1994-12-27140W *or vago, _41e
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall
December 27, 1994 20 Middlebush Road
Public Hearing and Workshop - 7:30 P.M.
1. Appeal t11185 - At the request of Spooge Inc. c/o Michael Witkowski
D/B/A Custom Security Service which is seeking a variance of Article
IV, Section 414.1 where you are allowed a 20' radio antenna and the
appellant is requesting to erect a 50' radio antenna, thus requiring
a 30' height variance. The property is located at 51 Old Route 9 and
is identified as Tax Grid 19-6157-02-602780-00 in the Town of
Wappinger. The Zoning Board of Appeals has declared itself Lead
Agency and has made a Negative Declaration of Significance for this
project on December 13, 1994, as there will be no environmental impact
with regard. to this appeal.
2. Appeal x1178 - At the request of Herbert H. Redl who is seeking a
variance of Article IV, Section 422.25 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning
Law whereas 25 lot coverage is allowed and the appellant is showing
32�, lot coverage, thus requiring a 7% lot coverage variance. The
property is located at 2021 Route 9, across from Lawrence Farms. It
is on the east side of Route 9, between Old State Road and Smithtown
Road and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6156-02-753949-00 in the Town
of wappinger. The Zoning Board of Appeals has declared itself Lead
Agency for this project on November 8, 1994.
Appeal X1179 - At the request of Gina Petroleum (Art Lieberman) who is
seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 416.62 whereas only one (1)
tree standing sign is permitted and the appellant is requesting two
(2) free standing signs. The property is located on Route 376; south
of De Garmo Hills Road, and is identified as Tax Grid
=19--5,259-04-840023-00 in the Town of Wappinger. The Zoning Board of
Appeals has declared itself Lead Agency and has made a Negative
Declaration of Significance for this project on November 8, 1994 as
there will be no environmental impacts with regard to this appeal.
4. Appeal 61182 - At the request of the Auto Bahn Cafe who is seeking a
variance of Article IV, Section 416.62 whereas only one (1) free
standing sign is allowed, and the appellant is requesting two (2) free
standing signs. The property is located at 299 New Hackensack Road,
at the intersection of Route 376, and is identified as Tax Grid
=19-6259-04-520203-00 in the Town of Wappinger. The Zoning Board of
Appeals has declared itself Lead Agency and has made a Negative
Declaration of Significance for this project on November 8, 1.994 as
there will be no environmental impacts with regard to this appeal.
7`PtarV tc) the 7,.P,.A.
Ar µ U
JAN 1995
,n1,j1%tr —RInP
n are nc)t
informatJnn of those people wh
"'l,a�'P i no smolkincl all ow?d in t11P hIIil -diner c)r
rT'lare i.� an Pmerae.ncv exit right, through these dc)"b1 P
t1 1-p i s one hFiC�? f.71PrP. r�1 GO . Anv bel i.'1 tb,
..o an outside doorway. The first it
em to
you t -
T _,.; T make a rioti�tl that the minutes he acr.PptPd.
? -1,P1 i PVP that yotl have a 1 i st of date's
��_ �..
the hr_>aT-d to accept those dates , tl ?T
T1'1eV 1 d
1,1VP all-PaV been sent to t"-'F-pa'`DP?' Mr.
fil- ,t i tPM fotli ght is appeal =118 at t11P r cpt -} f
- .,- ivr 11aP1 Wit!, WSk:7- T)/RSA C'TlqtOm SPCiII'itV SP7"V1 CAS
+ . 1 WhPt`P V^7 C-
71 bra �, `^
a,�• �T za '1 t11P �7�?�P11'�11�Pc^,tic�71 414 - -
- f �trt1:�1 P TAT
• ten, ��, -,
an_ is re Cr11Pst.ing to PrPCt. r
._ _, i- , ,_ ,- � , , ; :-1 `r a "• rl ?1 Fl it?1 f V ,=i 1- i q t1 t' P
+�Pi.ti f7P 1 �� TA Y T d
',-,r,-���-,- �..-•... �;-1 L, r� of Z.-7,'7pA1 1`
rr; t?�_ 'iPr^'j rl_a .^-' + T
-_ _ +ir tr1- r1,i
, l l
� -
± t �_ al �o+r.1 a [>; S 1711"�� �T" ^,,, a ac a" ,�_ '•
ter,--,�i-c. r� _sr.�1t �. �',- -• �- -, c,',, i -h - t
Iv! 17
7`PtarV tc) the 7,.P,.A.
