Town of Wappinger Zoning Board
TIME -- 7:30 PM
Approval of February 25, 1997 minutes.
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Appeal No. 1238 -- At the request of Frank & Elvira Tosto and Lind & Giuseppina
Capparelli who are seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 420.3 — Schedule of Dimensional
Regulations — which requires a 75 foot front yard setback and they are proposing a 50 foot
setback to fulfill the requirements of a septic field, thus requiring a 25 foot front yard setback
variance on property located at 276 All Angels Hill Road and identified as Tax Grid No. 6257-
02-870864-00 in the Town of Wappinger.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, the Zoning Board of Appeal declared itself Lead
Agency for this project on February 25, 1997.
Lewis J. Rompala -- Discuss Appeal No. 1239 requesting two (2) area variances from Article
IV, Section 420.3 -- Schedule of Dimensional Regulations, whereas:
1. A 12 foot side yard setback is required, the applicant is showing 9' 9" (Prior to
Zoning) and is proposing 5' 9", thus requiring a 4' side yard variance to construct
a 14' X 24' garage and whereas;
2. A 25 foot front yard setback is required, the applicant is proposing 22' 2", thus
requiring a 2' 10" front yard variance to construct a 14' X 24' garage on property
located at 15 Cayuga Drive in the Town of Wappinger.
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board
February 25, 1997
Agenda — 7:30 PM
Approval of February 11, 1997 minutes.
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
_Appeal No. 1236 — At the request of Ellen & Joseph Proto who are seeking a VARIANCE of
Article IV, Section 410.4.2.4, whereas a fence is not to exceed six (6) feet in height above
adjoining grade and you are showing several areas of the fence exceeding six (6) feet by one
(1) to four (4) inches, thus requiring a variance to exceed the six (6) foot limit on property
located at 9 Crabapple Court and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6257-02-669977-00 in the
Town of Wappinger.
The Zoning Board of Appeals declared itself Lead Agency for this project on February 11,
2. _Appeal No. 1237 — At the request of Michael DiZillo who is seeking an INTERPRETATION
of Article IV, Section 220, DEFINITIONS — which states an accessory apartment is to be
located "within the same building" as a permitted one family dwelling and you are requesting
to "add onto" the existing dwelling an accessory apartment for family. The property is
located at 75 Ketchamtown Road and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6157-03-205371-00 in
the Town of Wappinger.
The Zoning Board of Appeals declared itself Lead Agency for this project on February 11,
Frank & Elvira Tosto and Liugi & Giuseppina Capparelli — Discuss Appeal No. 1238 requesting
a VARIANCE from the Zoning Law, Article IV, Section 420.3 — Schedule of Use Regulations,
which requires a seventy-five (75) foot front yard setback and the applicants are requesting a fifty
(50) foot setback to meet the requirement of the septic field, thus requiring a twenty-five (25)
foot front yard setback variance on property located at 276 All Angels Hill Road in the Town of
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
March 11, 1997
Members Present
Mr. Prager: Chairman Mr. Lehigh:
Mr. Fanuele: Member Mr. Warren:
Member Absent
Mr. diPierno: Member
Others Present
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Vice Chairman
I Z.5- 07
Mr. Donald Close: Zoning Administrator KMNIN6BOARD
Mrs. Linda Nguyen: Secretary to the ZoningZ0=20 A00J AFr:,%'L6
Mr. Prager: I would like to call the Town of Wappinger Zoning
Board of Appeals Meeting to order. Roll Call please.
Mr. diPierno: Absent.
Mr. Lehigh: Here.
Mr. Prager: We did not get the minutes for the last meeting.
The first item of tonight's agenda is a public hearing of Appeal
No. 1238. At the request of Frank & Elvira Tosto and Liuqi &
Giuseppina Capparelli who are seeking a variance of Article IV,
Section 420.3 - Schedule of Dimensional Regulations - which
requires a 75 - foot front yard setback and they are proposing a
50 - foot setback to fulfill the requirements of a septic field,
thus requiring a 25 - foot front yard setback variance on
property located at 276 All Angels Hill Road and is identified as
Tax Grid No.19-6257-02-870864-00 in the Town of Wappinger. Can I
have a motion to open the public hearing?
Mr. Warren: So moved.
