1996-10-22I — "11*0 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall October 22; 1996 20 Middlebush Road agenda - 7:30 P.M. Wappinger Falls, N.Y. Approval of October 8, 1996 minutes_ PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Appeal #1229 - At the request of Alexander W. Hubner who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 420.3, where you are required to maintain a 10 foot side yard and you are showing 5 ' 211, thus requiring a 4' 10" variance to replace a 10'X 20' carport and to construct an additional 1 bay garage onto the existing garage on property located at 106 Mac Farland Road and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6157-04-970424-00 in the Town of Wappinger. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE the Zoning Board of Appeals declared itself Lead Agency on October 8, 1996. 2_ Appeal #1230 - At the request of Camillo Trust. Steven Berner. Trustee (Keith Capolino Subdivision - App. #8659) who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 420.5.1, whereas you are required to maintain 15 acres in the RMF -3 Zone and you are requesting a 2 lot subdivision ,%.. consisting of 5.142 and 6.096 acre parcels, thus requiring a 9.858 and a 8.904 variance on property located at 109 Old Hopewell Road and is identified as Tax Grid X19-6157-01-240641-00 in the Town of Wappinger. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE the Zoning Board of Appeals declared itself Lead Agency on October 8, 1996. DISCUSSIONS 1. Leslie & Laurie Schlagel - Discuss Appeal ##1231 requesting a 3 inch side yard variance for an existing "L" shaped pool deck for property located at 5 Cameli Drive in the Town of Wappinger. 2. Patrick & Joyce Lacy - Discuss Appeal ##1232 requesting a 2110" side yard variance and a 8 foot rear yard variance for an existing 8' X 10' wooden shed on property located at 9 Lawn Place in the Town of Wappinger. Town of Wappinge.0 Toning Board of Appeals October 22; 1900 Minutes Member_~ Present_ Mr. Prager: Chairman Mr. Fanuele: Mr. diPierno: Member Mr. Warren: Member Absent Mr. Lehigh: :ethers Present Vice Chairman Town Hail 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls; N.Y. Member Member AVpROVED %OV 2 V96 Mr. Albert Roberts, Town Attorney PLANNING BOARD Mr.. Constance Smith, Supervisor Mr. Donald Close: Zoning Administrator Mrs. Linda Nguyen; Secretary to the Z.B.A. I would like to call the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Mr. Prager: Appeals to order. Can I have a roll call please? R^LT, CALL: Mr. Warren: Here. Mr. diPierno: Here. Mr. Fanuele: Here. Mr. Lehigh: Absent. Mr. Prager: Here. +. Mr. Prager: Just for everyone's knowledge that you might not have been -.ere before; I would like to say this is a no smoking building. The exists; there are emergency exits in the rear of the room and off on the side Dere. The first order of business is normally the approval of the minutes for the last meeting; but unfortunately we just got them this evening and I know I haven't had a chance to read them. Mr. Fanuele: I make a motion to table the minutes. my. Warren: second. Vote: All present voted aye. Mr. Prager: The next item of business on tonights agenda is a public hearing on Appeal 21229. At the request of Alexander W. Hubner who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 420.3; where you are required to maintain a 10 foot side yard and you are showing 512", thus requiring a 4110" variance to replace a 101X 20' carport to construct located at additional 1 bay garage onto the existing garage 106 Mac Farland Road and is identified as Tax Grid »19-6157-04-970424-00 in the Town of Wappinger. Mrs. Nguyen: All the mailings are in order. tw4r Prager: Can I have a motion to open the public hearing? Mr. diPierno: So moved. Mr. Warren: Second. Vote: All present voted afire. :n Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 2 Mr. Prager- Now, can I ask who is here this evening to speak for this appeal? Can you come up front and state your name for the record and tell us exactly what you need? 'Ar. Delucca: My name is Robert Delucca, General Contractor. I'm the contractor representing Mr. Hubner tonight because he is out of Town. I would. like to show the Board tonight that this picture was taken in 1969. Can I bring it up? Basically; what we want to do is just make the place a lot more attractive. We aren't changing anything. We are just going to change the carports into a garage. He built this with his father in 1969, the garage with the carports. We aren't changing any of the boundaries that were existing. They have been there since 1952. There was never a e_ with The permit was approved. We went up there and 0Jcll 71 1-11hp estj_matjnC1 already, then they camp olat to look We went7 i`� 7nd t 7 V raid maybe e We Sh()l_lI d ,'�h ':lr and got a survey and this is what we are asking for: a variance. Mr. Prager: I know Mr. Hubner was in last month and explained in quite a bit of detail exactly where the additions are going to go on the garage. We did have a site