Ar µ U
JAN 1995
,n1,j1%tr —RInP
n are nc)t
informatJnn of those people wh
"'l,a�'P i no smolkincl all ow?d in t11P hIIil -diner c)r
rT'lare i.� an Pmerae.ncv exit right, through these dc)"b1 P
t1 1-p i s one hFiC�? f.71PrP. r�1 GO . Anv bel i.'1 tb,
..o an outside doorway. The first it
em to
you t -
T _,.; T make a rioti�tl that the minutes he acr.PptPd.
? -1,P1 i PVP that yotl have a 1 i st of date's
��_ �..
the hr_>aT-d to accept those dates , tl ?T
T1'1eV 1 d
1,1VP all-PaV been sent to t"-'F-pa'`DP?' Mr.
fil- ,t i tPM fotli ght is appeal =118 at t11P r cpt -} f
- .,- ivr 11aP1 Wit!, WSk:7- T)/RSA C'TlqtOm SPCiII'itV SP7"V1 CAS
+ . 1 WhPt`P V^7 C-
71 bra �, `^
a,�• �T za '1 t11P �7�?�P11'�11�Pc^,tic�71 414 - -
- f �trt1:�1 P TAT
• ten, ��, -,
an_ is re Cr11Pst.ing to PrPCt. r
._ _, i- , ,_ ,- � , , ; :-1 `r a "• rl ?1 Fl it?1 f V ,=i 1- i q t1 t' P
+�Pi.ti f7P 1 �� TA Y T d
',-,r,-���-,- �..-•... �;-1 L, r� of Z.-7,'7pA1 1`
rr; t?�_ 'iPr^'j rl_a .^-' + T
-_ _ +ir tr1- r1,i
, l l
� -
± t �_ al �o+r.1 a [>; S 1711"�� �T" ^,,, a ac a" ,�_ '•
ter,--,�i-c. r� _sr.�1t �. �',- -• �- -, c,',, i -h - t
-7- -
a v nlew a --0
yUv we do. Ref. re w ;-- r -j e t ready 1 W t
we ,+1i ll p,
n;-�T!e for the re r--,,17 I
YOU CT!"le
7, Witkowski cappellJ jr. and Mr. Witkski.
hoards information, I have
:-�er yet. They was given t0 me tonight.
w,-; ti-owski an -I show the boal
*41Wdo have are of
three photographs
-hi nk )m some S tilp,-. T +
T thJn!7 +-I-!Js w-4
I -J ng cf cne of these huge towers.
1, 1 --F the
r- T 7 lc,-,!--inrT at. The first -icture
that ti -le- base is no bigger thee: 2 1 2
Of r f the tower' if you can find it in the
e that ycu are looking at Is a
ire looking at 1/2 f + + The
f z
f tle sections yr i-, a n s r--, e
T 4-tho,-iht 1 s n/ -t as big as yo -'t I
:3ma a 11 e r then T had thought T =I t
t in the ne 1- c�lhb,,,Drho-)rj ra,
c p e r 7 7 7 probably k no w Herb?
t -)4 -)f =t,: -rest, the reason why
n e tecau-se jt js a freestan'ing t-!-,W--?17.
i,:j 7, t what
terril--;! e.
-1-e other tc)wc-r S !_'Ilil t'
7 11 T t V701] t
111 31 1 r ll'tl n
a motion that we open tiie HJL i 1
there anvone here who would lille speak eJthe-
t t t? 1: ? Let the re -=,9 �-how th-,..+ t1---7
board have a n y q1_lest1o11s7
ei -, 1,-�oked at the --}}SPY antpnn�� ,
-it going to be s4milar to that?
-e -)tt
o, �,z� t o f the antennals al
r i 11 g- tower space with them. The big long
7_l.g at t time.
s, achi Oli top of this Inui 1 -ding , is!ln t it
S, P1-1771 ail 0, h,
t— 1- e . We tried to pi }r lap L
-L - - -4' 7
c c n f o r r Presently we have three antei,,!- -
r",v7r, antenna I s at a cross angel and tilen.
-n 17 i rT"t now.
na' -q?
s�7 anten
no -hev are jjl�-7+-
an-, one time can get 1_i t bo' -1 -
the way
P i 'T 1
�-,,e used to have t1lem.
:r7 an",iir VPIjimt e
al y ��r- talkin7 about 71-ist t
-Here wo-,ld be three that we hav;-, planned
1� 4-
;7� t
-F -'d -4. n cj?
