1995-03-28'"own of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals +tarch 28, 1995 Agenda - 7:30 P.M. Approval of February 28, 1995 minutes. ADJOURNED PUBLIC HEARINGS Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, N.Y. M 1. Appeal #1175 - At the request of CLY Realty Corp. who is seeking two (2) variances of Article IV, Section 412 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Wappinger to allow the issuance of two (2) variances of two lots which do not have legal frontage on a town road. The property is located on Smithtown Road and is identified as Tax Grid ##19-6257-03-092038-00 and ##19-6257-03-030050-00 in the Town of Wappinger. The Zoning Board of Appeals has declared itself Lead Agency and has made a Negative Declaration of Significance for this project on October 11, 1994 as there will be no environmental impacts with regard to this appeal. 2. Appeal #1188 - At the request of Alpine Co. of Poughkeepsie who is seeking a variance from Article IV, Section 416.62 where you are requesting a 72 sq. ft. sign where 25 sq. ft. is allowed, requireing a 47 sq. ft. variance to place in the enterence way of property located be on Route 9 and identified as Tax Grid ##19-6157-02-707773-00 in the Town of Wappinger. 3. Appeal 41189 - At the request of Alpine Co. of Poughkeepsie who is seeking a variance from Article IV, Section 416.61 where you are requesting 4 - 33 sq. ft. for a total of 396 sq. ft. where you are only allowed 150 sq. ft., thus requiring a variance of 246 sq. ft. on the west of the building located on Route 9 and identified as Tax Grid##19-6157-02-707773-00 in the Town of Wappinger. DISCUSSION Spain Oil Co. - Discuss Appeal ##1196 requesting a 3.5' front -yard setback from the state highway line for a proposed overhead canopy over existing gasoline dispensers. The property is located at 1882 Route 376, in the Town of Wappinger. n Town of Wappinger Zoning Board Amended Agenda - March 28, 1995 sw Page 2 Appeal #1194 - At the request of Pizzacalli Development Co. who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 422.25 where you are required to maintain 0.2 maximum floor area ratio and you requesting 0.4 floor area ratio, thus requiring a 0.2 floor ratio on property located on Myers Corners Road and identified as Tax Grid ##19-6258-03-350303-00 in the Town of Wappinger. Appeal#1195 - At the request of Pizzacalli Development Co. who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 472 where you are required to have 372 parking spaces and you are proposing 259 parking spaces, thus requiring a variance of 113 parking spaces on property located on Myers Corners Road and is identified as Tax Grid ##19-6258-03-350303-00 in the Town of Wappinger. Spain oil Co. - Discuss Appeal 01196 requesting a 3.5' front -yard setback from the state highway line for a proposed overhead canopy over existing gasoline dispensers. The property is located at 1882 Route 376, in the Town of Wappinger. L Town of Wappinger March 28, 1995 inutes Members Present Zoning Board of Appeals Mr. Sasser: Chairman Mr. Lehigh: Member Mr. Prager: Member Mr. Fanuele: Member Mr. diPierno: Member Others Present Mr. Levenson, Zoning Administrator Mrs. Nguyen, Secretary to the Z.B.A. M Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, N.Y. �f -Ru" 1i E APR 111995 PLANNING BOARD 1 Mr. Sasser: I call the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting for March 28, 1995 to order. Would the clerk please call the roll? ROLL CALL: Mr. Fanuele: Here. Mr. Prager: Here. Mr. Lehigh: Here. Mr. diPierno: Here. Mr. Sasser: Here. Mr. Levenson: Mr. Chairman, all present. "Imr. Sasser: Ladies and gentlemen, for those of you who are not familiar with the building there are fire exits to the side and fire exits to the rear. If you go through the rear doors, every hallway leads to an outside door. There is also no smoking allowed in the building. We ask you please don't smoke in the restrooms or the hallways. Please go outside. The first item on the agenda tonight are the minutes of February 28th. Everybody has received a copy? Is there any discussion? Mr. Prager: I move that we accept the minutes as written. Mr. Lehigh: Second. Vote: All ayes. Mr. Sasser: The first thing I would like to do tonight is welcome our new Board member, Gerald diPierno. Gerald has been involved in the Town for a long time and we welcome him as our newest member. He was appointed by the Town Board this year. First item on the agenda tonight is an adjourned public hearing. Appeal ##1175, at the request of CLY Realty Corn. who is seeking two variances of Article IV, Section 412 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Wappinger to allow the issuance of two variances of two lots, which do not have legal frontage on a Town Road. The property is located on Smithtown Road and is identified as Tax Grids ##19-6257-03-092038-00 and 19-6257-03-030050-00 in the Town of Wappinger. -',e Zoning Board of Appeals has declared itself Lead Agency and has made a ative Declaration of Significance for this project on October 11, 1994 as there will be no environmental impacts with regard to this appeal. z 9 Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 1 Mr. Levenson: Mr. Chairman, the only thing that was added to this file was a letter of March 13th from Mr. Foster who is the Highway Superintendant as per the request of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Sasser: Mr. Foster has clarified, I think something that was of concern to us in that he has been referring all along to Driveway Specifications, not Highway Specifications. Also, I spoke today with the Fire Inspector with regard to his concerns. His concern was the grade that was at one point maybe 20%. He said that he has been assured that it is going to be under 15% and he is satisfied with that and he is also satisfied with the idea of the roadway meeting Driveway Specification, but would like to see it wider than the Driveway Specifications in order to accommodate emergency vehicles. Mr. Prager: How much wider would he like to see it? Mr. Sasser: He didn't indicate how much wider he would like to see it. He said he would like to see it up to Driveway Specifications, but just wider. All of his other concerns have been alleviated. Mr. Adams, am I correct that you no longer wanted to have a deed restriction where it could not be subdivided, but in lieu of that, wanted it simply that in order for it to be subdivided in the future it would have to come back before the Boards again? fir. Adams: Your Board in addition to the Planning Board, right. So, there would be an additional hurdle for the applicant to address at that point and time. He would not have it as of right. Mr. Lehigh: Mr. Chairman, should we open the public hearing again since we are discussing the case? Mr. Sasser: Yes, why don't we make a motion to open the public hearing? Mr. Lehigh: So moved. Mr. Prager: Second. Mr. Sasser: In addition to that, we spoke with Al Roberts who has indicated that he found the form of the maintenance agreement acceptable, with the exception that he thought that perhaps the arbitrator in any dispute in the future would not be necessarily Graham Foster, but it could also be someone that he designated as well that would take it out of his hands. Mr. Adams: I spoke to Mr. Foster and he indicated that he wishes to have absolutely no role in that matter at all. I would suggest simply the deletion of that one sentence. I was looking for an easy dispute resolution mechanism, but I can't identify any other person who would be obably satisfactory to the Board. It is not necessary for that type of reement to have built within it what I call dispute resolution mechanism. That could be deleted and the other provisions would still be just as valid as they were. M Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 2 Mr. Sasser: That sounds even better to me because the Town doesn't have to be involved in any dispute at all then. Mr. Lehigh: Another words, you don't have any agreement at all then? Mr. Sasser: They have an agreement except what we had talked about before, was if there was a dispute among the people who own the lots that Graham Foster or someone he designated would be the one to resolve that dispute. Now, we are taking the Town out of it. Mr. Adams: The last sentence in paragraph 4 would simply be deleted. Mr. Lehigh: Another words, we are right back to the subdivision without the subdivision? Mr. Adams: No, I am only proposing to delete one sentence. Mr. Lehigh: I understand that, but you were proposing before to limit the number of lots that could be developed and you had that in your presentation before and now that is gone. Mr. Adams: No, you misunderstood what we are talking about Mr. Lehigh. That prevision remains. The only provision that I suggest deleting is the mntence that says, "In the event there is disagreement as to whether ajor repairs or a repair is necessary, the determination of the Highway Superintendant or his assignee will be binding." I am simply suggesting that one sentence be deleted, otherwise the agreement would remain in full force in effect. Mr. Lehigh: I interrupted you saying that you was going to come back here if ... Mr. Sasser: That is two different things. We are now talking about the maintenance agreement. That is one thing and we are talking about taking the Towns arbitration responsibility out. On the other issue, at one point and time, we had talked about requiring there be a deed restriction. In lieu of that, we had talked about that a couple of meetings ago. They were not willing to have that in there because of the fact they can't subdivide anyway without coming back before the Board. Mr. Adams: I suggested that we enlarge the threshold .. Mr. Lehigh: We were discussing that and that was going to be part of an agreement and he was going to submit that to the Town Attorny to see if that was all right to do and the wording of it was right. Mr. Sasser: Correct me if I am wrong, a couple of meetings ago, you withdrew that? 60. Adams: Yes, and it is very simple in concept. First, he would come to the Zoning Board and demonstrate that in fact the roadway would be adequate for whatever purpose then intended. I don't want to speculate M Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 3 now as to .. this may never happen, but it should be viewed based upon the circumstances then existing. You may say, "No, that roadway is not adequate." I mean you have given a very thorough review this time, you can certainly give it a thorough review if it ever comes before you a second time. Mr. Fanuele: Why should we set something in place that keeps coming back? Mr. Sasser: I think it gives us more control that way. Mr. Adams: That was the whole object. Mr. Sasser: It gives the Town more control for them to keep coming back. That way we can stop it or question the subdivision in the future. Mr. Fanuele: This was started before I was on the Board. From what I have heard so far on this, I don't see why ..... reoccurrence. Mr. Adams: It might be good because you have a new member on the Board, simply go back to where we began because this application has been pending for sometime. We have four lots. Two are on a road and two are behind the two on the road and they are landlocked. The key thing you need to keep in mind is that those two lots are landlocked. They were landlocked ��,-"ior to January 29, 1963. That is a key date because that is when the gown first adopted a Zoning ordinance. It was only then that you required frontage on a public street. Now, the ample case for this is quite frankly that where I have a landlocked parcel, which was created again, and this is important, before zoning became applicable, before people understood that there were certain standards that they had to satisfy. If you were to deprive the owner now of access that is a taking. Mr. Fanuele: When was this piece of property subdivided to make it landlocked? Mr. Adams: Prior to January 1963. As far as I can sort it out, between 1960 and 1962, these lots were created as separate lots. You have a letter from the assessor to that effect. In fact I have an old tax map in here .. Mr. Yannitelli: They were bought from different people. Mr. Sasser: They were subdivided and landlocked at that time. At that point and time there wasn't a Town Ordinance that required that they have the frontage. Mr. Fanuele: I haven't seen anything in front of me that says this was 4 lots back in 1963. Mr. Sasser: Yes, we had that before you came on to the Board. That was ven to us. Mr. Adams: I can give it to you again. 1 In Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 --k Page 4 Mr. Levenson: Give it to him. Mr. Adams: I have a tax map to the same effect. You have the deeds in the file. Mr. Fanuele: ..... and you are saying these were four lots before then and you are going to resubdivide this whole thing? Mr. Adams: No, I am not resubdividing any lot. That is a misunderstanding. Mr. Sasser: He is only looking for a driveway. Mr. Adams: I am only looking for a driveway to an existing lot that was separately purchased. Keep in mind, four lots, four deeds. Separate and continuous ownership as to each separate parcel. Mr. Sasser: No further subdivision is being requested. Mr. Adams had presented us with copies of the deeds for the properties showing us when they were .... back in 1963 or 1964. Mr. Prager: One was done in May 1964 and the other one was September of 62. Fanuele: I would have to abstain from any further discussion because he only thing I have here shows one map with one piece of property and that is all I can go on. Mr. Sasser: With regard to this matter I would think it is appropriate that both, you probably should abstain as well because this has been going back since November and Mr. diPierno as well. He certainly wasn't in on any of the discussion. It has been going on for months and months now. Mr. Adams: Just to clarify the concern, there is no request right now for resubdivision. We simply want access to two interior landlocked lots_ Incidentily, on the issue of width, I can offer something for consideration just by citing your Driveway Specification within your Highway Specifications doesn't address width. The Town of Philipstown has a very interesting open development area. They have made the whole Town an open development area, which means quite frankly that none of those lots within the Town have to be within or on a public road. They also have created a fairly, what i would deem careful and sophisticated standard in term of roadways that are necessary in order to satisfy concerns of access for emergency vehicles. I will hand up to the Board for the record only for consideration as an example of what another Town has done. I am not asking for departure from the Town Highway/Driveway Specifications in terms of grades or the condition of the surface of the road. We are going to observe the existing specifications that are applicable to this subdivision under the Highway/Driveway Specifications. . Sasser: This is probably something and I would be happy to ..... and it will be more properly submit to the Town Board for when they go through their revamping of the Zoning Ordinance. Herb, what is the width of the road that is Town Specs.? Mr. Levenson: 24 feet. Mr. Sasser: For a highway? Mr. Levenson: 24 feet. Mr. Sasser: How about a driveway? 