... .I
Town of Wappinger zoning Board of Appeals
December 12, 1995
Agenda - 7:30 P.M.
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
wappinger Falls, N.Y.
Approval of November 15 & 28, 1995 minutes.
Appeal #1216 - At the request of Charles J. Palazzo who is seeking a
variance of Article IV, Section 470.7.2.1, where you are required not to
exceed the maximum grade of 15% for a driveway and you are showing 16.7%,
thus requiring a 1.7% variance for property located at 27 Dugan Lane and
is identified as Tax Grid #19-6356-01-005967-00 in the Town of Wappinger.
Apneal #1210 & 1213 - At the request of Gasland Petroleum Co., Inc.
who are seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 446.6 whereas they
are required to maintain 2500 ft. between filling stations and they
are seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 440.3.1 whereas no
gasoline filling station shall be within 1000 feet of the boundary
line of any residence. The property is located on Old Hopewell Road
and Route 9 and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6157-02-610544 in the
Town of Wappinger.
Appeal #1214 - At the request of Robert Deshonq who is seeking a
variance of Article IV, Section 420.3, where you are required to
maintain a 25 ft. side-yard and you are showing 18.3 ft., thus
requiring a 6.7 ft. side-yard variance to add an addition to a single
family residence for property located at 248 pine Ridge Drive and is
identified as Tax Grid #19-6257-04-740087-00 in the Town of wappinger.
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
December 12: 1995
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls: N.Y.
Members Pres,:ent
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Fanuele:
Mr. Lehigh:
Mr. diPierno:
Vice Chairman
Others Present
Mr. Chris Mularadelis: Esq.
Mrs. Linda Nguyen, Secretary to the Z.B.A.
JAN 2 3 1996
Mr. Prager:
order. Roll
lONIN'" et: " ' -
I call the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeal to
call: please.
ROLL CALL - All present.
Mr. Prager: For everybodies information that might not have been here in
the past weeks, this is a no smoking building and again the exit to your
left is an emergency exit and in the rear. The first item of bllsiness
tonight is the approval of November 15 and 28th minutes. T want tn take
them separately. Do you want to do the 15th first? Can T have a motion?
Are there any changes?
Mr. Fannele:
I make a motion to accept the minutes of the 15th.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Prager: Now, the November 28, 1995 minutes. I do have one correction
that. T spott.ed on Page 13. In the last paragraph where it start.s: "Does
anybody else " Do you see that? That was me that said that.
Mrs. Nguyen:
From there on you said that?
Mr. Prager: Yes: until you start on the next page. Does anybody else
have any corrections?
Mr. Lehigh: On the first page, " Mr. Lehigh:
as written."
I move t.hat it be accept.ed
Mr. Prager: Can I have a motion please?
Mr. Lehigh: So moved.
Mr. diPierno: Second.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr - Praaer: The first i t.em on toni ghts Flgendi'l is a pub] i c hear; ng on
~eal #1216: at the request of Charles J. Palazzo who is seeking a
variance of Article TV: Section 470.7.2.1 where you are required not to
exceed the maximum grade of 15% for a driveway and you are showing 16.7%:
thus requiring a 1.7% variance for property located at. 27 Dugan Lane and
is identified as Tax Grid #19-6356-01-005967-00 in the Town of Wappinger.
Is Mr. Palazzo here yet.?
Wappinger Zoning Bo~rd
Minutes - December 17 1995
Page 1
Mrs. Nguyen: No.
Mr. Pragpr: We bprtpr no a spconn call on rh~t.
Mr. Lehigh: I make a motion that we move Mr. Palazzo into last pl~cp_
Mr. F'amlP 1 P: Spconn.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Prager: The next item of business on the agenda is an adjourned
public hearing on Appeal #1210 and #1213. At the request of Gasland
Petroleum Co. Inc. who are seeking a variance of Article IV, section 446.6
where as they are required to maintain 2500 feet between filling
stations. They are also seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 440.3.1
whereas no gasoline filling station shall be within 1000 feet of the
boundary line of any residence. The property is located on old Hopewell
Road and Route 9 and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6157-02-610544-00 in
the Town of Wappinger. Can I have a motion to reopen thp adjourned public
Mr. diPiprno: So moved.
Mr. Lehigh: Spcond.
All ayes.
Mr. Prager:
meeting, do
the Board?
Mr. Cappelletti, Mr. Henry or Mr. Ninnie, before I close this
you have anymore information that you would like. t.O prpsent to
Mr. Henry:
Basically, I don't think so.
