Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
June 22; 1994
Workshop Agenda - 7:30 P.M.
Approval of the May 24, 1994 minutes.
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
wappinger Falls, N.Y.
Libbie Lederstein - Discuss variance requested for side and rear -yard
setbacks for pre-existing metal shed located at 3 Cindy Lane.
it It ala: --cti-ng _ halrrlaP_
Men, he-
_ resent
T Cil . Zcziing Adri:ini_ trator
Secretary to the Z.B.A.
Wapp i 1- ger Falls. r,; .
Prager: Member
JUL 12 M&
16r0"OFNW" R
`r. -_._=-' a: It i s : ?1 P.M. I call the Zoning Board of Appeals, T darn
f Trteetil-!g of June 24, 1994 Workshop session tC> Cirdea-I . F'
:r _e,,e,l^,,1.: R:c,11 _=.11. Mr. Chairman, all present except for Mr.
;S We don't have many people here. For the her_ef i'= _jf t
tIne-I-e-, is no s -making In the building. The e -,--Lt- a'_-�
-ase of -fire leave promptly. The case on the agenda for
i-- --- =' - i? 1�i eC�P stG-n Di=cuss variance requested fc:r '_ri a-�_"
;Ta, _. _ _tk'__._ fci pia-e.°istinct metal l -!Gd located at ? C` -1!r?; T _
- - - - -e '_je1e t,7 rc },-�ca11t the appli cant?
T a ?erste ; n . I'm Li brie Lederstein .
Thic is not a public hearing The dilly purpdsen
----- -- --- th= Doard tr: review what is here and iFeq est -r!v _'?_' I-
}-t'lat tile' might deed i21 order t0 CJo fair a pLa__ _ hal _1
1=tWhen is the ypiihlJ c hearing'
weeks from tonight.
1', 1-
__-' alN..
wi' 1 e
advertised and will be an
N77; -nom on :
T 11
c!et The
plot plans to YOU. First
of all,
yo _,
- r! - 1,117.1j!
T e,�er_s-teiin _'-!formed
me that the '-1
so =!.r
CIi . The
shed was ut up Wi th(Dut a
permit .
�= i-
a'-it °'�..
t'7 y et -
_.�o. an�� [jilt tijat' ;lP
f n_Id1..
wa n" pe' ...-t
. TI -le shed is a ._ f f __ie
= - -•= a_!
_--`-1--'-- m11 -`-'cl i_,j-Ll ye -pt,, _t C:f ' 1-!e _1 jP __. al. c. - 1'-r (;7- t!! Side and YP?? .
_- _ ,ittAr-Ll--?� Tc,i t on.a permanent fOt;i-!C%afiicl!
•_ F_ -ai i why c - an' t you Just slide de i t fiver?
=dG' =tiI"!: It i- sort Of la1'C7?. It is mtat. 7t was put ---
_t_ '^)e ha.d it 'ied 'own ]ust in Case there Were e ? -_ G
heavy y Winds _
_ . ng to be in +-he middle, close to the pool;
�1yP yard. It can be moved be Over but it shouldn't
--. --_:1 he taking up the Whole area.
- H--ka i How big is the s'=Pd?
T vc-nson: 1? X 121 or 12' X 141,
tv'YS. Ledo-rst iP_: yes.
- -4 j_-t-rlich: it's a pretty good size then. I was imagini _ a 4' -'
T ef---1e-1".:.t=_.i_. The Va1d 1s fll'_i 4r enclosed with a stockade f tha
a 1 ti -!a ,'ay a-2:-und it Tib _ shed can't- he - can ._ tq
.7asn t t a,w,t -
m� - -
,ll is _. t 2: 4- arti.. many ,t!,:r�'l'
a f t - 1 n i �� - i� - f = -a 4-' _
nr behind lass. has one the
I -_ . They,:-- are quite a`few violations throughout the Whole.
- - -i _ jig. wi--at kind cf Condltiol� is the stied in _dice 1t has ?=;+��e=-
-- =Z---'-Irte-n year-,.
-i-a tl!: I1- is in pretty good shape.
It is in pretty good shape. I painted _t .
;dh-i we move it; it Could Collapse. It may I7ot-
Le=?o7_StJii:: It it. riveted and bolter. rp oSe Cilli gS aZ"P r'iS4-
P- 'i: Ill my opinion, most of those things that yr -u sea- after t` --y
':-J?e1-_ t, sere tan years, thele is not much left of
_ederst=in: ^h, there is a lot left of this. it has slidin _( dc_.
still in good condition. The slide open, they --lid,--
-lid,- =.._.t.
r put a i y -a have I _ _--.- �cir_�r to p�_I_ orti_tn_ng On my property and _ a. a house an: -f- E-
t=._--yar that I admit -e, I am going to inane sure that it 1s 1n --,.Dn;'iti.---•
_' _corrugated metal.
Tt ` S _ Ot on a slab or on Woodf
- Z e:—def te-`n It lc on_'il=,dp— Floc .
A._'_S.. _ }=rlai-Steri i'! - `.v'= =''s d the Gilder L-,10 } fig-; 1 - - ? i ttl
MiI7t_ita5 T11Ii =_
that it l to f-1: t1 -i- ase hut is sh ,
a. - -; t ._' f %7 o l 'ti t i ; l i l s .`
Otildl= t say anything abo it Jt hecat}s
'':'_-. ?,;_hi j : You'd have t'-) ride around with yo,tr ruler.