24 on a highway? Mr. Levenson: On a highway. 4 Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 5 There is no width requirement. It is Mr. Sasser: When you put this driveway in and you build it up to Town Driveway Specs., how would you feel about increasing the width? Mr. Lehigh, the fire apparatus was your major concern. Is that correct? Mr. Lehigh: When we discussed this last month with the Fire Prevention Bureau, they told us that they would not have enough room on that driveway to get apparatus in there. It is not just a question of driving one fire truck in there. On the first response on that, you probably have 3 trucks plus you have 30 volunteers with their own cars coming in there and you take that in the middle of the winter with six inches of snow on the around and this has grade to it in the back ... Mr. Sasser: They are going to keep the grade under 15% now. They have agreed to do that. Mr. Lehigh: Either way, try to get a vehicle in like that to try to save somebodies life, you are not only putting the firemen in jeopardy, but you are putting the people in the house in jeopardy. Mr. Sasser: At that meeting, did they make a recommendation as to the width of the road? Mr. Lehigh: They were going to get back to us with a letter and I had discussed this with Mark Liebermann before and they didn't want it and tonight is the first time that I heard from you that now they want it and you had a discussion with Mark. Mr. Sasser: Today I did. However, he did indicate that he wanted to see the road wider. Am I correct, that was your major concern? Mr. Lehigh: That is one of the concerns plus the fact that you put a vehicle in there that weighs 25 to 30 tons, what are you going to do with that vehicle if he puts down one inch of blacktop or two inches of blacktop or three inches, you will be through that like nothing. If you don't have the surface built beneath it. That is why the Town Road Specifications are so stringent. Sasser: The Highway Specifications you are talking about? Mr. Lehigh: Right, that is why they are so stringent as to provide that access. M Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 6 Mr. Sasser: Graham Foster has given us a letter saying that he was satisfied with Driveway Specs. and Mark Liebermann said the same thing. Mr. Lehigh: Only with the grade. Mr. Sasser: No, that is not what it says. This is the letter from Graham Foster dated March 13th. "My intent was that the driveway must meet the driveway which appears in the Highway Specs." Mr. Lehigh: I talked to him personally and what he was talking about was grade. There is nothing else covered in the Highway Specs. on driveways. So, there is nothing else he could want. I talked to him personally. Mr. Adams: I would like to submit a letter I have from Gray, Railing and Heinsman on this issue. Mr. Sasser: Is that the December 13th letter? Mr. Adams: Not on specifications specifically. This letter indicates that if we were to have to build an interior road to meet the Highway Specifications, when I say Highway I don't mean Driveway, but simply the Highway Specifications. Quite frankly the cost of that road would be greater than the value of those two lots. I can measure the value of Yose lots very simply. I have a current contract of sale for one of hose two lots for $35,000. Quite frankly to put a roadway in at Highway Specifications according to Mr. Railings letter it would cost me $70,000. You have made those lots using those standards valueless. Mr. Lehigh: Let me give you my feeling on that. You have plenty of land in there that you could come up with more than 4 lots. If you put a road in there it can be developed so you could have more than the lots because of the acreage. Mr. Sasser: That is not what his application is for Mr. Lehigh. Mr. Adams: I have no interest in resubdividing those lots and you can't impose that on me I don't believe as a standard. Mr. Sasser: It appears to me that the Town Engineer has indicated that he doesn't have a problem with it and in my opinion the Highway Superintendant doesn't seem to have a problem with it. The only matter that has been brought up, anybody in the Town has a concern is from the Fire Inspector. He would like to see it a little bit wider. I believe failure to grant relief in this is a taking of the land and I don't see, I don't have any problem with doing it whatsoever with some of the restrictions that we had talked about in the past meetings. I don't believe that we should deny an applicant the use of his land. Especially something that wasn't created with their knowledge that they were going to ' ve a problem. This was subdivided in 1963 and there was no ordinance at at time that said that they would have any problem. The law was in enacted later then that and for us to not grant the relief is taking their land. I think that requiring that they build a road that is going to cost Om In n Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 7 them according to Mr. Railings estimate in his March 28th letter, $175 dollars a foot is the same as taking his land. What I am concerned with is an experts testimony or an opinion as to the width of the road and fire equipment and I am concerned about the width of that driveway. I would like to see it where everyone is in agreement that the road width would provide adequate protection to anybody living back there should there be a fire or an emergency in the winter or if somebodies car was blocking it. I would like to see them be able to get back in there. Do you have any specifications on how this road is proposed? How this driveway is proposed? Mr. Adams: I have no specifications per say .. I would make one suggestion. I would like to bring this matter to a closure. If we can get an agreement to all the other items I can attempt to go back to Mr. Railing. As you know, this matter has been going on and on. It needs to be brought to an end. I know a fire truck for example is 8 feet in .... I am not suggesting a road of 8 and 16 feet, because I don't think you need a road of 16 feet to accommodate a fire truck. I certainly think you need 10 to 12 feet. That is my nonprofessional suggestion. Certainly, it needs to accommodate, keep in mind this is a driveway, this is not for parking. So, we need a roadway with an adequate width to permit that truck to pass up or back. "~ Lehigh: It would be nice if it could turn around and come back too. Mrs. Smith: Can you do that in your driveway? Mr. Lehigh: My driveway isn't half a mile long. Mr. Adams: This is 500 and some feet, Mr. Lehigh. Mr. Fanuele: Can you fit two trucks side by side on your driveway? The trucks arrive at different times. The one that is needed may not be the closest there then, it has to pass to get put to where the fire is. so, you need some type of two way traffic. Mr. Adams: I wouldn't double the width simply for an event that may never happen. If the shoulders are adequately graded and the truck has the ability to use the roadway for it's primary course, I think you are imposing to much of a cost for something that might happen once, or twice or may never happen. Mr. Fanuele: .. Your talking about adequate