inspection, which you might know. We went out and looked at the property. Is there anyone else here in the audience that would like to speak about this variance at this time either for or *AW aaainst? Show that there is nobody in the audience that would like to speak.; but we did get a letter from a neighbor. I will just read it for everyone's information. It is from Francis E. & Jeanne D. Sharkey. "We are in receipt of a Notice of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance at the request of Alexander W. Hubner. Pursuant to the notice Mr. Hubner ,,c; requesting a 4110" variance to replace a 10' X 20" carport." I don't think that is right. I think it should be 10' X 20' carport. "And to construct an additional one bay garage onto the existing garage. The south line of our property borders the area where the variance is requested for the construction. There are a few points you might want to consider in making your determination. First of all, we have resided at this location since June, 1974, and have observed the improvements at the Hubner residence. In June, 1974, Mr. Hubner did not have a carport on. the, north side of his garage. There were big trees which he later cut down -- one was right next to his garage. Within the last ten years, Mr. Hubner; himself, built the carport (without a building permit) for his son's car. His son drives an older Ford Escort. The carport was just large enough for a small car. I do not believe the carport was 10' wide, but rather 81. At your request, we can provide you with photos. Last spring or early summer, Mr. Hubner obtained a building permit from the then Building Inspector (Mr. Keller). Thereafter, Mr. Keller inspected the premises to verify the drawings which was attached to Mr. Hubner's application as he thought the side line could be closer to the proposed construction than it appeared in the drawing. At the site, Mr. Keller verbally told Mr. Hubner that he could. not continue with his project on the north side of the garage until he establishes the property line, but that he could continue with the other construction. We were in touch with Mr. Keller just before his death and he informed us of what had transpired. A review of the Hubner application revealed that the drawing was erroneous. The drawing ndicated that there would be 15' between the proposed construction on the north of his garage and the side line. This explains why Mr. Keller '"of Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 3 issued a building permit in the first place without a variance_ Unfortunately, Mr. Keller suddenly died before he had a change to put it down in writing. Shortly after his death, Mr. Hubner proceeded with the construction by digging the footings on the north and south sides of his garage and requested a site inspection. At the inspection, Mr. Close (Acting as Building Inspector) stopped further construction on the north ,side of his garage until the side line was established. Mr. Hubner owns '.95 acres at 106 Mac Farland Road in the Town of Wappinger. For practical reasons, he wants to extend his garage as far as 512" from the side line. An inspection of the property will show that Mr. Hubner should instead either tear down the existing garage or move it further back to a point where he could easily have 15' or more from the side line. It would increase the value of his property. As it stands now, the new construction on both sides of his garage will render the portion of his property in the back of the dwelling almost inaccessible with a vehicle, etc. unless he passes on the south side of our property. Last winter 36 of our tall spruce trees uprooted following a windstorm. Roots still need to be levelled down in the area bordering Mr. Hubner's property. We feel that by Having a building so close to the side line and our residence so Tar from it would result in Mr. Hubner further encroaching our property. Does the Board give variances merely for practical reasons? After our inputs, if the Board decides to give the variance to Mr. Hubner, we therefore suggest that it be done with the condition that he erects and maintains, as part of his construction, a stockade fence along the south side of our property which borders his property, that fence to be on his Property one foot from the side line. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Francis E. Sharkey and Jeanne D. Sharkey." There is a P.S. on here also. "P.S. Due to the fact I will be out of town, I would appreciate it if you would adjourn this matter until your next meeting on November 12, 1996 so I can be present." I would definitely like to enter that evidence into the file. Mr. Delucca: Can I make one more statement? There is about a 250 foot setback behind the Sharkey's house. You guys went out there and you saw there is plenty of room. The driveway is already set up. The garage is that way. To Move the thing around would, you know, would cost a little bit more money. I'm asking for the Board's consideration. Mr. Fanuele: no you have the authority to sav he can put a fence there or not? Mr. Delucca: Excuse me. mu. Fanuele: Sharkey suggested he put up a fence. Your not authorized tr. Mr. Delucca: No, but I'm sure Mr. Hubner wouldn't have a problem with a stockade fence. That might be the best alternative. %,,Mr. Fanuele: I would like to see a row of trees along the property line to make it a little softer. (Too low to transcribe.) Mr. Delucca: And the most affordable. Mr. Prage_-: We might want to adjourn this until the next meeting which i:� • doe wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 4 Novemher 12. Then; Mr. Hubner can come in and agree or disagree with the fence. Before I do that, I would just like to make sure that we have logged in certain evidence that we have here. The fist thing I would like to make sure that is logged in is the site plan showing the lands of Alexander Hubner dated 9/24/96 and three drawings of the proposed 2 garages dated 10/96 and received by the Zoning Administrator on 10/10/96. Mrs. Nguyen: They are both on the back wall - Mr. Prager: There was a letter to the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals from Alexander Hubner dated 9/17/96 explaining the history of the ear-aorts and the information about the .... Mrs. Nguven: Yes_ sir. Prager: The building permit #96-100 granting Mr. Hubner permission to remove and replace 2 existing garages 10' X 301. Mrs. Nguyen: Yes. Mr. Prager: There is a letter from Francis E. & Jeanne D. Sharkey. That is the letter I lust read. Also we just received photos of the carports: which has a date on it 1969. Do you have a copy of the photo? Mrs. Nguyen- No. (Mr. Prager gave the the copy of the photos to Mrs. Nguyen.) I have 3 photos that Mr. Hubner submitted to the Board at the last meeting. Mr. Prager: On the building permit, and that is where I had a little confusion, it states removing and replacing 2 existing garages 10' X 30' I think that was supposed to be 10' X 201. Mr. Delucca: Yes, that was a mistake. Mr. Prager: There is no way both of those garages could be built on the south side? Mr. Delucca: You would have to change everything around and move the flowers and the walls and you know, change the driveway location_. Everything is already set up for that. He has had his place for years like that. I do like the idea of putting up a fence. Mr. Prager: I will take that up with Mr. Hubner. He should be back by next month. Mr. Delucca: He will be back Monday. Mr. Prager: Can I have a motion to adjourn this to the next meeting. Mfr. Warren: So moved. Mr. diPierno: Second. °dote: All present voted ave. CEJ wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 5 Mr. Prager: The next item of business on tonights agenda is a public hearing on An -peal #1230. At the request of Camillo Trust, Steven Berner. Trustee (Keith Capolino Subdivision - App. #8659) who is seeking a variance of Article Iv, Section 420.5.1, whereas you are required to maintain 15 acres in the RMF -3 Zone and you are requesting a 2 lot st.�bdivision consisting of 5.142 and 6.096 acre parcels, thus requiring a 9.858 and a 8.904 variance on property located at 109 Old Hopewell Road and is identified as Tax Grid ##19-6157-01-240641-00 in the Town of Wappinger. Again, we have proof of publication? Mrs. Nguyen: All the mailings are in order. Mr. Prager: Can I have a motion to open the public hearing. Mr. Fanuele: So be it. Mr. warren: Second. Vote: All ayes. Mr. Adams: My name is Jon Adams. I'm an attorney representing the applicant. I'm here with Bob Gray and engineer who is also appearing on behalf of the applicant. Before I get into the substance of the application, I just want to briefly review for the benefit of everybody `f"'here the circumstances that has given rise to this application. The applicant proposes to divide an eleven acre,. and I'm rounding it off for the purpose of discussion, lot into a 2 lot subdivision. The motivation for the subdivision is to sell off Lot No. 2, I assume the Board has before it a copy of the map, to another party who proposes to construct a single family home on that lot. The location of the home is indicated on the map. The Planning Board has already given preliminary approval to the application. We have an anomaly here in the sense that this particular property while intended to be used for single families homes is located in a RMF -3 zone, which for whatever reason requires even for a single family home a 15 acre lot. I don't want to talk about the constitutionality of that. That is for another day, however, I want to go through with you the standards that now exist. I say now exist because your application form doesn't seem to reflect the correct standards for an area variance. We are seeking an area variance. In 1994 the state imposed new standards. I want to run through those standards because I deem those standards to be applicable to the application and I want to demonstrate to you how this particular application satisfies each of the four standards. The first standard that the state now has for area variances is whether or not the variance is substantial. The answer here is no for one reason. This lot of 11 acres was substandard and nonconforming simply because of the Zoning Law. We can't achieve even with 11 acres the minimum standards to satisfy the RMF -3 standards even for a single family house. We are nonconforming to begin with. The second question, will an undesirable change in the neighborhood be created by this variance? Again, the answer is no. We `rrrC+ -e 2 lnt:,, 5 and. 6 acres. Each of those lots are probably 7 ;;llrrol1lldin rieighb�: rhood_ I re' 1.eV*� file i r r vii?id.i 1 :C': i ti prllll_ r1 :i7 "i`.P.