1992-05-12r. - ice,'
11%W Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
May 12, 1992
Minutes - 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Sasser, Chairman
Mr. Lehigh, Member
Mr. Brooker, Member
Others Present
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Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Mr. Hirkala, Vice Chairman
Mr. Bitterlich, Member
Mr. Levenson, Zoning Administrator
Mrs. Hardisty, Secretary to the Zoning Board
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
JUN 0 9. 92
Mr. Sasser: First item on the agenda tonight is the minutes of April 14, 1992.
Mr. Lehigh: Made a motion to approve the minutes as read.
avMr. Hirkala: Seconded.
Vote: All ayes.
Motion carried.
Mr. Sasser: The first public hearing on the agenda tonight.
Appeal 41131 - At the request of Stephen Teed ( Contract Vendee Cimtech CorTA
seeking a variance of Article IV Section 422 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning
Law, where you are required to maintain a 100 foot frontage, and your proposal
is showing 75 foot frontage. Therefore requiring a variance of 25 feet, on
property located on Airport Drive and being parcel #6259-04-679493 in the Town
of Wappinger.
Mr. Larry Paggi and Mr. Teed were present.
Mr. Levenson: Mr. Chairman, I would like to state for the record that the
Planning Board has reviewed this in great detail, and I believe you have a let-
ter from me from the Planning Board, stating that they recommend that you grant
this variance (letter dated April 8, 1992 on file). Also for the record all
three cases have been properly advertised and notices were sent out.
Mr. Sasser: Can I have a motion.to accept proof of publication.
Mr. Hirkala: So moved.
Mr. Bitterlich: Seconded
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Vote: All ayes.
Motion carried.
Mr. Sasser: Does the Board have any questions, of Mr. Paggi. We did receive
some extensive information on this. There is a full EAF included.
Mr. Hirkala: Correct me if I am wrong, the reason for this, the Planning Boards
request is that the parking be in the back of the building?
Mr. Paggi: I don't know if they requested that, they favored that.
Mr. Levenson: They favored that and Mr. Hirkala, you should understand that we
had this building laying straight. Mr. Paggi, redid this drawing so that it is
on an angle. So that it is better configured on the lot, and we have a better
access for handicap parking. You know what subdivision this is in don't you?
Mr. Hirkala: Yes. This building is it for the soul purpose of Cimtech, or is it
going to be some office there and some here?
Mr. Paggi: No, at this time it is for the soul purpose of Cimtech.
Mr. Teed: Basically the plan is to run a design shop, which is office computer
that would be upstairs, the bottom would be a pro -to shop.
*AWT'here was a discussion on what they do.
Mr. Hirkala: For future expansion of the business if any, would there be any
enviornmental impact on the..site for any of the work you do?
Mr. Teed: I don't understand.
Mr. Hirkala: I didn't realize you had a machine shop in the operation.
Mr. Teed: No, it is not really that, it is going to be a model shop.
Mr. Hirkala: Ok, no production. Do you have any plans right now for the future
to expand anything over to the east?
Mr. Teed: I only want to get through this.
Mr. Hirkala: The reason I am asking that is because there is a large portion of
this that is empty.
There was a discussion on this.
Mr. Hirkala: So the chances of it being utilities for further expansion is
Mr. Teed: No, I wouldn't say that, I don't see, if that happens that would all
come up again here. Before you again.
Mr. Hirkala: No problem there, but what I am talking about, is the fact that I
would like to deal with it now, not later.
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Mr. Teed: That is exactly why I respond no right away, because I want to know
everybody's feelings on that to. It is a large piece of property.
Mr. Sasser: I would like to say for the record with regard to the instant
matter we have now, I am very much in favor, and I think that it is terrific
that the parking has been put in the back instead of the front. That is the way
I believe we should go, on lots of these things that are coming before us. We
are being encouraged by the Planning Board Federation and by the county and
lots of people to encourage this kind of development instead of putting it in
the front.
