1994-11-22in Gr wappinuer Zoning i;oaru. of P- pPeaiu �'r' i''v 'v ri is u i i a1U, VCiliiJC iG, 171'x` �v i"IlddieLu ii a.vad 1c Hear Ing ii yenaa 3" t' li °IYapp 111 ger L�al1." 1N. 1. . pprGvai vi ^iiC I'. 'vvi uei G, i ^7 } Fill 11 nutCS , BLiC, Hu httiNLiu 1 APPeul -il�I nL Lhe request o- David veymour who 15 ueCk, lit'j u "� r'.rt1C�e iv , 0ection 4Z . b of the Town of Wappinger ZOning La; ::fie re au u 40Slag-yard setback, is required and the apy'Ciiaii l.0 S IiGw1n9 Z� ice' tituS requiring a 14.64' side -yarn var laiic t:. 'i'l`, priperLy lu iv�atCC at .i. 16 Uld tiI,ULC 7 ,Leal LOGpcl" toad slid iE i iltifl� as Tax Gr1:i !--blSb-02"28b5ii-UU lit the Town Or- Wappinger. � h� �C-1-ing Board of Appeals has declared itself Lead Agency acid 11 CIL' iiiai:ie " Negative Declaration of significance for this project at Gv�:Eiber , 1y-94 as +-,here will be no environmental impacts with regard tG Ln—' s appeal . AiJ�eai �1oU - At Lite request Of Alfred a Nancy Hayton who are Stet.liing a variaihce Of Ar Ll- - Iv, section 4 1.6 of the Town of Wappinger �Gning Law whereas a 25side-yard setback is required and the appellant -Lu -showing id', thus requiring a Side -yard variance. RobinsonLane and is idied as Tar, urjiC1 prlper Ly _L L, iGcateu Cit iL.Jy,The 7't:J_% 03-1v °v9l9j-00 in the Town of Wappinger. The Zoning Board ,of Ap peals naS declared itself Lead Agency and has mane a Negative. i.iecIaration of vlgnificance for this project ori November c, 1� 4 as tiit-re will be nO environmental impacts with regard to this appeal. A-Pipeai +=iib - ,=:t L'a'ic request of Evelyn Burns who is seeking a varla;lcC U.L Article L �;ect_L 4�'l . b of the Town Of Wappinger 'GGiliny Law .whereas 40' rear -yard setback is required and the appellant is SiiGWing 1 ` MUS requiring a 21' rear -yard variance. The property is �.�ated oft , Scott Drive, at the intersection Of Balfour Drive, aihCi �- laenrlficd a5 'i'ar> .rid #19--2-57-02-`455-7-0-b1JaU II'i LItE TGWi1 of wappinger. . lite Zoning Board of Appeals has declared Itself Lead Ayeficy and :las mane a Negative Declaration of Significance for t1hi5 prect on I'.oveilEt er 6, 1,5;-94 as there will be no environmental impacts wit l reyarli to trill appeal. at nl.+iJC al ril%�r - At the request of the Auto Bahn Cafe who is seeking a ua �:afhce fromE Article Iv, Section 41b . b whereas only one I!) free sLail:.illy sIgi: IS aI-lowed, and the appellant is requesting two `2' Sandi l - L 1 e property p..__p Y 1 is located at 299 -New Hac'k,ensaci. Roaa, at tiles Route of roi.ite .iib, and is identified as Tax Grid b v4 -J tJ���-1111 ill 'he Town Of Wappinger. The Zoning Board Of ApealS has declared itself Lead Agency and has made a Negative eciaration of Significance for this project on November 6, L) -!-J4 aS i. 1hC1 e will be nG tent/ 1r onmEental Impacts with regard to this appeal. -. Appeal +J.1G.7 - At rile request Gr ueorge odours who 1S Seeking a varlaPce o Artile iv, ection 4«.b of the Town of V•iappinger Zoning L_=w wherCaS Ca 4v' side -yard setx:acr, is required and the appellant iS � Ton Wag£inger zoning Beard Agenda - November 22; 1994 Page 2 showing 16.8' thus requiring a 3.2` side -yard valiance. The property is located at 5 Barbara Drive and is identified as ?az Grid %19-6I5S-02-809826-00 in the Town of Wappinger. � M -7- * T�; a ;: �, rr- e 7 3-: i 1-, CT F? r a r m rl 'nr7'111 rT z_ 7_7 Faj ? A', V ivtcl�?��At'c Prpcp,-ifi 'i7, Hii,ka1a: Vice chairman Mr. Lehigh: Member tr_ Vr i, -tet - : Member i,-. Chairman Present w,n Idem.a, Secretary to the Z.B.A. N,i_iven; Secretary in training Af"'1­",0a () 1v"LL) 1994 P/L�ANpNING BOARD 11 7r5q ?t_ . ?-Iir'_a1a: I call the November 22, 1994 Z.B.A Public Hearin(j n1� 1 the roll. - C -' `•. L T For the benefit of the audience there is no smoking i> -w thing at all , The fire exits are two to the rear and right 1-er =rethere is a emergency. If you choose to smoke you will have t7 b1-1ilding , We don't have any minutes for November 8, 1994. z i` ., nn T:lema : No . t,'r. Hir',_ala: Then we will have to save that for the next meeting. t-_� ti -_e first Public Hearing, Appeal ~1177 request of Davie. a. variance of Article IV, Section 421.5 of the Town of >�k, 74_=7Te17 '_o,:ing Law whereas a 40' side -yard setback iw requires' _2- showing 25.15', thus requiring a 14.54' side-yar:I v ,_-4 -,yr,-Deity is located at 178 Old Route 9 near Cooper Road and +- ' ;,' aE: Tax Grid =19-5155-0''-528590-00 in the Town of W-_r*ri_ ^' "-nii-_g Board of Appeals has declared itself Lead. Agency and 'Ila nes~laration of Significance for this project on November will be no environmental impacts with regard to this appe=.1.. t' anv,lle here to represent the applicant? cth: I make a motion that we reopen the Public Hearing. _ Przk-ter!=e-ond. 9. 11 in t aVp1_� '''`_ . Al_ _{Vv_ . *4r . H! rl :.�n Il?Ot�ed. Ai1V CC�1111aents cr q,, st.i r>i-,c? ..r 71- a R A 1 '? Tei_cr'_:: We started this the last time, information wipe. a_i - - -•._; sti?)g pore'_, on the side of the house now? ra; not?r: Yes. LE►.-_igh: You are tearing that. off? =vniour: Yes. MJ. Lehigh: The existing porch is what size? 'r4r- H1 -Int: it is S feet wide by about 20 feet long. ?tr, P_ - ager: so primarily what we are doing here, we are going to - y- 71.3t _,r; -h -;--F--F and make one 14 feet wide? Sevmour : Right. n.c�r So basically, your going 5 feet wider then. Mr. Sey_»o,,_ir : Wider then the original. I'?:= Nguyen: Your name please? 'fr eymoUr : David Seymour : ? Hirkala: This property has got two houses on it? Both houses h�ve 7c -Z7 jr, AMxistance for a long time now I presume? '?r . Fevmour. Yes. tir Hirl:ala: Is there any one in the audience that has any question.- -r this Public Hearing? D;rl<in : What did you say about two houses? �<<7-- t - a - Can I have your name sir. Hirkala: There are two houses, there are two, according to tl'_e wh— iave here there are two houses on that property. - , D - ->r in : There are? p.�,- Docl_il-1: Tim Sgrry. 4%0- "\r Warmincrer n-ni__rT P: a�- tPl �8rTz would have assumed that, how old is this? Have Hunt: At least 40 years. =i ' =I_- t?_ : Do you know when the house was built? ala: 1948 you said? rq_- Hi-,Lnt : About 40 years old. -. Hi -f ala: 40 years old, both of them? �attrilrl_ir: If not more. T4 rva1a.: No comments from the audience at all? Anything else fr,)m No, I kind of think it is straight forward. I make a motion to close the Public Hearing. itr. Lehi crl, : Second. All ayes. r- a: Any motions? y-- P1-zJje17 I make a motion to grant the variance. ,- _.eh' -rh: Second. r•.r T�-T_rrka1a Any comments with the motion? -. T,ehi gh: I don't see that there would be any adverse problems 7-: Especially being that it is only 6 feet. - Teligh: Yes. Only 6 feet. Very minor. iI - lk a i a : All in favor of a Roll Call? r'( -IT. Lr T,_. Mr. Prager: Ayes. Mr. Lehigh: Ave = . Mr. Hirkala: Aye. to w 1 k -al _a_ The gNcretarv, how long is it ,Trim , t t;�.k;a t - -- - __adv? Coupl a- n f rl,ays? - _ r _ _deIlla a-ni n ry-,n-rer 1-; ra s- Gha 'rlil ?-,e t. ki.,-,rr a1- , t-T_l-„_a.l a (nJt`r ,Li/�1i�-y7'?