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Minutes of April 9,2002
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 9, 2002
Summarized Minutes
Town of Wappinger
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Members Present
Mr. Lehigh,
Mr. Fanuele,
Mr. diPiemo,
Mr. Prager,
Mr. Warren,
Vice Chairman
Others Present: Mrs. Lukianoff, Zoning Administrator
Mrs. Gale, Secretary
Public Hearing:
Nicholas Squillace
Variance Granted
Kevin Gibson
(L. Paggi - Representing)
Set PH 4/23/02
Mr. diPierno: Motioned to approve Minutes for March 26 & March 30, 2002
Mr. Prager: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
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Minutes of April 9, 2002
APPEAL No. 02-7120
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Squillace - Seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District
Regulations in R-20 Zoning District. Whereas a side yard setback of20 feet is required,
applicant is proposin2 a side yard setback of 16 ft. to construct a 16' x 22'
residential addition and enlar2in2: rear open deck. thus reauestin2: a variance of 4
feet. The property is located at 10 Applesauce Lane and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6258-04-664026 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Lehigh: Can I have a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Warren: So moved
Mr. diPiemo: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Lehigh: To build an addition, you need a variance of 6 ft. and 4 ft.
Mr. Squillace: No, just the one for 6 feet.
Mr. Lehigh: We looked at this on the 30th (March) - right.
I didn't see anything wrong with it.
I need a motion for a NEG DEC
Mr. diPiemo: So moved
Mr. Warren: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Lehigh: Motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Prager: I make a motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. diPiemo: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
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Mr. Fanuele: Make the record show, nobody opposed it.
Mr. Lehigh: Does anybody want to make a motion?
Mr. diPiemo: I make a motion to grant the variance.
Mr. Lehigh: I need a second
Mr. Warren: Second
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. Warren - Granted
Mr. diPiemo - Granted
Mr. Prager - Granted
Mr. Fanuele - Granted
Mr. Lehigh - Granted
Minutes of April 9, 2002
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Minutes of April 9, 2002
APPEAL No. 02-7121
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gibson - Seeking an area variance of Chapter 240, Section 20 of the
Zoning Code in R-IO & R-40. Whereas 50 ft. of frontage is required, the applicants are
proposin2 25 ft. fronta2e. thus requestin!! a variance of 25 feet to allow access over a
ri!!ht of way. thereby creatin2 25 feet of fronta!!e. The property is located at
Sprin2 Street. Chelsea. NY and is identified as Tax Grid No. 5956-04-970470 in the
Town ofWappingers.
Mr. Larry Paggi - Professional Engineer representing the applicants.
The first thing would be to ask if anybody has any questions because it
maybe a little bit confusing, what we're actually doing here.
Mr. Fanuele: You might want to explain a little bit about it.
Mr. L. Paggi: There's actually four lots, (point to map) - there's a lot here,
there's another lot here, this is an existing lot for this line here and
this is an existing lot. What is was - was six brothers, one brother
remains and the lots have gone to their children. This is an existing
home now, one of the children have built back here, rather than continuing
access over a right-of-way between these two properties and rather than
this continuing to be an individual lot, what they all agreed to do was to
give this lot it's own access rather than the right-of-way, and having them
be ownership of this strip and just attaching (this) to (this portion) and
this to this portion. We're in front ofthe Planning Board for a lot line
re-alignment now.
Mr. diPiemo: So actually it will be three lots.
Mr. L. Paggi: Yes, and this person will actually have ownership, rather than
Mr. Fanuele: This is a driveway.
Mr. Lehigh: And it pre-dates Zoning.
Mr. L. Paggi: Yes it does
Mr. diPiemo and Mr. Paggi - discussing on the map where the property lines are.
Mr. diPiemo: So he's the one giving up the right-of-way.
Mr. L. Paggi: Correct
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Minutes of April 9,2002
Mr. Lehigh: Does anybody have any problems - does everybody understand it?
We have a letter from the Planning Board that recommends it, that
we give them the 25 ft. variance.
1'd like a motion for the Zoning Board of Appeals to become Lead Agency
in this matter.
Mr. diPiemo: So moved
Mr. Warren: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Lehigh: I don't think there's any benefit in going down and seeing this?
(Board) - All agreed
Mr. Lehigh: I will accept a motion for a NEG DEe
Mr. diPiemo: So moved
Mr. Prager: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Mr. Lehigh: We'll set the public hearing for April 23, 2002
Mr. Fanuele: I make a motion to close the meeting.
Mr. Prager: Second
All in favor - all present voted - Aye
Meeting ended at 7 :45 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Michelle D. Gale
Secretary - Zoning Board of Appeals