Mr. Hirkala: This has been an on going thing in this Town for years, this is
nothing new.
There was then a discussion on this, and the future development of the prop-
Mr. Teed: I have no plans at this time for future development.
There was then a discussion on the property, wetlands, parking, drainage and
Mr. Sasser: One of the concerns that I have and the reason I keep, I am press-
ing on this, as you know, to get an area variance granted you have to not be
ible to do this any other way. And the point that I am trying to get at is you
''need this area currently, as you have it designed for detention, and you could
not put parking there.
Mr. Paggi: I don't think we could say that.
Mr. Hirkala: What your plan shows here is the fact that you are looking into
the future for possibility of using more of the site for business.
Mr. Paggi: I think that it -may be a fair statement that even if the building
was over there that we would still need a variance.
There was a discussion on this, the size of the property, the shape of the
property and parking.
Mr. Paggi: I agree with Mike if we had to design this thing to spec, we could,
but it would be a much less desirable plan.
Mr. Lehigh: On your SEQRA statement it says number of jobs created during
construction 10?
Mr. Paggi: That is just for the construction of the building.
Mr. Lehigh: It says after project completed, it says zero. You are not going to
have any employees there? I consider that a mistake on the SEQRA form. I am not
holding that against them, what I want to know is how many are you having.
Mr. Teed: 13 employees.
Mr. Lehigh: On number 11, proposed action will create a demand for any commu-
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unity provided services, recreation, education, police and fire protection. You
marked yes, I am assuming fire protection. Has this been in front of the Fire
Prevention Bureau?
Mr. Levenson: O, sure.
Mr. Lehigh: Do they have any suggestions for us?
Mr. Levenson: No suggestions at all. They signed the job off right a way.
Mr. Lehigh: My third comment is, the maximum height of the building is 35 feet?
Mr. Paggi: By zoning, that is our maximum.
Mr. Lehigh: What is the height of the building going to be I don't see it on
the plans.
Mr. Paggi: At the time we developed this plan we didn't know that, but since
architectural have been done, we are looking at about 24 feet.
Mr. Lehigh: The reason I am asking that is because of the airport.
Mr. Levenson: I address that with the FAA, I called them and told them that we
were contemplating a building under 30 feet and they said don't even send the
papers into us.
Mr. Sasser: I would like to open the public hearing. Is there anyone in the
audience that would like to speak for or against this project?
Mr. Bitterlich: Made a motion to close the public hearing because there was
no one to speak.
Mr. Lehigh: Seconded.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Lehigh: In view of the positive deck forms, I move for a Negative Declara-
Mr. Bitterlich: Seconded.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Bitterlich: Made a motion to grant the variance.
Mr. Hirkala: Seconded.
Vote: Mr. Lehigh: For.
Mr. Hirkala: aye
Mr. Bitterlich: For
Mr. Sasser: aye
w Mr. Hirkala: The justification is the shape of the lot, there is a practical
i difficulty.
Mr. Sasser: I believe as well, that he has met the criteria for practical
Page 5
,%W Mr. Bitterlich: I would like that in the record as well.
Mr. Sasser: The second item on the agenda tonight is Apueal #1132 - At the
request of Mr. & Mrs. Pucherelli, seeking a variance of Article IV Section 421
of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Law, where you are required to maintain a 25
foot rear yard and you are showing a deck 15 feet from the rear yard, requiring
a 10 foot variance, on property located at 51 Fieldstone Blvd. and being parcel
#6257-06-323758 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Pucherelli was present.
Mr. Sasser: I would just like to state for the record, that Mr. Bitterlich and
I and Mr. Levenson, performed a site inspection. The irregular shape of this
lot is such, that if he conforms to the Ordinance, he would only be allowed to
come two feet from his sliding glass door.
Mr. Levenson: I think that the record should state that everyone of those unit
that were built, were built with sliding glass doors and no decks.
Mr. Sasser: I would like to make a point that he is allowed by the ordinance
that he is allowed two feet.
Mr. Hirkala: What I want to know is, Fieldstone Blvd. that is a Conservation
Mr. Levenson: Right.
Mr. Hirkala: Under the approval of the Town Board for Conservation subdivisions
is there any rear set backs requirements. Because we have been before deck
situations there before.
Mr. Levenson: 25 feet is allowed in the covenant of the deed.
There was a discussion on this.
Mr. Hirkala: So he has to be 25 feet from the rear set back, based upon what
the deed says.
Mr. Levenson: Yes, but there has been all kinds of variances granted there.
There must be, I would say there is at least 70 to 75% of those homes all have
decks on them.
Mr. Hirkala: Do they all have variances on them, because I don't recall anymore
than one or two of them coming in. One was a back yard that was almost under-
water. So they needed it because they had no back yard. The other one was
encroached in the Conservation area with a garden and everything else.
Mr. Levenson: What we are doing on the computer to get a read out of all the
decks on Fieldstone Blvd.
Mr. Hirkala: I wouldn't be surprised if every one of them is illegal.
Mr. Levenson: You have someone that is coming clean with you.
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Mr. Lehigh: This is already built right?
Mr. Levenson: Yes.
There was then a discussion of how he came in for this variance. He was moving
and needed a C of O for the deck.
Mr. Hirkala: I find it very difficult, and this is nothing personal to you,
but that Fieldstone Blvd. is attached houses, smaller lots, Conservation sub-
division which is unique, it is different from any other variance request we
get, because of the smallness of the lots. And I would find it very hard
pressed, unless there was a very good reason for it.
Mr. Sasser: There is something I want to tell you Mike, it is a little bit
different, and you might not know unless you see this lot. If you look at his
map, the rear of the lot is a Conservation District, what that is however is
approximately and I am guessing a 10 to 15 foot stretch of field and then
another lot identical to this one behind it. It looks like an alleyway between
these units.
There was a discussion on this.
Mr. Levenson: There is no fight about who is going to use it, the only people
that can use this according to the deeds, this Conservation District, all the
%land in the Conservation District belongs to the Town of Wappinger. so nobody
"'can infringe on it.
Mr. Hirkala: But they do that is my point, you can't watch everybody.
Mr. Levenson: Where we catch them we tell them to stay out.
Mr. Hirkala: How far from the rear lot line is it?
Mr. Levenson: 15 feet.
Mr. Sasser: If there was ever a case of practical difficulty that I've seen
this is the most clear cut. He has only 2 feet that he is able to use of his
back yard, with a sliding glass door, which is 5 feet up in the air.
Mr. Hirkala: This is something that nobody mentioned before.
Mr. Lehigh: Asked the applicant what the cost of the deck was.
Mr. Pucherelli: About $700.00 dollars, in material.
Mr. Bitterlich: He couldn't even put a staircase out his back door.
There was further discussion on this and the fact that the deck was already
V*.,,Mr. Pucherelli: Can I make a statement? Back in 85 when I was putting the deck
up, I did go to the Town Building Department, when it was in the village, and I
wanted to see if I needed a permit. And when I explained that it was being
built on cinder blocks, they told me, since it was on cinder blocks we don't
consider this as permanent, you don't need a permit.
Page 7 '
There was a discussion on this. Mr. Classey, told Mr. Pucherelli, what he would
have to do to bring this deck up to compliance.
Mr. Sasser: Lets have one conversation at a time please.
There was a discussion on why these units received C of Os with a 5 foot drop
and sliding glass doors.
Mr. Sasser: Does the Board have anymore questions? I would like to open the
public hearing. Can I have a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Lehigh: Made a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Bitterlich: Seconded.
Mr. Sasser: Is there anyone here that would like to speak on this matter? Let
the record show there was no one here to speak for or against, can I have a
motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Lehigh: Made a motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Hirkala: Seconded.
Mr. Lehigh: Made a motion to declare a Negative Declaration.
*✓'Mr. Bitterlich: Seconded.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Lehigh: Made a motion to grant the variance, that he has proved the hard-
ship, I don't think they should have ever been built with only a allowance of 2
feet out the back, I think that was a mistake, and I am not going to say who
made the mistake, but I think it was a mistake, the man has $700.00 dollars of
materials and labor in this.
Mr. Bitterlich: Seconded.
Roll call vote: Mr. Lehigh: aye
Mr. Bitterlich: aye
Mr. Hirkala: aye
Mr. Sasser: aye
Mr. Hirkala: I am going to vote yes, for one reason only, and I want this in
the record. This is not a prescient, it is only the fact that I know Dan
Kriegsman. It is the only reason that I am voting yes on this, because I know
the guy you said you talked to, and I know that exactly what you said, he said
is exactly possible.
Mr. Sasser: Yes, I believe that the shape of this lot and his problem with the
5 foot drop is a hardship.
Mr. Levenson: Might I just add that Mr. Pucherelli will have to conform to the
.Building Inspectors requirements.
Mr. Sasser: Would you please let the record show that I am now excusing myself
form this meeting and turning it over to Mr. Hirkala.
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*"'Mr. Levenson: What about a motion to hold this case over.
Mr. Sasser: Herb, I've been meaning to say to you, would you please only speak
when a question is directed to you.
Mr. Levenson: Mr. Chairman, for the record, this case has been properly adver-
tised and we have received all the notices back.
Mr. Hirkala: The case hasn't been read yet. Appeal #1133 - At the request of
Mr. & Mrs A Amendola Steven Amendola & Mr. Joel Sasser, seeking a variance
of Article IV Section 421.6 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Law, where you are
required to maintain a 50 foot front yard and your proposal shows'a 30 foot
front yard therefore requiring a 20 foot variance, on property located at 122
Diddell Road, and being parcel ##6359-04-526478 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Sasser, was present.
Mr. Lehigh: It states in your letter, that there is currently a building permit
issued to allow a 2 car garage constructed in the basement area on the right
side of this house. I looked at the drawing and the right side of the house has
no driveway or anything else coming to it?
*4rMr. Sasser: Not currently, that is being planned to go in there.
Mr. Lehigh: On the right side.
Mr. Sasser: That is correct.
Mr. Lehigh: The driveway is on the left?
Mr. Sasser: No. He then explained pointing to the drawing where the driveway
would be.
Mr. Hirkala: What is on this plan is the existing driveway?
Mr. Sasser: Yes. My request for the variance really is only regarding the free
standing garage, no variance is required for the other driveway.
Mr. Lehigh: You stated here that you don't have the room under the house for
the two car garage?
Mr. Sasser: That is correct, the basement is only located under this half of
the house, this is a crawl, this is a legal two family.
Mr. Hirkala: You don't have any garage under there now?
Mr. Sasser: Correct.
11%'Mr. Hirkala And you want to but a garage in?
Mr. Sasser: Correct.
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Mr. Lehigh: Storage plus cars, and there is no place else on that property that
you can put it without causing a problem?
Mr. Sasser: There is no other place.
There was a discussion on the property, there was a pond on the property and a
drop, so this was the only place to put this.
Mr. Bitterlich: If I can bring it up to the Board, there is a letter that's
been received from Mr. & Mrs. Bertolino, regarding this zoning request. I went
out and looked at the property and the comment that is made in this letter,
that there really isn't any other place to put this garage is a fact. I looked
around and I couldn't figure any other place to put this garage other then
where it is shown here on this plan. For the record I think that this letter
should be made part of the record, and I agree sincerely with the comments that
there is no other place to put it.
There was further discussion on the property, which was on a hill, and the
excavation that would be done.
Mr. Hirkala: What you are trying to do is set up a garage for each apartment?
Mr. Sasser: Exactly right.
Mr. Lehigh: You said that notices had been published on all three public hear-
ings, and we have nobody here.
Mr. Lehigh: Made a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Bitterlich: Seconded.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Hirkala: For the record there is nobody here to speak for or against this
the room is empty.
Mr. Lehigh: Made a motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Bitterlich: Seconded.
Vote: All ayes.
Mr. Lehigh: Made a motion for a Negative Declaration.
Mr. Bitterlich: Seconded.
Vote: All ayes.
i Mr. Lehigh: Made a motion that the variance be granted, due to the conformity
of the lot, and the location for the two car garage is the only practical
i ,,,,,location on.. the lot.
Mr. Bitterlich: I will second that.
Mr. Hirkala: All in favor? Do we need a roll call vote on that?
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bertolino
118 Diddell Road
Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590
May 4, 1992
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Administrator
20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
Dear Zoning Board,
I am writing this letter to show our support for Mr. Sasser's
zoning variance request. We have been neighbors of the Sasser
family for several years. During that time, they have made
dramatic improvements to the neighborhood and the property.
Even tholgh the house is two family, they have made improvements
and changes in such a way that it looks like a single family
home. They have changed what was once a plain, simple ranch
I%W house into a gorgeous home that is an attraction and benefit to
the entire neighborhood and has very definitely improved the
value of surrounding homes.
The grounds are manicured and pristine and the house is one of
the nicest in the neighborhood. The garage that they are
planning is one that would also look great in the neighborhood
and improve the area. There is really no other place to put it
other than in the front like they have planned and we have no
objection to it at all.
I would urge your approval of the variance.
Mrs. Denise Bertolino
Mr. Michael Bertolino
Page 10
Mr. Levenson: No, it would have to be all aye because only three of you sit-
Vote: All ayes.
Motion carried.
Mr. Levenson: I have one thing just a suggestion. That this Board should con-
sider, the Planning Board is going to consider starting meetings at 7: P.M.
There was a discussion on this and the Board felt that this would cause some
problem with some of the Members getting here on time. The Board wanted the
meeting to start at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Lehigh: Made a motion to adjourn.
Mr. Bitterlich: Seconded.
Vote: All ayes.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
Very respectfully yours,
4Gyy nn Hardisty, Secretar
Zoning Board of Appeals.
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
May 12, 1992
Agenda - 7:30 P.M. - Amended
1. Approval of minutes of April 14, 1992.
Public Hearings
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, N.Y
1. Appeal # 1131 - At the request of Stephen Teed (Contract Vendee, Cimtech
Corp.). seeking a variance of Article IV section 422 of the Town of Wappinger
Zoning Law, where you are required to maintain a 100 foot frontage, and your
proposal is showing 75 foot frontage. Therefore requiring a variance of 25
feet, on property located on Airport Drive and being parcel # 6259-04-679493 in
the Town of Wappinger.
2. Appeal # 1132- At the request of Mr. & Mrs. PuC nKalli., seeking a variance
of Article IV Section 421 of the Town of Wappinger Zoning Law, where you are
required to maintain a 25 foot rear yard and you are showing a deck 15 feet
from the rear yard, requiring a 10 foot variance, on property located at 51
Fieldstone Blvd. and being parcel # 6257-06-323758 in the Town of Wappinger.
%Aw 3. Appeal 4 1133 - At the request ,of Mr. & Mrs. A. mendola, stt?yan Amendola <<.
Mr. ,Toes. Sasser, seeking a variance of Article .iV Section 421.6 of the Town of
Wappinger Zoning Law, where you are required to maintain a 50 foot front yard
and your proposal shows a 30 foot front yard therefore requiring a 20 foot
variance, on property located at 122 Diddell Road, and being parcel ;#
6359-04-526478 in the Town of Wappinger.