` C.t2:tzi 17 Nj;l'i _�-r"r .tai-t�. on en rJaT� l T, �r ^nhi_n�r T. (J! -a - . : r?t1 Herb. Ha will get your i b_li�dilig perr:i t Mr, . set'lllour : Thank you. Idella: Yes, we are all set the paper work should be done by Fri �a-1 The next Public Hearing is Appeal -1180 at the Nancy Hayton who are seeking a variance of Article IV, Sectio_ _i -f the Town of Wappinger Zoning Law whereas a. 25' side -yard ss�tbac'_: _ required and the appellant is showing 181, thus requiring a 7' variance. The property is located at 123 Robinson Lane a,__.=, ide:tified as Tax Grid =19-6459-03-009195-00 in the Town of Wappinga1_-. 7,-'r inn Board of Appeals has declared itself Lead Agency and. 11ry -z_ati-re Declaration of Significance for this project on November P, '� a t_� -•;ill be no environmental impacts with regard to this apr=•a1. u�a notion from the board? ?.__. Lehigh: I make a motion that we open the Public Hearing. pra.ger: Second. ,%W `..'„te: A11 ayes. far-_ Hirkala: So moved. Any one here representing Alfred & Nancy Havto?,? Hayton? Halton: Yes . yl-. Hirkala: Thank you. The board any questions? or is it to soon? Nr. 7 g We asked the questions the last time. The only real nr-)?1em I ha_. was the fireplace but, I guess that not 1i 1- . T4 3-k.ala : That was pretty much were the problem lies within TM'-- . Hayton: In the same line. M,-=. ua.�7ton: In the same line as the original one. It doesn't gc :;n� farther out. The chimney and that are exactly the same. t'r ui -kala For the record we received a. letter, dated November- i 9n seppe D'Amato. Pyr! Hayton Yes. }-. Hirkala: Everyone have a copy of that? "rrr T-' , 1F, ,g �- a e I c, V F c mi Nirkala: Does anyl-ody t,lant this to he r-aa_c' intra t -Ile ?l1'iij1tPs nr- �1_let? ..r arrin der 7r. I7 11 CT F �, r a. Minutes` 71 1CfCt4 paC7e G P.-77-DTNr THE LETTER. Mr. Hirl_ala: I do not approve of the variance that Mr. & Mrs. Alfred is requesting because they have been using my property as a t }'-eir trimmings and branches etc. while I am not living there. Received November 22, 1994. >,T Ha.yton: May I answer that? He has a tree. A large cherry tree.'_ _?_t two foot; three foot from our property line. The brancl- 7(TILincr down off his property. The last time they came down they r„ a;l road tie and tore the electric wires and the electric boy off -tr }, ,js Alright. -{r, Hirkala: Actually, the fact of his not agreeing with granting the �.?- i ance,He states nothing in his letter that has any bearing on wl at the Variance is. other then the fact he has what sounds like a civil ,--,T,7 Fri with you, Fayton: Right. r Lehigh: The only reason we read it into the minutes is because ii- Pjit tr_, -lc. Nr, Hirkala: We have to do that. It has to be part of the minutes. �r Hayton, Well anytime anybody wants to come out and check the r-T-^perty you can see. Hi, -}:ala: That has nothing to do with the variance. That is no -hi nrT <<T --n deal with here. Anybody else in the audience that would. ? to cor„r,�„t on this Public Hearing? Any Further questions? I , "', Cre r : No. None at all. mr: Lehigh: I make a motion that we close the Public Hearing. 1A,- pI-arfer: 5eC011d. mr. uirkala: All in favor? ;cte: All ayes. Hirkala.: What is the pleasure of the board? T l,irrl T mac a motion that we ara1zt. a vat-1a11^A 1t mi- P1 -ager: 'DrIT.T `Z;T,T : 9econd. Because it, v7o-ul d rause 110 Prot ers t,.1; t- '-h— n'z rTY,h,orl,n r? . Dr avps , Tvf T r -1,i71] ; V� C n v 9 s. ..r jn]apIninger 7(-,iii1-;g FC,aLr? NovemI--er ^'' lgc,g P a ,-r e 5 ''^rtein favor of granting the variance. M-, 1411 -kala: The next item on the agenda is Appeal -1181 at t'-ie-ea�.,ecfi vn Burns who is seeking a variance of Article Iv, Section 4'_'1 , " -,F t},7, 1r71_ of Wappinger Zoning Law whereas a 40' rear -yard setbn(,T- i :-ec: _1i red and the appellant is showing 191thus requiring a 21' rear-ya- 7-,-1 The property is located on 57 Scott Drive, at the inters.a—.1 ,1i of F�tlfour Drive, and is identified as Tax. Grid t19-6257-02-7?451;,-),,, , of Wapninger. The Zoning Board of Appeals has declare-, ?ead Agency and has made a Negative Declaration of Significance on November 8 1994 as there will be no env =r*- , environmental imp --t- c.•it:,- - _ . t--hardto this appeal. Representing the applicant? Come forwar(?. your name. - __=,Jh: I motion that we open the Public Hearing, Second. ante : All ayes. ' ?.eLigh: We had asked for a plot plan. So that we could see what t�,.- r,r,, e , At the last meeting, Did you ever deliver a. plot r,la„� LM frS. Furns: I was not told that by anyone. They had the surveyor, 1.,41- . T:ph i gh - Well , we have nothing to look at . We don't have a di »: �.' d.on't have a picture of the house, the lot, nothing. We do hava >> ui r> -ala: We never received any. asp Id.ema: I don't know where that came from. Hire -ala. Mam, did you send that in? x u} -ns : I think the girl that I saw, in his office. M,_-. T4irkala: Somebody here made this for you? fit, -s. Furns: Yes. Is that the surveyor or I don't know that. I 'fs -1 ,A would you like to look at this and tell us if you a.r� *..jzT_1ia.r with that please. purnc : Sure, This is a copy of the survey. ?� Hirkala: It is not even the same one ^tt. Drive? Mrs. Burns: Right, T.e5_i1 gh ,,>'_�at is thi-- This is a., you live at 57 07n ,RAW W a p, p i n cr e r z c r- i 1 " r -T F, p: r(71 Minutes 4, Darr, P r =1 ,�r C, 1- : It ;ays lot 5. It doesn't mean anything. V7''Fn nT SCUSSION P=acres: It says Burns at the top. Mr, Hirkala: Is that your lot? "?'i --ns Yes. 'err rar-Ter Do you know the demensions ofyour lot by any chanc—.1 r p?_erns -Irns I'm sorry. MrPrager: Dawn, you don't have any idea where this came from? D -=i T,,7 1 -7 d e m a- : No. Fir --ala: Didn't we ask in the minutes the last time? Yes. We don't have the minutes. We did. We asked plan We are trying to go, to see what you were requesting and have enough information. I don't see your porch drawn on herr- --i- anvtl ing else. So we don't know where it is the width of it or -nv+11�7 7 Mr, uirkala: I would like to get this cleared up before we go any r>n t -1-4s,7 We don't have any idea of what we are doing yet. We d,='t la --n - =,i,yt-hing to go by. You know what we are saying. We have 3ust a -tit.F I- we had Eurns: I thought you had everything. 1,—. Hirkala- Could we adjourn this to December 13th? Vrs. Rurns: This is for a closing. w�rkala* For when? They wanted it the 15th of November. Prager; Excuse me Mrs. Burns. -1-i-S P7,11 -ns: Yes. Prager: Is this to sell your house? Is this what this Is 1-1-ot building anything on here? !A -S. Fur ns: No. fif- Prager: This is the existij-,g Nct-hing has been adr-Iled. m V-11 it I t TATn r -T -J t- -i S � r t- r) C'!a C7 n rM ?rla_nnil�n�rnI�l'_Q Minutes - r,7n�.TamhG,- �� 1 ^Qd P a rr p 77 - u=z-"-ala- ^'he back: of the house? �'_rs. Burns: Back of the house. Rear of the house. It. is on loll :r and everything. M,-, Pra.erer: How long has it been there? 'p,„ 'Izs : About 13 or 14 years, Mr. uirkala: Yes but, the Building Inspector he has got to take th; -c M,-. Prager: Yes. I know. r, uirkala: You want the closing for when? --s. Burns: The people that are buying it wanted it November 15th ?,a`? t-, -lo for the MTV7n nTQCUSSION Hirkala: We just opened a whole bowl of wax. '— Praiser: No, I'm not going to go to vote on something I don't w11a* we are voting on. Y-- uirkala: I really don't know what we are voting on. You know a. s_- inn. we don't have anything in front of us. Do you have any n1 of at all? Other then this? B_Irns J1_Ist my original survey. I think. Tell icrh: That is what we are looking for. ?{:=, .Irns: I have that. In fact; they should have sent a ropy r- it. Mr. uirkala: It is not in the file. naunl Dema : I don't have a copy in the file. Nf -. ? igh: If it is in the file. uirkala- If it was in file we should have a copy of it. Dawn Idema: Did you show it to Herb? _ c . purrs : yes. He made a. copy of it. I left it- with him and th-n h�- sent it back to me. - T Sema: Tc that it; what they 1_a%,P 1117 Per7,a !S : that- iS all N t i`rl a Tc t?�i _ Jl' t : �_1 S1lnt,.7P h Tr N'arl) -' 11 r7er 'Zoning Board i -1 9 9 4 a17 -? 0 !Ars P1171 -1c - That looks like it. Yes, T h e house i S here a nl t h i, - here. The deck. -a She said this looks like what she gave to Herb an:� f it, Lehigh: It runs the whole length of the back of the house? IV P -,-i --,- n s - No. Mr. Hirkala: 20 by 20 she said. 1,J-, -.0 vi-,rns: it runs from the corner of the house to the kitchen '-hen there is that whole Hirkala- Is it normal routine for the Building Inspector to they have to get a building permit for? T -1 ir-Th: she gets a CIO Wir}-ala- Yes. But, she has to get a C/O for it there right? -?xce-ptions for a permit so she can get a CIO. yawn Tdema: I don't know where they go after they get a variance. !V, T don't know, I just know that Herb, I can't remember I'lic name, and he told me to send the letters out and everything els.of. T, a --high: He must be accepting this as a Plot plan then. I am looking at the, what is this house 26 feet. ?r, f -c -E -t. Lehigh: on the right, in the back of the house. 'J IR I -I. r I) -, : In the back of the house. As you are looking at the !Da -k ^-f the h -)use it is on the right. From the kitchen to the bedrooms alter -= c k there, art Lehigh: The house is what 36 feet, ... 16 feet in the balance. ui-kal-i - It looks something like the house is set way back -Iil-;- thz- -.1 ii- is supposed to be. V -r -;;(7P,-: If that is the plot plan then fine. a a, all it (-z-,-rtified to the Tnter-Count?, ti3avincjs 7 z �z --lan of the house fouroation !z h'-- wll C11 t h e b. n, r'haries marzis. Licpnc-a Bi)undaries from field ma`n 77.4nr-. 2:: C, Y. CM ,1:� r p_ i llrer ^r,n i n r Boa -.d minittes� - November 22, pacTe G ,f he=.en n -ice if we had a drawing of the pori . N?� Hi. rka1a: Well I am looking at it. Look at this thing. This hrucz _: -et vvr v bark from the front line, There is not a heck ofya l^t ^f --ar-yard line. *, F:lzrns: No. It's wrong the land is all on the side. uirkal a : We are looking at a 45 feet back to the 35, 95 . ,,ot1 t,t,at Tam saying? Lehigh: It was not right originally. Mr. PracTer: As long that is the plot plan, I will go along with that. Hirka-la: Anybody else in the audience want to speak on this Rlsrns ? tri»a.: Beg your pardon? uirkala: Does anybody in the audience want to speak on the Burns 'lira: All I want to know is, I received this letter in the, and I a_ - hearing this conversation and do I have to come back again or what's Hirk•ala: That is what we are trying to discuss. We are trying + �!er-e=-?rined whether we have enough information to make a decission rase :n ,,,rl,�t we was told here or if on further? That is what we are trying }� 77; Tia : What does it boil down to? What is it a deck? 1 e'_-ierh It is a Public Hearing right now and you can make y-1,1 - -nmt�epts now. a: Are you a neighbor? Yes. I live across the street. +_ u _-kala.: What is your name? xr a: Loll Vina. You want to know what? 1'i ?,a: I want to know what this is all about. I ,- �. i S p 11 i tl r'T 1i — 1l o 1 1 s e -tl S �l e T� _ 7 c f" �� �Yt a k- --)l- - that i OI7 the back of the }�pt_icp, ^ni- th=- Purpose ^:f c,a1 c tl ti t a -fD l !- - - 1 , _ l t� �� Irl r,i1 t,:,� i� .,,ca T.� ^i- jai- rt th Irl 1 nttc r c' r- hay _t rTE. CIO ±ni- the d,: �lr. `.��--i 1�,^- - ' �rf1ii •rr *ar 7i nr.a-17 7 Cts iI r, minutes on The letter wasn't very specific. It just mentione-t t1- 1`1�Iir' OI:s . _)'_-herety: I live across the street and the deck looks fine And your who? Dccherety: Mr. Docherety. Thomas Docheret.y. 71-� ?�'r-r,a.: Could you spell that please? r,- n(-).^harety: D O C H E R E T Y. And your address? 7 7herety: 40 Balfour. I'm just like ... } '-?i-P_a1a: You have no problem with granting the variance's w7 �.t I}' a= tre cf the board. Anybody else want to speak on that. Want t� -!c- 1 c -- i c Hearing? �... Prager; Yes. I make a motion to close the Public Hearing. L -high: Second. F_rka a: what is the pleasure of the hoard? ,- T_e,-,icth: Well, I am really unhappy with this drawing but, I ^arl't rr unhappyness on this young lady. I will have to make a moti^n -- t-: � +-he deck is already there and no one in the neighborhood t' -)at it is definitely not going to be detrimental to the ?-?Znor1, so, I move that we grant her a variance. Prager: Second. ICT �'?`_LL Mr. . Prager : Ayes. Mr. Lehigh: Ayes. Mr. Hirkala: Ayes. k`uir?_ala: All vote ayes but, I would like very much to have a rec..e�t -,+ t- the Zoning Administrator requesting what happened with the How come we didn't get any information from it? when it the last time. Everybody go along with that then? n7rae l s : Yes P u r n s It i S Xll right. Iftw - i i-1_al Chec}c with the of-fice of the ?Olii1�rJ 2�rljtl_t_iictl_^stn_ 1- ai '� _,_. w1 -'.t t ttt t -_-..t^, i ��^; ,tr-,.•7 i -`a ^rrl _1--ar� 117it- -IL g. En i,1 - r 7 nin �rt 'r"•.n =, ,- Minutes 4 T , Hirka.la : You want this back, Linda? Yes. definitely for the file. We don't have any ^'7'1 .-}- ±� T'i '-kala : Next item on the agenda Appeal itI183 at the regl_iest ^� _,rare Odoms who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 421. -7,7-_ Wappinger Zoning Law whereas Prager: Auto Bahn comes in next? I� u rkala No. Amended agenda. You didn't get the amended ane1, MI-,. Prager: Sorry. Tirkala.: At the request of George Odoms who is seeking a varian-c• IV; Section 421.6 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Law- ide-yard is required and the appellant is showing a 16.8' th>> u•, -� ?' side -yard variance. The property is located at is identified as Tax Grid X19-6158-02-809826-00 in the _7e,-. Did we make this a SEQR pardoning on this and then ag neck, or make ourselves Lead Agency or what? It is not In e �. � J i-11 : I think there was one of them that we didn't. ^.9:,r-� Tdema: There was one that you held off on. '? '_e',ig,n One of them we held off on. I don't think it was thi: {ra.cer: It wasn't this one. That. was Redl. - ,icT?i It was Redl . Well lets take care of it now. I make a r c•t; ,-,n Zoning Board of Appeals be Declared Lead Agency. �, age, Second. All in Favor. LLe�ig}1 I make a motion that we have a Negative Deck. _.71 1_ -kala. We need a Roll Call for Negative Deck. ",- Prager: Second. '^T T "ALL: Mr. Prager: Ayes. Mr. Lehigh: Ayes. Mr. Hirkala- Ayes. to Al' Vete ayes In favor of Declaring Lead ger - i a nc Ne ai- - - t r ? c1-, i nrl' T it t:e a .mr'.} if t ny �t� tl�� D, 09 O °r - u_: t-ka_1_a Who is here representing Mr. Odoms? O(ft ons s : I am . '} ___mala: Mr. Odoms? n:?nn,s : George Odoms. J_ Prager: The picture we have here. That is the car port we arc- reabout? about? r - s : Yes. I''_-. Prager: So it been there. It is nothingthat is new getting :;r'_d�'. The purpose of this variance is to make legal what i- Mr, Oc�oms : That is right sir. ti.. Pyr, Prager: How long a go did that car port be built? -. moms: At least 23 years ago I believe. '"- . ? h i gh You are selling the place? ^d^ms: Yes sir. - L - -I 17h : We catch them all in the C/o. Mr, ndnms: Well, what I put it up there I got one for it. I got a. It'L; ng permit and a C/O for it, it's a tool shed. But, Tylo wh.^ pelt }?-_ ,_in for me I assumed they were doing there work and they werei?' t , M - . 'H' rkal a . Who put it up? Tylo? Lf-- . Odoms: Tylo. �!r, Hirk,ala: So it is all aluminum construction? `JPs. ]rnl .a The footing are soun'1, or? Rtr nrinpl are c-;lX17 _ Tj-)P�r hm vc+1,a} - - aY� � cr nth t},?e - _ 11tS; r?p C)il the-,ut-t,l,ard ride ?^l a1 Z.1 -'r-,,-,- hca 7a -t t c lr ^,r. t - law ^ z, - °tip Rvl-11m T rm Br.lj Byrum a -ii^ I .am .a little 1^. it -? D1- ebeen living next to this car port for ?� years, X11 T Y it enhanlces the appearance of the house. There is n-- be. 0he there as far as I am concerned. r, u -�_a- a : Thank you. Anyone else? What is this letter hc-- Robert L. Byrum we have a letter from. ''1ger: That is the same, x� Hirkala: we also have a, it should be in the minutes, that we_�� Ave a petition. Mr. Lehigh: Signed and ready? Prager: Signers. '-°{' ?e'igh: This should definitely be in the minutes. well who ev—I- '-. H;1 -kala: i think it should be a part of the record. A petition �cr = is not a, it has no bearing on the findings. Lehigh: I make a motion that we close the Public Hearing, .• Hr. Prager: Second. 77nte - All Ayes. praiser: I make a motion to grant the variance. _ -- _gh . Second. Hirkal-. For the? =ger: For the car port, u , 1_ala: State your reasons. "1- -1-�, er' Basically, it is not changing the character at all, -- ""`TT CALL: Mr. Prager. Ayes. Mr. Lehigh: Ayes. Mr. Hirkala: Ayes. All vote in favor of granting the variance. Your all set. Just check the paper work with the in:iristrator and find out when, you can get going on that, Val-ianCe, yam► "' T4 -1,. ,a 1? —htz n '"1��- �i^ 7' �-1 - = a _ 1', `•✓" (T�t ti n le l'T-rr -tet the - - (--T,:, - _.: � _ _ .�,r A(�fiipic�1-at^_ tr, Cm ?l(7na1 t�;i plit.Pc - h '�,ph , ^ t C CI �3CT= i" =; W�^m tyle are going to try to get that by hand tomorrow. T -ays are coming up. - ''''= r Fl�igh: Auto Rahn is not going to be here tonight. H;r}ala: what ever happened to Auto Bahn? Dawn. what happen--,. t. pahn? They pulled it or we pulled it or what? Dawr Idema: I'm not sure who did. . I am not sure what happe? —� =:, -uten there . I know, they postponed it until the next meeting ,!--%It meeting because they wanted to wait for Joel Sasser to be hers gin. would be a four person board. That is what happened. Sorry _zb=t '.-high : I am going by the agenda. -T _=ager: Second. " }� All ayes. `%.., Mr, Hirkala : The meeting is closed. Y-77 'TNG ADJOURNED AT 8:02 P.M.. C" I make a motion to close t-,,� Respectfully submitted, Mr,�' Linda Ngu n Secretary Town of wappinger Zoning Board of Appi