Mr. Lehigh: Second.
Vote: All present voted aye.
Mr. Prager: Who is here to speak tonight for this appeal?
Mr. Capparelli: Mr. Liugi Capparelli.
Mrs. Nguyen: All the mailings are in order.
Mr. Prager: Now, Mr. Capparelli, if you could state exactly what
you need, and then we will probably ask you a few questions.
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Minutes - March 11, 1997
Page 2
wr Mr. Capparelli: We need permission to build because of the
fields. That is the only reason. They eliminated us from the
sewer district. That is the only reason. We want to sell the
land to build a house.
Mr. Prager: We had a little discussion about this map last
month. Number one, I noticed on the application it was written
down R-20, but you are actually in the R-40 area. It is no big
thing. It is just for the record. It was even on your map, that
is why I caught it. That is the one thing.
Mr. Capparelli: You mean it is like I can build two houses?
Mr. Prager: It is residential.
Mr. Capparelli: But we do not want to build two houses, one
house. This is Joe Franze. (His real estate broker.)
Mr. Prager: When did you buy the property?
Mr. Capparelli: 1988, then the Town Board sent us a letter to
dismiss from the sewer district.
Mr. Prager: Now, you were in the sewer district, or you are not?
Mr. Capparelli: We were before.
Mr. Prager: Don, do you know?
Mr. Close: No, I do not.
Mr. Franze: I have a copy of the letter here from Jack Railing,
who was the engineer at the time. It was a letter from the
engineer explaining that the lot had been in the sewer district
and they petitioned to have it removed.
Mr. Close: Was it Paggi or Railing?
Mr. Franze: It was actually Bob Gray, maybe. Mike Takacs was the
one who was working on it.
Mr. Prager: I would definitely like to see it or you can read
Mr. Franze: It is dated May 8, 1993, from the Dutchess County
Department of Health. This is signed by James T. Napoli, Senior
Public Health Engineer. It says, "Gentlemen, the plan for the
above referenced project was approved on May 8, 1993, as meeting
the appropriate and applied technical standards, guidelines,
policies and procedures for arrangement of sewer disposal and
treatment and water supply facilities. As a condition of
approval, a construction inspection by a representative of the
Dutchess County Department of Health shall be conducted to
determine that construction at the time of inspection was
completed in general conformance with the approved plan and any
amendment thereof. The lot was originally within the Rockingham
r.. Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
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Farms Sewer District, but no longer is. The sewer treatment
plant cannot accept additional connections at this time.
Contract the Health Department district office to schedule a
construction inspection as required. Approval of the plan or
amendment thereof shall terminate and thereafter be null and void
unless construction is undertaken within five (5) years from the
date of approval. Re -submission of revised submission of plans
and/or associated documents shall be subject to compliance with
the technical standards, guidelines, policies and procedures in
effect at the time of resubmission. The Dutchess County Sanitary
Code requires that a permit be issued prior to construction of a
water well. Application for a permit should be made to the
Dutchess County Department of Health by the well driller. The
approved plan will be given to your engineer." So, five years
from 1993 would bring them to next May.
Mr. Prager: I would like to have a copy.
Mr. Fanuele: What is the date of the letter?
Mr. Prager: The date of the letter is May 8, 1993. It looks
like it was in the Rockingham Sewer District, but somehow it was
dropped out because it could not handle any more property.
Mr. Fanuele: I have a question. To connect to the sewer
district, what is the cost to connect to the sewer district
compared to building a septic system?
Mr. Capparelli: I do not know.
Mr. Franze: We had one builder that was considering purchasing
it and doing that. When he measured it he told me that the cost
was too much.
Mr. Fanuele: What is the cost of the septic system plus the
Mr. Franze: We do not have those numbers for you.
Mr. Fanuele: I want to compare that to connecting to the sewer
Mr. Franze: He indicated that it would probably be double.
Mr. Fanuele: For the expansion?
Mr. Franze: No, to tie into the sewer district.
Mr. Fanuele: We are reserving some space back there for future
expansion of the septic system. That is why we have the problem
with the house and it having to be set back so far. My question
is, what does it cost of the septic system plus the expansion
verses the connection to the sewer system?
Mr. Franze: I can get those numbers for you.