Mr. Prager: O.k., lpt the record show that there is no more information
that will come before the Board. The only thing I would like to mention
and I will reference it later about a letter is that the only document
that the Board has from the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation on record is one to Mr. Vincent Cappelletti from the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation, dated April 28, 1995.
That is the one where it said your land could not be cleaned any further.
Mr. Cappelletti: There are other letters that are on file in the Zoning
Mr. Prager: Unfortunately, I don't have them on record.
motion to close the public hearing?
Can I have a
Mr. Lehigh:
So moved.
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minutes - December 12, 1995
Page 2
Hr. Fanuele:
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Prager: I've taken the privilege of writing up the Findings of
Facts. what I'm going to do is I'm going to pass this out to all the
members of the Board. What I want you to do is take it and read it over.
If you have any corrections or anything that you would like to add, get it
back to me in writing and that way we can make a decision at the next
meeting. Linda, you need a copy too. I also have a letter here from Mr.
Frank Healey of Healey and Healey, which we got late in the last month. I
am going to hand that over to our Town Counsel. Mr. Roberts isn't here
and in his place is his associate, Chris Mularadelis. I would like him to
look it over and give us back a legal brief on it for the next meeting so
that we can make an intelligent decision both in favor of everybody. At
the next Board meeti ng, which unfortunately isn't. until ,January 9 because
the 26th is cancelled, we should be making a decision on it.
Mr. Cappelletti: There is no way you could vote tonight on it?
Mr. Prager: No, we have so many facts that I want these gentlemen to look
over all the facts that have been handed in. There is a lot of paperwork
on this between letters and attorney's. I would like to get a legal brief
on that last letter. We keep putting it off, unfortunately, I want to do
tV right bot.h for your sake and the Town's.
Mr. Cappelletti: Can I get a copy of that?
Mr. Prager: Certainly. Can you make a copy for Mr. Cappelletti?
Mrs. Ngllyen:
I can give him this copy.
Mr. Prager: O.k., the public hearing is closed and we will hopefully be
ahle to render a decision at the next meeting. I don't want to keep
putting you off, but I just want to do things right.
Mr. Cappelletti: O.K.
Mr. Prager: The next item of business on tonights agenda is an adjourned
public hearing of Appeal #1214. At the request of
Mr. Lehigh: Mr. Palazzo has arrived and we should advise him of what
we're doing.
Mr. Prager: Mr. Palazzo, since you weren't here when we started, we are
going on with the rest of the meeting and then we will have you last.
Mr. Palazzo:
All right..
M'- Prager: Appeal #1214 at t.he request of Robert Deshonq who is seeking
~ariance of Article IV, Section 420.3 where you are required t.O maintain
a 25 foot side-yard and you are showing 18.3 feet, thus requiring a 6.7
foot side-yard variance to add an addition to a single family residence on
property located at 248 Pine Ridge Drive and is identified as tax grid
Wappinger Zoning Roard
Minutes - December 12, 1995
Page 3
~-6257-04-740087-00 in the Town of Wappinger. Can T have a mot.ion t.o
open the adjourned public hearing?
Mr. diPierno: So moved_
Mr. Fanuele: Second.
Vote: All ayes_
Mr. Prager: Mr. Deshong as you know we adjourned the last meeting so we
could have a site inspection of your property, which we did. In the
meantime, we have received 5 various letters. One was from Mrs. Corbeels
in opposition to the variance and 4 which were received today are in favor
of the vi'lriance.
Mrs. Corbeels: Mr. Prager...
Mr. Prager: Let me just finish with Mr. Deshong first. Do you have
anything that you would like to say about the letters and then we will go
into yours.