,D w
Wiii be i t t J ng r i gh On tE h e b u J 1 J li g
7 j We already have a spot- picked -%',It
+s'_trr eLiildllig property z,,:)no:_--1t T-TJrh,,,,iay pusil
h e
-1 - t d Yes It is all Highway Business.
Z `V' _'11i e s t o n s
"hair main, all the property on old Reutc-
7'',iP o n e d
-a eve-, it iz w0l:th, we could I -,ave gone
7 77; f th t w bout t $1nn e; xp e n s vas;j
we would o d
to p u t w 11: Eir Z -
T t
e we -3-i c1n t agon i
a -,,t',,e:: feasitle W,1Y for YC"'!
-7 f:,(:�J-ed at many di f f erent- ways It is nc,1-
aw 7
M a -,n hour wind rating. We sa
T a sul rprised the towe,n th„ i -oc,,f
n othing tiler
to close the Public Hearing?
7' -
_-- mhe P.e .+ item on the agenda tonight 1s Tom" Fal - ?C ?' -
N.P1_ �a11r, -s seeking a Varini�r�
^_ ?7 the ` o'Wn of Wan_ n_ i neer Zoning Law whereas
-a,-,-' t, e appellant is showing ?2 l::'t rti` i-?;�•' '"'
_ lct -overage_ variance. The nropert-, side --
c from Lawrence Farms . It oil the
� z_* _ P• -,ad and 4mithtow1i Road and is J rie n t J f i d _ -
rr?c, cC ^0 in the 'Town of Wappinger. . he-
} - ? -1 arab itself Lead Agency for this -,___
1m: r , I would like this entered _i_t= the
P e b
� FLoazd has cent v„” a letter II pl asa -
t- he Town of Wappinger supports the varla.n _ y =
-�fy,lpe:}c 7
the !i-al.�.' it n f f 1i,ys var, ance it
'r_w - reCp-ved that.
ys no Negative *lecl.aration oI: th-s.
1 a= not -i I thought. we had a= well. °To
me that one we had ealected1 to wait -11, S -?(*-'Ts;
_a we 'an't do a Negative Declaration. It is
-ialroad. 'Where will be no light --
_y _ t:=er run .: f f problems.
_ _':_ _ r.,l 1 lea°. e light.r' there .
_= I know. I am saying because of it location I- --
- t: lave a problem with light spillage on rest`_ t_=.l
-- _
• -=--=• t_.: I_ -)'_I l ave a trailer park right behind him.
n�_ think it i
- • _.._ _� _ thii.k that would be a ='EQP.? -o . _ ;
t enough to
_t to tel}. tr }, .�
_y Ci.+••i.e Ily o , 1t I wall ; _.
- - - - J i - - 1,+- ? ,_ p ; +- r� y� ?'` i'i .
t ' ,.
7 Z_-�f- �.
_ t v C "1 �' IF 1 .1 .. _ �. CL e i - /-'t= 1 t:, - - - -.
by p m1_- - -• } -. ---
- _s very little triC
affy:. I�=} -- -
+ n tr1 n vpl s i-1 ?iy on averag=.
the site is very minimal. It is 7:c•t 1�}_r a �
al.d �' -, Parading. we are behind t}.._ �_ -
-- y -t is very well screened. we put scree-nilig �� - -_•
F ler sl�o�� . ate ha.' _ 1ldtur al screening very h
tnd the units here The
mobile ---It t,,_.,t v
_1 4taile
' y et�ve n .lie and the trailers itself
is .rery heavily' wooded.
How many st,Crage unity are there?
c ;ave a -.:,t of small ones. About 60 of them. Tl=e� r= =---
t, -1 :-i 'Like
ik e-ven =omehcw to de--ign it S(
h` a little bit of a terrain change ',ere . T.at __ y
the terrain is not good.
you plan on ,people getting intr- that
,e hive a gate already here if need be. ,,e d ,n" t to
- } ,ll 11.1hat w= are going to do is take th=
�r iter E;ecauSe you are over here now.
is right .
= Y urGing t�� have a walking gate. When ,you
� It is CJOl11g to be
n auto:,,atic gate.
we will use the same gate that is
-_ng ' `- go v;here ,roe.. ar= n n w to thi= _-
5 �
__� t1-,
-here is about a- 4 c,r 5 foot drop between '.sere and '-__
`r7i!at we ar'J jI-JT _o7
we than these.
tIn a way tilt t t -ham can CJ^ fr 'il t�:is �il'ea"
• _ _ _ _ , We have g .te with a fence r .yht t'::�r
ti} it a�� t�iJT.'j l:_It• 1 �i.a_ h
�cmeth�n g back in there with buffer
Yes. Th j are all going to g .
f'__11 =f and a.'ar. r, ers:
- -
T That is 'v^7hat it was . here
_:ie Calt?� i .
