Town of Wappinger Zoning Board Town Hall
MEETING DATE: December 9, 1997 20 Middlebush Road
TIME -- 7:30 PM Wappingers Falls, NY
Approval of November 25, 1997, minutes.
Appeal No. 1255 - The Appellants, Sherilyn & Anthony Carozza, seeks two (2) area
variances of Article IV, Section 420.3 - Schedule of Dimensional Regulations - A 5 -foot side
yard setback is required for accessory buildings, and the Appellants' have two (2) existing
sheds 2 %2 feet from the side yard, thus two (2) 2 '/2 -foot side yard variances are required for
two (2) existing sheds on property located at 6 Barbara Lane and is identified as Tax Grid
No. 6156-02-565796-00 in the Town of Wappinger.
The Zoning Board of Appeals declared itself Lead Agency for this project on November 25,
2. Appeal No. 1256 - The Appellant, Greer Nine Realty Corp., seeks variances of Article IV,
Section 410.
+.. Whereas, one hundred (100) square foot signage is permitted on the front of the building,
the Appellant proposes 110.41 square feet, thus a 10.43 square foot sign variance is requested
on the front of the building, and;
Whereas, fifty (50) square foot signage is permitted on the side of the building, and the
Appellant proposes 64 square feet, thus a 14 square foot sign variance is requested on the
side of the building on property located at 1420 Route 9 and is identified as Tax Grid No. 19-
6157-02-585606-00 in the Town of Wappinger.
The Zoning Board of Appeal declared itself Lead Agency on November 25, 1997.
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
December 9, 1997
Members Present
Mr. Prager: Chairman
Mr. Warren: Member
Member Absent
Others Present
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Mr. Fanuele: Member
Mr. diPierno: Member Mr. Lehigh: Vice Chairman
Mr. Don Close, Zoning Administrator
Mrs. Nguyen, Secretary to the Zoning Board
November 25, 1997
Sherilyn & Anthony Carozza
Greer Nine Realty
Mr. Lehigh's Term to expire in 1998
Mr. Warren made a motion to approve the November 25, 1997, minutes.
Mr. Fanuele seconded the motion.
Vote: All present voted aye.
1. Appeal No. 1255 - The Appellants, Sherilyn & Anthony Carozza, seeks two (2) area
variances of Article IV, Section 420.3 - Schedule of Dimensional Regulations A 5 -foot side
yard setback is required for accessory buildings, and the Appellants' have two (2) existing
sheds 2 '/2 feet from the side yard, thus two (2) 2 '/z -foot side yard varidhces are -required for
two (2) existing sheds on property located at 6 Barbara Lane and is identified as Tax Grid
No. 6156-02-565796-00 in the Town of Wappinger. The Zoning Board of Appetd9 deelared
itself Lead Agency for this projeet.on November 25, 1997.
. . "-"
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 9,1997
Page 2
Mr. & Mrs. Carozza were present.
Mrs. Nguyen stated all the mailings were in order.
Mr. Fanuele made a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Warren seconded the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Mr. Prager stated there were only 3 members of the Zoning Board present. It would take all
three to vote in favor of granting the variances in order for it to pass,
Mr. & Mrs. Carozza understood.
Mr. Carozza explained they need variances of 2 12 feet for each shed. They plan to sell their
house in the future. They want all of the records straightened out for their pool, and sheds, etc.
Mr. Prager asked if they had gotten a permit for the pool.
Mrs. Carozza said yes.
Mr. Prager asked if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak for or against the
appeal. Hearing none; he stated the Board had a site inspection on Saturday, December 6, 1997.
He said he could not get the door open all the way on the smaller shed. He asked when they
plan to put their house on the market.
Mr. Carozza said maybe in a year or so.
Mr. Fanuele stated the total square footage of the two sheds is 258 square feet, which is also
larger than the Ordinance states which is 200 square feet. He stated the door was stuck on one of
the sheds. He asked if they were aware that if the Board did grant the variances, they still would
have to obtain building permits for the structure ofthe sheds. He explained the variances do not
grant retroactive building permits unless they already obtained building permits. He asked if
they already have building permits for the sheds.
Mr. Carozza was not sure ifthey have building permits.
Mr. Close asked how it surfaced that the sheds are too close to the property line.
Mrs. Carozza explained they came in to the Town Hall to straighten everything out so they can
sell their home.
Mr. Prager asked if there was some way to check if they did obtain building permits. If there are
'lIIr building permits, maybe the setbacks were fine when they built the sheds.
. - ,.....,.
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 9, 1997
Page 3
Mrs. Nguyen stated probably what happened was Mrs. Carozza came in to the Town Hall and
stated she has a pool and sheds. Rhonda from the Building Dept. most likely looked her property
up on the computer and found nothing listed for building permits. Therefore, she had to fill out
building permit applications.
Mr. Fanuele stated ifthere are building permits, they would still need an inspection to make sure
it is structurally sound before c/o's can be issued.
Mrs. Carozza asked, even though they have been there for years.
