1996-09-10Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals September 10, 1996 Agenda - 7:30 P.M. 1%W Approval of August 13, 1996 minutes. PUBLIC HEARING Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, N.Y. Appeal 41226 - At the request of John R. & Barbara C. Schafer who are seeking two variances of Article IV, Section 420.3, where they are required to maintain a 35 foot front line and they are showing 22.63, thus requiring a 12.4 foot front line variance and whereas they are required to maintain a 20 foot side yard and they are showing 18 feet, thus requiring a 2 foot side yard variance to construct a 1 story frame addition (16' X 191) to the front of the house to enlarge the living room for property located at 17 Crabapple Court and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6258-04-657002-00 in the Town of Wappinger. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE the Zoning Board of Appeals declared itself Lead Agency and made a Negative Declaration of Significance for this project on August 13, 1996. cm *up- Town of F oinger Zoning Board of Appeals September-10, 1996 Minutes Members Present *40W Mr. Lehigh: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. diPierno: Mr. Warren: Members Absent Mr. Prager: others Present Acting Chairman Member Member Member Chairman Mr. Don Close, Zoning Administrator Town Hall 20 Middlebush Roa"� Wappinger Falls, N.Y. APPROVED SEP 2 4 1996 PLANNING BOARD ❑ ZONINr. ftnsnn M APPUAI Mr. Lehigh: I would like to call the Zoning Board of Appeals to order. I would like to have a motion to approve the August 13th minutes. Mr. diPierno: I move that they be accepted. Mr. Fanuele: I second. Vote: All present voted aye. Mr. Lehigh: The first and only appeal, Appeal (#1226 at the request of +rr►John R. & Barbara C. Schafer who are seeking two variances of Article IV, Section 420.3, where they are required to maintain a 35 foot front line and they are showing 22.63, thus requiring a 12.4 foot front line variance and whereas they are required to maintain a 20 foot side yard and they are showing 18 feet, thus requiring a 2 foot side yard variance to construct a 1 story frame addition (16' X 191) to the front of the house to enlarge the living room for property located at 17 Crabapple Court and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6258-04-657002-00 in the Town of Wappinger. Please take further notice the Zoning Board of Appeals declared itself Lead Agency and made a Negative Declaration of Significance for this project on August 131 1996. Do I hear a motion to open the public hearing? Mr. diPierno: I move to open the public hearing. Mr. Warren: Second. Vote: All present voted aye. Mr. Schafer: I sent out all of the necessary letters and I returned all of the necessary receipts to Linda. Mr. Lehigh: Yes, she marked it on the sheet. Mr. Schafer: All 9 contiguous neighbors were notified and didn't -espond. I'm sure you got the affidavit as well from Southern Dutchess News. Wappinger Zonin ;oard Minutes - September 10'"1996 Page 2 Mr. diPierno: Mr. Chairman, I think it should be noted that there is a letter from Graham Foster, the Highway Superintendent, who also indicates ,%,he has no objection should the variance be granted. Mr. Lehigh: Is there any other discussion? Mr. Warren: My only concern was the neighbors and that has been taken care of. Mr. Fanuele: I think we should close the public hearing. Mr. Lehigh: We have a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. diPierno: Second. Vote: All present voted aye. Mr. Fanuele: I make a motion to grant the variances. Mr. diPierno: Second. Mr. Lehigh: We have a motion and a second to grant the two variances for the 12.4 and the 2 foot side yard variance. I would like to add that it is not detrimental to the neighborhood and it will have no effect at all upon the neighbors. Lets take a vote_ ROLL CALL: Mr. diPierno: Mr. Warren: Mr. Prager: Vote: All present voted aye. Aye. Mr. Lehigh: Aye. Aye. Mr. Fanuele: Aye. Absent. Mr. Lehigh: You have your variance. In 5 days we will have it filed and you can pick up a copy and you can get your building permit. Mr. Schafer: How long is that variance effective? Mr. Lehigh: It goes with the property. For the life of the property. Mr. Schafer: So, you can take a leisure to construct it? Mr. Lehigh: Right. Mr. Fanuele: How long is the variance good if you don't build on it? Mr. diPierno: The variance has been granted. The building permit has a life span on it. It is usually a year. Mr. Lehigh: Your not expecting to build on it right away? Mr. Schafer: We are going to build it, but we're going to take it step by step to get an architect, and some bids. Mr. Lehigh: Legally I don't really know. I've never been asked that 'question. Usually, people that come in for a variance are ready to go Wappinger Zonin( oard Minutes - September 1 1996 Page 3 out the door and start building it. Mr. Schafer: The variance is good for the life ... Mr. diPierno: The variance has been granted. Mr. Lehigh: It goes with the property. Mr. Schafer: Now all we have to do is apply for a building permit? Mr. diPierno: Right. Mr. Lehigh! You have to get a copy of that variance in order to get the building permit. Mr. Fanuele: It says here, work has to start within one year, I believe; on Page 163. Mfr. Lehigh: Well, there is your answer to your question. Mr. diPierno: There is no further business. Mr. Fanuele: I got this zoning schedule. Mr. diPierno: Yes, what is that zoning schedule? Mr. Fanuele: That is the Zoning Ordinance they gave to us. r Mr. Lehigh: Lets close the meeting and then we can discuss that. There is no further business to come before the Zoning Board of Appeals. I will entertain a motion for adjournment. Mr. Warren: I make a motion. Mr. diPierno: Second. Mr. Lehigh: Put the names down for the roll call. ROLL GALL: Mr. diPierno: Aye. Mr. Lehigh: Aye. Mr. Warren: Aye. Mr. Fanuele: Aye. Mr. Prager: Absent. Vote: All present voted in favor of adjourning. MEETING ADJOURNED AROUND 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mts. . Linda pigilyen, Secretary Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals