FEB 1 3 2001
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
January 23, 2001
Summarized Minutes
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, NY
Members Present
Mr. Lehigh: Chairman
Mr. Fanuele: Member
Mr. Warren: Member
Mr. Prager, Member
Mr. diPiemo: Member
Others Present
Mrs. Gale, Secretary to the Zoning Board of Appeals
Mrs. Lukianoff, Zoning Administrator
Minutes to Approve: January 3, 2001
January 9, 2001
Approved with corrections
Public Hearing:
Henry & Gail Arnold
- Variance for deck
Kevin Davis & Eileen Lithco
Montegari & Morse
-Variance for shed
- Variance for house
First Item:
Appeal No. 00-7075
Henry & Gail Arnold - Seeking an area variance for front porch/deck, reduction of
setback required by 3'. The property is located on 96 Helen Drive and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6158-02-823871 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Lehigh: Addressed secretary - all mailings received?
Mrs. Gale - Yes
Mr. Prager: Motioned to open public hearing
Mr. Fauele: Second
Mr. Lehigh: All in Favor
All: Aye
Mr. Lehigh: Motion for Lead Agency?
Mr. Prager: So moved
Mr. Warren: Second
Mr. Lehigh: Explained findings on site visit to Mr. Arnold, - need a 3 foot variance
Require 35 feet - you can provide 32 feet.
Mr. Arnold: That's correct
Mr. Lehigh: Any questions?
Mr. Prager: No - this variance is minimal- we looked at property, don't see any
Mr. Lehigh: Mr. Arnold, state your case for the record.
Mr. Arnold: We want to put a deck on front of our house, it's 8' 8" x 13' laterally,
we have 32 feet set back, it's an open deck with railings, ground level
with no steps.
Mr. Fanuele: It's ground level and need 3 feet.
Mr. Lehigh: Is there anybody in the audience?
No response
Mr. Lehigh: I'll entertain a motion for a NEG DEC
Mr. Prager: Make motion for a NEG DEC
Mr. diPiemo: Second
Mr. Lehigh: All in Favor
All: Aye
Mr. Lehigh: Need motion to close Public Hearing
Mr. Prager: Motion to close Public Hearing
Mr. Warren: Second
Mr. Lehigh: All in Favor
All: Aye
Mr. Prager: I make a motion to approve the variance
Roll call vote: Mr. diPiemo - Granted
Mr. Warren - Granted
Mr. Lehigh - Granted
Mr. Prager - Granted
Mr. Fanuele - Granted
Mr. Lehigh: Mr. Arnold you have your variance, you'll receive notice in the mail in
a couple of days.
Next Item:
Appeal No. 00-7073
Kevin M. Davis & Eileen P. Lithco - Seeking an area variance of7 feet to have existing
shed remain where it is. The property is located at 41 Alpert Drive and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6257-02-749667 and is located in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Lehigh: Tell us what you need?
Mr. Davis: We moved from Fishkill, my wife five girls and myself on Oct. 11, 2000.
Three weeks before that, Mr. Nisgor original owner for 30 years received
A notice from Mr. Lieberman, who had inspected the property and he was
advised that the shed, which has been in place for 24 years was too close
to property line, so prior to closing we needed a clean title in order to
close. We purchased the home and go ahead with a variance later.
I inspected the shed - it's on level ground, to move it would put it
askew, it's about 3-4 feet from property line.
Mr. Lehigh: We don't grant variances for 3-4 feet, we have to know exactly.
We should know where the line is comer is aligned differently, closed
Comer to the line.
After consulting with Mrs. Lukianoff, Mr.Davis notes survey map
Shows 2.9' from property line.
Mr. Prager: That's a very substantial variance -70%.
Mr. Fanuele: How did you get the mortgage with a violation - usually they don't
Do that?
Mr. Lehigh: If you don't have a CO - they don't let you sign.
Mr. Davis: Mr. Lieberman had prepared this document basically approving
Everything for the property, existing storage shed we were going
To renew the Building Permit - the CO that was already issued
Had expired.
Mr. Davis showed the letter from Mark Lieberman dated
October 6, 2000, addressed to Mr. Howard Nisgor, he received this
He's trying to close.
Mr. Prager: You said the CO had expired or is it that the Building Permit expired?
Mr. Davis: That's what expired.
Mr. Prager: It says a CO was issued, expired for an 8 x 12 storage shed, to be
Renewed after closing.
Mr. Lehigh: I never heard of an expired CO.
Mrs. Lukianoff: As you can see - October 6th date, I was on vacation - Mark was
Doing inspections. What happened - there was a request for a CO
Search - since now a part CO search is a visual drive by, Mark made
The visual and noticed the shed appeared too close. We asked for an
"As Built" Survey - spoke to a very excited Mr. Nisgor - basically
he said the shed was 24 years old and it is in excellent condition
questioned if the shed was newer. Shed was repainted and re-roofed,
the shed is among trees. Spoke to Mr. Davis as well as Mr. Nisgor as
to the possibility of moving shed to back of property.
Mr. Lehigh: So there is no CO issued on that?
Mrs. Lukianoff: I think there was a CO issued - the problem is that originally
When Mr. Nisgor got the building permit, the shed was not
Placed in the position it was supposed to be - the ground was
A little more level- and 24 years ago there wasn't the visual
Conformation prior to issuing a CO. Mr. Nisgor came to me
And told me the new owner would be duty bound to resolve
This issue - and that was the last I heard from Mr. Nisgor.
Mr. Davis:
He had already purchased the home and was anxious to sell,
We were working on getting the girls in school.
The shed does not seem out of place, it's close to the deck
And pool- that's where all the pool supplies go. The fear
Of moving the shed, it's heavy and it's old and to move it
Would cause damage.
Mr. Lehigh:
Usually the sheds are built to be moveable - they build them
Someplace else and then moves them.
Mr. Davis:
It is 24 years old, the top is re-shingled, but the bottom has rotting,
I have some pictures.
Mr. Lehigh:
Let me take a look at the pictures.
Mr. Prager: It's right on the ground, it's not on a slab?
Mr. Davis: No - you'll see the bricks that are holding it up - to level it off.
Mr. diPierno: What concerns me is this is a very large variance.
Mr. Prager: The owner, he didn't build this himself, or did he buy it?
Mr. Davis: No - he said he purchased it. He said he put a new roof on, last
Summer. It fits into the area, not an eyesore. The neighbors don't
Seem to have a problem.
Mr. Prager: I understand that - unfortunately we have certain rules we have
To go by. Ifit's a foot, or a couple of feet, but we're talking 7',
Actually it's more - 7' 3".
Mr. Lehigh: It's a very large variance.
Mr. Fanuele: This had a Building Permit back in 1976, the shed was built - but
It never received a CO is that what we're talking aQout?
Mrs. Lukianoff: I can't tell you for sure - I believe the only problem was the
Location of the shed - I think the CO was given.
Mr. Lehigh: Without regards to the location?
Mrs. Lukianoff: Because, back then it wasn't the same as now - where we
Ask for "as builds" and follow up on it - and even before
CO searches were done, without visual inspections, now we
Do CO searches that include a visual inspection of the premise.
You get plots that show you one thing and then when
Done - you have something completely different.
Mr. Lehigh: If he had the CO on it, legally we cannot grant him a variance
Because he's already got a CO on it, I have to check with the
Attorney on it.
Mr. Prager: Is there any paperwork that you might be able to find?
Mrs. Lukianoff: I can ask the Building Dept. to check into it
Mr. Davis:
You can see where the property line starts out front, it's only one
quarter of the shed, it's only the front end comer - the back
comer is probably a good 5' from the property line.
Mr. Prager: What you ought to do is get the exact footage, from the
Inside, out.
Mrs. Lukianoff: I did write the outside company asking for the verification,
They sent me a copy.