*AW ""W
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Mr. Fanuele: Because the sewer system is going to be connected
VAW to Tri -Muni and that will have capacity.
Mr. Franze: I can get those numbers for you, but at the time, I
think he indicated that it would be more than double. You would
have to come all the way down to the corner of Tor Road and then
up to where the sewer is going to end. He measured it out and
said it is a long way to go for the sewer.
Mr. Spinola: Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Spinola. I cannot hear that man.
It is not his fault. I am deaf in one ear. I would like him to
speak loud so we can hear.
Mr. Prager: Would you like to have him repeat what he just said?
Mr. Spinola: I know he said something about they was on the line
for the sewer system. Why are they putting in a septic system if
they are on line for the sewer system?
Mr. Prager: I believe what they are saying is the property
itself was in the sewer district before, that lot. Now, he could
hook up to sewer now, but he would have to go down the road quite
a distance to hook up to Rockingham's Sewer System. The cost of
it would be very expensive. We would like to know how expensive.
Mr. Spinola: The other gentleman asked, how much between the
Mr. Franze: I do not have those exact numbers because I did not
know that would have been an issue tonight. When Liugi purchased
the property years ago, I believe it had been taken out of the
sewer system because there was no capacity at the time. If he
wanted to build on the lot, he could not get into the sewer
Mr. Spinola: Well, he can now.
Mr. Franze: As of today, you can not. We do not know when
exactly ..
Mr. Capparelli: I do not think so either.
Mr. Prager: Don, do you know if they can or they cannot?
Mr. Close: No.
Mr. Fanuele: When will Rockingham be connected to Tri -Muni?
That should be fairly soon.
Mr. Capparelli: They promised me and now I am stuck with the
Mr. Prager: When does this letter that we just had here run out?
Mr. Franze: It expires next May.
Mr. Lehigh: 1998.
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Mr. Franze: The time constraint here is that for personal
reasons that Liugi has, he had to liquidate all of this property.
We had a buyer for the land and it was sold and it took us a long
time. It took us a year and a half to find a buyer and when he
came in to apply for a building permit, he was turned down. So,
we lost the sale.
Mr. Close: It looks like it is about 600 feet. I do not know if
you would have the pitch to get there or not. We do not know how
deep the manhole is.
Mr. Spinola: Do you have a copy of that piece of land and where
you want to put that septic?
Mr. Capparelli: Yes.
Mr. Franze: It was already approved by the Board of Health
Mr. Close: It would be about $3000.00 to get it down there plus
patching the road back. Septic fields run around 5.
Mr. Prager: Could we bring that map up here and lets discuss it
so we can all hear what is being talked about?
Mr. Franze: If you look behind the property, these are the
homeowners. You can see that this lot expands more than the
width of three homeowners. There is a lot of frontage.
Mr. Spinola: This lot going over here and over this way, is that
your piece of property there?
Mr. Franze: No, here.
Mr. Spinola: It ends right in the square because that belongs to
another gentleman that lives up here.
Mr. D'Aquino: Roger D'Aquino, I live at 4 Rich Drive.
Mrs. Nguyen: And the other gentleman's address?
Mr. Spinola: 8 Rich Drive.
Mr. Rivera: My name is Dennis Rivera and Margaret.
Mrs. Nguyen: Your address?
Mr. Rivera: Two Pye Lane.
Mr. Spinola: This is where your thinking now of putting in the
Mr. Franze: This is the house and this is the septic. You see
there is a minimum setback that they have to stay away.
Mr. Soroka: What are the setbacks?
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Mr. Spinola: The front is 75 feet, right?
Mr. Franze: This is from the back. Liugi is asking that he can
move the house within 50 feet rather than 75 because if he puts
it at 75, it puts him into the expansion area for the septic
system. There is no room to move that.
Mr. Spinola: In other words, you will be 25 here?
Mr. Prager: No, it will actually be 50 feet from the property
line. Normally, this house should be back here. It should be 75
feet from the property line, but because they have this expansion
area in here for the future. If something happens to the septic
system, they need that expansion area. They cannot bring the
house back.
Mr. Rivera: I just want to know one thing. Where is my house
located? Where is he going to .. in relation to his house?
Mrs. Rivera: We live at 2 Pye Lane.
