Recreation Commission Minutes
September 10, 2008
September 10, 2008
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Commission was held
September 10, 2008 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 by Chairman Ralph J. Holt with
the following persons present: Kay Von Reyn, Senior Director and Commission
Members Bruce Lustig, Vma Satyendra, Gary Trudell.
The minutes of the July and August 2008 were approved with no
1. A notice was received from the NYS Insurance Plan informing the Town that
Commercial Instruments & Alarm Systems Workers Compensation Policy has
been cancelled as of September 16, 2008. The original of this letter has been sent
to Supervisor Colsey's office and Charles Rhinehardt of the Comptroller's Office
has been notified. PLEASE NOTE: An additional letter was received stating that
CIA's Workers Compo Insurance is paid up to Nov. 1,2008.
2. A letter and flyer were received from the Dutchess County Youth Council looking
for teens to become members of the Council for the 2008-2009 school year. One
has been included in each packet. Mr. Lustig asked ifthere was an e-mail
address. Mrs. Manning indicated it was included in the literature.
3. Three requests for employment have been received.
a. From Jaclyn E. Smith a resume applying for the Recreation Director's Job
replacing Scott Cheney.
b. From Dayna Welch a resume and Dutchess County Civil Service
application applying for the Recreation Asst. position.
c. From Maricelle Diaz an application for the Recreation Asst. position.
Mr. Holt stated that he has to fill these two positions quickly. The application
from Richard Bishop was turned down by Civil Service although Mr. Holt felt
that his qualifications were excellent. Mr. Holt has asked the Supervisor to
arrange a meeting for him with Civil Service to discuss qualifications and job
descriptions. That appointment has not yet been set up. Ms. Von Reyn suggested
that his qualifications would parallel her own as a Recreation Leader.
4. An Agenda for the Town Board Meeting for September 8, 2008 was received. It
includes a Resolution indicating the planned termination dates for our Summer
Maintenance employees. Originally, when salaries had been approved, it was
assumed by the Town Board that the Summer Maintenance employees were
terminated as of September 1, 2008. This was never part of the original request,
therefore, termination dates had to be adjusted to suit Recreation's needs.
Recreation Commission Minutes
September 10, 2008
5. A letter was sent to the Supervisor from Pete Sanfilippo, requesting permission to
hold the third annual "Mama's & Papa's Race" on Saturday, July 1ih, 2009. A
copy was forwarded to the Senior Director. Mr. Sanfilippo was informed that
Saturday is actually the 11 th and the correction has been noted.
6. A phone call was received from Pat McIntire of the "Wappinger Crew Club". He
would like to use Schlathaus Park to bring together crew members from John Jay,
RCK and WJHS. It will be attended by about 60 kids with music and games. A
certificate of insurance will be available to us. No date has yet been set. Charge?
A discussion about this event was held but it was determined that we need more
7. A field usage request was received from the Hudson Valley Wizards (13 up) for
use ofa Robinson Lane field on 9/13,9/20,9/27 and 10/4. Bill Farrell has
indicated that these fields are available. Do they have commission approval?
1. A Resolution was sent to Supervisor Colsey correcting the termination dates of
our Summer Maintenance employees. (As stated above.)
2. A letter was sent to Jan Bynum with a field usage application for the use of
Robinson Lane. Specifics will come in with the return of his application.
3. A Press Release was sent to the Southern Dutchess News advertising the sign-up
for the trip to the Radio City Music Hall "Christmas Spectacular". The sign-up
was held earlier this evening between 6 and 7 PM. Mr. Holt asked if anyone
would be escorting this trip on Saturday, November 8th. Commission members
will check their calendars.
4. A letter was sent to Christa MaseIjian of All Sport Fishkill returning her check
that was sent in for Community Day. Although All Sport is a "for profit"
organization they were not selling goods and making a profit from the day. A
clear cut decision must be made for next year as to how we plan to handle this
eventuality in the future. Will a post Community Day meeting be planned?
5. A letter was sent to "Party All the Time" thanking them for their contribution of
an inflatable Obstacle Course for use at our Playground End of Summer Picnic.
Mr. Holt regretted not being available for the picnic this year but was informed by
all that it was a real success. In past years the "End-of-Summer Picnic" was fully
funded by Stop 'n' Shop. Now that the economy is tighter, in the past few years,
Stop 'n' Shop donated only $100 toward the picnic. With expenses rising Mr.
Holt intends to ask Hannaford and Shop Rite for additional help for next year's
picnic. Mr. Lustig pointed out that using canned soda was a waste because many
of the children threw away half full cans and suggested making a lemonade in our
large 10 gallon containers.
6. Two letters were sent to Thomas McDougall, Manager of Stop & Shop requesting
a donation of food for our Playground Picnic and thanking him for a donation of
$100.00 towards the same.
7. A letter and school usage bills were sent to Joanne Fenton for her to take care of
the payment. Joe Incoronato, as a member of the school board, was able to
Recreation Commission Minutes
September 10, 2008
eliminate the auditorium usage charge. Only the janitorial fees needed to be paid.