Mr. Lehigh: If there's a CO - I don't think we need to. I would be against
Granting him a variance ifhe's already got a CO.
Mr. Fanuele: Ifhe didn't get a CO - it's been sitting there for 24 years
Without being inspected for a CO.
Mr. Davis: The original owner was emphatic about this, he kept
Paperwork - if this required a CO, I'm sure he'd have it.
Mr. Lehigh: Does he have any sales slips on that shed, if he keeps all
His documents?
Mr. Davis: Yes - I'll ask him
Mr. Prager: If you can find it - bring it in.
Mr. Lehigh:
We need to schedule a Site Visit for Saturday,
January 26th at 9:30 AM.
(At site visit - Mr. Lehigh scheduled a Public Hearing for February 13, 2001).
New Item:
ALFRED MONTEGARI/TOBY MORSE - Seeking an area variance of 3 feet for
house to remain on lot, house is located 3 feet over side yard set back. The property is
located at 26 Fleetwood Drive and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6156-01-249806 in
the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Fanuele: When do you plan on moving in?
Mr. Montegari: Construction began in May - we had a problem with lot in
September, house was set on foundation - all pre-fab, foundation
is pre-fab, Sal had stopped by, by looking at house he said
house is too low, on Sept. 29th Sal put a Stop Work Order, he
requested to have engineers get involved, re-survey the lot,
alternate plans - 37" too low, excavators made many errors,
The cost is $40,000 to start raising the house, we can't do
until we get the Stop Work Order lifter - also found it was
3' too close to sewerage plant. The property behind us is
her morn's property, next to us is the Town, in front is the
Town, to garage end south side is Bob Herman's property,
They're the only neighbors.
Mr. Fanuele: What is on the Town property?
Mr. Montegari: Sewerage Plant is on the end of Fleetwood
Mr. Prager: Stop Order is on it - you raised the foundation?
Mr. Montegari: No - we couldn't do anything, there's a Stop Work Order,
getting the variance is our final step.
Mr. Prager: At this point, you have block up?
Mr. Lehigh: He's got the foundation up, house is sitting on it.
Mr. Montegari: Prefab foundation, the house is set on it, we were 2 weeks
away from moving in - now we have to raise it
Mr. Prager: How many inches do you have to raise?
'-'" Mr. Montegari: 37" - excavators claim they did nothing wrong, it's all
on paper, they did it wrong.
Mr. Lehigh: The only variance you're asking for is the 15' to 12'
that's a 3' variance. What about the depth?
Mrs. Lukianoff: Those are all ok, it's only the side variance.
Mr. Lehigh: The depth, we don't have a problem with?
Mrs. Lukianoff: You mean the depth of the house?
Mr. Lehigh: The depth of the foundation
Mrs. Lukianoff: There's no set back - that's engineering
Mr. Prager: You've got a Stop Work Order, anyway
Mr. Montegari: That's right
Mr. Lehigh: That's what I wanted to know, we're not going to go through
the whole thing, give him the 3' variance and he needs 37"
~ variance for the depth too
Mrs. Lukianoff: No - that's being addressed - the engineers are working on it.
This is they need the 15', they're at 12'.
Mr. Lehigh: Do we need to take a look?
All: No, we should set a Public Hearing.
Mr. diPiemo: Is there anything we can do to expedite this?
Mr. Prager: Set the Public Hearing
Mr. Lehigh: Need a motion for Lead Agency
Mr. diPiemo: So moved
Mr. Prager: Second
Mr. Lehigh: All in Favor?
All: Aye
Mr. Lehigh:
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Fanuele:
Mr. Lehigh:
Mr. Lehigh:
Mr. diPierno:
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Lehigh:
I'll entertain a motion for NEG DEe
So moved
All in Favor?
Set a Public Hearing for February 13, 2001
Need motion to adjourn?
Motioned to adjourn
All in Favor?
Meeting ended: 8:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
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Michelle D. Gale, Secretary
Zoning Board of Appeals