Mr. Rivera: So, the house is going to be on All Angels.
Mr. Prager: It is possible if there is a problem with his sewer.
'`"' If something happens to his septic. This unfortunately is
between the engineers' and Dutchess County Board of Health. This
is a regular engineer that drew this up and was approved by the
Dutchess County Board of Health by all the regulations of the
Mr. Soroka: How can they know about my water problems?
Mr. Prager: They do not know about your water problems that I
know of.
Mr. Soroka: My name is Soroka and I have this piece of property,
4 Tor Road. We have a lot of water problems there.
Mr. Spinola: This man here Mike Horan is flooded out every time
it rains.
Mr. D'Aquino: I had to put my own pump in.
Mr. Spinola: Fortunately, my house is on a knoll. The water is
running around my house. These two guys are getting it right a
cross the street from me.
Mr. Prager: Unfortunately, the only thing that is stopping this
whole thing right now .. He can build on this lot. Number one,
*4W if there was a sewer here, that has nothing to do with your
Mr. Spinola: We are talking about runoff.
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Mr. Prager: I am talking about runoff also. If they have a
vow sewer system .. If they can connect to that sewer system, it
will not matter if that water is there or not. They can put that
house in there.
Mr. Spinola: I hope they do get a sewer system in. We all had
to put sewer systems in too.
Mr. D'Aquino: Where is the sewer hook up, down here?
Mr. Franze: No, down at the sewer plant. He would have to come
out to the street, all the way down to Tor Road and all the way
up around the corner. It would cost quite a bit to run a sewer
Mr. Prager: Right now he can not even do it.
Mr. Spinola: We wanted to see what he was going to do to us down
here if this thing goes bad, the sewer system. That is what I am
worried about.
Mr. Close: This shows a swale on his property taking the water
back to the front of the road.
Mr. Franze: They also require him to bring in fill for the
septic, which means they will have to take out the soil that is
there and bring in better fill to put into the septic. That
'"" could improve the situation.
Mr. Close: See the little arrows around the back of the property
go towards the front? It tells you the invert up on the road.
That is supposed to get the water off the .. So it does not go
down the back. You will not see it until somebody develops it.
Mr. Franze: The engineer put that to protect the water from
dripping over to your land. So when he builds, he has to put the
swale in.
Mr. Fanuele: If the house was 25 feet back, we would not be here
tonight at all because it would fit right. Just because the
house is here, if he goes back 25 feet, he gets into the reserve
area, not this area. So, if he goes back 75 feet, he could still
build this house because he got Health Department approval on it.
They did put some swales to drain the water out here. The
problem your asking .. The problem we are discussing is not one
that is basically on our agenda tonight. He wants to build a
house here just so he gets some more room in the back.
Mr. Spinola: He wants to give away 25 feet of frontage.
Mr. Prager: Basically, in case something happens to his septic
system, then ..
Mr. Fanuele: My question is that he does not know the figures.
It will cost him to do this because this is extensive and you
will have to have some reserve here. So, what will that cost to
build it compared to putting a line in? It might be feasible to
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put the line in because they are going to hook up to Tri -Muni.
It is just a cost dollar/cents evaluation.
Mr. Prager: The only thing that would bother me is that for some
reason they do not come through and say okay you can hook up to
this in the next two years. Then, he would lose everything
Mr. Franze: We spoke with Jay Paggi regarding the approval of
the sewer district. He told us last week that they are probably
going to start public hearings .. Don, I do not know if you can
confirm this? Sometime in the next three to five months. That
is just to talk about it. Getting from the stage of talking
about it to actually getting the sewer in the ground there
realistically will not happen before he gets this expiration on
Mr. Fanuele: Three to five months for what type of public
Mr. Franze: Before they start.
Mr. Fanuele: Before they start what?
Mr. Capparelli: Do not believe it.
Mr. Franze: Having the public hearings.
Mr. Fanuele: For what?
Mr. Franze: The sewers.
Mr. Fanuele: For connecting Rockingham into .. That is already
approved. To connect Rockingham into the sewer system is already
Mr. Close: To add Rockingham to the sewer. This field is on top
of the ground. It is one of those bathtub type things upside
down. There is not going to be a field here unless this fails,
then he has room to expand. This will not be built here now.
Mr. Franze: This would not have any fields in it.
Mr. Prager: Unless something happens to the other one. That is
kind of what you are worried about, that if something happened,
that it would fail. Well, if it fails, then they would have to
use that.
Mr. Spinola: But his house would be sitting right on it,
wouldn't it?
Mr. Prager: No, it will be right in front of it. There is a
ta,,,, swale there, that is why he cannot move it back.
Mr. Soroka: What is the difference between R-20 to R-40?
vftr ..rr
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Page 9
Mr. Prager: I looked it up and there is no difference as far as
w.• the 75 feet.
Mr. Soroka: That is a one family?
Mr. Prager: Oh, definitely one family.
Mr. Soroka: Is there a requirement about a permit?
Mr. Prager: To the leach field?
Mr. Soroka: I guess he has got
Mr. Prager: He has got 35 feet here to the property.
Mr. Franze: Can I just say one more thing? We had a couple of
builders that were interested in the property. They looked at it
and spoke to the engineer about whether this piece of property,
since it is so large, could support two homes. They were told
yes, but then most definitely they would have to tie into the
sewer district. The reason they walked away was because they
could not do it. If they are forced into doing that, then they
may go back and try to subdivide this to build two homes.
Mr. Spinola: As long as they build two homes, they are safer
than trying to ..
Mr. Prager: Hopefully, everybody got their questions answered.
Again, the only thing that we have to go on tonight is basically
the 50 feet verses the 75 feet. The swale was in there and the
septic system was approved by the County. That is out of our
hands. Does anybody else have any questions?
Mr. Lehigh: You should not delay this until the sewer .. The
man loses his customer .. Until the land becomes useless. I
make a motion for a Negative Dec.
Mr. Warren: Second.
Mr. Warren: Should we close the public hearing first?
Mr. Prager: No, we can do that after. All in favor?
Vote: All present voted aye.
Mr. Prager: Now we can entertain a motion to close the pubic
Mr. Fanuele: Are there any more questions from the public? I
make a motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Lehigh: Second.
Vote: All present voted aye.
Mr. Prager: Would anybody like to make a motion?
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Mr. Fanuele: The 50 - foot setback, 75 and 50 is there for road
expansion that if they ever want to expand the road, they have
the property there without having to demolish a house to expand
the road. That is why it is 75 feet. There is some road
frontage in front from the property line to the road, so if they
ever expand that road to another land, it looks like there would
be enough in the front to accomplish that.
Mr. Fanuele: If it was 75 feet back, they would still be there.
It is not really for this Board to address those problems. If the
have Health Department approval and the site plan was approved,
then there is nothing we can do.
Mr. Spinola: All he is doing actually is moving the 25 feet.
You are giving him the 25 feet.
Mr. Prager: Exactly, yes.
Mr. Fanuele: So, I see no problem putting that
Mr. Spinola: He is going to go back 50 feet instead of 75.
Mr. Prager: That is correct, with the house.
Mr. Fanuele: So, actually there is no problem with putting the
house at 50 feet. Although it would be to your benefit to get
the cost figures.
Mr. Capparelli: Then, we would have to wait two more years.
They have been playing with the sewer for years.
Mr. Lehigh: I make a motion that the variance be granted.
Mr. Fanuele: I will second that. I was getting to that. I just
wanted to ..
Mr. Prager: Yes, I think that is wise. Maybe we should think
about a condition that nothing should be built behind this house
because of that expansion area for the septic system. We want to
make sure that we can have that as a condition. Nothing will be
built behind that house.
Mr. Lehigh: Unless he hooks up to the (Town) sewer.
Mrs. Nguyen: Instead of saying behind the house, how about where
the expansion area is?
Mr. Prager: Good. I assume that you mean that the requested
variance will not be detrimental to nearby properties?
Mr. Fanuele: Yes.
Mr. Prager: It will not have an undesirable change occurring in
the character of the neighborhood?
Mr. Fanuele:
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Fanuele:
Mr. Prager:
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There are not any alternative feasible methods.
Can I have a roll call vote please?
Mr. Warren: Granted. Mr. diPierno: Absent.
Mr. Fanuele: Granted. Mr. Lehigh: Granted.
Mr. Prager: Granted.
Mr. Prager: The motion has been passed to grant the variance.
It will be filed in five days. The next item on the agenda is a
discussion of Appeal No. 1239 -- Lewis J. Rompala. Requesting
two (2) area variances from Article IV, Section 420.3 - Schedule
of Dimensional Regulations, whereas; No. 1 - A 12 - foot side
yard setback is required. The applicant is showing 919" (prior
to Zoning) and is proposing 51911, thus requiring a 41sideyard
variance to construct a 14' X 24' garage. No. 2 - A 25 - foot
front yard setback is required. The applicant is proposing
221211, thus requiring a 2110" front yard variance to construct
the same 14' X 24' garage on the property located at 15 Cayuga
Drive in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Rompala: Good evening, I am Lewis Rompala. I am the
property owner.
Mr. Prager: Mr. Rompala before you get going, I just want to
mention to you what we are basically doing is getting the
information tonight that we can get from you. Hopefully, we will
not forget to ask you something. Basically, it is an informal
information gathering. When we set the public hearing, then
obviously you will be discussing it all over again and then if
there is anybody that is interested to speak for or against the
variance, they can come and speak.
Mr. Rompala: We are requesting both variances to make a garage.
We purchased this property on August 14, 1964. This would be 33
years since we have been here. The reason we requested a 14 -
foot instead of a 10 - foot, which is an extension on the house
here, when you open the car doors you measure from one point to
the other point, it is 11 feet 4 inches. If you have a 10 - foot
garage, it is rather narrow. I guess you are only asking for an
8 foot. According to the Zoning Law, it is only 8 feet that
would be allowed. That is not much of a garage. The reason we
are requesting 14 feet is because we need more room for mowers.
Being a 75 by 100 - foot lot, it is not very big. As the house
is constructed right now, it is against your Zoning right now for
dimensions. So, we are requesting the variances. In our
development, Indian Village or Wappinger Park Homes, there are 75
homes. Sixty-eight of them have garages. Some were built
originally with the house and many of them have been added since.
I live at 15. At 13 is Mr. wood, 11 and 9, they have the same
type of house, a ranch house. They had garages constructed. I
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do not know whether they are prior to or .. I think they have
*.. been there since ..
Mr. Prager: I think what we will have to do .. Unfortunately,
Don, I am going to have to put you to work. If we could find out
.. You gave us some pictures here.
Mr. Rompala: I have the original pictures. You can see it much
Mr. Prager: I would like to point out at least these. I am
assuming you are talking about these here?
Mr. Rompala: Yes.
Mr. Prager: When the building permits were and if there are any
Mr. Rompala: There is one that we can show you that my son just
checked. They have a building permit, but no variances.
Mr. Lehigh: Building permits, but no variance.
Mr. Prager: Six Seneca Lane.
Mr. Walter Rompala: My name is Walter Rompala. I am his son.
We checked a lot of these properties with the Town and the ones
that have these extended garages, and they do have variances and
they do have building permits. Some of these are garages that
were built prezoning and some were built in the 70's or late
60's. Some of them might not have had a variance at that time.
Mr. Prager: Basically that is what I am interested in. Knowing
if it was done before or after.
Mrs. Nguyen: He came into the office and I went through a
couple of them from the pictures and I checked to see if they
have variances or building permits. All of the ones that I had
checked had variance and a building permit.
Mr. Prager: I will need the dates on those of when they were
built, building permits and variances.
Mr. Walter Rompala: There is one I checked today that there are
four or five building permits issued for that house. They did
several different things. We could not find the variance for
that property. It may have had a variance, but we were not able
to track it down at that time. That is six Seneca Lane.
Mr. Rompala: That is a variance that has less than a 3 - foot
clearance, setback.
Mr. Prager: These are the originals of these?
Mr. Rompala: That is right, those are copies of this.
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Mr. Prager: Okay, as long as we got these, that is all I am
interested in. Then, we will keep the originals. You need the
originals, correct?
Mrs. Nguyen: I do not think it is necessary.
Mr. Lehigh: I have a question. This 10 - foot 10 section on the
back of your house, is that within the original footprint of your
house or is that an addition?
Mr. Walter Rompala: That is an addition.
Mr. Lehigh: Is that a porch or what is it?