Mrs. Van Tuyl: with the Boards permission, I am here as the Attorney
representing the applicant. My name is Jennifer Van Tuyl and I am the
author of one of the letters. With your permission, I would like to
summarize them briefly. I will bring up t.he photographs t.hat you Jooked
~the last time. _I ~ould be happy to open t~em u~ if you would 1 ike t.O
., .. them. T have 1 eV1ewed all of the papers 1n thJS matt.er. At. t.he
outset I would like to say that we are happy that the Board made a sit.e
visit of the propert.y and I hope that the Board understands the enthllsiasm
of my clients as being what it is. They were very anxious to have this
matter brought to fruition, but of course we understand that a site visit
is absolutely necessary for you to understand the situation as do the
people that live there, so I hope you understand that. I won1t belabor
the point set forth in the letters. I think they speak for themselves. T
would like to briefly summarize the main points. I think the first main
point is that there has been a big change in the law that applies to arei'l
variances since the new statutes were enacted. There was some confusion
as to what those meant. The highest court in our state has spoken to that
point in the last several weeks and said that the proof of practical
difficulties is simply no longer part of the area variance test and nor is
hardship. T know there was some statements made on behalf of the neighbor
at the last meeting that hardship or practical difficulty is needs to be
shown and I th ink that we should understand that is not. the test. The
test is a balancing test of the benefit to the applicant vis-a-vis the
detriment to the community. We bave submitted letters to address
factllally the issues that had been raised because obviously every time you
face an area variance issue you want to pay attention to impacts in the
neighborhood. The first letter we submitted to you was by Al Mauri, the
Architect who designed this addition. Speaking to the design elements
that he incorporated in the structure to assure that it would be
c0~patible with the neighborhood including stepping it back, including
o~ a small window facing the neighbor et.c. In fact an interest.i ng point
is when T looked at the site plan that showed the 6.7 foot variance, T
noticed that. t.he property is act.ually wider at the rear of t.he propert.y
and T called Mr. Mauri and said, can you t.ell me what that dimension is in
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minut.es - December 1? ..1995
Page 4
t~ back. In fnct t.he vnriance requested in the back is I ess than 4
feet. So, we should lmderstand that the 6.7 is the maximum at that front.
corner. As you are aware.. there is n proposnl to set that back from the
front, which also minimizes the extent of the variance sought. The second
letter that we submitted dealt with the issue of property values, the
impact of the variance on property values. We submitted a letter from
Jackie Barlow, real estate broker, to the effect that there would not be
an adverse impact on property values. Lastly, we submitted a letter from
an engineer addressing the issue of a perceived fear of harm to the wnter
supply. As the enclosure in the engineers letter states there is no
applicable BOnrd of Health requirement of any specific separation from n
well and a structure. The model guidelines illustrated are of a 5 foot
separation. So, even with the variance we would have at a minimum, even
assuming that the well was on the property line, 18.3 feet. Again, I
won't belnbor the points stated in the letters. I think they are fairly
straight forward. The applicants have shown and I would just repeat on
their behalf thnt we are anxious to do whatever would make this varinnce
work in the neighborhood and to assure compatibility. The last time there
were several illustrations that were discussed of possible landscaping.
Either Canadian Hemlocks, is one plan or a mixed deciduous border. We
would even be willing to have that selection be made at the choice of the
neighbor. We want this to work and we want this to be attractive. I
think thnt when you came to look at the property you could see how it has
been kept and the characteristics of the neighborhood and we would want to
enhance that. I note that our architect made a point that this
~"1ificant tree here will be kept.. other than that I will 1 et the
letters speak for themselves, but if any of you have any questions to ask
me on behalf of the applicant I would be happy to address them.
Mr. Prager: I jllSt have a couple of questions and it is not about the
letters and then I will go into Mrs. Corbeels letter. Just for the
record, because I didn't ask th is question before and I thought. about. it.
when I was up at the house, when did Mr. Deshong purchase the house?
Mr. Deshong:
1987 _
Mr. Prager: The other thing that I was interested in is on the addition
and again it relates to the well, is there going to be a basement under
this addit.ion?
Mr. Deshong: No.
Mr. Van Tuyl: No, it is slab.
Mr. prnger: In fnct one of the letters here said it is going to be n
slab. Whnt do you think the depth will be footing wise? Is it 54? Maybe
4 feet.?
Mr. Deshong:
3 feet..
Mi. '. iTan Tuvl: Certainly, there is going to be no crawl space
l~e.rne.ath.~ No space whatsoever_
Mr. Prager: The legal footing and I'm not sure what that is, but it is
around 4 feet. The last thing is that you did SnY Mr. Deshong at the last
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minutes - December 12, 1995
Page 5
~ting that you could not make the addition any smaller.
the architect what he was referring to.
I noticed by
Mrs. Van Tuyl: T think we would just say that actually in an effort to
minimize the variance or even see if one could be avoided all together,
the room has been downsized. Again, I could have Mr. Deshong speak to it,
but less that. be viewed as in anyway self-serving, we did include the
statement of the architect to say that for the expense that you go to to
add an addition below a certain size it becomes impractical. That is why
the size has been taken down to something that the architect concluded was
the minimum viable space. Again, I would point out that the 6.7 feet is
in that front corner and it gets less and less throughout the whole 20
foot width. Again, we face the long side front to back so I think that
orientation also minimizes the variance. Another words, the 24 feet isn't
projecting out towards the neighbor, that is the 20 foot side to again try
and minimize t.his in anyway possible. Any other questions? Thank you
very much and if the Board has questions at the conclusion of the
proceedings tonight, we would be happy to answer them.
Mrs. Corbeels: I would like to address a question. I got from Linda when
I was in the office an appeal action where she said that these are the
things they follow and how you make your decision for the Zoning. Just
this evening by looking over it I found under it that this was signed by
<Joel Sasser, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of
Wappinger. That was in September. What I want to ask now is the
c&.....,.stion, I wasn't here on November the 15th for the meeting. This was
~ a public meeting and I was out of the country. I would like to know,
Mr. Deshong was allowed by you to have Mr. Joel Sasser give you all the
explanations of how to proceed on this. Could you tell me if this is the
same Joel Sasser?
Mr. Prager: Yes it is. What was brought up, if I remember correctly at
that meeting .--
Mrs. Corbeels: No, it was not...
Mr. Prager: It was a workshop.
friend of Mr. Deshong.
It was a discussion.
Primarily he is a
Mrs. Corbeels:
Yes, but. why was he allowed ...?
Mr. Prager: He wasn't on the Board.
Mrs. Corbeels:
No, why was he allowed to speak as a former C~airman?
Mr. Prager: Anybody can speak for another person. Mr. Deshong just felt
being he was a past member of the Board he was familiar with this and he
would give us the right information.
Mrs. Corbeels: You stated that this was not a public meeting. Why was he
a",owed to speak in what capacity?
Mr. Prager: Mr. Deshong asked him to represent him. It is the same jf he
had an attorney with him he could have the attorney speak for him. Tt
doesn't matter at a public hearing. Basically we're just trying to get
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minutes - Decemher 17, 1995
Page fi
~ormation .
Mrs. Van Tuyl: I would just note one thing and that is that there are no
non-public meetings in the Town of Wappinger. Although it might not have
been a public hearing, it was certainly a public meeting as are all
workshops in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Prager:
Right, and we do ask for information from other people at
Mrs. Corbeels: I want this to be on record because I don't think that is
fair to me that I wasn't here and this was not a puhlic meeting. If he
was present.
Mr. Prager: Mr. Deshong was here at the meeting also.
just speaking for Mr. Deshong.
Basically, he was
Mrs. Corbeels:
Yes, but you are not supposed to do that.
Mr. Prager: We have every right to do that.
speaking for another person.
I can't stop anybody from
Mrs. Corbeels:
Yes, hut on that meeting?
Mr. Prager: Certainly, any meeting.
Mrs. Corbeel s : Because you sa id, "Thank you, I apprec i ate. it. T 'm Boh
Deshong and owner of the residence. My wife Patricia, and Joel Sasser who
is a close personal friend. I haven't done this so he is assisting me."
Then you tell him, "Good Mr. Deshong, just. before we go on I just want to
mention to you that this isn't a public hearing."
Mr. Prager:
It wasn't a puhlic hearing, that is right.
Mr. Lehigh:
It was a workshop.
Mr. Prager: It was a workshop for information.
Mr. Lehigh: .Just. for gathering information-
Mr. Prager: What we do is we would have the Appellant come in first
before the public hearing and give us information about what he wants as a
variance. He can have anybody he wants come in here and speak with him or
for him or whatever. All we are doing is we're just gaining information.
So, now when we take that information, and hopefully we have all of it, at
that time we didn't. You happened to come in the next meeting and you
brought up some points and that is why we went out for the site
inspection. That is why we adjourned it. Once we feel we have all the
information, then we'll close the meeting. As far as Mr. Sasser or
anyhody el se coming in here and speak ing for Mr. Deshong or any ot.her
~ellant. t.llat. is fine. There is not.hing illegal about. it.
Mrs. Corbeels: Was Mr. Sasser also present on Saturday, December 27
Mr. Prager:
Yes, he was.
~ ..J
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minutes - December 12, 1995
Page 7
MI-S. Corbee1 s :
I want that on record too.
Mrs. Van Tuyl: I would like to note that my client has informed me that
at the public workshop meeting in which Mr. Sasser spoke and candidly
disclosed everything, which has been kept on the record of which no one
has anything to be ashamed. During the entire meeting Fred Shaeffer the
Attorney for the neighbor was here. So, there was no deprivation or no
Mr. Prager:
Actually, that was the public hearing, not the workshop.
Mr. Deshong: No, he was here.
Mr. Prager: Oh, but he didn't speak.
Mrs. Corbeels: Because Linda told me that you could not speak at that
meeting. That was Linda who gave me that information.
Mr. Lehigh:
If we had asked you a question for informat.ion you coul d have
Mrs. Corbeels: But, I didn't know. Linda told me that you could not
speak at that meeting. That is what I told my lawyer. I don't think that
was fair.
