2007-12-11 ~ " \., Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals MINUTES Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals December 11, 2007 Summarized Minutes Members: Mr. Fanuele, Mr. Prager, Mr. McVeigh, Members Absent: Page 1 Minutes of December 11, 2007 Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappinger Falls, NY Chairman Vice-Chairman Member Mr. DellaCorte, Member Ms. McEvoy-Riley, Member Others Present: Mr. Caviglia, Mrs. Lukianoff, Mrs. Roberti, Special Counsel Zoning Administrator Secretary 'MINUTES A~PROVED MAR 11 2008 SUMMARY Public Hearing: Raymond Karasinski Discussion: MS-4 Presentation -Decision tabled to January 8th, 2008. -Rules and regulations Page 2 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ~ Mr. Prager: Mr. McVeigh: Vote: Minutes of December 11, 2007 Motion to approve the site minutes for December 1,2007. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Aoneal No. 07-7364 Raymond Karasinski- Seeking area variances of Section 240-37 of District Regulations in an R- 20 Zoning District. -Where a side yard setback of 20 feet is reouired, the applicant is orooosinl! a side yard setback of 5 feet. to allow for a 2-car detached 21' X 24' garage with electric, thus reouestinl! a variance of 15 feet. -Where a rear yard setback of 40 feet is reouired, the applicant is orooosinl! a rear yard setback of 33 feet. to allow for a 2-car detached 21' X 24' garage with electric, thus reouestinl! a variance of 7 feet. The property is located at 7 Rowell Lane and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6257-02-897587 in the Town of Wappinger. Mr. Prager: Mr. McVeigh: Vote: Mr. Karasinski: \w- Mr. Prager: Mr. Karasinski: Mrs. Lukianoff: Mr. Prager: Mr. Karasinski: Mr. Prager: Mr. Lukianoff: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Castell: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Castell: \... Motion to open the public hearing. Second the motion. All present voted aye. I have only 32 feet to my side yard property line and I would like to put up a 2 story garage where my retaining wall is. We did a site visit out to your property last week. I noticed that your rear line goes back to an angle. Is that your rear line? Yes. That is his side line actually. His rear is 43 feet across. I want to get the lines correct on your drawings. The garage will be at the wall. At this time Mr. Karasinski brought his survey up to the board. How did you arrive a the rear line number? Because of the way it was drawn. Is there anyone in the audience with a question or comment? Keith Castell, 18 Davies Drive. I live adjacent to his rear yard which is very shal1ow. I'm confused as to what he is doing. Showed Mr. Castell on the map where the garage would be. Will the retaining wall be the rear of the garage? Page 3 Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals ~ Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Karasinski: Mr. Prager: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Castell: Mr. Karasinski: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Karasinski: Mr. Castell: Mr. Karasinski: \.- Mr. Prager: Mr. Karasinski: Mr. Castell: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Prager: Mr. McVeigh: Vote: Mr. Prager: Mr. Fanuele: Mr. Prager: Mrs. Karasinski: ~ Mr. Fanuele: Minutes of December 11, 2007 No it starts here at the middle of the house and then goes back. It will go past my house into the rear 12 feet. I will be 33 feet from your property line. Your ok in the rear but the real problem is the side yard. His side line should be 20 feet. Anyone else? Will you consider the height of the garage in your decision? It will be less than the house. It will have 8 foot of block and then the roof. I don't have the drawings yet. So it will be somewhere around 12 feet high. It will be about 8 feet lower than the house. What about storage? This is for my antique car and my regular car. How many cars do you have? 4 cars. So now he doesn't need a rear variance? No just a side variance. Anyone else? Hearing one. Motion to close the public hearing. Second the motion. All present voted aye. The rear yard variance is no longer necessary. As to the side yard I don't feel it will be detrimental to nearby properties but I'm not sure about the character of the neighborhood because I don't see too many garages that close so it may change the character. It is very substantial so I would like to see it reduced. It is self-created and since it may change the character of the neighborhood I could not vote for it. What if he puts some plants in? It is still substantial. There are other garages that close. Maybe this should be tabled and we can take another look. Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Page 4 Minutes of December 11, 2007 '-" Mr. Prager: I think you should wait for a larger majority of the board to be present. Mr. McVeigh: I would also like to know the exact height. Mr. Fanuele: We will table this until January 8th, 2008. Mr. Prager: Also bring us a sketch of what this will look like. Mr. Karasinski: Thank you.. SPECIAL MEETING HELD FOR MS-4 REGULA TIONS This meeting held with Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeal Members \.... Present: Mr. Paggi, Mr. Stankavage, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Stolman, Mr. Kolb, Engineer to the Town Engineer to the Town for MS-4 Attorney to the Town Planner to Town Building Inspector Mr. Paggi: This meeting is to explain what MS-4 is and how it relates to the town and each department and board. Wappinger is a regulated community due to its size. As a town we must comply with the discharge of storm water and its management. On January 8th, 2008 our 5 year permit runs out and the next 5 year permit comes into affect. The planning and zoning boards as well as the employees need to be aware of the local law from June of 2007 regarding MS-4. \w- At this time Mr. Paggi, Mr. Stolman and Mr. Stankavage went over handouts explaining the MS-4 regulations to both boards. .... ~ \.,. Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals Mr. Prager: Mr. McVeigh: Vote: Motion to adjourn. Second the motion. All present voted aye. Meeting ended at 9:30 PM Page 5 Minutes of December 11, 2007 Re~Z?~/) · Secretary - Zoning Board of Appeals