.- -. t+ 1_-x.1 ,,, QT:t i'_•ii F`�I. 1� jhts hore t"o�% T11 'we-
_ 1 ,
-- - t ?ver 40rrhe power i Apr*1 ln�^7. - -
,, tyced also in the natural screeni g that w _
- -
are ri ht ones t, the t".r a.Ilerc th _ _ _
-- --T- 1 _ -s t- _ .� jT the stm.mer but, inthe w'_T:tel- + _
planningp,oa_-d may=an,:ize me to p1_1t _
and F _.t5 . i didn't see any r C%Giii f ^1 tl
- - - -
-__ _ _ 7 - L•_1; -1,�'? tfgate vas
n�„� -�C, T r,,,l •]t� } jam, +- }t.• -- _
�%T f,, h
7 _7_ TI -at is i Planning Eoard issue
71,p Planning T-:'oarJ will Make that
ng to proceed ....
i f von of that as two, together then you nIt
a don't know if that is true.
T, The do need you because they
-t titin wcjuld be a 79-c. variance they would need.
Planning F,,Dard from what I hear is rjeD i n g
-n- t will
7 T f _L
i'ia h a t line is. we draw that line in
better frorr, -:1 t`7-7�-I"
Red' will find that much
7 �,,en cc:,nsi,el ed it.
think it is a very minimal use of the r, 7,
nrobably the 1 -west type of use you ean get -
T thinl,,, sc, That is my whole thing with, --EIQP. T tif-,4: ti -,z least im-cacts of any kind of use yol, can
t h
they are allowed.
-n-rease from what t,
Yes. I make a motion that we should pen the
as know, and yc',_! heard 11,1e saY f
a S S
.7, T
- t,i I ..d'1 `� ,� - ? �t ilysei as a rt at t.-
_ }� .t i �lw _ 1 ti; -i for a n 1 a^
-- n;e ��� very lzan�y. I th��.}_ �t is very y,,i.:al
rated Does the boas," ha',Ie any
think we should open the Public Hearing.
thin: we shomld have a Negative Declaration on it --- s t ,
make a motion for a Negative Declaration.
.-'Cn; n! that.
all _
recti /gin to close the Public Hearing"
a :Motion that we grant the variance.
would like to add on to that if it is possible--
_ - - a - sC shoal be ut i2i
_... •_;�>n-te permanent reen�ng p
'r ,='?,la you feel about it if we referred that a:- _-
the Plannni.ng Board?
go along with that.
-File that decision and
4 by
c, n e 4 y n -d and a
Z 1',
5 verses
2 hat is 2 -
P,ight. Now, Ber, is going to take a pricing sig—r,
L',--partment of Marhets, the county is putting th
171) j:- gas
E S ?
Has t1c) go up on top of the pump.
a y, -
t -u see there now.
thii�R c-ertainly that it -a better r use then
!-, L have t --here now
s your look4ng at a
4 by
7S 4
A 4 by 6, 14 square foot freestanding gn. '_c
ng s ign . Instead of havin12g a
sign _Ls going up on the tcp? 'rns4
right? "J
a r m nota
n No. It is going on top. Where it is !-low
le goes right up the d d 1 Z- there
The Gas r, -+-y sign will be changed to Emperium-
o ft -I,,- inks s ign wc)-, I ! d go, Where that
-.,.I -t _Y
better t h e n. it did.
4- 1,
---- -- - -- -`- - '-3
Yes , Ycu had told LIS that,
- - we might put . , .... store or convenience ,=tore-
- put milk or something on the bottom ,
not ced on the west side of you r?t-.��crtil
�^14li that e comiIig down?
a permit for that sign.
a permit on the sigh; mechanic
c,uestions? As I had mentioned tc the other
;enher board, Yo,, _I must have all three votes=-
-jt the var, ance , would you like tc ccr_tinue-
-_ t'_,e boar,"!
I think I am going to take Mr. Lieberman , s cha.n! .
T , , :,,,.�t;oli to c10s the Purl c. Hearin,,
I notion to close the Public Hearing.