Mr. Prager: Well, as an attorney he should have known that he could have
spoken at that meeting. That is my feeling.
Mrs. Van Tuyl: I would just make the point on behalf of the applicants
that there is no prejudice whatsoever here. This Board has no legal right
to bar anyone from speaking or addressing the Board. Furthermore, there
was a full public hearing at which everyone had the opportunity to be
heard and both the neighbor and her attorney had every opportunity to
speak and yet here again we have an adjourned public hearing at which the
neighbor is also given every opportunity to speak and we would welcome
further comments until you are finished.
Mrs. Corheels: I just want to point out that Mr. Sasser was not at the
public meeting on the 28th and that was the public meeting.
Mr. Prager: Correct, but he was here and he did give information at the
Mrs. Corbeels:
Yes, hut that was not at the public meeting.
Mrs. Van Tuyl: Excuse me, I would just correct the record, all of these
meetings have heen public. The distinction being drawn here is between a
public hearing and another equally public meeting.
~~. Corbepl s : I have another question about my well, which is in
. .ween. \-J'hat happens if something goes wrong t.O my well during the
building of this thing? Because there is going to be drilling and heavy
equipment coming in and I want. to know before any decision is made who
will be responsible?
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minutes - December 12, 1995
Page 8
Mr. Lehigh: You are trying to get the Zoning Board of Appeals to mitigate
something that hasn't happened and we have no idea about. I would imagine
that you would have to get an attorney and prove that they did something
wrong. That is not up to us. Do you understand? We are trying to make a
decision for you or for the Town and for the applicant, whichever is
best. That is the decision now. If you feel that you haven't had an
opportunity to put in all the information that you want to put in, then
you should speak right now. Irregardless of who you got the information
whether we went for the on site inspection or the previous two meetings,
that is all apropos to this meeting. We take it all under consideration
before we make a decision. You may not like it and they may not like it,
but we try to do the best that we can. So. if you have a problem with the
fairness you should speak now.
Mrs. Corbeels:
I just wanted to ask in case something
Mr. Prager: Well, unfortunately, we really donlt have an answer for you.
Mrs. Van Tuyl: Excuse me. I would like to address that. The neighbor has
placed no evidence in the record as to the exact location of her well
other than to say that it is somewhere between her house and our side
property line in t.he very line toward where we wish to put. this addit.ion.
Taking that as the worst case scenario that the well is in fact located
lpts say one inch from the property line near our property. We have
~ided a letter from an engineer stating that it. far exceeds the
appl icable legal 1 imi tat ions on di st.ance of a well to a house of which
there is no minimum distance. We are at least 18.3 feet away at the
narrowest point and 21.14 feet away at the greatest point. Even the model
which would be the ideal model you would obtain for in the n lust.rations
which we provided to you provides for a 5 foot separation. I also think
that it is totally unsupported in the record to assert that there will be
drilling and excavation. This is not a large thing that is being composed
here. It is a minor addition. It is on a slab. So, I would say that we
have no reason in the record to have any reasonable belief that there is
going to be harm to the well. If in fact there ever were to be harm to
the well and admit that we are speculating wildly here. this neighbor and
the Deshong's would be in no different situation than every set of
neighbors in the Town of Wappinger. the Town of East Fishkill. and all of
New York State. That is if something happens to my well that is the fault
of my neighbor, I have a cause of action for which I retain counsel and
proceed in the same way that if the Deshong'S suffer damage in the future,
which they assert is the responsibility of their neighbor. They have
every right to seek legal recourse for that. I think that addresses the
Mr. Prager: Thank you very much.
Is there any other questions?
Mrs. Corbeels: Well. I would just like to ask you at least to consider
that the Town of Wappinger Zoning Law requires a 25 foot side-yard and
\.; s is the Law in t.he Town of Wappinger_
Mr. Prager: We obviously know that because that is why the Deshong's are
here. Anybody else would like to speak for or against this variance?
Anybody on the Board have any other questions? I would like to entertain
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minutes - December 17, 1995
Page 9
a'-<<ot.ion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Lehigh: So moved.
Mr. Fanuele: Second.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Prager: I have taken the liberty again to write up a set of Findings
of Facts for this. It isn't as long as the one from Gasland so I think
maybe I could read it. I think that might be wise and then everybody can
understand it. After that, t.hen we will render a decision after you
approve t.he Findings of Fact.s. (Mr. Prager read the Findings of Fact.s.)