PLEASE NOTE: An additional letter was sent to Mrs. Fenton referencing an
e-mail from Mr. Incoronato stating that the auditorium was left quite dirty and in
the future the auditorium MUST be cleaned up properly. Mr. Holt stated that he
was not happy with the outcome of this year's Theater Program. It was agreed
that Mrs. Fenton could use Camwath for her program. All monies collected goes
to her and we provide her with the facility for her program. We asked that she
make sure that the lights were turned off, the water turned off and that all the
doors were locked. On several occasions doors were found unlocked and water
running. Mrs. Fenton used two schools for her "end-of-camp" plays (WJHS and
RCK). Mr. Holt would like to consider the feasibility of running this program
again next year.
8. A letter was sent from Kay Von Reyn to the Wappingers Congress of Teachers
thanking them for a donation of books to the Senior Center.
9. A letter was sent to Transcare Ambulance service from John Hartung of the
Senior Center thanking them for transporting former employee Regina Waldron to
the Johnny Dell concert that took place on August 21 st. Mrs. Waldron is in a
nursing home suffering with Lou Gehrig's Disease and is Johnny's biggest fan.
Her friends greatly appreciated Transcare's generosity.
Ms. Von Reyn is looking forward to the hiring of the new Recreation assistant. A small
party was held for Peggy and Kathi thanking them for ALL their help during a vary busy
time, especially Community Day. She wished, and all agreed, that a post-Community
Day meeting should be held. All agreed that the day went well with only some small
problems, but some have ideas to make it better for next year.
Mr. Trudell reports that the old stairs to the upper and lower parking lots at Camwath
have been dismantled and the new stairs are being constructed. All the old wood was
disposed of by our Maintenance crew.
Bob Sheridan delivered bags of red cedar mulch to be placed around the flagpole in the
flower bed. He also delivered black weed-stop fabric for the walking path that Mr.
Trudell has been working on at Camwath. Signs and trail markers have been placed so
that those attending the Sports Museum event on September 13th could take advantage of
the trails if they wish. Mr. Trudell asked Mr. Sheridan to help in the mowing of the trail
area and with that the trail has been completed to the top ofthe hill. Mr. Baisley has
knocked down the tall grass on the upper ridge (road), making it easier to walk along.
Mr. Lustig wanted to know if the area has been sprayed for ticks.
Mr. Trudell indicated that the participation ribbons given out to each child in the parade
were a huge success. For next year Mr. Holt would like to see us possibly design a
Recreation Commission Minutes
September 10, 2008
ribbon specifically for this event. Ms. Von Reyn stated that we do not have the software
for a project like that. However we should be able to come up with a solution.
Mr. Trudell added that he invited Florence Graff to Camwath to look at the new trail for
her walking club. She liked it so much that she will schedule a date for her club to walk
this new trail.
Mr. Lustig had no report at this time. He had a question for Mr. Holt about the "Rail
Trail" but Mr. Holt said he would cover that topic in his report.
Ms. Satyendra commented on her first time at the "End-of-Summer" picnic. She said that
the Maintenance crew did a wonderful job. She had one suggestion. One child was a
vegetarian and the only thing she could eat was the bread and watermelon. Mr. Holt
stated that it would be easy enough to take care of that for next year.
Some of his topics have been already covered including the stairs at Camwath. The
September 13th reunion event at Camwath is expected to have 150 to 200 people attend.
The Brewers Baseball team alumni have been invited to join the festivities as well as the
current Brewers team. The hours will be from lOAM to 4 PM and all are invited to
attend. Food and beverages will be served.
Mr. Holt asked each member ofthe commission to look at the budget (each member was
given a detailed list of what has been spent and what is left in each line item) and let him
know if they had any ideas for the 2009 budget. Please present those ideas to me as soon
as possible. Mr. Holt looks to Mr. Sheridan and Ms. VonReyn for their input on their
specific needs.
Community Day went well. We added two special awards ceremonies honoring the
Senior League baseball team and the children of Vassar Road School. I have been
informed that Joe Incoronato will be in charge of any vehicles that will be necessary for
the Community Day Parade in 2009.
Mr. Holt informed the Commission that there have been two (2) problems at Robinson
Lane. The NABA was scheduled to use the Senior League #2 field on Saturday, Sept.
6th. Because of the torrential rain that day the two other teams that were supposed to play
cancelled their games. Not so with the NABA. They went out onto the field with
shovels, moving dirt to absorb water and making holes for drainage. When Mr. Farrell
saw the damage done to the fields he was more than upset. It took Mr. Farrell and three
other men three hours to repair the damage done on the third base side of Senior League
#2. Mr. Holt suggested to Mr. Farrell that Roland Norris call the NABA and ask their
Recreation Commission Minutes
September 10, 2008
representative to volunteer eight (8) hours of service time to be given to Little League to
make up for the time it took Mr. Farrell and his men to do the repair. Upon calling the
head of the NAB A, he denied that his team was there that day. Checking with Ron Veith,
of the umpires association, it was confirmed that it was in fact the NABA that was there.
In light of this the NABA has agreed to do the eight hours of volunteer service.
The other problem at Robinson Lane arose when Mr. Farrell discovered a team of young
men between the ages of 18 and 19 from LaGrange, Poughkeepsie, Fishkill and possibly
Wappingers. Mr. Farrell was out there working and one ofthe young men asked Mr.
Farrell to "leave the field, we want to play". This same young man, using foul language,
said that Mr. Farrell didn't own the field and since they weren't being used what was the
problem. Mr. Farrell then drove his lawn mower onto the pitcher's mound and parked it
there. At this point Mr. Farrell was getting nervous and called the Town Patrol who said
they would "get there when they could". When he again said they would have to leave, it
was agreed that if the one young man left the rest could finish their game. The team told
the one young man to go home and they finished their game. The overriding problem
that exists, of course, is that they are using the fields without having a certificate of
insurance on file. At our next meeting we will discuss how to handle this eventuality in
the future.
Tomorrow morning at 8:15 am the Town will be holding its "9/11 Ceremony". Eileen
Manning and Kay VonReyn have been helping with some of the arrangements.
Resumes and applications are being received for the Recreation Directors position as well
as the Recreation Assistants position. We plan to begin interviewing for the assistants
position shortly.
Halloween is the next event that we have to plan. Mr. Holt would like to ask his wife
Sylvia, Kathi DeLisa and Elaine Snowdon to be our judges for the costume parade. We
will, also, need help with registration and of course, raffle prizes. Meera Dave has been
in charge of procuring our raffle prizes and has sent out letters to area businesses asking
for donations.
Mr. Holt would like to have a thank you luncheon for all those who helped with
Community Day. It is a long day for all and everyone's help is greatly appreciated. Kay
V onReyn asked that in the future the golf carts be put to better use by having one
available for the person in charge of the grounds for the day, especially after the parade.
Mr. Holt plans on putting two (2) golf carts in our budget for 2009 as we need them not
only for Community Day but for use at other events and properties.
Mr. Holt said that the Town is planning a July 4th celebration with fireworks at Camwath
next year in conjunction with the Quadracentenial. Mr. Holt's main concern is the
amount of traffic that would be generated by such an event. Mr. Lustig suggested shuttle
buses from local parking area such as schools and churches. He also questioned the
lighting of the field area. Mr. Holt said that Camo Pollution Control would be willing to
Recreation Commission Minutes
September lO, 2008
donate their large construction lights for the event. A grant will be sought to defray the
expenses for this event.
Mr. Holt continued by bringing the commission up to date on the "Rail Trail". Of the
eleven and a half (11 1/2) miles long, with four and a half (412) miles in the Town of
Wappinger. Mr. Lustig questioned the possibility of equestrian use and Mr. Holt noted
that that was no longer an option. Mr. Holt indicated that he has a list spelling out what
responsibilities will fall on the County and which will fall on the Towns. One specific
item that would fall to the Towns was trash clean-up along our 4 Yz mile stretch. Also
who will plow and who will mow, etc. All these fine points must still be worked out. At
the last meeting Al Roberts indicated that our Town would need a four-wheel drive
vehicle, like a golf cart, with a bay in the back. It would cost us half-a-man and
equipment totaling about $30,000 (Thirty thousand dollars). The supervisor of
Poughkeepsie and the gentleman from LaGrange agreed that they, too, would need
vehicles and man power. Mr. Holt suggested, at that meeting, that Dutchess County take
care of organizing and purchasing necessary equipment and then apportion the costs
back to the towns based, possibly, on the number of miles each town needs to monitor.
After another half hour conversation the supervisor of LaGrange suggested exactly what
Mr. Holt had proposed previously. A follow up meeting will take place tomorrow
(September 11 th) and at that point we will see if our suggestions have been considered.
Additional questions raised by the commission included snow removal, how medical
emergencies would be handled as to how and who, and police services to the area. Mr.
Holt agreed that there were still a great many decisions to be made.
Mr. Trudell questioned Mr. Holt about the outcome at the Town Board meeting in regard
to the Dog Park. Mr. Holt stated that no final decision has been made up till now.
Mr. Holt said that he and Bob Sheridan would be meeting with Lou DeCocco at the
Tennis Courts on Pye Lane to discuss Mr. DeCocco's concerns about the condition of the
courts. It was agreed by all that the wall used for practice needed to be repaired and that
the usable courts still needed smoothing out with crack filler. The task of re-doing the
badly damaged courts would have to wait for Town Board approval at a future date. It is
estimated that the courts could be re-done for about $100,000.00 (One hundred thousand
Mr. Trudell asked if anything has been done about replacing or patching the roofs at
Carnwath. Mr. Holt was sorry to say that no, no further discussions have been presented
at the Town Board meetings.
Eileen Manning
Recreation Secretary