1995-06-27Town of Wappinger June 27, 1.995 -nda - 7:30 P.M. %blef Zoning Board of Appeals Approval of June 13, 1995 minu,tes. PUBLIC HEARINGS Town Hall. 2.0 Middlehush Road Wappinger Falls; N.Y. 7_ Appeal 41203 - At the request of Stella Heady who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 421.6, where you are required to maintain a 50 ft. front -yard and you are showing 31.46 ft., thus requiring an 18.54 ft. front -yard variance to erect a deck on the front of the house located at 30 Dugan Lane and is identified as Tax. Grid #19-6356-01-005931-00 in the Town of Wappinger. 2. Appeal #12.04 - At the request of Rabco Landscaping & Contractina. Inc. (Contract Vendee) who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 422..8, paragraph 7, wherein you are not to exceed 2000 sq. ft. in total area and you are requesting a building of 4000 sq. ft., plus or minus, as well. as outside storage of nursery retail sales material on property located at Route 82 & All Angels Hill. Road and is identified AIS Tax Grid #19-6357-03-220050-00 in the Town of Wappinger. 3. Appeal 41206 - At the request of Bertha & Donald Geraghty who is seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 421.6, where you are required to maintain a 10 ft. side -yard and you are showing 5 ft., thus requiring a 5 ft. variance for an existing shed on property located at 11 Lydia Drive and is identified as Tax Grid #19-62.57-03-115232-00 in the Town of Wappinger. n n Tawn of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall --pane 2.7. 1995 20 Middlebush Road mutes Wappinger Falls; N.Y. Members Present Mr. Sasser: Chairman Mr. Prager: Member Mr. Fanuele: Member Mr. diPierno: Member Members Absent Mr. Lehigh- Member .O V to r'19 ro � Others Present Ai117 2 9 1"S Mrs. Linda Nguyen, Secretary to the Z.B.A. PLANNING BOA13U ZONINP ROLL CALL Mr. Sasser: The first item on the agenda tonight is the approval of the Tune 13; 1995 minutes_ Mr. Fanuele: T make a motion to accept the minutes. Mr. diPierno: second. %Wte: All ayes. Mr. Sasser: The first public hearing tonight is Appeal #1203 - At the reauest of Stella Heady who is seeking a variance of Article TV; Section 421.6; where you are required to maintain a 50 ft. front -yard and you are showing a 31_.46 ft., thus requiring an 18.54 ft. front -yard variance to erect a deck on the front of the house located at 30 Dugan Lane and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6356-01-005931-00 in the Town of Wappinger.-. The Zoning Board of Appeals has declared itself Lead Agency and there has been a Negative Declaration regarding sRQR. Has the certified notices publication been taken care of? Mrs. Nguyen: Yes, they have. Mr. Sasser: Does everyone have a copy of the map? You are lookina to erect a deck on the front of the house, is that correct? That is where vour front door is? Mr. Heady: Yes. Mr. Sasser. T can see from the map that you wouldn't put it behi-nd the house because you would need a variance for that. Could you tel -1 us why you don't want to put it to one side or the other? Mr. Heady: Well; we want i_t for the front door_ Mr. Sasser: Ts it elevated? no you need to put it tip to it? Mr. Headv: Right; there is no stairs there; no nothing right now. There Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - June 27; 1995 Page 1 was a deck there at one point and time.. Mr. Sasser: Before we go further T need a motion to open the public hearing_ Mr. Prager: T make a motion to open the public hearing. Mr. diPi.erno: Second.. Vote: All ayes. Mr. Prager: Another words, there are no other doors leading out of that house'7' Mr. Heady: There is a back door. Mr. Sasser: Are there any neighbors to the side of you? Mr. Heady: There is one neighbor and she is here now. Mr. Sasser: What is behind you there? Ts that Town of. Wappinger Troperty, all vacant land? Mr. Headv: Right_ Mr. Sasser: Does the Board have any other questions? T would like to ask if there is anyone here in the public who would like to speak either for or against this matter? Ms. Harris: My name is Susan Harris. I am a tenant in the house across the street. The house is legally owned by my parents. In view of the fact that they have a family of 5 children, I certainly would absolutely have no obiection nor my parents, the legal land owners. Tt seems like a very logical thing to need a second entrance to the house and it would not be oblect-ionable to us whatsoever. Mr. Sasser: Thank you very much. Is there anyone else that would like to speak? Let the record show that there was no one. Does the Board have any further auesti.ons? Mr. Fanuele: T make a motion to close the public hearing. Mr. diPierno: Second. Vote: A1.1 ayes. Mr. Fanuele: T make a motion to grant the variance. �Ofr. Prater: Second_ ROLL CALL n IR Vote: All ayes. In Wappinger Zoning Board Minutes - June 27, 1995 Paae 2 Mr. Sasser: T would like to add to the record that the variance that is being requested is not going to he