"Whereas, Appl icat.ion #1214, Robert Deshong is seeking a variance of
Article IV, section 420.3, where you are required to maintain a 25 foot.
side-yard and you are showing 18.3 feet, thus requiring a 6.7 foot
side-yard variance to add an addit.ion to a single family residence to
property located at 248 Pine Ridge Drive in the Town of Wappinger.
Whereas, all members of the Zoning Board of Appeals have reviewed the
Notice of Appeal exhibits. Whereas, hearings were held and all those who
desired to be heard were heard and their testimony recorded. Whereas all
testimony has been carefully considered and the following pertinent fact.s
are noted: No.1, the Appellant's property in its entirety falls into t.he
R-40 dist.rict classification. No.2, the property was purchased in 1978
bv Mr. Robert. Deshong and is located at 248 Pine Ridge Drive in the Town
~Wappinger. No.3, the s~ze of t.he ?roperty is .53 acre.s., No.4, t.he
Appellant has produced archltects drawlngs of the proposed slte plan
showing where the proposed addition would be built and proposed
conditions. These drawings indicate the variance at its greatest point is
6.7 feet at the Northeast corner. (See Mauri Associates Architects P.C.
Drawings, dated September 7, 1995 and October 16, 1995.) No.5, the
Appellant has also produced two (2) drawings showing screening locations.
No.6, t.he Board has received a letter of opposition to t.he granting of
this variance from Mr. Fred W. Schaeffer of corbally, Gartland &
Rappleyea, who represents Mrs. Rosa Corbeels. Mrs. Corbeels resides next
door to the Appellant, on the side in which the proposed addition would be
built. (See letter to the Zoning Board of Appeals from Corbally, Gart.land
and Rappleyea, dated November 28, 1995.) No.7, Mrs. Corbeels concerns
are that if the variance is granted, it will greatly reduce the value of
her property and the value of all properties in the neighborhood. Also,
if the variance is granted, "It. will look like the houses are right. on t.op
of each other." Another concern of Mrs. Corbeels is, "The close proximity
will shorten t.he distance between the houses to the extent t.hat noise from
the Deshong residence will invade the quiet. sanctity of the Corbeels
home.1I Mrs. Corbeels further feels that "The Applicant created his own
hardship by put.ting in a pool some years ago." And lastly, Mrs. Corbeels
is concerned about. her well. "A foundation dug so close to her well will
adversely affect her water supply." (See letter to Zoning Board of
Appeals from Corbally, Gart.land and Rappleyea, dated November 28, 1995.)
No. R, t.he Zoning Board of Appeals also received a letter from Mrs. Rosa
"'l.Corbeels, dat.ed Novembe,r 5, 1995, to ,clarify some statements ,.made. at.
~ November 15, 1995 Zonlng Board meetlng. (See letter to Zonlng Board
of Appeals from Mrs. Rosa M. Corbeels, dated November 5, 1995.) No.9, a
site inspect.ion of the property was done by the Zoning Board of Appeals on
nec~mber 2: 1995. No. la, Mr. Robert Deshong produced two (2) letters
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minutes - December 12, 1995
Page 10
from neighbors across the street from his residence who are in agreement
with the granting of the variance. (See letters to Zoning Board of
Appeals from Raymond G. and Kathy L. Knauss, dated November 27, 1995 and
from Linda P. Smith, M.S, C.R.C., of ARC, DC, dated November 28, 1995.)
No. 11: Mr. ,Joel Sasser, speaking for the Appellant., st.at.ed at the
November 15, 1995 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting that "He has a well in
t.he front. and a sept.ic in t.he back." (See Zoning Board of Appeal s
Minutes, dated November 15, 1995 on Page 13.) No. 12, Mr. Sasser also
stated that the addition will be used as a bedroom for the Deshong's
parents. (See Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes, dated November 15, 1995 on
Page 13.) No. 13, Mr. Deshong stated at the November 28, 1995 Zoning
Board of Appeals meeting that, "Pat and I both work and we are alone."
(See Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes, dated November 28, 1995 on Page 3.)
No. 14, there will not be a basement under the addition. The depth of
excavation will be legal footing. (See Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes,
dated December 12, 1995.) No. 15, Mr. Deshong stated he needs the
addition the size he is asking for because it has already been reduced as
small as possible. No. 16, the Zoning Board of Appeals has received a
letter from Jennifer L. Van Tuyl of Pagones, Cross & Van Tuyl, P.C., dated
December II, 1995 in support of the applicant's variance. No. 17, the
Zon ing Board of Appeal s has received a lett.er from .Jacquel ine .J. Barlov,j' of
J. Barlow Realty Group, Inc., dated December II, 1995 in support of the
applicant's variance. No. 18, the Zoning Board of Appeals has received a
letter from Robert J. Gray, P.E. of Gray, Railing & Heinsman, dated
~ember 12, 1995 in support of t.he applicant. I s variance. No. 19, t.he
Zoning Board of Appeals has received a letter from Albert R. Mauri of
Mauri Associates Archi t.ects P. C., dated December 11, 1995 in support. of
t:he applicant's variance."
l'4rs. Corbeels: Mr. Prager, let me ask you why did you omit my petit.ion?
It was not mentioned.
Mr. Prager: Basically, the petition we felt was basically not against
t.his variance. It is against the 25 foot. side.-yard. That is why.
Mrs. Corbeels: May I also say that Mrs. Smith is not a neighbor. It is a
home for retarded people and I think all of us are the owners of that.
Mrs. Smith is not the owner.
Mr. Prager: She might not be the owner, but she is the person that wrote
the letter.
Mr. Lehigh: Mr. Chairman, we have closed the public portion of this
Mr. Prager: I'm going to render a decision now. Again, we went by the
five points that we have been so lead on area variances that we must look
at and how we have to arrive at our decision. First of all, could I have
a motion to approve the Findings of Facts.
So moved.
Mr. Lehigh:
Vote: All ayes.
WanDinger ~oning Bo~r~
Minutes - December ]2, 1995
Page 11
Mr. Prager: I woulct like to make the following decision in the form of a
motion. "Now therefore be it resolved by the Town of Wappinger Zoning
Board of Appeal that Appeal #1214, Robert Deshong requesting a variance
from Section 420.3 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Law, requiring the
Appl icant to ma i nt.a i n a 25 foot side-yard, be grant.ed on t.he followi ng
grounds. No. I, the requested variance will not be detrimental to nearby
properties. The additional 6.7 foot variance will not reduce the value of
the nearby properties. Being that the addition is for a bedroom and
bathroom, there should not be any increase in noise. Also, since the
total ctepth of the excavation will not be sizeable, there should be no
problem with Mrs. Corbeels well. Mr. Deshong has agreed to install
screening with shrubbery in order to minimize any impact to nearby
properties. No.2, there will be no undesirable change to the character
of the neighborhood. As the architectural drawings, which were produced
by the Applicant, showed the addition will blend into the house which is
now there and also the neighborhood. No.3, there are no alternative
(feasihle) methods to achieve the benefit sought. Since Mr. Deshong's
well is in the front of his house, his septic system is in the rear and
his pool is in the location that it is, there is no other location in
which to put the addition. The size of the addition can not be decreased
since it is for the Applicants elderly parents and this is the size of the
room they require. No.4, the requested variance for 6.7 feet is not
substantial. No 5, the variance will not cause adverse effect.s on the
rL.....sical and/or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or dist.rict.
~re will he no additional noise, light, or visual impact on the
neighborhood. No.6, the difficulty is not "self-created". The Applicant
is building t.he addition for an area in which his parents can st.ay." Can
I have a second to that motion?
Mr. Lehigh: I would like to add that I would like to see the screening
before we ...
Mr. Prager: O.k., very good.
Mr. Fanuele: I would like to say that we should put some screening
hetween the two properties.
Mr. Lehigh: Since he has the two plans I would like to see the evergreens
preferably unless somebody else
Mrs. Van Tuyl: We will do which ever one you want.
Mr. Lehigh:
T think the evergreens would give more privacy. What do you
Mr. Prager:
I would think so. To me I would have thought this would be
~ Fanuele: I'm going to reserve a decision on what type of landscaping
should be. I think that is between the two neighhors and if he can't
get any agreement, then Mr. Deshong should put ..,
Mr. Prager:
Some type of screening.
Wappinger Zoning Board
Minutes - December 12, 1995
Page 12
Mr. Deshong: No question. You can come back and look at it.
Mr. Prager: O.k., could we have that in a motion.
Mr. Fanuele: So moved.
Mr. Lehigh: Second.
ROLL CALL - All present voted ayes.
Mr. Prager: The motion to grant the variance has been passed and it will
be filed within 5 days. Our next item on tonights agenda is a public
hearing on Appeal #1216 at the request of Charles J. Palazzo who is
seeking a variance of Article IV, Section 470.7.2.1 where you are required
not to exceed the maximum grade of 15% for a driveway and you are showing
16.7%, thus requiring a 1.7% variance for property located at 27 Dugan
Lane and is identified as Tax Grid #19-6356-01-005967-00 in the Town of
Wappinger. Do we have proof of publication?
Mrs. Nguyen: Yes.
Mr. Lehigh: I make a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. diPierno: Second.
\.~e : All ayes.
t-fr. Prager: Mr. Palazzo would you like to once again corne up and just.
explain again what you want for the record and state your name?
Mr. Palazzo: My name is Charles J. Palazzo. I would like to request a
variance on the driveway which was blacktopped in 1986, ten years ago. We
had problems with the grade with the driveway and other things. I had a
contractor do all the grading. He did that for the Health Department for
the sewage disposal system. He did that for the driveway. As I stated
earlier or at the last workshop, we had very heavy trucks that came up
that driveway after it was filled and these trucks, one was a truck that
unloaded a modlllar home. The modular home was in the driveway on a
trailer. Then, they raised it up off that and set it on the foundation.
The variance of 16.4 and 16.7% in two segments of the driveway. I think
that amounts to about three point some odd inches from one point to the
other and likewise at the higher point. For me to go back and redo that
driveway which has already been blacktopped would be a very costly
operation. r have been over many roads and driveways in the Town of
Wappinger, in the Village of Wappinger and I want to tell you that there
are far more grades that are much higher than my personal driveway on our
property. Incidentally, there is probably about 6 or 7 houses on that
road. It is a dead end street. It isn't even a cul-de-sac. It is just a
dead end. There is very little traffic on that street. Mrs. Durso, who
~.. an abut.ting neighbors, asked if I would 1 ike her t.O corne to the Board
j~ting. I said, flI don't think it's necessary.fl I said, flIf you send
back your certified receipt, r think that is all they require." If you
would rather have a letter from her, she is our nearest neighbor from the
driveway. I don't think we are harming the environment. I don't think we
are harming any neighbor. I don't think we are harming ourselves. We are
Wanninger Zoning Roard
Minutes - Dpcember 17. 1995
Page ]3
managing. We are doing o.k. That is about all I can offer. It was my
intent to have that driveway go up like this on a very gradual slopp from
bottom to top. That was my ambition. That was my intent and it just
didn't happen.
Mr. Prager: Fine, thank you very much. I know we do have information
that you did supply us with at the last meeting. That is what we will be
going by.
Hr. Fanuele:
in the bot.tom
The driveway you said didn't happen, but with a little fill
you could have made the grade.
Mr. Palazzo: With a little fill in the bottom, yes. Just prior to that
area where it suddenly goes up 16.4 and 16.7%, you are right. Had I been
more astute in building and watching.. I was working at the time. I
just couldn't be there all the time. I couldn't watch these contractors.
T couldn't watch him do the Health thing and it passed fine. He did the
same thing. He did the whole thing. So, they were aware of this. It
wasn't just me.
Mr. Prager: As I look out in the audience I don't see anybody else
sitt.ing out there, but I will ask if there is anybody else who would like
to speak for or against this variance? Please let the record show that
there was no one.
M~ Lehigh: I make a motion that we close the public hearing.
Mr. Fanuele:
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Prager: I will make the motion to grant the variance for the
following reasons. The variance will not be detrimental to any nearby
properties. It will not produce any undesirable change to the character
of the neighborhood. The variance is not substantial. It is only a 1.7%
of an increase. The variance will not cause adverse affects of physical
and/or environmental conditions of the neighborhoods. Can I have a second
Mr. Fanuele: I would like to add something to that. At a future time if
YOll ever re-blacktop it, you should fill in the bottom and make the grade.
Mr. Palazzo: I was going to mention that I do intend to redo the
driveway. I'm not going to promise you that I'm going to build it up to
15% or less.
Mr. Fanuele:
i t:..
It doesn't seem like much if you are going to re-blacktop
M-- Palazzo: But, you know blacktop is not that cheap.
You have to fill
Mr. Lehigh: The fill isn't cheap either.
Mr. Palazzo:
T know.
T am going to do something with the driveway.
ii ...
~appinger Zonina Board
Minutes - December 12, 1995
Page 14
going to try to do something more with it to make it less of a pitch.
Mr. Prager: That is what we want to make sure.
Mr. Palazzo: I want to do that, but I don't want you to come back and
say: "Hey: you told me that you were going to bring it down to 15.5."
Mr. Fanuele: O.k.: the pitch will be reduced_
Mr. Palazzo:
I hope to reduce the pitch.
Ivfr. Fanue] e:
ROLL ~ALL - All present voted ayes.
Mr. Prager: Let me just mention that the motion has been passed to grant
the variance and it will be filed in 5 days.
Mr. Fanuele:
I make a motion that we adjourn.
l-Jr. diPierno:
vote: Al] ayes.
~ Prager: The next meeting will be January 9th.
Respectfully submitted:
of Appeals