Zoning Board of Appeals
February 12, 2002
Summarized Minutes
Members Present
Mr. Lehigh,
Mr. Fanuele,
Mr. diPiemo,
Mr. Prager,
Mr. Warren,
Vice Chairman
Others Present: Mrs. Lukianoff, Zoning Administrator
Mrs. Gale, Secretary
Public Hearings:
Joseph Finnigan
David Katz
Jeffrey Poorman
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Town of Wappinger
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Variance Granted
Variance Granted
PH set 2/26/02
Minutes for Site Visits: January 26, 2002
Mr. Prager: Motion to approve
Mr. Warren: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
First Item:
APPEAL NO. 02-7115
Joseph Finniean - Seeking a variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations for a
R-20 Zone. Whereas 10-foot side yard setback is required for structures under 200 sq. ft.,
applicant is proposing a side yard setback of 3-feet, thus requestine a variance of
7-feet for a 13'6" x 10'5" open wood shed. The property is located at
7 Marlorville Rd. and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6157-01-068673 in the
Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Lehigh: Do I hear a motion to open the public hearing?
Mr. diPiemo: Motioned to open the public hearing.
Mr. Warren: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mrs. Finnigan: My husband couldn't be here tonight.
Mr. Lehigh: We came out and looked at your situation, and my personal feelings
with the fence around it, I didn't see a problem with it.
Mrs. Finnigan:It's a beautiful wood shed.
Mr. Lehigh: Ifwe OK'd that variance for you have that wood shed, I would put in
the variance to maintain that fence, as long as the shed is there.
Mr. Prager: I feel the same way, I noticed it's not any higher than the fence, you
can't see it from the neighbors' - there's really not too much of an area you
could put it, normally with a variance that size I'm not in favor of them.
Mr. Fanuele: As long as the fence stays there.....
Mr. Lehigh: So if you every decide to give up the wood, I'd like to see that
shed come down.
Is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak for or against
this variance?
(No response)
Mr. Lehigh: Since we declared ourselves Lead Agency, but we didn't do the
NEG DEC - could we do that?
Mr. Prager: I make a motion for NEG DEC
Mr. Warren: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Lehigh: Could we have a motion to close the public hearing?
Mr. Fanuele: So moved
Mr. Prager: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Lehigh: I would like to make a motion that the variance be granted and
stipulate that the requested variance will not produce and undesirable
change in the character of the neighborhood, no substantial deterrent will
be created to nearby properties and there are no other feasible methods
available for you to achieve the benefit you seek other than the requested
variance. The requested area variance is substantial, but you have the
fence to hide it, the proposed variance will not have an adverse effect
or impact of the physical or environmental conditions of the district.
Alleged difficulty is self-created, since you made the shed, but I make
a motion that we grant the variance.
Mr. Prager: I'll second - and I believe you also wanted the stipulation
about - ifit's no longer of use to remove it, and keep the fence in place.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Warren - Granted
Mr. diPierno - Granted
Mr. Prager - Granted
Mr. Fanuele - Granted
Mr. Lehigh - Granted
Next Appeal:
APPEAL NO. 02-7114
David & Debra Katz - Seeking a variance of Section 240-37 of District Regulations for
an R40/80 Zone - Whereas 50-feet rear yard setback is required, applicant is
proposing 27 feet. thus requestine a variance of 23 feet to have a deck remain where
it is.
And whereas 25- feet is required for side yard setback, applicant is proposing a side
yard setback of20-feet, thus requestine a variance of5-feet to have same deck
remain where it is. The property is located at 106 Chelsea Rd. and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6056-03-367471 in the Town of Wappinger.
APPEAL NO. 02-7116
David & Debra Katz - Seeking a area variance of Section 240-37 of District
Regulations, to construct a 20' x 32'in eround 0001- Whereas 50 ft. rear yard setback
is required, the applicants are oroposine a rear yard setback of 36 ft. thus requesting!
variance of 14 ft. The property is located at 106 Chelsea Rd. and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6056-03-367471 in the Town of Wappinger.
APPEAL NO. 02-7117
Variance #1
David & Debra Katz - Also seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District
Regulations in R-40/80 Zoning District. Whereas front yard setback of75 feet is
required from a County road to construct a 8' x 32' porch, applicants are proposing
a 70 ft. front yard setback. thus requestine a variance of 5 ft. The property is located
at 106 Chelsea Rd. and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6056-03-367471 in the Town of
Variance #2
David & Debra Katz - Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District
Regulation in R-40/80 Zoning District. Whereas front yard setback of 75 feet is required
from a County road to construct a 26' x 26' two car 2:ara~e, applicants are proposing a
front vard setback of 58.5 ft.. thus requestine a variance of 16.5 ft. The property is
located at 106 Chelsea Rd. and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6056-03-367471 in the
Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Lehigh: I'd like to handle them all together, we opened and do we need
more discussion or is there anything else on it?
Mr. Katz:
I don't have anything unless you have a particular question.
Mr. Lehigh: We came down and looked at it, we looked at the whole project
is a rather large project with quite a few variances. When I came and
looked at it - I didn't see another way to do what you wanted to do, and
I didn't feel myself that it would bother anybody else.
Let's open it to the Board.
Mr. Prager: The only question I have - is there any way of - and I'm talking about
Appeal 7114 which is the appeal for the existing deck - is there anyway - I know
before it looks like to needed it to get to the pool - do need all that room going
out towards the back even if the pool isn't there now.
Mr. Katz: Actually, I don't - there's a section on grade there, certainly a portion of
that really isn't necessary - and actually it was all done together for a permit so
we put it in because it was standing, so I don't know that I would have an
objection to....
Mr. Prager: The only reason I say that is - because it is like 46% when you have
that large - if there's a way you could cut it down, maybe tell us how much
you could cut it down, tonight.. . and I'd feel a little better about that.
Mr. Katz: I could take all that off of the old pool, because that's coming down
so that's quite a bit of decking, that's what - 30' x 10' or 30' x 8'.
Mr. Prager: So you'll be removing how many feet towards the house then?
Mr. Katz: Another 8 or 10 feet towards the house.
Mr. Prager: So in other words, you be able to provide 37 feet instead of...
Mr. Schmidt: We asked for 36' for the pool, so maybe for simplistics, to keep
it the same, would that be ok?
Mr. Prager: OK, so instead of the 27'
Mr. Prager and Mr. Katz continued to discuss the possibility of changing the
Mr. Katz: You would have to rebuild the whole thing, if I had to I would.
Mr. Prager: I just wanted to know ifit's possible.
Mr. Fanuele: The question I have - did you redesign the septic?
Mr. Schmidt: Yes
Mr. Fanuele: Did you get the approval?
Mr. Katz: Yes
Mr. Schmidt: We'll have to get a copy to each of you and put in the records.
Mr. Lehigh: Do you have anything else, Vic?
Mr. Fenuele: No, just the septic, ifthe septic got the approval, then they can
put the pool in.
Mr. Lehigh: Is there anybody else from the audience that has anything
they want to say in this matter?
(No response)
Mr. Lehigh: OK - we're taking it all together as one package, so I'd like
a motion for a NEG DEC.
Mr. Fanuele: So be it
Mr. Warren: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Prager: Motion to close the public hearing
Mr. diPiemo: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Fanuele: I make a motion that we grant the variance.
Mr. Lehigh: I would like to add to that the requested variance will not produce an
undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood, no substantial detriment
will be created to nearby properties and there are no other feasible methods
available for you to achieve the benefit you seek other than the requested
variances. The requested area variance is substantial, the proposed variance will
not have an adverse effect or impact of the physical or environmental conditions
of the district.
Alleged difficulty is self-created, I feel by the shape of the lot, being long, and not
deep enough - that has caused a lot of your problems, and that was the reason that
I would vote for it.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Warren - Granted
Mr. diPierno - Granted
Mr. Prager - Granted
Mr. Fanue1e - Granted
Mr. Lehigh - Granted
Next Item for Discussion:
APPEAL No. 02-7118
Mr. Jeffrev Poorman - Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District
Regulations in R-40 Zoning District. Whereas a side yard setback of25 feet is required,
applicant is proposing a side yard setback of 10ft. 6 inches to construct a bi-Ievel open
wood deck. thus reQuestine a variance of 14ft. 6 inches. The property is located at
17 Gold Rd. and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-04-872481 in the Town of
Mr. Lehigh: This is just a work shop, we like to go over, to see what you are
looking for. Tell us why you need this.
Mr. Poorman: The reason I'm requesting it is - if you look at the survey map, I guess
the house has been grandfather'd in to the property line.
The house itself it 6' 6" from the existing property line right now, the deck
that was up there, that Ire-did - was actually on the edge of the house - I
moved it in another 6 ft. maybe 5 ft.
Mr. Lehigh: Did you have a variance for that in the first place?
Mr. Poorman: For the house? I bought the house as is.
Mr. Fanuele: When was the house built?
Mr. Poorman: 1963
(Board members - that pre-dates Zoning)
Mr. Prager: You purchased it - when?
Mr. Poorman: I purchased it in 1991
Mr. Lehigh: Actually, the house is non-conforming to start with, and you moved the
deck in 6 ft.?
Mr. Poorman: About 5 almost 6 ft., yes.
Mr. Lehigh: Any you put a new deck on - this variance is for an existing deck?
Mr. Poorman: Yes
Mr. Lehigh: The pool has been removed?
Mr. Poorman: The pool has been removed, yes.
Mr. Fanuele: The deck is behind the house?
Mr. Poorman: Correct
Mr. Prager: What's the size of the deck?
Mr. Poorman: The upper deck is 18 x 20, there's a one step down to a lower deck
which is 16 x 16 octagon, right between where the old pool was and
deck is now is where the septic system sits.
Mr. Lehigh: Your septic system is where the pool used to be?
Mr. Poorman: No, it's between where the pool used to be and where the deck is now.
Mr. Lehigh: I think we'd like to come out and take a look at that.
Mr. Poorman: Certainly, and where the old deck was before I took it down, you
couldn't even get a lawn mower between his fence and the deck.
Mr. Fanuele: The old deck is gone?
Mr. Poorman: The old deck is gone.
Mr. Fanuele: The double deck is the new one.
Mr. Poorman: Correct
Mr. Lehigh: I assuming this probably pre-dated zoning and they have nothing on
Mrs. Lukianoff: Correct
Mr. Lehigh: I'd like a motion to be named Lead Agency
Mr. Prager: So moved
Mr. diPiemo: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Lehigh: I'd like to hold of on the NEG DEC, until we meet for the
public hearing, schedule site inspection for Saturday at 9:00AM
We'll schedule the public hearing for February 26,2002.
Mr. Prager: Motioned to adjourn meeting.
Mr. diPierno: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Meeting ended: 8:00PM
Respectfully Submitted,
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Michelle D. Gale
Secretary - Zoning Board of Appeals