIME: 7:30 p.m. Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, NY Members Present: Mr. Lehigh, Mr. Prager, Chairman Member Mr. Fanuele, Vice Chairman Mr. Warren, Member Mr. diPiemo, Member Others Present: Ms. DiPaola, Secretary to Zoning Mr. Liebermann, Zoning Administer SUMMARIZED Public Hearing Craig O'Donnell - Granted variance 3/14/00 Hannaford Supermarket - Public Hearing 3/28/00 Site Inspection 3/18/00 - Public Hearing 3/28/00 ..,...,.., Discussions: Richard & Nellie Briggs Mr. Prager: Made a motion for the February 29,2000 minutes to be approved. Mr. Warren: Second the motion. V ote: All present voted aye. Appeal No. 99-7042 at the request of Craig O'Donnell, who is seeking 2 area variances of Section 240-37 Whereas 40 feet side yard variance is required, the appellants can provide 25.4 feet side yard setback, thus requestin2. a 14.6 feet side yard setback in order to put in an int:round pool. Whereas a 40 feet side yard setback is required, the appellants can provide 26.6 feet side yard setback, thus requestint: a 13.4 feet side yard setback in order to have the house comply with the required setbacks. The property is located at 225 Wheeler Hill Road in the Town of Wappinger. The Zoning Board of Appeals has not made a determination of significance pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act and hereby reserves its right to make such determination after the conclusion of the public hearing. All the mailings are in order. Mr. Prager: Made a motion to open the public hearing. Mr. Fanuele: Second the motion. "- Vote: All present voted aye. .. MINUTES ''\PPROVED MAR 28 . Zoning Board of Appeals Summarized Minutes March 14,2000 page 2 "-' Mr. O'Donnell: I have shown everyone the survey map. Its shows where the pool will go and the distance ofit. H also shows the distance of the side yard to the building. I am requesting a variance that is noted in the vanance. Mr. Prager: You said that there shouldn't be any problem with the building itself as far as the setback line. MR. O'Donnell: Yes, I was granted all the approvals. I have a copy of the CO and a copy of the CO search that was done back in 1990. Mr. Prager: You own the property as lot #2. Mr. O'Donnell: No that is not correct. That was formally Mrs. Morse. Mr. Prager: You never owned that property? Mr. O'Donnell: No. Mr. Lehigh: I will open it up to the public. Mr. Strang: 205 Wheeler Hill Road. Looking at the drawings I have no objection to this. I am on the north side of the property. Mr. Fanuele: Made a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. Prager: Second the motion. V ote: All present voted aye. Mr. Prager: Made a motion for a negative declaration. Mr. Fanuele: Second the motion. "-'" Vote: All present voted aye. Mr. Fanuele: Made a motion to grant the variance. Mr. Prager: Second the motion. Roll Call: Mr. Prager, aye Mr. Fanuele, aye Mr. Lehigh, aye Mr. Warren, aye Mr. diPierno, aye Mr. Lehigh: You are going to have the pool fenced in? Mr. O'Donnell: Yes, that is correct. DISCUSSIONS I. Richard and Nellie Bri!!es- Seeking an area variance. North end 39' 1 and south end 35'. The property is located at 113 Osborne Hill Road in the Town of Wappinger. Mrs. Briggs: Our house was built in 1924, it was way before Zoning. Nothing complies. Mr. Lehigh: You don't have a site plan. Mrs. Briggs: We have a survey. Our main goal is to have the computer where it is easy to monitor and our .~ living space is on the small side. Mr. Lehigh: You have the removal of 11x6 addition. That is the porch area, that is the area you are referring to? Mr. Briggs: Yes. '., ... MINUTES APPROVeD MAR 2 8 2000 .......... Zoning Board of Appeals Summarized Minutes March 14,2000 page 3 Mr. Prager: How long have you lived in the house? Mr. Briggs: 20 years. Mr. Prager: That garage was there when you purchased the house? Mr. Briggs: Yes. Mr. Prager: I would like to go see it. SITE INSPECTION March 18,2000 at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Lehigh: There will be a public hearing on March 28,2000. 2. Hannaford Supermarket - Seeking 4 area variances on parking spaces, size of parking, rear yard setback and building coverage. The property is located at the Wappinger Plaza and Myers Comers Road in the Town of Wappinger. Ross Winglovitz, Tectonic Engineering, Engineer for Hannaford is present for the meeting, Mr. Winglovitz: The Planning Board considered a motion last Monday night for the resolution and the motion ~was not made. We are on the agenda for March 20,2000. We feel it will be complete that night. It does not preclude you from holding a public hearing. It would preclude any action that you take. As you know we circulated to the board, regarding the Lead Agency status. The Planning Board is the Lead Agency. We did a parking study and provided it to the Planning Board. Mr. Lehigh: I would like to have all the information ahead of time. Mr. Winglovitz: There are 4 application that Hannaford made to the Zoning Board. On Appeal 99-7031 there is 2 variances that is for the building setbacks and the building coverage. Appeal No. 99-7032 there is 2 variance that is for the size and number of parking spaces. Appeal No. 99-7033 there is 1 variance that is for the sign variance. Mr. Lehigh: I don't think I want to put the sign variance on the same night. You will have to come in another night and do it. We would like to see some pictures of the signs in color. Mr. Winglovitz: The signs are the same but the building has changed. The look of the signs are still the same. The other thing that this application has on it is the free standing sign, and we would like to withdraw that vanance. Mr. Fanuele: You are not going to put a free standing sign? Mr. Winglovitz: At the request of the Planning Board we were asked to withdraw that application. Mr. Lehigh: I think you will have to amend the application 99-7033. Mr. Winglovitz: I will put it in writing. The application for appeal no. 00-7046 that deals with illumination. Mr. Lehigh: I think your signs should be all together. That should be a different workshop. Mr. Winglovitz: We can do that after the public hearing? Mr. Lehigh: I would rather do it the 11 th of April. Mr. Prager: Made a motion for a public hearing on March 28,2000. ~ Mr. diPiemo: Second the motion. V ote: All present voted aye. , .. MINUTES APPROVED MAR 2 8 2000 Zoning Board of Appeals Summarized Minutes March 14,2000 page 4 '-" Mr. Prager: Made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. diPiemo: Second the motion. V ote: All present voted aye. MEETING ENDED 8:15p.m. Respectfully Submitted, C~~ D;Pud!6___ Christina DiPaola, Secretary Zoning Board of Appeals ......... ~