1994-01-11`%W Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals January 11, 1994 Workshop minutes VAW Members Present Mr. Sasser: Mr. Hirkala: Mr. Lehigh: Mr. Bitterlich: Mr. Brooker: Others Present Chairman Vice Chairman Member Member Member Dawn Idema, Secretary to the Z.B.A. TAPE RECORDER DID NOT WORK Mr. Sasser: Called meeting to order. Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, N.Y. �-14'HDVED JAN 2 5 1"4 h 0 OfIA01 it; Mr. Richter: Made a presentation of the proposed variances he is applying for. Taco Bell has received Planning Board Approval on the site plan. Submitted a photo for the public hearing to Mr. Sasser. 3 VARIANCES Mr. Bitterlich: I make a motion to declare the Zoning Board of Appeals Lead Agency. Mr. Brooker: Second. Vote: All ayes. Mr. Sasser: I make a motion for a Negative Declaration of Significance. PROPOSED REQUIRED VARIANCE REQUESTED 1. SIGN (HEIGHT) 20' HIGH 10' HIGH 10' VARIANCE 2. SIGN (AREA) 50 SQ. FT. 25 SQ. FT. 25 SQ. FT. 3. SIGN (SETBACK) 10' SETBACK 25' SETBACK 15' SETBACK 1. SIGNS (NUMBER) 2 SIGNS 1 SIGN 1 EXTRA SIGN 2. SIGN (SIZE) 3' 9 1/2" 3 FEET 9 1/2" VARIANCE ON 2 SIGNS 1. LIGHTING BEYOND PROPERTY W/I PROPERTY TO ILLUMINATE ENTRANCE LINE LINE WAY FROM SOUTHBOUND RT. 9 Mr. Bitterlich: I make a motion to declare the Zoning Board of Appeals Lead Agency. Mr. Brooker: Second. Vote: All ayes. Mr. Sasser: I make a motion for a Negative Declaration of Significance. ` %W 4.11 WaVpi nger, 2oni nq Boarc Minutes - January 11, 1994 Page 2 Mr. Bitterlich: Second. Roll call: Mr. Brooker: Aye. Mr. Bitterlich: Aye. Mr. Lehigh: Aye. Mr. Hirkala: Abstain Mr. Sasser: Aye. Dawn Idema: Four members vote aye in favor of a Negative Declaration and one abstains until he receives a full packet. DISCUSSION Mr. Hirkala: Not generally in favor of a sign variance unless it is a good cause with some justification_ Mr. Sasser: Agrees. Mr. Brooker: Has a problem with the free standing sign. Mr. Lehigh: Agrees_ Mr. Hirkala: Has a problem with the height and size of the signs. Mr. Brooker: Agrees. Mr. Bitterlich: Has no problem with the lighting as long as it doesn't ,%W interfere with the traffic_ Dawn Idema: New complete packet will be in the mail tomorrow. PUBLIC HEARING WAS SET FOR JANUARY 25, 1994. Mr. Bitterlich: Motion to adjourn. Mr. Sasser: Second. Vote: All ayes. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Dawn Idema, Secretary Zoning Board of Appeals