- - -- _ ake a motion to grant the variance.
?qac}: with everything that I wanted to s= = • It
_ - - - at f:: ee standing sign in the middle. It is a.= -
T t'i Iik it is much safer doing what he is d';'. j L
-, 17� any ^haracter of the neighborhood. It �s a -
-- t.i__ grounds I w- uld like to move that we grant --
n t 11 e: area.
n' t a
7 want t( tel! mr. chairman that v
at the close of business today.
^5 the signs that we had requested?
This is the existing sign. How high is this si
:,-c,_-where around 20'
_he Sig- is about 5' Plus 5' from the
foot high
-he question that I had at the last meeting was
j s that count as a sign
..CtI some pictures that I took. I would like to shc',,
rtes ,,Lnl-,- it. This is the s idz-, view f r':�rn tl-
r This is which side-
-his is the parking lot. This is the view from
vou are right. This is the view from
4-- the sign which is right over
you talking about mounting? It is a f 4- a<j.-j
the wall"
Where are you talking about putting it'
a! h
it is rot get",
,,,-t t L
JT{- I -,j,,4zt my 'ouilli- g, ther ;nyth_.I
ajm,.-� s t b e under the ovt, rh
V ---
p, g, t ;zt the level
How far away from the building? How malty feet?
-at ever is the requirement. i don't Dave any p a r t
LI - a-, -
,-ut if it has to be that.
7j. -
HE is talking about right in here. h -v e n
7 ast time I was here there was a couple of things,
is something like 11
wherc- is the ;=Jgn loc,
- H wants to put it right here.
*taw rr e c t j y w a n t to p u t it right n this af a
--hat --s the building.
-hat J_- a sidewalk. He is talking about puttillTj 't
n Y-_1 havE to maintain the
t h tE, edge a n how far is that?
u are C I e
Y __`Li Cc V, 11 al.' IF, p u t i t t e r
put i4- 1-acl-
V moo,
w -T_ -- -_
71 - -
ant two 4afIan,es fo'i one +
th what ;ot_1 are asking for now, if we g
'-a.nte' _± _ _
.-_ere , maybe you
there .
ttlrog it right ?ler_ is absolutely L:-eles= be
rill Angels you are going to see thisone. ^'hat }=_ j_ --
_.tet way. if you t-hls Way, you are Tl! t gC`lllg t _ _=
your rlght down here standing in traffic : Then -
_i=^'--- his sign there because if you .me -!own
_ y� es , b_Tshe_ and everything else. Ever: =f h,:-. 1
make a request sir? Cali we just to make, not-. _-
- m Iter what kind cf a sign I put
—hat right. It doesn't matter. A freestanr?i=, � _ --
_-__-• just to resolve the issue to make just a mini:„a
}i ^tJel- here and we make the same sitl?.�.tin,l
Jc°r_th the gas station people. How abcut } st t.
like t'
= T }ell yu something right now,I would be much ^lore
tl, t tl1ep nut.tin'? ant other si?n tip on this
- _ J ^ from what I have heard right now. Foy- n tr:
- _ _- yt�rrlble iT,terse<-tio,i there , T til nk it , -i •t+ - = a
=,-f be hard to see.
the traffic is and everythi n -T e s,� ''1'--
- ung t get anybody to look at. either one of the__.
_t_ ti ,Sys over here is I have almost three opei tom^ -
_t Litincj but Bahn ,-safe does I ct solve my restaurants p1- ---' _
^tation but, you have t tell-
r dVG to write ilke olile speClal there . i have a din--,
JT } = „il t-,ist_.r�-cjn-1 then I have a. gam- room. T 1?_..
f space that I am renting
Jit 4-1,at 11 a.. _S Sued ?xartly
Ili�.tall a f,-e-
� standil-,1 V.
speaking from my own personal view point.
_thing like that on your existing sign. ' = _
_ He already does. He has signs hanging on the buy'
_ _ - • -,:,, `�, , = y^,_i what the lunch cost and everything els
^'1 Caere all taken down. order -d to take t'-� -
1 1,
not come before the Zoning Board of _ ppL_._
,- " 1-, . They .
_ __ :_. They were there when I went
They are not there now.
_--, !-naw, with ? business in there, so to speak as _.
'r,•--' =
__liOVJ iioW you are going to aC cOriliitCv.dte ali •� tl- _:�
I= is ne-t to an impossibility.
it a shot. I have listed some reascli
_ ?iced tii= Sigli t��ere If yCLi would like to take -'- --t
.''Alit of spa^� there is right n,^w, I feel that =_ _
_ ay= space for me to tell what I am doing there. If
hider it . I could write something, 1111'-
-� y 1 ay when I have parties there. It would greatll Help _
ther pe;�ple might have gone out f busi na=.= for_--
_- a; tt saying the sign was a problem with that.
i.jn that, yOtl prep CSe:j to go on that pole ,-
- a by sign go there and be the same size that = _
is one there.
- - r square feet.. i=, 4 by c
f -1
t y
1-- y 5.
i t
7t is5. Wha4�
are we talking about
'� 4 y 5, which would make it almost dc,111-DIP.
There is a thing, if you want to advertise your r
a,- rtis- that in thm- gaim'.- I -r cl o mi C, I t
y o ill I�nciw what i mean. 11.7 o b c; -L S 4-
J-st saying the Auto F ahn c- y
of you have and put yc-utr meals amdh 7� t t =v 17
stays that sl . ZE!
long as it st
s -1 at ccrrect Herb? He could change what i,
S t rs t h e s a m e type -F
� i,c-w permit to change the sign.
IFr as, toil -a sign n
-2 a I "Dit of good on that corner.
-ting sign right under it'
h, t put a.
Ii -it are saying is take your existing E-'91--
up there and change that kind o -Pc
Ther_ I don? t have space to write the name of the
y, .0 ar, Take a look at
logo underneath t -a n d t
-,I�pnse you took off that
CLIC la tc-,F a h n Cafe o n the f ac e � F
7i 1 7 IC
Th e r e E a thl--
boardVote yes.
s s, t t ng -n t
tnnight or 1,7 -R
is our neyt Pu�--
I- r y c L
- _t
,je+- (,I]+- -i I, �,-- -- —
^hitwill give y. -,-i an ni,-portunitY to
4,;, -at is avaJlJble.
-hat- s4gn.
you can, change
?ic: z:gn cost about $4000.100 to make and tc take
a -ant
s-ign and not have -
t o YOU.
can't- tell you what you should do and shouldn't
e Lls to rT n a a n v r
want to adjourn it to wl�ti�n tli-re a full
i S
to :adjourn itn in f
don't feel that anythinr,,; --Z
From my own view point
-r a d to v c, t e c- n i t if y�:)u are cci.-Fident t'
us everything that you feel YOU should have submiitl
record. There -4 S
,,;o�i�d like to ask for the
t wiles
11 like to ask because
anyone here to speak for or against th�; ' t?
h a v
n the rr c m -a n
ther,,-1 was i
to January icth,
t t 1 J
a -1S the electrical hook up' s and give
wa:. woi dlc ing if we 'c"- d ut
=� : '•''_ 1.1 wo�_ll! have to apply far a variance main .
--^all froi.i the ? ast IlieEt1I2g that GJe 12a }'iat--
_you arc- allowed to 12avc- a. �gn
feet apart.
tl:xt 'J+hat 1t Sat y S:
� f _t is frec-standin - it has to be - foot
-ty. Even if we granted you that, you w( '111d 12a1e
- thcr ons You dory' t have o the pr^perty
, 12
al''� VJaSt117� y01_i1 money E V i,l_it't1
don't know hoc, you expert i e'ple to have the
or the traffic �s backed up)t � m':
St Si ttll2, m tj1 _t 1S 7. `✓v a:=tE
ti.: � f -± that 1cJ11 iS„}.Here L11E`;' have iiOre th,=1
'vil2:,t spar-l3_lS alld a.� r f +i2at. T �'_,_}�-� — -
a,,, mmr-h 111ore inclined to gc along with what-
r �71na1 S1�=Oltlewhv_t
add cn a little.
dt at all
T_-ht makc- a suggestic:12 +'I at if
.c '1 +!,at 1;= has, }hen w-- an s inti:_
e1: t voted oil it as j•et .
-F }_�._
I f
f iW`
a t J n because t h
-tly what i g n g to
-)out it
c m, c- n and talk a'-
in mAnd t�, J f t
er e he J s request that is t
ng si--Tn a, i:a n b a s
f free +
17 M w a r. t t! Come in wJ t
h t
r", en if t r f
-,11 e
Vq L _11
o n e ,-D f t h e m,
1 - I, -, - 1 "
t i f - h i t
7 P
-, -, - - - 1- -1 1
Respectfully sll'-MJ +-t-=-'
Town ofWarpi . 1" g e r