shoulders. Mr. Adams: Maybe some consideration should be given to the shoulders in addition to perhaps 8 feet is sufficient for a roadway so long as you have shoulders on both side of say four feet. Again, that is a nonprofessional Sasser: Before we go on, I would like to see if there is anybody here night who would like to speak with regard to this matter either for or against? M n Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 8 Mrs. Smith: I would like to agree with him that this should come to an end. I have been reading it for months and months. I don't believe that they need to have a roadside driveway so that the fire truck can turn around. You can not turn around in my driveway and I have a bigger driveway than most. You couldn't turn around in Mr. Lehigh's driveway. You probably couldn't turn around in any of your driveways. I have seen the fire trucks come. They come one at a time and they line up in back of each other. Just as they did last night at Medicus and they have plenty of room for them to turn around. I really think you should look into bringing this to an end. Mr. Sasser: Thank you Mrs. Smith. Is there anyone else that would like to speak? Mrs. Yannitelli: Jeanette Yannitelli. Route 9D, Garrison, New York. My son belongs to the Garrison Fire Department. My husband belongs to the fire company. My brother-in-law is a retired fireman from New York also active in the Garrison unit. To build a Town road for the trucks to go in there, I don't think is necessary. We have people that want those lots. They live in Wappinger now and they want to build a new house in Wappinger and they want to be a resident here and pay taxes here. They are getting tired of waiting as we are too. As I said we should be fairly dealt with. I appreciate your time. %W. Sasser: Thank you Mrs. Yannitelli. Is there anyone else who would like to speak? Can I have a motion to close the public hearing? Mr. Prager: I make a motion that we close the public hearing. Mr. Lehigh: Second. Vote: All ayes. Mr. Sasser: I would like to make a motion that we grant the relief sought with the restrictions that the road be constructed that together with shoulders there be 16 feet in width. That the maintenance agreement that has been proposed deleting paragraph 4 be included. I don't think we have to put anything else in there. That is my motion. Do I have a second? Mr. Prager: Second. ROLL CALL: Mr. Fanuele: I abstain. Mr. Prager: Aye. Mr. Lehigh: Aye. Mr. diPierno: I abstain. Mr. Sasser: Aye. Mr. Sasser: I would like to add to that based on the variance for the record that my motion was made because I don't think that this is going to be a detriment to any nearby properties and I don't think it is going to change the characteristics of the neighborhood. I don't see any feasible thod which has been demonstrated by the applicant due to the cost of the adway. I don't find this to be a substantial variance. Relief has been granted. It will be filed with the Town Clerk within five days. The next item on the agenda is appeal ##1188. At the request of Alpine Co. of Poughkeepsie who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 416.62 where Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 9 you are requesting a 72 sq. ft. sign where 25 sq. ft. is allowed, requiring a 47 sq. ft. variance to be placed in the entrance way of property located on Route 9 and identified as Tax Grid #19-6257-02-707773-00 in the Town of Wappinger. I would just like to ask Mr. diPierno, are you familiar with the .. have you read the minutes? Do you feel that with the knowledge that you have you can participate in this fairly? Mr. diPierno: Yes. Mr. Sasser: The second thing I would like to bring up is that we have not made a SEQR determination on this. We had asked to hold it. The SEQR provision, which we are asked to consider when we make our determination, is to determine whether there is going to be a significant impact on the environment with regard to this. I don't think that the pylon sign that we are talking about out front is something that is going to be a major impact with regard to SEQR. This is a very minor thing. I think we can get SEQR out of the way. Does anybody have any other ..? Mr. Fanuele: I still think we should delay whether this is going to be an impact or not. It is very clear to me that it's a visual impact. I would like to see more done before we make that determination. '*r. Sasser: I agree there is perhaps some visual impacts, but I think %04's minor enough where SEQR really doesn't come into play. I would like to make a motion that we Negative Dec. it. Mr. Prager: Second. ROLL CALL: Mr. Fanuele: Nay. Mr. Prager: Aye. Mr. Lehigh: Nay. Mr. diPierno: Aye. Mr. Sasser: Aye. Mr. Sasser: We have adopted a Negative Dec. on SEQR. Mr. Kellogg: At the last meeting the recommendation was made to get the input of the Planning Board and also to speak to the D.O.T.. We spoke to the D.O.T. about cutting trees down. The D.O.T. will not allow any trees of 6 inches or greater to be cut down. They discourage any trees to be cut down, but they will accept a request to cut trees down 5 inches or less. They do not give any indication as to what they would allow. They referred it back to the Planning Board as well. They thought it was really for them to consider it for site plan review. We went in front of the Planning Board and the Planning Board on March 22nd ... Mr. Sasser: Let me just stop you for a second and get a motion just for technicality. Mr. Lehigh: I motion that we reopen. Sl�. diPierno: Second. Vote: All ayes_ Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 10 Mr. Sasser: I am sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your train of thought. Mr. Kellogg: The Planning Board last Monday night, which was March 20th, made a unanimous recommendation that the request be granted for the relocation of the pylon sign. So, that it is closer to Route 9 and would include raising it by 4 feet and adding the Alpine Commons identification across the top. I believe that memo has been distributed. Mr. Sasser: Everybody have a copy of that as well? Mr. Fanuele: At that meeting, the question came up that once you raise that sign, one of the reasons for raising it is that you want to put underneath that additional signage? Is that correct? Mr. Kellogg: No, the reason we want to raise it is that it is too low to the ground right now. That is the reason why we want to raise it. They asked me the question, "If you get a couple more tenants in there is there the possibility that you are going to want to add another tenant or two underneath B.J.'s and Stop & Shop?" I said, "Yes, there is that possibility." That is not the reason we are raising the sign. The reason -'s strictly for visibility right now. kw Mr. Fanuele: What about just raising it in the location that it is now? Mr. Kellogg: You can't see it because of all the trees driving northbound and the high ridges. Southbound you can't see it because of all the trees. Mr. Sasser: There is very little visibility there. I agree whole heartedly. Mr. Kellogg: You just can't see it. I don't know how else to prove it. I have given pictures_ Mr. Sasser: You know we are competing with neighboring Towns. In the Town of Fishkill we have almost the same setup down there with Sam's. It is visible and you see it for miles a round. In my opinion, this is a big tax base in Wappinger. I think it is very difficult to see when you are coming up Route 9. I don't think it is incumbent on you to ask D.O.T. to cut trees down. That is their property. You shouldn't be going to somebody else asking them to cut them down. You don't have any identification on that plaza that it is Alpine Shopping Center. I think it needs identifications. It needs an identity. I think that more signage would bring more customers in as evidenced by the two letters that were provided to us. I presume everybody has a copy from Stop & Shop and B.J.'s that their biggest complaint is people who can't find it? I think need this signage to help this plaza stay in business. Mr. Kellogg: Another thing I would like to reiterate again is the tax base. Right now, our ability to lease out this vacant 38,000 foot building is based on proper identification which is moving this pylon sign. You can verify it with Tom Logan. Tom Logan has this on the M M Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 11 assessment rolls at a reduced cost bases, when he does everything else on income. Therefore, it is basically a negligible assessment that is on this building right now and it will be negligible again this year because we don't have a tenant. Where Stop & Shop and B.J.'s, it is based on the income approach and there is a sizeable assessment. I think maybe outside of the Pizzagalli building we are the biggest taxpayer in Town. That tax revenue will only go up once we get this leased out. I know it is not the same application and I know there was concern about the building signage that was under review. The Planning Boards recommendation as part of giving unanimous approval here was to reserve any decision on the building signage. I have discussed that with Stop & Shop and B.J.'s. The consensus is that we will table that for now. We will give you a good presentation on what the face of that building will look like. Stop & Shop and B.J.'s sign, even if it means waiting until we know who the retail tenant is and we can show you the real facts on who that tenant would be. Mr. Sasser: The last meeting we asked you to go back to your tenants and have them provide us with documentation that customer complaints were a very big problem there and you did that. We also asked that you go back before the Planning Board and get their recommendation and you have done that. In my opinion, you have done everything that we have asked for and am very satisfied. You also contacted D.O.T., that was the third thing, %Od got their opinion on the way that it should be done. I am completely satisfied. You have done everything that we have asked you to do and I certainly see a need for this and I am definitely in favor of it. I would like to ask if there is anyone here in the public who would like to speak with regard to this matter? Mrs. Smith: I personally agree that the sign should be changed because I know because I have the opportunity of getting the accidents that happen through out the Town. There is a lot of rear end type accidents mainly because this sign seems to come up and people stop quick to turn. The accident rate should go down if the sign is moved. I think that every plaza should be identified. When a new person comes into the area and they say, "Well, where is Alpine Plaza?" No one would know because there is no sign. Also, I don't know how the fire company calls it, but if the fire company had a call at Alpine Plaza, if they are all familiar with it, fine, but if it is marked it is much better. It is a safety feature as well. I think cutting down trees is totally out of line. I don't want trees cut down. If anything we fight to get trees planted. I tried to get a Tree Law and I wasn't successful at that, but I will keep trying. I really think that this should be encouraged because we need the business and they are a very good tax base for us. They are good people to work with. They are community spirited and I don't think there is a problem. Mr. Fanuele: #1198? Sasser: Yes, that is the next one. As soon as we get to it they are ing to withdraw it_ Mr. Lehigh: I would just like to go on record as reiterating the statement that I made before that you are still going to have a problem n n Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 12 with those trees. As long as those trees are there you are going to have trouble with that sign because those trees are not going to stop growing. They are going to grow and you are going to try to move that thing out in the middle of Route 9. Mr. Fanuele: I believe that he agreed that the area will be cleaned up and the brush would be removed? Mr. Kellogg: We have already cleaned up all of the debris since our last meeting that was in there. D.O.T. will get around to it someday, but we took the responsibility to do it. It is also the D.O.T.'s obligation that they have to keep this right hand turn lane free, not just way over head, but there has to be a vertical line going up from the edge of the pavement and nothing can grow over into that driveway. We will be the first to complain to the D.O.T. if they are not maintaining it properly and we will just take it upon ourself to do it. Mr. Lehigh: You definitely can't see anything going north in the northbound lane. You can't see that sign at all now. Mr. Kellogg: That is what I have been saying. "r. Lehigh: I can understand some relief, but I don't agree with the way u are proposing to get it. You definitely need something. Mr. Kellogg: We don't have any other choice. There is no other ... Mr. Sasser: The public has spoken with regard and we have even mentioned the tax base and so forth. Unfortunately, that is not an issue that we are really allowed to consider in making our decision. There are several things and you probably know what they are because we have talked about them before and I just want to go over them again for the record and how I feel about it. That is a commercial piece of property and it is on Route 9. There is commercial signs all up and down. It is not facing any residential property, the signs that we are talking about. We have to consider if this request is going to be detrimental to nearby properties? I see no detriment whatsoever. Is it going to make a undesirable change in that neighborhood? It's not going to make any change in the neighborhood whatsoever as far as I am concerned. Is there another method that you could get the benefit without having to do this? Well, there are other methods. That is asking somebody who owns land that you don't own to cut some trees down. That is not necessarily a possibility. I don't see any other method of doing that. Is the request very substantial? I don't think anybody would say it is substantial because you will have almost the same sign, a few feet higher then you have right now. Is the difficulty self-created? No, that piece of property, the typography is such that you just can't see the plaza. You drive down Route 9 and you see a lot of brush and a lot of trees and a lot of white on the tip of the ilding up there, but you really can't tell that there is a shopping nter back up there. South Hill's Mall in the Town of Poughkeepsie has almost the same setup. They have big signs out on Route 9 to identify where the South Hill's Mall is just for the same reasons. Those are the five things that we have to consider. Just for the Boards information, I think the applicant certainly meets all five of them. Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 13 Mr. Fanuele: The other question that came up about straddling the sewer line. Did you locate the sewer line? Mr. Kellogg: The Town has a sewer easement that goes through our property and across the driveway. I have to work out a location to make sure that we are not intruding on anything that Jay Paggi has there. So, I will sit down with Jay and .. I think what we have done is gone from one side of the sewer easement to the other. Mr. Lehigh: But, you don't know that for sure? Mr. Kellogg: I have to fine tune that with Jay. Our records, that is what it shows. Jay just brought that comment up. Mr. Prager: I motion that we close the public hearing. Mr. diPierno: Second. Vote: All ayes_ Mr. Lehigh: I make a motion that he be granted relief for the pylon sign .-nd being able to move it and raise it. Mr. Prager: Second. Mr. Fanuele: Can we add something to that? That it does not straddle the sewer lines. That the sign does not straddle the sewer line. Mr. Levenson: That will be in the resolution. Mr. Fanuele: In the resolution that Mr. Lehigh has suggested? Mr. Sasser: Do you want to add that to your resolution? Mr. Kellogg: Or that it is in a location that is acceptable to Jay? Mr. Sasser: I think that would probably be more appropriate, a location acceptable to the Town Engineer? Is that O.K. Mr. Lehigh? Mr. Lehigh: Yes. ROLL CALL: Mr. Fanuele: Aye. Mr. Prager: Aye. Mr. Lehigh: Aye. Mr. diPierno: Aye. Mr. Sasser: Aye. Mr. Sasser: Appeal ##1189 at the request of Alpine Co. of Poughkeepsie who is seeking a variance from Article IV, Section 416.61 where you are uesting 4 - 33 sq. ft. for a total of 396 sq. ft. where you are only lowed 150 sq. ft., thus requiring a variance of 246 sq. ft. on the west of the building located on Route 9 and identified as Tax Grid ##19-6157-02-707773-00 in the Town of Wappinger. Herb, I think that needs to be rewritten because that is still written for the four signs and it M LM Wappinger zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 14 was reduced to two signs. So, that will probably have to be rewritten. I don't think it has to be republished because we are going for less of a variance instead of more of a variance. Mr. Kellogg: Will we table that now? Is that what .. Mr. Sasser: Yes, I just read it because there may be somebody here. It is my understanding that you want to adjourn this matter to an open date? Mr. Kellogg: To an open date. The first thing we will do is work with the tenants and develop a plan that we'll present to you and present it to the Planning Board_ Mr. Sasser: Can I have a motion from someone to adjourn this to a date uncertain? Mr. Prager: I make a motion that we adjourn this. Mr. Fanuele: Second. Vote: All ayes. *•--. Sasser: That ends the public portion of the meeting tonight. On for scussion is Appeal ##1192. At the request of Pizzagalli Development Co. Mrs. Smith: They are in my conference room. I will go get them. Mr. Sasser: Is there someone here from Spain? Mr. Levenson: This is Ms. Liv Brakewood. She is the engineer that is representing S -Pain Oil Co. and their application. Ms. Brakewood: Here I will give you my card. Mr. Sasser: Ms. Brakewood, just so you know, this is not a public hearing. So, it is not a matter of facts and so forth. We just want to get a general idea of what you are looking for so we could tell you what other information we might need before the night of the public hearing. We don't really want to get into trying the issues tonight. We just briefly want to hear what it is you want to do so we will know .. Ms. Brakewood: They have an existing gas station up here. Recently Spain oil purchased it and he opened up as Sunoco. If you look carefully this is the main building that you repair ..... out here is a concrete island that has the two gasoline dispensers on it. Mr. Sasser: The existing pumps are there now? Brakewood: Yes, they are. They would like to put an overhead canopy Wer it and that is his whole application. We are however in the front -yard dispenser islands tend to be in front -yard and in this case there is actually sort of three front -yards to think of. One is the typical front -yard at 25 feet that you are supposed to have and we are Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 15 nowhere near that. The setback for the canopy would only be three and a half feet. Dispenser islands are only about fifteen or so, sixteen feet back from the actual front property line. In addition, it is a state highway. State highways are required to be 75 feet back in this zone according to your code plus it says 50 feet from the center line on the street. So, the strictest of them all is 70 feet, 5 feet back from the state highway line and we will only be 3 1/2 feet. Mr. Sasser: There is a couple of things that I would want to see. Number one, is the concern by D.O.T. about sight distance on New Hackensack Road. Ms. Brakewood: I was there this evening just to double check it and the big concern here is something that won't be a concern because we are putting a overhead canopy, the minimum clearance underneath it is 14 feet. Mr. Sasser: Have you spoken to D.O.T.? Ms. Brakewood: No, I haven't, but I got the letter and not only do I have pictures here, I went to the site to double check too. It is something that won't be in your line of vision because it is higher than your line of vision. . Sasser: You have all of the specs on the height and ... Ms. Brakewood: The height spec is on there, minimum 14 feet. Yes, there is a standard otherwise you can't get emergency vehicles in and based on the federal highway .. Mr. Prager: Would we be able to get something from the D.O.T. on that? Ms. Brakewood: That they are going to go out and back again? Mr. Prager: Yes. Ms. Brakewood: I can call them. Mr. Prager: If you could, I would like to see something. Ms. Brakewood: Call D.O.T. and have them check. Mr. Fanuele: The columns that are holding this up, are they in line with the pumps? Ms. Brakewood: They are on either side of the pump, align with the pumps. So, there isn't any interferance either. The one here is the one furthest .... as you can see, it is pretty much in line with the building and all of the trees and stuff that is here. So, that doesn't effect ght line at all. You are really far back. In this direction, this is ere the problems are. It is where the dispensers are anyway. There's houses here that are just about as close. Mr. Sasser: I think that would satisfy me. Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 16 Mr. Fanuele: Is the overhead going to be lit or just the lights coming down? Or signage on the side? Ms. Brakewood: No, I don't have signs on it because we have already gone over signs and I don't think we are allowed more signs than what they are working on right now. I don't have any signs on the canopy as specified. As you see these are hanging down lower than they really are, but it is to emphasis. We usually for this size canopy put 4 canopy under lights underneath it and they go down so it would be very well lit underneath it. That is for obvious safety reasons, but they do not point out into the traffic. Mr. Levenson: Mr. Chairman, so that you know, all of the signs have been approved and corrected. Mr. Sasser: Thank you. Ms. Brakewood: Before I leave, I just want to make sure that I asked for the correct variance since I said there is three different front -yards that I am dealing with. I mainly emphasized the biggest one, which is from the front highway line, 75 feet for state highway and I said 3 1/2 r -et is what we have. I hope that is appropriate. I don't know if I need itemize them all out? Mr. Sasser: Yes, you need to address that. We are the appellate court. You need to address that with Mr. Levenson's office. Ms. Brakewood: O.K., so if he is happy with the wording it is o.k.? Mr. Sasser: Exactly. What you are doing is appealing his denial to us. So, he would be the one that would give you that information properly. Herb will also help you with giving you the information on how to do the public notice and the newspaper. I would like a motion to appoint ourselves Lead Agency. Mr. Prager: I make a motion. Mr. diPierno: Second. Vote: All ayes. Mr. Lehigh: I make a motion for a Negative Dec. Mr. diPierno: Second_ Vote: All ayes. Sasser: Thank you very much. We will set this down for a .. When is e next hearing date Herb? Mr. Fanuele: Do you have to make a motion for a public hearing? Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 17 Mr. Sasser: No, we are just in a workshop now. we have to set it, which I am doing now. Mr. Levenson: 4 weeks from today. Mr. Sasser: Which is? Mrs. Nguyen: She has to have it all in by April 4th for April 25th meeting. Mr. Prager: April 11th. Mr. Lehigh: April 11th. Mr. Sasser: Is April 11th sufficient time for you? Mr. Levenson: No, I won't have time for the legal notice. Mrs. Nguyen: So, it has to be April 25th. Mr. Levenson: April 25th. wSasser: April 25th, Herb? Mr. Levenson: Yes. Mr. Sasser: April 25th is o.k. with you? So, it will be set down for a public hearing on April 25th. Thanks very much. The next item on the agenda tonight for discussion we actually have four appeals which will be coming up. 1192, 1193, 1194 and 1195, all Pizzaaalli Development Co. Since this is just a workshop session I think this should be rather informal. Mrs. Smith: That is why I am here tonight. This of course is the Laerdel project, which I have a lot of interest in. We had a combined meeting with the Planning Board, the Z.B.A. and the Town Board and after that meeting we still did some more work and they disappeared and we thought they were gone. ...... have them come back. I have told them that everything that we had promised them at the time we had the first meeting, we would certainly honor those same things at this time. They expect that they need the variances. I had suggested to them today or yesterday when I talked to them that, even if they didn't need one because they made some changes, that they should go forward and get them instead of waiting until they need them and then come and have to go through this all over again. They hope to be in I think by August, in the building. This is a great asset to the Town and I expect that we will all bend over backwards like we did before. S�Sasser: Did all of the members of the Board receive the February 2nd Itter from Supervisor Smith and Mr. Levenson from the Planning Board. We have a letter from the Town, from the Planning Board and Supervisor urging us to approve all of these variances. Did everyone else get a copy of it? 01 Mr. Prager: 2M I got a copy. Mr. Sasser: Mr. Fanuele, did you get a copy too? only Mr. diPierno doesn't have that_ n Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 18 I would assume that Mrs. Smith: I don't know that Mr. diPierno hasn't gotten it before. You are new, however, you and I have discussed it at various times. Mr. Fanuele: Oh, here it is. Mr. Sasser: I think he is coming in, I mean he hasn't been here for any public hearings. He certainly can be in from the very beginning and participate fully in this. I would appreciate it if someone from Pizzagalli would just very briefly just go over and tell us what all four of these it is that you are looking for. Mrs. Nguyen: If you could just state your name for the record also and spell it? Mr. Mallardi: Mickey Mallardi, I am with CPG Architects. The first request for the sign, I don't know whether any of you recall any of these discussions from a couple of months ago. There are two driveways to the -ate. The first one you reach on the left coming from Route 9, currently entifies one of the IBM buildings. One of the things that we are trying to do here with the shaded building, which is 920 is to try and direct traffic to Laerdel Corporation on the second drive. We thought it would be helpful to everybody so they wouldn't get confused and go down the back drive. To have a sign here saying that Laerdel would be the second left. The second drive is not in sight. There is a rise and than a curve. There is an existing sign at this entrance ..., which is now currently says IBM. It will not really change in size, but just obviously change the information on it. So, the variance that we are really looking for is to add a sign to direct traffic around so that people are not wondering through the rest of the site. Pretty straight forward. Mrs. Smith: Is it going to be on the site or is that actually on the road across the street from the site? Mr. Mallardi: The exact placement is a little bit hard for me to figure from this. (Referring to the drawing.) Mr. Levenson: I believe it is on the site. Mr. Mallardi: I think the existing signs are on the site. Mrs. Smith: Your right, they are_ Mr. Mallardi: I think it keeps it less complicated and we keep it off of e right of way too. Mr. Sasser: You are talking about the westerly driveway too, right? Not the one with the traffic light, the other one? M M Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 19 Mr. Mallardi: Correct, that is where we want to place the sign so that people are not mistakenly turning down that lane. One of the key things that we stated at the time was that Laerdel would like to have their own presence and their own identity from here. It makes more sense that they don't come around the back way through somebody elses driveway and parking lot to do that. That is the first part. The second one again, on this diagram the fully shaded areas is the existing building. At this time we are still looking to purchase this property. Right now, the biggest change is that the current agreement is a lease to buy kind of agreement. I think that is the simplest way to state it. Laerdel will be looking to lease this building co -terms with the IBM .... the next two and a half years and then at that point decide whether we want to purchase it. Initially, we are kind of rolling back our agenda. We don't see a need to make an addition when we are only leasing the area. There may be some other ways to accommodate the space that is needed later on. So, this addition may or may not happen. It is not anything that we are interested in doing right now. So, that is the biggest change from what we were doing before. In any regard, we are still looking, the next two variances deal with the FAR and site coverage. Ms. Smith: Can I just interject here before we go into that? 2 1/2 year lease shouldn't make you nervous because we have a commitment that they ?re going to stay here for years and years and years. Mr. Mallardi: The only thing that may come up in the way of an addition would really be something that we are looking into right now. We have a particular condition on the site where we want to put new truck docks in the rear of the building and that was stated in an outline, some of the work we were hopeful to do. We just found that there might be some underground high voltage lines and rather than to try and relocate the lines we may extend the building out several feet to get the truck docks beyond that line. We are talking about a modest addition of probably 1,000 or 1,500 sq. ft. in the rear corner of the building with all of the setbacks. So, even if that becomes a possibility we would need the variance just to do that because obviously the current ratios really describe the property as it exist. Any addition would go beyond that. Mr. Fanuele: You would put that on where the warehouse was going to be? Mr. Mallardi: The truck docks are to be here and we hope to keep them internal in the building so we are only just changing the face of the building, but there is a high voltage line that runs through the rear of the yard along the back of the building and that might cause us to have to make an addition like this in order to bring the floor over the top of the high voltage lines and then put the truck docks in, which have to go low. You know you have the bed height, in order to make it all work out. Even though we probably don't need the variance for the original purpose of the warehouse, which by the way this looks like this might ... . Sasser: You want to get them ahead of time in case you .. Mr. Mallardi: Yes, we are still investigating what the situation is. We would like to have that flexibility_ Nappinger Zoning Board _ Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 20 Mr. Johnson: The previous zoning for the property was PI? Mrs. Smith: We are in the process of changing that zoning. we are taking care of that .. Mr. Lehigh: Well, when that changes you won't need any of this, right? Mr. Mallardi: The variance would supercede when that is changed, I suppose. Mrs. Smith: But, we need the variances because it is not going to happen that quickly. Mr. Lehigh: The only thing I don't see here for a variance, they are going to manufacture, right? Don't they need something that says they are going to manufacture as an office park? Mrs. Smith: No, it is there if I am right. Mr. Lehigh: It is there? **' . Levenson: Yes. Mr. Mallardi: The fourth one has to do with parking. The projected maximum employment is about 200 people. Currently, there is parking for 372 spaces in these lots .. building 920. They are looking to make some more green spaces here, which we have talked about once before. We would like to take some of these spaces out and do some planting to break up the sheer mass of this lot and give it a nicer character. 259, that would make sense. With visitors total and the projected employee parking that should still be generous. There are a few spots available in the rear of the building that could also be used. Some of the warehouse people would probably park in the rear just for the convenience. Mr. Lehigh: You had said something about the retention pond before. Are you still going to ...? Mr. Mallardi: That is one thing I don't think we are going to try and pursue at all at this point. In fact, one way to get a little more clarification on some of the finer points is Attorney Vergilis at one point had drafted an outline of all the work that we would hope to do. I brought that with me. If you want to go through it point by point, we could show you what remains the same and what we are not doing. If that helps you at all we can run through that point by point. Mr. Lehigh: No, I am just curious because you had mentioned it before. Mallardi: No, I don't think we are going to pursue that at all. Mr. Sasser: I would like to keep it as simple as we can when we go to the public hearing and if that doesn't really pertain to what you are actually asking for .. Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 21 Mr. Mallardi: We can reproduce a drawing here that doesn't show any of this stuff and shows more of what we are thinking about. In fact, part of it .. discuss is what you think is something that should be presented to the public in light of what we are asking for? Would we even want to show an addition here when we are not intending to do it in the near future? Mr. Sasser: I think you have to because you don't need the variance without an addition. I think you have to show it otherwise you wouldn't need a variance at all. Mr. Mallardi: We might show both possible additions because there is a small addition possibly required in the back. Mr. Sasser: At the public hearing you could certainly explain that. This isn't going to go in the newspaper_ Mr. Mallardi: So, we would concentrated on what is shown here without the pond. The pretty well describes the whole .. Mr. Fanuele: How did you arrive at the number of parking spaces that you would use? Is that based on the makeup of the building, manufacturing pacing, office spacing? Mr. Millardi: Mostly, it would be very hard for them to staff more than 200 people or significantly more than 200 people giving the nature of what they have to do there. Unless everything changed .... We have been careful with these projections all the way along. This is what we presented to the state and the economic development people. If they actually needed more than 200 people they would certainly need more space. Mr. Fanuele: The zoning says if you have warehouse space, you need so many parking spaces, so many square feet, manufacturing and office space. If you go through the zoning you come up with a number that you need. Mr. Millardi: You know I did at one point and I would have to tell you frankly more or less ... Mrs. Smith: I think he had more when he did it then what is actually required, but I can't remember the number either. I know we were talking about it early on. Mr. Millardi: it was something I had to do rather subjectively just to make a projection. We knew portions of the building were purely manufacturing assembly and purely warehouse and portions were office space. I made some assumptions at the time. I came up with some number that I don't recall right now. It was something just less than the 372, t possibly not as small as 259. That is the reason for the variance. I 't think we could prove that the new numbers would get us as low as 259 exactly. A lot of it has to do with our projected use ...... to the building more than the actual zoning numbers. Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - March 28, 1995 Page 22 Mr. Fanuele: What we usually do, you know if you come up with a number based on your usage of the building and it comes out say for sake of arguement, 300 spots, you have 250 now, then you have room to expand if necessary later with the extra spaces. Mr. Sasser: You can easily do that with the amount of green area. Just write the wording over that map that says proposed additional parking. Mr. Millardi: O.k., that is the way we could do that. That is certainly the fall back if they needed more parking. Mr. Sasser: I don't think there is any information that I am going to need for the public hearing other than what you had provided. How about you gentlemen? Mr. Prager: No, they have really gone over it. Mr. Lehigh: we have been over this a couple of times. Mrs. Smith: Yes, we almost thought it was here once. Mr. Lehigh: I make a motion for a Negative Dec. . Prager: Second. Vote: All ayes. Mr. Sasser: Any opposed? Mr. Fanuele: I have one question on the pond. Your not going to do the pond? Mrs. Smith: I think they are not going to do the pond until they become owners or something. They kind of put it on the back fire. Mr. Millardi: I think that is really the general reason. just don't make sense at least at this point. Mr. Sasser: April 11th is the public hearing. Mrs. Smith: 7:30 on the 11th. Mr. diPierno: Motion to adjourn. Mr. Lehigh: Second_ Vote: All ayes. ETING ADJOURNED AT 8:30 P.M.. Certain things Respectfully submitted, '0�1>L /" , 2��-� L'nda Nguye ecretary to the Z.B.A. Town of Wappinger