detrimental to nearby properties other than by the neighbors who showed up and indicated that there will be no detriment. It is not going to change the character of the neighborhood. There really is no other feasible method as evidenced by the applicant with regard to the property line in the back, the well on the side, the walk on the other side, but you need to gain access to the door. It is not going to change the neighborhood. As a result of that we're granting the variance. This will be f.il.ed with the Town Clerk within 5 days. Mr. Sasser: Next item, Appeal. #1.204 at the request of Rabco Landscaping & Contracting. Inc. We received a letter from Rabco that thev were on for a public hearing tonight. There was a problem with timely notification of residents. Tt will have to be put on for a public hearing on July the 10th. T don't presume that the Board has any problem with that. Mrs. NauyPn: July 11th. Mr. Sasser: T have July 10th on here. Ts the 11th the correct date? July 11th. He has a couple of times mixed up the dates. Would you make jL ire that he understands? Mrs. Nauven: Yes, I gave him the legal notice already and everything. Mr. Sasser: The next item on the agenda tonight is Appeal 41.206 at the request of Bertha & Donald Geraghty who are seeking a variance of Article TV, Section 421..6; where you are required to maintain a 1.0 ft. side -yard and you are showing 5 ft., thus requiring a 5 ft. variance for an existing shed on property located at 11 Lydia Drive and is identified as Tax Grid -119-6257-03-115232-00 in the Town of Wappinger. Can T have a motion to open the public hearing? Mr. Praaer: T make a motion to open the public hearing. Mr. diPierno: Second. Vote: All. ayes. Mr. Sasser! You were going to take a photograph of the shed? Mr. Geraghty: Yes. Mr. Sasser: This is a wooden shed, right? Mr. Geraahty: Yes_ . Sasser: How long has the shed been there? Mr. Geraahtv: Ten or twelve vears. Mr. Sasser: You are selling your house and moving out of the area, if T remember correctly? Wappinger Zoning board ` Minutes - Tune 27, 1995 Page 3 Mr. Geraghty: Yes; I am putting it on the market Friday - Mr. Fanuele: You have some screening around it now. Mr. Sasser: Does the Board have any other questions of the applicant? Ts there anyone in the public who would like to speak for or against with regard to this matter? Let the record show that there was nobody_ Mr. Fanuple: I believe you have a Letter. Mr. Geraghty: Yes; there is a letter from the effected neighbor. Mr. Sasser: All right, I will read this into the minutes. This is a letter from Kevin and Kathleen Quinn, addressed from 9 Lydia Drive; Wappinger Falls to the Board of Appeals regarding Appeal #1.206. "Gentlemen: Mr. & Mrs. Geraghty have spoken to us regarding their request for a 5 ft. variance for a shed situated on their property. The shed is located within 5 ft. of our property line. Please be advised that this situation is perfectly acceptable to us and we do not have a prohlem with the location of the shed." It is signed by Mr. & Mrs. Quinn. Any further cniest ions? Praaer: I make a motion that we close the public hearing. Mr. di_Pierno: Second_ ROLL CALL, Vote: All ayes. Mr. Fanuele: I make a motion to grant the variance. Mr. diPierno: Second. ROLL CALL Vote: All aves. Mr. Sasser: I vote ave and I would also like to add to this that the variance is not going to produce an undesirable change to the character of the neighborhood. There is no detriment to any of the properties. Tt has been there for some period of time. There is no feasible method to move it and it is not a substantial variance. The motion has been granted and it will be filed in 5 days. One final_ item of business tonight is Spotted Owl Development whi_c.h was going to be on for tonight, but there has been a problem with trying to get both Al_ Roberts & Joel Hanig and the applicant together. There is a couple of dates that which might be open for a Gpecial hearing because T understand that they are going to come in for%00 whole presentation before the Board so we can understand very clearly what is haunening in this situation. Mrs. Nguven: So far T have Aug 1, 2, and 3. T haven't checked with Mr. Parsons because I couldn't get a hold of him. ` Wanpinger Zoning Board Minutes - June 27, 1995 Page 4 J Mr. Sasser: Aug 1 or 3 is all right with me_ Mr. Prager: The third is no good for me. The first is o.k. Mr. Fanuele: Aug 1st is o.k. Mrs. Nguyen: As long as it i.s o.k. with Mr. Parsons, I will let you know. Mr. Sasser: If not we wi1.1 reschedule because i.t was never noticed as a publA c hearing ... Mrs. Nguyen: No, it wasn't on for tonight. It is on for July 11th. Mr. Sasser: Is there any further business before the Board? We will adjourn. Mr. Prager: I make a motion to adjourn. Mr. diPierno: second. Vote: All ayes. "ETING ADJOURNED AT 7:46 P.M. Respectfully submitted, . Linda Ogi%#en, Secretary own of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals