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MAR 2 '3 2002
Zoning Board of Appeals
March 12, 2002
Summarized Min utes
Town of Wappinger
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Members Present
ML Lehigh,
ML Fanuele,
ML diPierno,
ML Prager,
ML Warren,
Vice Chairman
Others Present: Mrs, Lukianoff, Zoning Administrator
Mrs. Gale, Secretary
Public Hearings:
William Czesak
Variance Granted
Ann Marie Kozuch
Minutes approved: 2-16-02
Mr. Lehigh: First business to become before the Board is the approval of the
Mr. Fanuele: I'd like to make a change to the minutes of39 Wildwood Dr., I inspected
it also.
ML Lehigh:
Mrs. Gale:
Victor was there.
I'll make change to minutes.
Mr. Lehigh: If nobody has any problems with the rest of them, I'd like to ok them
all at the same time - do I hear a motion for that?
Mr. diPierno: So moved
Mr. Warren: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
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APPEAL No. 02-7119
Mr. William Czesak - Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District
Regulations in R-20 Zoning District. Whereas a rear yard setback of 40 feet is required,
the applicant is proposine: a rear yard set of 28 feet to install an above e:round pool.
thus reauestine a variance of 12 feet. The property is located at 39 Wildwood Drive
and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-01-040656 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Lehigh: I'll hear a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Prager: I make a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Warren: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Lehigh: Briefly go through your description again.
Mr. Prager: Are all the mailings in order?
Mr. Lehigh: Yes, all the mailings are in.
You need the variance so you can have the pool?
Mr. Czesak: Yes sir.
Mr. Lehigh: We went out and looked at the site, nothing has changed since we
were there?
Mr. Czesak: No sir.
Mr. Lehigh: Does anybody have any questions?
Mr. Fanuele: Where is the playground going to be moved?
Mr. Czesak: The swing set will be moved to the left, when you're looking at the
rear of the property.
Mr. Fanuele: Most of the pool will be located behind the house?
Mr. Czesak: Yes - that's really the only practical place to locate the pool.
Mr. Prager: It doesn't look like there's much other areas.....
Mr. Lehigh: You did give some thoughts to extending the fence out, privacy fence
in the front of that - I think that will do a lot of good.
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Mr. Czesak: Yes - we are going to fence in the backyard.
Mr. Lehigh: Does anybody have any other questions?
Mr. Lehigh: I need a motion for a NEG DEe.
Mr. diPiemo: So moved
Mr. Prager: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Lehigh: I need a motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Fanuele: Anyone have any comments from the audience?
(No comments)
Mr. Prager: I motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Warren: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Fanuele: I make a motion that we grant the variance.
Mr. diPiemo: Second
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Warren - Granted
Mr. diPiemo - Granted
Mr. Prager - Granted
Mr. Fanuele - Granted
Mr. Lehigh - Granted
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Next Item:
Anneal No. 00-7078
ANNMARIE KOZUCH - Seeking area variance of 4.9 ft. for minimum side yard
of 40 ft. for a single family residence, from Section 240-37 for R-80 Zoning District.
Applicant has 35.1'. Property is located on 16 Ada Drive and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6157-04-957160 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Lehigh: Do I hear a motion to reopen the adjourned public hearing?
Mr. diPierno: So moved
Mr. Warren: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Lehigh: You had some problems, last time with that because of the
private road, which you are on. I understand that's been cleared up,
I don't have anything in writing that says it has.
Mrs. Lukianoff: I believe, Mr. Chairman, that you had gotten a copy of a
letter - that was directed by the Town Attorney, saying that all legal issues
have been resolved and that the applicant can proceed with the variance
Mr. Lehigh: Yes we did and I talked with the Town Attorney tonight,
and he said he hasn't seen anything letter wise that says.....
Mrs. Lukianoff: He told us to go ahead.
Mr. Lehigh: That's right, and that's exactly what he told me to do, he
said not to give a decision tonight because he's waiting for the title company
to come up with the right proof and Mr. Adams hasn't given it to him as yet.
Mrs. Lukianoff: Then why did he submit the previous letter, I don't understand
that part of it.
Mr. Lehigh: You'll have to talk with him.
, .
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Mrs. Lukianoff: I will
Mr. Lehigh: I just talked with him tonight, we're going to hear everything
and reserve a decision until we see the paperwork. All we have is......
Unless you have it?
(Gentlemen with Ms. Kozuch - Mr. Warren McPartlin)
Mr. McPartlin:What kind of paperwork are you looking for?
Mr. Lehigh: We're looking for the easement.
(Looking through files)
Mr. Lehigh: It says here - that you have a right over Ada Drive, but that's
not Ada Drive that you're located on.
Mr. McPartlin:The access is from Ada Drive - I don't know if you know the
area there.
Mr. Lehigh: I know the area and we've been up there to look at it, what this
says is "over Ada Dr." - and anybody has a right of way over Ada Dr., that's
a town road, you 'ref located on a private driveway that you have to have
right of way to go over that, from Ada Dr. over that private driveway
to your house.
Mr. McPartlin:l'm just getting in on the tail-end of this.. ..
So that private drive - is that owned by the neighbor there.. .is that what
you're saying?
Mr. Lehigh: Yes, the driveway to the house - it's got to be owned by somebody.
Mr. McPartlin:But there's no public record that would show...I don't understand.
Mr. Lehigh: The public road stops there.. ..what you're supposed to have is
you're supposed to have 50 feet on the town road - that's the zoning ordinance,
you don't have 50 foot of town road - evidently this lot.. ..pre-dates zoning, and
that's why you're going to be granted a building permit, unless you have access
in there - which you have to have...I really can't grant you a variance if there
is something illegal on the property - prohibited. I understand, from talking to
the Town Attorney, tonight - that there is no problem, it's just the paperwork
. hasn't been.....
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Mr. McPartlin: Where would we be able to find that information, is it public
record? If you don't have that information - where would we find that
Mr. Lehigh: I would think you would have found that out before you built.
Mr. McPartlin:How did everything get approved.. ...you guys are the one
that approved the building permit?
Mr. Lehigh: We had some meetings on this and the prints that she submitted
had a stamp on - when they were returned to you - that it should never have
been approved, from the Town Engineer.
Mr. McPartlin:The Town Engineer did approve it?
Mr. Lehigh: No he didn't - he put a stamp on there, of things that had to be
done and you never did them.
So, I don't want to get involved in the legal where with all, because I'm not
sure where we're coming from, that's why we have a Town Attorney.
Mrs. Lukianoff: I guess at this point, it would behoove you to put pressure on
the Title Company - here Mr. Roberts' refers to - "he had been verbally
assured", I guess what he wants - be on paper. The title company here is
Corbally, Gartland & Rappleyea.
Mr. Prager addressing the gentlemen with Ms. Kozuch - I'm sorry, I didn't
catch the name.
My name is Warren McPartlin.
(various discussions are in progress at the same time).....
Mr. Prager: Basically, what the Town's attorney is stating here....I believe it is,
he's awaiting conformation from the Title Company that the easement was
validly conveyed to your selves, that's basically what Mr. Roberts' is stating
Do you still have Jon Adams doing this, your attorney?
Ms. Kozuch: Yes
Mr. Prager: He's the one that supposed to be getting this information
Ms. Kozuch: I called him maybe a month ago, he seemed to think
. things were resolved. He didn't even say anything about this.
Mr. Prager: You might want him to contact Al Roberts.
, .
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Mr. Lehigh: I think he did..
Mr. McPartlin: And the issue that we're talking about is - where it says
35.1 feet it supposed to be 40 feet?
Mr. Lehigh: No - what we're talking about is the whole length of
that driveway, from Ada Drive coming in, you have to have a permit
to be in there, a right-of-way from the people that own that road, you
have to have a permit, and you don't have it, and that's what we're
waiting for, before we give you a decision - because if! give you a
decision and somebody challenges it, then we don't have it and you're
under Article 78 and then they throw it out anyway.
What you have to do is make sure Mr. Adams gets you the confirmation on
that right-of-way, now I understand the Title Company has it, it hasn't been
presented to the Town, as yet ahd that's where it has got to go.
Mr. McPartlin: You're saying Ada Drive ends where the blacktop ends?
Mr. Lehigh: Right
Mr. diPierno: Who did you buy the property from?
Ms. Kozuch: Timothy Cronin
Mr. diPierno: He transmitted a deed to you?
Ms. Kozuch: Yes
Mr. diPierno: And in that deed there was no specification about an
easement or the right of access?
Ms. Kozuch: Actually, there was a correction done to the deed and that
was handled through Jon Adams.
Mr. diPierno: Do you have the deed?
Mr. Lehigh: That's what we were just looking at.
Ms. Kozuch: No - that's the old one (the original one). There was an
update. . .
Mr. diPierno: You are the property owner, you have a legal right to that deed.
Mr. Lehigh: I don't want to close it.
Make a motion.
. .
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Mr. diPierno: I make a motion we adjourn this again, until further information
is provided.
Mr. Prager: I'll second that.
Mr. Lehigh: This way it gives you a chance to come back.
Mr. Prager: Primarily, what we're interested in getting is the confirmation
from the title company, that the easement was validly conveyed to you.
Ms. Kozuch: And that would be written in the updated deed, you're saying?
Mr. Lehigh: Should be.. .Mr. Adams should find that.
Mr. Fanuele: It would also have it in the deed of the other guy's property,
granting you the easement, ifit's not in his deed and it's in your.
Mr. Lehigh: We have a motion to adjourn the public hearing - do I hear
Members: Aye
Mr. Lehigh: Do I hear a motion for adjournment?
Mr. Prager: I make a motion to adjourn.
Mr. diPierno: I'll second it.
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Meeting ended: 8:00PM
Respectfully Submitted,
0(~~L- 0. 0)t~-
Michelle D. Gale
Secretary - Zoning Board of Appeals