,. Recreation Commission Minutes
December 10, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
December 10,2008 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Chairman Ralph J. Holt with the
following persons present: Kay Von Reyn, Senior Director and Commission Members
Bruce Lustig, Gary Trudell and Meera Dave, Max Dao and Uma Satyendra.
The minutes from the November were not yet completed for approval.
1. A letter was sent to Supervisor Colsey and forwarded to Ralph Holt in regard to
the hiring of a Recreation Director to take Scott Cheney's place. The Town, per
Civil Service, has been authorized to expand the search beyond civil service's
candidate list. We have two candidates at this time, Richard Bishop and Jaclyn
2. At the Town Board meeting of Nov. 10th Resolution #2008-327 requesting the
hiring of a full-time Recreation Assistant, was tabled. A final decision is pending
based on the re-organizational meeting that will take place in January.
3. A memo was sent to Ralph Holt from Supervisor Colsey expressing the concerns
of town residents, Mr. & Mrs. Author of39 Regency Drive. The Town property
behind their house is being used by ATV's and other youth related activities. The
Sheriff s Dept. has followed up by speaking to some of the local parents. The
Supervisor asked Recreation Maintenance to visit the site to assure that dangerous
hazards were not left by the unauthorized use. We have since discovered that the
property is not owned by the Town but by another property owner on the road.
4. At the Town Board meeting of November 24th Resolution # 2008-335 was passed
allowing Recreation to purchase the two smaller trucks versus the one larger one
originally planned. Also approved at this meeting was Resolution # 2008-336 -
the Paid Holiday Schedule for 2009
5. A letter was received from Perkins, our paper goods supplier, outlining a late fee
of 1.5%. A call was placed to them by Mrs. Manning and determined that the
Town has a 45 day window in which to pay our bill. A copy of this was sent to
the Comptroller's Office.
6. An e-mail was received from Dawn Turpin-Orgetas, our Gymnastics Program
instructor, with notification of who will be working in the program with her as
well as verification that the program will begin on January 3rd as planned.
7. A breakdown of spending for the $15,000 grant for Greenway was received from
Joe Ennesser. A copy was forwarded to Gary Trudell as some of this money will
help toward the new trail at Carnwath.
,. Recreation Commission Minutes
December 10, 2008
8. A letter was sent from Ralph Holt to Andrew Cannizaro in thanks for his generous
donation to our fund for the Senior Elk's Parties. The donations for our senior
Elk's parties have been slow in coming in. Mr. Cannizaro was kind enough to
make a generous donation to us from the Smith-Castilano fund.
9. A letter was received from Central Hudson asking for us to co-ordinate a mutually
convenient time for the meter to be read at Carnwath since the gate is locked. A
copy was forwarded to Bob Sheridan.
10. An estimate was received from Mid- Hudson Fence with the cost of the fence
repair at Carnwath. The estimate is $765.00.
11. The Agenda for the Town Board meeting on Dec. 8th was scheduled to include:
Resolution #2008-351 - Reorganization of Town Hall Staff for 2009
Resolution #2008-361 - Authorizing Recreation Chairman to seek and interview
candidates for Recreation Director.
Resolution #2008 - 367 - Extending the temporary Moratorium on residential
development for an additional 6-months.
12. A memo was sent to Ralph Holt from Supervisor Colsey confirming the final
dates of work for our seasonal maintenance employees. The seasonal employees
will all be finished as of December 15th, leaving us our four (4) full time
1. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey from Ralph Holt requesting that Joe
DeRosa Sr. be paid for overtime worked on Nov. 2, 3, and 4 to open and close
Carnwath. Because of a lapse in communication, Mr. DeRosa continued to open
and close Carnwath on the dates stated above. Approval for him receiving pay for
these dates had to go to the Town Board for approval.
2. Letters of thanks were sent from Kay VonReyn to the following:
a. Mr. Shuchat of Van Wyck JHS for his help on October 28 for the Senior
Tea held at that school.
b. Jill Wasser of the NYS Public Service Comm. for speaking to the Seniors
about energy conservation.
c. Ray Fashona of the Poughkeepsie Journal for seeing to it that the Senior
Craft Fair was properly advertised in their newspaper.
d. Jay Verzi ofWBNR for allowing Ms. V onReyn to be interviewed on their
radio station to advertise the Senior Craft Fair.
3. Letters were sent from Gary Trudell to the five students from the Oak Grove
Friends School that helped with the new Carnwath trail on October 2ih.
4. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey from Ralph Holt in response to the
problem of garbage being dumped behind #6 Amherst Lane. The property in
question is not Recreation property. The maintenance crew did some clean-up
there, but stopped when they noticed a pipe seeping drainage on to the property.
5. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey requesting the re-appointment of Gary
Trudell and Bruce Lustig to the Recreation Commission. If approved their terms
would expire on May 1, 2013.
Recreation Commission Minutes
December 10, 2008
6. A memo was re-sent to Supervisor Colsey requesting the consideration of Richard
Bishop as the new Recreation Director replacing Scott Cheney. While this was on
the agenda for the Dec. 8th Town Board meeting no determination has been
forthcoming as yet.
7. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey informing him of the status of the damage
done to the Carnwath gate. The estimate for repair from Mid Hudson Fence is
$765.00. Lovullo Insurance, the company that insures Carnwath, does not cover
the gate so reimbursement for repairs must come from the driver of the stolen car
that was responsible for the damage.
Mrs. Dave stated that she is prepared to send out certificates of thanks to those
area businesses that contributed to our Halloween Parade. She suggests that they be
given in a fOnn that will allow them to be displayed at their place of business. Mr. Holt
asked how much it would cost to take care of those we needed to thank the sponsors and
volunteers. Mr. Holt asked Mrs. Dave to proceed with the certificates.
Mr. Holt suggested that we send letters to Little League and Soccer thanking them
for their continued support and contributions to our Halloween and Christmas Tree
Lighting "goodie bags" for the children.
Ms. V onReyn gave her report for November. Attendance is growing gradually
over last year's numbers. We were closed four days for government holidays. There
were no out-of-center special events but we did have our Birthday / Soup day. Tuesday
attendance, normally our slowest day of the week is now up because of the pinochle
group that meets almost every day now. We also have our "Art for Everyone" with Kathi
DeLisa instructing and Wii is brought in by the library now on Tuesdays as well. We
sent out 10 get-well cards, signed-up three new members and lost one, Bob English. Mr.
Holt said that Mr. English was remembered at the Town's Veteran's Day Service as he
was with the Hughsonville Fire Co. for many years.
Mr. Trudell mentioned last month that he would be showing the Carnwath trail to
some members of the Adirondak Mountain Club. Subsequent to their visit, Mr. Trudell
received a call from one of the members asking if the property could be used to hold a
winter festival in Jan. or Feb. for snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and sledding. Mr.
Holt was fully in favor of the project and said that Town Board approval would be
necessary and should be pursued immediately. A preliminary discussion was held
outlining what Recreation would have to do to see this project through successfully.
Mr. Trudell mentioned reading the Southern Dutchess News for the first time in a
number of years and was surprised by the absence of the Wappinger Recreation column.
Recreation Commission Minutes
December 10, 2008
Mr. Holt indicated that that job is normally done by the Recreation Director. However, in
his place, when anything needs to be gotten out to the public, Mrs. Manning has been
sending press releases as needed. She has suggested that if anyone wishes to make a
contribution to the column to simply e-mail her your submission and she will forward it
to the SDN along with anything she might have. Mr. Trudell was anxious to help in this
Mr. Holt indicated that the economy is obviously in poor shape so that any
program that we pursue should be at little or no cost to the Town or pay for itself. At the
last Town Board meeting, the room was filled with residents from Rockingham seeking
to have the curbs in their development repaired. It was indicated that this would cost
$2.3 million dollars. Mr. Holt. said that if money were to be spent at Rockingham it
should be used to solve the water problems. Forty to fifty leaks have been detected in
the water system at Rockingham. The Supervisor has indicated that there is no money in
the budget right now to allow for any repairs to curbs, roads or the water system.
Mr. Lustig informed the Commission that the regular Soccer season is now over
but the organization has set up something called the "Frostbite League" which will
consist of a four (4) game season in November to allow the part-year teams (the Senior
teams) to have some league play so that they may then enter the State Cup grouping. The
season consists of two home games and two away games.
Mr. Lustig said that the indoor season is under way. Soccer has had to layout a
significant amount of money to secure the use of the Poughkeepsie Jewish Center and the
Casperkill Country Club because the school district gave us next to no indoor time for
practice. The schools are indicating that the building will be closing at 5:00 PM with no
janitors in the building beyond that time. This may force us 'to raise the enrollment fee at
the next registration.
Mr. Holt began by stating that the first Senior Elk's Party and the Town
Christmas Tree Lighting were both very successful. We were able to fill both Elk's
parties to capacity thanks to the area businesses' donation. Santa greeted about 150
children which is up from previous years possibly because it was held on a Saturday
instead of a Sunday. Many volunteers allowed the Tree Lighting to go smoothly.
Mr. Lustig asked if the Town Board was looking into any Inter-Municipal
Agreements to try and consolidate and save money. Mr. Holt said that this was not the
time to approach that situation but it is something that may be considered in the future.
Mr. Holt indicated that the Town Board is fully involved in the re-organization
process at the present and he is not aware of anything definite that will effect Recreation..
Recreation Commission Minutes
December 10, 2008
Many rumors have been heard but the bottom line rests with the Town Board and
Mr. Holt stated that we are still searching for a new Recreation Director and that
Jac1yn Smith's name will be put before the Town Board for approval in January. The
new lawn mower has been delivered to the barn and is ready for the mowing season
ahead and the paperwork for the two small trucks is being prepared for order and delivery
as soon as possible.
Going into 2009, Mr. Holt stated that all of our Recreation Programs, with the
exception of the Summer Playgrounds, should pay for themselves. We are, in essence,
already at that point when an average is taken of all our programs combined. Mr. Holt
indicated that the Board was considering a raise in the fee for the playgrounds. Mr.
Lustig indicated that this decision must be made before the Recreation Guide goes to
Mr. Holt said that hunting has been reported on the Carnwath property. Mr.
Trudell said that he did find a deer carcass at Camwath and is fairly certain that it had
been shot on the property.
The DC Sports Museum has asked for the use of the Chapel at Carnwath from
May to Dec. and received approval from the Town Board to do so. The Chapel will be
set up with displays including an ice boat and seminars will be given in conjunction with
the Quadricentennial.
Mr. Holt sent a letter to the Supervisor requesting that Gary Trudell and Bruce
Lustig be re-appointed to the Recreation Commission with an ending term date of May 1,
2013. This request has been approved.
Mr. Holt stated that Little League has elected Gary Mensching as the new
president and Chris Schoen as the new vice-president. He is hoping that Recreation's
involvement will remain the same as in previous years. Weare still willing to put the
SCAG mower back at Robinson Lane to be used by them to cut the infields when
necessary. In years past the managers used to be responsible for lining the fields and
raking the pitcher's mounds. In more recent years Bill Farrell took care of setting the
fields up for the games. Mr. Mensching indicated to Mr. Holt that Little League did have
someone to take care of the fields as Mr. Farrell has done in the past. Mr. Mensching
asked for information regarding the lights on the fields. He would like to have the
company that installed them come out to the fields and look at the lock that controls the
lights and wants to investigate the possibility of a key to control ONLY turning off the
lights so that they do not stay on beyond when they are actually needed. As in the past,
there is a line in the 2009 budget for clay for the fields.
The Town Board has tabled the request for the work to be done on the water at
Robinson Lane. The proposal from the engineers was not what Mr. Holt had originally
Recreation Commission Minutes
December 10, 2008
planned and he has not heard back from the engineers with a price for the original plan.
The money for this project will come out of the Parkland Fund.
Mr. Holt informed the commission that John "Fred" Youngman fell off the back
of the bucket truck at Schlathaus Park while he was putting up Christmas decorations.
He was not in the bucket, but it is expected that he may have had the "muck" from the
geese on his boot which caused him to slip. He landed on his shoulder and head and was
taken to the hospital by ambulance. He was released the following day. He will be on
disability until further notice.
Mr. Holt said that there has been no further news on the "Rail Trail" but he will
be attending a meeting tomorrow and may have further news soon.
Mr. Lustig questioned the status of the repairing of the Tennis Courts. Mr. Holt
said that Bob Gray, the Town Engineer, has a proposal for the complete renovation of the
four (4) tennis courts on Pye Lane but was unable to present it to the Town Board
because of illness. Our original estimate of $200,000 has been cut virtually in half to
$100,000 dollars.
Mr. Trudell asked if any headway has been made on the roofs at Carnwath. Mr.
Holt said that nothing has been done on this and doesn't think that anything will be done
any time in the near future.
Eileen Manning
Recreation Secretary