(�- R-?r� & R-40. These lots would be grossly in excess of the minimuvi lest size that otherwise exists in this area for single family zones. The third standard is whether or not we can achieve the results that we want ,low CM Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 6 which is simply to create a 2 lot subdivision by any other standard and the answer is no. Keep in mind that owner is doing this in part because he has surplus land. His house is located on Lot No. 1. He has determined he doesn't need 11 acres for a single family house. He proposes to sell 5 and retain 6 for a single family house. Therefore; given the extreme standards you have in this district for single family houses, keep in mind the only proposed development here is for a single family house, there is no other way to accomplish this result. Lastly; the last standard is whether or not the need for this variance is ;elf -created. Again, the answer is no. This lot was substandard the day the Zoning Ordinance was passed in 1993. The Zoning Ordinance created this problem. The owner didn't create this problem. For those reasons I believe that the applicant satisfies ... and the fact the circumstances of this application the four standards that now exist for area variances. Keep in mind this is an area variance, not a use variance. Single family houses are permitted in this particular zone. I expect this application may have invited certain questions. I'm happy to answer any questions that any member of the Board may have, but I want to make it clear again that the intended use is specifically outlined in this map. There is no other use intended today or tomorrow and to indulge in speculation is unwarranted because we have no other plans for the use of the property. Mr. Prager: Would anybody else like to speak for or against? ♦w Mr. Art McCluskey: My name is Art McCluskey. I'm speaking as an interested party for my son owner of an adjoining property. What concerns me is this whole matter seems to be before the wrong Board. It would. be mach simpler and more proper in my mind if this were to be rezoned to R -20/R-40 which would then allow a conventional subdivision. What concerns me also is a letter dated September 18th from the Planning Board that says it would only enjoy that R -20/R-40 use unless it was combined with a RMF -3 zone, which happens to be adjacent to it. It would concern me if this Board would approve this and allow the potential for that combining, which then would allow a higher density use, which then would have a number of ... within the area variance, which would fall under question. I would think this would be sent back to the Planning Board and the Town Board for an actual rezoning request, which would allow reasonable use of the land and the subdivision that they requested. Mr. Prager: Mr. Roberts, do you have anything to say? Mr. Roberts: I'm here to assist the Zoning Board. I think the applicant should address that issue. Mr. Adams: We would not seek a rezoning. We don't think it is necessary under the .. In fact, I've heard no evidence to suggest that a variance isn't proper here. We would not be willing at this point and time to prolong the process by taking that step. 4r. Art McCluskey: If that were the case, if you were to favor in view of the applicant; I would. then suggest that the Zoning Board of Appeals stipulate in its vote that it not be combined to gain a further use beyond the R -20/R-40. Mr. Roberts: Mr. Chairman; if I could Just call the Board's attention to en Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 7 the Schedule of Use Regulations - Residential Districts. Perhaps I could clarify some of the issues here. There is a 15 acre requirement for any development of property zoned RMF -3 where there is no public water or sewer. It would have to be combined with an adjacent parcel to be developed in that fashion in any event. The issue before you is whether or not this property can be subdivided so as to permit its use for single family residential purposes only. Mr. Adams: That is correct and I would like to compliment that comment by intersecting something. Any other use, which requires a zoning permit would have to come back before you. So, you would have the opportunity at a future time if that ever happened to pass upon it. The most extreme example would be an RMF -3, lets say multifamily use. Any applicant would have to come back before you because he would have to get a building permit and Mr. Close couldn't issue it without a variance. That is best left at that point and time, if that ever happened. That is why I used Elie term speculative before because I think we should simply address the facts and the circumstances of this application, not some other use. qtr. Close: Mr. Chairman, while we are at it, I guess we better get it in the minutes that there are violations on the property. Mr. Prager: Yes, I was going to bring that up in a minute. Mr. Close: We have b building permits that were issued and never closed. CIO's were never issued. Mr. Roberts: Building permits were issued non, is that it? And then they never had a final inspection? .Mr. Close: Right, and letters were issued or sent saying that they were running out and no response. ,Mrs. Smith: I believe the Town has a policy that if there are violations; we don't entertain anything at all from the applicant. 'Ar. Close: That is right. Mr. Prager: Yes, normally. Mr. Adams: Let me make several comments. If we are talking about Administrative task of going out and closing out the file, I don't have a problem of that as a condition, if in fact those violations still exist. But, I would like to say that those violations aren't even before you. Your not an enforcement body. That is Mr. Close's job. Your Zoning Ordinance doesn't provide that I can't be granted a variance simply because he thinks there are violations on the property. I think that is best left for the enforcement arm of the Town and not the Zoning Board. The Law is quite clear the Zoning Board does not directly or indirectly have any enforcement powers, but I would consent to a stipulation. I would consent to a condition that these things be closed out as part of the ... Mrs. Smith: It is Town policy that we don't entertain .. ,"me Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page S Mr. Adam: I understand that, but unless that policy is reduced to writing, you have no jurisdiction. I appreciate that Mrs. Smith and some Zoning Ordinances even have an expressed provision that says that. Your Zoning Ordinance doesn't have it. Mrs. Smith: we have a policy. Mr. Adams: It is a non -issue because we are happy if there is a problem Mr. Roberts: Will you stipulate to correct all of the outstanding violations prior to the issuance of any variance should they decide that? I'm not even sure they would. Mrs. Smith: We went through this once before with these violations and how they decided to take care of this and come in and get a whole bunch of permits and they never do anything and they never closed them out. Mr. Adams: I thought they were resolved at that time. That is why I'm surprised by that comment. Mrs. Smith: No, they just came in and got the permits with what we thought was the intention they would take care of them. They weren't taken care of: Nothing was ever done and the permits expired. Now, are *4w we. going to go through this again? Come in and get the permits and let them expire. Is that what your intention is again? Mr. Adams: That is why I said we need to close the files. I've agreed. to do that. Mr. Prager: Okay, clean it up and lets get it over with. Is there anyone else who would like to speak either for or against this? Mr. Bill McCluskey: My name is Bill McCluskey. I'm a direct adjoining property owner. I must admit to being a bit confused with regards to the ownership of the property status of the .. (Tape Turned Over) I've had an opportunity to look through some paperwork that has recently come to the surface in the last couple of weeks that speaks about the rezoning of the property from R-20/40 to RMF -3. An application that was made by Keith Capolino and the Estate of Margaret Capolino back in 1992 with the express intent of developing 144 attached multifamily units. I've also heard some things with regards to conveyance of that property over to Camillo Trust. I don't understand what financial hardship the Camillo Trust is experiencing that necessitates a variance on this property. There is a reasonable use on of this property as it stands and I don't understand wlny they need a variance in order to use this property. Mr. Adams: That is why I used the 1994 standards. When they adopted the 1994 standards, they eliminated any consideration of financial ,%„ coin..iderations . Mr. Bill McCluskey: Well, I'm very opposed to this! Mr. Art McCluskey: Once again, I don't think the neighbors oppose a rear=onable use proposed by Mr. Adams for an R-20/40 type of use for single Wappi.nger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 9 family houses. It seem, to me that the Town Board is the one that has the ability on its own, not without a request, to re -look at the zoning if that RMF -3 zoning can not apply to that property. I really believe that if this is the true use of the property, it would be best achieved through a conventional zoning change to R-20/40 and allow a true subdivision without the future