- _
--,con -, con - I ' d have to ride around with a ruler and a level rr -
'c ubt that thci re are violations i n the town. To be honest wit,
- - i, -
-___ t i-Iave the— time to go check-ing those things. Those things surfftre
a sale and people are looking for a c.0.
L;-:-, lez tee n As W? look at OtlleT-c , we are not worried about
-� _st Worried about our own ..... We are nestled in the_arra -
-,!,7 a, Cour neighbors have no problem wit z i t . They doll' t
f___-• ti=_-�- �ro'Oerty because -u- Stockade fence is 61 high, 'rhos is
_ - =~ . ins oil : it is a very well }sept lot .
?,fir. Le— ersteil.. If c-- moved it, it would be an awf:il eyesore if it ' _, t:
Mr_. Lederstein: Right, smack, in the middle of the yard.
" itterlich: Does that Clive you enough time, two weeks, to put
r . L_vells,on : Yes, the add will be prepared tomorrow and it will ,j,, in
MI-. Is this an unheard of request?
nson No. Let me explain something to you. What the Board _Z
--_-`-_ _(t _is meeting is, seeking out information to find out if they _1
- _f _1:mation from me or from Ms. ' re r
_ idema so they can prepare _ for -_--
hearing You will get a copy of the public notice that T.,7e
-__ ___� papei` and that is. the copy that you will have to send to all
1 - 17 adJci-n-inJ property owners.
r C, . Lederstei:i: It is unusual because there
happens to be an adjoin -i i'_
"tJi-g and they put ill a swimming pool. It happens to be in
t _-
V ''�a%l-'t_ i�'1ic11 i .itw!1't Ieaii7e- at the time.
Thee went to sell tiiN r
a-, d, obviously, were told that they couldn't
get a Certificate "?
fr;_- t ji _ poc%1 c,'- some such thilig and
had t0 with dl"aw the-hr_:'i = c -
=r T checked. I called, because they
were putting oIl all ad"ti-_-
t = tl e house e _.nd i C ;zll.ed j -,t find out if
t1=ev had a buildi ncr
after we found that the pool was that
close and everything; 1 iaa=
tr_'_c. the— t?_ey 11ad a proper bui lding permit.
I -asked if the nr_-%o 1
_?p -alley or -f there had ager
been a build' -, gperm J
T -. ,1_ h-,
_�� � �._ I t..� ...1 that L. - 1 a _ h_' y a h' e 11 .�� _i
i a; t moi_ _ -
i 1x....111 ' yi p C I. m i T f_,� l �. 1 _ F' L'
i1 -10i^7 tliey__-?_•f
i. tl7e it 1__iicP i'7-;� --_
1 t 7- �1
- --- l= a . ��:isr -_ --'- = e ._ _,i _ �n the poo_ -
S, rile. _ Ile an '- ---
Mi1iute_, -- jI-1ne 212,
P 4
-1..- - -- }' r _� �_1V C.7_tao'1t a bLlil'li? and It is not
r' p. th e rP^ ;1"�L r1 +-1_i� +-;..�..1 is [Ie t�. e '� - r
-_ _ -- �_i _ _ �_ f __ __,;,�_ T_. i1 _� _� _ or proper
= -so h,e can sell t ie house ti Lit �7hat ha ,Den
tt-i at t';-; Erb. ars= i7C; Viol at lolls, i t' s J ust that. they 'never had a ''Dili 1 di ;-y J,
p-;-r%1t. What would happen at that time; an ins--c-t-would be _n.}a e _ r'-
they will look through the building permit process.
:77 : Get a Certificate of Compliance.
= iflk-_-la . timet a Compliance Cer of i cate and get the peimlt and co ry -m
d .. Tederstein: Well, obviously they weren't able to get whatever
- -- - leeCIE d.
T ,:a✓IP?!S--,: is It do ,abode -ground pool?
T e7—fe -stei n: NIo, ii -clrottnd.
_. Tederstein: We don't care but it is right up against our propertzr.
1'`2 Tedersteill: We 7ere ]List surprised becauseI didn'trealize that
r = iii to be a bu=ld1g perm, t .
Te- Pn_on: The requirement of a building permit, in sale, is the
_�_ --e_re_-it f the '_eliding institution. They will not give you .... .
i,'`1-- . i dersteii7: I understand that fully. I was not auestioning t'__at _.
just wondering
-'=_aI .: Are- there any other gLlestions or any requests ct a �;
that mJght
ter: Ic it poss4ble to Take a little drawing of where tile _ih---f --
I' m going to give you that. I have the plot plan.
- ` P :a;rrer with the sited. On 1t?
i,- T='7eit 11: YDS .
Pr- geif Other than that, that is all i would want to know.
lir. Ta'_:ig-h If we get that, I don't think we will need to go out and
- t
No. We'll get that and then we can _relate from the plr>t
-'i` Weill _.ei?d -t cut to YOU tomorrow_
*#Al/ 1'_ T,�-: _ T
make a Hint i L1i t0 aC'Lj Otlr li the n} Gt iiig
Pa:_-je 15
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn Idema, Secretary
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of