Mr. Close said yes. He stated if the sheds are not in good shape, the Building Inspector can
request they are to be repaired prior to c/o's being issued.
Mrs. Carozza stated she plans to put her home on the market in the spring.
Mr. Prager said if the Board adjourned the public hearing, she could be back on the agenda for
January. He said ifthey have building permits for the sheds, it is possible that they may not need
the variances. If they do have building permits, it is possible they were built in the wrong place,
or it was legal to build the sheds in their present location. He asked when Mr. Carozza bought
the property.
Mr. Carozza said in 1968.
Mr. Warren made a motion to adjourn the public hearing to January 13th.
Mr. Fanuele seconded the motion.
Vote: All present voted aye.
2. Appeal No. 1256 - The Appellant, Greer Nine Realty Corp., seeks variances of Article IV,
Section 410. whereas, one hundred (100) square foot signage is permitted on the
front of the building, the Appellant proposes 110.41 square feet, thus a 10.41 square foot sign
variance is requested on the front of the building, and; whereas, fifty (50) square foot signage
is permitted on the side of the building, and the Appellant proposes 64 square feet, thus a 14
square foot sign variance is requested on the side of the building on property located at 1420
Route 9 and is identified as Tax Grid No. 19-6157-02-585606-00 in the Town of Wappinger.
The Zoning Board of Appeal declared itself Lead Agency on November 25,1997.
Mrs. Schunzel was present.
Mrs. Nguyen stated all the mailings were in order.
Mr. Warren made a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Fanuele seconded the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 9,1997
Page 4
Mrs. Schunzel explained after the last meeting, she noticed some of the other dealerships do not
have logos on side roads. She wanted the Board to grant her 64 square feet of signage for the
side of the building. She would then ask Plasi-Line if they can make the signs without the logos.
They would in effect be increasing the size of the signs, but omitting the logos. They would stay
within the 64 square feet that the Board would be approving. She said ifPlasi-Line says the
signs would be larger than 64 square feet, she would have to come back and reapply. She wants
the letters of the sign to be the same size as the Toyota and Greer sign on the front of the
building. She was not sure ifPlasi-Line can make the letters as tall as the front sign, but
skinnier. She said it would take Plasi-Line a couple of weeks to get back to her.
Mr. Prager stated the Board had a site inspection on December 6, 1997. He felt the existing
Subaru sign on the front of the building is larger than 34.34 square feet. He said they have to
count the whole sign, not just the letters.
Mrs. Schunzel asked if the electrical wiring underneath the blue signage would be considered
Mr. Prager said that would not be considered part of the sign. He requested the size ofthat sign.
Also, at the last meeting, Mrs. Schunzel had stated Toyota and Subaru mandate she has to have a
certain size sign. He asked for a letter from Toyota and Subaru stating that.
Mrs. Schunzel stated Subaru came before the Planning Board and they got the sign approved.
She said probably because it is smaller than what was there.
Mr. Fanuele asked ifmaybe the Subaru sign was on another building originally. He said maybe
that is where the sign came from.
Mrs. Schunzel was not sure since that was before her time. She stated she has no signage on the
used car building. She said they drew used cars signs on the windows. She explained that
Toyota and Subaru mandate the size of the signs. She said Toyota has mandated all dealers to
have 6- foot facia. That is how they come up with the size of the sign.
Mr. Fanuele said it seemed as if Toyota feels they can tell the different Towns what to do.
Mrs. Schunzel said they mandate the dealers. Probably what Toyota would say is how could
anyone turn down what they have proposed because it is classy and attractive. She said if you
take a picture of her dealership before and then after, they will say how can the Board say no
because it looks better than it did before.
Mr. Warren stated it sounded as if Toyota and Subaru would not agree to a small sign.
Mrs. Schunzel said they would keep Toyota the same size, but make Greer smaller. She stated
she can not get rid of the Subaru sign. The Subaru manufacturer just changed all of their
signage. They used to have square letters. They took that down and put up what is there now.
She stated she does not want that sign on her facia. She felt it would not look right. It would not
__ look sophisticated. They will not accept what she proposed for letters. That is why she wants to
keep Subaru where it is currently.
. .
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board
Summarized Minutes - December 9,1997
Page 5
Mr. Prager asked Mrs. Schunzel to supply the Board with the size of the Subaru sign and a letter
from Toyota and Subaru by the next meeting. He suggested adjourning the public hearing to
January 13th.
Mrs. Nguyen stated if she ends up with more signage than what the legal notice stated, then the
legal notice process will have to be redone. She stated she would need the information the Board
had requested prior to the adjourned public hearing.
Mrs. Schunzel was concerned she may not get the information the Board needs from Plasi-Line
prior to the public hearing.
Mr. Prager suggested adjourning the public hearing to January 27th.
Mr. Prager made a motion to send a letter to the Town Board recommending Al Lehigh for
another term as a Zoning Board Member.
Mr. Warren seconded the motion.
V ote: All present voted aye.
Mr. Fanuele made a motion to adjourn.
Mr. Warren seconded the motion.
Vote: All present voted aye.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Nguyen, Secretary
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board