Mr. Walter Rompala: 1972, we had a building permit for it and we
had all the inspections done. Somewhere along the line, a final
inspection was not done. We have applied for a new building
permit. We are going through the process right now of getting
the electrical inspected and then having it re -inspected for the
C/0. That portion in the back was approved back in 1972.
Mr. Rompala: That is living space.
Mr. Lehigh: That is all I wanted to know was whether that was
original or not.
Mr. Walter Rompala: Most of the houses in this development are a
N'' ranch or raised ranch .., basically, a ranch or a cape. Most of
the houses in there had originally existing garages. Some of
those garages were added, they had double garages built on or
they enhanced their garages.
Mr. Lehigh: Then, they turned them into living space.
Mr. Walter Rompala: Correct.
Mr. Fanuele: Do they have septics or sewer systems?
Mr. Walter Rompala: They are septics in all of these.
Mr. Fanuele: Where are the septics?
Mr. Walter Rompala: Behind the houses.
Mr. Rompala: Behind. I had that replaced in 1978 with a 1000
gallon concrete septic tank. There is not much room there. It
would never pass Zoning Codes these days.
Mr. Prager: Don, while you are doing that you can also look up
the building permit on this gentleman's house. When it was and
anything on that addition also.
,t, Mr. Rompala: Another thing we have a big problem .. We live on
the corner there and when they come up Cayuga and go down
Iroquois, they go around the corner pretty fast. You have all
the dirt and they keep grinding it up into a find powder. Every
Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
Minutes - March 11, 1997
Page 14
morning you have a dew on it because it has settled. You cannot
keep a car clean. We get a lot of salt now.
Mr. Prager: Right now you do not have any garage?
Mr. Rompala: No garage.
Mr. Prager: You have two vehicles?
Mr. Rompala: Yes, I have two vehicles, but we only have room for
Mr. Fanuele: The garage is 24 feet long and
Mr. Walter Rompala: And 14 feet wide.
Mr. Fanuele: When you put a vehicle in there, you will have some
space in the front and the back.
Mr. Rompala: You cannot get into the back because there is not
room to get round it. There are trees and shrubs.
Mr. Fanuele: How long is your vehicle?
Mr. Walter Rompala: A typical vehicle is 18 to 20 feet. The
reason why we are going for the 24 feet is because we are going
to have two entrances. One will come out of the house and we
A%W need an 8 inch step down, which will require a 4 - foot step.
That 4 - foot step will obviously eat into the 24 - foot section.
To get from the house down into the garage, you will want to have
a platform to step onto and then step into the garage.
Mr. Fanuele: My basic concern is apart from the
Mr. Rompala: No, we have room on the side here.
Mr. Walter Rompala: There is already a paved section here that
comes up ..
Mr. Fanuele: No, I mean the length where your property ends here
.. (Unable to transcribe.)
Mr. Walter Rompala: We should have no problem with that. They
both fit in there now.
Mr. Rompala: I have this paved driveway and I have a section
here where I park the other vehicle. Putting a garage on will
enhance the value of the house in case I ever have to sell it.
People look at it and if it does not have a garage on it, well,
one count against you.
Mr. Lehigh: Mr. Chairman, I would like to make a motion that the
Zoning Board of Appeals be declared Lead Agency and I would also
like to take a look at the property.
Mr. Warren: Second.
Vote: All present voted aye.
Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
Minutes - March 11, 1997
Page 15
Mr. Prager: Yes, I would definitely like to have a site
inspection on this.
Mr. Lehigh: We will leave the Negative Dec. until ..
Mr. Prager: Until later. Until the next meeting. Does anybody
else have any questions? I would like to set the public hearing
for the next meeting, which is March 25t''. You will see Linda
for the public notice and all of that.
Mr. Walter Rompala: We have the list of items we have to do.
Mr. Prager: You will have to do the public hearing notice. If
you have any questions about it, just see her. I cannot think of
anything else to ask you. We might that night. We will be down
on the 22nd at 9:30. Anybody have any further business?
Mr. Fanuele: I make a motion we close the meeting.
Mr. Lehigh: Second.
Vote: All present voted aye.
Respectfully �submitted,
Linda Nguyen,`Se'cretary
Zoning Board of Appeals