complications of being recombined with another property that would have a great impact upon a neighborhood. I think it would be best serving of your community to send this back to the Town Board for their review of a zoning change. After all it was the Town Board that did change the zone to begin with. On top of that I would say to you also as far as the violations, I think that is standard practice in most communities that any violations be eliminated prior to a public hearing. Not as a condition to give me the approval and I will fix it up. Get it squared away and then come back for a public hearing in the due time that it takes to get those problems solved. Thank you. Mr. Prager: Is there anyone else? Mr. Weiss: My name is Andrew Weiss. I'm an adjoining property owner. I've been here since 1988 and basically I just want to ask a question. When I bought my property, all the surrounding property was listed as R-20 and R-40. Now this is RMF -3. I don't know how that came about without my being notified. Shouldn't I have normally been notified of any kind of change in that nature? 'err Mr. Roberts: No, it is only a legal notice. There is no individual requirement .. Mr. Weiss: How is that accomplished? Mr. Roberts: There would be a public notice in the newspaper. W01.11d. yott point out your property just for our benefit on the i,ei;ef i t i,e p,iilt.ed t _ the I,eRray parcel _ Viz_ . Prager : Which LeRoy? There is two LeRoy' t}- PI e . Mr. Gray: He is pointing to Lot 2 of the Filed Map 147369. Mr. Weiss: I just want to closeout my comments. Development of any of the properties in that area as a single family housing is not opposed by me at all. I'm very concerned about the ability or requirement or whatever it is to add the remaining 6 acres to another series of acres, somewhere further back in there, which is listed as RMF -3. I really think that would have very severe detrimental effects not only on my property, but on all properties within the immediate area. I'm very much against that. If it could be somehow stated and stipulated and compelled that it would be limited to single family houses now and forever, then fine build some houses. Mr. Prager: Anyone else would like to speak for or against this variance? We. did have a site inspection on the property October 12th. We did look at the barn on the map here. It looks more like a residence rather than a barn. we did bring that point tap to Mr. capolino when he was there. That would probably have to get some attention if we make some on type of decision here. Mr. Fanuele: I have a question can I actually build on it? Wappinger Zoning Board_ Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 10 If this remains RMF -3, how many houses Mr. Adams: I couldn't answer that question. I haven't indulged in that analysis because that is not our objective. Keep in mind one thing Mr. Fanuele, you have a difficult site here since you have wetlands and site constraints in addition to everything else, which probably lends itself more to this particular application and the use and to the theoretical use that you could get under an RMF -3 situation. I couldn't answer that question. Mr. Fanuele: If I go RMF -3, would it be treated it like a regular subdivision with Town roads in there? Mr. Adams: Both lots have frontage so for subdivision purposes we wouldn't need to create any additional .. Mr. Fanuele: So, if I were to break it down to RMF -3 type, I would need some type of subdivision with access on a Town road? Mr. Adams: Sure, I assume your Ordinance has a requirement that each lot irr have frontage on a Highway, if I recall it correctly. which would kind of be awkward when you look at the dimensions of these lots. The Town road would probably take over potential areas. Mr. Roberts: If I can refer to the Ordinance, RMF -3 is multifamily. That is more than one residential unit on a lot. what your discussing is single family detached residences. Multifamily is probably more like a condominium or apartment complex which would require site plan approval. It would require municipal water and sewer. Most probably it would require an environmental impact statement. At the moment it is not included in the sewer district. There isn't water coming down in the near future and what is being proposed here is single family development as Opposed to multifamily development. Your question is somewhat loaded in the sense that if you went to develop it at a higher density for single family purposes, you would have to put in the road and do quite a bit of engineering study. I don't know if anybody could really answer that question at this point and time. Mr. Fanuele: I didn't mean to make it a loaded question. I was trying to cet a feel of if I need a recourse, what is my density? And if I rezone it to R-20/40; will it be basically the same density? Mr. Roberts: Well, he is not permitted to develop it at the multifamily level until there is municipal water and sewer. Fanuele: He would need a variance because it is less than 15 acres. Mr. Roberts: 15 acres, but only for single family purposes. That puts it in line with what the audience is requesting than the .... Mr. Praaer: I would like to have a motion to go into an Executive Session. I would like to speak to him about some legal advise. rn Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 11 Mr. Warren: So moved - Mr. diPierno: Second. Vote: All ayes. EXECUTIVE SESSION - TAPE OFF/ON Mr. Warren: I make a motion to come out of Executive Session. Mr. Fanuele: Second. Vote: All ayes_ Mr. Prager: What I would like to do is .. Mr. Close, No. 1; if we could get a detailed report on how all of these permits came about. We have a little bit on the status now; but the status of them for our next meeting and if we could get them as soon as possible before the meeting so we can look them over. Mr. Adams, if we could get these violations cured or fixed. before .. Mr. Adams: The next meeting hopefully. `Ar Mr. Prager: Yes, Linda, I would like to have the detailed minutes on this, as soon as possible. Mr. Adams: We have been provided by the way with the list so we have the dame list as he has. Mr. Prager: Great. If you have any questions, work with Don. Other than that I would like to ask for a motion to adjourn this public hearing to November 12th, our next meeting. Mr. diPierno: So moved_ Mr. Fanuele: Second. Vote: All ayes.. Mr. Prager: The next item on tonights agenda is to discuss Appeal #1231 Leslie & Laurie Schlagel requesting a 3 inch side yard variance for ail existing "L" shaped pool deck for property located at 5 Cameli Drive in the Town of Wappinger. If you could just state your name and again you won't kind of have to go through what we just went through. Basically, what we are here for tonight is a workshop. We're getting information that you might not have brought to us yet, then when we have a public hearing we will go through it again. Mr. Schlagel: I'm Leslie Schl-agel, that is Lori Schlagel; property owners, of 5 Cameli Drive. Mr. Prager: Why don't you tell us a little bit about what you need. Mr. Schlagel- Basically what it was .. I applied for a building permit Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 12 for a 616 sq. ft. L shaped pool deck. What happened was when the deck was IDl.ip, a couple of the dimensions were estimated and it turned out to be 660 sq. ft. At the time, on my property plan I had 12 feet from the side property line. When the deck was .. They come out and inspected, it was measured and the area turned out to be 660 sq. ft. We amended the ,ermit. We went in to cover the permit so the permit covered that size deck. The Building Inspector measured according to my neighbors saying where the property line is. He measured it at 919" rather than 12 feet because the deck obviously .. Because it was bigger and extended past where it was. I'm not disputing where my neighbor says the property line is. I have a site map. I went out and measured it and measured 9'9". BB.sicall_y, what I need is a 3" variance. Mr. Prager: This is the site map that you have then? This is a copy of it? Mr. Schlagel: That is correct. That is a copy of it. I just need 3" just because the code is 10 feet. Correct? That is what I was told. Mr. Prager: That is correct. Mr. Schlagel: 10 feet, so I'm 91911, and I need a variance for 311. The property borders a right-of-way. It doesn't really border any usable property. Mr. Prager: On that side? Mr. Schlagel: Right, where that deck is, it borders a driveway for a neighbor who isn't even involved. That has a right-of-way permission for that. So, it doesn't even face his property. Mr. Prager: Ok, that was Charles Muckal's property? (The previous owner of the surrounding property.) Mr. Schlagel: No, Patella's property. Mrs. Schlagel: Charles Muckal lives in North Carolina. MIXED DISCUSSION OF THE SURVEY Mr. Schlagel: Basically, the deck actually doesn't even face his house. it faces a right-of-way just like a driveway. There is really no usable property that I'm encroaching on. The only time any of my neighbors see the deck, you can't even hardly see it from the road, so the only time it is encroaching is when you drive down the driveway. Mr. Fanuel.e: Are you asking for this variance because your neighbor is objecting to it? Mr. Schlagel: I'm asking for the variance because I have a violation on the size .. I'm past the code. That is all. Mr. Prager: How did you come about getting this bigger than you really expected_? Mi- Rchl_aael: It was the first time I've done a structure this type_.. M rn Wappi.nger Zoning Board. Minutes - October 22.; 1996 Page 13 What happened was I measured the area that my original building permit, from the footings, not realizing that I was going to extend past the footings on all sides. The 18" past the beams. Mr. Prager: Does the Board want to ask anything? I don't think I have anything Mr. Schlagel: I do have some existing violations on that deck. One of which is the code because I was listening to the previous people. My plan was to find out what the determination