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Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall
July 12, 1994 20 Middlebush Road
Minutes Wappinger Falls, N.Y.
Members Present
Mr. Sasser: Chairman Mr. Hirkala: Vice Chairman
Mr. Lehigh: Member Mr. Bitterlich: Member
Mr. Prager: Member
Others Present
Mr. Levenson, Zoning Administrator AUG 09 "M
Dawn Idema, Secretary to the Z.B.A.
7e1uWC Qnian nr inorAi c
Mr. Sasser: I call the July 12, 1994 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting to
order. Would the Clerk please call the roll?
Mr. Levenson: Roll call. Mr. Chairman, all are present.
Mr. Sasser: For the benefit of the people who are here and may not have
been here in the past, this is a no smoking building. There are exits on
the side and to the rear, all which lead outside. The first item on the
agenda tonight is the approval of the May 24th and June 28th minutes.
Mr. Lehigh: I move that they both be accepted.
Mr. Bitterlich: Second.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Sasser: The first appeal tonight is Appeal #1170. At the request of
Libbie Lederstein, who is seeking two variances of Article IV, Section
421.6 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Law where you are required to
maintain 10 feet off the rear and 10 feet off the side to locate an
accessory building. You are showing 4 feet in the rear, requiring a 6
foot variance on the rear -yard and you are showing 6 feet on the side,
thus requiring a 4 foot variance on the sideline. The property is located
at 3 Cindy Lane and identified as Tax Grid #19-6158-02-801771-00 in the
Town of Wappinger. It appears from the minutes that we didn't have a
declaration of Lead Agency at the workshop. Could I have that motion?
Mr. Bitterlich: I'll make that motion.
Mr. Prager: Second.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Hirkala: I make a motion for a Negative Declaration.
Mr. Lehigh: Second..
**MW .40011
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minutes - July 12, 1994
Page 2
Vote: All ayes_
Mr. Sasser: Do we have proof of publication?
Mr. Levenson: Mr. Chairman, proof of publication is in order. We have
the paid voucher for the publication.
Mr. Sasser: Thank you very much
public hearing.
Mr. Lehigh: So moved.
Mr. Prager: Second.
Vote: All ayes.
I would like a motion to open the
Mr. Sasser: Libbie Lederstein, I'm sorry I wasn't here for the workshop,
did you have anything additional that you would like to add for the public
Mrs. Lederstein: I think we have gone over everything.
Mr. Sasser: Let the record show that there was no one else to speak for
or against this variance. Does the Board have any questions of the
,ftw Mr. Bitterlich: I have a comment. I went up and looked at it. It can't
be seen from the road and it can't be seen from the neighbors property.
The building is in good shape, but I agree that to move the building, the
whole thing might fall down. I agree with that because of it's basic
construction. It is made out of aluminum.
Mr. Sasser: I would also like to add to the record that, being that I
wasn't here for the workshop session, I have read all of the minutes and I
am very familiar with everything that was discussed at the workshop
session. Are there any other comments or questions?
Mr. Lehigh: I make a motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Bitterlich: Second.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Bitterlich: I'll make a motion that both variances be granted as
Mr. Sasser: I'll second that motion.
Roll call: Mr. Lehigh: Aye. Mr. Hirkala: Aye.
Mr. Prager: Aye. Mr. Bitterlich: Aye.
Mr. Sasser: Aye.
Mr. Sasser: Mrs. Lederstein, this will be filed with the Town Clerk
within 5 days, as required.
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minutes - July 12, 1994
Page 3
Mrs. Lederstein: We have a closing for the house on Monday at 10:00 A.M.
and we have been asked to bring proof that the variance .....
Mr. Levenson: You'll have it before then.
Mrs. Lederstein: O.K., thanks.
Mr. Sasser: It will just be filed with the Town Clerk, officially, within
5 days.
Mrs. Lederstein: Would you want us to come down and pick it up?
Mr. Levenson: I'll do it tomorrow. Then I'll just get the notarization
done and get it filed so then it is public record. It will be ready much
before then.
Mrs. Lederstein: We could pick it up on Friday.
Mr. Levenson: O.R..
Mr. Sasser: Is there any other business before the Board tonight?
Mr. Hirkala: Are we going to discuss this other case or wait until the
next meeting?
Mr. Sasser: We should probably wait for the next meeting so the applicant
.,. can come to the workshop session. Motion to close?
Mr. Bitterlich: I'll make that motion.
Mr. Prager: Second.
Vote: All ayes.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn iaema, secretary
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals