1995-05-23n Town of Wappinger May 23, 1995 Agenda - 7:30 P.M. Approval of May 9, PUBLIC HEARINGS Zoning Board of Appeals 1995 minutes. Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, N.Y. d 1. Appeal #1201 - At the request of Raymond & Diane Samani.ch who its seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 421.6 where you are required to maintain a 20 ft. sideline and you are showing a 18.5, thus requiring a 1.5 ft. variance on property located at I Sylvia Drive and is identified as Tax Grid ##19-6257-02-790729-00 in the Town of Wappinger. 2. Appeal #1202 - At the request of Guardian Self Storage who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 422.25 where you are allowed 75% maximum impervious surface and you are showing 83% maximum impervious surface, thus requiring a 85� variance for lot coverage on property located at 2021 Route 9 and is identified as Tax Grid #99-6156-02-753949-00 in the Town of Wappinger. M Ln Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals May 23, 1995 Minutes Members Present Mr. Sasser: Chairman Mr. Prager: Member Mr. Fanuele: Member Mr. diPierno: Member Member Absent Mr. Lehigh: Member Others Present Mr. Levenson, Zoning Administrator Mrs. Linda Nguyen, Secretary to the Z.B.A In Town Hall 20 Middl.ebush Road Wappinger Falls, N.Y. APPROVED JUN 13.199'5: KMM WMD E3 Mr. Sasser: I would like to call this meeting of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals to order. Clerk call the roll please. ROLL CALL Mr. Fanuele: Here. Mr. diPierno: Here. Mr. Prager: Here. Mr. Lehigh: Absent. Mr. Sasser: Here. Mr. Levenson: Mr. Chairman, everybody is present except for Mr. Lehigh. Mr. Sasser: The first item tonight is the May 9th minutes. Everyone has a copy? Any corrections, changes, additions? Motion to accept? Mr. diPierno: So moved. Mr. Fanuele: I abstain. I wasn't here at the last meeting. Mr. Prager: I second that. Vote: 4 ayes and 1 abstain by Mr. Lehigh. Mr. Sasser: The first item on the agenda tonight is a public hearing. Appeal #1201 at the request of Raymond & Diane Samanich who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 421.6 where you are required to maintain a 20 ft. sideline and you are showing an 18.5, thus requiring a 1.5 ft. variance on property located at 1 Sylvia Drive and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6257-02-790729-00 in the Town of Wappinger. The Zoning Board of Appeals has declared itself Lead Agency and the Negative Dec. Are all the mailings back Herb? Mr. Levenson: Yes, everything is back. The advertising and the mailings. Mr. Sasser: The only thing at the workshop that we had asked for was the rplot plan. Did everybody receive that? Can I have a motion to open the public hearing? Mr. Prager: I make a motion that we open the public hearing. Mr. diPierno: Second. Vote: All ayes. d Wappi.nger 7oning Board Minutes - May 23, 1995 Page 1 Mr. Sasser: Mr. Samanich? Would you tell us what you are looking to do? You have an existing shed? Mr_. Samanich: We had an existing enclosed porch that Just rotted away so we wanted to replace it. That one is I believe 10 ft. off the hack of the house. We would be replacing it with a deck that would be 14 ft. off the back of the house with an enclosure, plus an outside section. An 8 by 14 outside structure. So, the length along the house, the back of the house would be 24 ft. long and 14 ft. off the back, which brings me closer to the side of the property. As you can see from the plot plan, the house is caddy cornered on the lot. It limits me in the amount of space that T can go out. So, that is why T applied for the variance. Mr. Levenson: Actually, the variance we would require i.s 1.2, but we are asking for 1.5. Mr. Sasser: Am I correct then that the only point that is too close to the property line is that ..? Mr. Prager: That far corner. Mr_. Levenson: Yes. Mr. Samanich: I have spoken to the neighbors all about it and explain it and showed them the drawings and everything else. Mr. Sasser.: Does the Board have any further questions? Mr. Prager: No, as long as we got the plot plan. Mr. Fanuele: You said you are replacing an existing porch? Mr. Levenson: Tt was an interior Mr. Samanich: When I moved in .. Mr. Levenson: Tt was falling apart. Mr. Samanich: The Building Inspector called in the permit on it after T moved in and it was an item that passed across the table on closing. Mr. Fanuele: How long have you been living there? Mr. Samanich: Six years_ Mr. Sasser: Is there anyone here who would like to speak for or against this? Let the record show that there was nobody here. noes the Board have any further questions? Mr. Fanuele: Mr. diPierno: Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - May 23; 1995 Page 2 I make a motion to close the public hearing. Second. Vote: All ayes. Mr. Fanuele: I make a motion to grant the variance. Mr. diPierno: Second. ROLL CALL Mr. Fanuele: Aye. Mr. Prager: Aye. Mr. diPierno: Aye. Mr. Sasser: Aye. Mr. Levenson: Mr. Chairman, all present vote unanimous to grant. Mr. Sasser: Thank you very much. It will be filed in 5 days. The second item is Appeal #1202. At the request of Guardian Self Storage who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 422.25 where you are allowed 75% maximum impervious surface and you are showing 83% maximum impervious surface, thus requiring an 8; variance for lot coverage on property located at 2021 Route 9 and is identified as Tax Grid #19-61.56-02-753949-00 in the Town of Wappinger. The Planning Board is Lead Agency in this matter. It has been referred to us with this variance. At the workshop we had asked for the map. I also note that at the workshop there was a deduction from what the original request was and kw Mrs. Daniels had indicated that there are some trees along the back line, which has reduced the amount of impervious surface from the original request. Can T have a motion to open the public hearing? Mr. Prager: I make a motion that we open the public hearing. Mr. diPierno: Second. Vote: All ayes. Mr. Redl: I am here before the Board requesting an 8% variance on impervious cover. We originally needed 12%, but however, we dial reduce the blacktop area along the fence line and we also added some trees. T think someone suggested that at the Planning Board, I think. T think also the Planning Board sent a letter supporting this variance as well. Mr. Sasser: I believe they did. Isn't that correct Herb? Mr. Levenson: Yes, I wrote it. Mr. Sasser: Yes, I did see a copy of it, the Planning Board recommending approval to us. These driving lanes are what, 2.2 ft.? Mr. Redl.: 2.4 is the one here and the other is 2.2. Mr. Sasser: You also have trucks which are coming in there and you needed more paved area. This is located behind the building. It is an extension of that building in the back almost, visually from Route 9? Mr. Redl: Yes, actually the Meineke Muffler place. n Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - May 23, 1995 Page 3 Mr. Fanuele: You don't see the building at all? Mr. Redl: You will see it somewhat, but not very much. Mr. Fanuele: will there be outside storage? Mr. Redl: No. Mr. Levenson: None of Mr. Redl's establishments have any outside storage at all, all four of them. Mr. Sasser: The item were considering tonight is the amount of hlack.top which surrounds it, impervious surface area. From all of my questions, I think it is a relatively minor variance. Mr. Fanuele: What is in front of this part here? Is there anything in there? Maybe a few trees? Mr. Redl: It is a fence. Mr. Fanuele: Even though it is on the other ... Mr. Redl: That is a fence and a gate here. That is a gate here. Mr. Sasser: I guess what you are asking is, what this is? Mr. Fanuele: I was wondering if maybe a little planting in here ... Mr. Redl: We might be able to plant along here or something, but we have aot the fence here. Mr. Levenson: That is a Planning Board matter. Mr.. Fanuele: Well, could you put it on the other side of the fence? Mr. Redl: Yes, we could. Mr. Fanuele: That would kind. of soften Mr. Sasser.: Does anybody on the Board have any further questions with regard to the pavement? Is there anyone here from the public that would like to speak with regard to this matter? Let the record show there was nobody_ Mr. Fanuele: I was talking about the pavement. If I soften it a little bit, I have no problem with the pavement. Mr. Redl: I can add a tree. Mr. Fanuele: A little bush or something there. Mr. Sasser: Perhaps we could just send that over as a recommendation to the Planning Board? Wappinger_ Zoning Board Minutes - May 23; 1995 Page 4 Mr. Redl: There might even be trees there, but I don't have them shown there. Mr. Fanuele: Just to soften it just a little bit from Route 9. Mr. Sasser: Can I have a motion to close? Mr. diPierno: So moved. Mr. Fanuele: Second- vote: econd.vote: All ayes. Mr. Prager: I make a motion that we grant the variance. Mr. Fanuele: Second. ROLL CALL Mr. diPierno: Aye. Mr. Fanuele: Ave. Mr. Prager: Aye. Mr. Sasser: Ave. Mr. Levenson: Mr. Chairman, all present vote unanimously in favor of granting. Mr_. Prager: Motion to close. Mr. diPierno: second. vote: All ayes. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 7:38 P.M.. Respectfully submitted, AAs. Linda-N94iyen, SecreLary Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals June 13, 1995 genda - 7:30 P.M. Approval of May 23, 1995 minutes. DISCUSSIONS LWA Town Hall 20 Middl,ebush Road Wappinger Falls, N.Y. 1. Stella Heady - Appeal ##1203 requesting a 18.54 ft. front -yard variance to erect a deck on the front of the house located at 30 Dugan Lane in the Town of Wappinger. 2. Rabco Landscaping & Contracting Inc (Contract Vendee) - Appeal '#,1204 whereas you are requesting a building of 4000 sq. ft., plus or minus as well as outside storage of nursery retail sales material on property located at Route 82 & All Angels Hill Road in the Town of Wappinger. 3. Bertha & Donald Geraghty - Appeal #1206 whereas you are required to maintain a 10 ft. side -yard and you are showing 5 ft., thus requiring a 5 ft. variance for an existing shed on property located at 11 Lydia Drive in the Town of Wappinger. .4. Spotted Owl Development Corp. - To discuss Appeal ',,#,1207 for an existing undersized lot located at 6 Montfort Road in the Town of kaoo Wappinger. V5