of the variance would be before I addressed the violations because one of which is that side yard that I have to come before the Board on. Mr. Prager: Don, you know about this obviously? Mr. Close: Yes, sir. They are construction violations. Mr. Prager: Obviously, if we grant the variance .. Mr. Schlagel: All violations will be .. Oh; yes, indeed. That was my determination because if the variance won't be granted, then I have to remove 3" of my deck. I will address the violations then. It would be easier to do it then. Mr. Prager: Can I have a motion for the ZBA to be Lead Agency. Mr. Warren: So moved. Mr. diPierno: Second. Vote: All present voted aye_ Mr. Prager: Motion for Negative Dec. Mr. diPierno: Mr. Warren: So moved. Second. Vote: All present voted aye. Mr. Prager: I will set the public hearing for this variance for our meeting on November 12th. Linda, if you would, make copies for us. (Talking about the photos.) Mr. Schlagel: We tried to copy them, but it didn't work. Mr. Prager.: Oh, then just make sure they are presented for the next meeting. The next item of business on tonights agenda is to discuss Appeal X1232. Patrick & Joyce Lacy requesting .. The print out tia.vc VW 2110" and I understand it has been changed to an 8 foot side yard varianca and an 8 foot rear yard variance for an existing 8' X 10' wooden shed_ on property located at 9 Lawn Place in the Town of Wappinger. Mr. Lacv? Mr. Lacy* Yes. Cood evening, my name is Patrick Lacy, 9 Lawn Place. What happened was about 6 years ago I bought an Amish built shed. I 0: En Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22, 1996 Page 14 figured becaus=e it was prefabricated that it didn't require a permit, was wrong. t7. T had them deliver it and I prepared a stone base for - - - -- - -Y= T = ac -r i t 2 f eet f rom Illy rn�Je_'t y _ ?7P f r:=t 11: t ear ;and the side yard. �1They delivered it and the truck got s 4--u c, k of the grade and they had to get towed out. I'm now in the process of doing an addition and it was revealed that this shed is in violation of the Zoning. I was going to pursue moving it, but by the time I rent heavy equipment and put new gravel down in the new location .. Here I have some pictures of it. It is near a pool. I have to move it about 100 feet. Mr. Prager: That is your chain link fence? Mr. Lacy: Yes, that is my chain link fence. The fence is about 6 inches in from the property line. Mr. Prager: Is it on skids? Mr. Lacy: Yes, it is on 4 X 4's on gravel. It would be about a couple of hundred bucks for the gravel, a couple of hundred bucks to rent something to drag it about 100 feet. About $400.00 and I paid about $800.00 six years ago. I just don't see the need to .. I mean financially ... Mr. Fanuele: To drag it a hundred feet? `%W Mr. Lacy: You would have to use a Bob Cat or something. My plan was to get a couple of buddies and kind of keep pulling and rolling and rolling it. I could prepare that area prior to bringing in the heavy equipment. I could have the gravel in place and the skids in place so I could just pull it up on that. Mr. Fanuele: It would be about a couple of hundred feet. Mr. Lacy: No, a couple of hundred dollars. The reason being is the pictures here, there is a pool. I didn't want it too close to the pool because my kids are kind of young and kids can be stupid. One of them could get up on it and dive into the pool. Any questions? I talked with the neighbors that adjoin the area and they have no objections. Mr. Prager: It looks to me like the back and around the sides that I can see it looks like it is not really close to another building, is it? Mr. Lacy: No, it is all .. These areas back here are basically Mr. Prager: Are there houses on those lots? Mr. Lacy: There is a house here on Regency Drive and a house here on All_ Angels Hill. Road. If you come around Regency, there is Cloverdale and these houses are divided by this parcel of brush. So the people who have 41W a decent shot at it is the ... Mr. Prager: You said you have owned the property for how long? Mr. Lacv: Since 1982. Mr. Prager: When was the shed put tip, six years ago? Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - October 22; 1996 Page 15 Mr. Lacy: Approximately, I really don't have a date for that. When my daughter was born. It was to house the Little Tykes stuff. Mr. Prager: Anybody else have any questions? Do you want to set a site inspection? Mr. Fanuele: No, I don't think so. Just set a public hearing and take the next step_ Mr. Prager: Motion for Lead Agency for the ZBA. Mr. Fanuele: So moved.. Mr. diPierno: Second. Vote: All present voted aye. Mr. Prager: Motion for a Negative Dec. Mr. Fanuele: So moved.. Mr. Warren: Second. Iftw Vote: All present voted aye. Mr. Prager: The public hearing will be the next meeting on November 12th. Motion to adjourn. Mr. diPierno: So moved. Mr. Warren: Second.. Vote: All ayes. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted; rr&K Linda tdguylen, Secretary Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals On